Riak won't start when configured for Riak-CS

2013-09-23 Thread Darren Govoni

  I am following the directions for configuring Riak with Riak-CS.


When I follow the directions, riak console gives a problem when

22:43:33.174 [error] Loading of
failed: badfile

22:43:33.174 [error] Failed to start riak_cs_kv_multi_backend
22:43:33.250 [error] beam/beam_load.c(1365): Error loading module
  use of opcode 153; this emulator supports only up to 152

22:43:33.330 [notice] "backend module failed to start."

I am on Ubuntu 13.04

thanks for any tips.


riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak won't start when configured for Riak-CS

2013-09-24 Thread Darren Govoni

  I did build Riak-CS from source, but there is no 'install' target
  in the make so I wasn't sure how that got done.
  There was no 'install' readme also.
  I then installed the .deb instead.
  I installed erlang from ubuntu 13.04 repo. 
  On 09/23/2013 11:16 PM, Dave Parfitt wrote:

  Hello -
  Sounds like you have an older version of Erlang trying to
load code compiled with a newer version of Erlang.
On Sep 23, 2013, at 10:48 PM, Darren Govoni <dar...@ontrenet.com>


    I am following the directions for configuring Riak with
  When I follow the directions, riak console gives a problem
  when starting:
  22:43:33.174 [error] Loading of
  failed: badfile
  22:43:33.174 [error] Failed to start riak_cs_kv_multi_backend
  22:43:33.250 [error] beam/beam_load.c(1365): Error loading
  module riak_cs_kv_multi_backend:
    use of opcode 153; this emulator supports only up to 152
  22:43:33.330 [notice] "backend module failed to start."
  I am on Ubuntu 13.04
  thanks for any tips.

  riak-users mailing list



riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak won't start when configured for Riak-CS

2013-09-24 Thread Darren Govoni

     Thanks. I will try that again. Perhaps there is a way for the
  package scripts or build scripts to detect this situation in the
  On 09/24/2013 09:42 AM, Brian Sparrow wrote:

  Hey Darren,

As Dave said, the reason for a bad file error is the beam
  was compiled with one version of the Erlang VM and it is not
  being run in a different version. My suggestion would be to
  completely remove all RiakCS installations you have(from
  source and from package) and re-install from the .deb package.
  This has the correct version of Erlang packaged within it so
  you shouldn't have a problem.


Brian Sparrow
Developer Advocate
Basho Technologies

Sent with Sparrow

  On Tuesday, September 24, 2013 at 5:14
    AM, Darren Govoni wrote:



I did build Riak-CS from source, but there is no
'install' target in the make so I wasn't sure how that
got done.
There was no 'install' readme also.

I then installed the .deb instead.

I installed erlang from ubuntu 13.04 repo. 

On 09/23/2013 11:16 PM, Dave Parfitt wrote:

  Hello -
  Sounds like you have an older version of Erlang
trying to load code compiled with a newer version of
On Sep 23, 2013, at 10:48 PM, Darren Govoni <dar...@ontrenet.com>




  I am following the directions for configuring
Riak with Riak-CS.


When I follow the directions, riak console gives
a problem when starting:

22:43:33.174 [error] Loading of
failed: badfile

22:43:33.174 [error] Failed to start
riak_cs_kv_multi_backend Reason:
22:43:33.250 [error] beam/beam_load.c(1365):
Error loading module riak_cs_kv_multi_backend:
  use of opcode 153; this emulator supports only
up to 152

22:43:33.330 [notice] "backend module failed to

I am on Ubuntu 13.04

thanks for any tips.


riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak on SAN

2013-10-02 Thread Darren Govoni

That's typically called
  multi-datacenter replication. Beyond scope for RIAK, but a dilemma
  for deployments all the same. Good point.
  Some similar products (e.g. mongo) provide this but I think only
  in their enterprise paid version or upper tier offerings.
  On 10/02/2013 04:12 PM, Alexander Sicular wrote:

  Cluster "redundancy" is no safeguard against the unknown. The only
  true reliable protection is a complete offline backup in a
  separate facility not run by the same provider as your primary
  facility. I'm not saying everyone is running at that level of
  paranoia, but it is something to consider against the value of
  your data.
  What if you get rooted and someone runs something like for
node in nodes rm -rf myriakdata ?


  -Alexander Sicular


  On Oct 2, 2013, at 4:03 PM, "Victor" 

Excuse me, if I misunderstood something, but
why you would even want to have backup of a single
node, if you are running 5 node cluster? Assuming
your W key value for put requests is higher then
number of vnodes on each physical node, scenario
when you loose data because of single node failure
does not seems to be possible. And restoring failed
node should not require data backup, as backend
hinted handoff should make all work for you and get
failed system back to state prior failure.  
Sure, backup of initial state would be
helpful, as it would help to save plenty of time on
node re-setup, but redundancy on cluster-level seems
reliable enough.
From: riak-users
[mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] On Behalf
  Of John
E. Vincent
Sent: Wednesday,
October 02, 2013 3:12 PM
To: riak-users
Subject: Re:
Riak on SAN

  I'm going to take a competing view here.
SAN is a bit overloaded of a term at this
  point. Nothing precludes a SAN from being
  performant or having SSDs. Yes the cost is
  overkill for fiber but iSCSI is much more
  realistic. Alternately you can even do ATAoE.
From a hardware perspective, if I have 5 pizza
  boxes as riak nodes, I can only fit so many disks
  in them. Meanwhile I can add another shelf to my
  SAN and expand as needed. Additionally backup of a
  SAN is MUCH easier than backup of a riak node
  itself. It's a snapshot and you're done. Mind you
  nothing precludes you from doing LVM snapshots in
  the OS but you still need to get the data OFF that
  system for it to be truly backed up.
I love riak and other distributed stores but
  backing them up is NOT a solved problem. Walking
  all keys, coordinating the take down of all your
  nodes in a given order or whatever your strategy
  is a serious pain point. 
Using a SAN or local disk also doesn't excuse
  you from watching I/O performance. With a SAN I
  get multiple redundant paths to a block device and
  I don't get that necessarily with local storage. 
Just my two bits.

On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 2:18 AM, Jeremiah
Could you do it? Sure.
Should you do it? No.

Re: Riak on SAN

2013-10-02 Thread Darren Govoni

  On 10/02/2013 05:51 PM, Steve Vinoski wrote:

  Hi Darren, Riak Enterprise supports
multi-datacenter replication:



On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 5:34 PM, Darren
  Govoni <dar...@ontrenet.com>

  That's typically called multi-datacenter replication.
Beyond scope for RIAK, but a dilemma for deployments all
the same. Good point.
Some similar products (e.g. mongo) provide this but I
think only in their enterprise paid version or upper
tier offerings.


On 10/02/2013 04:12 PM, Alexander Sicular wrote:


   Cluster "redundancy" is no
safeguard against the unknown. The only true
reliable protection is a complete offline backup in
a separate facility not run by the same provider as
your primary facility. I'm not saying everyone is
running at that level of paranoia, but it is
something to consider against the value of your

What if you get rooted and someone runs
  something like for node in nodes rm -rf myriakdata
-Alexander Sicular
On Oct 2, 2013, at 4:03 PM, "Victor" <vic...@boirefillergroup.com>



  Excuse me, if I misunderstood
  something, but why you would even want
  to have backup of a single node, if
  you are running 5 node cluster?
  Assuming your W key value for put
  requests is higher then number of
  vnodes on each physical node, scenario
  when you loose data because of single
  node failure does not seems to be
  possible. And restoring failed node
  should not require data backup, as
  backend hinted handoff should make all
  work for you and get failed system
  back to state prior failure.  
  Sure, backup of initial state
  would be helpful, as it would help to
  save plenty of time on node re-setup,
  but redundancy on cluster-level seems
  reliable enough.
  From: riak-users

  [mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] On
Behalf Of John E.
  Sent: Wednesday,
  October 02, 2013 3:12 PM
  To: riak-users
  Subject: Re: Riak
  on SAN
I'm going to take a competing view


  SAN is a bit overloaded of a term
at this point. Nothing precludes a
SAN from being performant or having
SSDs. Yes the cost is overkill for
fiber but iSCSI is much more
realistic. Alternately you can even
do ATAoE.



Re: Riak consumes too much memory

2013-10-18 Thread Darren Govoni

Sounds nice. And then the question is
  what happens when that limit is reached on a node?
  On 10/18/2013 02:21 PM, Matthew Von-Maszewski wrote:

  The user has the option of setting a default memory limit in the
  app.config / riak.conf file (either absolute number or percentage
  of total system memory).  There is a default percentage (which I
  am still adjusting) if the user takes no action.
  The single memory value is then dynamically partitioned to
each Riak vnode (and AAE vnodes) as the server takes on more or
fewer vnodes throughout normal operations and node failures.
  There is no human interaction required once the memory limit
is established.

  On Oct 18, 2013, at 2:08 PM, darren 

  Is it smart enough to manage itself?
  Or does it require human babysitting?
Sent from my
  Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone
   Original message 
  From: Matthew Von-Maszewski 
  Date: 10/18/2013 1:48 PM (GMT-05:00) 
  To: Dave Martorana 
  Cc: darren ,riak-users@lists.basho.com
  Subject: Re: Riak consumes too much memory 
  flexcache will be a new feature in Riak 2.0.  There
are some subscribers to this mailing list that like to
download and try things early.  I was directing those
subscribers to the GitHub branch that contains the
work-in-progress code.
  flexcache is a new method for sizing / accounting the
memory used by leveldb.  It replaces the current method
completely.  flexcache is therefore not an option, but
an upgrade to the existing logic.
  Again, the detailed discussion is here:  ttps://github.com/basho/leveldb/wiki/mv-flexcache

  On Oct 18, 2013, at 12:33 PM, Dave Martorana 

For we who don't quite understand, can you
explain - does this mean mv-flexcache is a
feature that just comes with 2.0, or is it
something that will need to be turned on, etc?


  On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at
9:45 PM, Matthew Von-Maszewski 

It is already in test and
available for your download now:


Discussion is here:


This code is slated for Riak 2.0.



  On Oct 17, 2013, at 20:50, darren 

  But why isn't riak smart enough
to adjust itself to the available
memory or la