Re: HTML to PHP Conversion

2013-08-22 Thread Rod Lockwood
On Wed, 21 Aug 2013 03:42:56 -0400,  

PHP (as first approximation) is a scripting language that produces HTML 
documents. OpenOffice writes documents, not programs; thus it's natural 
that it produces HTML, and it wouldn't really make sense to expect that 
it produces PHP programs that in turn produce HTML documents.


I see. I wasn’t that familiar with PHP so I didn’t realize its nature. Now  
that the forums are up, I will try asking in the General Discussion forum  
there. Another member may have had to do the same thing I need to and be  
able to recommend something.

Rod Lockwood

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Re: Is anyone using Apple Pages?

2013-08-22 Thread Rob Weir
On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 10:42 PM, Julian Thomas  wrote:
> On 21Aug  2013, at 3:33 PM, Rob Weir  wrote:
>> If possible I'd like to get two test files saved from Pages:
>> 1) An Empty document
>> 2) A document that has a simple string, like "hello world"
>> Both saved in DOC format.
> I am running on a Mac and have Pages - also OO 4 Apache.  If there is 
> anything that others have not yet provided, pse holler.

I think we're set for now with Pages.  But if anyone can do the same
for XLS and PPT files exported from iWork applications as well, that
would be great.   It looks like Oliver has a patch for the issue in
Pages.  But it would be good to test to see if there is a similar
issue with the other formats.



> --
> Is fire supposed to shoot out of that thing?
> -
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Re: Is anyone using Apple Pages?

2013-08-22 Thread Steve Ahlers
I use OSX 10.8.4 and successfully emailed writer and calc files with Apple Mail 
by clicking on the envelope and by using drop down menu.

Steve Ahlers

On Aug 21, 2013, at 8:07 PM, Larry Gusaas  wrote:

> On 2013-08-21 5:23 PM Lowell Young wrote:
>> When I want to email a document created in AOO 4.0, I clink on the email 
>> envelope (Document as E-mail), my Apple Mail program opens, but not with a 
>> new blank email that I can address and send. I have to open a new new email 
>> page and start from scratch.
> I usually use Thunderbird for email but I changed the settings in AOO so I 
> could test this. Sending Document as email opened a new email message window 
> with an AOO attachment.
> I am using OS X version 10.6.8 so it might be a Mountain Lion specific problem
> -- 
> _
> Larry I. Gusaas
> Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
> Website:
> "An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." 
> - Edgard Varese
> -
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Please Enroll Me in Your Users' Database and Your Mailing List

2013-08-22 Thread Steven W. Kimble
--Steve ('Gator) Kimble sends

Delete document

2013-08-22 Thread Brian Allen

Can anyone inform me how you delete a document or letter in Open Office Apache 


Re: Delete document

2013-08-22 Thread James Knott
Brian Allen wrote:
> Can anyone inform me how you delete a document or letter in Open Office 
> Apache please?

In the File > Open box, right click on the file and select Delete.

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Re: Delete document

2013-08-22 Thread Rory O'Farrell
On Thu, 22 Aug 2013 10:05:18 +0100
Brian Allen  wrote:

> Hello,
> Can anyone inform me how you delete a document or letter in Open Office 
> Apache please?
> brian

You do it at system level using your file browser (Windows Explorer if in 
Windows). If you wish to remove the quick access link in /File /Recent 
Documents, download and install History Manager, but for a one off delete it is 
quickest to open sufficient documents to scroll the unwanted link off the list.

Rory O'Farrell 

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Re: Is anyone using Apple Pages?

2013-08-22 Thread Julian Thomas

On 22Aug  2013, at 9:19 AM, Rob Weir  wrote:

> But if anyone can do the same
> for XLS and PPT files exported from iWork applications 

sorry, I don't have the other apps.

"... one of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that, lacking 
zero, they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C programs." 
-- Robert Firth (stolen from somewhere else)

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Re: Is anyone using Apple Pages?

2013-08-22 Thread Calmuse
I am hoping you would be willing to help me.   I have posted 3 times with 
no answers.
I am 76, just learning this wonderful new world...10 days ago downloaded  
Open Office.  Was able to open and edit docs from my Flash Drive..Then  
somehow, 98% of my docs (90% of which I had not even opened in Open  
got changed from Word docs to 1.0 Text  Documents (which 
as I understand it (not sure) are text encoded docs) 
When I try to open,  pop-up ASCII menu comes up.  No matter what  I do 
there, the doc opens as computer code.  I NEED these documents which  represent 
25 years of creative work.  (I am a Jazz  pianist/composer/poet).\
Thanking you in advance,   God Bless you and yours,
Cal Bezemer / Cal Q LateR
In a message dated 8/22/2013 8:33:21 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

On  22Aug  2013, at 9:19 AM, Rob Weir   wrote:

> But if anyone can do the same
> for XLS and PPT files  exported from iWork applications 

sorry, I don't have the other  apps.

"... one of  the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that, 
lacking zero, they  had no way to indicate successful termination of their C 
programs." -- Robert  Firth (stolen from somewhere  else)

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Re: Please Enroll Me in Your Users' Database and Your Mailing List

2013-08-22 Thread Rob Weir
Information on signing up for the Apache OpenOffice mailing list is here:



On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 8:58 AM, Steven W. Kimble
> --Steve ('Gator) Kimble sends

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Request for help [Was Re: Is anyone using Apple Pages?

2013-08-22 Thread Rory O'Farrell
On Thu, 22 Aug 2013 12:50:40 -0400 (EDT) wrote:

> I am hoping you would be willing to help me.   I have posted 3 times with 
> no answers.
> I am 76, just learning this wonderful new world...10 days ago downloaded  
> Open Office.  Was able to open and edit docs from my Flash Drive..Then  
> somehow, 98% of my docs (90% of which I had not even opened in Open  
> Office), 
> got changed from Word docs to 1.0 Text  Documents (which 
> as I understand it (not sure) are text encoded docs) 
> When I try to open,  pop-up ASCII menu comes up.  No matter what  I do 
> there, the doc opens as computer code.  I NEED these documents which  
> represent 
> 25 years of creative work.  (I am a Jazz  pianist/composer/poet).\
> Thanking you in advance,   God Bless you and yours,
> Cal Bezemer / Cal Q LateR

Fitstly, I direct you to our Forum at
where you should register and pose any follow up queries.

We need to know what operating system you are using (such as Windows version)

Did these files ever open with OpenOffice? Have you recently upgraded 
OpenOffice? If so, what version are you currently using? 

The first thing to try with strange happenings with OpenOffice is to delete or 
rename the User Profile. Details on how to do this are given at
[Tutorial] The OpenOffice User Profile 

Then start up OpenOffice, and make a trivial file. In writerm,  if you type 
"dt" (no quotes) and press F3, you should get a page of dummy text. Save this 
file to the local hard disk (NOT the Flash Drive), then try to reopen it. If it 
reopens, then we are on the right track. 

Best not to write to your Flash Drive until it is certain that your OpenOffice 
installation is working OK.

If you have only recently moved to OpenOffice (or upgraded it), from which site 
did you download? We only recommend downloading through (automatic redirection to Sourceforge)

You say you are using a Flash Drive and have been working to it. Is this a 
solid state USB stick, or is it a USB connected hard drive? Experience on the 
above Forum is that it is bad practice to work direct to a solic state Flash 
Drive for a number of reasons: 

One is that the life of these is limited - the circuitry may support only a 
limited number of Write cycles and they may fail without warning. 

Secondly, they ought be removed from the computer using a definite USB removal 
protocol; should they not be so removed, or should the computer be closed down 
too quickly, the files can be left in an uncertain, often unreadable, state. 

Thirdly they are also sensitive to static electricity from being transported in 
pockets. Again, subject to failure without warning.

If you come back to the mailing list or the Forum with answers, we can carry on 
from there.

Rory O'Farrell 

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Re: Request for help [Was Re: Is anyone using Apple Pages?

2013-08-22 Thread Rory O'Farrell
On Thu, 22 Aug 2013 18:49:10 +0100
Rory O'Farrell  wrote:

> On Thu, 22 Aug 2013 12:50:40 -0400 (EDT)
> wrote:
> > I am hoping you would be willing to help me.   I have posted 3 times with 
> > no answers.
> > I am 76, just learning this wonderful new world...10 days ago downloaded  
> > Open Office.  Was able to open and edit docs from my Flash Drive..Then  
> > somehow, 98% of my docs (90% of which I had not even opened in Open  
> > Office), 
> > got changed from Word docs to 1.0 Text  Documents (which 
> > as I understand it (not sure) are text encoded docs) 
> > When I try to open,  pop-up ASCII menu comes up.  No matter what  I do 
> > there, the doc opens as computer code.  I NEED these documents which  
> > represent 
> > 25 years of creative work.  (I am a Jazz  pianist/composer/poet).\
> >  
> > Thanking you in advance,   God Bless you and yours,
> >  
> > Cal Bezemer / Cal Q LateR
> Fitstly, I direct you to our Forum at
> where you should register and pose any follow up queries.
> We need to know what operating system you are using (such as Windows version)
> Did these files ever open with OpenOffice? Have you recently upgraded 
> OpenOffice? If so, what version are you currently using? 
> The first thing to try with strange happenings with OpenOffice is to delete 
> or rename the User Profile. Details on how to do this are given at
> [Tutorial] The OpenOffice User Profile 
> Then start up OpenOffice, and make a trivial file. In writerm,  if you type 
> "dt" (no quotes) and press F3, you should get a page of dummy text. Save this 
> file to the local hard disk (NOT the Flash Drive), then try to reopen it. If 
> it reopens, then we are on the right track. 
> Best not to write to your Flash Drive until it is certain that your 
> OpenOffice installation is working OK.
> If you have only recently moved to OpenOffice (or upgraded it), from which 
> site did you download? We only recommend downloading through 
> (automatic redirection to Sourceforge)
> You say you are using a Flash Drive and have been working to it. Is this a 
> solid state USB stick, or is it a USB connected hard drive? Experience on the 
> above Forum is that it is bad practice to work direct to a solic state Flash 
> Drive for a number of reasons: 
> One is that the life of these is limited - the circuitry may support only a 
> limited number of Write cycles and they may fail without warning. 
> Secondly, they ought be removed from the computer using a definite USB 
> removal protocol; should they not be so removed, or should the computer be 
> closed down too quickly, the files can be left in an uncertain, often 
> unreadable, state. 
> Thirdly they are also sensitive to static electricity from being transported 
> in pockets. Again, subject to failure without warning.
> If you come back to the mailing list or the Forum with answers, we can carry 
> on from there.
> -- 
> Rory O'Farrell 

I mis-pasted the address of the Turtorial on how to delete or rename the User 
Profile. It is at

Rory O'Farrell 

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Re: Delete document

2013-08-22 Thread Dale Erwin

I normally use OS services to do that.

Dale Erwin
Jr. 28 de Julio 657, Depto. 03
Magdalena del Mar, Lima 17 PERU

On 8/22/2013 4:05 AM, Brian Allen wrote:


Can anyone inform me how you delete a document or letter in Open Office Apache 


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Re: Delete document

2013-08-22 Thread Josef Latt

Am 22.08.2013 23:37, schrieb Dale Erwin:

Can anyone inform me how you delete a document or letter in Open
Office Apache please?

If you use the AOO file dialog, you can do it with context menu.

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