A bout source compile error in freebsd 9.0

2012-02-07 Thread 郎咸武
Hey riak-users,
There is a compile error in the following. I using freebsd. Eriang version  is  
R14B03 . Riak version is 1.0.2.
Please give me some idea. Thank everyone.

==> luke (compile)
==> erlang_js (compile)
gunzip -c nsprpub-4.8.tar.gz | tar xf -
(cd /nsprpub &&  ./configure --disable-debug --enable-optimize  
--prefix=/system --enable-64bit &&  make all install)
cd: /nsprpub: No such file or directory
*** Error code 2

Stop in /erlang/riak-1.0.2/deps/erlang_js/c_src.
ERROR: Command [compile] failed!

>From jason___
riak-users mailing list

Re: A bout source compile error in freebsd 9.0

2012-02-07 Thread Andrew Thompson
On Wed, Feb 08, 2012 at 11:12:27AM +0800, 郎咸武 wrote:
> Hey riak-users,
> There is a compile error in the following. I using freebsd. Eriang version  
> is  R14B03 . Riak version is 1.0.2.
> Please give me some idea. Thank everyone.
I don't understand why this is failing, what is the version of gmake on
your machine? erlang_js should build fine on FreeBSD.


riak-users mailing list

Re:Re: A bout source compile error in freebsd 9.0

2012-02-07 Thread 郎咸武
 > -原始邮件-
> 发件人: "Andrew Thompson" 
> 发送时间: 2012年2月8日 星期三
> 收件人: riak-users@lists.basho.com
> 抄送: 
> 主题: Re: A bout source compile error in freebsd 9.0
> On Wed, Feb 08, 2012 at 11:12:27AM +0800, 郎咸武 wrote:
> > Hey riak-users,
> > There is a compile error in the following. I using freebsd. Eriang version  
> > is  R14B03 . Riak version is 1.0.2.
> > Please give me some idea. Thank everyone.
> > 
> I don't understand why this is failing, what is the version of gmake on
> your machine? erlang_js should build fine on FreeBSD.
> Andrew
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
riak-users mailing list

Re: A bout source compile error in freebsd 9.0

2012-02-07 Thread 郎咸武
 > -原始邮件-
> 发件人: "Andrew Thompson" 
> 发送时间: 2012年2月8日 星期三
> 收件人: riak-users@lists.basho.com
> 抄送: 
> 主题: Re: A bout source compile error in freebsd 9.0
> On Wed, Feb 08, 2012 at 11:12:27AM +0800, 郎咸武 wrote:
> > Hey riak-users,
> > There is a compile error in the following. I using freebsd. Eriang version  
> > is  R14B03 . Riak version is 1.0.2.
> > Please give me some idea. Thank everyone.
> > 
> I don't understand why this is failing, what is the version of gmake on
> your machine? erlang_js should build fine on FreeBSD.
> Andrew
> ___
> riak-users mailing list
> riak-users@lists.basho.com
> http://lists.basho.com/mailman/listinfo/riak-users_lists.basho.com
riak-users mailing list

Announcing Riak 1.1 release candidate 1

2012-02-07 Thread Jared Morrow
Riak Users,

I am pleased to announce the availability of Riak 1.1.0 RC (release candidate) 
1.   We are providing RC packages of 1.1 to the community like we did with the 
last major release (Riak 1.0) in the hopes that you as a community can offer us 
feedback before final release.   Unlike 1.0 though, we are planning the 1.1 
release to be a shorter cycle from first RC to final release (barring any major 
event or bug that is found with RC1 obviously).  So, please download, install, 
abuse, and enjoy RC1 and let us know what you think.

Download from the downloads page http://basho.com/resources/downloads/ 
under 1.1 or CURRENT.

An extremely rough initial draft of the 1.1 release notes is available here:  
I assure you it will be filled out with actual descriptions of features added 
by the time 1.1 ships.   

As always, thanks from the entire Basho team!

riak-users mailing list

Re: Announcing Riak 1.1 release candidate 1

2012-02-07 Thread Nicholas Young

Also, the last time I heard, the team was working on a better system
for handling large files. Luwak 2.0, if you will. Can you give a peek
at what's coming down the pipe in that regard?

riak-users mailing list