Calling erlang shell from the command line

2016-11-14 Thread Arun Rajagopalan
Hi RIAK users

I would like to attach to the riak shell and compile an .erl program and
quit. The reason is I want to be absolutely sure I am building the erl
program with the version of erlang that my riak installation has

Something like
riak attach c(myprog.erl).
Ctr-C a

Any ideas ?

riak-users mailing list

List all keys on a small bucket

2016-12-08 Thread Arun Rajagopalan
Hello Riak Users

I have a use case where I would really like to list all keys of a bucket
despite all the warnings about performance. The number of keys is
relatively small - in the few thousands at the very most, Usually its no
more than 100

I also have other buckets in the same cluster that have millions of keys
and tens of tera bytes of data

Question: Will listing all keys on the small bucket adversely impact
performance of the other larger buckets?

riak-users mailing list

Reaping Tombstones

2016-12-30 Thread Arun Rajagopalan
Hello Riakers

I wonder if there is anyway to delete all tombstones that were left behind
when delete_mode was set to 'keep'

Also how do I estimate how much space the tombstones take ? We have a ton
of large scale and frequent delete operations and I suspect some space is
used by Tombstones. I would like to find out if it is significant enough to
warrant some cleanup. If it does, how do I remove them?

Thanks and wish you all Happy, Peaceful and Prosperous  2017 !
riak-users mailing list

Re: Reaping Tombstones

2016-12-30 Thread Arun Rajagopalan
Thanks Matthew & Luca

Re: global expiry - will that option retroactively remove objects? That is
remove objects that became "unneeded" before the option was set ?
Same question w.r.t delete_mode

Re: Map / Reduce - I am not sure the delete would remove the tombstone
unless I set the delete_mode to immediate AND there are no copies on
non-primary nodes. Or am I mistaken ?

On Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 10:11 AM, Luca Favatella <> wrote:

> On 30 December 2016 at 15:06, Matthew Von-Maszewski 
> wrote:
> > Greetings,
> >
> > I am not able to answer your tombstone questions.  That question needs a
> > better expert.
> >
> > Just wanted to point out that Riak now has global expiry in both the
> leveldb
> > and bitcask backends.  That might be a quicker solution for your frequent
> > delete operations:
> >
> >
> >
> > Technical details for the leveldb expiry are found here:
> >
> >
> > Matthew
> >
> > On Dec 30, 2016, at 9:55 AM, Arun Rajagopalan <
> > wrote:
> >
> > Hello Riakers
> >
> > I wonder if there is anyway to delete all tombstones that were left
> behind
> > when delete_mode was set to 'keep'
> Hi Arun,
> Brute-force rate-limited map-reduce custom application code looking
> for `X-Riak-Deleted` in object metadata and then deleting? Refs:
> *
> advanced-mapreduce/#map-phase
> *
> 90376c67e2/content/riak/kv/2.2.0/developing/app-guide/
> Interested to hear if you come up with a better way though.
> > Also how do I estimate how much space the tombstones take ? We have a
> ton of
> > large scale and frequent delete operations and I suspect some space is
> used
> > by Tombstones. I would like to find out if it is significant enough to
> > warrant some cleanup.
> I understand this is a separate question - I am not sure about the answer.
> > If it does, how do I remove them?
> I believe I proposed an answer above.
> Regards
> Luca
riak-users mailing list

CS compatibility with KV 2.2.0

2017-01-05 Thread Arun Rajagopalan

Could somebody mention which versions of CS are compatible with KV 2.2.0
please ?  Maybe someone can update this page ?

riak-users mailing list

Active Anti Entropy Directory when AAE is disabled

2017-01-18 Thread Arun Rajagopalan
Hello Riak Users

Lets say I stop Active Anti-Entropy by disabling it. Will the node continue
to populate the anti_entropy ?

This is part of a thinking exercise in case you wonder why I would want to
do that :)

riak-users mailing list

Re: Active Anti Entropy Directory when AAE is disabled

2017-01-25 Thread Arun Rajagopalan
Thanks Luke. Sorry it took me some time to experiment ...

I am not sure what happens in a couple of scenarios. Maybe you can explain

Lets say I lose a node completely and want to replace it. Will the keys yet
to be "anti-entropied" by that node be distributed correctly when I restore
that node ?

Secondly restore multiple nodes from a backup, should I replace the
anti-entropy directory also ?

Arun Rajagopalan

On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 3:22 PM, Luke Bakken  wrote:

> Hi Arun -
> I don't know the answer off the top of my head, but I suspect that
> disabling AAE will leave that directory and the files in it untouched
> afterward.
> One way to find out would be to disable AAE and monitor the access
> time of the files in the anti_entropy directory.
> --
> Luke Bakken
> Engineer
> On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 11:49 AM, Arun Rajagopalan
>  wrote:
> > Hello Riak Users
> >
> > Lets say I stop Active Anti-Entropy by disabling it. Will the node
> continue
> > to populate the anti_entropy ?
> >
> > This is part of a thinking exercise in case you wonder why I would want
> to
> > do that :)
> >
> > Thanks
> > Arun
> >
> > ___
> > riak-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
riak-users mailing list

Truncated bit-cask files

2017-02-13 Thread Arun Rajagopalan
Hello Riak Users

We have situations where we dont or cant gracefully stop riak. When that
happens we occasionally get a truncated last-record in bitcask files

If I delete those bitcask dir and the anti_entropy directory, Riak rebuilds
those bitcask files correctly

Is there a way to rectify those borken bitcask files ?

riak-users mailing list

Re: Truncated bit-cask files

2017-02-14 Thread Arun Rajagopalan
Hi Magnus

RIAK crashes on startup when I have trucated bitcask file

It also crashes when the AAE files are bad too I think. Example below

2017-02-13 21:18:30 =CRASH REPORT


initial call: riak_kv_index_hashtree:init/1

pid: <0.6037.0>

registered_name: []

exception exit: {{{badmatch,{error,{db_open,"Corruption: truncated
record at end of file"}}},[{hashtree,new_segment_







ancestors: [<0.715.0>,riak_core_vnode_sup,riak_core_sup,<0.160.0>]

messages: []

links: []

dictionary: []

trap_exit: false

status: running

heap_size: 1598

stack_size: 27

reductions: 889



On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 4:48 AM, Magnus Kessler  wrote:

> On 13 February 2017 at 19:56, Arun Rajagopalan <
>> wrote:
>> Hello Riak Users
>> We have situations where we dont or cant gracefully stop riak. When that
>> happens we occasionally get a truncated last-record in bitcask files
>> If I delete those bitcask dir and the anti_entropy directory, Riak
>> rebuilds those bitcask files correctly
>> Is there a way to rectify those borken bitcask files ?
>> Thanks
>> Arun
> Hi Arun,
> There should be no need to remove truncated bitcask files. Any objects up
> to the point of truncation should still be available to Riak. However, it
> may take longer for the affected partition to start up, as the
> corresponding hint file will not match the data file, and Riak will scan
> the latter to populate the key set it keeps in memory.
> By removing anti_entropy files you are forcing the AAE trees to be
> rebuilt. Once this has completed, AAE will fill back any objects missing
> due to the truncated bitcask files. You can also force a full partition
> repair by following the instructions from the documentation [0].
> Can you let me know why you cannot shut down the node gracefully? Unclean
> shutdowns should be a last resort and not part of normal operating
> procedures.
> Kind Regards,
> Magnus
> [0]:
> repairs/#repairing-partitions.
> --
> Magnus Kessler
> Client Services Engineer
> Basho Technologies Limited
> Registered Office - 8 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3BP Reg 07970431
riak-users mailing list

Re: Truncated bit-cask files

2017-02-14 Thread Arun Rajagopalan
Thanks Matthew. I will try one of those solutions

On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 3:51 PM, Matthew Von-Maszewski 

> Arun,
> You are running out of RAM for the leveldb AAE.  There are several ways to
> fix that:
> - reduce memory allocated to bitcask
> - more memory per server
> - more servers of same memory
> - reduce the ring size from 64 to 8, and rebuild data within the cluster
> from scratch
> - lie to leveldb and give it a big than real memory setting in riak.conf:
> leveldb.maximum_memory=8G
> The key LOG lines are:
> Options.total_leveldb_mem: 2,901,766,963<-- this is the total memory
> assigned to ALL of leveldb, but
> only 20% of it goes to AAE vnodes
> File cache size: 5833527 <-- the first vnode says, cool enough memory
> for me
> Block cache size: 7930679  <-- ditto
>   ... but as more vnodes start:
>  File cache size: 0<-- things are just not going to work
> well
> Block cache size: 0
> There are no actual file system error messages in your LOG files.  That
> supports that the real problem is memory unhappiness.
> Matthew
> On Feb 14, 2017, at 3:34 PM, Arun Rajagopalan <
>> wrote:
> Hi Matthew, Magnus
> I have attached the log files for your review
> Thanks
> Arun
> On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 11:55 AM, Matthew Von-Maszewski <
>> wrote:
>> Arun,
>> The AAE code uses leveldb for its storage of anti-entropy data, no matter
>> which backend holds the user data.  Therefore the error below suggests
>> corruption within leveldb files (which is not impossible, but becoming
>> really rare except with bad hardware or full disks).
>> Before wiping out the AAE directory, you should copy the LOG file within
>> it.  There are likely more useful error messages within that file ... maybe
>> put the file in drop box or zip attach to a reply for us to review.
>> Matthew
>> On Feb 14, 2017, at 10:42 AM, Magnus Kessler  wrote:
>> On 14 February 2017 at 14:46, Arun Rajagopalan <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Magnus
>>> RIAK crashes on startup when I have trucated bitcask file
>>> It also crashes when the AAE files are bad too I think. Example below
>>> 2017-02-13 21:18:30 =CRASH REPORT
>>>   crasher:
>>> initial call: riak_kv_index_hashtree:init/1
>>> pid: <0.6037.0>
>>> registered_name: []
>>> exception exit: {{{badmatch,{error,{db_open,"Corruption: truncated
>>> record at end of file"}}},[{hashtree,new_segment_
>>> store,2,[{file,"src/hashtree.erl"},{line,675}]},{hashtree,ne
>>> w,2,[{file,"src/hashtree.erl"},{line,246}]},{riak_kv_index_h
>>> ashtree,do_new_tree,3,[{file,"src/riak_kv_index_hashtree.erl
>>> "},{line,610}]},{lists,foldl,3,[{file,"lists.erl"},{line,124
>>> 8}]},{riak_kv_index_hashtree,init_trees,3,[{file,"src/riak_k
>>> v_index_hashtree.erl"},{line,474}]},{riak_kv_index_hashtree,
>>> init,1,[{file,"src/riak_kv_index_hashtree.erl"},{line,268}]}
>>> ,{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,304}]}
>>> ,{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,23
>>> 9}]}]},[{gen_server,init_it,6,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line
>>> ,328}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{
>>> line,239}]}]}
>>> ancestors: [<0.715.0>,riak_core_vnode_sup,riak_core_sup,<0.160.0>]
>>> messages: []
>>> links: []
>>> dictionary: []
>>> trap_exit: false
>>> status: running
>>> heap_size: 1598
>>> stack_size: 27
>>> reductions: 889
>>>   neighbours:
>>> Regards
>>> Arun
>> Hi Arun,
>> The crash log you provided shows that there is a corrupted file in the
>> AAE (anti_entropy) backend. Entries in console.log should have more
>> information about which partition is affected. Please post output from the
>> affected node at around 2017-02-13T21:18:30. As this is AAE data, it is
>> safe to remove the directory named after the affected partition from the
>> active_entropy directory before restarting the node. You may find that
>> there is more than one affected partition, the next of which will be
>> encountered after the attempted restart only. If this is the case, simply
>> identify the next partition in the same way and remove it, too, until the
>> node starts up successfully again.
>> Is there a reason why the nodes aren't shut down in the regular way?
>> Kind Regards,
>> Magnus
>> --
>> Magnus Kessler
>> Client Services Engineer
>> Basho Technologies Limited
>> Registered Office - 8 Lincoln’s Inn Fields London WC2A 3BP Reg 07970431
>> ___
>> riak-users mailing list
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