Re: Riak pre-commit hook crashing unexpectedly

2015-12-30 Thread David Rogers
Your first suggestion solves the problem.  signed_pb:decode_sign is 
auto-generated by erlang_protobuffs, and I thought it wanted binary 
input.  However, omitting term_to_binary fixed the error.

~ David.

On 12/7/15 10:44 AM, Jon Meredith wrote:
Does your  signed_pb:decode_sign(Msg) function expect the binary to be 
in external term format?  I would guess you probably want the direct 
value there without the term to binary - it should already be a binary.

Is your hook expected to work with allow_mult=true, if so the 
get_metadata and get_value calls could get badmatch errors if called 
with siblings.


On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 1:52 AM David Rogers>> 


I'm using riak {release,"riak","2.1.0","5.10.3",
"$HOME/src/riak-2.1.1/rel/riak/lib/kernel-2.16.3"} ...}
on a cluster with 1 Linux 3.16.0-38 and 4 OSX machines.

I have installed the following pre-commit hook (see end of email) to
validate protobuf-formatted values whose key should be the
sha1-hash of
part of their payload.

 props =


I attached the failed data element.  I'm using the riak-c-client to

   Although almost everything I've added to the bucket this way has
worked so far, a few (like the sample I sent) fail, with riak_put
returning only the unhelpful ERIAK_SERVER_ERROR ("An error was
from the server").  This happens even though manually running the
validation works fine.  It is consistently reproducible on this input.

   In my attempt to track down the error, I added a test at the end of
riak_sync_request (below) that will log all server errors. The only
problem is that cfg->log_fn is always NULL when riak_log_error is
called, rather than what I set it to initially with
riak_config_set_logging!  Gdb can't seem to catch any writes there, so
maybe cfg gets incompletely copied somewhere?

   Anyway, I can get out the error message from the debugger.

riak_sync_request (rop_target=rop_target@entry=0x7fffe0b0,
 at src/riak.c:81
81riak_log_error(cxn, "%.*s\n", (int)msg->len, msg->data);
(gdb) print msg->data
$13 = (riak_uint8_t *) 0x670a40

so the server error shows only that the precommit hook
(validate_hash:validate/1) crashes.  Again, manually running doesn't
crash it...


   First, I don't understand why riak-c-client doesn't call the
I supplied to riak_config_set_logging.  Second, I don't know where to
look for more details on why the pre-commit hook crashes only when I
actually try to add this particular key/value. Can anyone spot a
in its error handling or suggest a way to debug?

Note: I get slightly more info. when posting from curl,
$ curl -XPOST$hash -H
'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' --data-binary @"$hash"
500 Internal Server
ErrorInternal Server ErrorThe server
encountered an error while processing this request:{error,

web server

~ David M. Rogers

message sign {
 required bytes  signer  = 1;
 required uint32 dig_alg = 2;
 required bytes  sign= 3;
 required uint64 ctime   = 4;
 optional uint32 flags   = 5;


riak nodes on vmware

2015-12-30 Thread Travis Kirstine
We thinking of deploying multiple riak nodes on a few servers using 
vmware, 2 vm with riak nodes  per physical server.  Is this a bad idea?

riak-users mailing list

A put is not put in Riak

2015-12-30 Thread Patrice Bruno

Good-Evening everyone,

I'm reading this maling for minths now wioth great interest, and now we 
are using Riak, I have a question to not say an issue that I can not 
figure out.

We have migrated leveldb files from Riak 1.3.1 to Riak 2.1.1.
The clusters has 6 Nodes and 6 computers.
We are running now on CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core) (we were 
under Fedora when we are under Riak 1.3.1).

We have kept the default Riak paramaters. We are not using 
'bucket_type'. The only paramaters we have tuned are:

erlang.distribution_buffer_size = 128MB
erlang.async_threads = 128

My issue is on a Bucket without sibling (default settings) I'm making a 
put and when I do the get the value has not been changed, and old value 
stayed under the key. So, I have made a test: I've made a put of an 
objet A, I can see in the precommit hook that it's well the object A, 
but in the postcommit the object (argument passed) is an old one.
I thought that I'm not sending the right object, but when I see it in 
precommit hook, I'm sure now that I send what I expect to send.

It's not for all the objects, but it appears time to time under load.

Do you already seen this issue ?
Do you have an idea or something I can enhance/tune ?

Help me mailing list, you are my only hope :-) (dixit Princess Leia).


Best Reagrds,

Patrice Bruno

riak-users mailing list

Re: A put is not put in Riak

2015-12-30 Thread John Daily
This smells like a clock problem. Are you confident all of your servers’ clocks 
are set to the same time?

Updates can be treacherous if clocks are not synchronized and multiple writes 
to the same key occur in a period of time short enough to fit within the clock 

I wrote about this after a similar question arose here:


> On Dec 8, 2015, at 9:39 AM, Patrice Bruno  wrote:
> Good-Evening everyone,
> I'm reading this maling for minths now wioth great interest, and now we are 
> using Riak, I have a question to not say an issue that I can not figure out.
> We have migrated leveldb files from Riak 1.3.1 to Riak 2.1.1.
> The clusters has 6 Nodes and 6 computers.
> We are running now on CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core) (we were under 
> Fedora when we are under Riak 1.3.1).
> We have kept the default Riak paramaters. We are not using 'bucket_type'. The 
> only paramaters we have tuned are:
> erlang.distribution_buffer_size = 128MB
> erlang.async_threads = 128
> My issue is on a Bucket without sibling (default settings) I'm making a put 
> and when I do the get the value has not been changed, and old value stayed 
> under the key. So, I have made a test: I've made a put of an objet A, I can 
> see in the precommit hook that it's well the object A, but in the postcommit 
> the object (argument passed) is an old one.
> I thought that I'm not sending the right object, but when I see it in 
> precommit hook, I'm sure now that I send what I expect to send.
> It's not for all the objects, but it appears time to time under load.
> Do you already seen this issue ?
> Do you have an idea or something I can enhance/tune ?
> Help me mailing list, you are my only hope :-) (dixit Princess Leia).
> -- 
> Best Reagrds,
>Patrice Bruno
> ---
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: riak nodes on vmware

2015-12-30 Thread Luke Bakken
Hi Travis,

Most likely you will have reduced performance when compared to running
a single Riak node on physical hardware. Benchmarking is the only way
to be certain.

Luke Bakken

On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 10:57 AM, Travis Kirstine
> We thinking of deploying multiple riak nodes on a few servers using vmware,
> 2 vm with riak nodes  per physical server.  Is this a bad idea?

riak-users mailing list

Forming inputs to MR job

2015-12-30 Thread Timur Fayruzov

I'm trying to write a simple MR job using Javascript and hit a wall right
at start. I can't figure out how to specify "inputs". Here's the code:
curl -XPOST "my_riak_server:8098/mapred" -H "Content-Type:
application/json" -d @- 

Re: Forming inputs to MR job

2015-12-30 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Timur,

For your inputs line, try:

"inputs":["mybucket_type", "mybucket"]


On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 3:01 PM Timur Fayruzov 

> Hello,
> I'm trying to write a simple MR job using Javascript and hit a wall right
> at start. I can't figure out how to specify "inputs". Here's the code:
> curl -XPOST "my_riak_server:8098/mapred" -H "Content-Type:
> application/json" -d @- < {
>   "input": "my_bucket"
>   "query":[{
> "map":{
> "language":"javascript",
> "source":"function(riakObject, keydata, arg) {
> var m = riakObject.values[0].data;
> return [m];
> }"
> }
>   }]
> }
> this returns empty array.
> Aside: I know that listing all keys is slow but for now I can live with
> this.
> Note, that I'm using non-default bucket type, so the actual location of my
> keys is my_riak_server/types/my_bucket_type/buckets/my_bucket/my_key, but I
> can't figure out how to communicate this location properly in the "input"
> field. I have found this "documentation":
> but it does not explain how to specify bucket type and I'm not proficient
> enough in Erlang to follow the code easily. I did not find any other
> documentation on this field.
> Following returns all keys successfully, so data is there:
> curl '
> http://my_riak_cluster:8098/types/my_bucket_type/buckets/my_bucket/keys?keys=true
> '
> Any pointers are highly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Timur
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
riak-users mailing list

Re: Forming inputs to MR job

2015-12-30 Thread Bryan Hunt
  Take a look at this: : Sample mapreduce job sectionFrom: Timur FayruzovSent: Wednay, December 30, 2015 8:01 PMTo: riak-usersSubject: Forming inputs to MR jobHello,I'm trying to write a simple MR job using _javascript_ and hit a wall right at start. I can't figure out how to specify "inputs". Here's the code:curl -XPOST "my_riak_server:8098/mapred" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @- <{  "input": "my_bucket"  "query":[{    "map":{        "language":"_javascript_",        "source":"function(riakObject, keydata, arg) {            var m = riakObject.values[0].data;            return [m];        }"    }   }]}EOFthis returns empty array.Aside: I know that listing all keys is slow but for now I can live with this.Note, that I'm using non-default bucket type, so the actual location of my keys is my_riak_server/types/my_bucket_type/buckets/my_bucket/my_key, but I can't figure out how to communicate this location properly in the "input" field. I have found this "documentation":, but it does not explain how to specify bucket type and I'm not proficient enough in Erlang to follow the code easily. I did not find any other documentation on this field.  Following returns all keys successfully, so data is there:curl 'http://my_riak_cluster:8098/types/my_bucket_type/buckets/my_bucket/keys?keys=true'Any pointers are highly appreciated.Thanks,Timur

riak-users mailing list

Re: riak nodes on vmware

2015-12-30 Thread Alexander Sicular
Hi Travis,

Beyond performance reasons, this architecture is a bad idea from an 
availability perspective. If you lose one physical machine you'll lose two 
segments of your Riak cluster. And that's generally "not a good thing."



Sent from my iRotaryPhone

> On Dec 7, 2015, at 12:57, Travis Kirstine  
> wrote:
> We thinking of deploying multiple riak nodes on a few servers using vmware, 2 
> vm with riak nodes  per physical server.  Is this a bad idea?
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Connection multiplexing in the Erlang client

2015-12-30 Thread Paulo Almeida

Does the Erlang Riak client support multiplexing multiple concurrent calls
in a single TCP connection? Specifically when using the PB interface



riak-users mailing list

Re: A put is not put in Riak

2015-12-30 Thread Alexander Sicular
Patrice, since Riak is distributed it uses a quorum (default 2 when
n_val is 3) to read your data. Since you're doing a post commit hook
to read your data immediately after you write there may be delay in
getting the new value from two of three copies written due simply to
timing. So the rule of thumb is to do a w+r>n transaction where you
ensure that you write/read with some total value more than your number
of replicas. Read these posts (part four talks about RYOW):



Sent from my iRotaryPhone

> On Dec 30, 2015, at 11:14, John Daily  wrote:
> This smells like a clock problem. Are you confident all of your servers’ 
> clocks are set to the same time?
> Updates can be treacherous if clocks are not synchronized and multiple writes 
> to the same key occur in a period of time short enough to fit within the 
> clock skew.
> I wrote about this after a similar question arose here: 
> -John
>> On Dec 8, 2015, at 9:39 AM, Patrice Bruno  wrote:
>> Good-Evening everyone,
>> I'm reading this maling for minths now wioth great interest, and now we are 
>> using Riak, I have a question to not say an issue that I can not figure out.
>> We have migrated leveldb files from Riak 1.3.1 to Riak 2.1.1.
>> The clusters has 6 Nodes and 6 computers.
>> We are running now on CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core) (we were under 
>> Fedora when we are under Riak 1.3.1).
>> We have kept the default Riak paramaters. We are not using 'bucket_type'. 
>> The only paramaters we have tuned are:
>> erlang.distribution_buffer_size = 128MB
>> erlang.async_threads = 128
>> My issue is on a Bucket without sibling (default settings) I'm making a put 
>> and when I do the get the value has not been changed, and old value stayed 
>> under the key. So, I have made a test: I've made a put of an objet A, I can 
>> see in the precommit hook that it's well the object A, but in the postcommit 
>> the object (argument passed) is an old one.
>> I thought that I'm not sending the right object, but when I see it in 
>> precommit hook, I'm sure now that I send what I expect to send.
>> It's not for all the objects, but it appears time to time under load.
>> Do you already seen this issue ?
>> Do you have an idea or something I can enhance/tune ?
>> Help me mailing list, you are my only hope :-) (dixit Princess Leia).
>> --
>> Best Reagrds,
>>   Patrice Bruno
>>   Kuantic
>> ---
>> ___
>> riak-users mailing list
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Riak PHP Client v3 and official Protocol Buffers support v1

2015-12-30 Thread Christopher Mancini
This week we released a significant update to the PHP client to support API
bridge classes other than the Http class that ships with the client
library. This work was released as version 3 due to a few minor interface
changes that break backwards compatibility. Those breaking changes are:

   - Basho\Riak\Command\Object\Response::getVclock() has been moved to
   - Basho\Riak\Command\Object\Response::getStatusCode() has been
   renamed Basho\Riak\Command\Object\Response::getCode()
   - Basho\Riak\Command\Object\Response::getBody() has been removed

We also released official support for Protocol Buffers using PHP. This
support is delivered via an independent package that has the core library
above included as a dependency. This allows us to keep the same programming
interface while keeping the dependencies needed for PB separate from those
needed by HTTP.

Both releases can be retrieved from @



Christopher Mancini

employee = {
purpose: solve problems with code,
riak-users mailing list

Re: Connection multiplexing in the Erlang client

2015-12-30 Thread Bryan Hunt
  Paulo,You can find a list of community maintained PBC pooling ‎libraries in the Erlang sub-section of this page: ‎ was under the impression that Riak Erlang client ships with poolboy ‎so I'm uncertain of the distinction between the different libraries listed.Perhaps someone could comment to clarify?Bryan   From: Paulo AlmeidaSent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 10:40 PMTo: riak-users@lists.basho.comSubject: Connection multiplexing in the Erlang clientHi,Does the Erlang Riak client support multiplexing multiple concurrent calls in a single TCP connection? Specifically when using the PB interface (riakc_pb_socket:start_link).Thanks.Regards,Paulo

riak-users mailing list