Re: trouble enabling strong consistency in riak_2.0.0beta1-1

2014-05-12 Thread Matt Williams

Thanks for the help.

I've run the command you suggested on the node, I think the ensemble is
enabled (the call 'riak_ensemble_manager:enabled().' is at least reporting

However, I'm still seeing the 'request timed out'  behaviour for buckets
with the consistent property.



On 9 May 2014 20:36, Andrew Stone  wrote:

> Oops. Didn't reply to the list. Sorry for the dupe Matt.
> Hi Matt,
> My guess is that this has to do with a fairly recent change to the cluster
> join mechanism.
> Try attaching to the erlang shell with "riak attach" and running the
> following command:
> riak_ensemble_manager:enable().
> In the future a riak_admin command (and documentation) will be provided,
> but for now it needs to be done from the shell. Hope this helps.
> -Andrew
> On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 7:07 AM, Matt Williams  > wrote:
>> Hi,  I've been trying out the new strong consistency in v2.0, I have this
>> working nicely in 2.0.0pre20, but I can't seem to enable this in
>> 2.0.0beta1-1.
>> Any call to a strongly consistent bucket just returns immediately with
>> 'request timed out', previously 'not found'.  Bucket types without strongly
>> consistent properties behave fine.
>> I figure I must have done something stupid, but I can't figure out what,
>> can anyone point me in the right direction?
>> I am working with a fresh build of ubuntu:-
>> Distributor ID: Ubuntu
>> Description: Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS
>> Release: 12.04
>> Codename: precise
>> 'riak config effective' suggests strong consistency is turned on
>> strong_consistency = on
>> I'm working with just one node at the moment.
>> Thanks,
>> Matt
>> ___
>> riak-users mailing list

Matt Williams
Geneity Limited
80 Hammersmith Road
W14 8UD
+44 208 742 8393

England #05676580
riak-users mailing list

AAE disk usage

2014-05-12 Thread Ingo Rockel


we had a little outage of our 12 node riak cluster yesterday, the first 
so far, four nodes had gone down because of exhausted disk space.

What happened: our backup crashed, leaving one node down. Because of a 
misconfiguration in our monitoring, this node stayed down for 9 days. It 
was then started and recovered after about 7 hours of running.

But then the disk space usage on six of our nodes start to explode until 
the disks were full on four of them. This seems to have been caused by 
AAE. We have about 320GB of real user data stored in levelDB and 
yesterday night AAE consumed about 150GB on each of this nodes. Is this 
normal or what should I expect?

I deleted the "anti_entropy" on these six nodes and started the nodes 
again, running fine since then. AAE gets rebuild but at a lot of lower 
level so far. I would be happy if someone could shed a light on this, I 
didn't find anything helpful in the logs or the docs on



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