[scl.org] CentOS SCLo SIG sync-up meeting (2016-05-17)

2016-05-17 Thread Honza Horak
The meeting will be at 13:00 UTC (9:00 EST, 15:00 Brno) in #centos-devel 
on Freenode.

* setting up Jenkins for Github PRs
* anything else?


SCLorg mailing list

Re: [scl.org] [CentOS-devel] CentOS SCLo SIG sync-up meeting (2016-05-17)

2016-05-17 Thread Dominic Cleal
On 16/05/16 23:17, Honza Horak wrote:
> The meeting will be at 13:00 UTC (9:00 EST, 15:00 Brno) in #centos-devel 
> on Freenode.
> Agenda:
> * setting up Jenkins for Github PRs
> * anything else?

* add vagrant-openstack-provider plugin to sclo-vagrant1 for use with
the CentOS CI OpenStack instance

(I've worked on this at

Dominic Cleal

SCLorg mailing list

Re: [scl.org] [CentOS-devel] CentOS SCLo SIG sync-up meeting (2016-05-17)

2016-05-17 Thread Souvignier, Daniel

what about automating updates of php scls? Also, adding some of the packages
available in php5x-more to the official php scls, like the mcrypt and imap
modules for example?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: sclorg-boun...@redhat.com [mailto:sclorg-boun...@redhat.com] Im Auftrag
von Dominic Cleal
Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. Mai 2016 10:47
An: The CentOS developers mailing list. ;
Betreff: Re: [scl.org] [CentOS-devel] CentOS SCLo SIG sync-up meeting

On 16/05/16 23:17, Honza Horak wrote:
> The meeting will be at 13:00 UTC (9:00 EST, 15:00 Brno) in 
> #centos-devel on Freenode.
> Agenda:
> * setting up Jenkins for Github PRs
> * anything else?

* add vagrant-openstack-provider plugin to sclo-vagrant1 for use with the
CentOS CI OpenStack instance

(I've worked on this at

Dominic Cleal

SCLorg mailing list

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
SCLorg mailing list

Re: [scl.org] [CentOS-devel] CentOS SCLo SIG sync-up meeting (2016-05-17)

2016-05-17 Thread Remi Collet

> Also, adding some of the packages
> available in php5x-more to the official php scls, like the mcrypt and
> imap modules for example?

I have started adding some in centos-sclo-sclo repository


I was mostly waiting for user feedback before adding more.


- mcrypt => missing libmcrypt which is not in RHEL/CentOS for very good

See: http://blog.remirepo.net/post/2015/07/07/About-libmcrypt-and-php-mcrypt

I think all serious project have dropped dep. on this extension (and
often only keep it as a fallback when openssl not availalble)

- imap => missing libc-client

So all is about, what should we do for dependencies not in base
repository (but in EPEL).


rcol...@redhat.com | Senior Software Engineer / BaseOS / WebStack team
GPG Key: 0x29F16A18
Fingerprint: 5A0E 6F54 D94D 5732 69EE  E3FF 614A 6905 29F1 6A18

SCLorg mailing list

Re: [scl.org] [CentOS-devel] CentOS SCLo SIG sync-up meeting (2016-05-17)

2016-05-17 Thread Honza Horak

On 05/17/2016 02:57 PM, Remi Collet wrote:

Also, adding some of the packages
available in php5x-more to the official php scls, like the mcrypt and
imap modules for example?

I have started adding some in centos-sclo-sclo repository


I was mostly waiting for user feedback before adding more.


- mcrypt => missing libmcrypt which is not in RHEL/CentOS for very good

See: http://blog.remirepo.net/post/2015/07/07/About-libmcrypt-and-php-mcrypt

I think all serious project have dropped dep. on this extension (and
often only keep it as a fallback when openssl not availalble)

- imap => missing libc-client

So all is about, what should we do for dependencies not in base
repository (but in EPEL).

From my PoV it would be fine to use EPEL deps for packages in SCLo 
(especially those that do not have a counterpart in RHSCL), but I'm 
almost sure kbsingh and bstinson will be against -- am I right? Is it a 
rule to use only packages built in CBS as deps>


SCLorg mailing list

Re: [scl.org] [CentOS-devel] CentOS SCLo SIG sync-up meeting (2016-05-17)

2016-05-17 Thread Karanbir Singh
Hash: SHA1

On 17/05/16 15:08, Honza Horak wrote:
> On 05/17/2016 02:57 PM, Remi Collet wrote:
>>> Also, adding some of the packages available in php5x-more to
>>> the official php scls, like the mcrypt and imap modules for
>>> example?
>> I have started adding some in centos-sclo-sclo repository
>> See: 
>> http://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/pub/Mirrors/centos/7/sclo/x86_64/scl
I was mostly waiting for user feedback before adding more.
>> BTW
>> - mcrypt => missing libmcrypt which is not in RHEL/CentOS for
>> very good reason.
>> See: 
>> http://blog.remirepo.net/post/2015/07/07/About-libmcrypt-and-php-mcry
I think all serious project have dropped dep. on this extension (and
>> often only keep it as a fallback when openssl not availalble)
>> - imap => missing libc-client
>> So all is about, what should we do for dependencies not in base 
>> repository (but in EPEL).
> From my PoV it would be fine to use EPEL deps for packages in SCLo 
> (especially those that do not have a counterpart in RHSCL), but
> I'm almost sure kbsingh and bstinson will be against -- am I right?
> Is it a rule to use only packages built in CBS as deps>
> Honza

yeah, cant use deps from outside of cbs. you'd need to rebuild those
deps from epel.

- - KB

- -- 
Karanbir Singh, Project Lead, The CentOS Project, London, UK
Red Hat Ext. 8274455 | DID: 0044 207 009 4455
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)


SCLorg mailing list

Re: [scl.org] [CentOS-devel] CentOS SCLo SIG sync-up meeting (2016-05-17)

2016-05-17 Thread Honza Horak

On 05/17/2016 04:14 PM, Karanbir Singh wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On 17/05/16 15:08, Honza Horak wrote:

On 05/17/2016 02:57 PM, Remi Collet wrote:

I think all serious project have dropped dep. on this extension (and

often only keep it as a fallback when openssl not availalble)

- imap => missing libc-client

So all is about, what should we do for dependencies not in base
repository (but in EPEL).

 From my PoV it would be fine to use EPEL deps for packages in SCLo
(especially those that do not have a counterpart in RHSCL), but
I'm almost sure kbsingh and bstinson will be against -- am I right?
Is it a rule to use only packages built in CBS as deps>


yeah, cant use deps from outside of cbs. you'd need to rebuild those
deps from epel.

Do you have some estimation of how many packages would have to be needed?


SCLorg mailing list

[scl.org] sclo-vagrant1 1.8.1 builds

2016-05-17 Thread Dominic Cleal
A new sclo-vagrant1-vagrant build appeared today,
sclo-vagrant1-vagrant-1.8.1-4.el7, but it doesn't seem to be working
well with plugins built with 1.7.4-3.el7 as the root Vagrant
installation path changed.

It looks like %{vagrant_dir} has expanded differently, causing the root
of the Vagrant installation to be at
/opt/rh/sclo-vagrant1/root/usr/share/sclo-vagrant1-vagrant/ rather than

1.7.4-3.el7: http://cbs.centos.org/koji/rpminfo?rpmID=23881
1.8.1-4.el7: http://cbs.centos.org/koji/rpminfo?rpmID=56779

The file /usr/lib/rpm/macros.d/macros.vagrant.sclo-vagrant1 in the older
build contains "%vagrant_dir %{_datadir}/vagrant", but the newer build
uses %{name} which expands to the SCLed name.

This breaks builds of vagrant-libvirt which have scriptlets built using
%vagrant_plugin_register pointing to ../usr/share/vagrant, and new
builds of plugins (http://cbs.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=1)
are being built with plugin names in the same place, e.g.

thrcka, it looks like your build, could you look at this please?

Separately I've requested that sclo-vagrant1 be added to the sclo
testing repo via https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=10869 so I could
test the OpenStack package, but we should use the testing repo and
process once it's available to check updates work.

Also one final point, I couldn't find the source for the update in
- could the changes be pushed there?


Dominic Cleal

SCLorg mailing list

Re: [scl.org] sclo-vagrant1 1.8.1 builds

2016-05-17 Thread Tomas Hrcka

On 05/17/2016 05:21 PM, Dominic Cleal wrote:

A new sclo-vagrant1-vagrant build appeared today,
sclo-vagrant1-vagrant-1.8.1-4.el7, but it doesn't seem to be working
well with plugins built with 1.7.4-3.el7 as the root Vagrant
installation path changed.

Sorry for the inconvenience, this has to slip through my hands.

It looks like %{vagrant_dir} has expanded differently, causing the root
of the Vagrant installation to be at
/opt/rh/sclo-vagrant1/root/usr/share/sclo-vagrant1-vagrant/ rather than

1.7.4-3.el7: http://cbs.centos.org/koji/rpminfo?rpmID=23881
1.8.1-4.el7: http://cbs.centos.org/koji/rpminfo?rpmID=56779

The file /usr/lib/rpm/macros.d/macros.vagrant.sclo-vagrant1 in the older
build contains "%vagrant_dir %{_datadir}/vagrant", but the newer build
uses %{name} which expands to the SCLed name.

I have fixed it back to pkg_name

This breaks builds of vagrant-libvirt which have scriptlets built using
%vagrant_plugin_register pointing to ../usr/share/vagrant, and new
builds of plugins (http://cbs.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=1)
are being built with plugin names in the same place, e.g.

thrcka, it looks like your build, could you look at this please?

Separately I've requested that sclo-vagrant1 be added to the sclo
testing repo via https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=10869 so I could
test the OpenStack package, but we should use the testing repo and
process once it's available to check updates work.

Also one final point, I couldn't find the source for the update in
- could the changes be pushed there?
Sorry I have opened pull request instead of pushing there. Changes are 
now pushed.


SCLorg mailing list

Re: [scl.org] sclo-vagrant1 1.8.1 builds

2016-05-17 Thread Honza Horak
There is a test that has been running for every new build, but the test 
itself keeps failing (never worked properly imho). You might want to 
fix/rewrite it, so you can easily check status of every rebuild:


results are then in


On 05/17/2016 06:27 PM, Tomas Hrcka wrote:

On 05/17/2016 05:21 PM, Dominic Cleal wrote:

A new sclo-vagrant1-vagrant build appeared today,
sclo-vagrant1-vagrant-1.8.1-4.el7, but it doesn't seem to be working
well with plugins built with 1.7.4-3.el7 as the root Vagrant
installation path changed.

Sorry for the inconvenience, this has to slip through my hands.

It looks like %{vagrant_dir} has expanded differently, causing the root
of the Vagrant installation to be at
/opt/rh/sclo-vagrant1/root/usr/share/sclo-vagrant1-vagrant/ rather than

1.7.4-3.el7: http://cbs.centos.org/koji/rpminfo?rpmID=23881
1.8.1-4.el7: http://cbs.centos.org/koji/rpminfo?rpmID=56779

The file /usr/lib/rpm/macros.d/macros.vagrant.sclo-vagrant1 in the older
build contains "%vagrant_dir %{_datadir}/vagrant", but the newer build
uses %{name} which expands to the SCLed name.

I have fixed it back to pkg_name

This breaks builds of vagrant-libvirt which have scriptlets built using
%vagrant_plugin_register pointing to ../usr/share/vagrant, and new
builds of plugins (http://cbs.centos.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=1)
are being built with plugin names in the same place, e.g.

thrcka, it looks like your build, could you look at this please?

Separately I've requested that sclo-vagrant1 be added to the sclo
testing repo via https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=10869 so I could
test the OpenStack package, but we should use the testing repo and
process once it's available to check updates work.

Also one final point, I couldn't find the source for the update in

- could the changes be pushed there?

Sorry I have opened pull request instead of pushing there. Changes are
now pushed.


SCLorg mailing list

SCLorg mailing list