[ANN] Riak Erlang Client 1.4.0

2013-07-29 Thread Sean Cribbs
Hi Riak Users,

It seems I have failed to mention that we tagged 1.4.0 of the
riak-erlang-client a few weeks ago! This includes support for all Riak 1.4
features and some other niceties that were picked up along the way.


Sean Cribbs 
Software Engineer
Basho Technologies, Inc.
riak-users mailing list

Re: Error starting Yokozuna

2013-07-29 Thread Jeremiah Peschka
Hi Erik,

Yokozuna is killed off it takes more than 5 seconds to start. There are
several items in yokozuna HEAD that should fix this [1][2].

I think the best option is to build YZ from github:

I recently rebuilt using `make stagedevrel` and this worked for me.

[1]: https://github.com/basho/yokozuna/pull/127
[2]: https://github.com/basho/yokozuna/pull/136

Jeremiah Peschka - Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
MCITP: SQL Server 2008, MVP
Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop

On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 2:08 PM, Erik Andersen  wrote:

> Hi!
> I have build the latest version of Yokozuna from source following the
> instructions at
> https://github.com/basho/yokozuna/blob/master/docs/INSTALL.md but when I
> try and start any riak node I get errors (configured using stagedevrel).
> I have Solr 4.4 installed on a Tomcat 7 server running the default port
> 8080.
> I'm running CentOS 6.2.
> In solr.log I get :
> 2013-07-28 19:57:54,793 [WARN] @XmlConfiguration.java:411 Config
> error at  name="monitor">data/yz/monitor.sh10
> In error.log I get:
> 2013-07-28 19:58:07.669 [error] <0.1615.0> CRASH REPORT Process
> yz_solr_proc with 0 neighbours exited with reason: bad return value:
> {error,"Solr didn't start in alloted time"} in gen_server:init_it/6 line 332
> 2013-07-28 19:58:07.686 [error] <0.1614.0> Supervisor yz_solr_proc_sup had
> child yz_solr_proc started with yz_solr_proc:start_link("data/yz", "10016",
> "10015") at undefined exit with reason bad return value: {error,"Solr
> didn't start in alloted time"} in context start_error
> 2013-07-28 19:58:07.690 [error] <0.1613.0> Supervisor yz_sup had child
> yz_solr_proc_sup started with yz_solr_proc_sup:start_link() at undefined
> exit with reason shutdown in context start_error
> I feel I'm missing something concerning solr, but what...?
> Regards,
> Erik
> ___
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Re: N00b question

2013-07-29 Thread Mark Phillips
Hi Joel,

Welcome and sorry for the delayed response.

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 7:18 PM, Joel Maleport  wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> We're looking to migrate our systems to a new database and we really like 
> what Riak provides. But we have one question lingering. We need to store and 
> query a lot of floating point data. How well does Riak perform with searching 
> for data that falls within a range? For example, if i wanted to search for 
> geographical data within a range of latitudes and longitudes. I can't find 
> much documentation on that topic. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

This sounds like a job for Yokozuna [1], the forthcoming revision to
Riak Search. While the current Riak Search [2] is our own version of
Solr that supports a subset of the API, Yokozuna will provide the full
Solr API. (As of the 0.7 release of Yokozuna [3], we support Solr
4.3.0.) As such, you should be able to use a combination of spatial
and range [4] to accomplish what you need. Yokozuna is still under
active development but is slated to be officially supported before the
end of the year with the release of Riak 2.0 and we're looking for
people to help bullet-proof it.

What's they database from which you're migrating? What type of
performance characteristics do you need?

Hope that helps.


[1] https://github.com/basho/yokozuna
[2] http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/dev/using/search/
[3] https://github.com/basho/yokozuna/blob/master/docs/RELEASE_NOTES.md#070
[4] http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SpatialSearch

> V/R
> Joel Maleport
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
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Re: MapReduce notfound error in 1.4

2013-07-29 Thread Russell Brown
Hi Yan,

Another 2i bug in 1.4

I've raised an issue here[1], the fix is very simple[2]. We're getting together 
a few fixes this week, and expect to cut a 1.4.1 very soon.

This issue only effects range query inputs to MR ($key is unaffected, as are 
equals queries).

Sorry for the trouble, fixes coming soon



[1] https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/issues/617
[2] https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/pull/618

On 26 Jul 2013, at 20:01, Yan Martins  wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I'm having this trouble after migrating to 1.4 from 1.3. I get a bunch of 
> notfound errors, even though I know the objects are there.
> 10> riakc_pb_socket:get_index(Conn, <<"iops">>, {integer_index, "time"}, 
> 1374787015, 1374787025).  
> {ok,{index_results_v1,[<<"C3e5e4ffc0001H0N525400f52ae2hS0-93">>,
>   undefined,undefined}}
> 11> riakc_pb_socket:mapred(Conn,{index,<<"iops">>,<<"time_int">>, 1374787015, 
> 1374787025}, 
> 11> [{map, {modfun, riak_kv_mapreduce, map_identity}, undefined, true}]). 
> {ok,[{0,
>   [{error,notfound},
> Again, I'm sure the keys were not deleted (I can fetch them by key and there 
> is no X-Riak-Deleted tag).Was there any change to the PB interface that could 
> cause this issue?
> What am I doing wrong? Did anyone else have this problem?
> Thanks
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com

riak-users mailing list

Re: MapReduce notfound error in 1.4

2013-07-29 Thread Russell Brown
Hi Yan,

Another 2i bug in 1.4

I've raised an issue here[1], the fix is very simple[2]. We're getting together 
a few fixes this week, and expect to cut a 1.4.1 very soon.

This issue only effects range query inputs to MR ($key is unaffected, as are 
equals queries).

Sorry for the trouble, fixes coming soon



[1] https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/issues/617
[2] https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/pull/618

On 26 Jul 2013, at 20:01, Yan Martins  wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I'm having this trouble after migrating to 1.4 from 1.3. I get a bunch of 
> notfound errors, even though I know the objects are there.
> 10> riakc_pb_socket:get_index(Conn, <<"iops">>, {integer_index, "time"}, 
> 1374787015, 1374787025).  
> {ok,{index_results_v1,[<<"C3e5e4ffc0001H0N525400f52ae2hS0-93">>,
>   undefined,undefined}}
> 11> riakc_pb_socket:mapred(Conn,{index,<<"iops">>,<<"time_int">>, 1374787015, 
> 1374787025}, 
> 11> [{map, {modfun, riak_kv_mapreduce, map_identity}, undefined, true}]). 
> {ok,[{0,
>   [{error,notfound},
> Again, I'm sure the keys were not deleted (I can fetch them by key and there 
> is no X-Riak-Deleted tag).Was there any change to the PB interface that could 
> cause this issue?
> What am I doing wrong? Did anyone else have this problem?
> Thanks
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com

riak-users mailing list

Re: N00b question

2013-07-29 Thread Maleport, Joel J
Thanks for the reply Mark. Our legacy database format is of a proprietary 
flavor. So we aren't necessarily moving from anything standard. I just want to 
make sure we will get good performance querying ranges of floating point data. 
Is there someplace I can read more about Yokozuna?

riak-users mailing list

Re: N00b question

2013-07-29 Thread Brett Hazen

Joel -

You can look on our GitHub site:


It's based on Apache's Solr  project, 
which sits on top of Lucene .

Just let us know if you'd like more pointers.


On 7/29/13 4:54 PM, Maleport, Joel J wrote:

Thanks for the reply Mark. Our legacy database format is of a 
proprietary flavor. So we aren't necessarily moving from anything 
standard. I just want to make sure we will get good performance 
querying ranges of floating point data. Is there someplace I can read 
more about Yokozuna?


riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: N00b question

2013-07-29 Thread Mark Phillips
In addition to what Brett just passed along, Ryan has given a few
talks on it that might be helpful:

* RICON East this past May:
* RICON West last October: https://vimeo.com/54266574
* Slides from his Berlin Buzzwords talk on Yokozuna (I'm not sure what
happened to the video):


On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Brett Hazen  wrote:
> Joel -
> You can look on our GitHub site:
> http://github.com/basho/yokozuna
> http://github.com/basho/yokozuna/tree/master/docs
> It's based on Apache's Solr project, which sits on top of Lucene.
> Just let us know if you'd like more pointers.
> Brett
> On 7/29/13 4:54 PM, Maleport, Joel J wrote:
> Thanks for the reply Mark. Our legacy database format is of a proprietary
> flavor. So we aren’t necessarily moving from anything standard. I just want
> to make sure we will get good performance querying ranges of floating point
> data. Is there someplace I can read more about Yokozuna?
> Joel
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com

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