Active Anti Entropy with Bitcask Key Expiry

2013-04-16 Thread Ben Murphy
Does anyone know if these two place nice with each other? As far as I can
see the higher layers sitting on top of bitcask are not aware that bitcask
can expire keys. Would the anti-entropy code try to resurrect expired keys?
riak-users mailing list

Re: Vote for Distributed Counter

2011-10-14 Thread Ben Murphy
I have a super alpha implementation of a distributed counter based on riak
core and implemented similar to how it is done in cassandra. It is missing
lots of feature including read repair and is probably very very buggy. I
have kind of given up on because i didn't see a nice solution to the lost
update/duplicate operation problem. I have put it up on github and if anyone
wants some inspiration. I think statebox might be a better way to go.
However, for some use cases the objects can get very large, very fast and i
think pruning the history safely is a tricky problem. Depending on your use
case a better solution might be just to write a transaction log to riak
using separate keys and then just map reduce to get the total and use a
caching layer if that is too slow.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 9:02 PM, Alexander Sicular wrote:

>  Hello Registered Voters!
> It's early stage election season and like all good election seasons you
> need a candidate you can get behind. A candidate you want to have a beer
> with. A candidate that can go all... the... way. And that is why today, I
> bring you Distributed Counter. You may have heard about Distributed Counter
> around the way but I am here to set the record straight.
> I'm not gonna blow smoke in your general direction and say that Distributed
> Counter will cure cancer and put money in your pocket. Nevertheless, if you
> feel better and can take your sweetheart to the movies this weekend I'm not
> gonna say that Distributed Counter was not responsible for that. Because
> Distributed Counter may very well have been! Not only does Distributed
> Counter have the right stuff when it comes to domestic issues large and
> small but Distributed Counter groks foreign relations. Distributed Counter
> is loved by our allies the world over. Especially in Europe. Also, Asia.
> And so, without further ado I give you the opportunity to pull the lever
> for Distributed Counter!
> Thanks for your support!
> Payed for by Distributed Counter for Riak Committee 2012
> Distributed Counter says: "I approve this message."
> Letterman says
> Top 10 Reasons Why You Want Distributed Counter In Your Riak:
> 10. Bucket Deletion may be your front runner but anyone can loop over a key
> list.
> 9. It is a great feature add for Riak.
> 8. You are OCD and you need to count everything. Twice.
> 7. You have a large jar of jelly beans on your desk and you always wanted
> to know how many were in there. You know this can help you... somehow.
> 6. You know you want to.
> 5. You wrote a background process android pedometer app but you don't trust
> local storage :(
> 4. It is one of the reasons you use Cassandra and would rather not.
> 3. Redis has become a single point of failure for you.
> 2. You think I'm awesome and if I had a bridge to sell you you would buy
> it.
> 1. Those slackers at Basho have nothing better to do since they unleashed
> secondary index.
> Cheers,
> Alexander
> @siculars
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
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