Re: risk and memcached

2012-08-11 Thread Brian Akins

On Aug 9, 2012, at 4:39 PM, José Ghislain Quenum  

> my question is fairly simple. If one is developing an app, does that make 
> sense to combine memcached with a riak datastore, given that riak has its own 
> caching mechanism?

We do a 1 second cache locally within each client for a particular app.  We do 
10's of thousands of gets per second and this helped performance tremendously.  
So, depending on the specific of your app, memcache may help.


riak-users mailing list

Basic Setup Question - Mac OS X

2012-08-11 Thread Michael Hergenrader
Hi everyone,

I'm new to Riak and am attempting to start up a 3-node cluster on one machine 
(Mac OS X Mountain Lion) for Riak via

I downloaded and expanded the tarball for Riak 1.2 (no source to build, nice 
and clean expansion). I then was able to get a single node running no problem, 
with no special configuration. My Erlang version is R15B05, if you're curious, 
but I don't think this has anything to do with it, as 1.2 is fully supportive 
of this version.

I then recursively copied the directory riak-1.2.0 (the expanded tarball file) 
three times to create top level directories riak1, riak2, and riak3. I then 
proceeded to make the suggested changes from the link, changing the port 
numbers to be unique for each instance. However, when I changed the vm.args 
part (the name of the node from riak@ to riak1@ and the like) 
from the link, I received the following error in the error.log file:

2012-08-09 01:21:04.288 [error] <0.161.0> gen_server riak_core_capability 
terminated with reason: no function clause matching 
 line 72

When renaming the node in vm.args (the -name param) back to riak instead of 
riak[new_number], everything works fine. However, as specified in the link, the 
nodes need to have different names to cooperate with one another. As shown in 
the error log, it seems like there is a name mismatch with something else when 
I customize the name...? Is there some other config parameter that I haven't 
seen that must be changed? I tried "raw_name" in app.config, but this didn't 
make any difference. I appreciate any help I can get with this one. Thanks!

riak-users mailing list

Re: Basic Setup Question - Mac OS X

2012-08-11 Thread Alexander Sicular
Not only do they all need unique names, like you've done already, but they will 
also need different ports. Look through the app.conf file and make all the 
ports unique between your local nodes (http/https/pb/etc.).

-Alexander Sicular


On Aug 11, 2012, at 5:00 AM, Michael Hergenrader wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm new to Riak and am attempting to start up a 3-node cluster on one machine 
> (Mac OS X Mountain Lion) for Riak via 
> I downloaded and expanded the tarball for Riak 1.2 (no source to build, nice 
> and clean expansion). I then was able to get a single node running no 
> problem, with no special configuration. My Erlang version is R15B05, if 
> you're curious, but I don't think this has anything to do with it, as 1.2 is 
> fully supportive of this version.
> I then recursively copied the directory riak-1.2.0 (the expanded tarball 
> file) three times to create top level directories riak1, riak2, and riak3. I 
> then proceeded to make the suggested changes from the link, changing the port 
> numbers to be unique for each instance. However, when I changed the vm.args 
> part (the name of the node from riak@ to riak1@ and the 
> like) from the link, I received the following error in the error.log file:
> 2012-08-09 01:21:04.288 [error] <0.161.0> gen_server riak_core_capability 
> terminated with reason: no function clause matching 
> orddict:fetch('riak1@', 
> [{'riak@',[{{riak_core,staged_joins},[true,false]},{{riak_core,vnode_routing},[proxy,legacy]},...]}])
>  line 72
> When renaming the node in vm.args (the -name param) back to riak instead of 
> riak[new_number], everything works fine. However, as specified in the link, 
> the nodes need to have different names to cooperate with one another. As 
> shown in the error log, it seems like there is a name mismatch with something 
> else when I customize the name...? Is there some other config parameter that 
> I haven't seen that must be changed? I tried "raw_name" in app.config, but 
> this didn't make any difference. I appreciate any help I can get with this 
> one. Thanks!
> Michael
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Basic Setup Question - Mac OS X

2012-08-11 Thread Kelly McLaughlin

If you delete the ring files from each release directory (rm -f data/ring/*)  
and change the ports as Alexander mentioned then it should work for you. That 
error message is not really very clear so that's something we should probably 
work on improving, but since you already started the node as 'riak@' 
the quickest way to reset it is to delete the ring file. Also, there is a 
devrel target in the Makefile that will generate 4 nodes for you with the ports 
already setup. After running 'make devrel', just look in the dev directory and 
you should have four release directories (dev1-dev4) ready to go. Hope that 


On Aug 11, 2012, at 3:00 AM, Michael Hergenrader  

> Hi everyone,
> I'm new to Riak and am attempting to start up a 3-node cluster on one machine 
> (Mac OS X Mountain Lion) for Riak via 
> I downloaded and expanded the tarball for Riak 1.2 (no source to build, nice 
> and clean expansion). I then was able to get a single node running no 
> problem, with no special configuration. My Erlang version is R15B05, if 
> you're curious, but I don't think this has anything to do with it, as 1.2 is 
> fully supportive of this version.
> I then recursively copied the directory riak-1.2.0 (the expanded tarball 
> file) three times to create top level directories riak1, riak2, and riak3. I 
> then proceeded to make the suggested changes from the link, changing the port 
> numbers to be unique for each instance. However, when I changed the vm.args 
> part (the name of the node from riak@ to riak1@ and the 
> like) from the link, I received the following error in the error.log file:
> 2012-08-09 01:21:04.288 [error] <0.161.0> gen_server riak_core_capability 
> terminated with reason: no function clause matching 
> orddict:fetch('riak1@', 
> [{'riak@',[{{riak_core,staged_joins},[true,false]},{{riak_core,vnode_routing},[proxy,legacy]},...]}])
>  line 72
> When renaming the node in vm.args (the -name param) back to riak instead of 
> riak[new_number], everything works fine. However, as specified in the link, 
> the nodes need to have different names to cooperate with one another. As 
> shown in the error log, it seems like there is a name mismatch with something 
> else when I customize the name...? Is there some other config parameter that 
> I haven't seen that must be changed? I tried "raw_name" in app.config, but 
> this didn't make any difference. I appreciate any help I can get with this 
> one. Thanks!
> Michael
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

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