CRDT appending

2016-01-13 Thread Eugene Shubin
With CRDT it's not possible to append a value to map or set without
fetching previous values.

Is that a normal use case for CRDT, I am asking because insertion time is
terribly high.

Best regards,
Eugene Shubin
riak-users mailing list

Map after reduce

2016-01-13 Thread Eugene Shubin
Is it possible to put a map phase in chain of map-reduce job after reduce

Any example, would be highly appreciated.

Best regards,
Eugene Shubin
riak-users mailing list

Re: CRDT appending

2016-01-13 Thread Eugene Shubin
Hello Vitaly,

I use Erlang client and riak 2.1.1.
It works, but very slow comparing to insertion of multiple values.

Best regards,

2016-01-13 14:09 GMT+01:00 Vitaly E <>:

> Hi Eugene,
> Which client are you using? Which Riak version?
> In the Java client it is possible to send an update without fetching a
> CRDT first.
> For example:
> MapUpdate changes = new MapUpdate()
> .update(ARTIFACT, new RegisterUpdate(artifact))
> .update(VERSIONS, new SetUpdate().add(version));
> UpdateMap update = new UpdateMap.Builder(location, changes).build();
> client.execute(update);
> Also, take into account that there is a practical limitation of the size
> of a CRDT. Usually it's up to 100-200 KB of raw data.
> Regards,
> Vitaly
> On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 2:54 PM, Eugene Shubin  wrote:
>> With CRDT it's not possible to append a value to map or set without
>> fetching previous values.
>> Is that a normal use case for CRDT, I am asking because insertion time is
>> terribly high.
>> Best regards,
>> Eugene Shubin
>> ___
>> riak-users mailing list
riak-users mailing list

Secondary indexes do not work with leveldb and write_once?

2016-01-13 Thread Eugene Shubin
I am using riak 2.1.3 with leveldb backend.

Secondary indexes do not return me anything if bucket type  has write_once
option set to true.
Record is accessible buy key and has index in metadata.
It works though for other bucket types.

Is it bug or undocumented constraint?

Eugene Shubin
riak-users mailing list

Re: Map after reduce

2016-01-15 Thread Eugene Shubin
Did somebody successfully used trick described here
<> to
pass reduce results to map phase?
For me it does not work and looks strange in general.

2016-01-13 13:55 GMT+01:00 Eugene Shubin :

> Is it possible to put a map phase in chain of map-reduce job after reduce
> phase?
> Any example, would be highly appreciated.
> Best regards,
> Eugene Shubin
riak-users mailing list

mapreduce timeout

2016-01-21 Thread Eugene Shubin

I have a mapreduce job, which is supposed to take long.
I invoke it via http interface with timeout value set to 12.
Curl script terminates in 60 minutes without any returned value with exit
status 0.
Is that a curl timeout being triggered or some server-side timeout?
Does the job continues exectuion on server side after client termination?

Best regards,
riak-users mailing list

map reduce on multiple buckets

2016-01-28 Thread Eugene Shubin
Is it possible to run mapreduce job on two or more buckets?
I see from documentation that it might be possible if I specify inputs as
list of {bucket, key} pairs,
although list of secondary index inputs causes an error:
riakc_pb_socket:mapred(P, [
{index, Bucket1, Index1, From, To},
{index, Bucket2, Index2, From, To}
  ], ...
 {error,<<"{inputs,{\"Inputs target tuples must be {B,K} or

Is it possible using Solr (riak search) indexes?

Evgenii Shubin
riak-users mailing list

Re: map reduce on multiple buckets

2016-01-28 Thread Eugene Shubin
I want to keep daily and weekly data in different buckets, and generate
monthly report using map reduce on these two.
so 2 buckets and MR operations are custom.


2016-01-28 17:29 GMT+01:00 Alex Moore :

> Hi Eugene,
> MR is limited to one bucket for inputs, and the Solr inputs to a map phase
> have this restriction too.
> How many buckets are you trying to MR across, and also what type of MR
> operation are you trying to do? There may be another way to get around this
> restriction.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 8:10 AM, Eugene Shubin  wrote:
>> Is it possible to run mapreduce job on two or more buckets?
>> I see from documentation that it might be possible if I specify inputs as
>> list of {bucket, key} pairs,
>> although list of secondary index inputs causes an error:
>> riakc_pb_socket:mapred(P, [
>> {index, Bucket1, Index1, From, To},
>> {index, Bucket2, Index2, From, To}
>>   ], ...
>>  {error,<<"{inputs,{\"Inputs target tuples must be {B,K} or
>> {{B,K},KeyData}:\",\n
>> Is it possible using Solr (riak search) indexes?
>> Evgenii Shubin
>> ___
>> riak-users mailing list
riak-users mailing list