Inserted file headings

2016-10-07 Thread John Hart

I'm trying to build a table of contents, and put the chapter title
in the file properties.Then added a heading with the title field.

When the file is inserted into the master document, the heading for
all the chapters are replaced with the title of the master document.

The index function is set to use the file headings to make the table
of contents, so it does nothing.

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


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Re: Open Office "Quits Unexpectedly" in Sierra

2016-10-07 Thread Mike Claridge
Hi Keith,

Message is “OpenOffice quit unexpectedly” followed by a whole page of comments 
that is sent to Apple automatically and with a page heading of "Problem Report 
for OpenOffice".  I can open an existing document in Open Office and then open 
a new document from the open document but obviously that is not something one 
wants to be doing all the time.

Kind regards,

> On 7 Oct 2016, at 00:27, Keith N. McKenna  wrote:
> Mike Claridge wrote:
>> Installed Java 6 runtime but still quits as before.  Open Office now not 
>> useable with OS Sierra.
> please give the exact wording of the error message that you receive.
> Regards
> Keith

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Re: Open Office "Quits Unexpectedly" in Sierra

2016-10-07 Thread Ariel Constenla-Haile
Hello Mike,

On Fri, Oct 07, 2016 at 01:12:21PM +0100, Mike Claridge wrote:
> Hi Keith,
> Message is “OpenOffice quit unexpectedly” followed by a whole page of 
> comments that is sent to Apple automatically and with a page heading of 
> "Problem Report for OpenOffice".  I can open an existing document in Open 
> Office and then open a new document from the open document but obviously that 
> is not something one wants to be doing all the time.

Instead of sending the report to Apple, please copy the whole text on
the second CrashReport dialog [1] and paste it on, then
save the file as a plain text document, and send it to my e-mail address
or attach it to a bug report on


Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

Description: Digital signature

Re: Open Office "Quits Unexpectedly" in Sierra

2016-10-07 Thread Ariel Constenla-Haile
On Fri, Oct 07, 2016 at 02:53:25PM +0100, Mike Claridge wrote:
> Thanks for your help.  The report is automatically sent to Apple
> anyway.  The report is as below.  Hope this is what you need.

This is already reported on

Unfortunately I cannot reproduce it, and there is no solution nor
workaround other than trying to start OpenOffice inside
with a particular module so that you avoid the Start Center, for
example, to open the word processor:


This might not help at all, other users reported further crashes or
painting glitches.

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

Description: Digital signature

Re: Open Office "Quits Unexpectedly" in Sierra

2016-10-07 Thread chuck ef
I admit that I am very confused here. I have gotten this sort of thing since I 
first started using OO - I can't recall now which version of OS X that was - 
about three years ago. But OO does sometimes quit on the first attempt and 
always has in my experience. I have usually associated it with trying to open 
it first thing after I boot-up. OO is one of the first things I open up after I 
bring my machine up in the morning. Resources are tied up and perhaps the app 
gives up the ghost too quickly.

I just try again and it opens. Though modestly annoying, it is by no means a 
true problem. OO is quite functional even in macOS Sierra.

From: Ariel Constenla-Haile 
Sent: Friday, October 7, 2016 10:01 AM
To: Mike Claridge;
Subject: Re: Open Office "Quits Unexpectedly" in Sierra

On Fri, Oct 07, 2016 at 02:53:25PM +0100, Mike Claridge wrote:
> Thanks for your help.  The report is automatically sent to Apple
> anyway.  The report is as below.  Hope this is what you need.

This is already reported on

Unfortunately I cannot reproduce it, and there is no solution nor
workaround other than trying to start OpenOffice inside
with a particular module so that you avoid the Start Center, for
example, to open the word processor:


This might not help at all, other users reported further crashes or
painting glitches.

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

Still can't get spell check to work automatically.

2016-10-07 Thread Susie Paper
I tried what you recommended.  I used to have word and it did spell 
check automatically wit suggestions.  Is that possible with your 
program.  Suggestions welcomed.

Susie Paper

Susanne B. Paper - (Sue)
Exit Realty Producers- Florida
Metro Referral Associates, Inc. - Maryland

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headers and footers, missing insert , except images how can I make a footer to put in a automatic Copy right mark,,,,

2016-10-07 Thread Denis Palmer

it is poor when I look online and find 100 different answers but they all
expect a insert, with the option of header and footer, but I have none of
these options,,,
office writer 5,,, on Ubuntu 16.04

I like most of the things about the system except,,, I do not want auto
numbering bullets ever,,, that comes turned on,  a real pain,,, , but I do
want footers, and to have the copyright mark put on without my needing to
do it,

Denis Palmer

Open Office won't open and all my documents are locked in

2016-10-07 Thread Hari Gun
Help.  Your forum wouldn’t open to me.  Installed 4.1.2 in 2015.  Email works. 
Firefox works.  Open does not.

Susan Khalsa-Wyborski

Re: Inserted file headings

2016-10-07 Thread John Hart

On 10/7/2016 1:16 AM, John Hart wrote:

I'm trying to build a table of contents, and put the chapter title
in the file properties.Then added a heading with the title field. 

Problem resolved, file properties aren't transferred to the master document,
and there are two types of headings, I was using the wrong one.

Now there's only one problem left, chapter numbers don't show in the 
table of contents.

I traced it back to this:

edit the "Heading 1" style (right click -> modify); now, go to the 
Numbering tab:
you will find a drop-down menu that allows you to select a style from 
the List Styles!

The problem is the drop-down menu doesn't work.

Changed to "Heading", which enabled changing styles, and selected 
Numbering 1.

Now everything is working, except it starts with chapter 2,

anyone have any ideas?


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Re: headers and footers, missing insert , except images how can I make a footer to put in a automatic Copy right mark,,,,

2016-10-07 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 08/10/16 4:35 AM, Denis Palmer wrote:

it is poor when I look online and find 100 different answers but they all
expect a insert, with the option of header and footer, but I have none of
these options,,,
office writer 5,,, on Ubuntu 16.04

I doubt if you have OpenOffice as version 5 is not available we are 
still on version 4.1.2

I like most of the things about the system except,,, I do not want auto
numbering bullets ever,,, that comes turned on,  a real pain,,, , but I do
want footers, and to have the copyright mark put on without my needing to
do it,

Denis Palmer

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Re: Page numbering

2016-10-07 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 07/10/16 8:55 AM, toki wrote:

On 06/10/2016 01:19, Martin Groenescheij wrote:

even with a crap package you can achieve perfect results.

Sometimes inferior software won't allow one to make the adjustments that
are needed, for perfect results.

The point I was trying to make is that we should stop blaming the software.
If we concentrate on WHAT we want to achieve we find our way around the 
If we concentrate on HOW we want to achieve things we find always 
roadblocks on your path.


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Re: headers and footers, missing insert , except images how can I make a footer to put in a automatic Copy right mark,,,,

2016-10-07 Thread Richard Beeston

This sounds like Microsoft Office Writer version 5

Richard Beeston

-Original Message- 
From: Martin Groenescheij

Sent: Saturday, October 08, 2016 1:56 PM
Subject: Re: headers and footers, missing insert , except images how can I 
make a footer to put in a automatic Copy right mark

On 08/10/16 4:35 AM, Denis Palmer wrote:

it is poor when I look online and find 100 different answers but they all
expect a insert, with the option of header and footer, but I have none of
these options,,,
office writer 5,,, on Ubuntu 16.04

I doubt if you have OpenOffice as version 5 is not available we are
still on version 4.1.2

I like most of the things about the system except,,, I do not want auto
numbering bullets ever,,, that comes turned on,  a real pain,,, , but I do
want footers, and to have the copyright mark put on without my needing to
do it,

Denis Palmer

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Re: Open office not working with macOS Sierra

2016-10-07 Thread Urmas

"Mike Claridge":

Open office will not load

OpenOffice is no longer actively developed -- consider upgrading to 
LibreOffice, which is MacOS-compatible, and doesn't have unfixed security 

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Re: Open office not working with macOS Sierra

2016-10-07 Thread Steven Ahlers
Please don't feed the troll

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 7, 2016, at 9:30 PM, Urmas  wrote:
> "Mike Claridge":
>> Open office will not load
> OpenOffice is no longer actively developed -- consider upgrading to 
> LibreOffice, which is MacOS-compatible, and doesn't have unfixed security 
> vulnerabilities.
> -
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Re: Inserted file headings

2016-10-07 Thread John Hart

On 10/7/2016 7:47 PM, John Hart wrote:

Now everything is working, except it starts with chapter 2,

Resolved. The Index was created with a chapter numbering style.
It didn't put it's self into the table, but did number it's self
and increment the count. Clicking on the index and changing the
style to none fixed it.

If anyone is interested in how to set up Master Documents with
generated numbering, (no outline) respond and I'll post my notes
when they're finished.

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