Hi Ricardo,
Full bucket read is not supported yet by Riak KV. If you're able to
upgrade, Riak TS does support that feature.
Otherwise, with Riak KV, you could use a range of 2i indexes. See
for more info.
On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 4:52 PM, Ricardo Mayerhofer
> Hi all,
> I've some events stored in Riak KV which I'd like to use as input to
> Amazon Machine Learning.
> What I want to accomplish is to export the JSON entries from Riak
> transform it to a CSV file and upload it to S3.
> What is the best way to export a full bucket (or a 2i subset) from Riak?
> I've read there were some improvements in Riak in this sense in order to
> build Apache Spark Connector (https://databricks.com/blog/
> 2016/08/11/the-quest-for-hidden-treasure-an-apache-
> spark-connector-for-the-riak-nosql-database.html)
> Is there a way to take advantage of the new full bucket read and of the
> distributed export?
> Thanks.
> --
> Ricardo Mayerhofer
> ___
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Basho Technologies
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