STOMP support
I was thinking about these new asynchronous applications and Riak yesterday and it occurred to me that it wouldn't be terribly difficult to implement a STOMP adapter for Riak, right? People use Redis as a message server because of the basic notifications it has. What if there could be a seamless integration between messaging applications and ones that use the REST API. Consider the use case of a client listening for new documents using a STOMP client and a web app inserting those documents via REST or running M/R over them, etc... It just seems like there might something worth pursuing here. Has this been cussed/discussed already? Thanks! Jon Brisbin SpringSource (a division of VMware) Twitter: @j_brisbin ___ riak-users mailing list
key filters and other key values
I figured I would run into this when I thought about implementing a min and max key filter: in order for this to work, I need to know the values of the other keys. So basically, I always end up with two in my result: the first one I come across, because I have nothing to compare it to and don't know if this key is the min/max, and the real min/max, which is the second entry. I could work around this by using a reduce that only takes the last one in the set, but I'd still like to only return a single result from the filter. Not sure this is possible as it stands, however. What are your thoughts? Thanks! Jon Brisbin Twitter: @j_brisbin Skype: jon.brisbin ___ riak-users mailing list
Re: key filters and other key values
On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:38 PM, Alexander Sicular wrote: in your m/r you just need to pop off the first or last item in an array depending on how you sort. no? Sure. I just thought it might be more scalable to do it in a filter, than in a reduce phase, given the potential for lots and lots of keys to work with and having to pop the first or last item from this list on every request. Thanks! Jon Brisbin Twitter: @j_brisbin Skype: jon.brisbin ___ riak-users mailing list