Re: see screenshot

2016-12-17 Thread Larry Gusaas

On 2016-12-17, 12:42 AM K Richard wrote concerning "see screenshot":

Hello OpenOffice help people,

Last Monday, I downloaded the new MAC Sierra OS X system and have had a lot of trouble with 
Open Office since then.

Today, Mac support helped me do a NVRAM and a Safeboot mode troubleshooting 
Many problems are now solved but one is this.  I couldn’t cut, paste in a document today with 
Edit function or using shortcut keys, then later this window appeared.  See screenshot and 
now I can’t get rid of it.

I can’t restart the computer while this window below is open and it won’t allow me to Quit 
Open Office so I have to do a FORCE QUIT every time.

When I click REOPEN, nothings happens and when I click Don’t Reopen, nothing happens but I 
also would like to make this go away.  How can I delete it from my desktop?

Thanks for your help.  I don’t even know what to call this or I would have 
tried the C. Forum.


You need to delete the folder "org.openoffice.script.savedState". It is in the "Saved 
Application State" folder in your User/Library.

See this post on the user forum for detailed instructions:

Known bug listed in the release notes, with solution for the problem. 

As a courtesy I have sent a copy of this reply to you as well as to the mailing 
list. Do Not
reply to me personally but just to the list at  - 
replies to my
personal email address will be ignored.

Since you are not subscribed to this list you may not see all the replies to 
your query.To
subscribe Apache OpenOffice mailing lists go to

For user support you can also use The Community Forum


Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - 
Edgard Varese

Problems with the word i & synonyms

2016-12-17 Thread Stony
Open Office Note Hello. Ihave a problem. I updated to the NEW version (4.1.3) 
BUT ISTILL have a problem; The SAMEPROBLEM i had in the last version; there are 
NO synonyms. It issometimes NOT even there when I right-click a word. IF it is 
therethere are NO synonyms listed. I also have a problem with the word"I". When 
i click i it is NOT capitalized, man. What is up?I updated so i thought it 
would be fixed. It is NOT! I checked outFAQ BUT i see NO answer. IF i still get 
this problem i will switch tosomeone else. This is a JOKE! For MORE than 6 
months i have had thisproblem! Sent.  DouglasAdams says; “Theargument goes 
something like this: I refuse to prove that I exist,”says god, “for proof 
denies faith, and without faith I am nothing”.
StevenWeinberg, Nobel Prize-winning physicist says; “Withor without religion, 
good people will do good things and bad peoplewill do bad things. But for good 
people to do bad things — thattakes religion.” 

Re: Problems with the word i & synonyms

2016-12-17 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 17/12/16 10:06 PM, Stony wrote:

Open Office Note Hello. Ihave a problem. I updated to the NEW version (4.1.3) 
BUT ISTILL have a problem; The SAMEPROBLEM i had in the last version; there are 
NO synonyms.

yes there are.

It issometimes NOT even there when I right-click a word.

Who told you that you have to right-click?

IF it is therethere are NO synonyms listed. I also have a problem with the 
word"I". When i click i it is NOT capitalized, man. What is up?

Yea, what's up with you, when I click "i" it will correct the "i" to an I.

I updated so i thought it would be fixed. It is NOT!

In general it is not necessary to fix non existing problems.

  I checked outFAQ BUT i see NO answer.

The F in FAQ stand for frequent and your question is not frequently asked.
Nevertheless if you can download the Getting Started document here 
search for AutoCorrect and you find all

the information you need.

  IF i still get this problem i will switch tosomeone else. This is a JOKE! For 
MORE than 6 months i have had thisproblem! Sent.

DouglasAdams says; “Theargument goes something like this: I refuse to prove 
that I exist,”says god, “for proof denies faith, and without faith I am 
StevenWeinberg, Nobel Prize-winning physicist says; “Withor without religion, 
good people will do good things and bad peoplewill do bad things. But for good 
people to do bad things — thattakes religion.”

Didn't he also said "Good people read the manual and Bad people start 

Copying Worksheets

2016-12-17 Thread Keith Brown

I’ve been using OpenOffice for a couple of months but now suddenly find I 
cannot copy a worksheet in a spreadsheet workbook.

When I select Edit>Sheet> the Move/Copy option is no longer highlighted to use 
nor the Delete option.

I’m guessing it must be to do with have access rights but can you please help 
me find what I need to do?


K Brown

Re: Copying Worksheets

2016-12-17 Thread Brian Barker

At 13:27 17/12/2016 +, Keith Brown wrote:
I've been using OpenOffice for a couple of months but now suddenly 
find I cannot copy a worksheet in a spreadsheet workbook.

You are suffering from MicrosoftNamingItis. In OpenOffice, the sheets 
of a spreadsheet document are called "sheets" and the spreadsheet 
document is called a "spreadsheet". There are no workthises or workthats.

When I select Edit>Sheet> the Move/Copy option is no longer 
highlighted to use nor the Delete option. I'm guessing it must be to 
do with access rights ...

I'm guessing too, but there are two obvious possibilities:

o You have the spreadsheet open in read-only mode. Click the Edit 
File button in the Standard toolbar. If the original is marked as 
read-only in your operating system, this will offer to create a copy 
which you can then edit.

o The spreadsheet is set up for sharing - simultaneous editing by 
multiple users. If this is not intentional, go to Tools | Share 
Document... and remove the tick from "Share this spreadsheet with other users".

The option at Edit | Sheet > | Delete... is also disabled if you have 
selected multiple sheets simultaneously, using Ctrl+click on the 
sheet tabs - but that doesn't sound as if it is what you have done here.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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Amazon 3rd party trying to sell Open Office

2016-12-17 Thread David Heise

Amazon makes it hard to report problems with 3rd party sellers, but I 
wanted to make the people who work on Open Office and other free open 
source programs aware of these people if they want to do something about 
it.  Maybe someone else will have better luck in figuring out how to 
report them to Amazon.

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What should be a simple Question

2016-12-17 Thread James Flikkema
Dear Sir or Madam:


I am getting tired of MS Office, and OO appears to be a possible
alternative, However.  I have years of documents (Word, Excel, Outlook,
PowerPoint) that I need.


This should be a simple question, Will OO read Office 2010 files?  If not,
there is no way I can dump thousands of documents to .txt files so they can
be read.


I hope the answer is yes, .


James Flikkema

Re: Amazon 3rd party trying to sell Open Office

2016-12-17 Thread Joseph B
Thanks for telling everyone so they can be on the look out.

On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 10:05 AM, David Heise  wrote:

> 299011?ie=UTF8&node=15352299011&field-lbr_brands_browse-bin=
> Markt%2BTechnik
> Amazon makes it hard to report problems with 3rd party sellers, but I
> wanted to make the people who work on Open Office and other free open
> source programs aware of these people if they want to do something about
> it.  Maybe someone else will have better luck in figuring out how to report
> them to Amazon.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: What should be a simple Question

2016-12-17 Thread Hagar Delest


The answer is yes.
You may suffer small glitches with formatting with text documents but basically 
there should not be much troubles.
Note that for Outlook, you need something else. There are application available 
on the net for .pst file I think.

Beware, you're not subscribed to the list, you may miss other replies.


Le 17/12/2016 à 20:52, James Flikkema a écrit :

Dear Sir or Madam:


I am getting tired of MS Office, and OO appears to be a possible
alternative, However.  I have years of documents (Word, Excel, Outlook,
PowerPoint) that I need.


This should be a simple question, Will OO read Office 2010 files?  If not,
there is no way I can dump thousands of documents to .txt files so they can
be read.


I hope the answer is yes, .


James Flikkema

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Re: Amazon 3rd party trying to sell Open Office

2016-12-17 Thread Keith N. McKenna
On 12/17/2016 11:05 AM, David Heise wrote:
> Amazon makes it hard to report problems with 3rd party sellers, but I
> wanted to make the people who work on Open Office and other free open
> source programs aware of these people if they want to do something about
> it.  Maybe someone else will have better luck in figuring out how to
> report them to Amazon.

Thank you for your report. I have forwarded this to the Apache
OpenOffice Project Management Committee (pmc). The Apache License does
allow for the resale of the product the pmc will investigate that the
terms of the license were followed.

Keith N. McKenna

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: What should be a simple Question

2016-12-17 Thread Jim McLaughlin
As others have noted, with regard to OpenOffice 4.x.x the answer is
basically  "Yes".

I am going to espouse heresy here.

I have used OO about 4 years.  When I started, it was a  reasonable
alternative to the Micro$loth product.

Over that time period, IMHO OO has gone downhill.  Too many bugs not fixed;
too many problems ignored.  (The user profile / dictionaries /. spell check
being only the most common one.)  Its a  result of too few volunteer
developers.  I don't have those development skills, so I can't help with
those issues.  I am a  tool user, not a  tool builder.  I think I have
found a  tool  which suits my needs better, that being LibreOffice.  I am
in the process of running both suites in parallel and think that I will be
eliminating OO sometime after the New Year.

Libre Office is available at:

LibreOffice is the same price as OpenOffice, i.e. free.

I have no economic or proprietary interest in either OpenOffice or
LibreOffice.  Just a fellow looking for a  better tool.

On Sat, Dec 17, 2016 at 11:52 AM, James Flikkema  wrote:

> Dear Sir or Madam:
> I am getting tired of MS Office, and OO appears to be a possible
> alternative, However.  I have years of documents (Word, Excel, Outlook,
> PowerPoint) that I need.
> This should be a simple question, Will OO read Office 2010 files?  If not,
> there is no way I can dump thousands of documents to .txt files so they can
> be read.
> I hope the answer is yes, .
> James Flikkema