RiakSearch with java-client

2014-12-15 Thread Santi Kumar
I'm tying to use Riak Search 2.0 with java client. Couldn't find any good
documentation around that so I'm trying on my own. I've created my own
custom schema and want to setup this to my index. While executing the
StoreSchema command, was getting below error with some message bits.

com.basho.riak.client.core.netty.RiakResponseException: Error processing
incoming message: error:function_clause:xxx

Here is how I'm adding the Custom schema and adding index. Let me know If
I'm doing something wrong

public static void buildSearchIndex(String bucketName,String indexName)
throws Exception{

InputStream systemResourceAsStream =

String schema = IOUtils.toString(systemResourceAsStream,"UTF-8");

RiakClient client = RiakClientUtil.getClient();

YokozunaSchema yschema = new YokozunaSchema("veradocs-rs", schema);

StoreSchema storeSchemaOp = new StoreSchema.Builder(yschema).build();


YokozunaIndex vdIndex = new YokozunaIndex(indexName,schema);

StoreIndex storeIndex =

new StoreIndex.Builder(vdIndex).build();


Namespace catsBucket = new Namespace(bucketName);

StoreBucketProperties storeBucketProps = new



RiakFuture executeAsync = client.executeAsync(


riak-users mailing list

Re: Map Reduce with Data Types

2014-12-15 Thread Ali Rıza KELEŞ

2014-12-11 3:35 GMT+02:00 Kyle Patterson :
> I can't get map reduce to work with the new data types.

If you use python, here is an issue about data types:

And here a pull req:

You can test this pull req:


Ali Rıza Keleş

riak-users mailing list

handoff.ip invalid, must be a valid IP address

2014-12-15 Thread Harold Hsu
Hi all,

Newbie here.  I'm following the Five-minute Install guide, trying to setup
riak on a Linux Mint VirtualBox VM.  Here's what I've done:

- Cloned the source from GitHub.
- Ran make all.
- Ran make devrel DEVNODES=5

When I try to run "dev/dev1/bin/riak console", it failed with the following

23:18:02.052 [error] handoff.ip invalid, must be a valid IP address
23:18:02.058 [error] Error generating configuration in phase validation
23:18:02.058 [error] handoff.ip invalid, must be a valid IP address
Error generating config with cuttlefish
  run `riak config generate -l debug` for more information.

Any idea what I did wrong?

Here's the output from the given debug command:

23:18:17.107 [debug] Lager installed handler error_logger_lager_h into
23:18:17.120 [debug] Supervisor gr_param_sup started
gr_param:start_link(gr_lager_default_tracer_params) at pid <0.53.0>
23:18:17.121 [debug] Supervisor gr_counter_sup started
gr_counter:start_link(gr_lager_default_tracer_counters) at pid <0.54.0>
23:18:17.121 [debug] Supervisor gr_manager_sup started
gr_lager_default_tracer_params, []) at pid <0.55.0>
23:18:17.121 [debug] Supervisor gr_manager_sup started
gr_lager_default_tracer_counters, [{input,0},{filter,0},{output,0}]) at pid
23:18:17.548 [debug] Lager installed handler lager_backend_throttle into
23:18:17.884 [debug] Cuttlefish set to debug level logging
23:18:17.884 [info] Application lager started on node nonode@nohost
23:18:17.885 [info] Checking /home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../etc/app.config
exists... false
23:18:17.885 [info] Checking /home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../etc/vm.args
exists... false
23:18:17.885 [info] No app.config or vm.args detected in
/home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../etc, activating cuttlefish
23:18:17.885 [debug] Generating config in:
23:18:17.886 [debug] SchemaFiles:
23:18:18.018 [debug] ConfFiles:
23:18:18.138 [debug] Adding Defaults
23:18:18.139 [debug] Right Hand Side Substitutions
23:18:18.140 [debug] Applying Datatypes
23:18:18.184 [debug] Validation
23:18:18.185 [error] handoff.ip invalid, must be a valid IP address
23:18:18.185 [error] Error generating configuration in phase validation
23:18:18.185 [error] handoff.ip invalid, must be a valid IP address

Thanks in advance,

riak-users mailing list

Re: handoff.ip invalid, must be a valid IP address

2014-12-15 Thread Luke Bakken
Hi Harold,

Could you please provide the following files?


I suspect something is up with the node name based on the
"nonode@nohost" string in the messages.
Luke Bakken
Engineer / CSE

On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 11:26 PM, Harold Hsu  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Newbie here.  I'm following the Five-minute Install guide, trying to setup
> riak on a Linux Mint VirtualBox VM.  Here's what I've done:
> - Cloned the source from GitHub.
> - Ran make all.
> - Ran make devrel DEVNODES=5
> When I try to run "dev/dev1/bin/riak console", it failed with the following
> message:
> 23:18:02.052 [error] handoff.ip invalid, must be a valid IP address
> 23:18:02.058 [error] Error generating configuration in phase validation
> 23:18:02.058 [error] handoff.ip invalid, must be a valid IP address
> Error generating config with cuttlefish
>   run `riak config generate -l debug` for more information.
> Any idea what I did wrong?
> Here's the output from the given debug command:
> 23:18:17.107 [debug] Lager installed handler error_logger_lager_h into
> error_logger
> 23:18:17.120 [debug] Supervisor gr_param_sup started
> gr_param:start_link(gr_lager_default_tracer_params) at pid <0.53.0>
> 23:18:17.121 [debug] Supervisor gr_counter_sup started
> gr_counter:start_link(gr_lager_default_tracer_counters) at pid <0.54.0>
> 23:18:17.121 [debug] Supervisor gr_manager_sup started
> gr_manager:start_link(gr_lager_default_tracer_params_mgr,
> gr_lager_default_tracer_params, []) at pid <0.55.0>
> 23:18:17.121 [debug] Supervisor gr_manager_sup started
> gr_manager:start_link(gr_lager_default_tracer_counters_mgr,
> gr_lager_default_tracer_counters, [{input,0},{filter,0},{output,0}]) at pid
> <0.56.0>
> 23:18:17.548 [debug] Lager installed handler lager_backend_throttle into
> lager_event
> 23:18:17.884 [debug] Cuttlefish set to debug level logging
> 23:18:17.884 [info] Application lager started on node nonode@nohost
> 23:18:17.885 [info] Checking /home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../etc/app.config
> exists... false
> 23:18:17.885 [info] Checking /home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../etc/vm.args
> exists... false
> 23:18:17.885 [info] No app.config or vm.args detected in
> /home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../etc, activating cuttlefish
> 23:18:17.885 [debug] Generating config in:
> "/home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/data/generated.configs/app.2014."
> 23:18:17.886 [debug] SchemaFiles:
> ["/home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../lib/10-riak.schema","/home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../lib/11-erlang_vm.schema","/home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../lib/12-riak_core.schema","/home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../lib/13-riak_api.schema","/home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../lib/14-riak_kv.schema","/home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../lib/15-riak_sysmon.schema","/home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../lib/16-bitcask.schema","/home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../lib/17-bitcask_multi.schema","/home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../lib/18-riak_control.schema","/home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../lib/20-multi_backend.schema","/home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../lib/21-leveldb.schema","/home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../lib/22-leveldb_multi.schema","/home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../lib/30-yokozuna.schema"]
> 23:18:18.018 [debug] ConfFiles:
> ["/home/hhsu/riak/dev/dev1/bin/../etc/riak.conf"]
> 23:18:18.138 [debug] Adding Defaults
> 23:18:18.139 [debug] Right Hand Side Substitutions
> 23:18:18.140 [debug] Applying Datatypes
> 23:18:18.184 [debug] Validation
> 23:18:18.185 [error] handoff.ip invalid, must be a valid IP address
> 23:18:18.185 [error] Error generating configuration in phase validation
> 23:18:18.185 [error] handoff.ip invalid, must be a valid IP address
> Thanks in advance,
> Harold
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com

riak-users mailing list

Re: handoff.ip invalid, must be a valid IP address

2014-12-15 Thread Christopher Meiklejohn

> On Dec 14, 2014, at 8:26 AM, Harold Hsu  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Newbie here.  I'm following the Five-minute Install guide, trying to setup 
> riak on a Linux Mint VirtualBox VM.  Here's what I've done:
> - Cloned the source from GitHub.
> - Ran make all.
> - Ran make devrel DEVNODES=5
> When I try to run "dev/dev1/bin/riak console", it failed with the following 
> message:
> 23:18:02.052 [error] handoff.ip invalid, must be a valid IP address
> 23:18:02.058 [error] Error generating configuration in phase validation
> 23:18:02.058 [error] handoff.ip invalid, must be a valid IP address
> Error generating config with cuttlefish
>   run `riak config generate -l debug` for more information.
> Any idea what I did wrong?

Hi Harold,

This is currently an open issue with the development branch which we’re 
tracking through this issue:

Adding {handoff_ip, "”} to your rel/vars.config should resolve the 
issue after rebuilding your devrel.

- Chris

Christopher Meiklejohn
Senior Software Engineer
Basho Technologies, Inc.

riak-users mailing list

Re: handoff.ip invalid, must be a valid IP address

2014-12-15 Thread Harold Hsu
Thanks guys!  I tried Chris's suggestion and it works now!

On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 6:01 AM, Christopher Meiklejohn <
cmeiklej...@basho.com> wrote:
> > On Dec 14, 2014, at 8:26 AM, Harold Hsu  wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Newbie here.  I'm following the Five-minute Install guide, trying to
> setup riak on a Linux Mint VirtualBox VM.  Here's what I've done:
> >
> > - Cloned the source from GitHub.
> > - Ran make all.
> > - Ran make devrel DEVNODES=5
> >
> > When I try to run "dev/dev1/bin/riak console", it failed with the
> following message:
> >
> > 23:18:02.052 [error] handoff.ip invalid, must be a valid IP address
> > 23:18:02.058 [error] Error generating configuration in phase validation
> > 23:18:02.058 [error] handoff.ip invalid, must be a valid IP address
> > Error generating config with cuttlefish
> >   run `riak config generate -l debug` for more information.
> >
> > Any idea what I did wrong?
> Hi Harold,
> This is currently an open issue with the development branch which we're
> tracking through this issue:
> https://github.com/basho/riak_core/issues/670
> Adding {handoff_ip, ""} to your rel/vars.config should resolve
> the issue after rebuilding your devrel.
> - Chris
> Christopher Meiklejohn
> Senior Software Engineer
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> cmeiklej...@basho.com
riak-users mailing list