Re: Question

2016-10-17 Thread Chaos
It is OpenDocument Text
Version: ?

Vriendelijke groet,
Nynke Postma
Chaos Volendam

> Op 17 okt. 2016 om 06:10 heeft Martin Groenescheij  
> het volgende geschreven:
>> On 14/10/16 11:44 PM, Chaos wrote:
>> Hello,
>> When i print a label from my computer, always 1 extra blank label is printed 
>> after it. I tried so much to get rid of this blank label, but it always 
>> comes. What can I do?
> Could you be a bit more specific?
> What application and version do you use to print the labels?
> What Operating System do you use?
> Do you use Mail Merge to print labels?
> Probably most important, can you share the label document with some address 
> records with us?
>> Vriendelijke groet,
>> Nynke Postma
>> Chaos Volendam
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: Question

2016-10-17 Thread Dave
This non-subscribed poster attached 3 jpeg screen photos (not screen
captures) to this message.

I don't read Dutch, but it appears to be a reasonably current AOO
version, maybe 4.1.2 and the status bar indicates that the document has
2 pages.
The printer is shown as being a "ZDesigner GX420d (EPL)" and set for
"Mediatype: Label with gaps".

Nynke: Please note that attachments to messages sent to this public
mailing are removed by the list server and most list subscribers will
not be able to see them. If you need to provide additional information
in future, please upload to a public file sharing service (eg. Dropbox,
Google Docs, MediaFire, etc.) and post a link to that location.


On 17.10.2016 11:37, Chaos wrote:
> Hello,
> It is OpenDocument Text
> Version: ?
> Vriendelijke groet,
> Nynke Postma
> Chaos Volendam
>> Op 17 okt. 2016 om 06:10 heeft Martin Groenescheij  
>> het volgende geschreven:
>>> On 14/10/16 11:44 PM, Chaos wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> When i print a label from my computer, always 1 extra blank label is 
>>> printed after it. I tried so much to get rid of this blank label, but it 
>>> always comes. What can I do?
>> Could you be a bit more specific?
>> What application and version do you use to print the labels?
>> What Operating System do you use?
>> Do you use Mail Merge to print labels?
>> Probably most important, can you share the label document with some address 
>> records with us?
>>> Vriendelijke groet,
>>> Nynke Postma
>>> Chaos Volendam
>>> -
>>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Question

2016-10-17 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 17/10/16 8:37 PM, Chaos wrote:

It is OpenDocument Text
Version: ?

My question was not the type of document, but which application and 
version you use.
Because there are different ways to generate labels we like to know how 
you generate labels.

Without being more specific I can't help.

In Dutch:
Welke applicatie en versie gebruik je om labels te printen.
Op welke manier genereer je de labels, er zijn verschillende 
manieren om dat te doen.

Indien je niet meer specifiek bent kan ik je niet helpen.

Vriendelijke groet,
Nynke Postma
Chaos Volendam

Op 17 okt. 2016 om 06:10 heeft Martin Groenescheij  
het volgende geschreven:

On 14/10/16 11:44 PM, Chaos wrote:
When i print a label from my computer, always 1 extra blank label is printed 
after it. I tried so much to get rid of this blank label, but it always comes. 
What can I do?

Could you be a bit more specific?
What application and version do you use to print the labels?
What Operating System do you use?
Do you use Mail Merge to print labels?
Probably most important, can you share the label document with some address 
records with us?

Vriendelijke groet,
Nynke Postma
Chaos Volendam
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Re: Question

2016-10-17 Thread Chaos
Beste MArtin, 
het is openDocument Text. 
De versie kan in nergens terugvinden.
Het staat op een kassascherm dus niet op een 'gewone' computer.
De labels worden geprint via een met kabels aangesloten Zebra printer. GK420d 
staat op het printertje. EPL staat er nog bij properties.

Als ik bij printersettings - properties - geavanceerde instelling het Mediatype 
'Label with gaps' verander naar 'Continuous', worden er geen extra blanco 
labels meer geprint, echter komt alles niet goed uitgelijnd op de labels te 
staan (half over snijrand bvb)..

Vriendelijke groet,
Nynke Postma
Chaos Volendam

> Op 17 okt. 2016 om 13:23 heeft Martin Groenescheij  
> het volgende geschreven:
>> On 17/10/16 8:37 PM, Chaos wrote:
>> Hello,
>> It is OpenDocument Text
>> Version: ?
> My question was not the type of document, but which application and version 
> you use.
> Because there are different ways to generate labels we like to know how you 
> generate labels.
> Without being more specific I can't help.
> In Dutch:
>Welke applicatie en versie gebruik je om labels te printen.
>Op welke manier genereer je de labels, er zijn verschillende manieren om 
> dat te doen.
>Indien je niet meer specifiek bent kan ik je niet helpen.
>> Vriendelijke groet,
>> Nynke Postma
>> Chaos Volendam
>>> Op 17 okt. 2016 om 06:10 heeft Martin Groenescheij 
>>>  het volgende geschreven:
 On 14/10/16 11:44 PM, Chaos wrote:
 When i print a label from my computer, always 1 extra blank label is 
 printed after it. I tried so much to get rid of this blank label, but it 
 always comes. What can I do?
>>> Could you be a bit more specific?
>>> What application and version do you use to print the labels?
>>> What Operating System do you use?
>>> Do you use Mail Merge to print labels?
>>> Probably most important, can you share the label document with some address 
>>> records with us?
 Vriendelijke groet,
 Nynke Postma
 Chaos Volendam
 To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:
>>> -
>>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>> For additional commands, e-mail:
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:

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Problem with corrupted ods file

2016-10-17 Thread Marko Gogic
Please help,  I used open office calc to save my work data that is very
important for me, and I run into problem, when I try to save ods file it
says that I have no space on drive and after that I cannot open file, I try
to recover but without success. My file also have a password. I can send
file and pass to you.

Best regards

Marko Gogić

Servis Gogić doo
Magistralni put bb
31311 Bela Zemlja/Užice

tel:+381 31 572483
fax:+381 31 572207
mob: +381 63 614535
Skype: servisgogic

Re: Problem with corrupted ods file

2016-10-17 Thread Rory O'Farrell
On Mon, 17 Oct 2016 17:34:15 +0200
Marko Gogic  wrote:

> Please help,  I used open office calc to save my work data that is very
> important for me, and I run into problem, when I try to save ods file it
> says that I have no space on drive and after that I cannot open file, I try
> to recover but without success. My file also have a password. I can send
> file and pass to you.

If you tried to write a file to a reportedly full drive it is most likely that 
the file is incomplete and thereby damaged beyond repair.  You should revert to 
a backup of the previous version, clear space on your drive and re-enter the 
data of the last editing session.

In any event, a damaged passworded file will be irrecoverable.

Rory O'Farrell 

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access to microsoft office 2003 and microsoft works 8

2016-10-17 Thread Pat Rothnie
Can Open Office access files stored in Microsoft Office 2003 and Microsoft 
Works 8, please?


Re: access to microsoft office 2003 and microsoft works 8

2016-10-17 Thread Rory O'Farrell
On Mon, 17 Oct 2016 17:42:27 +0100
"Pat Rothnie"  wrote:

> Can Open Office access files stored in Microsoft Office 2003 and Microsoft 
> Works 8, please?
> Pat

OO can access .doc and .xls files from MS Office 2003, although there may be 
slight formatting differences. 
 For MS Works one needs to convert the files to OpenOffice readable formats 
(best are .odt for documents and .ods for spreadsheets).  This can be done 
using's online and free conversion service.

Rory O'Farrell 

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problem with openoffice 4.1.3

2016-10-17 Thread Brad Rodgers
I installed update 4.1.3 and while I can still open .odt files from
withing open office; the icons shown in windows file explorer no longer
show them to be an open office file. In addition, when I click
properties, windows 7 no longer gives me the option to always open .odt
files with open office. Please advise. Thanks. 

Brad Rodgers

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Re: problem with openoffice 4.1.3

2016-10-17 Thread Rory O'Farrell
On Mon, 17 Oct 2016 20:19:38 +0200
Brad Rodgers  wrote:

> I installed update 4.1.3 and while I can still open .odt files from
> withing open office; the icons shown in windows file explorer no longer
> show them to be an open office file. In addition, when I click
> properties, windows 7 no longer gives me the option to always open .odt
> files with open office. Please advise. Thanks. 
> Brad Rodgers

Set system File Associations to tell your operating system to always use 
OpenOffice to open .odt, .ods etc files.

Rory O'Farrell 

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Re: Hello

2016-10-17 Thread Andrea Pescetti

On 16/10/2016 Alexandru Naiboiu wrote:

You should take in consideration that I got to this extension from
the OpenOffice website:

The Extensions site hosts third-party extensions too: this is actually 
its primary purpose, so people should not expect to find only official 
work from the OpenOffice project there. Actually this is how the 
Extensions concept works for a variety of software applications.

So I find it quite normal to trust an extension found on the  domain. And any other regular
user will do the same.

If it is not a false positive (unfortunately, a lot of anti-virus 
software makes mistake, and we see it for new releases of OpenOffice 
too) then the extension will be blocked. But history and the people 
involved would lead me to conclude that this is likely to be a false 
positive. Let's see what Ariel (in CC) has to say.


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Re: Naming a String that appears within a Calc formula

2016-10-17 Thread Vince

On 10/16/2016 10:41 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
If you insert rows or columns, formulae containing ranges spanning 
those insertions are automatically updated to expand the range. This 
is true whether the range appears explicitly or as a name. In other 
words, names are also updated appropriately. The problem is that the 
usual exception to that - perhaps understandably - is if rows or 
columns are inserted before or after the range, in other words 
immediately outside it.

So, to have names updated appropriately, I simply must learn to insert 
any required additional  rows "inside" the existing range of cells.  
Brilliant !! ;-)
Doing so will save me headaches of sufferings. Apparently, I was 
imposing an exception, routinely ! ! I have been in the habit of waiting 
until I have used up all rows within the range of cells, going about 
inserting new, blank rows, located immediately outside the range, and 
then doing a copy & paste of that last "inside" row, in its entirety, to 
all newly added rows but the very last one. 

But you can choose to allow exactly that - as you wish here - simply 
by ticking the option at Tools | Options... | OpenOffice Calc | 
General | Input settings | Expand references when new columns/rows are 

Ahhh;  I will give this Tools | Options . a try as well. Can't 

Many thanks, again, Brian.


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Re: How can I Cut and Paste Calc's Formulae Data into Thunderbird email Client?

2016-10-17 Thread Vince

On 10/16/2016 10:41 PM, Brian Barker wrote:

At 12:24 16/10/2016 -0400, Vince Bonly wrote:
I am attempting to paste a portion of a AOO 4.1.2 Calc sheet with 
Formulae displayed into Thunderbird 45.4.0 compose window on WIN10x64 
machine. My ISP is Verizon. Seems that I am not able to show the 
formulae, which is what I want to discuss, into the email compose 
window; only the results of the existing formulae can be pasted.

Two suggestions:

o Paste plain text. If Thunderbird has a facility to paste unformatted 
text only, I think that should work. If not, consider staging the copy 
via a plain text editor or even via an OpenOffice text (Writer) 
document, using Paste Special and "Unformatted text" to paste there. 
Values will be separated by tab characters, so you will need to set 
tabs to space your columns out appropriately.

I must look onto obtaining a better understanding of the Paste Special 
and the "Unformatted test" features...:-)

o Save the sheet as CSV (as has been suggested).
o Reopen the CSV file in Calc.
o In the Text Import window, select appropriate columns and change 
"Column type" from Standard to Text.
o You now have a new spreadsheet with just the appearance of your 
original one with formulae viewed.

o Copy and paste from that.

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Re: New Open Office Apache program

2016-10-17 Thread Andrea Pescetti

On 15/10/2016 James Plante wrote:

You may copy and edit my post and use it to amend the release notes if you like.

Thanks! Done at


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2016-10-17 Thread John Hart

File > Export as PDF, Works better than

File > Print, PDFCreator, which is a Virtual Print Driver
extension for the OS.

Export produces pages that are easy to access, PDFCreator doesn't.


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Re: New Open Office Apache program

2016-10-17 Thread Larry Gusaas

On 2016-10-17, 2:44 PM Andrea Pescetti wrote:

On 15/10/2016 James Plante wrote:

You may copy and edit my post and use it to amend the release notes if you like.

Thanks! Done at


There is a much simpler process.

1. In Finder, Control-click or right click the icon of the app.
2. Select Open from the top of contextual menu that appears.
3. Click Open in the dialog box. If prompted, enter an administrator name and 


Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - 
Edgard Varese

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Re: New Open Office Apache program

2016-10-17 Thread Steven Ahlers
That's also safer, since you're not totally disabling the Gatekeeper which is 
there to prevent malware from loading itself.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 17, 2016, at 2:42 PM, Larry Gusaas  wrote:
>> On 2016-10-17, 2:44 PM Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>>> On 15/10/2016 James Plante wrote:
>>> You may copy and edit my post and use it to amend the release notes if you 
>>> like.
>> Thanks! Done at
>> Regards,
>>  Andrea.
> There is a much simpler process.
> 1. In Finder, Control-click or right click the icon of the app.
> 2. Select Open from the top of contextual menu that appears.
> 3. Click Open in the dialog box. If prompted, enter an administrator name and 
> password.
> -- 
> _
> Larry I. Gusaas
> Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
> Website:
> "An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." 
> - Edgard Varese
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: New Open Office Apache program

2016-10-17 Thread Larry Gusaas

On 2016-10-17, 3:47 PM Steven Ahlers wrote:

That's also safer, since you're not totally disabling the Gatekeeper which is 
there to prevent malware from loading itself.

Sent from my iPhone

You can no longer disable Gatekeeper in Sierra. That option has been eliminated.

On Oct 17, 2016, at 2:42 PM, Larry Gusaas  wrote:

On 2016-10-17, 2:44 PM Andrea Pescetti wrote:

On 15/10/2016 James Plante wrote:
You may copy and edit my post and use it to amend the release notes if you like.

Thanks! Done at


There is a much simpler process.

1. In Finder, Control-click or right click the icon of the app.
2. Select Open from the top of contextual menu that appears.
3. Click Open in the dialog box. If prompted, enter an administrator name and 


Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - 
Edgard Varese

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Re: New Open Office Apache program

2016-10-17 Thread Steven Ahlers
That's good to know, but there are many iMacs and AirBooks that can't upgrade 
to Sierra.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 17, 2016, at 2:53 PM, Larry Gusaas  wrote:
>> On 2016-10-17, 3:47 PM Steven Ahlers wrote:
>> That's also safer, since you're not totally disabling the Gatekeeper which 
>> is there to prevent malware from loading itself.
>> Sent from my iPhone
> You can no longer disable Gatekeeper in Sierra. That option has been 
> eliminated.
 On Oct 17, 2016, at 2:42 PM, Larry Gusaas  wrote:
> On 2016-10-17, 2:44 PM Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> On 15/10/2016 James Plante wrote:
> You may copy and edit my post and use it to amend the release notes if 
> you like.
 Thanks! Done at
>>> There is a much simpler process.
>>> 1. In Finder, Control-click or right click the icon of the app.
>>> 2. Select Open from the top of contextual menu that appears.
>>> 3. Click Open in the dialog box. If prompted, enter an administrator name 
>>> and password.
> -- 
> _
> Larry I. Gusaas
> Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
> Website:
> "An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." 
> - Edgard Varese
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

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Re: New Open Office Apache program

2016-10-17 Thread chuck ef
There is a way to disable Gatekeeper from the terminal. I had sent a reply with 
a link to an article describing how to do it - one command line adds the option 
to use apps from any source as before Sierra. 

I think it was in Plante's & Driscoll's thread. Obviously it's not a 
recommended course of action.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 17, 2016, at 5:00 PM, Steven Ahlers  
> wrote:
> That's good to know, but there are many iMacs and AirBooks that can't upgrade 
> to Sierra.
> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Oct 17, 2016, at 2:53 PM, Larry Gusaas  wrote:
>>> On 2016-10-17, 3:47 PM Steven Ahlers wrote:
>>> That's also safer, since you're not totally disabling the Gatekeeper which 
>>> is there to prevent malware from loading itself.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>> You can no longer disable Gatekeeper in Sierra. That option has been 
>> eliminated.
>> On Oct 17, 2016, at 2:42 PM, Larry Gusaas  wrote:
>> On 2016-10-17, 2:44 PM Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>> On 15/10/2016 James Plante wrote:
>> You may copy and edit my post and use it to amend the release notes if 
>> you like.
> Thanks! Done at
> Regards,
> Andrea.
 There is a much simpler process.
 1. In Finder, Control-click or right click the icon of the app.
 2. Select Open from the top of contextual menu that appears.
 3. Click Open in the dialog box. If prompted, enter an administrator name 
 and password.
>> -- 
>> _
>> Larry I. Gusaas
>> Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
>> Website:
>> "An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind 
>> theirs." - Edgard Varese
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

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[ANNOUNCE] Fixed in Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3: Three Security Vulnerabilities

2016-10-17 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton
[BCC to PMC; AOO Security]

Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3 includes fixes for three security vulnerabilities that 
are published with CVE (Common Vulnerability and Exposure) IDs.  Two are 
publicly disclosed as part of the release.

The complete list and the individual bulletins can be found via

Although there are no known exploits against any of these, users are urged to 
update their Apache OpenOffice to version 4.1.3.

 - Dennis

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Re: How can I Cut and Paste Calc's Formulae Data into Thunderbird email Client?

2016-10-17 Thread Jean Lear
In reference to -
"o Paste plain text. If Thunderbird has a facility to paste unformatted
text only,"
I have always used - Ctrl + Shift + V (the Paste Shortcut) to paste into a
Thunderbird e mail
to paste as unformatted text.
This may clear part of the original users problem.

On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 6:34 AM, Vince@Gmail  wrote:

> On 10/16/2016 10:41 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
>> At 12:24 16/10/2016 -0400, Vince Bonly wrote:
>>> I am attempting to paste a portion of a AOO 4.1.2 Calc sheet with
>>> Formulae displayed into Thunderbird 45.4.0 compose window on WIN10x64
>>> machine. My ISP is Verizon. Seems that I am not able to show the formulae,
>>> which is what I want to discuss, into the email compose window; only the
>>> results of the existing formulae can be pasted.
>> Two suggestions:
>> o Paste plain text. If Thunderbird has a facility to paste unformatted
>> text only, I think that should work. If not, consider staging the copy via
>> a plain text editor or even via an OpenOffice text (Writer) document, using
>> Paste Special and "Unformatted text" to paste there. Values will be
>> separated by tab characters, so you will need to set tabs to space your
>> columns out appropriately.
> I must look onto obtaining a better understanding of the Paste Special and
> the "Unformatted test" features...:-)
>> o Save the sheet as CSV (as has been suggested).
>> o Reopen the CSV file in Calc.
>> o In the Text Import window, select appropriate columns and change
>> "Column type" from Standard to Text.
>> o You now have a new spreadsheet with just the appearance of your
>> original one with formulae viewed.
>> o Copy and paste from that.
> -
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Re: Question

2016-10-17 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 17/10/16 11:32 PM, Chaos wrote:

Beste MArtin,
het is openDocument Text.
De versie kan in nergens terugvinden.
Het staat op een kassascherm dus niet op een 'gewone' computer.
De labels worden geprint via een met kabels aangesloten Zebra printer. GK420d 
staat op het printertje. EPL staat er nog bij properties.

Als ik bij printersettings - properties - geavanceerde instelling het Mediatype 
'Label with gaps' verander naar 'Continuous', worden er geen extra blanco 
labels meer geprint, echter komt alles niet goed uitgelijnd op de labels te 
staan (half over snijrand bvb)..

Translate question / comment into English:
it's open document Text.
I can't find the version anywhere.
It is displayed on a checkout screen, not on an ordinary computer.
The labels are printed using a Zebra GK420d ELP printer connected with 

If I am in printer settings - properties - Advanced setting, the Media 
Type Label with gaps' change to 'Continuous', no extra blank labels are 
more printed, however, all is not well aligned to stand on the labels 
(half on cutting edge example) ..

The fact that you have an Open Document file doesn't mean that it is 
generated with OpenOffice.
You should ask a system administrator or the company that has installed 
your checkouts to correct the problem.
We're here to assist users with OpenOffice issues, not to solve non 
related business issues.

Vriendelijke groet,
Nynke Postma
Chaos Volendam

Op 17 okt. 2016 om 13:23 heeft Martin Groenescheij  
het volgende geschreven:

On 17/10/16 8:37 PM, Chaos wrote:
It is OpenDocument Text
Version: ?

My question was not the type of document, but which application and version you 
Because there are different ways to generate labels we like to know how you 
generate labels.
Without being more specific I can't help.

In Dutch:
Welke applicatie en versie gebruik je om labels te printen.
Op welke manier genereer je de labels, er zijn verschillende manieren om 
dat te doen.
Indien je niet meer specifiek bent kan ik je niet helpen.

Vriendelijke groet,
Nynke Postma
Chaos Volendam

Op 17 okt. 2016 om 06:10 heeft Martin Groenescheij  
het volgende geschreven:

On 14/10/16 11:44 PM, Chaos wrote:
When i print a label from my computer, always 1 extra blank label is printed 
after it. I tried so much to get rid of this blank label, but it always comes. 
What can I do?

Could you be a bit more specific?
What application and version do you use to print the labels?
What Operating System do you use?
Do you use Mail Merge to print labels?
Probably most important, can you share the label document with some address 
records with us?

Vriendelijke groet,
Nynke Postma
Chaos Volendam
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Re: New Open Office Apache program

2016-10-17 Thread Andrea Pescetti

Larry Gusaas wrote:

On 2016-10-17, 2:44 PM Andrea Pescetti wrote:

There is a much simpler process.
1. In Finder, Control-click or right click the icon of the app.
2. Select Open from the top of contextual menu that appears.
3. Click Open in the dialog box. If prompted, enter an administrator
name and password.

Thanks, modified again to reflect this option.


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