Re: REST query returns JSON properties as strings?

2012-07-14 Thread Sean Cribbs
Hi (what's your name?),

What a search query returns to you is the "index document", or the result
of transforming the input before adding it to the search indexes; this also
means that deeply nested fields will be flattened. If you want the
original, you can use MapReduce to retrieve the documents resulting from a
search query.

On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 8:54 PM, 7zark7 <> wrote:

> I would like to store JSON documents in a Riak 1.1.x bucket (using
> bitcask), and would like to search for them via REST using JSON property
> values.
> E.g. JSON docs with typed properties like this:
> {
>"type": "whatever",
>"owner": 123456,
>"text": "Blah blah blah",
>"enabled": true
> }
> However, the query response (/solr/mybucket/select?q=enabled:true&wt=json)
> returns each doc's properties as JSON strings, and not the original JSON
> type:
> {"responseHeader":{
> "status":0,
> "QTime":1,
> "params":{
> "q":"enabled:true",
> "q.op":"or",
> "filter":"",
> "wt":"json"
> }
> },"response":{
> "numFound":1,
> "start":0,
> "maxScore":"0.353553",
> "docs":[
> {
> "id":"Obdoy3XbJe3kdh1T2bfxJgISCCL",
> "index":"rest",
> *"fields":{*
> *"enabled": "true",*
> *"owner": "123456",*
> *"text": "Blah blah blah",*
> *"type": "whatever"*
> *},*
> "props":{}
> }
> ]
> }}
> This makes the results unusable for me, and I'm concerned I'd have to fall
> back to N calls back to retrieve each original doc, which is not feasible.
> I'm used to CouchDB+Lucene which behaves "correctly" to me.
> Is there some way to do what I'd like?  E.g. another query method or
> option?
> Thanks
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

Sean Cribbs 
Software Engineer
Basho Technologies, Inc.
riak-users mailing list

Re: REST query returns JSON properties as strings?

2012-07-14 Thread Andrew Zeneski

One thing I have been meaning to ask is if we can change the character used 
when flattening the fields. I'd like to use a character besides _ so that I can 
identify the parent from a field that has _ in its name. I would probably 
change it to '.' personally.

Is this configurable?


On Jul 14, 2012, at 11:31 AM, Sean Cribbs wrote:

> Hi (what's your name?),
> What a search query returns to you is the "index document", or the result of 
> transforming the input before adding it to the search indexes; this also 
> means that deeply nested fields will be flattened. If you want the original, 
> you can use MapReduce to retrieve the documents resulting from a search query.
> On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 8:54 PM, 7zark7 <> wrote:
> I would like to store JSON documents in a Riak 1.1.x bucket (using bitcask), 
> and would like to search for them via REST using JSON property values.
> E.g. JSON docs with typed properties like this:
> {
>"type": "whatever",
>"owner": 123456,
>"text": "Blah blah blah",
>"enabled": true
> }
> However, the query response (/solr/mybucket/select?q=enabled:true&wt=json) 
> returns each doc's properties as JSON strings, and not the original JSON type:
> {"responseHeader":{
> "status":0,
> "QTime":1,
> "params":{
> "q":"enabled:true",
> "q.op":"or",
> "filter":"",
> "wt":"json"
> }
> },"response":{
> "numFound":1,
> "start":0,
> "maxScore":"0.353553",
> "docs":[
> {
> "id":"Obdoy3XbJe3kdh1T2bfxJgISCCL",
> "index":"rest",
> "fields":{
>   "enabled": "true",
>   "owner": "123456",
>   "text": "Blah blah blah",
> "type": "whatever"
> },
> "props":{}
> }
> ]
> }}
> This makes the results unusable for me, and I'm concerned I'd have to fall 
> back to N calls back to retrieve each original doc, which is not feasible.
> I'm used to CouchDB+Lucene which behaves "correctly" to me.
> Is there some way to do what I'd like?  E.g. another query method or option?
> Thanks
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> -- 
> Sean Cribbs 
> Software Engineer
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: REST query returns JSON properties as strings?

2012-07-14 Thread Sean Cribbs
That is not currently configurable, no. However, you can implement your own
extractor to do so. I think the original reasoning for '_' over '.' was
that Lucene query syntax allows '.' to specify the index name. Having
multiple '.' in a field name might break the query parser.

On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 11:35 AM, Andrew Zeneski

> Sean,
> One thing I have been meaning to ask is if we can change the character
> used when flattening the fields. I'd like to use a character besides _ so
> that I can identify the parent from a field that has _ in its name. I would
> probably change it to '.' personally.
> Is this configurable?
> Andrew
> On Jul 14, 2012, at 11:31 AM, Sean Cribbs wrote:
> Hi (what's your name?),
> What a search query returns to you is the "index document", or the result
> of transforming the input before adding it to the search indexes; this also
> means that deeply nested fields will be flattened. If you want the
> original, you can use MapReduce to retrieve the documents resulting from a
> search query.
> On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 8:54 PM, 7zark7 <> wrote:
>> I would like to store JSON documents in a Riak 1.1.x bucket (using
>> bitcask), and would like to search for them via REST using JSON property
>> values.
>> E.g. JSON docs with typed properties like this:
>> {
>>"type": "whatever",
>>"owner": 123456,
>>"text": "Blah blah blah",
>>"enabled": true
>> }
>> However, the query response
>> (/solr/mybucket/select?q=enabled:true&wt=json) returns each doc's
>> properties as JSON strings, and not the original JSON type:
>> {"responseHeader":{
>> "status":0,
>> "QTime":1,
>> "params":{
>> "q":"enabled:true",
>> "q.op":"or",
>> "filter":"",
>> "wt":"json"
>> }
>> },"response":{
>> "numFound":1,
>> "start":0,
>> "maxScore":"0.353553",
>> "docs":[
>> {
>> "id":"Obdoy3XbJe3kdh1T2bfxJgISCCL",
>> "index":"rest",
>> *"fields":{*
>> *"enabled": "true",*
>> *"owner": "123456",*
>> *"text": "Blah blah blah",*
>> *"type": "whatever"*
>> *},*
>> "props":{}
>> }
>> ]
>> }}
>> This makes the results unusable for me, and I'm concerned I'd have to
>> fall back to N calls back to retrieve each original doc, which is not
>> feasible.
>> I'm used to CouchDB+Lucene which behaves "correctly" to me.
>> Is there some way to do what I'd like?  E.g. another query method or
>> option?
>> Thanks
>> ___
>> riak-users mailing list
> --
> Sean Cribbs 
> Software Engineer
> Basho Technologies, Inc.
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

Sean Cribbs 
Software Engineer
Basho Technologies, Inc.
riak-users mailing list

SV: riak doesn't start on new Macbook Pro Retina

2012-07-14 Thread Erik Søe Sørensen
If I remember correctly, this may be a symptom that the pipe file on /tmp which 
Riak wants to use does already exists but is owned by another user. This 
happens if Riak has previously been run by a different user.
If it's not that, I suggest you provide the logs from the failed "riak start" 
attempt for further diagnosis...

- Reply message -
Fra: "Steve Hull" 
Dato: lør., jul. 14, 2012 03:10
Emne: riak doesn't start on new Macbook Pro Retina
Til: "Alvaro Videla" 
Cc: "" 

Hi Alvaro!

Thanks for your quick response.

Well after trying `riak start`, I do notice some processes hanging around:

 0 [07-13 18:08] (master)~/Dev/prodar
! ps aux | grep riak
shull  19538   0.0  0.0  2434892512 s006  R+6:08PM   0:00.00 
grep --color riak

 0 [07-13 18:08] (master)~/Dev/prodar
! riak-1.1.4/bin/riak start
Riak failed to start within 15 seconds,
see the output of 'riak console' for more information.
If you want to wait longer, set the environment variable
WAIT_FOR_ERLANG to the number of seconds to wait.

 0 [07-13 18:08] (master)~/Dev/prodar
! ps aux | grep riak
shull  19585   0.5  0.2  2564380  36508 s008  Ss+   6:08PM   0:02.45 
/Users/shull/Dev/prodar/riak-1.1.4/erts-5.8.5/bin/beam.smp -K true -A 64 -W w 
-- -root /Users/shull/Dev/prodar/riak-1.1.4 -progname riak -- -home 
/Users/shull -- -boot /Users/shull/Dev/prodar/riak-1.1.4/releases/1.1.4/riak 
-embedded -config /Users/shull/Dev/prodar/riak-1.1.4/etc/app.config -pa 
./lib/basho-patches -name riak@ -setcookie riak 
-- console
shull  19829   0.0  0.0  2434892572 s006  R+6:09PM   0:00.00 
grep --color riak
shull  19584   0.0  0.0  2434816248   ??  S 6:08PM   0:00.00 
/Users/shull/Dev/prodar/riak-1.1.4/erts-5.8.5/bin/run_erl -daemon 
/tmp//Users/shull/Dev/prodar/riak-1.1.4/ /Users/shull/Dev/prodar/riak-1.1.4/log 
exec /Users/shull/Dev/prodar/riak-1.1.4/bin/riak console
shull  19569   0.0  0.0  2434840244   ??  S 6:08PM   0:00.00 
/Users/shull/Dev/prodar/riak-1.1.4/erts-5.8.5/bin/epmd -daemon

If I kill these processes, `riak console` will start ok, but riak start never 
does.  :(


On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 6:04 PM, Alvaro Videla>> wrote:
You seem to be running Riak already or something in the same port.

See the "duplicate name" part of the error.



Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 14, 2012, at 2:53 AM, Steve Hull>> wrote:

Hi everyone!

I recently attended a users' group / conference at the Basho offices in SF, led 
by Casey.

Everything was working fine on my 2011 MBP, but when I got this new Retina MBP, 
I found that riak would not start properly.

! riak-1.1.4/bin/riak start
Riak failed to start within 15 seconds,
see the output of 'riak console' for more information.
If you want to wait longer, set the environment variable
WAIT_FOR_ERLANG to the number of seconds to wait.

! riak-1.1.4/bin/riak console
Exec: /Users/shull/Dev/prodar/riak-1.1.4/erts-5.8.5/bin/erlexec -boot 
/Users/shull/Dev/prodar/riak-1.1.4/releases/1.1.4/riak -embedded 
-config /Users/shull/Dev/prodar/riak-1.1.4/etc/app.config -pa 
./lib/basho-patches -args_file 
/Users/shull/Dev/prodar/riak-1.1.4/etc/vm.args -- console
Root: /Users/shull/Dev/prodar/riak-1.1.4
{error_logger,{{2012,7,13},{14,8,56}},"Protocol: ~p: register error: 
{"Kernel pid 

Re: REST query returns JSON properties as strings?

2012-07-14 Thread Gary Thomas
Thanks for the explanation Sean, will look closer at map/reduce.
I'm not sure how well it fits the Riak architecture, but when previously 
working with CouchDB+Lucene, the ability to pass "?include_docs=true" to 
retrieve the original JSON doc was mighty handy.


On Saturday, July 14, 2012 at 8:31 AM, Sean Cribbs wrote:

> Hi (what's your name?),
> What a search query returns to you is the "index document", or the result of 
> transforming the input before adding it to the search indexes; this also 
> means that deeply nested fields will be flattened. If you want the original, 
> you can use MapReduce to retrieve the documents resulting from a search query.
> On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 8:54 PM, 7zark7 < 
> (> wrote:
> > I would like to store JSON documents in a Riak 1.1.x bucket (using 
> > bitcask), and would like to search for them via REST using JSON property 
> > values.
> > 
> > E.g. JSON docs with typed properties like this: 
> > 
> > {
> >"type": "whatever",
> >"owner": 123456,
> >"text": "Blah blah blah",
> >"enabled": true
> > }
> > 
> > However, the query response (/solr/mybucket/select?q=enabled:true&wt=json) 
> > returns each doc's properties as JSON strings, and not the original JSON 
> > type:
> > 
> > {"responseHeader":{ 
> > "status":0,
> > "QTime":1,
> > "params":{
> > "q":"enabled:true",
> > "q.op":"or",
> > "filter":"",
> > "wt":"json"
> > }
> > },"response":{
> > "numFound":1,
> > "start":0,
> > "maxScore":"0.353553",
> > "docs":[
> > {
> > "id":"Obdoy3XbJe3kdh1T2bfxJgISCCL",
> > "index":"rest",
> > "fields":{
> > "enabled": "true",
> > "owner": "123456",
> > "text": "Blah blah blah",
> > "type": "whatever"
> > },
> > "props":{}
> > }
> > ]
> > }}
> > 
> > 
> > This makes the results unusable for me, and I'm concerned I'd have to fall 
> > back to N calls back to retrieve each original doc, which is not feasible. 
> > 
> > 
> > I'm used to CouchDB+Lucene which behaves "correctly" to me.
> > 
> > Is there some way to do what I'd like?  E.g. another query method or option?
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > riak-users mailing list
> > (
> >
> > 
> -- 
> Sean Cribbs>
> Software Engineer
> Basho Technologies, Inc.

riak-users mailing list

Setting up Riak for highly concurrent load testing

2012-07-14 Thread Jeremy Ong
Hi Basho and Riak Users,

I am in the process of evaluating Riak for commercial usage here at
Playmesh. Riak seems great and has a lot of features we like but I am
running into some difficulties in my initial testing.

I am attempting to hit the database at 100 rps on a single machine (aka one
node). In doing so, I run into a number of problems (tcp sockets closing
being the primary one). I am using the Erlang client and have tried talking
to Riak through a single client process and also by spawning a new
concurrent process for every request.

I suspect that Riak is throttling the number of allowable concurrent
connections. Also, I suspect that my understanding about how to properly
utilize the Erlang client is underwhelming at best.

Any suggestions on how to properly set up a local test bed for Riak and
communicating to Riak?


Jeremy Ong
Playmesh, Inc.
riak-users mailing list