Re: Loopback Address as Handoff IP/Interface

2015-05-04 Thread Magnus Kessler
On 3 May 2015 at 12:19, Praveen Baratam  wrote:

> Hello Everybody,
> I am trying to setup a single node Riak cluster and want to use a loopback
> address (127.0.0.x) for the Handoff IP to keep the instance private and
> invisible to others.
> But the Riak node fails to start and throws an error -  "handoff.ip
> invalid, must be a valid IP address"
> Is it illegal to use loopback interface for Handoff IP? Came across some JIRA
> issues  but couldn't find
> a solution with out having to build packages from source.
> Any workarounds? I am trying to use Riak 1.4.12 on Ubuntu 14.04!
> Any advice in this regard will be greatly helpful.
> Thank you.
> Praveen
Hi Praveen,

As you are using Riak 1.4, you cannot use the new configuration format (via
the riak.conf file, a.k.a cuttlefish, introduced in Riak 2.0). The
handoff_ip setting belongs to riak_core and has to be changed in

If you really want to set the handoff_ip and change it from its default
setting of "", then you need to add an entry into the riak_core
settings in app.config

{riak_core, [
%% Other configs
{handoff_ip, ""},
%% Other configs

However I would suggest to simply firewall the handoff port on your machine
(8099) so that it cannot be reached from the network.

Hope this helps.




Magnus Kessler
Client Services Engineer @ Basho
riak-users mailing list

Does riak dotnet client work with Mono?

2015-05-04 Thread syed shabeer
Does riak dotnet client 2.0 work with Mono? if yes, then please share the
steps to add and configure in mono.

riak-users mailing list

Re: Does riak dotnet client work with Mono?

2015-05-04 Thread Alex Moore
Hi Shabeer,

The .NET client does work with Mono under a .Net 4.0+ runtime, and you can 
download it through Nuget (  

If you don’t have NuGet, you can install an extension to MonoDevelop 
(, or use the NuGet.exe 
command line application.

See and for more information.


On Monday, May 4, 2015 at 9:35 AM, syed shabeer , wrote:

Does riak dotnet client 2.0 work with Mono? if yes, then please share the steps 
to add and configure in mono.


riak-users mailing list

Re: Different results to same queries

2015-05-04 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn

> On Apr 22, 2015, at 6:45 PM, Sadykov Rustem  wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm testing riak 1.4.10 on 2 node cluster (on different servers), but result 
> is same on 3 nodes cluster and on single node also.
> I try to count records in my bucket and always get 3-4 different results.
> Query is:
> curl -XPOST http://localhost:8098/mapred -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 
> -d '{"inputs":"account", "query":[{"reduce":{"language":"erlang", 
> "module":"riak_kv_mapreduce", "function":"reduce_count_inputs", 
> "arg":{"reduce_phase_batch_size":1000} } }] }’

Hi Sadykov,

Map/Reduce chooses one replica for each value to execute the query on during a 
distributed Map/Reduce job.  Given that, subsequent executions might occur on 
different replicas given the coverage plan chosen during that period.

That said, can you provide information on when you are writing the values you 
are running the job against?  For example, are you writing to a quorum of nodes 
right before the query?  It’s possible to see some staleness if you are using 
majority quorums and you are executing against replicas that are delayed due to 
network traffic.

- Chris

Christopher Meiklejohn
Senior Software Engineer
Basho Technologies, Inc.

riak-users mailing list

Re: No WM route

2015-05-04 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn

> On Apr 23, 2015, at 5:42 PM, Amit Anand  wrote:
> Hi all Im very new to Riak CS so please bear with me! Finally managed to get 
> Riak, Riak CS and Stanchion all running and now Im trying to add the admin 
> user. When I run my curl command I get nothing back and in the logs I see 
> this error:
> 2015-04-23 11:37:18.024 [error] <0.94.0> No WM route: 'POST' /riak-cs/user 
> {7,{"user-agent",{'User-Agent',"curl/7.29.0"},{"host",{'Host',""},{"accept",{'Accept',"*/*"},nil,{"content-type",{'Content-Type',"application/json"},{"content-length",{'Content-Length',"45"},nil,nil},nil}},nil},{"x-rcs-rewrite-path",{"x-rcs-rewrite-path","/riak-cs/user"},{"x-rcs-raw-url",{"x-rcs-raw-url","/riak-cs/user"},nil,nil},nil}}}
> I have set anonymous user to on in the riak-cs.conf AS WELL as to true in the 
> advanced.config. I tried with just in .conf and that didnt work either. Would 
> anybody have any ideas on how to get this work I would really appreciate it. 
> Thanks and sorry if Im asking a basic question I just cant figure it out.

Hi Amit,

Are you making a request to the node running stanchion or the Riak CS node when 
attempting to add the admin user?

- Chris

Christopher Meiklejohn
Senior Software Engineer
Basho Technologies, Inc.

riak-users mailing list

Re: [Riak-Users]Why riak search only return 1 result every query, how to return all results at once

2015-05-04 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn

> On Apr 21, 2015, at 4:07 PM, 寂寂 <> wrote:
> And I create the bucket type by myself:
> riak-admin bucket-type create video '{"props":{"search_index":"videos"}}'
> riak-admin bucket-type activate vide
> -- Original --
> From:  "寂寂 ";<>;
> Send time: Tuesday, Apr 21, 2015 9:49 PM
> To: "riak-users";
> Subject:  [Riak-Users]Why riak search only return 1 result every query,how to 
> return all results at once
> Dear All,
> I have many objects with the same "tag:hot" stored in Riak cluster with two 
> nodes, all with "leveldb" backend.
> When I try to search with the same query condition, I just got one result 
> returned, and everytime with different result:
> curl -v "";
> {"responseHeader":{"status":0,"QTime":18,"params":{"shards":",","q":"tag:hot","":"_yz_pn:64
>  OR (_yz_pn:61 AND (_yz_fpn:61)) OR _yz_pn:60 OR _yz_pn:57 OR _yz_pn:48 OR 
> _yz_pn:45 OR _yz_pn:36 OR _yz_pn:33 OR _yz_pn:24 OR _yz_pn:21 OR _yz_pn:12 OR 
> _yz_pn:9","wt":"json","":"_yz_pn:54 OR _yz_pn:51 OR _yz_pn:42 
> OR _yz_pn:39 OR _yz_pn:30 OR _yz_pn:27 OR _yz_pn:18 OR _yz_pn:15 OR _yz_pn:6 
> OR 
> _yz_pn:3"}},"response":{"numFound":1,"start":0,"maxScore":0.71231794,"docs":[{"title":"Love
> Story","code":"8vBcw6rJCS6D6til2u","_yz_id":"1*video*movie*8vBcw6rJCS6D6til2u*48","_yz_rk":"8vBcw6rJCS6D6til2u","_yz_rt":"video","_yz_rb":"movie"}]}}
> curl -v "";
> {"responseHeader":{"status":0,"QTime":14,"params":{"shards":",","q":"tag:hot","":"(_yz_pn:60
>  AND (_yz_fpn:60)) OR _yz_pn:56 OR _yz_pn:53 OR _yz_pn:44 OR _yz_pn:41 OR 
> _yz_pn:32 OR _yz_pn:29 OR _yz_pn:20 OR _yz_pn:17 OR _yz_pn:8 OR 
> _yz_pn:5","wt":"json","":"_yz_pn:63 OR _yz_pn:59 OR _yz_pn:50 
> OR _yz_pn:47 OR _yz_pn:38 OR _yz_pn:35 OR _yz_pn:26 OR _yz_pn:23 OR _yz_pn:14 
> OR _yz_pn:11 OR 
> _yz_pn:2"}},"response":{"numFound":1,"start":0,"maxScore":0.71231794,"docs":[{"title":"Forest
> Gan","code":"8vBhSeP2Q2hCEEGmsC","_yz_id":"1*video*movie*8vBhSeP2Q2hCEEGmsC*20","_yz_rk":"8vBhSeP2Q2hCEEGmsC","_yz_rt":"video","_yz_rb":"movie"}]}}
> How can I get all at once query?

Hi there,

Can you clarify how you are writing the values?  Are you writing with a w=1 or 
using the defaults?  Given the index delay on Riak Search, subsequent queries 
may return different values given on when you query and if you are using 
majority write quorums.

When are you writing the values and how are you performing the writes?


Christopher Meiklejohn
Senior Software Engineer
Basho Technologies, Inc.

riak-users mailing list

Re: [Riak-Users]Why riak search only return 1 result every query, how to return all results at once

2015-05-04 Thread Zeeshan Lakhani
To include with Chris’s questions, are you using a custom or the “default” 
bucket type?


Zeeshan Lakhani
programmer | 
software engineer at @basho | 
org. member/founder of @papers_we_love |
twitter => @zeeshanlakhani

> On May 5, 2015, at 4:22 AM, Christopher Meiklejohn  
> wrote:
>> On Apr 21, 2015, at 4:07 PM, 寂寂 <> wrote:
>> And I create the bucket type by myself:
>> riak-admin bucket-type create video '{"props":{"search_index":"videos"}}'
>> riak-admin bucket-type activate vide
>> -- Original --
>> From:  "寂寂 ";<>;
>> Send time: Tuesday, Apr 21, 2015 9:49 PM
>> To: "riak-users";
>> Subject:  [Riak-Users]Why riak search only return 1 result every query,how 
>> to return all results at once
>> Dear All,
>> I have many objects with the same "tag:hot" stored in Riak cluster with two 
>> nodes, all with "leveldb" backend.
>> When I try to search with the same query condition, I just got one result 
>> returned, and everytime with different result:
>> curl -v "";
>> {"responseHeader":{"status":0,"QTime":18,"params":{"shards":",","q":"tag:hot","":"_yz_pn:64
>>  OR (_yz_pn:61 AND (_yz_fpn:61)) OR _yz_pn:60 OR _yz_pn:57 OR _yz_pn:48 OR 
>> _yz_pn:45 OR _yz_pn:36 OR _yz_pn:33 OR _yz_pn:24 OR _yz_pn:21 OR _yz_pn:12 
>> OR _yz_pn:9","wt":"json","":"_yz_pn:54 OR _yz_pn:51 OR 
>> _yz_pn:42 OR _yz_pn:39 OR _yz_pn:30 OR _yz_pn:27 OR _yz_pn:18 OR _yz_pn:15 
>> OR _yz_pn:6 OR 
>> _yz_pn:3"}},"response":{"numFound":1,"start":0,"maxScore":0.71231794,"docs":[{"title":"Love
>> Story","code":"8vBcw6rJCS6D6til2u","_yz_id":"1*video*movie*8vBcw6rJCS6D6til2u*48","_yz_rk":"8vBcw6rJCS6D6til2u","_yz_rt":"video","_yz_rb":"movie"}]}}
>> curl -v "";
>> {"responseHeader":{"status":0,"QTime":14,"params":{"shards":",","q":"tag:hot","":"(_yz_pn:60
>>  AND (_yz_fpn:60)) OR _yz_pn:56 OR _yz_pn:53 OR _yz_pn:44 OR _yz_pn:41 OR 
>> _yz_pn:32 OR _yz_pn:29 OR _yz_pn:20 OR _yz_pn:17 OR _yz_pn:8 OR 
>> _yz_pn:5","wt":"json","":"_yz_pn:63 OR _yz_pn:59 OR _yz_pn:50 
>> OR _yz_pn:47 OR _yz_pn:38 OR _yz_pn:35 OR _yz_pn:26 OR _yz_pn:23 OR 
>> _yz_pn:14 OR _yz_pn:11 OR 
>> _yz_pn:2"}},"response":{"numFound":1,"start":0,"maxScore":0.71231794,"docs":[{"title":"Forest
>> Gan","code":"8vBhSeP2Q2hCEEGmsC","_yz_id":"1*video*movie*8vBhSeP2Q2hCEEGmsC*20","_yz_rk":"8vBhSeP2Q2hCEEGmsC","_yz_rt":"video","_yz_rb":"movie"}]}}
>> How can I get all at once query?
> Hi there,
> Can you clarify how you are writing the values?  Are you writing with a w=1 
> or using the defaults?  Given the index delay on Riak Search, subsequent 
> queries may return different values given on when you query and if you are 
> using majority write quorums.
> When are you writing the values and how are you performing the writes?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> Christopher Meiklejohn
> Senior Software Engineer
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
riak-users mailing list

Re: my cluster spontaneously loses a node after ~48hrs

2015-05-04 Thread Scott Lystig Fritchie
Hi, Jason.  Have you tried using the system inspection utilities bundled
with Riak?

The "top" utility can show very quickly the most active processes within
the virtual machine.


riak-users mailing list