Slow bucket create/delete in Riak CS

2014-08-14 Thread David Whittington
In testing Riak CS I've noticed that buckets that have had a lot of object
updates take a while to delete even if they're empty at the time of
deletion. Also, after deletion, creating a new bucket with the same name
takes a similar amount of time. This effect seems to persist indefinitely.

Here's an example:

While this isn't a huge problem since the operation ultimately succeeds and
it doesn't need to be super fast for my use case, it does make me curious.
What is going on here? Is something not getting cleaned up properly? Anyone
else experiencing anything like this?

David Whittington
riak-users mailing list

Re: Slow bucket create/delete in Riak CS

2014-08-18 Thread David Whittington
Ah, yeah, that was it. I thought GC had already run, but it hadn't. After
GC it went back to normal. Thanks!

On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 10:54 PM, Kota Uenishi  wrote:

> David,
> I'm sure your version of Riak CS is 1.5.0. At 1.5.0 we fixed bug #475
> by traversing whole bucket in creation and deletion [1]. This traverse
> reads all objects in the bucket, even if it is already deleted.
> Deleted objects remains physically for a while - (called leeway
> seconds) - with it's manifests. Checking bucket before deletion or
> creation reads manifests in a scheduled_delete state. That's why it's
> slow. If you wait for leeway seconds and make sure GC cleaned up all
> of them, bucket creation or deletion will be as fast as before
> creating many objects.
> [2] is a little bit deeper description of how object chunking and
> garbage collection work, for further reading.
> [1]
> [2]
> On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 5:12 AM, David Whittington 
> wrote:
> > In testing Riak CS I've noticed that buckets that have had a lot of
> object
> > updates take a while to delete even if they're empty at the time of
> > deletion. Also, after deletion, creating a new bucket with the same name
> > takes a similar amount of time. This effect seems to persist
> indefinitely.
> >
> > Here's an example:
> >
> > While this isn't a huge problem since the operation ultimately succeeds
> and
> > it doesn't need to be super fast for my use case, it does make me
> curious.
> > What is going on here? Is something not getting cleaned up properly?
> Anyone
> > else experiencing anything like this?
> >
> > --
> > David Whittington
> >
> > ___
> > riak-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Kota UENISHI / @kuenishi
> Basho Japan KK
riak-users mailing list