Maybe a bug of riak_core?

2014-04-18 Thread chuang
In the source of riak_core_gossip(version 1.4.8),there is a function source

451 attempt_simple_transfer(Seed, Ring, [{_, N}|Rest], TargetN, Exit, Idx,
Last) ->
452 %% just keep track of seeing this node
453 attempt_simple_transfer(Seed, Ring, Rest, TargetN, Exit, Idx+1,
454 lists:keyreplace(N, 1, Last, {N, Idx}));

I think the source
451 attempt_simple_transfer(Seed, Ring, [{_, N}|Rest], TargetN, Exit, Idx,
Last) ->

should be:
451 attempt_simple_transfer(Seed, Ring, [{N, _}|Rest], TargetN, Exit, Idx,
Last) ->

since in line 454,the lists:keyreplace function operate key on position 1.
riak-users mailing list

Re: Maybe a bug of riak_core?

2014-04-18 Thread chuang
Sorry,I miss up,since Last and  [{_, N}|Rest] is not the same list.

On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 4:06 PM, chuang  wrote:

> In the source of riak_core_gossip(version 1.4.8),there is a function
> source below:
> 451 attempt_simple_transfer(Seed, Ring, [{_, N}|Rest], TargetN, Exit, Idx,
> Last) ->
> 452 %% just keep track of seeing this node
> 453 attempt_simple_transfer(Seed, Ring, Rest, TargetN, Exit, Idx+1,
> 454 lists:keyreplace(N, 1, Last, {N, Idx}));
> I think the source
> 451 attempt_simple_transfer(Seed, Ring, [{_, N}|Rest], TargetN, Exit, Idx,
> Last) ->
> should be:
> 451 attempt_simple_transfer(Seed, Ring, [{N, _}|Rest], TargetN, Exit, Idx,
> Last) ->
> since in line 454,the lists:keyreplace function operate key on position 1.
riak-users mailing list

Riak HTTPS listener hangs

2014-04-18 Thread Adam Leko
We have a 5-node Riak cluster and we're having problems keeping the HTTPS
listener running properly. The problem typically manifests itself a few
hours after Riak is started. When it happens, the HTTPS listener on a Riak
node will accept new connections but will never respond to them.
Connections made via curl or OpenSSL's s_client show the client sending the
SSL hello but never getting a response. When this happens, the OS does show
pending data for the socket that isn't being processed (trimmed output):

# ss -lt
State  Recv-Q Send-QLocal Address:PortPeer Address:Port
LISTEN 1291281.2.3.4:8098 *:*
One of the times the Erlang VM was in this state I grabbed a crash dump via
SIGUSR1. The Mochiweb process shows up in a "Waiting" state:

State: Waiting
Name: 'https_1.2.3.4:8098_mochiweb'
Spawned as: proc_lib:init_p/5
Spawned by: <0.150.0>
Started: Thu Apr 17 21:01:12 2014
Message queue length: 0
Number of heap fragments: 0
Heap fragment data: 0
Link list: [#Port<0.3873>, <0.4203.0>, <0.150.0>, <0.5788.48>,
<0.12559.49>, <0.4819.45>, <0.17031.51>, <0.19186.51>, <0.18428.51>,
<0.25106.51>, <0.20568.51>, <0.16399.51>, <0.25307.51>, <0.25382.51>,
<0.31884.51>, <0.30289.51>, <0.29247.51>, <0.25168.51>]
Reductions: 50203
Stack+heap: 1597
OldHeap: 0
Heap unused: 495
OldHeap unused: 0
Program counter: 0x7fb03fea4de8 (gen_server:loop/6 + 264)
CP: 0x (invalid)
arity = 0

All the processes linked from the main Mochiweb process are also in a
"Waiting" state. If I connect to the riak console and manually kill the
mochiweb process (via exit(pid(...), kill)), its supervisor restarts it and
the node starts servicing HTTPS requests again.

We do have the Erlang cluster behind haproxy but the SSL connections hang
even if you try to connect locally from the machine running the RIak
service. We're using a lightly modified config from what is suggested in
the docs (
with a much lower max connections setting. When the hangs happen, netstat
only shows a handful of open connections to the haproxy front end.

It's also worth pointing out that when the hangs happen, there are no
messages that show up in the log files that indicate any errors. The rest
of the services on the Riak node don't appear to be affected as well - we
still get periodic anti-"entropy" exchange log messages and all the usual
suspects in riak-admin status check out.

We are using a pretty standard OS configuration - Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with the
Basho apt repo, riak 1.4.8-1, erts-5.9.1 that comes bundled with the Riak

Are there any known issues with accessing Riak over its HTTPS interface or
any known problems with erts' SSL implementation? As of now we're forced to
use periodic rolling restarts on the nodes in our production cluster to
keep the HTTPS listeners functional, which is a pretty disgusting

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'd appreciate any insight or
guidance on how to address/track down this problem.

-Adam Leko
riak-users mailing list

Re: ykGetIndex: Encountered unknown message tag

2014-04-18 Thread Oleksiy Krivoshey
Never mind. This was an error with underlying Javascript protobuf

On 17 April 2014 18:33, Oleksiy Krivoshey  wrote:

> The same error happens when using '_yz_default' schema with index.
> On 16 April 2014 22:03, Oleksiy Krivoshey  wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I'm trying to update yokozuna code (javascript, protocol buffers) which
>> worked with pre11 for pre20 and I'm getting the following response when
>> issuing RpbYokozunaIndexGetReq:
>> error: undefined
>> reply: { index: [ [Error: Encountered unknown message tag] ] }
>> First problem is that error is returned in place of 'index' and the
>> second is the error itself. What does it mean?
>> --
>> Oleksiy
> --
> Oleksiy Krivoshey

Oleksiy Krivoshey
riak-users mailing list