Re: Controlling order of results from link phase

2011-06-27 Thread Andrew Berman
Nevermind on the lists:sort issue below as I realized that list:umerge
requires that the lists be sorted.

Thanks anyway,


On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 3:36 PM, Andrew Berman  wrote:
> I think I found the answer and it is no, I cannot control the sort.  I
> found the code here in riak_kv_wm_link_walker.erl:
> links(Object) ->
>    MDs = riak_object:get_metadatas(Object),
>    lists:umerge(
>      [ case dict:find(?MD_LINKS, MD) of
>            {ok, L} ->
>                [ [B,K,T] || {{B,K},T} <- lists:sort(L) ];
>            error -> []
>        end
>        || MD <- MDs ]).
> Why run lists:sort?  Shouldn't the sort be up to the user after he
> gets the actual object?  I don't understand why the sort processing is
> necessary at the link phase.  Thoughts?
> --Andrew
> On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Andrew Berman  wrote:
>> I've noticed that when I run the link function, it automatically
>> orders the links based on Id.  Is there a way to tell it not to sort
>> the links?  In other words, I want the links in the order in which
>> they were put in the list (most recent at the head of the list) and I
>> see from Rekon that that is how they are being stored.  Basically, I'm
>> running a reduce_slice on the result of the link phase so that Riak
>> doesn't load up all the objects with which the links are pointing.  If
>> the answer is no, I cannot control the order of the links, is the only
>> option to prepend something like the time (e.g. millis since
>> 1-1-1970)?
>> Thanks,
>> Andrew

riak-users mailing list

Problem when parsing query

2011-06-27 Thread Germain Maurice

Hello everybody,

I have a problem with riaksearch 0.14.2 when searching the document i 
have in my bucket "affinities" :

   "start" : "20110417",
   "end" : "20110510",
"data" : {

When i request the index with this query (without escaping special 
characters) :
curl -vv 
'http://localhost:8098/solr/affinities/select?q=nsid:83786678@N00 AND 
start:[2* TO 20110501]&wt=json&rows=1'

it returns the document.

When i request the index with this query :
curl -vv 
'http://localhost:8098/solr/affinities/select?q=nsid:83786678@N00 AND 
start:[20* TO 20110501]&wt=json&rows=1'

i get a Bad Request error (HTTP 400) and this error in the riak console :

=ERROR REPORT 27-Jun-2011::22:05:04 ===
Unable to parse request: {badmatch,
 "syntax error before: [50,48,42]"}}}

I think there is an error in parsing the query, am i wrong ?


riak-users mailing list

Inconsistent results from Riak Search

2011-06-27 Thread James Linder

I am getting inconsistent results using the Riak Search Solr
interface. Specifically, the number of results and ordering of results
is changing from one query to the next.

The query that I am running is the following:

| head -n 20

Here is an example of the results that I get:


zip:(94108 OR 10003 OR 1002 OR 2OR 94501 OR 10016 OR
94704 OR 10012 OR 10001 OR 94117 OR 92706 OR 94109 OR 94104 OR 93711
OR 94133 OR 93726 OR 94111 OR 10011 OR 94105 OR 94116 OR 92845 OR

Gold's Gym


zip:(94108 OR 10003 OR 1002 OR 2OR 94501 OR 10016 OR
94704 OR 10012 OR 10001 OR 94117 OR 92706 OR 94109 OR 94104 OR 93711
OR 94133 OR 93726 OR 94111 OR 10011 OR 94105 OR 94116 OR 92845 OR

Super Cuts

Details on our environment:

- We are running riak-search-0.14.0-1.el5 installed via the Basho provided RPM
- We have a cluster of three nodes with a couple gigs of data
- We have been seeing this both from the individual nodes in the
cluster and via riak-php-client

Does anyone have insight into what is causing this issue to happen?


James Linder

riak-users mailing list

Re: Inconsistent results from Riak Search

2011-06-27 Thread James Linder
I forgot to note. The data in the cluster being queried is not
changing. (i.e., no inserts, no updates, no deletes happening)

On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 6:44 PM, James Linder  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am getting inconsistent results using the Riak Search Solr
> interface. Specifically, the number of results and ordering of results
> is changing from one query to the next.
> The query that I am running is the following:
> curl 
> http://localhost:8098/solr/locations/select?q=zip:\(94108+OR+10003+OR+1002+OR+2OR+94501+OR+10016+OR+94704+OR+10012+OR+10001+OR+94117+OR+92706+OR+94109+OR+94104+OR+93711+OR+94133+OR+93726+OR+94111+OR+10011+OR+94105+OR+94116+OR+92845+OR+93710\)
> | head -n 20
> Here is an example of the results that I get:
> 0
> 43
> on
> 0
> zip:(94108 OR 10003 OR 1002 OR 2OR 94501 OR 10016 OR
> 94704 OR 10012 OR 10001 OR 94117 OR 92706 OR 94109 OR 94104 OR 93711
> OR 94133 OR 93726 OR 94111 OR 10011 OR 94105 OR 94116 OR 92845 OR
> 93710)
> or
> value
> standard
> 1.1
> 168
> Gold's Gym
> 0
> 27
> on
> 0
> zip:(94108 OR 10003 OR 1002 OR 2OR 94501 OR 10016 OR
> 94704 OR 10012 OR 10001 OR 94117 OR 92706 OR 94109 OR 94104 OR 93711
> OR 94133 OR 93726 OR 94111 OR 10011 OR 94105 OR 94116 OR 92845 OR
> 93710)
> or
> value
> standard
> 1.1
> 164
> Super Cuts
> Details on our environment:
> - We are running riak-search-0.14.0-1.el5 installed via the Basho provided RPM
> - We have a cluster of three nodes with a couple gigs of data
> - We have been seeing this both from the individual nodes in the
> cluster and via riak-php-client
> Does anyone have insight into what is causing this issue to happen?
> Thanks!
> James Linder

riak-users mailing list

Riak Recap for June 24 - 26

2011-06-27 Thread Mark Phillips
Afternoon, Evening, Morning to All -

Short Recap for today: a new repo on GitHub, a contribution to
riak_kv, and some Q & A from #riak.



Community Manager
Basho Technologies

Riak Recap for June 24 - 26

1) Thomas Schank released something he is calling riakqp, "a utility
to prototype riak MapReduce queries efficiently in CoffeScript

* Code and link to a blog post with more details here --->

Thanks, Thomas!

2) We merged a piece of code into riak_kv from Anthony Molinaro that
enables you to return key counts for different bitcask backends.

* Details here --->

Thanks, Anthony!

3) Q --- Is it possible to get all keys of a certain name irrespective
of their bucket? (from pudo via #riak)

   A --- This isn't currently possible in Riak.

4) Q --- How do you pronounce "riak"? (from DemonCat via #riak)

   A --- REE-awk (or ->!/pharkmillups/status/78868648839741440 )

riak-users mailing list

Re: Riak Recap for June 24 - 26d

2011-06-27 Thread Antony Falco

On Jun 27, 2011, at 7:53 PM, Mark Phillips  wrote:


riak-users mailing list

Re: Inconsistent results from Riak Search

2011-06-27 Thread Mike Oxford
You're changing the "id" field?  (Gold's Gym vs Super Cuts)


On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 3:48 PM, James Linder  wrote:
> I forgot to note. The data in the cluster being queried is not
> changing. (i.e., no inserts, no updates, no deletes happening)
> On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 6:44 PM, James Linder  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am getting inconsistent results using the Riak Search Solr
>> interface. Specifically, the number of results and ordering of results
>> is changing from one query to the next.
>> The query that I am running is the following:
>> curl 
>> http://localhost:8098/solr/locations/select?q=zip:\(94108+OR+10003+OR+1002+OR+2OR+94501+OR+10016+OR+94704+OR+10012+OR+10001+OR+94117+OR+92706+OR+94109+OR+94104+OR+93711+OR+94133+OR+93726+OR+94111+OR+10011+OR+94105+OR+94116+OR+92845+OR+93710\)
>> | head -n 20
>> Here is an example of the results that I get:
>> 0
>> 43
>> on
>> 0
>> zip:(94108 OR 10003 OR 1002 OR 2OR 94501 OR 10016 OR
>> 94704 OR 10012 OR 10001 OR 94117 OR 92706 OR 94109 OR 94104 OR 93711
>> OR 94133 OR 93726 OR 94111 OR 10011 OR 94105 OR 94116 OR 92845 OR
>> 93710)
>> or
>> value
>> standard
>> 1.1
>> 168
>> Gold's Gym
>> 0
>> 27
>> on
>> 0
>> zip:(94108 OR 10003 OR 1002 OR 2OR 94501 OR 10016 OR
>> 94704 OR 10012 OR 10001 OR 94117 OR 92706 OR 94109 OR 94104 OR 93711
>> OR 94133 OR 93726 OR 94111 OR 10011 OR 94105 OR 94116 OR 92845 OR
>> 93710)
>> or
>> value
>> standard
>> 1.1
>> 164
>> Super Cuts
>> Details on our environment:
>> - We are running riak-search-0.14.0-1.el5 installed via the Basho provided 
>> RPM
>> - We have a cluster of three nodes with a couple gigs of data
>> - We have been seeing this both from the individual nodes in the
>> cluster and via riak-php-client
>> Does anyone have insight into what is causing this issue to happen?
>> Thanks!
>> James Linder
> ___
> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list

Re: Inconsistent results from Riak Search

2011-06-27 Thread Mike Oxford
Sorry, misread the output reply.  Nevermind..


On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 5:42 PM, Mike Oxford  wrote:
> You're changing the "id" field?  (Gold's Gym vs Super Cuts)
> -mox
> On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 3:48 PM, James Linder  
> wrote:
>> I forgot to note. The data in the cluster being queried is not
>> changing. (i.e., no inserts, no updates, no deletes happening)
>> On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 6:44 PM, James Linder  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am getting inconsistent results using the Riak Search Solr
>>> interface. Specifically, the number of results and ordering of results
>>> is changing from one query to the next.
>>> The query that I am running is the following:
>>> curl 
>>> http://localhost:8098/solr/locations/select?q=zip:\(94108+OR+10003+OR+1002+OR+2OR+94501+OR+10016+OR+94704+OR+10012+OR+10001+OR+94117+OR+92706+OR+94109+OR+94104+OR+93711+OR+94133+OR+93726+OR+94111+OR+10011+OR+94105+OR+94116+OR+92845+OR+93710\)
>>> | head -n 20
>>> Here is an example of the results that I get:
>>> 0
>>> 43
>>> on
>>> 0
>>> zip:(94108 OR 10003 OR 1002 OR 2OR 94501 OR 10016 OR
>>> 94704 OR 10012 OR 10001 OR 94117 OR 92706 OR 94109 OR 94104 OR 93711
>>> OR 94133 OR 93726 OR 94111 OR 10011 OR 94105 OR 94116 OR 92845 OR
>>> 93710)
>>> or
>>> value
>>> standard
>>> 1.1
>>> 168
>>> Gold's Gym
>>> 0
>>> 27
>>> on
>>> 0
>>> zip:(94108 OR 10003 OR 1002 OR 2OR 94501 OR 10016 OR
>>> 94704 OR 10012 OR 10001 OR 94117 OR 92706 OR 94109 OR 94104 OR 93711
>>> OR 94133 OR 93726 OR 94111 OR 10011 OR 94105 OR 94116 OR 92845 OR
>>> 93710)
>>> or
>>> value
>>> standard
>>> 1.1
>>> 164
>>> Super Cuts
>>> Details on our environment:
>>> - We are running riak-search-0.14.0-1.el5 installed via the Basho provided 
>>> RPM
>>> - We have a cluster of three nodes with a couple gigs of data
>>> - We have been seeing this both from the individual nodes in the
>>> cluster and via riak-php-client
>>> Does anyone have insight into what is causing this issue to happen?
>>> Thanks!
>>> James Linder
>> ___
>> riak-users mailing list

riak-users mailing list