Re: Upgrade of F30 to F31 Appears to Have not Worked Correctly

2020-02-12 Thread Ed Greshko
On 2020-02-12 15:08, Stephen Morris wrote:
> On 12/2/20 17:54, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> On 2020-02-12 14:37, Stephen Morris wrote:
>>> Thanks Ed, I'll see if I can find someone who is running the same setup as 
>>> me.
>>> As a side issue, I had to reinstall vmware and virtualbox as a result of 
>>> having to reinstall windows because the SSD that is windows drive c died on 
>>> the weekend. After the reinstall of virtualbox the network issues I had 
>>> with the original install have disappeared, but the X11 virtualbox video 
>>> driver supplied by fedora does not support the 4k resolution of my monitor 
>>> whereas the X11 vmware driver supplied by fedora does. Is this something 
>>> that can be raised as a bugzilla?
>> AFAIK, and I could be wrong, the driver supplied by fedora is an opensource 
>> version of the driver supplied
>> by VMware.  Much like nouveau is the opensource of the nVidia driver.
>> So, sure, you can raise a BZ.  But not sure how long it would take, or how 
>> much effort would be put into, getting
>> the capability added.
> It wasn't the vmware driver I was looking at raising the issue on, it was the 
> virtualbox driver not supporting the preferred 4k resolution of the monitor.

Sorry, I misread your original post.

The VirtualBox tools supplied by Fedora are simply those from Oracle that have 
been packaged and placed
in the repos.

That being said, I have no problems to erase virtualbox-guest-additions 
supplied by fedora and then
run the installer from Oracle to install theirs.  I actually find them to work 
better in that screen resizing
works as I expect.

The key to getting good answers is to ask good questions.
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Re: Unnecessary hard drive spin-ups

2020-02-12 Thread Tim via users
On Tue, 2020-02-11 at 19:53 -0600, Dave Ulrick wrote:
> I'm logged in as a non-root user with my home directory as my
> current working directory. The file system containing my home
> directory is mounted at /home. I'm using a shell prompt via a
> graphical terminal emulator (xfce4-terminal, in my case). Now, I
> enter an 'ls' command at a bash prompt. The output doesn't appear
> until after my USB hard drive spins up. Note that neither
> /var/backups nor any directory under it is in my shell's PATH, nor is
> there any symlink to /var/backups in my current working directory.
> Thus, there should be no need to read /var/backups, yet evidently
> this exactly what happens.

Just a stab in the dark:  Is something poking about /var/run or
/var/cache?  Perhaps that's enough to look through /var.  I wonder if
you could try another terminal program, just to see if it's the
terminal, itself.

Maybe strace ls, to see what it's up to.

I know with GUI programs, I had to move mountable thing to be inside a
sub-directory of my homespace.  Otherwise, anything that listed ~/
would wake up the drives to count the number of files in them.  So, I
feel your pain.
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Re: Unnecessary hard drive spin-ups

2020-02-12 Thread Dave Ulrick
Interesting thought. I can envision how a lookup for /var/xyz could 
cause everything under /var to be looked up, and I can see how 
/var/cache or /var/run would be frequently read.  I'll try mounting a 
green USB drive's file system at a third-level directory (e.g., 
/var/backups/0) or under a less popular directory (e.g., /mnt/backups)  
and see if that behaves any differently.


On 2/12/20 7:11 AM, Tim via users wrote:

On Tue, 2020-02-11 at 19:53 -0600, Dave Ulrick wrote:

I'm logged in as a non-root user with my home directory as my
current working directory. The file system containing my home
directory is mounted at /home. I'm using a shell prompt via a
graphical terminal emulator (xfce4-terminal, in my case). Now, I
enter an 'ls' command at a bash prompt. The output doesn't appear
until after my USB hard drive spins up. Note that neither
/var/backups nor any directory under it is in my shell's PATH, nor is
there any symlink to /var/backups in my current working directory.
Thus, there should be no need to read /var/backups, yet evidently
this exactly what happens.

Just a stab in the dark:  Is something poking about /var/run or
/var/cache?  Perhaps that's enough to look through /var.  I wonder if
you could try another terminal program, just to see if it's the
terminal, itself.

Maybe strace ls, to see what it's up to.

I know with GUI programs, I had to move mountable thing to be inside a
sub-directory of my homespace.  Otherwise, anything that listed ~/
would wake up the drives to count the number of files in them.  So, I
feel your pain.

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Re: Old Wine RPMs

2020-02-12 Thread Bruno Wolff III

On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 18:54:34 -0800,
 ToddAndMargo via users  wrote:

Hi All,

Now that Wine Staging has be gobbled up by Wine and Wine
bugs are no longer being fixed unless you put Code Weavers
on your payroll, I have had to downgrade my copy of Wine,
due to regression errors Wine has reintroduced since we lost Wine Staging.

What is the best way to figure out what all RPM's are used
on my old version of Wine, so I can download them for when
my version gets aged out of the repos?

If you use koji download-build you will get all of the rpms associated 
with a specific version of a package.

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Re: Unnecessary hard drive spin-ups

2020-02-12 Thread Dave Ulrick

On 2/12/20 7:53 AM, Dave Ulrick wrote:
Interesting thought. I can envision how a lookup for /var/xyz could 
cause everything under /var to be looked up, and I can see how 
/var/cache or /var/run would be frequently read.  I'll try mounting a 
green USB drive's file system at a third-level directory (e.g., 
/var/backups/0) or under a less popular directory (e.g., /mnt/backups) 
and see if that behaves any differently.

I ran 'strace' on 'ls' but nothing interesting showed up. Then, I ran 
'strace' on 'bash'. I ran 'ls' from 'bash' and then exited. The strace 
log shows two connect()s to a socket file under /var/run:

connect(3, {sa_family=AF_UNIX, sun_path="/var/run/nscd/socket"}, 110) = 

T (No such file or directory)

/var/run/nscd/socket appears to be related to the 'nscd' DNS cache which 
I am not running on my PCs.

So, it looks likely that reading /var/run caused the contents of /var to 
be read. This would have triggered a wakeup of the device hosting 
/var/backups which would be a cause of its hard drive spinning up.

In addition to one PC that mounted a green USB drive under /var I had 
several other PCs that mounted a NAS under /var. That NAS is intended to 
store backup files so its hard drive is configured to spin down after 10 
idle minutes.

In view of these findings, I've reconfigured my PCs to mount the backups 
directory under /mnt instead of /var. So far since doing so I've not 
noticed any spin-up delays related to a USB hard drive or the backup NAS.

Thanks, Tim!


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Re: Unnecessary hard drive spin-ups

2020-02-12 Thread Tom Horsley
The most irritating spin-up for me occurs on a reboot.
I have a really slow USB drive that isn't even mounted,
just plugged in (in case I want to mount it). The reboot
always hangs for several seconds, and I can hear the
drive spin up before the reboot proceeds.
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Automatic mount of external HDD.

2020-02-12 Thread Erik P. Olsen
I have an external 2TB HDD which is defined in /etc/fstab so it is mounted at 
system boot
time. I would like to be able to have it mounted automatically with the same 
mount point
as defined in fstab when it is hot-plugged and unmounted when it is later 
Is that possible and if so how to do it?

Thanks in advance.

Erik P. Olsen - Copenhagen, Denmark
Fedora 31/64 bit Linux xfce Claws-Mail POP3 Gramps 5.1.1 Bacula 9.4.4
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Re: Upgrade of F30 to F31 Appears to Have not Worked Correctly

2020-02-12 Thread Stephen Morris

On 12/2/20 18:12, Stephen Morris wrote:

On 12/2/20 17:54, Ed Greshko wrote:

On 2020-02-12 14:37, Stephen Morris wrote:
Thanks Ed, I'll see if I can find someone who is running the same 
setup as me.
As a side issue, I had to reinstall vmware and virtualbox as a 
result of having to reinstall windows because the SSD that is 
windows drive c died on the weekend. After the reinstall of 
virtualbox the network issues I had with the original install have 
disappeared, but the X11 virtualbox video driver supplied by fedora 
does not support the 4k resolution of my monitor whereas the X11 
vmware driver supplied by fedora does. Is this 
something that can be raised as a bugzilla?
AFAIK, and I could be wrong, the driver supplied by fedora is an 
opensource version of the driver supplied

by VMware.  Much like nouveau is the opensource of the nVidia driver.
You are correct in saying the driver supplied for vmware is open 
source, but with the advent of Version 11 and onwards of the 
vmware-tools vmware require users to source and use the vmware-tools 
supplied by linux distributions, as opposed to a windows guest where 
vmware still supply the vmware-tools.

In Virtualbox I installed the F31 Astronomy-KDE spin, so in order to get 
Gnome I did a dnf install of group "Fedora Workstation", and I also did 
a group install of "KDE Plasma Workspaces" in addition. After the 
install I logged out and logged back into Gnome on Wayland and the issue 
is occurring in Virtualbox now as well, which is not surprising as 
Virtualbox and Vmware seem to be running the same video driver as 
according to inxi both are running with a driver named "vmware". This 
driver appears to potentially be the driver from the fedora 
repositories, as after running the install script from the 
virtualbox-guest-additions mount point the fedora 
virtualbox-guest-additions package was installed even though I did not 
explicitly install it at any point. Having said this, both virtualbox 
and vmware could be using a driver of the same name and them not be the 
same physical driver, which if that is the case, given that both have 
the issue, that would potentially mean the issue is not the driver 
itself but is actually Wayland itself, or am I jumping to the wrong 



So, sure, you can raise a BZ.  But not sure how long it would take, 
or how much effort would be put into, getting

the capability added.

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Re: Automatic mount of external HDD.

2020-02-12 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 12Feb2020 22:28, Erik P. Olsen  wrote:

I have an external 2TB HDD which is defined in /etc/fstab so it is mounted at 
system boot
time. I would like to be able to have it mounted automatically with the same 
mount point
as defined in fstab when it is hot-plugged and unmounted when it is later 
Is that possible and if so how to do it?

There are tools like usbmount which mount drives as they are plugged in.  
They have their own mount area.

You could write a script which uses lsblk (I like "lsblk -bfr") to watch 
for drives and act on them (eg to just go "mount mountpoint" when you 
see that device show up).

And I think some GUI desktops run their _own_ automount stuff, which 
will race with you.

Cameron Simpson 
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Re: Unnecessary hard drive spin-ups

2020-02-12 Thread Roger Heflin
It may be the pwd command doing it.  It works like this:

if something runs pwd when its cwd is under say /var/log then pwd goes
through all files in /var/log until it finds .. then it goes up a
directory and repeats, until it gets to /.

Assuming that is the case your solution would be expected to work, if
you put it under /mnt/backups then any other pwd anywhere under mnt
may also cause the spinup.  On nfs mounts an nfs mount that is hanging
of say /mnt/host1 can hang everything else in /mnt even coming from
other responding hosts.  the trick there is to
/mnt/host1/host1mntpoint and put each separate host in a separate top
level directory to isolate them from each other.  You may not need to
do that so long as you don't have other things in /mnt being used that
may cause a pwd.

if you run ls -l /proc/*/cwd | more it will show you everything
running's cwd.  I see /var/spool/at (atd process) with that as a home
dir, so atd doing a pwd would cause a spinup.

I don't actively use atd for anything and strace does not show atd
doing anything on my machine.  If you use atd then it may be what is
doing it. nfs's statd also its cwd under var and is used on nfs

On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 1:11 PM Dave Ulrick  wrote:
> On 2/12/20 7:53 AM, Dave Ulrick wrote:
> > Interesting thought. I can envision how a lookup for /var/xyz could
> > cause everything under /var to be looked up, and I can see how
> > /var/cache or /var/run would be frequently read.  I'll try mounting a
> > green USB drive's file system at a third-level directory (e.g.,
> > /var/backups/0) or under a less popular directory (e.g., /mnt/backups)
> > and see if that behaves any differently.
> I ran 'strace' on 'ls' but nothing interesting showed up. Then, I ran
> 'strace' on 'bash'. I ran 'ls' from 'bash' and then exited. The strace
> log shows two connect()s to a socket file under /var/run:
> connect(3, {sa_family=AF_UNIX, sun_path="/var/run/nscd/socket"}, 110) =
> -1 ENOEN
> T (No such file or directory)
> close(3)
> /var/run/nscd/socket appears to be related to the 'nscd' DNS cache which
> I am not running on my PCs.
> So, it looks likely that reading /var/run caused the contents of /var to
> be read. This would have triggered a wakeup of the device hosting
> /var/backups which would be a cause of its hard drive spinning up.
> In addition to one PC that mounted a green USB drive under /var I had
> several other PCs that mounted a NAS under /var. That NAS is intended to
> store backup files so its hard drive is configured to spin down after 10
> idle minutes.
> In view of these findings, I've reconfigured my PCs to mount the backups
> directory under /mnt instead of /var. So far since doing so I've not
> noticed any spin-up delays related to a USB hard drive or the backup NAS.
> Thanks, Tim!
> Dave
> ___
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Re: Automatic mount of external HDD.

2020-02-12 Thread Mario Michele Macaluso

Il 12/02/20 22:28, Erik P. Olsen ha scritto:

I have an external 2TB HDD which is defined in /etc/fstab so it is mounted at 
system boot
time. I would like to be able to have it mounted automatically with the same 
mount point
as defined in fstab when it is hot-plugged and unmounted when it is later 
Is that possible and if so how to do it?

Thanks in advance.

my 2c

if you use a Workstation version:

- create e file under "/etc/udev/rules.d" (eg. 99-udisks.rules) insert the 
following line

  ENV{ID_FS_USAGE}=="filesystem|other|crypto", ENV{UDISKS_FILESYSTEM_SHARED}="1"

  the disk will be mounted under /media and not under /run/user/


- as root: copy the content of /usr/lib/systemd/system/tmp.mount in
  /usr/lib/systemd/system/media.mount (edit and correct all occurrance of /tmp 
in /media)
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Re: Unnecessary hard drive spin-ups

2020-02-12 Thread Tim via users
On Wed, 2020-02-12 at 13:10 -0600, Dave Ulrick wrote:
> In addition to one PC that mounted a green USB drive under /var I
> had several other PCs that mounted a NAS under /var. That NAS is
> intended to store backup files so its hard drive is configured to
> spin down after 10 idle minutes.
> In view of these findings, I've reconfigured my PCs to mount the
> backups directory under /mnt instead of /var. So far since doing so
> I've not noticed any spin-up delays related to a USB hard drive or
> the backup NAS.
> Thanks, Tim!

Glad to help, even if I'm not quite sure how I steered things in the
right way.  ;-)  It was one of those "in the back of my mind" ideas.

Gnome (or Gnome-based) things, will put temporary auto-mounting
things (flash drives, etc) inside of /var/run/, then give you an
apparently separate mount point.  You'll get a desktop icon for it, and
no immediate indication that it's accessed through /var/run.

I'm not sure if the same applies to KDE.
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DVD Backup

2020-02-12 Thread Kevin Becker
I haven't had the need to copy a DVD in over a decade and the last time
I did it was probably under OS X, possibly even Windows, using some
commercial tool.  But recently my stepfather came to me with a DVD that
had been made from a home video that he wanted several copies of.  It
is not copy protected in any way, just a plain DVD video disk.  I have
an external USB DVD drive which seems to work okay, but honestly I
barely use it for anything.  I tried using Brasero but it seems to read
the disk quickly at first and then become progressively slower and
slower until it gets to 99% and then stays there for hours and hours. 
I used the dvdbackup command line program and was able to make a backup
and burn it with growisofs with no problem so I'm not sure why Brasero
didn't work.  Does anyone have any recommendation for a simple GUI DVD
copying tool?  I'm not worried about breaking copy protection here. 
I'm fine with the command line tools but I do this so infrequently that
it would be nice to have a GUI app that doesn't require me to look up
notes or search the internet for instructions to refresh my memory the
next time I want to do this in 2036.

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Re: Unnecessary hard drive spin-ups

2020-02-12 Thread Dave Ulrick

On 2/12/20 7:09 PM, Roger Heflin wrote:

It may be the pwd command doing it.  It works like this:

if something runs pwd when its cwd is under say /var/log then pwd goes
through all files in /var/log until it finds .. then it goes up a
directory and repeats, until it gets to /.
That makes sense. Just occurred to me: a typical shell prompt displays 
the cwd, so 'pwd' or something like it must get run just before a shell 
prompt is displayed. This likely explains why I'd sometimes experience 
the spin-up delay after running a command: it wasn't the command itself 
necessarily that triggered the spin-up but the pwd afterwards.

Assuming that is the case your solution would be expected to work,
It seemed to work earlier today when I fired up the green USB hard drive 
in that I experienced no spin-up delays, but...

  if you put it under /mnt/backups then any other pwd anywhere under mnt
may also cause the spinup.  On nfs mounts an nfs mount that is hanging
of say /mnt/host1 can hang everything else in /mnt even coming from
other responding hosts.  the trick there is to
/mnt/host1/host1mntpoint and put each separate host in a separate top
level directory to isolate them from each other.  You may not need to
do that so long as you don't have other things in /mnt being used that
may cause a pwd.

That's a great idea. I've gone ahead and implemented it on my PCs.

if you run ls -l /proc/*/cwd | more it will show you everything
running's cwd.  I see /var/spool/at (atd process) with that as a home
dir, so atd doing a pwd would cause a spinup.

I don't actively use atd for anything and strace does not show atd
doing anything on my machine.  If you use atd then it may be what is
doing it. nfs's statd also its cwd under var and is used on nfs

There certainly are a lot of processes on my PC running cwd. Interesting...

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I am having a problem switching users

2020-02-12 Thread Christopher Marlow
Fedora 31 Workstation
XFCE desktop ( installed on top of gnome ) 


When wanting to switch users in XFCE I put my mouse in the right hand
corner of the screen. I click my name. Then I click switch user and
what I do that nothing happens.. I cannot switch users without logging
myself out. How do I fix this?

Thank you,
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Re: Unnecessary hard drive spin-ups

2020-02-12 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 12Feb2020 19:09, Roger Heflin  wrote:

It may be the pwd command doing it.  It works like this:

if something runs pwd when its cwd is under say /var/log then pwd goes
through all files in /var/log until it finds .. then it goes up a
directory and repeats, until it gets to /.

getcwd() is a system call on Linux since 2.1.92. It doesn't need to 
perform the expensive ".. then stat everything for a match" loop.

[... snip arranging mounts to be in more out-of-the-way places ...]

On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 1:11 PM Dave Ulrick  

I ran 'strace' on 'ls' but nothing interesting showed up. Then, I ran
'strace' on 'bash'. I ran 'ls' from 'bash' and then exited. The strace
log shows two connect()s to a socket file under /var/run:

connect(3, {sa_family=AF_UNIX, sun_path="/var/run/nscd/socket"}, 110) =
T (No such file or directory)

/var/run/nscd/socket appears to be related to the 'nscd' DNS cache which
I am not running on my PCs.


So, it looks likely that reading /var/run caused the contents of /var to
be read. This would have triggered a wakeup of the device hosting
/var/backups which would be a cause of its hard drive spinning up.

This would surprise me; accessing a direct name doesn't require stating 
everything adjacent.

You can test this:

- wait for the drive to spin down
- type ">>var/run/nscd/socket" and preess  (do NOT filecomplete 
 that path, your shell will do unwanted filesystem access)

- see if/when the drive spins up

Cameron Simpson 
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Re: DVD Backup

2020-02-12 Thread Cameron Simpson

On 12Feb2020 22:13, Kevin Becker  wrote:

I haven't had the need to copy a DVD in over a decade and the last time
I did it was probably under OS X, possibly even Windows, using some
commercial tool.  But recently my stepfather came to me with a DVD that
had been made from a home video that he wanted several copies of.  It
is not copy protected in any way, just a plain DVD video disk.  I have
an external USB DVD drive which seems to work okay, but honestly I
barely use it for anything.  I tried using Brasero but it seems to read
the disk quickly at first and then become progressively slower and
slower until it gets to 99% and then stays there for hours and hours.
I used the dvdbackup command line program and was able to make a backup
and burn it with growisofs with no problem so I'm not sure why Brasero
didn't work.  Does anyone have any recommendation for a simple GUI DVD
copying tool?  I'm not worried about breaking copy protection here.
I'm fine with the command line tools but I do this so infrequently that
it would be nice to have a GUI app that doesn't require me to look up
notes or search the internet for instructions to refresh my memory the
next time I want to do this in 2036.

Why not just dd it? DVDs have a block size of 2048 bytes, BTW, so any 
multiple of that should be efficient, eg:

 dd if=/dev/the-dvd-device of=my-dvd-image.iso bs=64k progress=status

That should get you a pretty direct indication of the copy speed. And 
then you can dd the ISO onto another DVD, or mount it or whatever.

Cameron Simpson 
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Re: DVD Backup

2020-02-12 Thread stan via users
On Wed, 12 Feb 2020 22:13:29 -0500
Kevin Becker  wrote:

> I haven't had the need to copy a DVD in over a decade and the last
> time I did it was probably under OS X, possibly even Windows, using
> some commercial tool.  But recently my stepfather came to me with a
> DVD that had been made from a home video that he wanted several
> copies of.  It is not copy protected in any way, just a plain DVD
> video disk.  I have an external USB DVD drive which seems to work
> okay, but honestly I barely use it for anything.  I tried using
> Brasero but it seems to read the disk quickly at first and then
> become progressively slower and slower until it gets to 99% and then
> stays there for hours and hours. I used the dvdbackup command line
> program and was able to make a backup and burn it with growisofs with
> no problem so I'm not sure why Brasero didn't work.  Does anyone have
> any recommendation for a simple GUI DVD copying tool?  I'm not
> worried about breaking copy protection here. I'm fine with the
> command line tools but I do this so infrequently that it would be
> nice to have a GUI app that doesn't require me to look up notes or
> search the internet for instructions to refresh my memory the next
> time I want to do this in 2036.
Like you, I haven't burned a DVD in a while, but I used the program k3b
to do so the last time I did, and it worked fine.  I have brasero
installed as well, so next time I'll give it a try to see if it will
work for me.

I wonder if your external drive had a power issue; mine is internal.
Or, maybe the lense needs cleaning with some isopropyl alcohol, using a
q-tip or cotton ball.
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Re: Unnecessary hard drive spin-ups

2020-02-12 Thread Samuel Sieb

On 2/12/20 7:00 PM, Tim via users wrote:

Gnome (or Gnome-based) things, will put temporary auto-mounting
things (flash drives, etc) inside of /var/run/, then give you an
apparently separate mount point.  You'll get a desktop icon for it, and
no immediate indication that it's accessed through /var/run.

Actually, the mount point is /run/media//.
/var/run is a symlink to /run.
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Re: DVD Backup

2020-02-12 Thread Samuel Sieb

On 2/12/20 7:13 PM, Kevin Becker wrote:
Does anyone have any recommendation for a simple GUI DVD copying tool? 
I'm not worried about breaking copy protection here. I'm fine with the 
command line tools but I do this so infrequently that it would be nice 
to have a GUI app that doesn't require me to look up notes or search the 
internet for instructions to refresh my memory the next time I want to 
do this in 2036.

I've just used "vobcopy" in the past for the rare occasions that I've 
needed it.  There was a program called k9copy that I had used way back, 
but it seems to be retired now.  The last successful build was:
No guarantees that it will even run with a current release.
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