Re: Issue tracking system (was Re: Unofficial SPI Issue Tracking System (Re: Issue #0 - No general-purpose issue tracking system))
* Filipus Klutiero [2018-01-01 21:32]: > Thanks for this. I would be delighted to discover an existing > general-purpose ITS, but that does not look easy. I requested one on > spi-general on 2016-07-30 via the quoted email and nobody replied > anything suggesting one existed. I re-scanned SPI's website and > could not find a link to that. I even searched using terms "issue > tracker" and "issue tracking system" using Google Web Search and > that did not help. However, I also couldn't find the tracking system > for reimbursements, which apparently does exist, so perhaps others > can help? SPI uses RT at It's mentioned e.g. here and It could probably be documented better. -- Martin Michlmayr ___ Spi-general mailing list
Re: Unofficial SPI Issue Tracking System (Re: Issue #0 - No general-purpose issue tracking system)
On Mon, 1 Jan 2018, Filipus Klutiero wrote: Hi, On 2016-07-30 10:55, Filipus Klutiero wrote: According to Joshua D. Drake, SPI has an issue tracking system for reimbursements, but not for other issues (see ). If there is already a genera-purpose ITS, this is indeed far from obvious. Hi Filipus. I've been off the board for some time but SPI certainly *had* a general purpose issue tracker and AFAIK still has. This was implemented as part of the same "request tracker" instance that tracks reimbursements. Ask the sysadmins. Cheers, Rob ___ Spi-general mailing list
Re: Issue #7 - Website does not show staff
* Philippe Cloutier [2018-01-01 14:47]: > It would be good to list all full-time employees Nothing has changed since the last time. SPI does not have employees. -- Martin Michlmayr ___ Spi-general mailing list