Re: LevelDB memory problem crashes Erlang

2012-09-05 Thread shaharke

We encounter the exact same problem. We're trying to insert into a 4 node
cluster 20M documents, and eventually the Erlang VM crashes (not enough heap
space). Tracking the Riak process, we can see the memory level steadily
rising, well above 80% of available RAM.

IT configuration:
4 Ubuntu 10.4 servers with 8GB RAM each.

Riak configuration:
-leveldb backend
-riak search enabled

We also tweaked the JS VM parameters, but this doesn't seem to be relevant.
Let me know if I'm wrong.

What's even more alarming is that after we restart the nodes we fail to run
MR jobs that ran successfully before on a small scale. We get a very vague
error message almost immediately after executing the MR request:


Deleting the leveldb directory and re-inserting 10K documents will resolve
the MR problem. It is as if there is some corruption in the data due to the
crashes. Anyway, solving the crashes is obviously on higher priority at this
moment, and I'm guessing the solving the latter will will solve the MR

I read the page on Basho wiki regarding leveldb tuning, but nothing there
seems to be relevant to the problem we encounter (except for the cache_size
which, if I understand correctly, is set to 8MB by default which should be


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Re: LevelDB memory problem crashes Erlang

2012-09-05 Thread shaharke
I've only just now noticed that I have missed the "Planning Parameters"
section in:

According to the information there and using the Excel calculator, it seems
that I'm 12% short on memory. I'll try to play around with the parameters in
order to get better memory allocation, but I would appreciate your advice as
to which parameters affect which function (write throughput, read
throughput, MR latency).


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Re: LevelDB memory problem crashes Erlang

2012-09-05 Thread shaharke
Another update: I was mistaken to think I was 12% short. The default value in
the calculator for max_open_file was 150 while the default value in Riak is
actually 20. 

So it seems that, at least according to the calculator, we're OK. Back to
square one...

Any ideas?


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M/R query with riak-defined keys

2012-09-05 Thread Antoine


I'm a complete newbie in the riak world, and I'd like to understand a 
basic thing.

I'm testing and trying to query riak with a basic map, which is *very* 
similar to the basho fast-track first example 

The thing is that I can't seem to manage to make this work with 
riak-defined keys.

Here's a gist to illustrate my problem :
1 - I POST data with cURL (the content of the two lines are identical 
except for the keys)

2- I try to MapReduce (currently without any filters)

3- the Output I get, the first one's got an error that I cannot (yet) 
understand  :)

Could anyone help me to make my first steps in MapReducing ? :-)



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Riak Java Client KV Search pagination and row limit support?

2012-09-05 Thread Lei Gu
Hi Brian,
Any process in terms of supporting pagination and row limit support for Java 
We are moving to performance testing phase and I've loaded 30 million objects 
into Riak so far and Riak search is
Returning a lot of objects for wild card searches, which causes JVM to throw 
out of memory error and no way to gracefully recover from this.
Any chance of addressing this in the future? The solr API does have this 
support so I don't know how easy or difficult to add this to the HTTP layer.
Your input is highly appreciated.
-- Lei

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