RE: Luwak EOL

2011-12-21 Thread Gary Smith
> >> Does this mean there is still an intention to support storing larger
> >> values in Riak in the future?
> >
> > Or is this something the client libraries should implement?
> You could certainly implement the necessary chunking and such in client
> libraries. However, it's a pretty big set of functionality and getting it to
> work right with in partitioned circumstances (i.e. with
> siblings) can be a challenge. As such, I don't expect that to be part of the
> standard client libraries anytime soon.

I think this pretty much kills why I started playing with riak in the first 
place; local version of S3.

To me it seems that this is turning into another simple database, for which 
there are way too many right now.  I had wrote my own storage engine prior to 
finding riak which basically stored files and made sure it was replicated to x 
additional nodes (as well as s3) and the index was stored in a replicated mysql 
database.  It was my hope that this would be the replacement for that.

So, I guess I'm saying that, in my opinion, this project is going in a 
direction that no longer really supports my needs/goals.  I think it has 
potential still, but it needs to find a clear direction.

riak-users mailing list

RE: Operations: Commodity hardware OK, or does Riak need ECC memory?

2012-02-02 Thread Gary Smith
> However, I've been seeing advice that we shouldn't use this because its not
> ECC memory.  That "memory errors are a lot bigger than people think", and
> that this can cause data to rot over time.

Why, super redundant servers themselves really negate the n=whatever ideology.  
The reason why I got into wanting to use RIAK a long time ago was the fact that 
it was about using whatever was laying around the server room (decent but not 
best hardware).  

> So, my question is this:  When you issue a read request to Riak, and the
> data is stored on 3 nodes, does any kind of a error check code ever get
> generated and compared?
> Suppose I had an address record on three nodes, but at the moment the record
> was being written to one of the nodes a cosmic ray flipped a bit and instead
> of it being 123 Main street, the address read 223 main street.

The write verification should take care of this.  IIRC that the has is 
generated in response to the data being written to the disk.  Those would 
differ.  But this may have changed.

> When I read that record, and all three nodes respond, will I simply get the
> result of whichever node is festest?
> If, when I read, I say that R=2 and so 2 nodes have to respond, is the
> result from the two nodes compared?
> I know the vector clock will be compared to make sure to return the latest
> record, but in this situation the vector clocks would be the same even
> though the data isn't.
> Assuming there's no hash generated from the data that would catch or correct
> his type of error, I'm interested in hearing from people with largish
> clusters and knowing whether you use ECC RAM on them or not.
> Basically looking for some advice from people with more experience, as the
> ones advocating ECC are pretty fervent but the cost difference is
> significant.

Personally, I think that the servers that you are looking at are more than 
fine.  Others may disagree and cite things like "production data", etc.  Those 
that believe that ECC is the save all also forget to tell you that even data 
states on disk can in theory change over time.  Complex scenarios could say 
that what if 2 cosmic rays happened to hit 2 memory chips (primary and the ECC 
specific chip) and flip both bits.  This would not generate an error since the 
checksums would still be the same.

I'm not knocking good hardware, I have several high end 64GB and 128GB servers 
with ECC, I'm just saying the purpose of RIAK was to work around the problem of 
having to worry about these cases.

Let me also qualify that I'm not longer using RIAK in production.  I only 
tinker with it for small projects and testing.  I was looking for a local 
replacement for S3, this looked promising (for the reasons of cheap hardware, 
etc) but in the end the large file issue became the issue.  Otherwise it's a 
pretty good product.

Gary Smith

riak-users mailing list

RE: Operations: Commodity hardware OK, or does Riak need ECC memory?

2012-02-02 Thread Gary Smith
> I've actually seen a scenario where intermittent RAM problems caused mostly
> hidden differences in the two disk instances of a software raid mirror.  It
> wasn't fun to diagnose and fix since the disk reads would randomly have good
> and bad data even after the RAM was fixed.  I'm sure that is a rare thing,
> but...

If you're using software/hardware mirror then you're already doing it wrong... 
;) Unless RIAK has changed the rules they recommended raid 0 (because by 
definition RIAK is already redundant).

Regardless of the hardware technology used, I fully believe that there will 
never be a 100% foolproof solution to a random cosmic event.  Maybe when we're 
using quantum computers the rules might be a little different.  

I suspect that the basho crew can better answer how the hash is validate to 
determine if a node (or it's subsequent elements).  

riak-users mailing list

RE: Question about security

2011-01-12 Thread Gary Smith
> Hi,
> Newbie question. I am trying to find documentation about Riak security.
> I have seen
> but I could not find much on access control.
> Is it possible to secure access to Riak nodes? Does it offer something
> similar to (i.e. remote login)?
> I read somewhere that Riak does not use encryption for exchange between
> nodes. Is this (still) correct? What about communication with users
> applications?
> If the answer to the above question is no, then how can one secure a
> Riak system properly?

Put an apache (or whatever) server in front and proxy the requests accordingly 
and setup the security through the underlying web service.  

You -> [ apache -> riak ] (where [] is the box).


You -> apache -> riak (where riak only allows requests from the apache server 
via the firewall on the riak server -- such as iptables)

The same problem exists in technologies like memcached.   

riak-users mailing list