Re: [Sdcc-user] Emergency help... linker memory error with DSEG

2008-09-09 Thread Ori Idan
Try to move some global variables to external RAM if possible.
Or maybe locating few arrays in idata.

Ori Idan

On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 1:02 PM, Jesse Lackey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hello all, until today I've been happily developing a sizable project
> with the TI CC2430 with SDCC.
> Suddenly I have a problem I don't understand.  A linker error:
> "?ASlink-Error-Could not get 30 consecutive bytes in internal RAM for
> area DSEG"
> I'm guessing it has something to do with stack space, since it happened
> after moving some functions around and increased the stack depth.
> I've made globals out of some of the locals in these functions, no help.
> I use a divide in the function, dividing an unsigned 32bit by an
> unsigned 8bit, and if I comment them out then lo and behold no problem.
>  Does this mean I need to recompile some sdcc libraries with
> --model-large?  I've been doing that divide for weeks, so I'm guessing
> that some kind of precious, limited RAM has been in use for calls to the
> divide function and now there isn't room anymore.
> Compiler arguments I use:
> --model-large
> and linker:
> --model-large --xram-loc 0xE000 --xram-size 8192 --code-size 32768
> Attached is the .mem file generated.
> This is kind of an emergency as this project is behind schedule and
> almost ready to go, and people are waiting with specialized test
> environments to run this board.
> So any help/explanation is greatly, greatly appreciated.  I didn't find
> an explanation of what DSEG is in the sdcc docs.
> If I need to recompile sdcc libraries, getting a link to documentation
> on how to do this be most appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
> Jesse
> Internal RAM layout:
>0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
> 0x00:|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|c|d|d|d|d|d|d|Q|
> 0x10:|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q|Q| | | | | | | | | | |
> 0x20:|B|B|a|a|a|a|a|a|a|a|a|a|a|a|a|a|
> 0x30:|a|a|a|a|a|a|a|a|a|a|a|a|a|b|b|b|
> 0x40:|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|
> 0x50:|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|b|
> 0x60:|b|b|b|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|
> 0x70:|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|
> 0x80:|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|
> 0x90:|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|
> 0xa0:|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|
> 0xb0:|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|
> 0xc0:|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|
> 0xd0:|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|
> 0xe0:|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|
> 0xf0:|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|S|
> 0-3:Reg Banks, T:Bit regs, a-z:Data, B:Bits, Q:Overlay, I:iData,
> S:Stack, A:Absolute
> ERROR: Couldn't get 30 bytes allocated in internal RAM for area DSEG.
> Stack starts at: 0x63 (sp set to 0x62) with 157 bytes available.
> Other memory:
> Name StartEnd  Size Max
> PAGED EXT. RAM 0  256
> EXTERNAL RAM 0xe000   0xe8f72296 8192
> ROM/EPROM/FLASH  0x   0x7686   3034332768
> -
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's
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> ___
> Sdcc-user mailing list

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Re: [Sdcc-user] i2c algorithms

2008-10-20 Thread Ori Idan
On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 5:47 PM, Dennis Muhlestein

> I've been playing around with reading and writing i2c data on my fx2lp
> board.  Here is the 1st three steps for reading i2c data according to
> the TRM (13.4.4)
> 1. Set START=1. If BERR = 1, start timer*.
> 2. Write the 7-bit peripheral address and the direction bit (1 for a
> read) to I2DAT.
> 3. Wait for DONE=1 or for timer to expire*. If BERR=1, go to step 1.
> I understand you can get a BERR if another controller on the board is
> trying to send data on the bus.  I'm not quite clear on what do do in
> this case.
> Should I
> a) set a timer, wait for the timer to go off, and then start over at
> step 1 or
> b) set the timer, write the address to I2DAT, and then wait for the
> timer then check DONE and BERR both.
> Thanks for helping noobs!
> Dennis

If I recall correctly, you should use option a. set a timer and then start
over at step 1.

Ori Idan
This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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[Sdcc-user] [OT] Equipment for amateur robotics

2009-01-18 Thread Ori Idan
I would like as a hobby to build a small Robot.
I am a programmer with little experience in mechanics.
Does someone on this list knows where I can buy servomotrs etc.?

Ori Idan
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Re: [Sdcc-user] How to compile now for AVR?

2009-03-22 Thread Ori Idan
To compile for AVR use gcc-avr.
use apt-get install gcc-avr (I guess you can find it on debian repositories.
I use Ubuntu and found it on Ubuntu repositories.

Ori Idan

On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 2:07 PM, Michelle Konzack <> wrote:

> Hello,
> last year I have strted using AVR's and now I read,
> the target AVR is droped.  Is there a replacement?
> Note:   I am using exclusively Debian GNU/Linux.
> Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
>Michelle Konzack
>24V Electronic Engineer
>Tamay Dogan Network
>Debian GNU/Linux Consultant
> --
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Re: [Sdcc-user] LCD library

2009-11-12 Thread Ori Idan
I would be happy to get this library, I am now in the middle of project that
needs LCD.
Do you interface the LCD as 4 or 8 bites?

Ori Idan

On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 2:24 PM, Marcos Chaparro wrote:

> Hi,
> I have written a little c library to control a hd44780-compatible LCD
> from my 89c51ed2. It's plainc C, simple enough to use it with other
> microcontrollers.
> I didn't find anything lcd-related in /sdcc/lib so I tought this would
> be useful for other people.
> Do you guys accept libraries to be included in next releases?
> Its quite simple, just lcd_init(), lcd_busy()  and so on; and It's GPL..
> Regards
> --
> Marcos
> GNU/Linux user #469721
> --
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Re: [Sdcc-user] LCD library

2009-11-12 Thread Ori Idan
I would be happy if you can send the files to me in private email.

Ori Idan

On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 7:33 PM, Marcos Chaparro wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 12:02 PM, Ori Idan  wrote:
> > I would be happy to get this library, I am now in the middle of project
> that
> > needs LCD.
> > Do you interface the LCD as 4 or 8 bites?
> >
> > --
> > Ori Idan
> 8 bytes, just a .c and a .h.
> Where should I put the sources? I can mail you, so you can take a look
> to the code.  -I would really like to have this kind of libs included
> with sdcc-.
> A few mates didn't use sdcc just because it lacks some libraries like this
> :(
> --
> Marcos
> GNU/Linux user #469721
> --
> Let Crystal Reports handle the reporting - Free Crystal Reports 2008 30-Day
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[Sdcc-user] OT: programming Silicon Labs C8051F530

2010-02-04 Thread Ori Idan
I have to write a new project using Silicon Labs C8051F530.
Does anyone know how to program it under Linux?

Ori Idan
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Re: [Sdcc-user] OT: programming Silicon Labs C8051F530

2010-02-04 Thread Ori Idan
Thank you very much this seems to be exactly what I need.

Ori Idan

On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 5:27 PM, Maarten Brock wrote:

> Hi,
> I assume since you ask on the SDCC user list that you don't ask about
> writing and compiling the program, but about downloading it to the mcu.
> For the latter you can try ec2drv.
> Hope this helps,
> Maarten
> > I have to write a new project using Silicon Labs C8051F530.
> > Does anyone know how to program it under Linux?
> >
> > --
> > Ori Idan
> --
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[Sdcc-user] [Off topic] 8051 core for Altera

2010-04-10 Thread Ori Idan
Does anyone knows where can I get 8051 core to be implemented on Altera

Ori Idan
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[Sdcc-user] Support for PIC18F1320

2013-05-06 Thread Ori Idan
Does SDCC on Linux (3.1.0) support PIC18F1320?

Ori Idan
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[Sdcc-user] Programming PIC24FJ64 under Linux

2013-05-27 Thread Ori Idan
Not directly related to SDCC but I guess members of this list may know the

I have to program a PIC24FJ64GA from Linux, however I did not find any
command line utility to do it. I already have the HEX file for it.

Ori Idan
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[Sdcc-user] Installing and using SDCC on Windows

2013-06-03 Thread Ori Idan
I wrote a small software for a client using SDCC, I use Linux so it was
The client want to be able to compile the software but he uses windows only.
He claimed that he had installed the compiler using  the installation file
in the downloads pages.
However he still gets error that gpasm is not available.
Does gpasm has to be install separately on windows?

Ori Idan
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Sdcc-user mailing list

Re: [Sdcc-user] Installing and using SDCC on Windows

2013-06-03 Thread Ori Idan
I don't understand,on linux I have a package manager. On windows I have to
download a special installer. My customer downloaded the installer but it
seems it did not install gpasm so how to do a complete install on windows
including gpasm?
 On Jun 3, 2013 7:33 PM, "Maarten Brock"  wrote:

> Hi,
> > I wrote a small software for a client using SDCC, I use Linux so it was
> > simple.
> > The client want to be able to compile the software but he uses windows
> > only.
> > He claimed that he had installed the compiler using  the installation
> file
> > in the downloads pages.
> > However he still gets error that gpasm is not available.
> > Does gpasm has to be install separately on windows?
> Yes. Just like on linux.
> >
> > --
> > Ori Idan
> Maarten
> --
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Re: [Sdcc-user] Installing and using SDCC on Windows

2013-06-03 Thread Ori Idan
On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 8:53 PM, Maarten Brock wrote:

> I assume that the package manager on linux only recommends the
> gputils package and does not require it. Because if you don't do
> PICs you don't need it to use SDCC. AFAIK on linux there are even
> separate packages for SDCC non-free (PIC libraries) and regular
> For Windows you can get the gputils installer here:
> Are you saying that you expect the SDCC installer to check if
> gputils is installed? Especially when the PIC libraries are not
> deselected? If so, feel free to post a feature request in the
> tracker.

I never had a problem on Linux.
The problem is only on my poor customer's computer. I say poor since he
uses Windows :-)
I never understood how people can use this buggy OS.

Ori Idan
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Sdcc-user mailing list

[Sdcc-user] Using SDCC with Linux to program the Silicon Labs EFM8

2016-08-09 Thread Ori Idan

Not directly related to SDCC but I am sure some people here can answer it.
I need to use the EFM8 MCU, the software itself will be compiled with SDCC.
My question is how to program the chip from Linux?
I did not find any solution neither on google nor on Silicon Labs web site.

Ori Idan
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Sdcc-user mailing list

Re: [Sdcc-user] Using SDCC with Linux to program the Silicon Labs EFM8

2016-08-09 Thread Ori Idan
On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 11:24 AM, Maarten Brock 

> > Hello,
> >
> > Not directly related to SDCC but I am sure some people here can answer
> it.
> > I need to use the EFM8 MCU, the software itself will be compiled with
> > SDCC.
> > My question is how to program the chip from Linux?
> > I did not find any solution neither on google nor on Silicon Labs web
> > site.
> >
> --
> > Ori Idan
> Hello Ori,
> I'd say use SiLabs Simplicity Studio. Just download the .omf (or .ihx)
> file.
> Maarten
> I need to use it in Linux so I can't use Simplicity Studio.

Ori Idan
What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
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Sdcc-user mailing list

Re: [Sdcc-user] ucSim STM8 stack pointer wrapping

2022-04-20 Thread Ori Idan
> BTW, I noticed while researching that STM8 Reference Manual RM0016,
> section 3.1.2 "Stack handling" has a note on Figure 4 saying "The stack
> roll-over limit is not implemented on all devices". I'm not actually
> aware of any STM8 devices that _don't_ have a stack limit. Does anybody
> know of any that don't?

All have a stack limit, but some of them may not have the roll-over.

Ori Idan CEO Helicon Books

Sdcc-user mailing list

Re: [Sdcc-user] Bad code generated having no SP rewind after function call

2022-10-21 Thread Ori Idan
I am not familiar with how SDCC does it but in C calling convention the
function does not have to know the number of parameters, therefore can not
adjust the stack. Only the caller can do it.

Ori Idan CEO Helicon Books

On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 6:00 PM Basil Hussain  wrote:

> On 21/10/2022 07:44, Philipp Klaus Krause wrote:
> > The cleanup for stack parameters is done for both: for foo by the
> > callee, for bar by the caller. Which one does it depends on the type
> > of the function. For details, see section, "SDCC calling
> > convention, version 1" in the manual:
> Argh, $*!% me, I did not notice this was the case. I usually work with
> large memory model STM8 devices, but this is for a medium-only device,
> and the void-returning function meets the criteria for callee stack
> adjustment. >:(
> Can you briefly remind me what is the rationale behind void-returning
> functions having the stack clean-up done by caller and not callee? One
> of the things I prefer about the old calling convention is that it's
> just so much simpler, without exceptions like this.
> Now I understand why 'i' was being trampled, as in my original code
> function 'foo' is in fact a __naked inline assembly function, where I am
> not cleaning the function arguments from the stack.
> Regards,
> Basil Hussain
> P.S. By the way, now I am looking at the manual again, is there not a
> mistake in section describing calling convention version 0? It
> says:
> > All parameters are passed on the stack. The stack is not adjusted for
> > the parameters after the call (thus the callee has to do this
> > instead), unless __z88dk_callee is specified.
> The second sentence is self-contradicting. Callee must adjust the stack,
> unless you specify the option that says the callee will adjust the
> stack!? I have never encountered functions that are attributed as
> version 0 and SDCC does *not* generate stack rewind after calls to them
> (i.e. caller SP rewind, not callee).
> ___
> Sdcc-user mailing list
Sdcc-user mailing list

Re: [Sdcc-user] ERROR

2007-01-20 Thread Ori Idan

OR and AND operators are supported without a need for a header files, these
are built in language operators.
However registers like TRISD, PORTC etc. are defined in a header file.

Ori Idan

On 1/20/07, george john <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is OR and AND operation is supported in SDCC .whether hearder file is
required or not

  PORTC = PORTC|0x04;  //rs=0,rw=1,E=2 for command rs=0 rw=0 and
this code is not working plz replay me

On 1/20/07, george john <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> i am using sdcc version SDCC :
> mcs51/gbz80/z80/avr/ds390/pic16/pic14/TININative/xa51/ds400/hc08 2.6.3#4543 
(Dec 31 2006) (UNIX)
> I solved the compilation problem by  typecasting value5 and value6 now
> compilation is ok.I am not sure about the i am trying to
> check that part.I want to know one more thing in pic16f877 to start an
> a/d convertion we have to set the GO/Done bit in the adcon0 .but in the
> header file it this bit is defined in three ways GO , NOT_DONE,GO_DONE will
> you plz tell which bit i have to set to begin A/D convertion .now i write
> this part in assemble.
> Also in pic16f84a first pin of portb can be set by RB1=1
> but in pic16f877 it is not any way to do this now i am
> setting the whole portb.
> also i noticed one thing inside a c code if i wrote  an asm ie
> _asm
> bcf  STATUS,RP0;
> _endasm;
> it give an error that STATUS_bit PR0 is not we can solve
> this
> On 1/19/07, Raphael Neider < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi John,
> >
> > > sdcc:
> > /home/users/s/sd/sdcc-builder/build/sdcc-build/orig/sdcc/src/pic/gen.c:3609:
> > genModOneByte: Assertion `result->aop->size == 1' failed.
> > > Caught signal 6: SIGABRT
> >
> > Fixed in SDCC 2.4.6, r4581 (for both / and %). Thanks for the report.
> >
> > > void multiply()
> > > {
> > >   value=ADRESH;
> > >   value=value&0x03;
> > >   value=value* 0.48;
> >
> > You seem to use floating point arithmetics on the pic14 port. Could
> > you
> > please report success or failure regarding this? I believed floating
> > point not to work, but did not check for a long time... Any report
> > would
> > be highly appreciated. Anyhow, be warned: FP arithmetics might cause
> > further troubles. If in doubt, try to approximate using integer
> > arithmetics only.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Raphael
> >
> >
> >
> > -
> >
> > Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
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> >
> >
> > ___
> > Sdcc-user mailing list
> >
> >
> >

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Re: [Sdcc-user] PIC16 libc libraries

2007-02-06 Thread Ori Idan

What do you mean work properly?

Ori Idan

On 2/6/07, Luit van Drongelen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I just started using SDCC, and got nearly everything to work, eventually.
But one thing still won't do what I want. I can't get the default libraries
(like libc and math and libio) to work properly. I think I forgot to include
something in the code initialisation. Current stuff in code:

#pragma library math
#include "math.h"

Is there anything I should include with it?

(sorry for my bad English)
Luit van Drongelen

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Sdcc-user mailing list

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Sdcc-user mailing list

Re: [Sdcc-user] Newbie: sdcc for Atmel AT89c55wd

2007-02-22 Thread Ori Idan

It should be even simpler:
#define light P2_0

When you write just use: light = val;

Ori Idan

On 2/22/07, Raphael Neider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> 2. sbit light = P2_0 (instead of P2^0 for keil)

This line creates a new sbit variable, initialized with P2_0, you
probably want something like
sbit __at(P2_0) light;

I am no mcs51 expert, but this is a common error. Maybe you need to use
__at(&P2_0), but I am not so sure.


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Sdcc-user mailing list

Re: [Sdcc-user] Some sdcc warnings

2007-03-22 Thread Ori Idan

When a variable is marked as volatile (SFR are volatile by definition) the
compiler will never optimize by assuming a given value for this variable.

Ori Idan

On 3/22/07, Raphael Neider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


>   TR0 = 0;// reset the timer
>   while( TR0 == 0 );   // wait for the flag to be set.
>  i++;   // get out of the loop and increment
> }

> What is SDCC going to do in this case.
> Will it say that line corr. to "i++" as unreachable code.
> But how does the compiler know that?
If TR0 is not marked as `volatile' and does not refer to an SFR, SDCC
will believe that TR0 cannot be modified behind its back and thus assume
the loop to never be left: TR0 is 0 on entry to the loop, not changed
within, thus TR0 stays 0 forever.

Hope that helped,

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Sdcc-user mailing list

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Sdcc-user mailing list

[Sdcc-user] NXP P89LPC938 Programming

2007-08-07 Thread Ori Idan
This is not exactly a SDCC question but I guess people on this list might
help me.
I need a utility to program a hex file I generated using SDCC on a NXP
Can someone point me to such a utility?

Ori Idan
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Sdcc-user mailing list

Re: [Sdcc-user] internal ram usage.... 8051

2007-11-11 Thread Ori Idan
No, there are only 256 bytes.
The upper 128 when accessed as direct access are the SFR's (Port, Peripheral
Registers, etc.)
When accessed in indirect mode you get the RAM.
SDCC knows how to access it depending on what you use (Register or

Ori Idan

On Nov 12, 2007 8:22 AM, Ulhas Vaidya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi,
> I request help regarding usage of internal ram. The controller is
> AT89C55WD
> The data sheet reads
> "The AT89C55WD implements 256 bytes of on-chip RAM. The upper 128
> bytes occupy a parallel address space to the Special Function
> Registers. That means the upper 128 bytes have the same addresses as
> the SFR space but are physically separate from SFR space. When an
> instruction accesses an internal location above address 7FH, the
> address mode used in the instruction specifies whether the CPU
> accesses the upper 128 bytes of RAM or the SFR space. Instructions
> that use direct addressing access SFR space."
> Does it mean that there are actually 384 locations (256+128)
> available? If yes, how to use it in SDCC. I have tried --iram-size
> --stack-loc and --stack-size but no avail. Is the stack-loc option
> broken? I am using version 2.6.5 #4735
> thanks,
> +ulhas
> --
> Ulhas Vaidya
> Cell No: 098695 74699
> -
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Sdcc-user mailing list

[Sdcc-user] [OT] Programming P89LPC930 under Linux

2008-05-19 Thread Ori Idan
This is a little off topic, but I guess some people of this list might know
the answer.

I am using SDCC under UBUNTU Linux and I need to program the NXP P89LPC930
Can someone point me to a Linux software for this task?

Ori Idan
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Sdcc-user mailing list

Re: [Sdcc-user] documentation & open source generally

2008-09-02 Thread Ori Idan
I also would prefer to develop without any IDE, IDE makes me feel chained.
As for speed of development, most of the time spent editing the code anyway
so I would use a good editor, that's all.

As for documentation, this is a whole separate issue. We do need the best
documentation we can use.
But, remember SDCC is a free software so if one would like a better
documentation, one should consider contributing to the existing
documentation and not wait for someone else to do the job, since nobody

Ori Idan

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 7:43 PM, Dave McGuire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sep 2, 2008, at 11:40 AM, Bobby Garner wrote:
> > A "great many" implies no more than an indefinite but significant
> > number, and certainly not a majority. This is the second time I've
> > been challenged on an argument which I did not make. This denotes a
> > very serious communications problem which I find to be all too
> > common among opensource developers.
>I'm actually a commercial developer, but who's counting.  I
> apologize for reading too much into your earlier statement.
> > I'm a self made engineer (no degrees) of general aviation aircraft
> > DC electrical system components with 28 years experience in the field.
>You are in good company here; my experience is similar.
>   Anyway, I respectfully (seriously) submit that you might want to
> relax a bit.
> --
> Dave McGuire
> Port Charlotte, FL
> -
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's
> challenge
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> ___
> Sdcc-user mailing list

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Sdcc-user mailing list