Re: BTRFS partition corrupted after deleting files in /home

2021-01-07 Thread Sreyan Chakravarty
On Tue, Jan 5, 2021 at 5:27 AM Chris Murphy  wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 4, 2021 at 3:00 PM Chris Murphy  wrote:
> >
> > Ignore the above. New plan.
> >
> > Can you clone and build this? And then do 'btrfs-image -c9 -t4 -w
> > /dev/sdXY /mnt/pathtoimagefile'
> New new plan, ngompa built it for us in Fedora copr.
> sudo dnf install
> That will replace your btrfs-progs with josef's special repo with the
> better -w. Later, you can revert back to the original:
> sudo dnf install
> But there's no urgency to revert, it's the same thing just with this
> btrfs-image enhancement.

Can you tell me how you are planning to use the metadata image ?

Are you going to mount it with losetup and then run btrfs-check on it ?

I am asking because I can perform the checks from my side.

Sreyan Chakravarty
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Re: libuv-1.40.0-1.fc32.x86_64.rpm 'is not signed' [Fixed]

2021-01-07 Thread John Pilkington

On 07/01/2021 05:51, Ed Greshko wrote:

On 07/01/2021 13:33, Tim via users wrote:

John Pilkington:

I just had a failed build of MythTV, apparently because this libuv
package is not signed.   A build done yesterday was successful and
is running.  Attempts to 'dnf reinstall libuv' also fail with the
same error.

Is it just me?

Ed Greshko:

It isn't just you.

I suppose you could add --nogpgcheck to your dnf commands?

BUT, just for installing those packages.

Of course

Or just wait a bit

 From the development list

I'm not sure how this could happen with updates repos. pungi (The tool
that makes them) fails if something isn't signed correctly.

Another f32-updates push is going on right now, lets see if that fixes

Thanks for the replies.  The reinstall just succeeded, giving


Now to retry the build script...

John P
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Compression on Btrfs

2021-01-07 Thread Patrick O'Callaghan
I did the following:

# btrfs filesystem defragment -czstd -r -v /home

and changed the fstab entry:

# grep /home /etc/fstab
UUID=8e1f7af4-c0bf-434e-b1c4-a9af2c810d56 /home   btrfs   
subvol=home,discard=async,compress-force=zstd 0 0

(this is an SSD, hence the discard-async)

I then rebooted, but find:

# btrfs prop get -t i /home compression
(i.e. no output)

and the space usage doesn't seem to have changed.

Is there something I've misunderstood?


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Re: Compression on Btrfs

2021-01-07 Thread Qiyu Yan
> and the space usage doesn't seem to have changed.
Try using compsize to get space usage?
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Re: Compression on Btrfs

2021-01-07 Thread Patrick O'Callaghan
On Thu, 2021-01-07 at 21:33 +0800, Qiyu Yan wrote:
> > and the space usage doesn't seem to have changed.
> Try using compsize to get space usage?

# compsize /home
Processed 373221 files, 936531 regular extents (1058479 refs), 155981
Type   Perc Disk Usage   Uncompressed Referenced  
TOTAL   98%  1.1T 1.1T 1.0T   
none   100%  1.1T 1.1T1013G   
zstd46%   17G  38G  40G   

Well, it does seem to be having an effect. I just wondered why the
compression property wasn't being listed under 'btrfs prop get ...'

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Re: dnf for newbies

2021-01-07 Thread Matthew Miller
On Wed, Jan 06, 2021 at 07:01:06PM -0600, David wrote:
> I am just curious if the Fedora Wiki on dnf is the best source of info on
> the current state of dnf.

Probably the best place is the upstream DNF docs:

Matthew Miller

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xrandr -

2021-01-07 Thread Bob Goodwin
Can someone tell me the xrabdr command to set the scan to "1920x`080" 
and keep it there through reboot. I have a new Fedora 33 that I cant 
seem to get right.

Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
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xrandr -

2021-01-07 Thread Bob Goodwin
Can someone tell me the xrabdr command to set the scan to "1920x1080" 
and keep it there through reboot. I have a new Fedora 33 that I cant 
seem to get right.

Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
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Re: libuv-1.40.0-1.fc32.x86_64.rpm 'is not signed'

2021-01-07 Thread Doug H.
On Wed, Jan 6, 2021, at 3:51 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 07/01/2021 06:40, John Pilkington wrote:
> > I just had a failed build of MythTV, apparently because this libuv package 
> > is not signed.   A build done yesterday was successful and is running. 
> > Attempts to 'dnf reinstall libuv' also fail with the same error.
> >
> > Is it just me? 
> It isn't just you.
> I suppose you could add --nogpgcheck to your dnf commands?

Not trying to give Ed a hard time, just want to make sure it is said...

Only use "--nogpgcheck" if you have very good reason to believe that the rpm 
that you are getting is from a well trusted source and could not have been 
tampered with en route. 

Doing unconfirmed installs leads very quickly to opening us up to malware 
attacks. The more people who are willing to install without checking then the 
more valuable are the evil attempts.

 Doug Herr
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Re: xrandr -

2021-01-07 Thread Barry

> On 7 Jan 2021, at 16:17, Bob Goodwin  wrote:
> Can someone tell me the xrabdr command to set the scan to "1920x1080" and 
> keep it there through reboot. I have a new Fedora 33 that I cant seem to get 
> right.

Xrandr is only for runtime.

You need to edit the x11 config to force a mode at boot.

Usually it’s not required becuase the kernel will probe the connected monitor 
and use its recommended resolution.


> -- 
> Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
> FEDORA-32/64bit LINUX XFCE Fastmail POP3
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Re: xrandr -

2021-01-07 Thread Samuel Sieb

On 1/7/21 8:02 AM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
Can someone tell me the xrabdr command to set the scan to "1920x`080" 
and keep it there through reboot. I have a new Fedora 33 that I cant 
seem to get right.

There is no command that will keep it there through reboot.  You might 
be able to add an xorg snippet.  What desktop are you using that isn't 
getting the right resolution or keeping the one you set?

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Re: libuv-1.40.0-1.fc32.x86_64.rpm 'is not signed'

2021-01-07 Thread Kevin Fenzi
Just to let everyone know here, this was a bug/issue with pungi (the
tool that makes repos for Fedora), plus a weird situation that caused

It was fixed yesterday, and we are taking steps to prevent it from
happening again. :) 

Sorry for the hassle.


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Re: dnf for newbies

2021-01-07 Thread Matthew Miller
On Wed, Jan 06, 2021 at 07:01:06PM -0600, David wrote:
> The Fedora wiki page “dnf vs. apt” needs some tender-loving-care, or TLC.

Do you mean this doc?

Matthew Miller

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Re: xrandr -

2021-01-07 Thread Bob Goodwin

On 2021-01-07 13:19, Samuel Sieb wrote:

There is no command that will keep it there through reboot.  You might 
be able to add an xorg snippet.  What desktop are you using that isn't 
getting the right resolution or keeping the one you set?

It's  xfce which has a settings menu item for Display which allows me to 
set the 1920x1080 but I have to click om Apply, then it displays 
instructions for saving that setting but it reverts to the previous 
display before I or a helper can read it.

However, I tried simply pressing return the last time and the setting  
held. I just rebooted the computer and it came up as I set it, 
1920x1080. So perhaps that problem is fixed ...

I will start  new thread for the next problem, no sound, pavucontrol 
locks the pointer.

Thanks for the help,     Bob

Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
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Re: xrandr -

2021-01-07 Thread Samuel Sieb

On 1/7/21 10:48 AM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
It's  xfce which has a settings menu item for Display which allows me to 
set the 1920x1080 but I have to click om Apply, then it displays 
instructions for saving that setting but it reverts to the previous 
display before I or a helper can read it.

However, I tried simply pressing return the last time and the setting 
held. I just rebooted the computer and it came up as I set it, 
1920x1080. So perhaps that problem is fixed ...

If it's like most resolution changers, that box is a test to make sure 
that the display is still working.  If you don't click the ok button 
soon enough, it will revert back to the previous setting.  That might be 
what was happening until you accepted it that last time.

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Re: dnf for newbies

2021-01-07 Thread David
Thank you all.

That was very helpful.

Clearly, I have a whole lot more to learn about Fedora, dnf, systemd, mesa,
the kernel, Gnome 40, wayland, xwayland, etc.

The wiki page that I was referring to ( I think ) was somewhere linked to

I found another okay video:

I think it could be much much better though, which is what I hope to be
able to do someday.

David Locklear
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Re: dnf for newbies

2021-01-07 Thread Matthew Miller
On Thu, Jan 07, 2021 at 01:06:07PM -0600, David wrote:
> The wiki page that I was referring to ( I think ) was somewhere linked to
> this:

You can see that page is marked as {old} at the top. We're generally moving
away from the wiki for end-user documentation in favor of the new docs
system at

Matthew Miller

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Re: libuv-1.40.0-1.fc32.x86_64.rpm 'is not signed'

2021-01-07 Thread Tim via users
On Thu, 2021-01-07 at 10:30 -0800, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> Just to let everyone know here, this was a bug/issue with pungi (the
> tool that makes repos for Fedora), plus a weird situation that caused
> this. 
> It was fixed yesterday, and we are taking steps to prevent it from
> happening again. :) 
> Sorry for the hassle.

It does make me want to know:  Since unchecksummed RPMs were being put
out there for people to download.  Did anybody verify the integrity of
them?  (After the fact.)  Should the people who did install them be
concerned about what they've already installed?
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Re: libuv-1.40.0-1.fc32.x86_64.rpm 'is not signed'

2021-01-07 Thread Samuel Sieb

On 1/7/21 6:16 PM, Tim via users wrote:

On Thu, 2021-01-07 at 10:30 -0800, Kevin Fenzi wrote:

Just to let everyone know here, this was a bug/issue with pungi (the
tool that makes repos for Fedora), plus a weird situation that caused

It was fixed yesterday, and we are taking steps to prevent it from
happening again. :)

Sorry for the hassle.

It does make me want to know:  Since unchecksummed RPMs were being put
out there for people to download.  Did anybody verify the integrity of
them?  (After the fact.)  Should the people who did install them be
concerned about what they've already installed?

According to the longer explanation, it was a mixup between builds in 
the rpm processing pipeline.  So an unsigned rpm ended up getting pushed 
out instead of the signed one.  Unless someone happened to compromise a 
mirror system at that exact time and modified that specific rpm, 
everyone is fine.  And I think there's actually a chain of checksums as 
well, so that scenario might not even be plausible either.

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Re: BTRFS partition corrupted after deleting files in /home

2021-01-07 Thread Chris Murphy
On Thu, Jan 7, 2021 at 1:40 AM Sreyan Chakravarty  wrote:
> Can you tell me how you are planning to use the metadata image ?
> Are you going to mount it with losetup and then run btrfs-check on it ?
> I am asking because I can perform the checks from my side.

Sorry I missed you on IRC.

The Btrfs dev has been doing this with a devel branch, it's not in the
released version of btrfs-progs yet. And it needed further enhancement
for this case, because a whole bunch of writes in a commit just didn't
get to stable media. This fsck enhancement is still being tested, but
should be ready soon, and when it is I'll get it built in copr.

In the meantime, about your btrfs restore command:

# btrfs restore -sxmS -D /dev/mapper/dm_crypt
/run/media/liveuser/Backup\ Plus/restore/

Try adding -i and remove -D. The -D means files aren't restored. And
-m and -x require files to be restored first or you get additional

However, note that the -s option restores the contents of all
snapshots, and puts them into directories as independent (not deduped)
files in the restore destination. So if you have a file in 50
snapshots, that file gets replicated 50 times. So while you get all
your files out of the snapshots, it's not really putting Humpty Dumpty
back together again in terms of the original organization.

You might prefer just getting all the files out of a particular
snapshot. That's the -r option. But *sigh* it only takes subvolids.
Since you can't mount, you can't use 'btrfs sub list' to get a listing
of names to ids. There is another way to do it:

sudo btrfs inspect-internal dump-tree -t 1 /dev/sdXY | grep -A1 'ROOT_REF'

That'll produce something like this, maybe many lines if you have many

item 4 key (FS_TREE ROOT_REF 268) itemoff 14921 itemsize 28
root ref key dirid 256 sequence 5 name home
item 5 key (FS_TREE ROOT_REF 525) itemoff 14899 itemsize 22
root ref key dirid 256 sequence 33 name root

Above, the first item is the subvolume "home" and its ID is 268. The
second is the subvolume "root" and its ID is 525. Snapshots appear in
this same list with the same scheme. If I want to pull out just the
files in "home" I do this:

# btrfs restore -v -i -r 268 /dev/sdXY /path/to/restore/to

You could add -x -m to this if you want.

There is more here, in case I'm not around again, but hopefully we'll
figure out an overlap time on IRC.

Chris Murphy
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Re: Compression on Btrfs

2021-01-07 Thread Chris Murphy
On Thu, Jan 7, 2021 at 5:52 AM Patrick O'Callaghan
> I did the following:
> # btrfs filesystem defragment -czstd -r -v /home
> and changed the fstab entry:
> # grep /home /etc/fstab
> UUID=8e1f7af4-c0bf-434e-b1c4-a9af2c810d56 /home   btrfs   
> subvol=home,discard=async,compress-force=zstd 0 0
> (this is an SSD, hence the discard-async)
> I then rebooted, but find:
> # btrfs prop get -t i /home compression
> #
> (i.e. no output)

The 'btrfs property' method of setting compression per file,
directory, or subvolume, sets an xattr. The mount option method does

Also, the mount option is file system wide, it's not per subvolume. It
just seems like it could be this way due to fstab and the subvol mount
option (which is really just a bind mount behind the scenes).

> and the space usage doesn't seem to have changed.

'du' doesn't know about Btrfs compression, it's too transparent and so
it sees everything as uncompressed.

'df' doesn't directly know about Btrfs compression, but it does report
on free space which is affected by the fact that less space is being
used due to compression. So it reports correctly.

And the 'btrfs' command (btrfs-progs) doesn't yet have a compression
specific reporting option.

So yeah, compsize is what you're after.

Chris Murphy
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Re: Compression on Btrfs

2021-01-07 Thread Chris Murphy
On Thu, Jan 7, 2021 at 7:52 AM Patrick O'Callaghan
> On Thu, 2021-01-07 at 21:33 +0800, Qiyu Yan wrote:
> > > and the space usage doesn't seem to have changed.
> > Try using compsize to get space usage?
> # compsize /home
> Processed 373221 files, 936531 regular extents (1058479 refs), 155981
> inline.
> Type   Perc Disk Usage   Uncompressed Referenced
> TOTAL   98%  1.1T 1.1T 1.0T
> none   100%  1.1T 1.1T1013G
> zstd46%   17G  38G  40G

And are there any new subvolumes you've created below /home? Those are
not subject to -r, the defragment will stop at subvolume boundaries.
Any VM images? If they're nodatacow, they won't compress. And quite a
lot of media files will not compress because they're already

Based on the above numbers I don't think this is as likely the issue
but mention it anyway: Are there any snapshots? 'btrfs fi defragment'
is not snapshot aware and will split up shared extents (makes them
exclusive again, increasing space consumption).

Lower priority, more experimentation, purely anecdotal: Using zstd:1
might result in faster writes to SSD; where zstd:3 (same as zstd)
might result in faster overall writes to HDD. For Fedora 34 the
proposal is 'compress=zstd:1' and that's a bit conservative but also
is low hanging fruit with the biggest gain for the effort. Folks who
don't care about performance or want to use this for archives can
experiment with even higher values. I tend to use zstd:7 on backups.
It does get quite slow eventually, around 11 or higher. But zstd is
fairly invariant to compression level on reads, as in I doubt anyone
can tell a difference on read between a file that was compressed with
1 vs 9, and maybe not notice 15 unless they were paying attention or
timing it.

Chris Murphy
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