Re: Cluster ready status for Riak S2

2016-04-01 Thread Jhonny Everson
Thank you Mark,

I end up adding some markers on image initialization and I watch the docker
container logs for this message before trying to use the instance.

I tried using riak-cs ping, but unfortunately the ping was not enough. e.g.
sometimes the riak kv was still initialising when I got a ping response
from riak-cs.

On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 12:53 AM, Mark Allen  wrote:

> You could try a `riak-cs ping` command and make sure it gets a "pong"
> response as output.  That's not a solid guarantee that everything's totally
> started, but its better than just sleeping and hoping for the best.

Jhonny Everson
riak-users mailing list

Re: Cluster ready status for Riak S2

2016-04-01 Thread Vitaly E
Actually, 'riak-admin wait-for-service  ' can be a good
way of checking if a Riak service has fully started. For example, 'riak-admin
wait-for-service riak_kv riak@' (,
more details in This command will exit when
the service is finally up. A list of available services can be printed using
'riak-admin services'. I believe it should work with Riak S2 as well as
Riak KV.


On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 3:30 PM, Jhonny Everson  wrote:

> Thank you Mark,
> I end up adding some markers on image initialization and I watch the
> docker container logs for this message before trying to use the instance.
> I tried using riak-cs ping, but unfortunately the ping was not enough.
> e.g. sometimes the riak kv was still initialising when I got a ping
> response from riak-cs.
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 12:53 AM, Mark Allen  wrote:
>> You could try a `riak-cs ping` command and make sure it gets a "pong"
>> response as output.  That's not a solid guarantee that everything's totally
>> started, but its better than just sleeping and hoping for the best.
> --
> Jhonny Everson
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
riak-users mailing list

Riak Recap March 18, 2016

2016-04-01 Thread Alexander Sicular
Hi Shailesh,

I hadn't heard of JugglingDB. Looks interesting. There is no riak adapter
for it as far as I know. There is, however, a riak client library for
nodejs[0]. So I imagine an adapter could be written. Looking through the
examples in the read me it looks like solr would have to be used to
implement certain features.

How many folks out there would like to use something like juggling or



On Wednesday, March 30, 2016, Shailesh Mangal > wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> We are integrating with a framework that has its persistence built around
> jugglingDB. Having RIAK plugin for JugglingDB, would come out real handy
> for us to implement our RIAK with this framework.
> - Shailesh Mangal
> On 21-Mar-2016, at 10:18 PM, Alexander Sicular  wrote:
> H. Not that I know of and I hadn't heard of JugglingDB previously.
> What do you find interesting about it, Shailesh?
> On Monday, March 21, 2016, Shailesh Mangal 
> wrote:
>> Thanks for the update Alex, Is there a plan to build JugglingDB
>>  adapter for RIAK?
>> - Shailesh Mangal
>> On 18-Mar-2016, at 10:29 AM, Alexander Sicular 
>> wrote:
>> Hello All!
>> Here’s the latest summary of the Riak users mailing list, latest client
>> releases and job openings at Basho.
>> ## Latest Releases
>>- NodeJS Client 2.1.2 - includes improvements to closed connections
>>handling such as with AWS ELB. Release notes [1] and code [2].
>>- Java Client 2.0.5 - brings a number of fixes including a fix to a
>>DNS refresh issue and enhanced testing. Release notes [3] and maven repo
>> ## Recently Answered
>>- Magnus and Russell help Oleksiy clear up some confusion about the
>>hidden $bucket index [5] - but only when using leveldb. Nevertheless,
>>perhaps a $bucket query should not be accepted against a bitcask backend
>>- Robert notes that when joining nodes to clusters they must have the
>>same ring sizes [7].
>>- Agung is interested in working with riak_ensemble [8][9] and has a
>>few questions about it. Carlos recommends taking a look at nkbase [10],
>>which uses riak_ensemble, and Sargun goes into more detail [11].
>> ## Open Discussions
>>- Fred and Magnus are working with Oleksiy to determine the root
>>cause of inconsistent Solr search results [12].
>>- Bartek is looking for assistance on how to feed a mapreduce job
>>with the results of a full text search [13]
>>- Kinson is looking for guidance on implementing Basho Bench [14]
>>- There is an open question regarding whether it’s possible to
>>rebalance Riak KV without adding/removing nodes or making any hardware
>>changes [15]
>>- Luke thinks that Gerhard’s proposed architecture will ensure
>>replicas are distributed to every node, but invites someone with more
>>knowledge of the hashing method to chime in [16]
>>- Robert is looking for guidance on choosing EC2 instance types for
>>use with Riak/LevelDB [17]
>>- Vitaly is helping troubleshoot timeouts in a deployment of Riak KV
>>running on a cluster with 512 partitions [18]
>>- There’s an open question about debugging a post commit hook for a
>>bucket type in Riak 2.1.3 [19]
>>- Christopher explained that when configuring multiple Riak clients
>>in a cluster, you need to have each client use a different name. Chathuri
>>has some follow-up questions about the configuration [20]
>>- Vitaly and Chris are helping troubleshoot testing in a single node
>>implementation of Riak KV [21]
>> ## Jobs at Basho
>> Interested in working on distributed computing related problems? Perhaps
>> these open positions at Basho may be of interest:
>>- Developer Advocate (London and US) [22]
>>- Client Services Engineer (USA) [23]
>>- Consulting Engineer (USA) [24]
>> Enjoy your weekend!
>> Alexander Sicular
>> Solution Architect
>> Basho Technologies
>> @siculars
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> [5]
>> [6]
>> [7]
>> [8]
>> [9]
>> [10]
>> [11]

Riak Recap April 1st, 2016

2016-04-01 Thread Alexander Sicular
My Fellow Riak People!

Here is your latest summary of the Riak users mailing list, a community
highlight and a couple of openings at Basho.

## Community Highlights


   Erlang Solutions announced the latest version of MongooseIM, vs. 1.6.2,
   which enables running all major functionality against a Riak backend [1].

## Recently Answered


   In response to a question on inconsistent search results, Magnus offers
   Oleksiy a lengthy response on zeroing out and rebuilding AAE trees [2].
   With a followup from Oleksiy [3].

   A few answers from Mark and Vitally on John’s question about checking
   for when a riak service is available [4].

## Open Discussions


   Fred asks Anil for more details on his solr duplicate records issue [5].

   Luke is looking for more information from Joe on his indexing design
   question [6].

   Michael is looking for some guidance on properly sizing a Riak S2
   cluster [7].

## Jobs at Basho

Interested in working on distributed computing related problems? Perhaps
these open positions at Basho may be of interest:


   Developer Advocate (London and US) [8]

   Client Services Engineer (USA) [9]

Are you working on something Riak related and would like to be highlighted?
Send me a note and let me know what you’re up to.

Weekend time!

-Alexander Sicular









riak-users mailing list