
2017-12-18 Thread Nancy James
We cannot print in color. Even when the monitor shows color, it prints in black 
and white. My printer is an HP Office 4650. 
Please help!

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Re: Printing

2017-12-18 Thread Steven Ahlers

It would be helpful for all of us trying to help you to know:

What operating system and version you’re using.

What version of OpenOffice you’re using.

Which module you’re trying to print from.


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> On Dec 18, 2017, at 2:31 PM, Nancy James  wrote:
> We cannot print in color. Even when the monitor shows color, it prints in 
> black and white. My printer is an HP Office 4650. 
> Please help!
> Sent from my iPhone4
> -
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Re: Printing

2017-12-18 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 19/12/17 9:31 AM, Nancy James wrote:

We cannot print in color. Even when the monitor shows color, it prints in black 
and white. My printer is an HP Office 4650.

Well, "We" suggest that more than one user has this problem.
So the question is do the others have the same problem even when using 
their own devices?
If that's the case then it could be your printer settings especially 
when the printer is central maintained.
The only settings OpenOffice that effect colour printing are in File -> 
Printer Settings ... Options check that the box "Print text in black is 
not set.
Or in Options -> OpenOffice -> Print check that the box "Convert colors 
to grayscale" is not set

Please help!

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