Hi Eric,
Thanks very much - getting a 405 response for that curl command though.
POST to same endpoint yields the following:
Status page
No handler or core found in /solr/schema/select
You can get technical details http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.4.1
Please continue your visit at our home page.
Suggestions? Thanks again,
On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 1:32 PM, Eric Redmond wrote:
> Jeremy,
> The new documentation for creating schemas are still in progress, and docs
> for creating a custom schema are still a few weeks out.
> curl -XPUT http://localhost:8098/search/schema
> -H'content-type:application/xml'
> --data @my_schema_file.xml
> my_schema_file.xml should contain the custom solr schema XML. Note that,
> when uploading a custom schema, yokozuna needs certain fields to exist. You
> can add custom fields and types, but the following values are required (if
> any fields are missing, your schema upload will fail).
> required="true"/>
> _yz_id
> />
> The full default schema can be found here.
> https://github.com/basho/yokozuna/blob/develop/priv/default_schema.xml
> Note that the new Riak Search (Yokozuna) is a complete rewrite, with 0% in
> common (ok, maybe 10%) with the old search. That said, the search-cmd is
> not applicable for new search. It exists only as a legacy artifact for
> existing users who have yet to upgrade.
> Eric
> On Feb 4, 2014, at 1:12 PM, Jeremy Pierre wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a single vagrant node (ubuntu 12.04) running 2.0-pre11 for some
> prototyping and need the new search awesomeness. Creating and using an
> index with the default schema works fine but adding my own is unclear.
> Old ML posts and Riak docs suggest using "search-cmd set-schema [the index
> I want] [my schema xml]" should work but this yields a noproc error, as
> does even "search-cmd show-schema ".
> e.g.
> vagrant@precise64:~$ search-cmd show-schema
> %% Schema for 'search'
> RPC to 'riak@' failed: {'EXIT',
> {noproc,
> {gen_server,call,
> {get_raw_schema,<<"search">>},
> infinity]}}}
> Am I missing anything obvious?
> Thanks,
> Jeremy
> ___
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