I run bash bench. i used riakc_pb_text.config in examples..
put operation fails with below error:
[error] Supervisor basho_bench_sup had child undefined started with
basho_bench_worker:start_link(basho_bench_worker_2, 2) at <0.96.0> exit
with reason normal in context child_terminated
17:50:14.297 [debug] Driver basho_bench_driver_riakc_pb crashed:
Was this\r\nconviction shaken by Phileas Fogg's return, or did he still
regard him\r\nas an exceedingly shrewd rascal, who, his journey round the
world completed,\r\nwould think himself absolutely safe in England?
Perhaps Fix's opinion\r\nof Phileas Fogg was somewhat modified; but he was
nevertheless resolved\r\nto do his duty, and to hasten the return of the
whole party to England\r\nas much as possible.\r\n\r\nAt eight o'clock the
sledge was ready to start. The passengers\r\ntook their places on it, and
wrapped themselves up closely\r\nin their travelling-cloaks. The two great
sails were hoisted,\r\nand under the pressure of the wind the sledge slid
over the hardened\r\nsnow with a velocity of forty miles an
hour.\r\n\r\nThe distance between Fort Kearney and Omaha, as the birds
fly,\r\nis at most two hundred miles. If the wind held good, the
distance\r\nmight be traversed in five hours; if no accident happened the
sledge\r\nmight reach Omaha by one o'clock.\r\n\r\nWhat a journey! The
travellers, huddled
Normal curl operation works fine.
$ curl -v -d 'this is a new new test' -H "Content-Type: text/plain" this works fine.
Any reason why it does not work?
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