[sage-devel] Re: Sage 3.1.4.final sources are out

2008-10-17 Thread Stan Schymanski

mabshoff wrote:
> I started building binaries and am preparing to push out the release
> for upgrades, so just don't attempt to upgrade just yet :)
Perhaps this is a question for sage-support, but when I try to upgrade 
from my sage 3.1.2, I get the message "make: Nothing to be done for 
Shouldn't it upgrade to 3.1.3 at least?

Does a ./sage -upgrade ultimately lead to the same result as a fresh 
install of the source?

Thanks for your help!


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[sage-devel] Re: modular forms talk slides

2008-10-17 Thread John Cremona

2008/10/17 William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 5:30 PM, Alex Ghitza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> A few things that Craig didn't catch: :)
> Thanks!
>> page 7: the exponent should be k, not 2k
>> page 9: "since such formulas perhaps do not exist" sounds weird to me; I
>> would say "since no such formulas are currently known"
> I actually really mean that I think simple formulas for level one
> modular forms dimensions don't *exist*.  I.e., there aren't any.
> I don't mean that they aren't know.  I've had some interesting
> discussions with Kevin Buzzard about that.
>> page 10: "then have basis" should be "then have bases"
>> page 16: "are beautiful piece" should be "are a beautiful piece"
>> page 23: "polynomial multiplies" should be "polynomial multiplications"
>> page 30: "se can compute" should be "we can compute"
>> Best,
>> Alex
> Thanks!
>> On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 10:18 AM, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> My last talk at Bordeaux is tomorrow morning (in 7 hours) on modular
>>> forms.
>>> See the attached slides or Sage notebook file.
>>> Note that I view the "slide version" of this talk exists really only
>>> for the talk I'm
>>> giving tomorrow.   The sage notebook and a normal article (or new section
>>> for the Sage documentation that will be in ReST) or the real format in
>>> which
>>> this talk will live longterm...

Great talks!  Thanks!

John  (at 10am plus epsilon in Bordeaux)

>>>  -- William
>>> --
>>> William Stein
>>> Associate Professor of Mathematics
>>> University of Washington
>>> http://wstein.org
>> --
>> Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne --
>> Australia -- http://www.ms.unimelb.edu.au/~aghitza/
>> >
> --
> William Stein
> Associate Professor of Mathematics
> University of Washington
> http://wstein.org
> >

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[sage-devel] bordeaux

2008-10-17 Thread William Stein


I put all my Bordeaux talks together into a single article:



William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 3.1.4.final sources are out

2008-10-17 Thread mabshoff

On Oct 17, 12:59 am, Stan Schymanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> mabshoff wrote:
> > 

Hi Stan,

> > I started building binaries and am preparing to push out the release
> > for upgrades, so just don't attempt to upgrade just yet :)
> Perhaps this is a question for sage-support, but when I try to upgrade
> from my sage 3.1.2, I get the message "make: Nothing to be done for
> `all'.".
> Shouldn't it upgrade to 3.1.3 at least?

The question is fair game here. The reason the upgrade does not work
to 3.1.3 is that I held up pushing out the spkgs since the critical
ipython vs. init.sage bug was not fixed yet. I just got home and I
need to catch up on sleep for a couple hours, so expect the official
upgrade to work in the near term.

> Does a ./sage -upgrade ultimately lead to the same result as a fresh
> install of the source?

Yes, at least when nothing goes wrong :)

> Thanks for your help!
> Stan


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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 3.1.4.final sources are out

2008-10-17 Thread Stan Schymanski

Hi Michael,

Thanks a lot for the reply. Sorry, I forgot that you mentioned this 
before. No hassle about the upgrades, as it's easy enough to compile 
from source. Sleep well!


mabshoff wrote:
> The question is fair game here. The reason the upgrade does not work
> to 3.1.3 is that I held up pushing out the spkgs since the critical
> ipython vs. init.sage bug was not fixed yet. I just got home and I
> need to catch up on sleep for a couple hours, so expect the official
> upgrade to work in the near term.
>> Does a ./sage -upgrade ultimately lead to the same result as a fresh
>> install of the source?
> Yes, at least when nothing goes wrong :)
>> Thanks for your help!
>> Stan
> Cheers,
> Michael
> >

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[sage-devel] Re: Source on webpage

2008-10-17 Thread mabshoff

On Oct 17, 4:38 am, "David Joyner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Harald for adding the link 
> tohttp://www.sagemath.org/hg/sage-main?cmd=manifest;manifest=-1;path=/s...
> But the changeset indicates this is almost a month old. Is
> there a way to get the more recent version?

3.1.4 will be pushed out in the next 24 hours, i.e. when I have
recovered from SD 10.


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[sage-devel] Re: Source on webpage

2008-10-17 Thread David Joyner

Thanks Harald for adding the link to
But the changeset indicates this is almost a month old. Is
there a way to get the more recent version?

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Harald Schilly
> Hi, I know that it is important to emphasize on open source. Therefore
> I even mention the GPL license in the first sentence. There are also
> two links to the source browser on the index.html page since a long
> time:
> one is in the header of each page, "open source" in the first line and
> below the 6 big buttons on the index page is a "Read the Code"
> hotlink. I renamed it to "Browse the Code" ... perhaps it's now easier
> to find? I'll also revisit the whole download process, but that's
> related to scripts and rather boring,... but i'll do it some time in
> the near future. Right now I'll change a bit at the download link.
> H
> On Oct 15, 3:44 pm, Robert Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I propose that there should be links from the front page of
>> sagemath.org to:
>> 1. The source download
>> 2. The source browser
>> Since, after all the emphasis is on open source. It's a pretty trivial
>> point, but it would be nice to be one click away...
> >

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[sage-devel] Re: bordeaux

2008-10-17 Thread Bill Hart

Very nice!


On 17 Oct, 11:00, "William Stein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I put all my Bordeaux talks together into a single article:
>    http://wstein.org/papers/2008-bordeaux/
> William
> --
> William Stein
> Associate Professor of Mathematics
> University of Washingtonhttp://wstein.org
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[sage-devel] Re: Source on webpage

2008-10-17 Thread mhampton

I wonder if it might be useful to have a "recommended" flag for the
source.  I.e., if a version is released that turns out to have some
serious problems, mark the previous version as the recommended one,
until a version with no serious bugs is released.  This would avoid
the complexity of having stable/unstable branches but might make
releasing a somewhat lower-pressure affair.

-M. Hampton

On Oct 17, 6:39 am, mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 17, 4:38 am, "David Joyner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks Harald for adding the link 
> > tohttp://www.sagemath.org/hg/sage-main?cmd=manifest;manifest=-1;path=/s...
> > But the changeset indicates this is almost a month old. Is
> > there a way to get the more recent version?
> 3.1.4 will be pushed out in the next 24 hours, i.e. when I have
> recovered from SD 10.
> Cheers,
> Michael
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[sage-devel] Re: Source on webpage

2008-10-17 Thread Jason Grout

mhampton wrote:
> I wonder if it might be useful to have a "recommended" flag for the
> source.  I.e., if a version is released that turns out to have some
> serious problems, mark the previous version as the recommended one,
> until a version with no serious bugs is released.  This would avoid
> the complexity of having stable/unstable branches but might make
> releasing a somewhat lower-pressure affair.

We sort of have this now.  Notice how the webpage still points to 3.1.2. 
  In a sense, that's the recommended version (at least until the 
binaries for 3.1.4 get built).



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[sage-devel] Re: Source on webpage

2008-10-17 Thread Harald Schilly

On Oct 17, 2:48 pm, Jason Grout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We sort of have this now.  Notice how the webpage still points to 3.1.2.

Just to make this clear: I update the webpage rather late, because it
doesn't satisfy a normal user, if it would say 3.1.3 but there are
only sources. Therefore, I wait until most of the mirrors have the
binaries and no serious problems arise. I think that's a better
solution than being too accurate about the real state of development.

greetings harald

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[sage-devel] Re: Source on webpage

2008-10-17 Thread Jason Grout

Harald Schilly wrote:
> On Oct 17, 2:48 pm, Jason Grout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We sort of have this now.  Notice how the webpage still points to 3.1.2..
> Just to make this clear: I update the webpage rather late, because it
> doesn't satisfy a normal user, if it would say 3.1.3 but there are
> only sources. Therefore, I wait until most of the mirrors have the
> binaries and no serious problems arise. I think that's a better
> solution than being too accurate about the real state of development.

I totally agree with your decision.  I think it also addresses the 
"recommended version" question nicely as well.


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[sage-devel] Re: Source on webpage

2008-10-17 Thread mhampton

OK.  It was just a thought.  I guess it would only matter to people
were going straight to the source page but weren't following things on
this group, which is probably a small number of people.


On Oct 17, 8:02 am, Jason Grout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Harald Schilly wrote:
> > On Oct 17, 2:48 pm, Jason Grout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> We sort of have this now.  Notice how the webpage still points to 3.1.2..
> > Just to make this clear: I update the webpage rather late, because it
> > doesn't satisfy a normal user, if it would say 3.1.3 but there are
> > only sources. Therefore, I wait until most of the mirrors have the
> > binaries and no serious problems arise. I think that's a better
> > solution than being too accurate about the real state of development.
> I totally agree with your decision.  I think it also addresses the
> "recommended version" question nicely as well.
> Jason
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[sage-devel] laplace transforms

2008-10-17 Thread Jason Grout

In the documentation for inverse_laplace, we see this example:

 sage: f(t) = t*cos(t)
 sage: s = var('s')
 sage: L = laplace(f, t, s); L
 t |--> 2*s^2/(s^2 + 1)^2 - 1/(s^2 + 1)

Shouldn't that last function take the parameter s instead of t?  In 
other words, shouldn't that last returned result be:

 sage: L = laplace(f, t, s); L
 s |--> 2*s^2/(s^2 + 1)^2 - 1/(s^2 + 1)



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[sage-devel] Re: Notebook Version #

2008-10-17 Thread kcrisman

> > yesterday, i had exactly the same idea ;)
> Harald, glad I wasn't the only one!
> > (but please make it small
> > and not very distracting).
> Yes, the request for small font is in the trac ticket.

For those who were interested in this, a patch is up for review at

- kcrisman
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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 3.1.4.final sources are out

2008-10-17 Thread Jaap Spies

mabshoff wrote:
> Hello folks,
> due to the init.sage vs. IPython SNAFU I have just released a Sage
> 3.1.4 with two additional small fixes. Sources and a sage.math only
> binary (this time tested to extract :)) are in
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mabshoff/release-cycles-3.1.4/

I did not try this on Fedora 9 yet, but on Fedora 8, 32 bits
no problems: all tests passed.


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[sage-devel] Re: mercurial-howto.txt

2008-10-17 Thread Gonzalo Tornaria

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 10:59 AM, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What you might do is run sage and type
>  sage: install_scripts('%s/software/bin/'%os.environ['HOME'])
> This will, among other things, put an hg script in that directory,
> which contains this:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/bin$ cat hg
> #!/bin/sh
> sage -hg $*

Should this be

sage -hg "$@"


Otherwise, parameters with spaces won't work... right?

Best, Gonzalo

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[sage-devel] Re: mercurial-howto.txt

2008-10-17 Thread William Stein

On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 6:50 PM, Gonzalo Tornaria
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 10:59 AM, William Stein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> What you might do is run sage and type
>>  sage: install_scripts('%s/software/bin/'%os.environ['HOME'])
>> This will, among other things, put an hg script in that directory,
>> which contains this:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/bin$ cat hg
>> #!/bin/sh
>> sage -hg $*
> Should this be
> sage -hg "$@"
> ?
> Otherwise, parameters with spaces won't work... right?
> Best, Gonzalo

You're right.  You should change the install_scripts function
that is in Sage and post a patch.  Thanks!


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