Riak nodes (potentially) have empty partitions

2012-06-05 Thread Nitish Sharma

We have Riak cluster running 1.1.2. All the nodes own 6.6% of partitions,
still memory usage of "beam" process on some nodes is less than the others
(significantly). The number of keys on the nodes consuming less memory is
also fewer.

Then how come they still own the equal number of partitions as the other
nodes? Would it be because some partitions are empty? Any suggestions.


riak-users mailing list

Re: bucket level authentication

2012-06-05 Thread Dietrich Featherston
Suggest implementing security outside of riak. The interface to applications 
which use riak for storage should not be riak-dependent. In addition, it would 
be wise to avoid exposing storage-level details like bucket choice in the 
security model for your applications.

For more details in why riak should not be exposed to the internet, if that was 
in fact the intention, read this: 


On Jun 4, 2012, at 10:35 PM, raghwani sohil  wrote:

> Hi ,
> Is there any way to add bucket level authentication in riak ?
> suppose i have two buckets bucket1 and bucket2 under same riak cluster . I 
> want to access bucket1  using authentication ( privately) and buckets2 
> publicly . Is it possible ?
> If yes then how to do this and if no then is there any alternative to do this 
> . 
> thanks ,
> Sohil Raghwani 
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
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riak-users mailing list

Follow-up: Riak / Map, Reduce - error [preflist_exhausted]

2012-06-05 Thread claudef
Dear colleagues, 

Any idea how to adjust the processing capacity of the Riak JavaScript in 
the Map / Reduce process to avoid the error [preflist_exhausted] ? 
Checking the user posts, I also see a similar error report sent at 29/05 
by Mr. Sati, Hohit. 

The Map/Reduce and search capability are interesting features, mainly when 
it comes to the analysis of unstructured data. 
Thanks in advance for your hints. 


- Forwarded by Claude Falbriard/Brazil/IBM on 05/06/2012 10:44 -

From:   clau...@br.ibm.com
To: riak-users@lists.basho.com
Date:   24/05/2012 10:01
Subject:Riak / Map, Reduce - error [preflist_exhausted]
Sent by:riak-users-boun...@lists.basho.com

Dear colleagues, 

The map reduce process via JavaScript shows an error [preflist_exhausted] 
when doing larger queries on unstructured data.  Up to to 500 keys, the 
queries run OK, but when going to 5000 keys in a bucket the error starts 
to apear. My version is kv 1.1.2 (git).  I would like to use the 
Javascript procedures as it delivers more powerful pattern search behavior 
compared to the Lucene like search syntax function.   

I've already tried the following adjustments in the app.config file   

{map_js_vm_count, 24 }, 
{reduce_js_vm_count, 18 }, 
{js_max_vm_mem, 48}, 

Any hint where to start the tuning to avoid this error? 


Claude Falbriard 
Certified IT Specialist L2 - Middleware
AMS Hortolândia / SP - Brazil
phone:+55 19 9837 0789
cell: +55 13 8117 3316
riak-users mailing list
riak-users mailing list

mochijson2 error from curl mapreduce

2012-06-05 Thread John Roy
I saw something similar from an individual who was using javascript 
 but I don't think I have the same problem in erlang.  Any help is greatly 

I'm consistently getting the following error from my curl map reduce calls:


output dictionary here, then:


The term that follows the error appears to the correct result of the map reduce.

I'm just trying the mr locally for testing purposes.  I'm using eleveldb 
backend and riak (1.1.2 2012-04-17) OSX x86_64.

Here's the curl command:

curl -v -X POST -H "Content_Type: 
application/json" -d @query.js

and the query.js:

"inputs" : {
"bucket" : "test7",
"index" : "field1_int",
"start" : 0,
"end" : 23
"query" : [
{ "map" : {"language" : "erlang", "module" : "impressions", "function" 
: "emitStats", "keep" : false} },
{ "reduce" : {"language" : "erlang", "module" : "impressions", 
"function" : "reduceStats", "keep" : true} }
"timeout" : 60

and finally the associated erlang functions:

emitStats(G, undefined, none)->
ObjectJson = riak_object:get_value(G),
{struct, DocPropList} = mochijson:decode(ObjectJson),
I = {proplists:get_value("obj_name",DocPropList,"None"),

reduceStats(Gcounts, none)->
[lists:foldr(fun(G, Acc)->dict:merge(fun(_, X, Y) -> X+Y end,G, Acc) end,

riak-users mailing list

Re: mochijson2 error from curl mapreduce

2012-06-05 Thread Bob Ippolito
On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 1:22 PM, John Roy  wrote:

> I saw something similar from an individual who was using javascript (
> http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2011-July/004843.html),
>  but
> I don't think I have the same problem in erlang.  Any help is greatly
> appreciated.
> I'm consistently getting the following error from my curl map reduce calls:
> {error,{exit,{json_encode,{bad_term,…..
> output dictionary here, then:
> [{mochijson2,json_encode,2},
>  {mochijson2,'-json_encode_array/2-fun-0-',3},
>  {lists,foldl,3},
>  {mochijson2,json_encode_array,2},
>  {riak_kv_wm_mapred,pipe_mapred_nonchunked,5},
>  {webmachine_resource,resource_call,3},
>  {webmachine_resource,do,3},
> The term that follows the error appears to the correct result of the map
> reduce.
> I'm just trying the mr locally for testing purposes.  I'm using eleveldb
> backend and riak (1.1.2 2012-04-17) OSX x86_64.
> Here's the curl command:
> curl -v -X POST -H "Content_Type:
> application/json" -d @query.js
> and the query.js:
> {
> "inputs" : {
> "bucket" : "test7",
> "index" : "field1_int",
> "start" : 0,
> "end" : 23
> },
> "query" : [
> { "map" : {"language" : "erlang", "module" : "impressions",
> "function" : "emitStats", "keep" : false} },
> { "reduce" : {"language" : "erlang", "module" : "impressions",
> "function" : "reduceStats", "keep" : true} }
> ],
> "timeout" : 60
> }
> and finally the associated erlang functions:
> emitStats(G, undefined, none)->
> ObjectJson = riak_object:get_value(G),
> {struct, DocPropList} = mochijson:decode(ObjectJson),
> I = {proplists:get_value("obj_name",DocPropList,"None"),
>  proplists:get_value("type",DocPropList,"None"),
>  proplists:get_value("obj_url",DocPropList,"None"),
>  "hourly"},
> [dict:from_list([{I,1}])].
> reduceStats(Gcounts, none)->
> [lists:foldr(fun(G, Acc)->dict:merge(fun(_, X, Y) -> X+Y end,G, Acc)
> end,
>  dict:new(),
>  Gcounts)].

I don't have any experience with Riak's MR implementation, but mochijson2
does not have any native support for serializing dict, and JSON itself
doesn't support keys that are not strings, and I suspect that one or both
of those may be your problem. mochijson2 expects to see {struct, [{Key ::
binary(), Value :: json_term()}]} for JSON objects.

riak-users mailing list

Re: mochijson2 error from curl mapreduce

2012-06-05 Thread John Roy
Excellent -- that helped a great deal.

For those who may search in the future the most important thing is to have the 
output of your final step (a reduce in my case) be a list of {Key :: Binary, 
Value :: json_term()} as Bob identified below.  

In a standard map reduce that means the input to the reduce step and the output 
of the map step must also be that same data structure.  So by converting the 
dictionary in my map step to a string, and doing some from_list, to_list magic 
in the reduce I was able to achieve my goal.

Here's my newbie looking (but working!) code for those interested in the 

emitStatsFromList(G, undefined, none)->
ObjectJson = riak_object:get_value(G),
{array, ListOfStructs} = mochijson:decode(ObjectJson),
[{getMrKey(I), 1} || I <- ListOfStructs].

{struct, DocPropList} = StructItem,
SList = [proplists:get_value("obj_name",DocPropList,"None"),
string:join(SList, ",").

reduceStatsList(Gcounts, none)->
GC = [dict:from_list(Gcounts)],
Update = [lists:foldr(fun(G, Acc)->dict:merge(fun(_, X, Y) -> X+Y end,G, 
Acc) end,
[OutputList] = [dict:to_list(I) || I <- Update],

Thanks again,


On Jun 5, 2012, at 2:27 PM, Bob Ippolito wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 1:22 PM, John Roy  wrote:
> I saw something similar from an individual who was using javascript 
> (http://lists.basho.com/pipermail/riak-users_lists.basho.com/2011-July/004843.html),
>  but I don't think I have the same problem in erlang.  Any help is greatly 
> appreciated.
> I'm consistently getting the following error from my curl map reduce calls:
> {error,{exit,{json_encode,{bad_term,…..
> output dictionary here, then:
> [{mochijson2,json_encode,2},
>  {mochijson2,'-json_encode_array/2-fun-0-',3},
>  {lists,foldl,3},
>  {mochijson2,json_encode_array,2},
>  {riak_kv_wm_mapred,pipe_mapred_nonchunked,5},
>  {webmachine_resource,resource_call,3},
>  {webmachine_resource,do,3},
> The term that follows the error appears to the correct result of the map 
> reduce.
> I'm just trying the mr locally for testing purposes.  I'm using eleveldb 
> backend and riak (1.1.2 2012-04-17) OSX x86_64.
> Here's the curl command:
> curl -v -X POST -H "Content_Type: 
> application/json" -d @query.js
> and the query.js:
> {
> "inputs" : {
> "bucket" : "test7",
> "index" : "field1_int",
> "start" : 0,
> "end" : 23
> },
> "query" : [
> { "map" : {"language" : "erlang", "module" : "impressions", 
> "function" : "emitStats", "keep" : false} },
> { "reduce" : {"language" : "erlang", "module" : "impressions", 
> "function" : "reduceStats", "keep" : true} }
> ],
> "timeout" : 60
> }
> and finally the associated erlang functions:
> emitStats(G, undefined, none)->
> ObjectJson = riak_object:get_value(G),
> {struct, DocPropList} = mochijson:decode(ObjectJson),
> I = {proplists:get_value("obj_name",DocPropList,"None"),
>  proplists:get_value("type",DocPropList,"None"),
>  proplists:get_value("obj_url",DocPropList,"None"),
>  "hourly"},
> [dict:from_list([{I,1}])].
> reduceStats(Gcounts, none)->
> [lists:foldr(fun(G, Acc)->dict:merge(fun(_, X, Y) -> X+Y end,G, Acc) end,
>  dict:new(),
>  Gcounts)].
> I don't have any experience with Riak's MR implementation, but mochijson2 
> does not have any native support for serializing dict, and JSON itself 
> doesn't support keys that are not strings, and I suspect that one or both of 
> those may be your problem. mochijson2 expects to see {struct, [{Key :: 
> binary(), Value :: json_term()}]} for JSON objects.
> -bob

riak-users mailing list