October 29 - October 31

2012-11-01 Thread Mark Phillips
Morning, Afternoon, Evening to All -

For today's Recap: meetups, talks, code, and more.



October 29 - October 31 

1) There inaugural Riak DC Meetup is happening in Alexandra, VA on November 14.

* Details here ---> http://www.meetup.com/Riak-DC/

2) There's a Buildout recipe for Riak that was just released.

* Code here ---> https://github.com/biodec/biodec.recipe.riak

3) The team at Bump released version 0.1.1 of Montage, their Haskell
proxy for Riak. (They might also be talking about this code at a
future SF Riak meetup...)

* Code here ---> http://hackage.haskell.org/package/montage

4) There's a Riak source reading happening November 13th at the Basho
Japan office.

* Details here ---> http://connpass.com/event/1265/

5) Andy Gross is giving a Riak CS Overview talk at the Cloudstack
Collaboration Conference at the end of November in Las Vegas.

* Read about it here --->

6) Speaking of Andy, a video of him at a recent Erlang Factory
surfaced. This one features him talking about building cloud services
with Riak.

* Watch here ---> http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Cloud-Services-Riak

7) Nathan Aschbacher released an ODM for Riak called Chinood (that
works with his node.js client nodiak)

* Code here ---> https://npmjs.org/package/chinood

8) Justin Sheehy was on the Cloudcast Podcast talking about Riak and NoSQL DBs.

* Listen here --->

9) Steven Gravell wrote a blog post about using PropEr to test erlang_js.

* Blog here --->

10) Steve Vinoski was quoted in a recent piece about NoSQL that
appeared on the ODBMS blog.

* Read here --->

11) Two Questions from SA

* How do I search for list items in Riak Search? --->
* Node not reachable --->

riak-users mailing list

Re: Web doc buglet

2012-11-01 Thread Guido Medina
You will realize that one specific solution doesn't solve everything, so 
you will probably have to use a piece from each base on their strengths, 
Riak = *Key-Value*, HA proxy (not related) is a good *TCP balancer*, we 
use it and it works like a charm, here is a sample configuration 

And finally, I meant that ElasticSearch could be a Solr replacement 
which both strengths are *text index searching* and both have Geo 
Spatial special kind of search tools, and include polygons, convex hull 
algorithms, etc, I know Solr needs to be heavily configured to have 
advanced geo stuff working, which in ElasticSearch is already in place 
or way easier to configure, and both are based in Lucene so, either will 
be as fast.

ElasticSearch had near real time index enabled were Solr just enabled it 
at version 4 which was released a month ago, but hard to find documentation.

Hope that helps,


On 31/10/12 22:50, Tin Le wrote:

For some reason, I did not get the original reply from Mark.  Only saw it
when it was included in Guido's email.

HA proxy + Riak + ElasticSearch are your friends, Solr lacks
documentation (way outdated), hard to find stuff done and samples, so if
you have your cluster well setup and your meaning to do only key-value
retrieval with assist of text index search using ElasticSearch, you are

*Note:* We have Solr for GeoSpatial functionality and is amazingly fast,
but there isn't much we can do, if you need complex polygon features it
gets complicated in Solr. Except for some incubation projects that will
be brought into Solr, it is kind of hard to do anything.

We are not using Solr at the moment, and I don't want to add yet another
piece into our infrastructure unless I really, really have to.  If it is
the best option for our needs, I'll use it.

Hope that helps,


On 31/10/12 17:15, Mark Phillips wrote:

One of the thing we've found missing and really need is the geospatial
indexing mongodb has.  We've just pushed our updated app to both
and Google Playstore that uses this as an intrinsic part of our app.
decided to stay with mongo as there was no time to code up equivalent

So Riak isn't really a great fit for geospatial right now. You might
be able to fake it to some extent using secondary indexes and doing
range queries on lat/longs (stored as ints) but it might not be too
performant. The other thing worth noting is that Ryan Zezeski has been
hacking on a revised implementation of Riak Search that ties Riak and
Solr together quite nicely (and thus supports geospatial). It's called
Yokozuna [1], and it's still alpha, but it's worth looking at and
testing (as this code getting more stable pretty quickly).

What are the specifics of the use case?

Our app is a popular music recognition app for iOS, Android and other
mobile OS (over 100+ million users).  We just pushed out a feature that
allow users to discovered songs being "identified" by nearby users on a
map.  It work globally.  You can see what songs are being ID'ed around

As users ID'd a song, the song and user location is added to mongo.  This
info can be queried and display on a proximity map.

Since we were more familiar with mongo, and were under time pressure to
get this out, recoding would not work for us.

We will see how mongo scale for us over time for this particular feature.
  No rush to go to riak now.

I have new HW on order for intended production usage.  It wil be a 5
nodes cluster.  Each with 16 cores, 64GB RAM (upgradeable to 512GB), and
2TB in a RAID10 config.  If riak tested out, we will go with this HW.
Otherwise, wipe and put mongo on it.

The test bed originally used 64 partitions with 3 nodes.  But as I was
adding 2 more nodes, I read somewhere in the doc that I should use 256 or
512 with more than 3 nodes.  So I wiped and upped it to 256 partitions on
5 nodes test bed.

Regarding the docs.  I would like to see a Best Practices section on
sizing HOWTOs and other configuration recommendations.  Perhaps a list of
usage scenarios and HW/SW configuration recs.  An explanation of why pick
a certain config and what need to be adjusted is helpful for

Current docs are fine for getting feet wet, just not enough for long
term, production usage.

I have more experience with mongo in a production environment than I have
with riak.  So anything that help make it easier for me  to get up to
speed is definitely good.

Right now, I am the sole person championing riak at $WORK$.  So it's
tough, heh :)


riak-users mailing list

Re: Web doc buglet

2012-11-01 Thread Alex Thompson
ElasticSearch's clustering is much better than Solr as well. If you're looking 
for two products that both work well in a clustered, shared nothing 
environment, elasticsearch + riak makes more sense than solr + riak to me.

- Alex

- Original Message -
From: "Guido Medina" 
To: "riak-users" 
Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2012 5:34:25 AM
Subject: Re: Web doc buglet

You will realize that one specific solution doesn't solve everything, so you 
will probably have to use a piece from each base on their strengths, Riak = 
Key-Value , HA proxy (not related) is a good TCP balancer , we use it and it 
works like a charm, here is a sample configuration 

And finally, I meant that ElasticSearch could be a Solr replacement which both 
strengths are text index searching and both have Geo Spatial special kind of 
search tools, and include polygons, convex hull algorithms, etc, I know Solr 
needs to be heavily configured to have advanced geo stuff working, which in 
ElasticSearch is already in place or way easier to configure, and both are 
based in Lucene so, either will be as fast. 

ElasticSearch had near real time index enabled were Solr just enabled it at 
version 4 which was released a month ago, but hard to find documentation. 

Hope that helps, 


On 31/10/12 22:50, Tin Le wrote: 

For some reason, I did not get the original reply from Mark.  Only saw it
when it was included in Guido's email. 

HA proxy + Riak + ElasticSearch are your friends, Solr lacks
documentation (way outdated), hard to find stuff done and samples, so if
you have your cluster well setup and your meaning to do only key-value
retrieval with assist of text index search using ElasticSearch, you are

*Note:* We have Solr for GeoSpatial functionality and is amazingly fast,
but there isn't much we can do, if you need complex polygon features it
gets complicated in Solr. Except for some incubation projects that will
be brought into Solr, it is kind of hard to do anything. We are not using Solr 
at the moment, and I don't want to add yet another
piece into our infrastructure unless I really, really have to.  If it is
the best option for our needs, I'll use it. 

Hope that helps,


On 31/10/12 17:15, Mark Phillips wrote: 

One of the thing we've found missing and really need is the geospatial
indexing mongodb has.  We've just pushed our updated app to both
and Google Playstore that uses this as an intrinsic part of our app.
decided to stay with mongo as there was no time to code up equivalent
riak. So Riak isn't really a great fit for geospatial right now. You might
be able to fake it to some extent using secondary indexes and doing
range queries on lat/longs (stored as ints) but it might not be too
performant. The other thing worth noting is that Ryan Zezeski has been
hacking on a revised implementation of Riak Search that ties Riak and
Solr together quite nicely (and thus supports geospatial). It's called
Yokozuna [1], and it's still alpha, but it's worth looking at and
testing (as this code getting more stable pretty quickly).

What are the specifics of the use case? Our app is a popular music recognition 
app for iOS, Android and other
mobile OS (over 100+ million users).  We just pushed out a feature that
allow users to discovered songs being "identified" by nearby users on a
map.  It work globally.  You can see what songs are being ID'ed around

As users ID'd a song, the song and user location is added to mongo.  This
info can be queried and display on a proximity map.

Since we were more familiar with mongo, and were under time pressure to
get this out, recoding would not work for us.

We will see how mongo scale for us over time for this particular feature.
 No rush to go to riak now.

I have new HW on order for intended production usage.  It wil be a 5
nodes cluster.  Each with 16 cores, 64GB RAM (upgradeable to 512GB), and
2TB in a RAID10 config.  If riak tested out, we will go with this HW. 
Otherwise, wipe and put mongo on it.

The test bed originally used 64 partitions with 3 nodes.  But as I was
adding 2 more nodes, I read somewhere in the doc that I should use 256 or
512 with more than 3 nodes.  So I wiped and upped it to 256 partitions on
5 nodes test bed.

Regarding the docs.  I would like to see a Best Practices section on
sizing HOWTOs and other configuration recommendations.  Perhaps a list of
usage scenarios and HW/SW configuration recs.  An explanation of why pick
a certain config and what need to be adjusted is helpful for

Current docs are fine for getting feet wet, just not enough for long
term, production usage.

I have more experience with mongo in a production environment than I have
with riak.  So anything that help make it easier for me  to get up to
speed is definitely good.

Right now, I am the sole person championing riak at $WORK$.  So it's
tough, heh :)



A Formal request to have a riak_core mailing list

2012-11-01 Thread DeadZen
Firstly, I would like to start off by emphasizing my appreciation for and
belief that separating riak_core was a very good thing.

I just wished there was a dedicated place to discuss riak_core. I saw that
there is essentially no mailing list to discuss
riak_core issues; which I feel are wider in scope than riak itself, but
improvements would obviously be of benefit to riak.

I'm also troubled by the fact that there seems to be evidence that if
something isn't needed in riak,
then it should be removed from riak_core ... I think this defeats the
purpose of separating riak_core in the first place
-- evidence:

I believe the point regarding sync_spawn is valid, however I feel like
doing it through an all state event, invalidated some of its purpose.

Rather than simply removing it, because it "doesn't fit" now, I think we
should ask, why doesn't it fit now?
Is it possible that this is due to an earlier decision which may of
impacted the suitability of this and other API aspects?

I think we should discuss these aspects as they change and try to do a
better job at API compatibility.

In closing... I think there should exist open discussions regarding
that don't get buried in the riak list, therefore I humbly suggest a
riak_core mailing list be started...

Thank you...
DeadZen -

#erlang / #erlounge on freenode
riak-users mailing list

Re: Deleting items from search index increases disk usage

2012-11-01 Thread Jeremy Raymond
I reindexed a bunch of items that are still in the search index but no
disk space was reclaimed. Is there any Riak console Erlang voodoo I
can do to convince Riak Search that now would be a good time to
compact the merge_index?


On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 4:26 PM, Jeremy Raymond  wrote:
> I've posted the list of buffer files [1] and segment files [2].
> The current data set I have in Riak is static, so no new items are
> being written. So this looks like the reason as to why compaction
> isn't happening since there is no time based trigger on the merge
> index. To get compaction to kick in, I should be able to to just
> reindex (by reading and rewriting) some of the existing items in
> buckets that are still indexed? Earlier today I upgraded to Riak 1.2
> and ran a Search read repair [3] in an attempt to kick of compaction.
> Compaction didn't kick in, but instead disk consumption increased
> again. Should Search Repair trigger compaction or only writing objects
> to the KV store?
> [1]:https://gist.github.com/3982718
> [2]:https://gist.github.com/3982730
> [3]:http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/cookbooks/Repairing-Search-Indexes/#Running-a
> Repair
> --
> Jeremy
> On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Ryan Zezeski  wrote:
>> find /var/lib/riak/merge_index -name 'buffer.*' | xargs ls -lah
>> find /var/lib/riak/merge_index -name 'segment.*' | xargs ls -lah

riak-users mailing list

Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread Kevin Burton
I was looking at the options of installing Riak and there are several
options under Ubuntu: Lucid, Natty, and Precise. This is a Linux Ubuntu
Server. I am not sure how to tell which variant it is.


Thank you.



riak-users mailing list

Re: A Formal request to have a riak_core mailing list

2012-11-01 Thread Mark Phillips

Thanks for the email.

I think a stand-alone list for riak_core makes a lot of sense. core is
a very powerful piece of software, and more people are starting to use
it distinct of Riak. A separate list for Core might help to make it
more useful on the whole, and we do need to ensure that when Core
changes for the sake of Riak, we take into account everyone using

A few of us on the basho eng team discussed it briefly this morning
and we're generally on board. We have a call tomorrow morning, and
I'll bring it up for discussion. I don't suspect anyone will be
vehemently opposed, and if that's the case I'll go ahead and make the
list. We might have to do some juggling around what should be on the
Riak list vs the Core list, but we'll figure it out.

You'll hear from us tomorrow.


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 7:31 AM, DeadZen  wrote:
> Firstly, I would like to start off by emphasizing my appreciation for and
> belief that separating riak_core was a very good thing.
> I just wished there was a dedicated place to discuss riak_core. I saw that
> there is essentially no mailing list to discuss
> riak_core issues; which I feel are wider in scope than riak itself, but
> improvements would obviously be of benefit to riak.
> I'm also troubled by the fact that there seems to be evidence that if
> something isn't needed in riak,
> then it should be removed from riak_core ... I think this defeats the
> purpose of separating riak_core in the first place
> -- evidence:
> http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2011-December/006982.html
> I believe the point regarding sync_spawn is valid, however I feel like doing
> it through an all state event, invalidated some of its purpose.
> Rather than simply removing it, because it "doesn't fit" now, I think we
> should ask, why doesn't it fit now?
> Is it possible that this is due to an earlier decision which may of impacted
> the suitability of this and other API aspects?
> I think we should discuss these aspects as they change and try to do a
> better job at API compatibility.
> In closing... I think there should exist open discussions regarding
> riak_core,
> that don't get buried in the riak list, therefore I humbly suggest a
> riak_core mailing list be started...
> Thank you...
> DeadZen -
> #erlang / #erlounge on freenode
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread Jared Morrow

As far as I know, the lsb_release tool is installed by default on all
Ubuntu installs. You can use it to get the codename of the release like:

For Ubuntu 10.04

$ lsb_release -c

or Ubuntu 12.04

$ lsb_release -c

You can also get the information from the /etc/lsb-release file directly.

% cat /etc/lsb-release

Hope that helps,

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Kevin Burton wrote:

> I was looking at the options of installing Riak and there are several
> options under Ubuntu: Lucid, Natty, and Precise. This is a Linux Ubuntu
> Server. I am not sure how to tell which variant it is.
> ** **
> Thank you.
> ** **
> Kevin
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
riak-users mailing list

RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread Kevin Burton
I can do a lsb_release -a and I get:


Distributor ID: Ubuntu

Description: Ubuntu 12.10

Release: 12.10

Codename: quantal


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:42 AM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




As far as I know, the lsb_release tool is installed by default on all Ubuntu
installs. You can use it to get the codename of the release like: 

For Ubuntu 10.04 

$ lsb_release -c

or Ubuntu 12.04 

$ lsb_release -c

You can also get the information from the /etc/lsb-release file directly. 

% cat /etc/lsb-release 


Hope that helps,




On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Kevin Burton 

I was looking at the options of installing Riak and there are several
options under Ubuntu: Lucid, Natty, and Precise. This is a Linux Ubuntu
Server. I am not sure how to tell which variant it is.


Thank you.



riak-users mailing list


riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread Jared Morrow

So you are on 12.10, which is one minor release past Precise (12.04) which
is the current LTS (Long Term Support) release.  I haven't confirmed that
the Precise Riak package will work on Quantal, but I suspect it will be
fine.  In version mismatches most issues you'll find will be on install
with dependencies.  If this is something you will rely on for a business in
a production sense, I'd recommend using a LTS release like Precise (12.04)
instead and know that we tested Riak on that platform.  If this is
for development purposes,  you will likely be fine on 12.10.  If something
complains on install with dependencies please let me know so I can respond
differently the next time this comes up on the mailing list.


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Kevin Burton wrote:

> I can do a lsb_release –a and I get:
> ** **
> Distributor ID: Ubuntu
> Description: Ubuntu 12.10
> Release: 12.10
> Codename: quantal
> ** **
> *From:* Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:42 AM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users@lists.basho.com
> *Subject:* Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> ** **
> Kevin
> ** **
> As far as I know, the lsb_release tool is installed by default on all
> Ubuntu installs. You can use it to get the codename of the release like: *
> ***
> For Ubuntu 10.04 
> $ lsb_release -c
> Codename:lucid
> or Ubuntu 12.04 
> $ lsb_release -c
> Codename:precise
> You can also get the information from the /etc/lsb-release file directly.
> % cat /etc/lsb-release 
> ** **
> Hope that helps,
> Jared
> ** **
> ** **
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> I was looking at the options of installing Riak and there are several
> options under Ubuntu: Lucid, Natty, and Precise. This is a Linux Ubuntu
> Server. I am not sure how to tell which variant it is.
> Thank you.
> Kevin
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
> ** **
riak-users mailing list

RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread Kevin Burton
Better yet I decided to build from source. But I ran into the following


ERROR: Unable to generate spec: read file info
/usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/qemu-i386.1 failed


>From the content this error seems to related to erlang more than riak but I
am wondering if this makes other portions of the build unavailable?


Thanks again.


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:50 AM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




So you are on 12.10, which is one minor release past Precise (12.04) which
is the current LTS (Long Term Support) release.  I haven't confirmed that
the Precise Riak package will work on Quantal, but I suspect it will be
fine.  In version mismatches most issues you'll find will be on install with
dependencies.  If this is something you will rely on for a business in a
production sense, I'd recommend using a LTS release like Precise (12.04)
instead and know that we tested Riak on that platform.  If this is for
development purposes,  you will likely be fine on 12.10.  If something
complains on install with dependencies please let me know so I can respond
differently the next time this comes up on the mailing list.



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Kevin Burton 

I can do a lsb_release -a and I get:


Distributor ID: Ubuntu

Description: Ubuntu 12.10

Release: 12.10

Codename: quantal


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:42 AM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




As far as I know, the lsb_release tool is installed by default on all Ubuntu
installs. You can use it to get the codename of the release like: 

For Ubuntu 10.04 

$ lsb_release -c

or Ubuntu 12.04 

$ lsb_release -c

You can also get the information from the /etc/lsb-release file directly. 

% cat /etc/lsb-release 


Hope that helps,




On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Kevin Burton 

I was looking at the options of installing Riak and there are several
options under Ubuntu: Lucid, Natty, and Precise. This is a Linux Ubuntu
Server. I am not sure how to tell which variant it is.


Thank you.



riak-users mailing list



riak-users mailing list

RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread Kevin Burton
Same thing happens when I 'make devrel'.


From: Kevin Burton [mailto:rkevinbur...@charter.net] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:33 PM
To: 'Jared Morrow'
Cc: 'riak-users@lists.basho.com'
Subject: RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server


Better yet I decided to build from source. But I ran into the following


ERROR: Unable to generate spec: read file info
/usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/qemu-i386.1 failed


>From the content this error seems to related to erlang more than riak but I
am wondering if this makes other portions of the build unavailable?


Thanks again.


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:50 AM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




So you are on 12.10, which is one minor release past Precise (12.04) which
is the current LTS (Long Term Support) release.  I haven't confirmed that
the Precise Riak package will work on Quantal, but I suspect it will be
fine.  In version mismatches most issues you'll find will be on install with
dependencies.  If this is something you will rely on for a business in a
production sense, I'd recommend using a LTS release like Precise (12.04)
instead and know that we tested Riak on that platform.  If this is for
development purposes,  you will likely be fine on 12.10.  If something
complains on install with dependencies please let me know so I can respond
differently the next time this comes up on the mailing list.



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Kevin Burton 

I can do a lsb_release -a and I get:


Distributor ID: Ubuntu

Description: Ubuntu 12.10

Release: 12.10

Codename: quantal


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:42 AM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




As far as I know, the lsb_release tool is installed by default on all Ubuntu
installs. You can use it to get the codename of the release like: 

For Ubuntu 10.04 

$ lsb_release -c

or Ubuntu 12.04 

$ lsb_release -c

You can also get the information from the /etc/lsb-release file directly. 

% cat /etc/lsb-release 


Hope that helps,




On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Kevin Burton 

I was looking at the options of installing Riak and there are several
options under Ubuntu: Lucid, Natty, and Precise. This is a Linux Ubuntu
Server. I am not sure how to tell which variant it is.


Thank you.



riak-users mailing list



riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread Jared Morrow
If building 1.2.1 from source, make sure you have erlang r15B01 installed
and in your path.

That particular error I have never seen.  If you type 'erl' in the command
line, what do you see?


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Kevin Burton wrote:

> Better yet I decided to build from source. But I ran into the following
> error:
> ** **
> ERROR: Unable to generate spec: read file info
> /usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/qemu-i386.1 failed
> ** **
> From the content this error seems to related to erlang more than riak but
> I am wondering if this makes other portions of the build unavailable?
> ** **
> Thanks again.
> ** **
> *From:* Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:50 AM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users@lists.basho.com
> *Subject:* Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> ** **
> Kevin,
> ** **
> So you are on 12.10, which is one minor release past Precise (12.04) which
> is the current LTS (Long Term Support) release.  I haven't confirmed that
> the Precise Riak package will work on Quantal, but I suspect it will be
> fine.  In version mismatches most issues you'll find will be on install
> with dependencies.  If this is something you will rely on for a business in
> a production sense, I'd recommend using a LTS release like Precise (12.04)
> instead and know that we tested Riak on that platform.  If this is
> for development purposes,  you will likely be fine on 12.10.  If something
> complains on install with dependencies please let me know so I can respond
> differently the next time this comes up on the mailing list.
> ** **
> -Jared
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> I can do a lsb_release –a and I get:
> Distributor ID: Ubuntu
> Description: Ubuntu 12.10
> Release: 12.10
> Codename: quantal
> *From:* Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:42 AM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users@lists.basho.com
> *Subject:* Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> Kevin
> As far as I know, the lsb_release tool is installed by default on all
> Ubuntu installs. You can use it to get the codename of the release like: *
> ***
> For Ubuntu 10.04 
> ** **
> $ lsb_release -c
> Codename:lucid
> or Ubuntu 12.04 
> ** **
> $ lsb_release -c
> Codename:precise
> You can also get the information from the /etc/lsb-release file directly.
> % cat /etc/lsb-release 
> Hope that helps,
> Jared
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> I was looking at the options of installing Riak and there are several
> options under Ubuntu: Lucid, Natty, and Precise. This is a Linux Ubuntu
> Server. I am not sure how to tell which variant it is.
> Thank you.
> Kevin
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
> ** **
riak-users mailing list

ANN: Yokozuna 0.1.0

2012-11-01 Thread Ryan Zezeski
Riak Users,

I'm happy to announce the first alpha release of Yokozuna.  Yokozuna is a
new take on providing search support for Riak.  It tightly integrates Solr
4.0.0 and the Riak master branch.

I'm very excited about Yokozuna.  It brings the power of Solr search to
Riak.  This means language support, analyzer support, and advanced querying
support including boolean, ranked, facet, and spatial.  You can even query
Yokozuna with existing Solr clients*!  Basically, if Solr supports it
Yokozuna probably does too.  On the other side of things Riak uses its
great distributed bits to replicate and scale out Solr.  Riak provides
support for anti-entropy, handoff, distributed queries, and data
replication.  Together these two technologies complement each other well.

Learn more about the 0.1.0 release:

Getting started with Yokozuna:

If you would rather not build from source an EC2 AMI is provided that may
be used: https://github.com/rzezeski/yokozuna/blob/master/docs/EC2.md

If you would like to see some very high-level diagrams of Yokozuna's
architecture checkout my slides from RICON:

I'm looking for people to work with me directly to prototype solutions
using Yokozuna.  If that sounds interesting please email me directly.  If
you have any questions don't hesitate to ask them on riak-users or email me


* - Please note I've only tested this against SolrJ.  See
riak-users mailing list

Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server

2012-11-01 Thread Kevin Burton
I would like some scripts or programming tools that I could use to transfer
existing data held in Microsoft SQL Server databases into Riak. Do such
tools exist?

riak-users mailing list

RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread Kevin Burton
I get 


Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64bit] [async-threads:0]

EShell V5.9.1 (abort with ^G)


In the case of make devrel it is definitely skipping something as the dev
directory is completely empty.



From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:39 PM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server


If building 1.2.1 from source, make sure you have erlang r15B01 installed
and in your path.


That particular error I have never seen.  If you type 'erl' in the command
line, what do you see?



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Kevin Burton 

Better yet I decided to build from source. But I ran into the following


ERROR: Unable to generate spec: read file info
/usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/qemu-i386.1 failed


>From the content this error seems to related to erlang more than riak but I
am wondering if this makes other portions of the build unavailable?


Thanks again.


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:50 AM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




So you are on 12.10, which is one minor release past Precise (12.04) which
is the current LTS (Long Term Support) release.  I haven't confirmed that
the Precise Riak package will work on Quantal, but I suspect it will be
fine.  In version mismatches most issues you'll find will be on install with
dependencies.  If this is something you will rely on for a business in a
production sense, I'd recommend using a LTS release like Precise (12.04)
instead and know that we tested Riak on that platform.  If this is for
development purposes,  you will likely be fine on 12.10.  If something
complains on install with dependencies please let me know so I can respond
differently the next time this comes up on the mailing list.



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Kevin Burton 

I can do a lsb_release -a and I get:


Distributor ID: Ubuntu

Description: Ubuntu 12.10

Release: 12.10

Codename: quantal


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:42 AM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




As far as I know, the lsb_release tool is installed by default on all Ubuntu
installs. You can use it to get the codename of the release like: 

For Ubuntu 10.04 

$ lsb_release -c

or Ubuntu 12.04 

$ lsb_release -c

You can also get the information from the /etc/lsb-release file directly. 

% cat /etc/lsb-release 


Hope that helps,




On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Kevin Burton 

I was looking at the options of installing Riak and there are several
options under Ubuntu: Lucid, Natty, and Precise. This is a Linux Ubuntu
Server. I am not sure how to tell which variant it is.


Thank you.



riak-users mailing list




riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread Jared Morrow
Devrel will depend on a working build first, so sticking with just 'make'
to see if that works will be a good first step.

If you can run 'make' and put the output in a gist or pastebin for me I can
try and take a look at it.

Are you building from an untarred source tarball of Riak 1.2.1, or cloning
from Github?

Also, if you haven't already looked at it, these instructions are the best
ones to follow when building from source


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Kevin Burton wrote:

> I get 
> ** **
> Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64bit] [async-threads:0]
> [kernel-poll:false]
> EShell V5.9.1 (abort with ^G)
> ** **
> In the case of make devrel it is definitely skipping something as the dev
> directory is completely empty.
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:39 PM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users@lists.basho.com
> *Subject:* Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> ** **
> If building 1.2.1 from source, make sure you have erlang r15B01 installed
> and in your path.
> ** **
> That particular error I have never seen.  If you type 'erl' in the command
> line, what do you see?
> ** **
> -Jared
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> Better yet I decided to build from source. But I ran into the following
> error:
> ERROR: Unable to generate spec: read file info
> /usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/qemu-i386.1 failed
> From the content this error seems to related to erlang more than riak but
> I am wondering if this makes other portions of the build unavailable?
> Thanks again.
> *From:* Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:50 AM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users@lists.basho.com
> *Subject:* Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> Kevin,
> So you are on 12.10, which is one minor release past Precise (12.04) which
> is the current LTS (Long Term Support) release.  I haven't confirmed that
> the Precise Riak package will work on Quantal, but I suspect it will be
> fine.  In version mismatches most issues you'll find will be on install
> with dependencies.  If this is something you will rely on for a business in
> a production sense, I'd recommend using a LTS release like Precise (12.04)
> instead and know that we tested Riak on that platform.  If this is
> for development purposes,  you will likely be fine on 12.10.  If something
> complains on install with dependencies please let me know so I can respond
> differently the next time this comes up on the mailing list.
> -Jared
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> I can do a lsb_release –a and I get:
> Distributor ID: Ubuntu
> Description: Ubuntu 12.10
> Release: 12.10
> Codename: quantal
> *From:* Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:42 AM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users@lists.basho.com
> *Subject:* Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> Kevin
> As far as I know, the lsb_release tool is installed by default on all
> Ubuntu installs. You can use it to get the codename of the release like: *
> ***
> For Ubuntu 10.04 
> ** **
> $ lsb_release -c
> Codename:lucid
> or Ubuntu 12.04 
> ** **
> $ lsb_release -c
> Codename:precise
> You can also get the information from the /etc/lsb-release file directly.
> % cat /etc/lsb-release 
> Hope that helps,
> Jared
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> I was looking at the options of installing Riak and there are several
> options under Ubuntu: Lucid, Natty, and Precise. This is a Linux Ubuntu
> Server. I am not sure how to tell which variant it is.
> Thank you.
> Kevin
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
> ** **
riak-users mailing list

RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread Kevin Burton
I am having trouble sharing files with the machine that I am sending email
on.  The Linux machine is a VM and I am using Outlook to send this email
(Micrsoft Windows 7). There are theoretically a way to share a clipboard or
file between the machines (the VM and the host) but right now that is
another issue. If I just type make is there anything in particular that you
would be looking for?

I am building from the tarball of Riak 1.2.1 as specified in the


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:58 PM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server


Devrel will depend on a working build first, so sticking with just 'make' to
see if that works will be a good first step.  


If you can run 'make' and put the output in a gist or pastebin for me I can
try and take a look at it.


Are you building from an untarred source tarball of Riak 1.2.1, or cloning
from Github?


Also, if you haven't already looked at it, these instructions are the best
ones to follow when building from source



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Kevin Burton 

I get 


Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64bit] [async-threads:0]

EShell V5.9.1 (abort with ^G)


In the case of make devrel it is definitely skipping something as the dev
directory is completely empty.



From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:39 PM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server


If building 1.2.1 from source, make sure you have erlang r15B01 installed
and in your path.


That particular error I have never seen.  If you type 'erl' in the command
line, what do you see?



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Kevin Burton 

Better yet I decided to build from source. But I ran into the following


ERROR: Unable to generate spec: read file info
/usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/qemu-i386.1 failed


>From the content this error seems to related to erlang more than riak but I
am wondering if this makes other portions of the build unavailable?


Thanks again.


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:50 AM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




So you are on 12.10, which is one minor release past Precise (12.04) which
is the current LTS (Long Term Support) release.  I haven't confirmed that
the Precise Riak package will work on Quantal, but I suspect it will be
fine.  In version mismatches most issues you'll find will be on install with
dependencies.  If this is something you will rely on for a business in a
production sense, I'd recommend using a LTS release like Precise (12.04)
instead and know that we tested Riak on that platform.  If this is for
development purposes,  you will likely be fine on 12.10.  If something
complains on install with dependencies please let me know so I can respond
differently the next time this comes up on the mailing list.



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Kevin Burton 

I can do a lsb_release -a and I get:


Distributor ID: Ubuntu

Description: Ubuntu 12.10

Release: 12.10

Codename: quantal


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:42 AM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




As far as I know, the lsb_release tool is installed by default on all Ubuntu
installs. You can use it to get the codename of the release like: 

For Ubuntu 10.04 

$ lsb_release -c

or Ubuntu 12.04 

$ lsb_release -c

You can also get the information from the /etc/lsb-release file directly. 

% cat /etc/lsb-release 


Hope that helps,




On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Kevin Burton 

I was looking at the options of installing Riak and there are several
options under Ubuntu: Lucid, Natty, and Precise. This is a Linux Ubuntu
Server. I am not sure how to tell which variant it is.


Thank you.



riak-users mailing list





riak-users mailing list

Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server

2012-11-01 Thread Jeff Kirkell
There is nothing that I have come across. What I did in the past was run a
quick Node.js app that pulled data out of SQL Server using one of the
available drivers and serialize and write to Riak. It is not perfect, and
may be slow depending on the amount of data but it does work.


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:

> I would like some scripts or programming tools that I could use to
> transfer existing data held in Microsoft SQL Server databases into Riak. Do
> such tools exist?
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
riak-users mailing list

RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread Kevin Burton
By the way the build seems to work fine (make rel). Just a few warnings. But
there is no indication of an error until the erlang generate error detailed


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:58 PM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server


Devrel will depend on a working build first, so sticking with just 'make' to
see if that works will be a good first step.  


If you can run 'make' and put the output in a gist or pastebin for me I can
try and take a look at it.


Are you building from an untarred source tarball of Riak 1.2.1, or cloning
from Github?


Also, if you haven't already looked at it, these instructions are the best
ones to follow when building from source



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Kevin Burton 

I get 


Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64bit] [async-threads:0]

EShell V5.9.1 (abort with ^G)


In the case of make devrel it is definitely skipping something as the dev
directory is completely empty.



From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:39 PM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server


If building 1.2.1 from source, make sure you have erlang r15B01 installed
and in your path.


That particular error I have never seen.  If you type 'erl' in the command
line, what do you see?



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Kevin Burton 

Better yet I decided to build from source. But I ran into the following


ERROR: Unable to generate spec: read file info
/usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/qemu-i386.1 failed


>From the content this error seems to related to erlang more than riak but I
am wondering if this makes other portions of the build unavailable?


Thanks again.


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:50 AM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




So you are on 12.10, which is one minor release past Precise (12.04) which
is the current LTS (Long Term Support) release.  I haven't confirmed that
the Precise Riak package will work on Quantal, but I suspect it will be
fine.  In version mismatches most issues you'll find will be on install with
dependencies.  If this is something you will rely on for a business in a
production sense, I'd recommend using a LTS release like Precise (12.04)
instead and know that we tested Riak on that platform.  If this is for
development purposes,  you will likely be fine on 12.10.  If something
complains on install with dependencies please let me know so I can respond
differently the next time this comes up on the mailing list.



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Kevin Burton 

I can do a lsb_release -a and I get:


Distributor ID: Ubuntu

Description: Ubuntu 12.10

Release: 12.10

Codename: quantal


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:42 AM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




As far as I know, the lsb_release tool is installed by default on all Ubuntu
installs. You can use it to get the codename of the release like: 

For Ubuntu 10.04 

$ lsb_release -c

or Ubuntu 12.04 

$ lsb_release -c

You can also get the information from the /etc/lsb-release file directly. 

% cat /etc/lsb-release 


Hope that helps,




On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Kevin Burton 

I was looking at the options of installing Riak and there are several
options under Ubuntu: Lucid, Natty, and Precise. This is a Linux Ubuntu
Server. I am not sure how to tell which variant it is.


Thank you.



riak-users mailing list





riak-users mailing list

RE: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server

2012-11-01 Thread Kevin Burton
Would you mind sharing that app? If you have time since I am not familiar
with Node.js would you mind showing me how you ran it as well as the source.
Thank you.


From: Jeff Kirkell [mailto:jeff.kirk...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:07 PM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users
Subject: Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server


There is nothing that I have come across. What I did in the past was run a
quick Node.js app that pulled data out of SQL Server using one of the
available drivers and serialize and write to Riak. It is not perfect, and
may be slow depending on the amount of data but it does work.




On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Kevin Burton 

I would like some scripts or programming tools that I could use to transfer
existing data held in Microsoft SQL Server databases into Riak. Do such
tools exist?

riak-users mailing list


riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread Jared Morrow
Okay, so reltool isn't working, did you build erlang from source or did you
use some package?

If you used a package, you can try building from source, configure it to
install somewhere outside of /usr/lib (by doing a
--prefix=/usr/local/erlang-r15b01 or something in the ./configure step).
 Then make sure to add the path /bin to your path
before building.

Or, try just installing the precise package we release, at least that way
you know that erlang works correctly with Riak.

$ wget
$ dpkg -i riak_1.2.1-1_amd64.deb

The package would really be my recommendation.


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 12:07 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:

> By the way the build seems to work fine (make rel). Just a few warnings.
> But there is no indication of an error until the erlang generate error
> detailed below.
> ** **
> *From:* Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:58 PM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users@lists.basho.com
> *Subject:* Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> ** **
> Devrel will depend on a working build first, so sticking with just 'make'
> to see if that works will be a good first step.  
> ** **
> If you can run 'make' and put the output in a gist or pastebin for me I
> can try and take a look at it.
> ** **
> Are you building from an untarred source tarball of Riak 1.2.1, or cloning
> from Github?
> ** **
> Also, if you haven't already looked at it, these instructions are the best
> ones to follow when building from source
> http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/tutorials/installation/Installing-Riak-from-Source/
> ** **
> -Jared
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> I get 
> Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64bit] [async-threads:0]
> [kernel-poll:false]
> EShell V5.9.1 (abort with ^G)
> In the case of make devrel it is definitely skipping something as the dev
> directory is completely empty.
> *From:* Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:39 PM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users@lists.basho.com
> *Subject:* Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> If building 1.2.1 from source, make sure you have erlang r15B01 installed
> and in your path.
> That particular error I have never seen.  If you type 'erl' in the command
> line, what do you see?
> -Jared
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> Better yet I decided to build from source. But I ran into the following
> error:
> ERROR: Unable to generate spec: read file info
> /usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/qemu-i386.1 failed
> From the content this error seems to related to erlang more than riak but
> I am wondering if this makes other portions of the build unavailable?
> Thanks again.
> *From:* Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:50 AM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users@lists.basho.com
> *Subject:* Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> Kevin,
> So you are on 12.10, which is one minor release past Precise (12.04) which
> is the current LTS (Long Term Support) release.  I haven't confirmed that
> the Precise Riak package will work on Quantal, but I suspect it will be
> fine.  In version mismatches most issues you'll find will be on install
> with dependencies.  If this is something you will rely on for a business in
> a production sense, I'd recommend using a LTS release like Precise (12.04)
> instead and know that we tested Riak on that platform.  If this is
> for development purposes,  you will likely be fine on 12.10.  If something
> complains on install with dependencies please let me know so I can respond
> differently the next time this comes up on the mailing list.
> -Jared
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> I can do a lsb_release –a and I get:
> Distributor ID: Ubuntu
> Description: Ubuntu 12.10
> Release: 12.10
> Codename: quantal
> *From:* Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:42 AM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users@lists.basho.com
> *Subject:* Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> Kevin
> As far as I know, the lsb_release tool is installed by default on all
> Ubuntu installs. You can use it to get the codename of the release like: *
> ***
> For Ubuntu 10.04 
> ** **
> ** **
> $ lsb_release -c
> Codename:lucid
> or Ubuntu 12.04 
> ** **
> ** **
> $ lsb_release -c
> Codename:precise
> You can also get the information 

Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server

2012-11-01 Thread Jeff Kirkell
This Microsoft blog post gives a sample how to query the SQL Server

In the record loop, you use a Riak Node driver like riak-js.

I can't share the scripts I wrote due to work but I can answer anything you
may have outside of providing the code.


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:

> Would you mind sharing that app? If you have time since I am not familiar
> with Node.js would you mind showing me how you ran it as well as the
> source. Thank you.
> ** **
> *From:* Jeff Kirkell [mailto:jeff.kirk...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:07 PM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users
> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
> ** **
> There is nothing that I have come across. What I did in the past was run a
> quick Node.js app that pulled data out of SQL Server using one of the
> available drivers and serialize and write to Riak. It is not perfect, and
> may be slow depending on the amount of data but it does work.
> ** **
> Jeff
> ** **
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> I would like some scripts or programming tools that I could use to
> transfer existing data held in Microsoft SQL Server databases into Riak. Do
> such tools exist?
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
> ** **
riak-users mailing list

RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread Kevin Burton
Interesting. make works without error. ‘make rel’ is where the error occurs.


The last lines of make are:


ð  rel (compile)

ð  riak-1.2.1 (compile)


The last lines of make rel


ð  rel (compile)

ð  riak-1.2.1 (compile)

ð  rel (generate)

ERROR: Unable to generate spec: read file info
/usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/qemu-i386.1 failed

make: *** [re1] Error 1

I do get an error that I didn’t notice at the beginning:


fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:58 PM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server


Devrel will depend on a working build first, so sticking with just 'make' to
see if that works will be a good first step.  


If you can run 'make' and put the output in a gist or pastebin for me I can
try and take a look at it.


Are you building from an untarred source tarball of Riak 1.2.1, or cloning
from Github?


Also, if you haven't already looked at it, these instructions are the best
ones to follow when building from source



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Kevin Burton 

I get 


Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64bit] [async-threads:0]

EShell V5.9.1 (abort with ^G)


In the case of make devrel it is definitely skipping something as the dev
directory is completely empty.



From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:39 PM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server


If building 1.2.1 from source, make sure you have erlang r15B01 installed
and in your path.


That particular error I have never seen.  If you type 'erl' in the command
line, what do you see?



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Kevin Burton 

Better yet I decided to build from source. But I ran into the following


ERROR: Unable to generate spec: read file info
/usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/qemu-i386.1 failed


>From the content this error seems to related to erlang more than riak but I
am wondering if this makes other portions of the build unavailable?


Thanks again.


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:50 AM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




So you are on 12.10, which is one minor release past Precise (12.04) which
is the current LTS (Long Term Support) release.  I haven't confirmed that
the Precise Riak package will work on Quantal, but I suspect it will be
fine.  In version mismatches most issues you'll find will be on install with
dependencies.  If this is something you will rely on for a business in a
production sense, I'd recommend using a LTS release like Precise (12.04)
instead and know that we tested Riak on that platform.  If this is for
development purposes,  you will likely be fine on 12.10.  If something
complains on install with dependencies please let me know so I can respond
differently the next time this comes up on the mailing list.



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Kevin Burton 

I can do a lsb_release –a and I get:


Distributor ID: Ubuntu

Description: Ubuntu 12.10

Release: 12.10

Codename: quantal


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:42 AM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




As far as I know, the lsb_release tool is installed by default on all Ubuntu
installs. You can use it to get the codename of the release like: 

For Ubuntu 10.04 

$ lsb_release -c

or Ubuntu 12.04 

$ lsb_release -c

You can also get the information from the /etc/lsb-release file directly. 

% cat /etc/lsb-release 


Hope that helps,




On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Kevin Burton 

I was looking at the options of installing Riak and there are several
options under Ubuntu: Lucid, Natty, and Precise. This is a Linux Ubuntu
Server. I am not sure how to tell which variant it is.


Thank you.



riak-users mailing list





riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread Jared Morrow
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

Can be safely ignored, it has to do with us trying to figure out what tag
is being used for a given directory.


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:

> Interesting. make works without error. ‘make rel’ is where the error
> occurs.
> ** **
> The last lines of make are:
> ** **
> **ð  **rel (compile)
> **ð  **riak-1.2.1 (compile)
> ** **
> The last lines of make rel
> ** **
> **ð  **rel (compile)
> **ð  **riak-1.2.1 (compile)
> **ð  **rel (generate)
> ERROR: Unable to generate spec: read file info
> /usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/qemu-i386.1 failed
> make: *** [re1] Error 1
> I do get an error that I didn’t notice at the beginning:
> ** **
> fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
> ** **
> *From:* Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:58 PM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users@lists.basho.com
> *Subject:* Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> ** **
> Devrel will depend on a working build first, so sticking with just 'make'
> to see if that works will be a good first step.  
> ** **
> If you can run 'make' and put the output in a gist or pastebin for me I
> can try and take a look at it.
> ** **
> Are you building from an untarred source tarball of Riak 1.2.1, or cloning
> from Github?
> ** **
> Also, if you haven't already looked at it, these instructions are the best
> ones to follow when building from source
> http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/tutorials/installation/Installing-Riak-from-Source/
> ** **
> -Jared
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> I get 
> Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64bit] [async-threads:0]
> [kernel-poll:false]
> EShell V5.9.1 (abort with ^G)
> In the case of make devrel it is definitely skipping something as the dev
> directory is completely empty.
> *From:* Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:39 PM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users@lists.basho.com
> *Subject:* Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> If building 1.2.1 from source, make sure you have erlang r15B01 installed
> and in your path.
> That particular error I have never seen.  If you type 'erl' in the command
> line, what do you see?
> -Jared
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> Better yet I decided to build from source. But I ran into the following
> error:
> ERROR: Unable to generate spec: read file info
> /usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/qemu-i386.1 failed
> From the content this error seems to related to erlang more than riak but
> I am wondering if this makes other portions of the build unavailable?
> Thanks again.
> *From:* Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:50 AM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users@lists.basho.com
> *Subject:* Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> Kevin,
> So you are on 12.10, which is one minor release past Precise (12.04) which
> is the current LTS (Long Term Support) release.  I haven't confirmed that
> the Precise Riak package will work on Quantal, but I suspect it will be
> fine.  In version mismatches most issues you'll find will be on install
> with dependencies.  If this is something you will rely on for a business in
> a production sense, I'd recommend using a LTS release like Precise (12.04)
> instead and know that we tested Riak on that platform.  If this is
> for development purposes,  you will likely be fine on 12.10.  If something
> complains on install with dependencies please let me know so I can respond
> differently the next time this comes up on the mailing list.
> -Jared
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> I can do a lsb_release –a and I get:
> Distributor ID: Ubuntu
> Description: Ubuntu 12.10
> Release: 12.10
> Codename: quantal
> *From:* Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:42 AM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users@lists.basho.com
> *Subject:* Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> Kevin
> As far as I know, the lsb_release tool is installed by default on all
> Ubuntu installs. You can use it to get the codename of the release like: *
> ***
> For Ubuntu 10.04 
> ** **
> ** **
> $ lsb_release -c
> Codename:lucid
> or Ubuntu 12.04 
> ** **
> ** **
> $ lsb_release -c
> Codename:precise
> You can also get the information from the /etc/lsb-

RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread Kevin Burton
I got erlang from a package. How do I build from source? Once it is built
how do I install it so that the instructions in the documentation work. The
'wget' and 'dpkg' lines that you call out are a direct quote from the
documentation and that is what I followed.  I installed the Riak package
without error but since you had some doubts about the version of Ubuntu that
I was using I tried building from the source and got these errors. If I have
to skip building from the source then how do I substitute 'make devrel'?


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:22 PM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server


Okay, so reltool isn't working, did you build erlang from source or did you
use some package?


If you used a package, you can try building from source, configure it to
install somewhere outside of /usr/lib (by doing a
--prefix=/usr/local/erlang-r15b01 or something in the ./configure step).
Then make sure to add the path /bin to your path before


Or, try just installing the precise package we release, at least that way
you know that erlang works correctly with Riak.


$ wget

$ dpkg -i riak_1.2.1-1_amd64.deb


The package would really be my recommendation.





On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 12:07 PM, Kevin Burton 

By the way the build seems to work fine (make rel). Just a few warnings. But
there is no indication of an error until the erlang generate error detailed


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:58 PM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server


Devrel will depend on a working build first, so sticking with just 'make' to
see if that works will be a good first step.  


If you can run 'make' and put the output in a gist or pastebin for me I can
try and take a look at it.


Are you building from an untarred source tarball of Riak 1.2.1, or cloning
from Github?


Also, if you haven't already looked at it, these instructions are the best
ones to follow when building from source



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Kevin Burton 

I get 


Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64bit] [async-threads:0]

EShell V5.9.1 (abort with ^G)


In the case of make devrel it is definitely skipping something as the dev
directory is completely empty.



From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:39 PM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server


If building 1.2.1 from source, make sure you have erlang r15B01 installed
and in your path.


That particular error I have never seen.  If you type 'erl' in the command
line, what do you see?



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Kevin Burton 

Better yet I decided to build from source. But I ran into the following


ERROR: Unable to generate spec: read file info
/usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/qemu-i386.1 failed


>From the content this error seems to related to erlang more than riak but I
am wondering if this makes other portions of the build unavailable?


Thanks again.


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:50 AM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




So you are on 12.10, which is one minor release past Precise (12.04) which
is the current LTS (Long Term Support) release.  I haven't confirmed that
the Precise Riak package will work on Quantal, but I suspect it will be
fine.  In version mismatches most issues you'll find will be on install with
dependencies.  If this is something you will rely on for a business in a
production sense, I'd recommend using a LTS release like Precise (12.04)
instead and know that we tested Riak on that platform.  If this is for
development purposes,  you will likely be fine on 12.10.  If something
complains on install with dependencies please let me know so I can respond
differently the next time this comes up on the mailing list.



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Kevin Burton 

I can do a lsb_release -a and I get:


Distributor ID: Ubuntu

Description: Ubuntu 12.10

Release: 12.10

Codename: quantal


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:42 AM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




As far as I know, the lsb_release tool is installed by default on all Ubuntu
installs. You can use it to get the codename of the release like: 

For Ubuntu 10.04 

$ lsb_release -c

or Ubuntu 12.04 

RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread charles
If you're building from source you'll want to have some dependencies installed 
first by running the following command i.e. before installing Erlang:

apt-get -y install build-essential libncurses5-dev openssl libssl-dev m4 
libssh-dev unixodbc-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libglu-dev fop xsltproc default-jdk 



-Original Message-
From: "Kevin Burton" 
Sent: Thursday, 1 November, 2012 7:07pm
To: "'Jared Morrow'" 
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

riak-users mailing list
By the way the build seems to work fine (make rel). Just a few warnings. But
there is no indication of an error until the erlang generate error detailed


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:58 PM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server


Devrel will depend on a working build first, so sticking with just 'make' to
see if that works will be a good first step.  


If you can run 'make' and put the output in a gist or pastebin for me I can
try and take a look at it.


Are you building from an untarred source tarball of Riak 1.2.1, or cloning
from Github?


Also, if you haven't already looked at it, these instructions are the best
ones to follow when building from source



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Kevin Burton 

I get 


Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64bit] [async-threads:0]

EShell V5.9.1 (abort with ^G)


In the case of make devrel it is definitely skipping something as the dev
directory is completely empty.



From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:39 PM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server


If building 1.2.1 from source, make sure you have erlang r15B01 installed
and in your path.


That particular error I have never seen.  If you type 'erl' in the command
line, what do you see?



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Kevin Burton 

Better yet I decided to build from source. But I ran into the following


ERROR: Unable to generate spec: read file info
/usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/qemu-i386.1 failed


>From the content this error seems to related to erlang more than riak but I
am wondering if this makes other portions of the build unavailable?


Thanks again.


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:50 AM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




So you are on 12.10, which is one minor release past Precise (12.04) which
is the current LTS (Long Term Support) release.  I haven't confirmed that
the Precise Riak package will work on Quantal, but I suspect it will be
fine.  In version mismatches most issues you'll find will be on install with
dependencies.  If this is something you will rely on for a business in a
production sense, I'd recommend using a LTS release like Precise (12.04)
instead and know that we tested Riak on that platform.  If this is for
development purposes,  you will likely be fine on 12.10.  If something
complains on install with dependencies please let me know so I can respond
differently the next time this comes up on the mailing list.



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Kevin Burton 

I can do a lsb_release -a and I get:


Distributor ID: Ubuntu

Description: Ubuntu 12.10

Release: 12.10

Codename: quantal


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:42 AM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




As far as I know, the lsb_release tool is installed by default on all Ubuntu
installs. You can use it to get the codename of the release like: 

For Ubuntu 10.04 

$ lsb_release -c

or Ubuntu 12.04 

$ lsb_release -c

You can also get the information from the /etc/lsb-release file directly. 

% cat /etc/lsb-release 


Hope that helps,




On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Kevin Burton 

I was looking at the options of installing Riak and there are several
options under Ubuntu: Lucid, Natty, and Precise. This is a Linux Ubuntu
Server. I am not sure how to tell which variant it is.


Thank you.



riak-users mailing list






RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread Kevin Burton
Since I already have erlang installed do I have to uninstall it and do this 
apt-get then reinstall it? If so how do I do that? I am just following the 
directions in the documentation 

Like the documentation says my Ubuntu has a package that is out of date even 
though it has the right version stamp?

-Original Message-
From: char...@contentomni.com [mailto:char...@contentomni.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:26 PM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: 'Jared Morrow'; riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

If you're building from source you'll want to have some dependencies installed 
first by running the following command i.e. before installing Erlang:

apt-get -y install build-essential libncurses5-dev openssl libssl-dev m4 
libssh-dev unixodbc-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libglu-dev fop xsltproc default-jdk 



-Original Message-
From: "Kevin Burton" 
Sent: Thursday, 1 November, 2012 7:07pm
To: "'Jared Morrow'" 
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

riak-users mailing list
By the way the build seems to work fine (make rel). Just a few warnings. But 
there is no indication of an error until the erlang generate error detailed 


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:58 PM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server


Devrel will depend on a working build first, so sticking with just 'make' to 
see if that works will be a good first step.  


If you can run 'make' and put the output in a gist or pastebin for me I can try 
and take a look at it.


Are you building from an untarred source tarball of Riak 1.2.1, or cloning from 


Also, if you haven't already looked at it, these instructions are the best ones 
to follow when building from source 



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Kevin Burton 

I get 


Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64bit] [async-threads:0] 

EShell V5.9.1 (abort with ^G)


In the case of make devrel it is definitely skipping something as the dev 
directory is completely empty.



From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:39 PM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server


If building 1.2.1 from source, make sure you have erlang r15B01 installed
and in your path.


That particular error I have never seen.  If you type 'erl' in the command
line, what do you see?



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Kevin Burton 

Better yet I decided to build from source. But I ran into the following


ERROR: Unable to generate spec: read file info
/usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/qemu-i386.1 failed


>From the content this error seems to related to erlang more than riak but I
am wondering if this makes other portions of the build unavailable?


Thanks again.


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:50 AM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




So you are on 12.10, which is one minor release past Precise (12.04) which
is the current LTS (Long Term Support) release.  I haven't confirmed that
the Precise Riak package will work on Quantal, but I suspect it will be
fine.  In version mismatches most issues you'll find will be on install with
dependencies.  If this is something you will rely on for a business in a
production sense, I'd recommend using a LTS release like Precise (12.04)
instead and know that we tested Riak on that platform.  If this is for
development purposes,  you will likely be fine on 12.10.  If something
complains on install with dependencies please let me know so I can respond
differently the next time this comes up on the mailing list.



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Kevin Burton 

I can do a lsb_release -a and I get:


Distributor ID: Ubuntu

Description: Ubuntu 12.10

Release: 12.10

Codename: quantal


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:42 AM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




As far as I know, the lsb_release tool is installed by default on all Ubuntu
installs. You can use it to get the codename of the release like: 

For Ubuntu 10.04 

$ lsb_release -c

or Ubuntu 12.04 

$ lsb_release -c

You can also get the information from the /etc/lsb-release file directly. 

% cat

RE: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server

2012-11-01 Thread Kevin Burton
Sorry for the newbie question but is node.js part of the Java distribution
for a Ubuntu Linux Server or do I need to get it as a package? How is it
installed? I am assuming that once node.js is installed then the code will
be just like any other Java app. Right?


From: Jeff Kirkell [mailto:jeff.kirk...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:25 PM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users
Subject: Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server


This Microsoft blog post gives a sample how to query the SQL Server



In the record loop, you use a Riak Node driver like riak-js.


I can't share the scripts I wrote due to work but I can answer anything you
may have outside of providing the code.





On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Kevin Burton 

Would you mind sharing that app? If you have time since I am not familiar
with Node.js would you mind showing me how you ran it as well as the source.
Thank you.


From: Jeff Kirkell [mailto:jeff.kirk...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:07 PM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users
Subject: Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server


There is nothing that I have come across. What I did in the past was run a
quick Node.js app that pulled data out of SQL Server using one of the
available drivers and serialize and write to Riak. It is not perfect, and
may be slow depending on the amount of data but it does work.




On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Kevin Burton 

I would like some scripts or programming tools that I could use to transfer
existing data held in Microsoft SQL Server databases into Riak. Do such
tools exist?

riak-users mailing list



riak-users mailing list

Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server

2012-11-01 Thread Dmitri Zagidulin
Excellent question.

Unfortunately, you're not going to find any universal/pushbutton tool to
migrate data from an SQL db to Riak.

Fortunately, writing that migration tool that is specific to your
application is fairly straightforward. All of the variations out there boil
down to:
1) Export your data from one or more SQL tables into one or more CSV files,
XML files or JSON files.

2) Write a script in your preferred language (Python/Ruby/Java/etc) to read
each piece of data in the files, create an object that's appropriate to
store in Riak (a JSON blob, an XML snippet, a serialized binary string,
whatever), and:

3) Issue one or more write requests to Riak, storing that object. (I say
one or more write requests because, depending on your models/relationships,
you may need to update several riak objects with a key from a newly
inserted object).

The reason this can't really be done with automated tools at the moment is
-- migrating from a traditional relational database data model to a
Riak-appropriate model takes some rethinking and re-architecting. In many
cases, it will make sense to de-normalize data from many different tables
into one JSON object, for easy one-read retrieval. In other cases, you will
have to model RDBMS-style relational joins with Secondary Index queries,
search queries, link walking or Map/Reduce jobs.

So, my advice to you is to take it in several steps:
* Familiarize yourself with one of the Riak client libraries (see
http://docs.basho.com/riak/1.2.0/references/Client-Libraries/ and
 Write a simple test program where you can write a JSON blob or an XML
blob or an integer to a Riak cluster.

* Think about how you want to change your data model, in migrating from SQL
to Riak. For example, "I'm migrating a simple web app session storage
table, with a SessionID and a big json blob SessionPayload. In Riak, I'll
store them in a 'sessions' bucket, using SessionID as a key, and the json
blob as the object value".  Or "I'm migrating user accounts and email
preference data. I'll de-normalize the Account and EmailPreference table
into one XML object, and store that in a 'users' bucket, keyed by userId".
Some reading that will help with this step:

* Write your migration tool. Iterate over your existing SQL data, query one
or more relevant rows (or read them from an exported table dump), compose
your Riak object (json, xml, serialized object string, binary blob like an
image or an mp3, whatever), and write that object to the appropriate Riak

Does that make sense?


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:

> I would like some scripts or programming tools that I could use to
> transfer existing data held in Microsoft SQL Server databases into Riak. Do
> such tools exist?
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
riak-users mailing list

Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server

2012-11-01 Thread Dmitri Zagidulin
Node.js http://nodejs.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nodejs is a
server-side Javascript web application framework.

It is completely unrelated to Java, and will have to be installed
separately. (It uses its own, javascript-specific package management app
called 'npm' (it's similar to ruby gems and python's eggs), plus has some
dependencies that you'll need to install via apt-get).

Take a look here, for example, for installation instructions:

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:

> Sorry for the newbie question but is node.js part of the Java distribution
> for a Ubuntu Linux Server or do I need to get it as a package? How is it
> installed? I am assuming that once node.js is installed then the code will
> be just like any other Java app. Right?
> ** **
> *From:* Jeff Kirkell [mailto:jeff.kirk...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:25 PM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users
> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
> ** **
> This Microsoft blog post gives a sample how to query the SQL Server
> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sqlphp/archive/2012/06/08/introducing-the-microsoft-driver-for-node-js-for-sql-server.aspx
> ** **
> In the record loop, you use a Riak Node driver like riak-js.
> ** **
> I can't share the scripts I wrote due to work but I can answer anything
> you may have outside of providing the code.
> ** **
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> ** **
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> Would you mind sharing that app? If you have time since I am not familiar
> with Node.js would you mind showing me how you ran it as well as the
> source. Thank you.
> *From:* Jeff Kirkell [mailto:jeff.kirk...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:07 PM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users
> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
> There is nothing that I have come across. What I did in the past was run a
> quick Node.js app that pulled data out of SQL Server using one of the
> available drivers and serialize and write to Riak. It is not perfect, and
> may be slow depending on the amount of data but it does work.
> Jeff
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> I would like some scripts or programming tools that I could use to
> transfer existing data held in Microsoft SQL Server databases into Riak. Do
> such tools exist?
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
> ** **
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
riak-users mailing list

RE: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server

2012-11-01 Thread Kevin Burton
In this case the "server" is the Microsoft SQL Server. Right? So I need to
have IIS running on the same machine as the SQL Server?


From: riak-users [mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] On Behalf Of
Dmitri Zagidulin
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:07 PM
To: riak-users
Subject: Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server


Node.js http://nodejs.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nodejs is a
server-side Javascript web application framework.

It is completely unrelated to Java, and will have to be installed
separately. (It uses its own, javascript-specific package management app
called 'npm' (it's similar to ruby gems and python's eggs), plus has some
dependencies that you'll need to install via apt-get).

Take a look here, for example, for installation instructions:

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Kevin Burton 

Sorry for the newbie question but is node.js part of the Java distribution
for a Ubuntu Linux Server or do I need to get it as a package? How is it
installed? I am assuming that once node.js is installed then the code will
be just like any other Java app. Right?


From: Jeff Kirkell [mailto:jeff.kirk...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:25 PM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users
Subject: Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server


This Microsoft blog post gives a sample how to query the SQL Server



In the record loop, you use a Riak Node driver like riak-js.


I can't share the scripts I wrote due to work but I can answer anything you
may have outside of providing the code.





On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Kevin Burton 

Would you mind sharing that app? If you have time since I am not familiar
with Node.js would you mind showing me how you ran it as well as the source.
Thank you.


From: Jeff Kirkell [mailto:jeff.kirk...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:07 PM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users
Subject: Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server


There is nothing that I have come across. What I did in the past was run a
quick Node.js app that pulled data out of SQL Server using one of the
available drivers and serialize and write to Riak. It is not perfect, and
may be slow depending on the amount of data but it does work.




On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Kevin Burton 

I would like some scripts or programming tools that I could use to transfer
existing data held in Microsoft SQL Server databases into Riak. Do such
tools exist?

riak-users mailing list



riak-users mailing list


riak-users mailing list

Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server

2012-11-01 Thread Dmitri Zagidulin
Possibly. Let's step back for a second, however. Node.js might not be a
good fit for your migration script needs.

A couple of questions:

1) What's your preferred programming language? Java, python, javascript,

2) What kind of data are you trying to migrate? (one table or many? what
kind of joins/relationships?)

3) What sort of use case/application is this migration for?

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 3:15 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:

> In this case the “server” is the Microsoft SQL Server. Right? So I need to
> have IIS running on the same machine as the SQL Server?
> ** **
> *From:* riak-users [mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] *On Behalf
> Of *Dmitri Zagidulin
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:07 PM
> *To:* riak-users
> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
> ** **
> Node.js http://nodejs.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nodejs is a
> server-side Javascript web application framework.
> It is completely unrelated to Java, and will have to be installed
> separately. (It uses its own, javascript-specific package management app
> called 'npm' (it's similar to ruby gems and python's eggs), plus has some
> dependencies that you'll need to install via apt-get).
> Take a look here, for example, for installation instructions:
> https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Installing-Node.js-via-package-manager
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> Sorry for the newbie question but is node.js part of the Java distribution
> for a Ubuntu Linux Server or do I need to get it as a package? How is it
> installed? I am assuming that once node.js is installed then the code will
> be just like any other Java app. Right?
> *From:* Jeff Kirkell [mailto:jeff.kirk...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:25 PM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users
> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
> This Microsoft blog post gives a sample how to query the SQL Server
> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sqlphp/archive/2012/06/08/introducing-the-microsoft-driver-for-node-js-for-sql-server.aspx
> In the record loop, you use a Riak Node driver like riak-js.
> I can't share the scripts I wrote due to work but I can answer anything
> you may have outside of providing the code.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> Would you mind sharing that app? If you have time since I am not familiar
> with Node.js would you mind showing me how you ran it as well as the
> source. Thank you.
> *From:* Jeff Kirkell [mailto:jeff.kirk...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:07 PM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users
> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
> There is nothing that I have come across. What I did in the past was run a
> quick Node.js app that pulled data out of SQL Server using one of the
> available drivers and serialize and write to Riak. It is not perfect, and
> may be slow depending on the amount of data but it does work.
> Jeff
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> I would like some scripts or programming tools that I could use to
> transfer existing data held in Microsoft SQL Server databases into Riak. Do
> such tools exist?
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
> ** **
riak-users mailing list

Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server

2012-11-01 Thread Jayson Barley
I have done this for CouchDB but haven't had a need to for Riak, yet.

A couple of links that will help you create a tool to do just this in .NET.

T4 from Microsoft - This will allow you to create your classes from a DB.
It isn't difficult to learn. Here is a post with code that you can use as
your base.

Dapper - This will allow you to query a table and convert it to your POCO
class. Again, this is really easy

JavaScriptSerializer - Converts  your POCO classes to JSON

WebRequest - Load it in Riak

That should get you everything you need. If you have any issues let me
know. I would be willing to help out and answer any questions.

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Kevin Burton wrote:

> I would like some scripts or programming tools that I could use to
> transfer existing data held in Microsoft SQL Server databases into Riak. Do
> such tools exist?
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
riak-users mailing list

Segfault on 1.2.1

2012-11-01 Thread heffergm
Seeing the following segfault periodically on RedHat 6.2/64bit running the
Basho provided rpm of riak 1.2.1:

kernel: beam.smp[30850]: segfault at 18 ip 7f63ec325259 sp
7f63fd29b188 error 4 in erlang_js_drv.so[7f63ec2d1000+e8000]

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Riak Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

riak-users mailing list

RE: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server

2012-11-01 Thread Kevin Burton


My preferred programming language is C++ or more recently C#. I have done
some Java programming but that was a while back. When I have played with
JavaScript it was always in the context of Microsoft's version of


I would like to migrate about 5 tables. Our database is very unstructured so
there are few to no relationships so I don't plan on migrating


The migration is really for a demo where I do a query on SQL Server and as
close as I can (based on the model that I create) retrieve the same type of
information using Riak and compare the performance. Then once I have a basic
apples to apples comparison I can show the other salient features of Riak.


From: riak-users [mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] On Behalf Of
Dmitri Zagidulin
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:18 PM
To: riak-users
Subject: Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server


Possibly. Let's step back for a second, however. Node.js might not be a good
fit for your migration script needs.

A couple of questions:

1) What's your preferred programming language? Java, python, javascript,

2) What kind of data are you trying to migrate? (one table or many? what
kind of joins/relationships?)

3) What sort of use case/application is this migration for? 

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 3:15 PM, Kevin Burton 

In this case the "server" is the Microsoft SQL Server. Right? So I need to
have IIS running on the same machine as the SQL Server?


From: riak-users [mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] On Behalf Of
Dmitri Zagidulin
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:07 PM
To: riak-users

Subject: Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server


Node.js http://nodejs.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nodejs is a
server-side Javascript web application framework.

It is completely unrelated to Java, and will have to be installed
separately. (It uses its own, javascript-specific package management app
called 'npm' (it's similar to ruby gems and python's eggs), plus has some
dependencies that you'll need to install via apt-get).

Take a look here, for example, for installation instructions:

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Kevin Burton 

Sorry for the newbie question but is node.js part of the Java distribution
for a Ubuntu Linux Server or do I need to get it as a package? How is it
installed? I am assuming that once node.js is installed then the code will
be just like any other Java app. Right?


From: Jeff Kirkell [mailto:jeff.kirk...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:25 PM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users
Subject: Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server


This Microsoft blog post gives a sample how to query the SQL Server



In the record loop, you use a Riak Node driver like riak-js.


I can't share the scripts I wrote due to work but I can answer anything you
may have outside of providing the code.





On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Kevin Burton 

Would you mind sharing that app? If you have time since I am not familiar
with Node.js would you mind showing me how you ran it as well as the source.
Thank you.


From: Jeff Kirkell [mailto:jeff.kirk...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:07 PM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users
Subject: Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server


There is nothing that I have come across. What I did in the past was run a
quick Node.js app that pulled data out of SQL Server using one of the
available drivers and serialize and write to Riak. It is not perfect, and
may be slow depending on the amount of data but it does work.




On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Kevin Burton 

I would like some scripts or programming tools that I could use to transfer
existing data held in Microsoft SQL Server databases into Riak. Do such
tools exist?

riak-users mailing list



riak-users mailing list



riak-users mailing list

Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server

2012-11-01 Thread Dmitri Zagidulin
Ah, ok.
Then I highly recommend following Jayson Barley's approach, in the previous
email. Query SQL server, compose a POCO type object, serialize it to JSON,
and store it in Riak either via the C++/C# client, or just use an HTTP
client and PUT/POST it over http.

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:

> OK. 
> ** **
> My preferred programming language is C++ or more recently C#. I have done
> some Java programming but that was a while back. When I have played with
> JavaScript it was always in the context of Microsoft’s version of
> JavaScript.
> ** **
> I would like to migrate about 5 tables. Our database is very unstructured
> so there are few to no relationships so I don’t plan on migrating
> relationships.
> ** **
> The migration is really for a demo where I do a query on SQL Server and as
> close as I can (based on the model that I create) retrieve the same type of
> information using Riak and compare the performance. Then once I have a
> basic apples to apples comparison I can show the other salient features of
> Riak.
> ** **
> *From:* riak-users [mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] *On Behalf
> Of *Dmitri Zagidulin
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:18 PM
> *To:* riak-users
> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
> ** **
> Possibly. Let's step back for a second, however. Node.js might not be a
> good fit for your migration script needs.
> A couple of questions:
> 1) What's your preferred programming language? Java, python, javascript,
> etc?
> 2) What kind of data are you trying to migrate? (one table or many? what
> kind of joins/relationships?)
> 3) What sort of use case/application is this migration for? 
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 3:15 PM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> In this case the “server” is the Microsoft SQL Server. Right? So I need to
> have IIS running on the same machine as the SQL Server?
> *From:* riak-users [mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] *On Behalf
> Of *Dmitri Zagidulin
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:07 PM
> *To:* riak-users
> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
> Node.js http://nodejs.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nodejs is a
> server-side Javascript web application framework.
> It is completely unrelated to Java, and will have to be installed
> separately. (It uses its own, javascript-specific package management app
> called 'npm' (it's similar to ruby gems and python's eggs), plus has some
> dependencies that you'll need to install via apt-get).
> Take a look here, for example, for installation instructions:
> https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Installing-Node.js-via-package-manager
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> Sorry for the newbie question but is node.js part of the Java distribution
> for a Ubuntu Linux Server or do I need to get it as a package? How is it
> installed? I am assuming that once node.js is installed then the code will
> be just like any other Java app. Right?
> *From:* Jeff Kirkell [mailto:jeff.kirk...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:25 PM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users
> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
> This Microsoft blog post gives a sample how to query the SQL Server
> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sqlphp/archive/2012/06/08/introducing-the-microsoft-driver-for-node-js-for-sql-server.aspx
> In the record loop, you use a Riak Node driver like riak-js.
> I can't share the scripts I wrote due to work but I can answer anything
> you may have outside of providing the code.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> Would you mind sharing that app? If you have time since I am not familiar
> with Node.js would you mind showing me how you ran it as well as the
> source. Thank you.
> *From:* Jeff Kirkell [mailto:jeff.kirk...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:07 PM
> *To:* Kevin Burton
> *Cc:* riak-users
> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
> There is nothing that I have come across. What I did in the past was run a
> quick Node.js app that pulled data out of SQL Server using one of the
> available drivers and serialize and write to Riak. It is not perfect, and
> may be slow depending on the amount of data but it does work.
> Jeff
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> I would like some scripts or programming tools that I could use to
> transfer existing data held in Microsoft SQL Server databases into Riak. Do
> such tools exist?
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users

Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server

2012-11-01 Thread Jeff Kirkell
So I almost forgot, you can use CorrugatedIron and do it all from .NET
code. It is a .NET driver to Riak http://corrugatediron.org

Not sure why I did not think of it.


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 3:41 PM, Dmitri Zagidulin wrote:

> Ah, ok.
> Then I highly recommend following Jayson Barley's approach, in the
> previous email. Query SQL server, compose a POCO type object, serialize it
> to JSON, and store it in Riak either via the C++/C# client, or just use an
> HTTP client and PUT/POST it over http.
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
>> OK. 
>> ** **
>> My preferred programming language is C++ or more recently C#. I have done
>> some Java programming but that was a while back. When I have played with
>> JavaScript it was always in the context of Microsoft’s version of
>> JavaScript.
>> ** **
>> I would like to migrate about 5 tables. Our database is very unstructured
>> so there are few to no relationships so I don’t plan on migrating
>> relationships.
>> ** **
>> The migration is really for a demo where I do a query on SQL Server and
>> as close as I can (based on the model that I create) retrieve the same type
>> of information using Riak and compare the performance. Then once I have a
>> basic apples to apples comparison I can show the other salient features of
>> Riak.
>> ** **
>> *From:* riak-users [mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] *On
>> Behalf Of *Dmitri Zagidulin
>> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:18 PM
>> *To:* riak-users
>> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
>> ** **
>> Possibly. Let's step back for a second, however. Node.js might not be a
>> good fit for your migration script needs.
>> A couple of questions:
>> 1) What's your preferred programming language? Java, python, javascript,
>> etc?
>> 2) What kind of data are you trying to migrate? (one table or many? what
>> kind of joins/relationships?)
>> 3) What sort of use case/application is this migration for? 
>> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 3:15 PM, Kevin Burton 
>> wrote:
>> In this case the “server” is the Microsoft SQL Server. Right? So I need
>> to have IIS running on the same machine as the SQL Server?
>> *From:* riak-users [mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] *On
>> Behalf Of *Dmitri Zagidulin
>> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:07 PM
>> *To:* riak-users
>> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
>> Node.js http://nodejs.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nodejs is a
>> server-side Javascript web application framework.
>> It is completely unrelated to Java, and will have to be installed
>> separately. (It uses its own, javascript-specific package management app
>> called 'npm' (it's similar to ruby gems and python's eggs), plus has some
>> dependencies that you'll need to install via apt-get).
>> Take a look here, for example, for installation instructions:
>> https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Installing-Node.js-via-package-manager
>> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Kevin Burton 
>> wrote:
>> Sorry for the newbie question but is node.js part of the Java
>> distribution for a Ubuntu Linux Server or do I need to get it as a package?
>> How is it installed? I am assuming that once node.js is installed then the
>> code will be just like any other Java app. Right?
>> *From:* Jeff Kirkell [mailto:jeff.kirk...@gmail.com]
>> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:25 PM
>> *To:* Kevin Burton
>> *Cc:* riak-users
>> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
>> This Microsoft blog post gives a sample how to query the SQL Server
>> http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sqlphp/archive/2012/06/08/introducing-the-microsoft-driver-for-node-js-for-sql-server.aspx
>> In the record loop, you use a Riak Node driver like riak-js.
>> I can't share the scripts I wrote due to work but I can answer anything
>> you may have outside of providing the code.
>> Thanks,
>> Jeff
>> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:09 PM, Kevin Burton 
>> wrote:
>> Would you mind sharing that app? If you have time since I am not familiar
>> with Node.js would you mind showing me how you ran it as well as the
>> source. Thank you.
>> *From:* Jeff Kirkell [mailto:jeff.kirk...@gmail.com]
>> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:07 PM
>> *To:* Kevin Burton
>> *Cc:* riak-users
>> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
>> There is nothing that I have come across. What I did in the past was run
>> a quick Node.js app that pulled data out of SQL Server using one of the
>> available drivers and serialize and write to Riak. It is not perfect, and
>> may be slow depending on the amount of data but it does work.
>> Jeff

RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread charles

I went through hard time a few months back trying to install Riak from source 
on Ubuntu Natty. The Riak Docs were not descriptive enough with what needed to 
be done.

Do you have access to a clean Linux Server e.g. Rackspace Cloud Servers or 
Linux on a VM? If so, the following script should do it for you. NOTE: Ensure 
you replace the paths to Erlang and Riak with the versions you want to install. 
The installation below is for Riak 1.1.1. so you can just change the paths.


#Bring your Linux Build up to date
apt-get -y update
apt-get -y upgrade

#Create Temporary Directory for Source Files
mkdir src && cd src

#Install Dependencies
apt-get -y install build-essential libncurses5-dev openssl libssl-dev m4 
libssh-dev unixodbc-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libglu-dev fop xsltproc default-jdk 
apt-get -y install git-core curl

#Install Erlang from Source
wget http://www.erlang.org/download/otp_src_R14B04.tar.gz
tar zxf otp_src_R14B04.tar.gz
cd otp_src_R14B04
./configure && make && make install
cd ..

#2. Install Riak
wget http://downloads.basho.com/riak/riak-1.1.1/riak-1.1.1.tar.gz
tar zxf riak-1.1.1.tar.gz
mkdir /usr/local/riak
cp -r riak-1.1.1/* /usr/local/riak
cd /usr/local/riak
make rel


It might also work with your current server as is. Try it out and see. 

If you have access to a terminal (SSH), copy and paste and run each line in 
your terminal. It might take a while during the Erlang install though.



-Original Message-
From: "Kevin Burton" 
Sent: Thursday, 1 November, 2012 7:48pm
To: char...@contentomni.com
Cc: "'Jared Morrow'" , riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

Since I already have erlang installed do I have to uninstall it and do this 
apt-get then reinstall it? If so how do I do that? I am just following the 
directions in the documentation 

Like the documentation says my Ubuntu has a package that is out of date even 
though it has the right version stamp?

-Original Message-
From: char...@contentomni.com [mailto:char...@contentomni.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:26 PM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: 'Jared Morrow'; riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

If you're building from source you'll want to have some dependencies installed 
first by running the following command i.e. before installing Erlang:

apt-get -y install build-essential libncurses5-dev openssl libssl-dev m4 
libssh-dev unixodbc-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libglu-dev fop xsltproc default-jdk 



-Original Message-
From: "Kevin Burton" 
Sent: Thursday, 1 November, 2012 7:07pm
To: "'Jared Morrow'" 
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

riak-users mailing list
By the way the build seems to work fine (make rel). Just a few warnings. But 
there is no indication of an error until the erlang generate error detailed 


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:58 PM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server


Devrel will depend on a working build first, so sticking with just 'make' to 
see if that works will be a good first step.  


If you can run 'make' and put the output in a gist or pastebin for me I can try 
and take a look at it.


Are you building from an untarred source tarball of Riak 1.2.1, or cloning from 


Also, if you haven't already looked at it, these instructions are the best ones 
to follow when building from source 



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Kevin Burton 

I get 


Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64bit] [async-threads:0] 

EShell V5.9.1 (abort with ^G)


In the case of make devrel it is definitely skipping something as the dev 
directory is completely empty.



From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:39 PM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server


If building 1.2.1 from source, make sure you have erlang r15B01 installed
and in your path.


That particular error I have never seen.  If you type 'erl' in the command
line, what do you see?



On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Kevin Burton 

Better yet I decided to build from source. But I ran into the following


ERROR: Unable to generate spec: read file info
/usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/qemu-i386.1 failed


>From the content this error seems to related to erlang more than riak but I
am wondering if this makes other portions of the build unavailable?



Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server

2012-11-01 Thread Jayson Barley
 What you are going to want to do is to get the code from the T4 link. You
will use that to generate your POCO classes. Optionally you can create the
classes by hand since there are only a few of them. Create a .NET
application, C# in this case. Include the POCO classes into your main app
along with the Dapper assembly. The below code should be fairly accurate. I
typed this in gmail so I can't guarantee it will compile.

// Careful with the size. With tables that have several million rows you
may exceed the max length
JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer(){MaxJsonLength =
StringBuilder json = new StringBuilder();
string connectionString = @"Data Source=DbServer;Initial
Catalog=DbName;Integrated Security=True";
// RIAK url to send data to
string url = "";;
// Iterate through your tables.
foreach(var table in Tables)
using(var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
// This is your dapper query that converts the results to your
var results = connection.Query(@"SELECT * FROM


WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType ="application/json;charset=utf-8";
((HttpWebRequest)request).KeepAlive = false;
byte[] byteData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json.ToString());
request.ContentLength = byteData.Length;
using (var postStream = request.GetRequestStream())
postStream.Write(byteData, 0, byteData.Length);

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Dmitri Zagidulin wrote:

> Ah, ok.
> Then I highly recommend following Jayson Barley's approach, in the
> previous email. Query SQL server, compose a POCO type object, serialize it
> to JSON, and store it in Riak either via the C++/C# client, or just use an
> HTTP client and PUT/POST it over http.
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
>> OK. 
>> ** **
>> My preferred programming language is C++ or more recently C#. I have done
>> some Java programming but that was a while back. When I have played with
>> JavaScript it was always in the context of Microsoft’s version of
>> JavaScript.
>> ** **
>> I would like to migrate about 5 tables. Our database is very unstructured
>> so there are few to no relationships so I don’t plan on migrating
>> relationships.
>> ** **
>> The migration is really for a demo where I do a query on SQL Server and
>> as close as I can (based on the model that I create) retrieve the same type
>> of information using Riak and compare the performance. Then once I have a
>> basic apples to apples comparison I can show the other salient features of
>> Riak.
>> ** **
>> *From:* riak-users [mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] *On
>> Behalf Of *Dmitri Zagidulin
>> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:18 PM
>> *To:* riak-users
>> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
>> ** **
>> Possibly. Let's step back for a second, however. Node.js might not be a
>> good fit for your migration script needs.
>> A couple of questions:
>> 1) What's your preferred programming language? Java, python, javascript,
>> etc?
>> 2) What kind of data are you trying to migrate? (one table or many? what
>> kind of joins/relationships?)
>> 3) What sort of use case/application is this migration for? 
>> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 3:15 PM, Kevin Burton 
>> wrote:
>> In this case the “server” is the Microsoft SQL Server. Right? So I need
>> to have IIS running on the same machine as the SQL Server?
>> *From:* riak-users [mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] *On
>> Behalf Of *Dmitri Zagidulin
>> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:07 PM
>> *To:* riak-users
>> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
>> Node.js http://nodejs.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nodejs is a
>> server-side Javascript web application framework.
>> It is completely unrelated to Java, and will have to be installed
>> separately. (It uses its own, javascript-specific package management app
>> called 'npm' (it's similar to ruby gems and python's eggs), plus has some
>> dependencies that you'll need to install via apt-get).
>> Take a look here, for example, for installation instructions:
>> https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Installing-Node.js-via-package-manager
>> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Kevin Burton 
>> wrote:
>> Sorry for the newbie question but is node.js part of the Java
>> distribution for a Ubuntu Linux Server or do I need to get it as a package?
>> How is it installed? I am assuming that once node.js is installed then the
>> code will be just like any other Java app. Right?
>> *From:* Jeff Kirkell [mailto:jeff.kirk...@

Re: Deleting items from search index increases disk usage

2012-11-01 Thread Ryan Zezeski

I was looking at the merge index code and I think the issue is that the
method by which segments are chosen for compaction may be very slow to get
to the larger segments.

1. Merge Index only schedules merging when a buffer is rolled-over to a
segment.  This means there will _always_ be at least one small segment in
the list of potential segments to merge.

2. To determine which segments to merge the mean of all segment sizes is

Over time the mean will skew left of the bulk of the distribution.  This
means most compactions will touch only recent, smaller segments and it will
take many iterations before one of the larger ones is included.  To help
verify this you could list all you segment sizes again and compare them
with the last run.  My guess is you'll have about the same number of
segments but the smallest one will have grown a bit.  It depends how much
unique data you re-indexed.

Depending on the distribution of your segment sizes I think it might be
possible to reclaim some of this space via repeated compaction calls.  It
turns out there is a way to manually invoke compaction.  It's just not easy
to get too.  Try running the following gist on one of your nodes
https://gist.github.com/3996286.  Try running merge_index:compact over and
over again and each time check for changes in the segment file sizes.


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:25 AM, Jeremy Raymond  wrote:

> I reindexed a bunch of items that are still in the search index but no
> disk space was reclaimed. Is there any Riak console Erlang voodoo I
> can do to convince Riak Search that now would be a good time to
> compact the merge_index?
> --
> Jeremy
> On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 4:26 PM, Jeremy Raymond 
> wrote:
> > I've posted the list of buffer files [1] and segment files [2].
> >
> > The current data set I have in Riak is static, so no new items are
> > being written. So this looks like the reason as to why compaction
> > isn't happening since there is no time based trigger on the merge
> > index. To get compaction to kick in, I should be able to to just
> > reindex (by reading and rewriting) some of the existing items in
> > buckets that are still indexed? Earlier today I upgraded to Riak 1.2
> > and ran a Search read repair [3] in an attempt to kick of compaction.
> > Compaction didn't kick in, but instead disk consumption increased
> > again. Should Search Repair trigger compaction or only writing objects
> > to the KV store?
> >
> > [1]:https://gist.github.com/3982718
> > [2]:https://gist.github.com/3982730
> > [3]:
> http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/cookbooks/Repairing-Search-Indexes/#Running-a
> > Repair
> >
> > --
> > Jeremy
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 3:47 PM, Ryan Zezeski 
> wrote:
> >> find /var/lib/riak/merge_index -name 'buffer.*' | xargs ls -lah
> >>
> >> find /var/lib/riak/merge_index -name 'segment.*' | xargs ls -lah
riak-users mailing list

Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server

2012-11-01 Thread Jeremiah Peschka
The other thing to consider, for SQL Server exports, is that you should be
using the SqlBulkCopy class (or bcp.exe) to pull data out of your SQL
Server without doing terrible terrible things to your SQL Server
performance. You'll be better served by pushing data in stages rather than
attempting to stream data into Riak directly from SQL Server, even with
some intermediary transformation in between you'll still put some load on
SQL Server that could easily be avoided.

Jeremiah Peschka
Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
Microsoft SQL Server MVP

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 1:18 PM, Jayson Barley wrote:

>  What you are going to want to do is to get the code from the T4 link. You
> will use that to generate your POCO classes. Optionally you can create the
> classes by hand since there are only a few of them. Create a .NET
> application, C# in this case. Include the POCO classes into your main app
> along with the Dapper assembly. The below code should be fairly accurate. I
> typed this in gmail so I can't guarantee it will compile.
> // Careful with the size. With tables that have several million rows you
> may exceed the max length
> JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer(){MaxJsonLength =
> Int32.MaxValue};
> StringBuilder json = new StringBuilder();
> string connectionString = @"Data Source=DbServer;Initial
> Catalog=DbName;Integrated Security=True";
> // RIAK url to send data to
> string url = "";;
> // Iterate through your tables.
> foreach(var table in Tables)
> {
> using(var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
> {
> connection.Open();
> // This is your dapper query that converts the results to your
> classes
> var results = connection.Query(@"SELECT * FROM
> SomeTable;").ToList();
> ser.Serialize(json);
> WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url);
> request.Method = "POST";
> request.ContentType ="application/json;charset=utf-8";
> ((HttpWebRequest)request).KeepAlive = false;
> byte[] byteData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json.ToString());
> request.ContentLength = byteData.Length;
> using (var postStream = request.GetRequestStream())
> {
> postStream.Write(byteData, 0, byteData.Length);
> postStream.Close();
> }
> }
> }
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Dmitri Zagidulin wrote:
>> Ah, ok.
>> Then I highly recommend following Jayson Barley's approach, in the
>> previous email. Query SQL server, compose a POCO type object, serialize it
>> to JSON, and store it in Riak either via the C++/C# client, or just use an
>> HTTP client and PUT/POST it over http.
>> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
>>> OK. 
>>> ** **
>>> My preferred programming language is C++ or more recently C#. I have
>>> done some Java programming but that was a while back. When I have played
>>> with JavaScript it was always in the context of Microsoft’s version of
>>> JavaScript.
>>> ** **
>>> I would like to migrate about 5 tables. Our database is very
>>> unstructured so there are few to no relationships so I don’t plan on
>>> migrating relationships.
>>> ** **
>>> The migration is really for a demo where I do a query on SQL Server and
>>> as close as I can (based on the model that I create) retrieve the same type
>>> of information using Riak and compare the performance. Then once I have a
>>> basic apples to apples comparison I can show the other salient features of
>>> Riak.
>>> ** **
>>> *From:* riak-users [mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] *On
>>> Behalf Of *Dmitri Zagidulin
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:18 PM
>>> *To:* riak-users
>>> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
>>> ** **
>>> Possibly. Let's step back for a second, however. Node.js might not be a
>>> good fit for your migration script needs.
>>> A couple of questions:
>>> 1) What's your preferred programming language? Java, python, javascript,
>>> etc?
>>> 2) What kind of data are you trying to migrate? (one table or many? what
>>> kind of joins/relationships?)
>>> 3) What sort of use case/application is this migration for? 
>>> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 3:15 PM, Kevin Burton 
>>> wrote:
>>> In this case the “server” is the Microsoft SQL Server. Right? So I need
>>> to have IIS running on the same machine as the SQL Server?
>>> *From:* riak-users [mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] *On
>>> Behalf Of *Dmitri Zagidulin
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:07 PM
>>> *To:* riak-users
>>> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
>>> Node.js http://nodejs.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nodejs is a
>>> server-side Javascript web application framework.
>>> It is completely unrelated to Java, and will have to be installed

Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread Jared Morrow

It comes down to what you want to do with it.  If you want to run Riak,
store data in it and use it in some production sense, you don't want the
'make devrel' functionality anyway. You want one Riak node running on each
machine.  Use the Riak package we ship (you don't need to uninstall Erlang
package from Ubuntu).

Now, if you want to develop against Riak and have more than one running
node on a machine at a time for test purposes, building from source is the
best way.  Given that, building erlang from source along the way is what
I'd do because frankly I don't trust how distributions package up things
like Erlang, breaking it up into many packages (sudo apt-cache search
erlang | grep erlang- | wc -l  ---> 57).   We documented how to build
erlang from source as well


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 12:48 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:

> Since I already have erlang installed do I have to uninstall it and do
> this apt-get then reinstall it? If so how do I do that? I am just following
> the directions in the documentation (
> http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/tutorials/installation/Installing-on-Debian-and-Ubuntu/
> ).
> Like the documentation says my Ubuntu has a package that is out of date
> even though it has the right version stamp?
> -Original Message-
> From: char...@contentomni.com [mailto:char...@contentomni.com]
> Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:26 PM
> To: Kevin Burton
> Cc: 'Jared Morrow'; riak-users@lists.basho.com
> Subject: RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> If you're building from source you'll want to have some dependencies
> installed first by running the following command i.e. before installing
> Erlang:
> apt-get -y install build-essential libncurses5-dev openssl libssl-dev m4
> libssh-dev unixodbc-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libglu-dev fop xsltproc default-jdk
> tk-dev
> Cheers,
> Charles.
> -Original Message-
> From: "Kevin Burton" 
> Sent: Thursday, 1 November, 2012 7:07pm
> To: "'Jared Morrow'" 
> Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
> Subject: RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
> By the way the build seems to work fine (make rel). Just a few warnings.
> But there is no indication of an error until the erlang generate error
> detailed below.
> From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
> Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:58 PM
> To: Kevin Burton
> Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
> Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> Devrel will depend on a working build first, so sticking with just 'make'
> to see if that works will be a good first step.
> If you can run 'make' and put the output in a gist or pastebin for me I
> can try and take a look at it.
> Are you building from an untarred source tarball of Riak 1.2.1, or cloning
> from Github?
> Also, if you haven't already looked at it, these instructions are the best
> ones to follow when building from source
> http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/tutorials/installation/Installing-Riak-fro
> m-Source/
> -Jared
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> I get
> Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64bit] [async-threads:0]
> [kernel-poll:false]
> EShell V5.9.1 (abort with ^G)
> In the case of make devrel it is definitely skipping something as the dev
> directory is completely empty.
> From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
> Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:39 PM
> To: Kevin Burton
> Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
> Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> If building 1.2.1 from source, make sure you have erlang r15B01 installed
> and in your path.
> That particular error I have never seen.  If you type 'erl' in the command
> line, what do you see?
> -Jared
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> Better yet I decided to build from source. But I ran into the following
> error:
> ERROR: Unable to generate spec: read file info
> /usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/qemu-i386.1 failed
> From the content this error seems to related to erlang more than riak but I
> am wondering if this makes other portions of the build unavailable?
> Thanks again.
> From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
> Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:50 AM
> To: Kevin Burton
> Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
> Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server
> Kevin,
> So you are on 12.10, which is one minor release past Precise (12.04) which
> is the current LTS (Long Term Support) release.  I haven't confirmed that
> the Precise Riak package will work on Quantal, but I suspect it will be
> fine.  In version mismatches most issues you'll find will be on install
> with
> dependencies.  I

RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

2012-11-01 Thread Kevin Burton
Thank you. I rebuilt Erlang from source (as per the documentation) and no I
don't get any errors.


This is for an evaluation/demo not for production so  although it took some
time building everything from source turned out best for me. 


From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 4:34 PM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: char...@contentomni.com; riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server




It comes down to what you want to do with it.  If you want to run Riak,
store data in it and use it in some production sense, you don't want the
'make devrel' functionality anyway. You want one Riak node running on each
machine.  Use the Riak package we ship (you don't need to uninstall Erlang
package from Ubuntu). 


Now, if you want to develop against Riak and have more than one running node
on a machine at a time for test purposes, building from source is the best
way.  Given that, building erlang from source along the way is what I'd do
because frankly I don't trust how distributions package up things like
Erlang, breaking it up into many packages (sudo apt-cache search erlang |
grep erlang- | wc -l  ---> 57).   We documented how to build erlang from
source as well
Installing-on GNU/Linux






On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 12:48 PM, Kevin Burton 

Since I already have erlang installed do I have to uninstall it and do this
apt-get then reinstall it? If so how do I do that? I am just following the
directions in the documentation

Like the documentation says my Ubuntu has a package that is out of date even
though it has the right version stamp?

-Original Message-
From: char...@contentomni.com [mailto:char...@contentomni.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 1:26 PM
To: Kevin Burton

Cc: 'Jared Morrow'; riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

If you're building from source you'll want to have some dependencies
installed first by running the following command i.e. before installing

apt-get -y install build-essential libncurses5-dev openssl libssl-dev m4
libssh-dev unixodbc-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libglu-dev fop xsltproc default-jdk



-Original Message-
From: "Kevin Burton" 
Sent: Thursday, 1 November, 2012 7:07pm
To: "'Jared Morrow'" 
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: RE: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

riak-users mailing list
By the way the build seems to work fine (make rel). Just a few warnings. But
there is no indication of an error until the erlang generate error detailed

From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:58 PM
To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

Devrel will depend on a working build first, so sticking with just 'make' to
see if that works will be a good first step.

If you can run 'make' and put the output in a gist or pastebin for me I can
try and take a look at it.

Are you building from an untarred source tarball of Riak 1.2.1, or cloning
from Github?

Also, if you haven't already looked at it, these instructions are the best
ones to follow when building from source


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Kevin Burton 

I get

Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64bit] [async-threads:0]

EShell V5.9.1 (abort with ^G)

In the case of make devrel it is definitely skipping something as the dev
directory is completely empty.

From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 12:39 PM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server

If building 1.2.1 from source, make sure you have erlang r15B01 installed
and in your path.

That particular error I have never seen.  If you type 'erl' in the command
line, what do you see?


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Kevin Burton 

Better yet I decided to build from source. But I ran into the following

ERROR: Unable to generate spec: read file info
/usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/qemu-i386.1 failed

>From the content this error seems to related to erlang more than riak but I
am wondering if this makes other portions of the build unavailable?

Thanks again.

From: Jared Morrow [mailto:ja...@basho.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 11:50 AM

To: Kevin Burton
Cc: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Subject: Re: Riak installation on Ubuntu Server


Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server

2012-11-01 Thread Jeremiah Peschka
Oh, you know what, SqlBulkCopy is import only, so you can ignore what I
just wrote. It's part of ADO.NET

You really just want to stream rows into Riak as fast as you can - I'd run
with CorrugatedIron and use either RiakClient.Put or RiakAsyncClient.Put
depending on how synchronous you want to be with the Riak side of
things. CorrugatedIron uses the protobuf interface for put operations, so
you'll get a performance boost over using the Http client.

Some getting started info can be found here:
http://corrugatediron.org/documentation/Basics.Connecting.html and I can
help out as needed either via email/skype/whatever.

Jeremiah Peschka
Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
Microsoft SQL Server MVP

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:

> What do I need to setup the receiving end? How does this differ from
> ADO.NET code?
> ** **
> *From:* riak-users [mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] *On Behalf
> Of *Jeremiah Peschka
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 4:30 PM
> *To:* Jayson Barley
> *Cc:* riak-users
> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server
> ** **
> The other thing to consider, for SQL Server exports, is that you should be
> using the SqlBulkCopy class (or bcp.exe) to pull data out of your SQL
> Server without doing terrible terrible things to your SQL Server
> performance. You'll be better served by pushing data in stages rather than
> attempting to stream data into Riak directly from SQL Server, even with
> some intermediary transformation in between you'll still put some load on
> SQL Server that could easily be avoided.
> ---
> Jeremiah Peschka
> Founder, Brent Ozar Unlimited
> Microsoft SQL Server MVP
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 1:18 PM, Jayson Barley 
> wrote:
>  What you are going to want to do is to get the code from the T4 link. You
> will use that to generate your POCO classes. Optionally you can create the
> classes by hand since there are only a few of them. Create a .NET
> application, C# in this case. Include the POCO classes into your main app
> along with the Dapper assembly. The below code should be fairly accurate. I
> typed this in gmail so I can't guarantee it will compile.
> // Careful with the size. With tables that have several million rows you
> may exceed the max length
> JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer(){MaxJsonLength =
> Int32.MaxValue};
> StringBuilder json = new StringBuilder();
> string connectionString = @"Data Source=DbServer;Initial
> Catalog=DbName;Integrated Security=True";
> // RIAK url to send data to
> string url = "";;
> // Iterate through your tables.
> foreach(var table in Tables)
> {
> using(var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
> {
> connection.Open();
> // This is your dapper query that converts the results to your
> classes
> var results = connection.Query(@"SELECT * FROM
> SomeTable;").ToList();
> ser.Serialize(json);
> WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url);
> request.Method = "POST";
> request.ContentType ="application/json;charset=utf-8";
> ((HttpWebRequest)request).KeepAlive = false;
> byte[] byteData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json.ToString());
> request.ContentLength = byteData.Length;
> using (var postStream = request.GetRequestStream())
> {
> postStream.Write(byteData, 0, byteData.Length);
> postStream.Close();
> }
> }
> }
> ** **
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 12:41 PM, Dmitri Zagidulin 
> wrote:
> Ah, ok.
> Then I highly recommend following Jayson Barley's approach, in the
> previous email. Query SQL server, compose a POCO type object, serialize it
> to JSON, and store it in Riak either via the C++/C# client, or just use an
> HTTP client and PUT/POST it over http.
> ** **
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Kevin Burton 
> wrote:
> OK. 
> My preferred programming language is C++ or more recently C#. I have done
> some Java programming but that was a while back. When I have played with
> JavaScript it was always in the context of Microsoft’s version of
> JavaScript.
> I would like to migrate about 5 tables. Our database is very unstructured
> so there are few to no relationships so I don’t plan on migrating
> relationships.
> The migration is really for a demo where I do a query on SQL Server and as
> close as I can (based on the model that I create) retrieve the same type of
> information using Riak and compare the performance. Then once I have a
> basic apples to apples comparison I can show the other salient features of
> Riak.
> *From:* riak-users [mailto:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com] *On Behalf
> Of *Dmitri Zagidulin
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 01, 2012 2:18 PM
> *To:* riak-users
> *Subject:* Re: Import tables/data from Microsoft SQL Server*

avg write io wait time regression in 1.2.1

2012-11-01 Thread Dietrich Featherston
We've just gone through the process of upgrading two riak clusters from 1.1
 to 1.2.1. Both are on the leveldb backend backed by RAID0'd SSDs. The
process has gone smoothly and we see that latencies as measured at the
gen_fsm level are largely unaffected.

However, we are seeing some troubling disk statistics and I'm looking for
an explanation before we upgrade the remainder of our nodes. The source of
the worry seems to be a huge amplification in the number of writes serviced
by the disk which may be the cause of rising io wait times.

My first thought was that this could be due to some leveldb tuning in 1.2.1
which increases file sizes per the release notes (
https://github.com/basho/riak/blob/master/RELEASE-NOTES.md). But nodes that
were upgraded yesterday are still showing this symptom. I would have
expected any block re-writing to have subsided by now.

Next hypothesis has to do with block size overriding in app.config. In 1.1,
we had specified custom block sizes of 256k. We removed this prior to
upgrading to 1.2.1 at the advice of #riak since block size configuration
was ignored prior to 1.2 ('"block_size" parameter within app.config for
leveldb was ignored.  This parameter is now properly passed to leveldb.'
I'm wondering if the block size parameter really was being passed to
leveldb, and having removed it, blocks are now being rewritten to a new
size, perhaps different from what they were being written as before (

Here is the output of the following script showing the increased writes to
disk (https://gist.github.com/37319a8ed2679bb8b21d)

--an upgraded 1.2.1 node--
read ios: 238406742
write ios: 4814320281
read/write ratio: .04952033
avg wait: .10712340
read wait: .49174364
write wait: .42695475

--a node still running 1.1--
read ios: 267770032
write ios: 944170656
read/write ratio: .28360342
avg wait: .34237204
read wait: .47222371
write wait: 1.83283749

And here's what munin is showing us in terms of avg io wait times.

[image: Inline image 1]

Any thoughts on what might explain this?

riak-users mailing list

Re: avg write io wait time regression in 1.2.1

2012-11-01 Thread Matthew Von-Maszewski

I can see your concern with the write IOS statistic.  Let me comment on the 
easy question first:  block_size.

The block_size parameter in 1.1 was not getting passed to leveldb from the 
erlang layer.  You were using a 4096 byte block parameter no matter what you 
typed in the app.config.  The block_size is used by leveldb as a threshold.  
Once you accumulate enough data above that threshold, the current block is 
written to disk and a new one started.  If you have 10k data values, your get 
one data item per block and its size is ~10k.  If you have 1k data values, you 
get about four per block and the block is about 4k.

We recommend 4k blocks to help read performance.  The entire block has to run 
through decompression and potentially CRC calculation when it comes off the 
disk.  That CPU time really kills any disk performance gains by having larger 
blocks.  Ok, that might change in 1.3 as we enable hardware CRC … but only if 
you have "verify_checksums, true" in app.config.

Back to performance:  I have not seen the change your graph details when 
testing with SAS drives under moderate load.  I am only today starting 
qualification tests with SSD drives.

But my 1.2 and 1.3 tests focus on drive / Riak saturation.  1.1 has the nasty 
tendency to stall (intentionally) when we saturate the write side of leveldb, . 
 The stall was measured in seconds or even minutes in 1.1.  1.2.1 has a write 
throttle that forecasts leveldb's stall state and incrementally slows the 
individual writes to prevent the stalls.  Maybe that is what is being seen in 
the graph.  The only way to know for sure is to get an dump of your leveldb LOG 
files, combined them, then compare compaction activity to your graph.

Write stalls are detailed here:   

How can I better assist you at this point?


On Nov 1, 2012, at 8:13 PM, Dietrich Featherston wrote:

> We've just gone through the process of upgrading two riak clusters from 1.1  
> to 1.2.1. Both are on the leveldb backend backed by RAID0'd SSDs. The process 
> has gone smoothly and we see that latencies as measured at the gen_fsm level 
> are largely unaffected.
> However, we are seeing some troubling disk statistics and I'm looking for an 
> explanation before we upgrade the remainder of our nodes. The source of the 
> worry seems to be a huge amplification in the number of writes serviced by 
> the disk which may be the cause of rising io wait times.
> My first thought was that this could be due to some leveldb tuning in 1.2.1 
> which increases file sizes per the release notes 
> (https://github.com/basho/riak/blob/master/RELEASE-NOTES.md). But nodes that 
> were upgraded yesterday are still showing this symptom. I would have expected 
> any block re-writing to have subsided by now.
> Next hypothesis has to do with block size overriding in app.config. In 1.1, 
> we had specified custom block sizes of 256k. We removed this prior to 
> upgrading to 1.2.1 at the advice of #riak since block size configuration was 
> ignored prior to 1.2 ('"block_size" parameter within app.config for leveldb 
> was ignored.  This parameter is now properly passed to leveldb.' --> 
> https://github.com/basho/riak/commit/f12596c221a9d942cc23d8e4fd83c9ca46e02105).
>  I'm wondering if the block size parameter really was being passed to 
> leveldb, and having removed it, blocks are now being rewritten to a new size, 
> perhaps different from what they were being written as before 
> (https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/commit/ad192ee775b2f5a68430d230c0999a2caabd1155)
> Here is the output of the following script showing the increased writes to 
> disk (https://gist.github.com/37319a8ed2679bb8b21d)
> --an upgraded 1.2.1 node--
> read ios: 238406742
> write ios: 4814320281
> read/write ratio: .04952033
> avg wait: .10712340
> read wait: .49174364
> write wait: .42695475
> --a node still running 1.1--
> read ios: 267770032
> write ios: 944170656
> read/write ratio: .28360342
> avg wait: .34237204
> read wait: .47222371
> write wait: 1.83283749
> And here's what munin is showing us in terms of avg io wait times.
> Any thoughts on what might explain this?
> Thanks,
> D
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com

riak-users mailing list

Re: avg write io wait time regression in 1.2.1

2012-11-01 Thread Dietrich Featherston
Thanks. The amortized stalls may very well describe what we are seeing. If
I combine leveldb logs from all partitions on one of the upgraded nodes
what should I look for in terms of compaction activity to verify this?

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 5:48 PM, Matthew Von-Maszewski wrote:

> Dietrich,
> I can see your concern with the write IOS statistic.  Let me comment on
> the easy question first:  block_size.
> The block_size parameter in 1.1 was not getting passed to leveldb from the
> erlang layer.  You were using a 4096 byte block parameter no matter what
> you typed in the app.config.  The block_size is used by leveldb as a
> threshold.  Once you accumulate enough data above that threshold, the
> current block is written to disk and a new one started.  If you have 10k
> data values, your get one data item per block and its size is ~10k.  If you
> have 1k data values, you get about four per block and the block is about 4k.
> We recommend 4k blocks to help read performance.  The entire block has to
> run through decompression and potentially CRC calculation when it comes off
> the disk.  That CPU time really kills any disk performance gains by having
> larger blocks.  Ok, that might change in 1.3 as we enable hardware CRC …
> but only if you have "verify_checksums, true" in app.config.
> Back to performance:  I have not seen the change your graph details when
> testing with SAS drives under moderate load.  I am only today starting
> qualification tests with SSD drives.
> But my 1.2 and 1.3 tests focus on drive / Riak saturation.  1.1 has the
> nasty tendency to stall (intentionally) when we saturate the write side of
> leveldb, .  The stall was measured in seconds or even minutes in 1.1.
>  1.2.1 has a write throttle that forecasts leveldb's stall state and
> incrementally slows the individual writes to prevent the stalls.  Maybe
> that is what is being seen in the graph.  The only way to know for sure is
> to get an dump of your leveldb LOG files, combined them, then compare
> compaction activity to your graph.
> Write stalls are detailed here:
> http://basho.com/blog/technical/2012/10/30/leveldb-in-riak-1p2/
> How can I better assist you at this point?
> Matthew
> On Nov 1, 2012, at 8:13 PM, Dietrich Featherston wrote:
> We've just gone through the process of upgrading two riak clusters from
> 1.1  to 1.2.1. Both are on the leveldb backend backed by RAID0'd SSDs. The
> process has gone smoothly and we see that latencies as measured at the
> gen_fsm level are largely unaffected.
> However, we are seeing some troubling disk statistics and I'm looking for
> an explanation before we upgrade the remainder of our nodes. The source of
> the worry seems to be a huge amplification in the number of writes serviced
> by the disk which may be the cause of rising io wait times.
> My first thought was that this could be due to some leveldb tuning in
> 1.2.1 which increases file sizes per the release notes (
> https://github.com/basho/riak/blob/master/RELEASE-NOTES.md). But nodes
> that were upgraded yesterday are still showing this symptom. I would have
> expected any block re-writing to have subsided by now.
> Next hypothesis has to do with block size overriding in app.config. In
> 1.1, we had specified custom block sizes of 256k. We removed this prior to
> upgrading to 1.2.1 at the advice of #riak since block size configuration
> was ignored prior to 1.2 ('"block_size" parameter within app.config for
> leveldb was ignored.  This parameter is now properly passed to leveldb.'
> -->
> https://github.com/basho/riak/commit/f12596c221a9d942cc23d8e4fd83c9ca46e02105).
> I'm wondering if the block size parameter really was being passed to
> leveldb, and having removed it, blocks are now being rewritten to a new
> size, perhaps different from what they were being written as before (
> https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/commit/ad192ee775b2f5a68430d230c0999a2caabd1155
> )
> Here is the output of the following script showing the increased writes to
> disk (https://gist.github.com/37319a8ed2679bb8b21d)
>  --an upgraded 1.2.1 node--
> read ios: 238406742
> write ios: 4814320281
> read/write ratio: .04952033
> avg wait: .10712340
> read wait: .49174364
> write wait: .42695475
> --a node still running 1.1--
> read ios: 267770032
> write ios: 944170656
> read/write ratio: .28360342
> avg wait: .34237204
> read wait: .47222371
> write wait: 1.83283749
> And here's what munin is showing us in terms of avg io wait times.
> Any thoughts on what might explain this?
> Thanks,
> D
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
riak-users m

Re: avg write io wait time regression in 1.2.1

2012-11-01 Thread Matthew Von-Maszewski
Look for any activity in the LOG.  Level-0 "creations" are fast and not 
typically relevant.  You would be most interested in LOG lines containing 
"Compacting" (start) and "Compacted" (end).  The time in between will throttle. 
 The idea is that these compaction events can pile up, one after another and 
multiple overlapping.  It is these heavy times where the throttle saves the 
user experience.


On Nov 1, 2012, at 8:54 PM, Dietrich Featherston wrote:

> Thanks. The amortized stalls may very well describe what we are seeing. If I 
> combine leveldb logs from all partitions on one of the upgraded nodes what 
> should I look for in terms of compaction activity to verify this?
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 5:48 PM, Matthew Von-Maszewski  
> wrote:
> Dietrich,
> I can see your concern with the write IOS statistic.  Let me comment on the 
> easy question first:  block_size.
> The block_size parameter in 1.1 was not getting passed to leveldb from the 
> erlang layer.  You were using a 4096 byte block parameter no matter what you 
> typed in the app.config.  The block_size is used by leveldb as a threshold.  
> Once you accumulate enough data above that threshold, the current block is 
> written to disk and a new one started.  If you have 10k data values, your get 
> one data item per block and its size is ~10k.  If you have 1k data values, 
> you get about four per block and the block is about 4k.
> We recommend 4k blocks to help read performance.  The entire block has to run 
> through decompression and potentially CRC calculation when it comes off the 
> disk.  That CPU time really kills any disk performance gains by having larger 
> blocks.  Ok, that might change in 1.3 as we enable hardware CRC … but only if 
> you have "verify_checksums, true" in app.config.
> Back to performance:  I have not seen the change your graph details when 
> testing with SAS drives under moderate load.  I am only today starting 
> qualification tests with SSD drives.
> But my 1.2 and 1.3 tests focus on drive / Riak saturation.  1.1 has the nasty 
> tendency to stall (intentionally) when we saturate the write side of leveldb, 
> .  The stall was measured in seconds or even minutes in 1.1.  1.2.1 has a 
> write throttle that forecasts leveldb's stall state and incrementally slows 
> the individual writes to prevent the stalls.  Maybe that is what is being 
> seen in the graph.  The only way to know for sure is to get an dump of your 
> leveldb LOG files, combined them, then compare compaction activity to your 
> graph.
> Write stalls are detailed here:   
> http://basho.com/blog/technical/2012/10/30/leveldb-in-riak-1p2/
> How can I better assist you at this point?
> Matthew
> On Nov 1, 2012, at 8:13 PM, Dietrich Featherston wrote:
>> We've just gone through the process of upgrading two riak clusters from 1.1  
>> to 1.2.1. Both are on the leveldb backend backed by RAID0'd SSDs. The 
>> process has gone smoothly and we see that latencies as measured at the 
>> gen_fsm level are largely unaffected.
>> However, we are seeing some troubling disk statistics and I'm looking for an 
>> explanation before we upgrade the remainder of our nodes. The source of the 
>> worry seems to be a huge amplification in the number of writes serviced by 
>> the disk which may be the cause of rising io wait times.
>> My first thought was that this could be due to some leveldb tuning in 1.2.1 
>> which increases file sizes per the release notes 
>> (https://github.com/basho/riak/blob/master/RELEASE-NOTES.md). But nodes that 
>> were upgraded yesterday are still showing this symptom. I would have 
>> expected any block re-writing to have subsided by now.
>> Next hypothesis has to do with block size overriding in app.config. In 1.1, 
>> we had specified custom block sizes of 256k. We removed this prior to 
>> upgrading to 1.2.1 at the advice of #riak since block size configuration was 
>> ignored prior to 1.2 ('"block_size" parameter within app.config for leveldb 
>> was ignored.  This parameter is now properly passed to leveldb.' --> 
>> https://github.com/basho/riak/commit/f12596c221a9d942cc23d8e4fd83c9ca46e02105).
>>  I'm wondering if the block size parameter really was being passed to 
>> leveldb, and having removed it, blocks are now being rewritten to a new 
>> size, perhaps different from what they were being written as before 
>> (https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/commit/ad192ee775b2f5a68430d230c0999a2caabd1155)
>> Here is the output of the following script showing the increased writes to 
>> disk (https://gist.github.com/37319a8ed2679bb8b21d)
>> --an upgraded 1.2.1 node--
>> read ios: 238406742
>> write ios: 4814320281
>> read/write ratio: .04952033
>> avg wait: .10712340
>> read wait: .49174364
>> write wait: .42695475
>> --a node still running 1.1--
>> read ios: 267770032
>> write ios: 944170656
>> read/write ratio: .28360342
>> avg wait: .34237204
>> read wait: .47222371

Re: avg write io wait time regression in 1.2.1

2012-11-01 Thread Dietrich Featherston
Will check on that.

Can you think of anything that would explain the 5x increase in disk writes
we are seeing with the same workload?

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 6:03 PM, Matthew Von-Maszewski wrote:

> Look for any activity in the LOG.  Level-0 "creations" are fast and not
> typically relevant.  You would be most interested in LOG lines containing
> "Compacting" (start) and "Compacted" (end).  The time in between will
> throttle.  The idea is that these compaction events can pile up, one after
> another and multiple overlapping.  It is these heavy times where the
> throttle saves the user experience.
> Matthew
> On Nov 1, 2012, at 8:54 PM, Dietrich Featherston wrote:
> Thanks. The amortized stalls may very well describe what we are seeing. If
> I combine leveldb logs from all partitions on one of the upgraded nodes
> what should I look for in terms of compaction activity to verify this?
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 5:48 PM, Matthew Von-Maszewski 
> wrote:
>> Dietrich,
>> I can see your concern with the write IOS statistic.  Let me comment on
>> the easy question first:  block_size.
>> The block_size parameter in 1.1 was not getting passed to leveldb from
>> the erlang layer.  You were using a 4096 byte block parameter no matter
>> what you typed in the app.config.  The block_size is used by leveldb as a
>> threshold.  Once you accumulate enough data above that threshold, the
>> current block is written to disk and a new one started.  If you have 10k
>> data values, your get one data item per block and its size is ~10k.  If you
>> have 1k data values, you get about four per block and the block is about 4k.
>> We recommend 4k blocks to help read performance.  The entire block has to
>> run through decompression and potentially CRC calculation when it comes off
>> the disk.  That CPU time really kills any disk performance gains by having
>> larger blocks.  Ok, that might change in 1.3 as we enable hardware CRC …
>> but only if you have "verify_checksums, true" in app.config.
>> Back to performance:  I have not seen the change your graph details when
>> testing with SAS drives under moderate load.  I am only today starting
>> qualification tests with SSD drives.
>> But my 1.2 and 1.3 tests focus on drive / Riak saturation.  1.1 has the
>> nasty tendency to stall (intentionally) when we saturate the write side of
>> leveldb, .  The stall was measured in seconds or even minutes in 1.1.
>>  1.2.1 has a write throttle that forecasts leveldb's stall state and
>> incrementally slows the individual writes to prevent the stalls.  Maybe
>> that is what is being seen in the graph.  The only way to know for sure is
>> to get an dump of your leveldb LOG files, combined them, then compare
>> compaction activity to your graph.
>> Write stalls are detailed here:
>> http://basho.com/blog/technical/2012/10/30/leveldb-in-riak-1p2/
>> How can I better assist you at this point?
>> Matthew
>> On Nov 1, 2012, at 8:13 PM, Dietrich Featherston wrote:
>> We've just gone through the process of upgrading two riak clusters from
>> 1.1  to 1.2.1. Both are on the leveldb backend backed by RAID0'd SSDs. The
>> process has gone smoothly and we see that latencies as measured at the
>> gen_fsm level are largely unaffected.
>> However, we are seeing some troubling disk statistics and I'm looking for
>> an explanation before we upgrade the remainder of our nodes. The source of
>> the worry seems to be a huge amplification in the number of writes serviced
>> by the disk which may be the cause of rising io wait times.
>> My first thought was that this could be due to some leveldb tuning in
>> 1.2.1 which increases file sizes per the release notes (
>> https://github.com/basho/riak/blob/master/RELEASE-NOTES.md). But nodes
>> that were upgraded yesterday are still showing this symptom. I would have
>> expected any block re-writing to have subsided by now.
>> Next hypothesis has to do with block size overriding in app.config. In
>> 1.1, we had specified custom block sizes of 256k. We removed this prior to
>> upgrading to 1.2.1 at the advice of #riak since block size configuration
>> was ignored prior to 1.2 ('"block_size" parameter within app.config for
>> leveldb was ignored.  This parameter is now properly passed to leveldb.'
>> -->
>> https://github.com/basho/riak/commit/f12596c221a9d942cc23d8e4fd83c9ca46e02105).
>> I'm wondering if the block size parameter really was being passed to
>> leveldb, and having removed it, blocks are now being rewritten to a new
>> size, perhaps different from what they were being written as before (
>> https://github.com/basho/riak_kv/commit/ad192ee775b2f5a68430d230c0999a2caabd1155
>> )
>> Here is the output of the following script showing the increased writes
>> to disk (https://gist.github.com/37319a8ed2679bb8b21d)
>>  --an upgraded 1.2.1 node--
>> read ios: 238406742
>> write ios: 4814320281
>> read/write ratio: .04952033
>> avg wait: .10712340
>> read wai

How to make Riak work faster (writing)

2012-11-01 Thread Uruka Dark

I'm new here and with Riak. If I do something wrong, please, let me know.

I've made a Riak cluster with two identical machines: Intel core i3 2.3GHz
4GB RAM 1TB HD. They are connected by a gigabit ethernet network.
Everything is working fine. I'm using a Bitcask backend.

I've made a PHP script to do a performance test and find out how fast Riak
can be with these settings. What my script is doing is: to store 1
objects with a 10K long data (string of 10240 x 'A'), and calculating how
many objects it stores per second.

Right now, using Bitcask backend, it can store roughly 68 objects per
second. It seems to be a small number to me, but I don't know too much
about Riak. I've tested the same script on a Couchbase cluster, with the
same settings, and it could store roughly 1000 objects per second.
Obviously, on Couchbase test, the data is not sent to non-volatile media
immediately. Data is kept in memory to acknowledge the reception as fast as
possible, and is sent to non-volatile media in background. I want Riak to
behave the same way to increase the "writing speed", but I don't know how
to do it or if it is possible. May be I'm trying to do something completely
out of the purpose of Riak.

I've tested Riak with Memory backend too, but it achieved only 72 objects
per second. I expected it to work faster with Memory backend, cause there
is no disk activity involved on it, but the final result is not that high.

Again, I don't know if I'm trying to do something inappropriate. I think
I'm missing something.
Is there any way to do it?

If I could not make myself clear, please, let me know.
Thank you.
riak-users mailing list