Map-reduce + bucket type

2014-05-03 Thread Oleksiy Krivoshey

Please suggest how to run a map/reduce over all keys in a bucket with
custom bucket type?

Oleksiy Krivoshey
riak-users mailing list

Re: Map-reduce + bucket type

2014-05-03 Thread Oleksiy Krivoshey
Thank you!

On 3 May 2014 17:25, Brian Roach  wrote:


Oleksiy Krivoshey
riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak 2.0 search isn't returning "stored=true" fields

2014-05-03 Thread Buri Arslon
Found it. The reason was I had created an index without a schema:


but it should be created with custom schema:


On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 4:53 PM, Buri Arslon  wrote:

> I have a bucket type with custom index (schema). When I search, riak is
> retuning correct results but there is no stored fields in the result.
> I had another bucket type with custom search index, it's returning all
> stored solr fields. But I forgot how I added this bucket type.
> Do I need to add something to "props" to be able to retrieve all stored
> fields with search results?
> thanks,
> -- Buriwoy
riak-users mailing list

Re: how to set eDisMax? Solr start and rows not working properly

2014-05-03 Thread Buri Arslon
Sorry, it was a mistake in my erlang code. Riak is awesome!

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 8:14 AM, Buri Arslon  wrote:

> btw, my riak version is: riak-riak-2.0.0pre15
> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 9:15 AM, Buri Arslon  wrote:
>> Thanks!
>> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 9:07 AM, Ryan Zezeski  wrote:
>>> On Sun, Apr 20, 2014 at 9:57 AM, Buri Arslon  wrote:
 Hi guys!

 I searched the docs and the source code but wasn't able to find any
 info about using edismax.

 I have 2 questions:

 1. How to set edismax parser?

>>> You can make use of LocalParams syntax in order to use different query
>>> parsers. For example:
>>> <<"{!edismax}my query">>

 2. Why are "start" and "rows" not working properly?

>>> I'll get back to your sort question when I have a chance to verify on
>>> my side.
>>> -Z
riak-users mailing list

Re: Highlighting in full-text search

2014-05-03 Thread Chaim Solomon
I am not getting a highlighting section - but the values are empty.
I am using the default schema - what do I need to change for the
highlighting to work?

Chaim Solomon

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 11:19 PM, Hector Castro  wrote:

> Hi Chaim,
> In order to take advantage of the Riak Search/Solr highlighting
> capabilities from Python (right now), you're best bet may be to use a
> Python Solr client for queries. The Riak client for Python is still not
> 100% compatible with Riak 2.0 (although the master branch has some
> support). [0]
> Using the examples provided in the basic usage for search documentation
> [1], I was able to retrieve highlighting snippets via HTTP using the
> following set of query string parameters:
> $ curl -s
> "$RIAK_HOST/search/famous?wt=json&hl=true&hl.fl=name_s&q=name_s:Lion*" |
> python -mjson.tool | grep -A6 "highlighting"
> "highlighting": {
> "default_yzbucket_liono_54": {
> "name_s": [
> "Lion-o"
> ]
> }
> },
> (Note the  tags surrounding the term that matches the query.)
> --
> Hector
> [0]
> [1]
> On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 5:02 AM, Chaim Solomon 
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am not able to figure out how to get the highlighting to work.
> > I am using 2.0.0beta1 which states that it supports highlighting - but it
> > seems not really documented besides the reference to the Solr
> documentation.
> > I am using the Python client.
> >
> > The documentation states that I need to set hl=true. But where?
> > It doesn't seem to be one of the parameters that the method search
> accepts
> > (looked in the source code).
> >
> > How do I get that parameter into the search?
> >
> > Can anyone provide an example?
> >
> > Chaim Solomon
> >
> >
> > ___
> > riak-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
riak-users mailing list