Re: [Grid lines in Calc]

2016-05-04 Thread Girvin R. Herr

On 05/03/2016 08:53 PM, Brian Barker wrote:

At 21:42 03/05/2016 -0400, John Caruso wrote:
I have given up on OO because I could not get grid lines in Calc 
4.1.2, I found an old copy of office10 and installed it and now I get 
grid lines in Excel with no problem

I'm not sure what you mean by "office10": is that version 10.0 of 
Microsoft Office, i.e. Microsoft Office XP? Or perhaps you mean 
Microsoft Office 2010? But no matter.

I'm always amused when people write to the Users list to say that 
cannot use the product. It is perhaps understandable that you should 
find some difficulty or other, but choosing to advertise to thousands 
of generally satisfied users that you are unable to make the product 
do what you need seems somewhat weird.

Grid lines show by default in Open Office spreadsheets, so readers 
will wonder what you are doing wrong. If they don't show, you can 
restore them at Tools | Options... | OpenOffice Calc | View | Visual 
aids | Grid lines. If you see new documents as not displaying the 
grid. you must be using a template - perhaps even a default template - 
which has display of the grid disabled.

Note that the purpose of the grid is to guide the eye in the editing 
window: it does not appear in the printed output as it is not intended 
for that purpose. If you want spreadsheet cells to be outlined in the 
printed output, you need to format your cells to have *borders*. You 
can do this very flexibly on the Borders tab of the Format Cells 
dialogue (or using the Borders button in the Formatting toolbar). In 
general, you will want to be very selective about which cells have 
which arrangement of borders set to what style and colour. But it is 
possible to mimic the grid (if that is what you need) by setting 
similar borders to all cells: simply select all cells before you do 
this, using Edit | Select All (or Ctrl+A) or by clicking the rectangle 
at the top left, where the row and column headers meet.

Incidentally, you have again hijacked an existing thread by creating 
your message as a reply to it when it was nothing of the sort (and 
without even changing the Subject header). As I mentioned before, this 
is not only discourteous to others but is also unhelpful to you: your 
message will be buried in the existing thread and may well not be seen 
by anyone not interested in the earlier topic.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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You forgot the file global print grid option:

   Format | Page | Sheet and check the Print | Grid box

That will print the grid on all rows that contain data.  That is, it 
will stop on the last row and column without any data.  I use it all the 
time when I want the grid printed, which is more often than not.  When I 
need more empty gridded cells on the page, I insert a period "." in a 
cell in the last row I want the grid on.  That is not very noticeable 
when printed and it does the job.

Girvin Herr

Re: [Grid lines in Calc]

2016-05-04 Thread Brian Barker

At 10:23 04/05/2016 -0700, Girvin R. Herr wrote:

On 05/03/2016 08:53 PM, Brian Barker wrote:

At 21:42 03/05/2016 -0400, John Caruso wrote:
I have given up on OO because I could not get grid lines in Calc 
4.1.2, I found an old copy of office10 and installed it and now I 
get grid lines in Excel with no problem

Note that the purpose of the grid is to guide the eye in the 
editing window: it does not appear in the printed output as it is 
not intended for that purpose. If you want spreadsheet cells to be 
outlined in the printed output, you need to format your cells to 
have *borders*. You can do this very flexibly on the Borders tab of 
the Format Cells dialogue (or using the Borders button in the 
Formatting toolbar). In general, you will want to be very selective 
about which cells have which arrangement of borders set to what 
style and colour. But it is possible to mimic the grid (if that is 
what you need) by setting similar borders to all cells: simply 
select all cells before you do this, using Edit | Select All (or 
Ctrl+A) or by clicking the rectangle at the top left, where the row 
and column headers meet.

You forgot the file global print grid option:
Format | Page | Sheet and check the Print | Grid box

You are quite right, of course: I did.

That will print the grid on all rows that contain data. That is, it 
will stop on the last row and column without any data.

That behaves the same way as setting borders everywhere, in fact - 
but may indeed be easier.

I use it all the time when I want the grid printed, which is more 
often than not. When I need more empty gridded cells on the page, I 
insert a period "." in a cell in the last row I want the grid on. 
That is not very noticeable when printed and it does the job.

You could hide any such marker text completely by either:
o setting the font colour to white (or the background colour), or
o hiding that text using Format | Cells... | Cell Protection | Print 
| Hide when printing.

As so often, there are many ways to achieve the same end.

Brian Barker  

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RE: [Grid lines in Calc]

2016-05-04 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton
I think the important element of this thread is that John Caruso now has the 
information for turning on grid lines when he prints from Calc.

> -Original Message-
> From: Brian Barker []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 4, 2016 10:54
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Grid lines in Calc]
> At 10:23 04/05/2016 -0700, Girvin R. Herr wrote:
> >Brian,
> >You forgot the file global print grid option:
> >Format | Page | Sheet and check the Print | Grid box
> You are quite right, of course: I did.
[ ... ]

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Re: [Grid lines in Calc]

2016-05-04 Thread Johnny Rosenberg
2016-05-04 19:23 GMT+02:00 Girvin R. Herr :

> On 05/03/2016 08:53 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
>> At 21:42 03/05/2016 -0400, John Caruso wrote:
>>> I have given up on OO because I could not get grid lines in Calc 4.1.2,
>>> I found an old copy of office10 and installed it and now I get grid lines
>>> in Excel with no problem
>> I'm not sure what you mean by "office10": is that version 10.0 of
>> Microsoft Office, i.e. Microsoft Office XP? Or perhaps you mean Microsoft
>> Office 2010? But no matter.
>> I'm always amused when people write to the Users list to say that cannot
>> use the product. It is perhaps understandable that you should find some
>> difficulty or other, but choosing to advertise to thousands of generally
>> satisfied users that you are unable to make the product do what you need
>> seems somewhat weird.
>> Grid lines show by default in Open Office spreadsheets, so readers will
>> wonder what you are doing wrong. If they don't show, you can restore them
>> at Tools | Options... | OpenOffice Calc | View | Visual aids | Grid lines.
>> If you see new documents as not displaying the grid. you must be using a
>> template - perhaps even a default template - which has display of the grid
>> disabled.
>> Note that the purpose of the grid is to guide the eye in the editing
>> window: it does not appear in the printed output as it is not intended for
>> that purpose. If you want spreadsheet cells to be outlined in the printed
>> output, you need to format your cells to have *borders*. You can do this
>> very flexibly on the Borders tab of the Format Cells dialogue (or using the
>> Borders button in the Formatting toolbar). In general, you will want to be
>> very selective about which cells have which arrangement of borders set to
>> what style and colour. But it is possible to mimic the grid (if that is
>> what you need) by setting similar borders to all cells: simply select all
>> cells before you do this, using Edit | Select All (or Ctrl+A) or by
>> clicking the rectangle at the top left, where the row and column headers
>> meet.
>> Incidentally, you have again hijacked an existing thread by creating your
>> message as a reply to it when it was nothing of the sort (and without even
>> changing the Subject header). As I mentioned before, this is not only
>> discourteous to others but is also unhelpful to you: your message will be
>> buried in the existing thread and may well not be seen by anyone not
>> interested in the earlier topic.
>> I trust this helps.
>> Brian Barker
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:
>> Brian,
> You forgot the file global print grid option:
>Format | Page | Sheet and check the Print | Grid box
> That will print the grid on all rows that contain data.  That is, it will
> stop on the last row and column without any data.  I use it all the time
> when I want the grid printed, which is more often than not.  When I need
> more empty gridded cells on the page, I insert a period "." in a cell in
> the last row I want the grid on.

Won't a space character work? Or at least something like =" "?

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

> That is not very noticeable when printed and it does the job.
> Girvin Herr

Re: [Grid lines in Calc]

2016-05-04 Thread Girvin R. Herr

On 05/04/2016 01:03 PM, Johnny Rosenberg wrote:

2016-05-04 19:23 GMT+02:00 Girvin R. Herr :

You forgot the file global print grid option:

Format | Page | Sheet and check the Print | Grid box

That will print the grid on all rows that contain data.  That is, it will
stop on the last row and column without any data.  I use it all the time
when I want the grid printed, which is more often than not.  When I need
more empty gridded cells on the page, I insert a period "." in a cell in
the last row I want the grid on.

Won't a space character work? Or at least something like =" "?

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

Yes, I guess it would.  I just prefer it not be too hidden and possibly 
cause me problems downstream; forgetting it is there and not being able 
to see it.

For example, a few weeks ago I was having a problem where my reference 
to a cell in another sheet was displaying the formula, not the result 
data from the other sheet.  I was scratching what little hair I have 
left until I discovered there was a space before the "=", which caused 
Calc to interpret the reference as text, not the reference formula.  
Arrgh!  I wasted a lot of time on that one.

Thanks for the idea, though.

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downloadable templates - 2016 calendar - completely wrong !!!

2016-05-04 Thread biodenix

to whom it may concern...

we have downloaded in templates a "2016 calendar"...

and i just wanted to make you all aware that the 2016 calendar dates are
completely wrong.

i know that these templates are "open" sourced but it would be nice to be
able to contact the person/author (Wise Mode) directly or whoever posted
the template on-line and make them aware that the dates are completely

what do you think ?

respectfully yours,

the biodenix team !

Re: downloadable templates - 2016 calendar - completely wrong !!!

2016-05-04 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 05/05/16 7:15 AM, biodenix wrote:


to whom it may concern...

we have downloaded in templates a "2016 calendar"...

and i just wanted to make you all aware that the 2016 calendar dates are
completely wrong.

If you do a search for "calendar 2016" on the OpenOffice Template 
website you get

17 Calc, 2 Draw and 26 Writer calendars are they all wrong or just one.

i know that these templates are "open" sourced but it would be nice to be
able to contact the person/author (Wise Mode) directly or whoever posted
the template on-line and make them aware that the dates are completely

Unless you tell use which calendar is wrong there is nothing we could do.

what do you think ?

respectfully yours,

the biodenix team !

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Re: downloadable templates - 2016 calendar - completely wrong !!!

2016-05-04 Thread Brian Barker

At 14:15 04/05/2016 -0700, Nobody Noname wrote:
we have downloaded in templates a "2016 calendar" and i just wanted 
to make you all aware that the 2016 calendar dates are completely 
wrong. [...] it would be nice to be

able to contact the person/author (Wise Mode) ...

You have not made life easy (there are over forty 2016 calendar 
templates available), but with some effort I have identified - and 
yes, you are right that it is incorrect. The calendar is for a common 
year starting on Thursday, whereas 2016 is actually a leap year 
starting on Friday. This and the incorrect date given for Easter show 
that this is simply a 2015 calendar relabelled as 2016. The author 
must have a strange idea of how calendars work!

what do you think ?

I don't see any way to contact "Wise Mode" directly. You may want to 
use the web site contact as suggested: .

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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Re: downloadable templates - 2016 calendar - completely wrong !!!

2016-05-04 Thread Martin Groenescheij

On 05/05/16 9:47 AM, biodenix wrote:

hi martin,

the template author name is (Wise Mode).

i have searched in the search bar with : "2016 calendar"

hope that helps


: )

OK, I found that the source is from Word Templates Online 
 which is a MS Office template site.

This website doesn't have contact information.
It looks that someone downloaded the template and saved it as a 
OpenOffice template without checking if it is correct.
Interesting is that the template has an average rating of five stars, 
but only one person has voted for it.

Not a reliable statistic.

On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 4:12 PM, Martin Groenescheij>> wrote:

On 05/05/16 7:15 AM, biodenix wrote:


to whom it may concern...

we have downloaded in templates a "2016 calendar"...

and i just wanted to make you all aware that the 2016 calendar
dates are
completely wrong.

If you do a search for "calendar 2016" on the OpenOffice Template
website you get
17 Calc, 2 Draw and 26 Writer calendars are they all wrong or just

i know that these templates are "open" sourced but it would be
nice to be
able to contact the person/author (Wise Mode) directly or
whoever posted
the template on-line and make them aware that the dates are

Unless you tell use which calendar is wrong there is nothing we
could do.

what do you think ?

respectfully yours,

the biodenix team !