Re: Ranking search results by relevancy

2016-05-25 Thread Alex De la rosa
Hi, nobody has an answer to this?


On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 9:07 PM, Alex De la rosa 

> Hi all,
> I would like to perform a search on Riak/Solr of people given an input
> containing its full name (or part of it), like when searching for members
> in Facebook's search bar.
> search input [ alex garcia ]
> results = client.fulltext_search('people', 'firstname_register:*alex* OR
> lastname_register:*garcia*')
> this would give me members like:
> alex garcia
> alexis garcia
> alex fernandez
> jose garcia
> Is there any way to get these results ranked/ordered by the most precise
> search? "alex garcia" would be the most relevant because matches equally to
> the search input... "alexis garcia" may come second as even not an exact
> match is very similar pattern, the other two would come after as they match
> only 1 of the 2 search parameters.
> Would it be convenient to index also *fullname_register:alex garcia* in
> order to find exact matches too?
> Can it be done all at once in just 1 search query? or should I compile
> results from 3 queries?
> result_1 = client.fulltext_search('people', 'fullname_register:alex
> garcia')
> result_2 = client.fulltext_search('people', 'firstname_register:*alex* AND
> lastname_register:*garcia*')
> result_3 = client.fulltext_search('people', 'firstname_register:*alex* OR
> lastname_register:*garcia*')
> Thanks and Best Regards,
> Alex
riak-users mailing list


2016-05-25 Thread Richard Jonas

most of the examples I can see that riak erlang client processes cannot be
shared with multiple processes. Is it safe if more processes use the same
riak connection? So in other words: is riak erlang client thread-safe?


Richard Jonas
Erlang Solutions Hungary Kft

  Riverpark Office K.32
  Közraktár street 32. 3/1.
  1093 Budapest
riak-users mailing list

Re: riak-erlang-client

2016-05-25 Thread Nick Marino
Hi Richard,

Yes, sharing a riak-erlang-client connection process among multiple Erlang
processes should not cause any problems. The riak_pb_socket processes are
implemented using a gen_server, and they use a queuing mechanism to handle
concurrent requests. If process A has sent a request and is waiting for a
response, and process B tries to send a request using the same connection
process, its request will get queued up and will be sent once process A's
request gets a reply.

Keep in mind though that this queuing mechanism could cause suboptimal
performance if you have many processes competing for use of a single
connection: users of the connection may end up spending a lot of time
blocked, waiting for requests from other processes to finish. Depending on
the circumstances, you may find that it's better to open multiple
connections than to share a single connection among multiple processes.


On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 6:28 AM, Richard Jonas <> wrote:

> Guys,
> most of the examples I can see that riak erlang client processes cannot be
> shared with multiple processes. Is it safe if more processes use the same
> riak connection? So in other words: is riak erlang client thread-safe?
> Thanks
> --
> Richard Jonas
> Erlang Solutions Hungary Kft
> Address:
>   Riverpark Office K.32
>   Közraktár street 32. 3/1.
>   1093 Budapest
>   Hungary
> Phone/fax:
>   +36-1-7000-654
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
riak-users mailing list

Re: riak-erlang-client

2016-05-25 Thread Richard Jonas
Thank you for the quick answer.

On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 4:13 PM, Nick Marino  wrote:

> Hi Richard,
> Yes, sharing a riak-erlang-client connection process among multiple Erlang
> processes should not cause any problems. The riak_pb_socket processes are
> implemented using a gen_server, and they use a queuing mechanism to handle
> concurrent requests. If process A has sent a request and is waiting for a
> response, and process B tries to send a request using the same connection
> process, its request will get queued up and will be sent once process A's
> request gets a reply.
> Keep in mind though that this queuing mechanism could cause suboptimal
> performance if you have many processes competing for use of a single
> connection: users of the connection may end up spending a lot of time
> blocked, waiting for requests from other processes to finish. Depending on
> the circumstances, you may find that it's better to open multiple
> connections than to share a single connection among multiple processes.
> Nick
> On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 6:28 AM, Richard Jonas <
>> wrote:
>> Guys,
>> most of the examples I can see that riak erlang client processes cannot
>> be shared with multiple processes. Is it safe if more processes use the
>> same riak connection? So in other words: is riak erlang client thread-safe?
>> Thanks
>> --
>> Richard Jonas
>> Erlang Solutions Hungary Kft
>> Address:
>>   Riverpark Office K.32
>>   Közraktár street 32. 3/1.
>>   1093 Budapest
>>   Hungary
>> Phone/fax:
>>   +36-1-7000-654
>> ___
>> riak-users mailing list

Richard Jonas
Erlang Solutions Hungary Kft

  Riverpark Office K.32
  Közraktár street 32. 3/1.
  1093 Budapest
riak-users mailing list

riak cs performance question

2016-05-25 Thread M Nagaraj

I am quite new to RIAK-*. I have setup riak cs on a single server (for
evaluation purposes) with adequate RAM, CPU and high performance storage. I
am using Cosbench to benchmark RIAK-CS using the S3 proxy connection.
Cosbench is also running on the same server (the reasons being I wanted to
eliminate the effect of network on performance).

I have tried different workloads (100% reads, 80:20 read write mix, number
of objects (20-2), size of objects (4K-64K)). My observation has been
that I have not managed to push the throughput to beyond 2.5Kops - the best
case being 100% reads and about 128 objects and 128 cosbench worker threads.
With 20% writes the number comes down to less than 1000.

The CPU is largely idle, plenty of RAM left (order of GB). Storage is
capable of 300K+ IOPS but hardly utilised.

Coming to my question: does this represent the limit of performance of a
*single* riak-cs node. I notice that the average response time is in the
order of 60ms.

Lastly, has anyone compared S3 with RIAK-CS?


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Re: Ranking search results by relevancy

2016-05-25 Thread Luke Bakken
Hi Alex,

You can use the HTTP search endpoint to see what information Riak
returns for Solr queries as well as to try out queries:

Since you're indexing first and last name, I'm not sure what indexing
a full name buys you on top of that.

It should be possible to combine your queries using OR.

More info about Solr ranking can be found online (such as

Luke Bakken

On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Alex De la rosa
> Hi all,
> I would like to perform a search on Riak/Solr of people given an input
> containing its full name (or part of it), like when searching for members in
> Facebook's search bar.
> search input [ alex garcia ]
> results = client.fulltext_search('people', 'firstname_register:*alex* OR
> lastname_register:*garcia*')
> this would give me members like:
> alex garcia
> alexis garcia
> alex fernandez
> jose garcia
> Is there any way to get these results ranked/ordered by the most precise
> search? "alex garcia" would be the most relevant because matches equally to
> the search input... "alexis garcia" may come second as even not an exact
> match is very similar pattern, the other two would come after as they match
> only 1 of the 2 search parameters.
> Would it be convenient to index also fullname_register:alex garcia in order
> to find exact matches too?
> Can it be done all at once in just 1 search query? or should I compile
> results from 3 queries?
> result_1 = client.fulltext_search('people', 'fullname_register:alex garcia')
> result_2 = client.fulltext_search('people', 'firstname_register:*alex* AND
> lastname_register:*garcia*')
> result_3 = client.fulltext_search('people', 'firstname_register:*alex* OR
> lastname_register:*garcia*')
> Thanks and Best Regards,
> Alex
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Ranking search results by relevancy

2016-05-25 Thread Alex De la rosa
Hi Luke,

That was not the question... I know that I can use ORs, etc... I wanted to
know how to sort them by relevancy or higher equality score.


On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 8:08 PM, Luke Bakken  wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> You can use the HTTP search endpoint to see what information Riak
> returns for Solr queries as well as to try out queries:
> Since you're indexing first and last name, I'm not sure what indexing
> a full name buys you on top of that.
> It should be possible to combine your queries using OR.
> More info about Solr ranking can be found online (such as
> --
> Luke Bakken
> Engineer
> On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Alex De la rosa
>  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I would like to perform a search on Riak/Solr of people given an input
> > containing its full name (or part of it), like when searching for
> members in
> > Facebook's search bar.
> >
> > search input [ alex garcia ]
> >
> > results = client.fulltext_search('people', 'firstname_register:*alex* OR
> > lastname_register:*garcia*')
> >
> > this would give me members like:
> >
> > alex garcia
> > alexis garcia
> > alex fernandez
> > jose garcia
> >
> > Is there any way to get these results ranked/ordered by the most precise
> > search? "alex garcia" would be the most relevant because matches equally
> to
> > the search input... "alexis garcia" may come second as even not an exact
> > match is very similar pattern, the other two would come after as they
> match
> > only 1 of the 2 search parameters.
> >
> > Would it be convenient to index also fullname_register:alex garcia in
> order
> > to find exact matches too?
> >
> > Can it be done all at once in just 1 search query? or should I compile
> > results from 3 queries?
> >
> > result_1 = client.fulltext_search('people', 'fullname_register:alex
> garcia')
> > result_2 = client.fulltext_search('people', 'firstname_register:*alex*
> > lastname_register:*garcia*')
> > result_3 = client.fulltext_search('people', 'firstname_register:*alex* OR
> > lastname_register:*garcia*')
> >
> > Thanks and Best Regards,
> > Alex
> >
> > ___
> > riak-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
riak-users mailing list

Re: Ranking search results by relevancy

2016-05-25 Thread Luke Bakken

Here's what you asked in your original email, and why I mentioned OR:
"Can it be done all at once in just 1 search query? or should I
compile results from 3 queries?"

These documents indicate that the default sort is descending relevancy score:


The relevancy FAQ link I provided has useful information and links to
other documents that should be able to give you more information about
what kinds of sorting you can do.

Luke Bakken

On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 9:33 AM, Alex De la rosa
> Hi Luke,
> That was not the question... I know that I can use ORs, etc... I wanted to
> know how to sort them by relevancy or higher equality score.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 8:08 PM, Luke Bakken  wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> You can use the HTTP search endpoint to see what information Riak
>> returns for Solr queries as well as to try out queries:
>> Since you're indexing first and last name, I'm not sure what indexing
>> a full name buys you on top of that.
>> It should be possible to combine your queries using OR.
>> More info about Solr ranking can be found online (such as
>> --
>> Luke Bakken
>> Engineer
>> On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Alex De la rosa
>>  wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > I would like to perform a search on Riak/Solr of people given an input
>> > containing its full name (or part of it), like when searching for
>> > members in
>> > Facebook's search bar.
>> >
>> > search input [ alex garcia ]
>> >
>> > results = client.fulltext_search('people', 'firstname_register:*alex* OR
>> > lastname_register:*garcia*')
>> >
>> > this would give me members like:
>> >
>> > alex garcia
>> > alexis garcia
>> > alex fernandez
>> > jose garcia
>> >
>> > Is there any way to get these results ranked/ordered by the most precise
>> > search? "alex garcia" would be the most relevant because matches equally
>> > to
>> > the search input... "alexis garcia" may come second as even not an exact
>> > match is very similar pattern, the other two would come after as they
>> > match
>> > only 1 of the 2 search parameters.
>> >
>> > Would it be convenient to index also fullname_register:alex garcia in
>> > order
>> > to find exact matches too?
>> >
>> > Can it be done all at once in just 1 search query? or should I compile
>> > results from 3 queries?
>> >
>> > result_1 = client.fulltext_search('people', 'fullname_register:alex
>> > garcia')
>> > result_2 = client.fulltext_search('people', 'firstname_register:*alex*
>> > AND
>> > lastname_register:*garcia*')
>> > result_3 = client.fulltext_search('people', 'firstname_register:*alex*
>> > OR
>> > lastname_register:*garcia*')
>> >
>> > Thanks and Best Regards,
>> > Alex
>> >
>> > ___
>> > riak-users mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> >

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