Re: svn commit: r228990 - in head/usr.sbin: IPXrouted adduser bluetooth/btpand bluetooth/sdpd bootparamd/bootparamd bsnmpd/modules/snmp_bridge bsnmpd/modules/snmp_hostres bsnmpd/modules/snmp_wlan bsnm

2011-12-30 Thread Harti Brandt
On Fri, 30 Dec 2011, Ben Kaduk wrote:

BK>On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 5:58 AM, Ulrich Spoerlein  wrote:
BK>> Author: uqs
BK>> Date: Fri Dec 30 10:58:14 2011
BK>> New Revision: 228990
BK>> Log:
BK>>  Spelling fixes for usr.sbin/


BK>> Modified: head/usr.sbin/bsnmpd/modules/snmp_wlan/BEGEMOT-WIRELESS-MIB.txt
BK>> --- head/usr.sbin/bsnmpd/modules/snmp_wlan/BEGEMOT-WIRELESS-MIB.txt     
Fri Dec 30 10:45:00 2011        (r228989)
BK>> +++ head/usr.sbin/bsnmpd/modules/snmp_wlan/BEGEMOT-WIRELESS-MIB.txt     
Fri Dec 30 10:58:14 2011        (r228990)
BK>> @@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ WlanMgmtReasonCode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTIO
BK>>                    associationLeave(8),
BK>>                    associationNotAuthenticated(9),
BK>> -                   dissasocPwrcapBad(10),
BK>> -                   dissasocSuperchanBad(11),
BK>> +                   disassocPwrcapBad(10),
BK>> +                   disassocSuperchanBad(11),
BK>This file looks like it might be intended to be machine-readable -- I
BK>would worry about changing it without test/review.
BK>Perhaps this spelling "error" is even the reason for the XXX comment above.

Absolutely. If there is a spelling error in an SNMP MIB outside comments 
or description strings it must stay there. Otherwise applications reading 
that file will break.

This is also true for the corresponding .def file.

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Re: svn commit: r228990 - in head/usr.sbin: IPXrouted adduser bluetooth/btpand bluetooth/sdpd bootparamd/bootparamd bsnmpd/modules/snmp_bridge bsnmpd/modules/snmp_hostres bsnmpd/modules/snmp_wlan bsnm

2012-01-02 Thread Harti Brandt

Hi Uli,

On Sun, 1 Jan 2012, Ulrich Spoerlein wrote:

US>Sorry for the delay.
US>On Fri, 2011-12-30 at 20:50:16 +0100, Harti Brandt wrote:
US>> On Fri, 30 Dec 2011, Ben Kaduk wrote:
US>> >On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 5:58 AM, Ulrich Spoerlein  
US>> >> Modified: 
US>> >> 
US>> >> --- head/usr.sbin/bsnmpd/modules/snmp_wlan/BEGEMOT-WIRELESS-MIB.txt     
Fri Dec 30 10:45:00 2011        (r228989)
US>> >> +++ head/usr.sbin/bsnmpd/modules/snmp_wlan/BEGEMOT-WIRELESS-MIB.txt     
Fri Dec 30 10:58:14 2011        (r228990)
US>> >> @@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ WlanMgmtReasonCode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTIO
US>> >>                    associationLeave(8),
US>> >>                    associationNotAuthenticated(9),
US>> >>  -- XXX: TODO - FIXME
US>> >> -                   dissasocPwrcapBad(10),
US>> >> -                   dissasocSuperchanBad(11),
US>> >> +                   disassocPwrcapBad(10),
US>> >> +                   disassocSuperchanBad(11),
US>> >
US>> >This file looks like it might be intended to be machine-readable -- I
US>> >would worry about changing it without test/review.
US>> >Perhaps this spelling "error" is even the reason for the XXX comment 
US>> Absolutely. If there is a spelling error in an SNMP MIB outside comments 
US>> or description strings it must stay there. Otherwise applications reading 
US>> that file will break.
US>> This is also true for the corresponding .def file.
US>> harti
US>Neither Google, Bing nor Google Code Search can find any occurrence of
US>any of the two words in either spelling, except in our tree, of course.
US>This leads me to believe that at least no known Open Source project will
US>be affected by the change. But that doesn't say much.
US>Is this a non-backwards compatible change that we can do when going from
US>9.x to 10.0? I'm fine with backing it out, too, if you think this will
US>actually break anything for third parties. Just say the word.

Actually there are several RFCs which contain descriptions on doing MIB 
revisions: RFC 2578, RFC 2579 and RFC 4181. There may be others. 4181 
contains the following text:

"RFC 2579 Section 5 specifies rules that apply to revisions of textual
convention definitions.  The following guideline corrects an error in
these rules:

   - Bullet (1) allows the labels of named numbers and named bits in
 SYNTAX clauses of type enumerated INTEGER or BITS to be changed.
 This can break compilation compatibility, since those labels may be
 used by DEFVAL clauses in modules that import the definitions of
 the affected TCs.  Therefore, labels of named numbers and named
 bits MUST NOT be changed when revising IETF MIB modules (except to
 correct typographical errors), and they SHOULD NOT be changed when
 revising enterprise MIB modules."

So for the given MIB the term "SHOULD NOT" applies. What I would do is:

- keep the misspelled definitions and mark them with a comment as 
deprecated (unfortunately one can formally deprecate MIB objects, but not 
integer names).

- add correctly spelled definitions

- in any case add a revision statement to the MODULE-TYPE macro.

Even if you find no open source uses of the MIB, there may be internal 
uses in companies. I have a number of MIB modules that use FreeBSD modules 
(albeit not the WLAN module) that are not intended to be released outside 
our institute because they are quite special-purpose and not of use for 
somebody else. Nevertheless I would try to not break this kind of use.

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Re: svn commit: r202070 - head/usr.bin/make

2010-01-11 Thread Harti Brandt

On Mon, 11 Jan 2010, Andrey Chernov wrote:

AC>On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 09:16:42AM +, Hartmut Brandt wrote:
AC>> @@ -1807,8 +1807,6 @@ JobStart(GNode *gn, int flags, Job *prev
AC>>} else {
AC>>fprintf(stdout, "Remaking `%s'\n", gn->name);
AC>> -  if ((tdir = getenv("TMPDIR")) == NULL)
AC>> -  tdir = TMPDIR;
AC>>snprintf(job->outFile, sizeof(job->outFile), "%s/%s",
AC>>tdir, TMPPAT);
AC>>if ((job->outFd = mkstemp(job->outFile)) == -1)
AC>With the presence of .EXPORTVAR directive (setenv() called) TMPDIR 
AC>environment can be changed on the fly, so perhaps this lines are for reason.

There is the same getenv() just a couple of lines above of all the if()s 
so that it covers both uses of tdir. I just though that doing the getenv() 
in both places is slightly more performing that do it all the time. But 
decided that this gain would be clearly below noise level. The I forgot to 
remove the now unneeded second getenv.

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Re: svn commit: r345797 - in head: contrib/bsnmp/gensnmptree contrib/bsnmp/lib contrib/bsnmp/snmpd lib/libbsnmp/libbsnmp usr.sbin/bsnmpd/bsnmpd

2019-04-02 Thread Harti Brandt
On Tue, 2 Apr 2019, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:

BD>On Tue, Apr 02, 2019 at 12:50:01PM +, Andrey V. Elsukov wrote:
BD>> Author: ae
BD>> Date: Tue Apr  2 12:50:01 2019
BD>> New Revision: 345797
BD>> Log:
BD>>   Add IPv6 transport for bsnmp.
BD>>   This patch adds a new table begemotSnmpdTransInetTable that uses the
BD>>   InetAddressType textual convention and can be used to create listening
BD>>   ports for IPv4, IPv6, zoned IPv6 and based on DNS names. It also supports
BD>>   future extension beyond UDP by adding a protocol identifier to the table
BD>>   index. In order to support this gensnmptree had to be modified.
BD>>   Submitted by:   harti
BD>>   MFC after:  1 month
BD>>   Relnotes:   yes
BD>>   Differential Revision:
BD>Jumping in this commit, maybe it is time to move bsnmpd out of contrib, given
BD>that all the dev appears to only be in our own source tree right?

Actually I have a private tree that has some more stuff in it than there 
is in the contrib tree in FreeBSD. I usually do modifications first in 
that tree, then I bring it to FreeBSD. If somebody commits modifications 
to FreeBSD I feed that back.

One day I intend to put this into a public place.

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Re: svn commit: r345797 - in head: contrib/bsnmp/gensnmptree contrib/bsnmp/lib contrib/bsnmp/snmpd lib/libbsnmp/libbsnmp usr.sbin/bsnmpd/bsnmpd

2019-09-03 Thread Harti Brandt
On Tue, 2 Apr 2019, Baptiste Daroussin wrote:

BD>On Tue, Apr 02, 2019 at 12:50:01PM +, Andrey V. Elsukov wrote:
BD>> Author: ae
BD>> Date: Tue Apr  2 12:50:01 2019
BD>> New Revision: 345797
BD>> Log:
BD>>   Add IPv6 transport for bsnmp.
BD>>   This patch adds a new table begemotSnmpdTransInetTable that uses the
BD>>   InetAddressType textual convention and can be used to create listening
BD>>   ports for IPv4, IPv6, zoned IPv6 and based on DNS names. It also supports
BD>>   future extension beyond UDP by adding a protocol identifier to the table
BD>>   index. In order to support this gensnmptree had to be modified.
BD>>   Submitted by:   harti
BD>>   MFC after:  1 month
BD>>   Relnotes:   yes
BD>>   Differential Revision:
BD>Jumping in this commit, maybe it is time to move bsnmpd out of contrib, given
BD>that all the dev appears to only be in our own source tree right?

Actually I have a private tree that has some more stuff in it than there 
is in the contrib tree in FreeBSD. I usually do modifications first in 
that tree, then I bring it to FreeBSD. If somebody commits modifications 
to FreeBSD I feed that back.

One day I intend to put this into a public place.


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