Réf. : Topas

2010-03-12 Thread Habib Boughzala

Sorry ...
it's a writing mistake only in the mail and not in the INP file

All keywords are written in lower case  of course...


---Message original---
De : Andy FITCH
Date : 12/03/2010 09:11:15
A : Habib Boughzala
Sujet : Topas
p.s.   You'll have the same problem for "Site".
It should be "site".

Re: Réf. : RE: Topas prm keyword

2010-03-12 Thread Frank Girgsdies

In the GUI mode, you simply initialize a parameter by entering
its name in into the grid on the "codes" tab, without the "=" sign!
This is equivalent to changing the line of code you've sent
Site OH num_posns 4 x  0 y  0 z  0.315309 occ O =oh; :  0.5 min =0; max =0.5; 
beq  1
Site OH num_posns 4 x  0 y  0 z  0.315309 occ O oh; :  0.5 min =0; max =0.5; 
beq  1
i.e. delete the "=" sign before the "oh".

Thus, I think there is no need to use the "prm" command
(or the launch mode) in your case.

However, there may be cases where it could be convenient to
declare a parameter separately. For example, I have a solid solution
series where all lattice parameters are a known function of
the stoichiometry parameter "X".
If I now want to do some restrictive fitting (instead of
four independent monoclinic lattice parameters I would
like to refine just "X"), then I can use the following workaround
to emulate something like the "prm" command in the GUI:

I simply add an additional dummy site to my structure phase.
Dummy site means that I may chose the name of the site and
the element freely, but set the occupancy to zero.
Now, I can use the x, y and z coordinates and the Beq as
"containers" for my parameters, because with zero occupancy,
the dummy atom will not contribute to the calculated intensities!
I enter the starting values for my parameter(s) in the "Values" tab
of the grid and the parameter name(s) in the "Codes" tab.
If a parameter is not to be refined, a "!" needs to precede
the parameter name.

Maybe this little workaround is useful to some of you.
I should add that this trick works in Topas version 3,
I'm not sure if it does with other versions...

Best wishes,

Habib Boughzala wrote:

How to initialize a variable ?
/---Message original---/
/*De :*/ Kern, Arnt 

/*Date :*/ 12/03/2010 09:05:03
/*A :*/ 'ian.mad...@csiro.au' ; 
 habib.boughz...@ipein.rnu.tn ; 

/*Sujet :*/ RE: Topas prm keyword
The keyword "prm" is exclusive to so-called Launch Mode operation, 
please see also the Technical Reference manual.

*From:* ian.mad...@csiro.au [mailto:ian.mad...@csiro.au]
*Sent:* Freitag, 12. März 2010 08:53
*To:* habib.boughz...@ipein.rnu.tn; rietveld_l@ill.fr
*Subject:* RE: Topas prm keyword

Try  prm   not   Prm  (ie with all lower case letters)


/ /
/ Ian Madsen/
/ Team Leader - Diffraction Science/
/ CSIRO Process Science and Engineering/
/ Box 312,  Clayton South 3169/
/ Victoria,   AUSTRALIA/
/ Phone +61 3 9545 8785 direct/
/ +61 3 9545 8500 switch/
/ +61 (0) 417 554 935 mobile/
/ FAX+61 3 9562 8919/
/ Email //_ian.mad...@csiro.au_/ / /


*From:* Habib Boughzala [mailto:habib.boughz...@ipein.rnu.tn]
*Sent:* Friday, 12 March 2010 6:45 PM
*To:* rietveld_l@ill.fr
*Subject:* Topas prm keyword

My mail is intended to Topas users, especially to Dr. Alan Coelho
I am trying to determine the carbonate / hydroxide ratio in some compounds.

This is a part of 'str' block In the input file (*.inp)

 Prm  oh  0.5

  Site OH num_posns 4 x  0 y  0 z  0.315309 occ O =oh; :  0.5 min =0; 
max =0.5; beq  1
  Site C num_posns 2 x  0 y  0 z  0 occ C =1 - 0.5 oh; :  1 min =0; max 
=0.5; beq  1
  Site Oc num_posns 12 x  0.040114 y  0.953411 z  0.629971 occ O =(1 - 
0.5 oh) / 3; :  1 min =0; max =0.25; beq  1

Topas 4.2 run failed...  Error: prm command in unrecognised !!!
Any suggestion ?
P.S. This keyword is unrecognised too in all tutorials inp file examples !!!
Thanks for help
Prof. Habib Boughzala.

*L*aboratoire de *M*atériaux et *C*ristallochimie.
*A*ssociation *T*unisienne de *C*ristallographie
I.P.E.I.N. Mrezga, 8000.
Nabeul. Tunisie.


Bruker AXS GmbH, Karlsruhe

HRB 107524 Amtsgericht Mannheim, Umsatzsteuer-Ident.Nr. DE812037551, 
Geschäftsführer - Dr. Frank Burgäzy, Bernard Kolodziej, Stephan Franz 



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Réf. : Re: Réf. : RE: Topas prm keyword

2010-03-12 Thread Habib Boughzala
Hi Frank,
Thank you for your detailed explanations.
Really, I think so, this little workaround is useful to some topas users.
---Message original---
De : Frank Girgsdies
Date : 12/03/2010 10:15:22
A : Habib Boughzala;  Rietveld_l@ill.fr
Sujet : Re: Réf. : RE: Topas prm keyword
In the GUI mode, you simply initialize a parameter by entering
its name in into the grid on the "codes" tab, without the "=" sign!
This is equivalent to changing the line of code you've sent
Site OH num_posns 4 x  0 y  0 z  0.315309 occ O =oh; :  0.5 min =0; max =0.5
 beq  1
Site OH num_posns 4 x  0 y  0 z  0.315309 occ O oh; :  0.5 min =0; max =0.5;
beq  1
i.e. delete the "=" sign before the "oh".
Thus, I think there is no need to use the "prm" command
(or the launch mode) in your case.
However, there may be cases where it could be convenient to
declare a parameter separately. For example, I have a solid solution
series where all lattice parameters are a known function of
the stoichiometry parameter "X".
If I now want to do some restrictive fitting (instead of
four independent monoclinic lattice parameters I would
like to refine just "X"), then I can use the following workaround
to emulate something like the "prm" command in the GUI:
I simply add an additional dummy site to my structure phase.
Dummy site means that I may chose the name of the site and
the element freely, but set the occupancy to zero.
Now, I can use the x, y and z coordinates and the Beq as
"containers" for my parameters, because with zero occupancy,
the dummy atom will not contribute to the calculated intensities!
I enter the starting values for my parameter(s) in the "Values" tab
of the grid and the parameter name(s) in the "Codes" tab.
If a parameter is not to be refined, a "!" needs to precede
the parameter name.
Maybe this little workaround is useful to some of you.
I should add that this trick works in Topas version 3,
I'm not sure if it does with other versions...
Best wishes,
Habib Boughzala wrote:
> So,
> How to initialize a variable ?
> Cheers
> /---Message original---/
> /*De :*/ Kern, Arnt 
> /*Date :*/ 12/03/2010 09:05:03
> /*A :*/ 'ian.mad...@csiro.au' ;
>  habib.boughz...@ipein.rnu.tn ;
>  rietveld_l@ill.fr 
> /*Sujet :*/ RE: Topas prm keyword
> The keyword "prm" is exclusive to so-called Launch Mode operation,
> please see also the Technical Reference manual.
> Cheers,
> Arnt
> *From:* ian.mad...@csiro.au [mailto:ian.mad...@csiro.au]
> *Sent:* Freitag, 12. März 2010 08:53
> *To:* habib.boughz...@ipein.rnu.tn; rietveld_l@ill.fr
> *Subject:* RE: Topas prm keyword
> Try  prm   not   Prm  (ie with all lower case letters)
> /Cheers/
> / /
> /ooo0ooo/
> / Ian Madsen/
> / Team Leader - Diffraction Science/
> / CSIRO Process Science and Engineering/
> / Box 312,  Clayton South 3169/
> / Victoria,   AUSTRALIA/
> / Phone +61 3 9545 8785 direct/
> / +61 3 9545 8500 switch/
> / +61 (0) 417 554 935 mobile/
> / FAX+61 3 9562 8919/
> / Email //_ian.mad...@csiro.au_/ / /
> /ooo0ooo/
> *From:* Habib Boughzala [mailto:habib.boughz...@ipein.rnu.tn]
> *Sent:* Friday, 12 March 2010 6:45 PM
> *To:* rietveld_l@ill.fr
> *Subject:* Topas prm keyword
> Hi,
> My mail is intended to Topas users, especially to Dr. Alan Coelho
> I am trying to determine the carbonate / hydroxide ratio in some compounds

> This is a part of 'str' block In the input file (*.inp)
> __
> Str
>  Prm  oh  0.5
>   Site OH num_posns 4 x  0 y  0 z  0.315309 occ O =oh; :  0.5 min =0;
> max =0.5; beq  1
>   Site C num_posns 2 x  0 y  0 z  0 occ C =1 - 0.5 oh; :  1 min =0; max
> =0.5; beq  1
>   Site Oc num_posns 12 x  0.040114 y  0.953411 z  0.629971 occ O =(1 -
> 0.5 oh) / 3; :  1 min =0; max =0.25; beq  1
> __
> Topas 4.2 run failed...  Error: prm command in unrecognised !!!
> Any suggestion ?
> P.S. This keyword is unrecognised too in all tutorials inp file examples
> Thanks for help
> Habib
> Prof. Habib Boughzala.
> *L*aboratoire de *M*atériaux et *C*ristallochimie.
> *A*ssociation *T*unisienne de *C*ristallographie
> I.P.E.I.N. Mrezga, 8000.
> Nabeul. Tunisie.
> Bruker AXS GmbH, Karlsruhe
> HRB 107524 Amtsgericht Mannheim, Umsatzsteuer-Ident.Nr. DE

RE: Réf. : RE: Topas prm keyword

2010-03-12 Thread Ross Williams

I was looking into this for my Mullite solid solutions. I defined the variable 
and wrote it to text file at the end of the refinement.

You can use user defined parameters by putting them in more.inp in the TOPAS 

One does need to take care as this 'more.inp' is included in every GUI 
refinement, I did this a while ago, but as I recall the script is only opened 
when TOPAS is first loaded so if you need to make a change to more.inp you need 
to restart TOPAS.

In the end I decided to stop fiddling and just ended up using TOPAS in launch 
and batch modes.

Warm Regards,


-Original Message-
From: Frank Girgsdies [mailto:girgs...@fhi-berlin.mpg.de] 
Sent: Friday, 12 March 2010 5:15 PM
To: Habib Boughzala; Rietveld_l@ill.fr
Subject: Re: Réf. : RE: Topas prm keyword

In the GUI mode, you simply initialize a parameter by entering
its name in into the grid on the "codes" tab, without the "=" sign!
This is equivalent to changing the line of code you've sent
Site OH num_posns 4 x  0 y  0 z  0.315309 occ O =oh; :  0.5 min =0; max =0.5; 
beq  1
Site OH num_posns 4 x  0 y  0 z  0.315309 occ O oh; :  0.5 min =0; max =0.5; 
beq  1
i.e. delete the "=" sign before the "oh".

Thus, I think there is no need to use the "prm" command
(or the launch mode) in your case.

However, there may be cases where it could be convenient to
declare a parameter separately. For example, I have a solid solution
series where all lattice parameters are a known function of
the stoichiometry parameter "X".
If I now want to do some restrictive fitting (instead of
four independent monoclinic lattice parameters I would
like to refine just "X"), then I can use the following workaround
to emulate something like the "prm" command in the GUI:

I simply add an additional dummy site to my structure phase.
Dummy site means that I may chose the name of the site and
the element freely, but set the occupancy to zero.
Now, I can use the x, y and z coordinates and the Beq as
"containers" for my parameters, because with zero occupancy,
the dummy atom will not contribute to the calculated intensities!
I enter the starting values for my parameter(s) in the "Values" tab
of the grid and the parameter name(s) in the "Codes" tab.
If a parameter is not to be refined, a "!" needs to precede
the parameter name.

Maybe this little workaround is useful to some of you.
I should add that this trick works in Topas version 3,
I'm not sure if it does with other versions...

Best wishes,

Habib Boughzala wrote:
> So,
> How to initialize a variable ?
> Cheers
> /---Message original---/
> /*De :*/ Kern, Arnt 
> /*Date :*/ 12/03/2010 09:05:03
> /*A :*/ 'ian.mad...@csiro.au' ; 
>  habib.boughz...@ipein.rnu.tn ; 
>  rietveld_l@ill.fr 
> /*Sujet :*/ RE: Topas prm keyword
> The keyword "prm" is exclusive to so-called Launch Mode operation, 
> please see also the Technical Reference manual.
> Cheers,
> Arnt
> *From:* ian.mad...@csiro.au [mailto:ian.mad...@csiro.au]
> *Sent:* Freitag, 12. März 2010 08:53
> *To:* habib.boughz...@ipein.rnu.tn; rietveld_l@ill.fr
> *Subject:* RE: Topas prm keyword
> Try  prm   not   Prm  (ie with all lower case letters)
> /Cheers/
> / /
> /ooo0ooo/
> / Ian Madsen/
> / Team Leader - Diffraction Science/
> / CSIRO Process Science and Engineering/
> / Box 312,  Clayton South 3169/
> / Victoria,   AUSTRALIA/
> / Phone +61 3 9545 8785 direct/
> / +61 3 9545 8500 switch/
> / +61 (0) 417 554 935 mobile/
> / FAX+61 3 9562 8919/
> / Email //_ian.mad...@csiro.au_/ / /
> /ooo0ooo/
> *From:* Habib Boughzala [mailto:habib.boughz...@ipein.rnu.tn]
> *Sent:* Friday, 12 March 2010 6:45 PM
> *To:* rietveld_l@ill.fr
> *Subject:* Topas prm keyword
> Hi,
> My mail is intended to Topas users, especially to Dr. Alan Coelho
> I am trying to determine the carbonate / hydroxide ratio in some compounds.
> This is a part of 'str' block In the input file (*.inp)
> __
> Str  
>  Prm  oh  0.5
>   Site OH num_posns 4 x  0 y  0 z  0.315309 occ O =oh; :  0.5 min =0; 
> max =0.5; beq  1
>   Site C num_posns 2 x  0 y  0 z  0 occ C =1 - 0.5 oh; :  1 min =0; max 
> =0.5; beq  1
>   Site Oc num_posns 12 x  0.040114 y  0.953411 z  0.629971 occ O =(1 - 
> 0.5 oh) / 3; :  1 min =0; max =0.25; beq  1
> __
> Topas 4.2 run failed...  Erro

[no subject]

2010-03-12 Thread Djerdj Igor
Dear Rietveld  community;


I would like to fit SAXS data in order to extract grain-size distribution, pore 
size distribution, etc.


I would like to hear your oppinion regarding the software suitability  for the 
refinement of SAXS data under the Windows 7 platform?






Dr. Igor Djerdj


National Institute of Chemistry


Ljubljana, Slovenia 


2010-03-12 Thread Craig.Kennedy


FIT2D has worked well on the other Windows platforms. I have not had a
chance to try it myself on Windows 7, but it may be worth downloading to
try. It is free of charge and easy to use. 


Dr. Craig Kennedy
Head of  Science, Technical Conservation Group
Historic Scotland, 7 South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh, EH12 9EB
Tel: 0131 314 0753

-Original Message-
From: Djerdj Igor [mailto:igor.dje...@mat.ethz.ch] 
Sent: 12 March 2010 12:33
To: Rietveld_l@ill.fr

Dear Rietveld  community;


I would like to fit SAXS data in order to extract grain-size
distribution, pore size distribution, etc.


I would like to hear your oppinion regarding the software suitability
for the refinement of SAXS data under the Windows 7 platform?






Dr. Igor Djerdj


National Institute of Chemistry


Ljubljana, Slovenia 

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2010-03-12 Thread Łukasz Kruszewski
Hello! I can help in Your chemical data explanation, of course if I manage 
to (-: 

Best regards, 

Luke Kruszewski

Did anybody ever use the Terra's Field Portable XRD

2010-03-12 Thread ji zhang


Did anybody ever use the Terra's Field Portable XRD?  would like to have some 



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Re: *.cif files for RMnO3 (R= Sm,Eu,Gd,Dy,Ho,Yb)

2010-03-12 Thread sisir ray
Dear Dr. Putz,
Thank you very much for the information.I tried the Demo version and it is
wonderful.However it does not show the *.cif files I need.
Is there any way I can purchase only the individual RMnO3 *.cif files
instead of paying for the full price for all the * .cif files as I want only
the RMnO3 ones.

Best regards
Shishir Ray

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 1:22 AM, Holger Putz (Crystal Impact) <
p...@crystalimpact.com> wrote:

> Dear Shishir Ray,
> in the current release of "Pearson's Crystal Data" (
> http://www.crystalimpact.com/pcd), there are 29 entries that match your
> criteria, describing seven different orthorhombic phases. 10 entries
> originate from papers that were published in 2005 or later.
> Best regards
> Holger Putz
>  Am 11.03.2010 um 21:09 schrieb sisir ray:
>  Dear Rietveld community,
> I am looking for the latest *.cif files for RMnO3 (R = Sm,Eu,Gd,Dy,Ho,Yb)
> compounds in orthorhombic and hexagonal phases .Can any body suggest where I
> can find them.
> I really appreciate the help.
> Thank you
> Best
> Shishir Ray
> Graduate student
> University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
>   ***
> Dr. Holger Putz
> Crystal Impact
> Dr. K. Brandenburg & Dr. H. Putz GbR
> Rathausgasse 30
> 53111 Bonn
> Germany
> Tel . : +49-228-9813643
> Fax   : +49-228-9813644
> E-mail: p...@crystalimpact.com
> Web   : http://www.crystalimpact.com
> ***

RE: Did anybody ever use the Terra's Field Portable XRD

2010-03-12 Thread Chrysochoou, Maria
I am about to evaluate it for a project. Can send you an update in a couple of 

From: ji zhang [jilin_zhang_hous...@yahoo.ca]
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 12:41 PM
To: Rietveld_l@ill.fr
Subject: Did anybody ever use the Terra's Field Portable XRD


Did anybody ever use the Terra's Field Portable XRD?  would like to have some 



Make your browsing faster, safer, and easier with the new Internet Explorer® 8. 
Optimized for Yahoo! Get it Now for Free! at 

GSAS/EXPGUI use on Mac and Linux

2010-03-12 Thread Brian H. Toby
I am interested in knowing how many people on this list are using GSAS (with or 
without EXPGUI) on PowerPC Macs (G4 & G5 processors). If you want this hardware 
to be supported in future releases, please let me know (offline please!). 

I am also interested in hearing from people who use GSAS & EXPGUI on 
distributions of Linux other than Redhat and/or use desktop managers other than 
Gnome. I'd like to know what is getting the most use and may want to get some 
input from you on making Linux distributions as general as possible. 


Brian H. Toby, Ph.D.office: 630-252-5488
Senior Physicist/Section Head for Scientific Software
Advanced Photon Source
9700 S. Cass Ave, Bldg. 401/B4192work cell: 630-327-8426 
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL 60439-4856 e-mail: brian dot toby at anl dot gov 

"We will restore science to its rightful place, and wield technology's 
wonders... We will harness the sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars 
and run our factories...  All this we can do. All this we will do."