[RBW] Re: Deacon Patrick's email address

2020-12-17 Thread jtallman

Link to an email address here on his web site.

On Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 2:08:14 AM UTC-5 Patrick Moore wrote:

> I don't have it, and his website link is dead. Does anyone have it?
> Thanks.
> One Of The Other Patricks
> -- 
> ---
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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[RBW] Re: Wheel size on MIT Homer 58

2021-11-29 Thread jtallman
The webpage says 700c.


On Monday, November 29, 2021 at 12:33:36 PM UTC-5 atreya...@gmail.com wrote:

> Does anyone know if the wheel size on 58 homers 700C or 650B? The homer 
> webpage on rivbike states 700 but geometry chart seems to suggest 650b . I 
> think the geometry chart might be outdated but just wanted to confirm .

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[RBW] Re: Brooks Leather Bar Tape

2013-10-18 Thread jtallman

When I replaced the Nitto Noodles on my Hunqapillar with the Bosco bars I 
just moved the Brooks tape from the noodles to the bosco.  I double wrapped 
the rearward grips and single wrapped the rest.  I like the way it feels 
and looks.



On Friday, October 18, 2013 12:36:10 AM UTC-4, Peter M wrote:
> I know it was discussed on the list but I couldn't find it in archives. I 
> am switching my H-Bar setup on the Bombadil to the bosco-bullmoose bars and 
> weighing my options. I have used the VO elkhide sew on wrap before but its 
> limited with how much cush you can put below it and still get it sewn on 
> looking right.  Can I use the Cork grips in the grip section and leather 
> bar wrap on the rest without it looking too over the top? Everyone's 
> opinions are welcome, even if you are speaking purely from personal 
> experience which may or may not be applicable to anyone else.

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[RBW] Re: T or F about trading down a size on Bleriot

2013-11-15 Thread jtallman
Lower your stem by 2 cm to simulate the bar height drop that a smaller 
frame would have.  If you can't tell much difference, lower it 2 cm more. 
 When I recently lowered the stem on one of my bikes I was surprised to 
find that it made it feel smaller.  I was expecting the opposite, and had 
to install a longer stem to make the reach feel the same.


On Friday, November 15, 2013 2:43:11 AM UTC-5, Michael wrote:
> Not at all. Thanks for asking.
> I need a really short reach to the bars - drops or otherwise.
> For instance: I use a 6cm extension Tech Deluxe stem on my Sam with 
> Noodle drops. Perfect. Love it.
> *As for the Bleriot:*
> Right now, I have an 8cm Tallux with Albas on my Bleriot. Very short by 
> RBW standards. But still feel the need to get closer. Perhaps the 55 frame 
> is too big for me. Bars are all the way up. Saddle in KOPS. So I can't 
> really get any closer.
> I hesitate to go 6cm extension Technomic stem with Albas on it for fear 
> of being too close effecting the handling somehow.
> But of course, plenty of Alba-like Raleighs from the 50's and 60's had 
> stems with virtually no extensions on them. So it may work.
> Also, the two people at RBW I have communicated with in the past had very 
> negative responses at the mention of using short extension stems. I don't 
> know why they are aghast at them, since RBW is reputed to be about 
> function. This makes me feel like I am doing something wrong with their 
> bikes, or something is wrong with me. I don't get it. Some people just have 
> shorter trunks and arms than others. Makes me hesitate going to a 6cm stem 
> extension.
> Maybe it will be great?? Who knows? But if I can't work it out, I thought 
> about maybe downsizing to the 53.

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[RBW] Re: The Atlantic article about cycling in the south

2014-03-09 Thread jtallman
Laws to protect cyclists are great, but what good are laws if they are not 
enforced? I live in southwest Virginia. Here is a sample of my commute to 
work, about exactly 1 year ago.


Not only is this illegal, but I consider it to be harassment.  This is not 
the only time I have been harassed by "law enforcement", but it is the only 
one I have evidence of.

I did report this to his superiors and was assured it would be taken care 
of.  No idea what happened, because it was a "personnel issue".

I have been hit twice by motorists in hit and runs, one reported to the 
Virginia State Police, and the other reported to the Bristol Virginia 
Police.  Each officer politely took my report, but not only were no charges 
filed, they never even attempted to contact the drivers much less charge 

>> Reminds me of the quote by Aaron Levenstein:  “Statistics are like 
>> bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.”
>> As one who spectated, in first person,  non-enforcement of a broken law 
>> when police responded to where I was hit by a motorist, I feel the same 
>> about legislated morality. Bureaucracy attempts to create outcomes among 
>> the otherwise disinterested or uninspired. These are individual attributes 
>> that reflect well on larger populations when enough project them. It is a 
>> failure by generalization to not expect the exception, a remnant habit from 
>> when situational awareness and Mazlov's hierarchy framed my daily to-do 
>> list. 
>> Drivers don't avoid bicyclists because there are laws that say you'll get 
>> in trouble. It is a pop quiz for the individual at the wheel, a brief one 
>> question test that will demonstrate either their humanity, awareness and 
>> necessity to express concern for another or the validation of their step 
>> onto a slippery slope leading away from all that is good. 
>> I like to think that for my years and miles of cycling, the places it has 
>> taken me and the people I have met, that my personal statistical result is 
>> that more people are good, right and just versus otherwise. 
>> Andy Cheatham
>> Pittsburgh
>> On Friday, March 7, 2014 7:13:59 PM UTC-5, Garth wrote:
>>>   To me, I take all statistics with a grain of salt .  Every bit of 
>>> tests/data is based upon a certain set of subjective parameters , which in 
>>> turn fullfill themselves objectively.  All Subjective truth fulfills itself 
>>> objectively. 
>>> All the paths or legislation in the world will not make cycling "safe" , 
>>> or even "saf-er" (compared to who's definition ?), as there are infinite 
>>> subjective things fulfilling themselves objectively within each person when 
>>> you really think about it, the orchestration of the World *as each 
>>> person experiences it* (no two alike) is absolutely Awe-Inspiring. 

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[RBW] Re: Looking for my first Rivendell

2014-02-02 Thread jtallman
Hello Mike.

I have both a Sam Hillborne and a Hunqapillar.  My Sam is a 56 single top 
tube, my Hunqapillar is a 58 diagatube.  The Sam is a little lighter, and 
feels a little sportier, and I have it set up with drop bars and relatively 
skinny tires (32 mm) for mainly road riding.  I used to have racks on it, 
but moved them to my Hunqapillar when I got it.

The Hunqapillar has wider tires (50 mm Big Apples) and Bosco bars that 
replaced Noodles several months ago.  I use my Hunqapillar mainly off road 
on a popular rail trail near me.  I rarely ride it on the road, but when I 
do, I can stretch out to the front of the Bosco bars and move on down the 
road.  It does not feel "bearish" at all.

I think either would meet your needs.  The Hunqapillar will carry more 
weight and accept wider tires.  The Sam would cost a little less.

Hunqapillar - 

Sam Hillborne - 

Good luck!


On Friday, January 31, 2014 1:31:32 PM UTC-5, Mike K. wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I've been admiring Rivendell's website and the various Flickr pages 
> associated with it for a few years now. This year looks like I should 
> finally be able to buy one. I have a few bikes now that I have set up as 
> near a Rivendell as I can, but they're just not what I'm looking for 
> (probably all psychological, but still). 
> I'm torn between the Sam Hillborne and the Hunqapillar. I don't do any 
> touring now, but that's largely due to not having a bike to do it. I have 
> plenty of friends who go bike camping now that I'm in Texas, and am looking 
> forward to it this summer. Upwards of 30 miles each way, fully loaded with 
> camping gear, food, etc. for a few days' trip.
> Mostly, though, I am a commuter. About 4 miles each way. I have a commuter 
> now, a 1984 Cannondale 56cm ST300 frame with an SR Apex 30/44/48 Triple 
> front and a 12-32 8-speed Cassette in the back, 35mm Bontrager "Commuter" 
> tires with Longboard fenders, Nitto Mustache bars with bar ends and a Nitto 
> Technomic Stem, and a Daija Rear Rack I bought from VO. It's a good bike, 
> but just a tad small and I'm not comfortable loading even for the camping 
> trips.
> I would be all-in for the Hunqa, except I'm concerned about it being a 
> bear to just ride around with a light load or unloaded if I was heading out 
> for a day ride around town, which points me to the Sam. Plus the Sam is a 
> good bit cheaper these days, but I would move a good deal of components 
> from the Cannondale to the new frame.
> Anyway, sorry for the word vomit. My point: anyone have experience with 
> these two as far as handling? I'd love a Hunqa. I think it's a real beauty, 
> diaga-tube and all. I'm 6' even with longish legs. Around an 89 PBH, so I'd 
> be looking at a 58cm in either bike, 2tt on the Sam, diaga-tube on the 
> Hunqa. I'm just afraid it's too beefy for just riding around.
> Any help is much appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Mike

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[RBW] Re: Show me your albatrosses!

2014-02-08 Thread jtallman
Here are mine on a 1986 Nishiki Pueblo.


On Thursday, February 6, 2014 6:42:55 PM UTC-5, Conway Bennett wrote:
> Captain Conway in Chicago here.  I'm an avid reader of the group but a 
> sporadic poster.  In any case I'm a sucker for riv sales campaign so I'm 
> the new owner of some albatrosses which will steering my beloved riv'd out 
> cross check.  So, can all you proud alba mommas and poppas send your flickr 
> hot links for inspiration?

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[RBW] Re: Replace 27" wheels with 700c or 650b? Brakes = Silvers

2014-08-29 Thread jtallman
I bought a 1985 Trek 400 earlier this year, and it has become my favorite 
bike. It looked unused, with just a few marks on the paint from where it 
was moved around in the garage over the years. According to the 1985 Trek 
brochure, geometry for the 400 and 420 are the same, and the tubing set is 
the same. Both came with 27 x 1 1/8 tires and the same DiaCompe brakes, so 
tire clearance may be similar.

I replaced the 27 inch wheelset with 700c. The rear hub is 130 and fits 
fine as is, no problems. The tires are 33 mm Jack Brown Greens. No way a 
bigger 700c tire would fit. Pretty tight at the chainstays and even tighter 
under the fork. I actually tried a Pasela 27 x 1 1/4 first and they were 
too big.

I installed 2 Tektro R365 sidepull brakes from Riv. Both are front recessed 
brakes. The fork on my 400 is recessed and the rear brake bridge is not, so 
a few washers on the rear and the brakes worked fine. The 700c wheelset has 
the brake pads at the top of the slots. A 650b wheelset would probably work 
with these brakes.

Pictures of my Trek 400, with several Riv upgrades, 
here https://flic.kr/s/aHsjXsYBGU

Good luck!

On Thursday, August 28, 2014 8:03:39 PM UTC-4, cbone97 wrote:
> So after selling my Sam (sniff sniff), I scored a 1985 Trek 420 with 27" 
> wheels.  It's a beautiful lugged frame that looks like it was barely ridden 
> and I can't wait to get my collection of Rivy parts on it: SunRace 
> thumbshifter (singular, no front der), Dirt Drop stem, fancy drilled Tektro 
> levers, etc.
> Here's the hard part.  I'm a hefty lad and need/want a fatter tire than 
> the fattest 27"ers made.  The Trek has a rear hub spacing of 126mm and I 
> don't really want to cold set it to 130mm.  At 126mm, options seem limited 
> to freewheel hubs. I'm ok with that, but all the prebuilt 700c 126mm 
> wheelsets have skinny rims for skinny tires. So it seems I need a custom 
> rear wheel - 126mm hub with a rim that will accommodate 38-50mm tires.
> If I'm going to have a rear wheel built on a 126mm hub, would it be 
> preferable to go 650b or 700c?  Can I really get that much more air volume 
> with 650b tires?  My rough measurements suggest that with 700c the rear 
> will fit 38mm tires.  With 700c, I might? even fit a 50mm Big Ben on the 
> front a and a little Ben on the rear.  While 650b theoretically will allow 
> a bigger tire, I'm not sure a 650b Big Ben will fit the rear, which might 
> put me
> Assuming that the Silvers will work for either size (reach the 650b rims), 
> which size might be best?  I think either would be fine/ok, am I forgetting 
> anything?  Should I REALLY not rule out cold setting to 130mm and going 
> with a freehub wheel?
> Thanks!

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[RBW] Re: Dia compe knob grip?

2014-09-15 Thread jtallman

I put a pair of mountain bike barend grips on my bosco bars. I like them 
more than I thought I would. Give me even more hand positions and let me 
stretch forward. A picture here: https://flic.kr/p/e2PjbY

I have albatross bars on another bike - no extensions, but did cover the 
curves with leather. https://flic.kr/p/fdofZ5

Jon Tallman
On Sunday, September 14, 2014 2:42:43 PM UTC-4, Conway Bennett wrote:
> Anyone use these?  Have them to sell?  I'm looking to get a little bit 
> more out of my albatross bar.  Thoughts?
> FW,

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[RBW] Re: Bosco Bullmoose opinions

2014-10-18 Thread jtallman
Tim, I also have a 58cm Hunqapillar and have tried many handlebars. I 
started out with flipped albatross, then regular albatross, bullmoose, 
noodles, and now currently, bosco bars. 

Current setup here: https://flic.kr/p/pqSJqk

I liked the noodles, but the top tube length was just too long even with a 
5 cm stem. The bosco bars give me a better fit and offer at least as many 
hand positions as the noodles. I had Brooks leather on the noodles and just 
moved it over to the bosco bars. The bar end extensions give me a couple of 
more grip positions and the cross levers let me ride stretched out without 
being too far away from the brakes.

Jon Tallman

On Saturday, October 18, 2014 9:35:28 AM UTC-4, Tim wrote:
> I have a 58cm Hunqapillar with standard Bullmoose bars but I guess I'm not 
> so crazy about them. My main bike is my Hilsen. The Hunq I ride a few miles 
> to local trails and on the trails, which vary from dirt fire road type to 
> single track. As with any mountain bike I've ever ridden the Bullmoose 
> result in hand numbness pretty much right away, after only a few minutes. 
> It kind of makes it no fun to ride the bike, as much as I hate to admit it. 
> I'm wondering if the Bosco Bullmoose might help the numbness, but if it 
> will come at the expense of the handling. I love the bike, but kind of 
> mostly to look at because I don't enjoy riding it all that much. It feels 
> like heresy to even say that but it's the truth. By the way, the frame is 
> the right size, it fits well, has a pretty standard Riv build, and I 
> switched from Schwalbe Duremes to Smart Sams. 

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[RBW] Re: Using a Sam Hillborne as a "go fast-ish" bike

2012-03-28 Thread jtallman

I have a 56 Hillborne, single top tube, that I have had for nearly 3
years.  For the first 2 years it was set up with a touring wheelset,
fenders, kickstand, front and rear nitto racks to hold small and large
trunksacks.  Before buying the Hillborne, I test rode a Novara
Randonee and a Cannondale T1.  Both rode like touring bikes, which is
what I expected.  I decided to buy the Hillborne without ever riding
it, or seeing it.  The Hillborne feels much sportier than either of
the touring models I tried.

Early last spring I made the mistake of weighing my Hillborne.
Without bags it weighed close to 30 pounds.  I decided to try to make
it a slimmer, go faster bike.  I removed the fenders, kickstand, and
racks.  Mounted lighter 32 tires instead of the heavier 35s I had been
using.  I think it dropped down to around 25 pounds, and maybe I felt
just a little faster.  Within a few weeks I had reinstalled the
fenders and the kickstand.

The biggest change in speed was a change in wheelset.  I moved the
touring wheelset to a Hunqapillar last May and got Ultegra hubs laced
to Open Pro rims for my Hillborne.  This made a noticeable
difference.  I also have since added 35 Marathon Supremes.  My
Hillborne is my gofast bike, though the only racing I do is with my

Based on the other bikes you have, it sounds like a Hilsen, or
possibly even a Roadeo, could be considered.

Good luck in your search.


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[RBW] Re: Need to test ride a 54cm vs 58cm Hunq.

2015-02-16 Thread jtallman

I am 5'10" with a pbh of 87 and I went with the 58. For me, either size 
would work. I too bought mine without a test ride, though I had a 56 Sam 
Hillborne. I would make the choice based on the handlebar you intend to 
use. Drop bars - go with the 54 for the shorter top tube. MTB or swept back 
bars - go with the 58.


On Friday, February 13, 2015 at 8:47:13 PM UTC-5, Mike K. wrote:
> I have been eyeing the Hunqapillar for a few years and have decided to I 
> need to take a step closer to actually getting one: determining my size.
> I'm a hair under 6' tall, and not sure if I qualify as "long-legged" or 
> not. PBH is 90. Pretty sure I'd be perfect for a 56 Hunq, but since that 
> little dream boat doesn't exist and I can't spring for a custom, I need to 
> figure out which one of the available models fits me best. 
> That being said, is there anyone on the list in Austin, TX who would be 
> able to let me test-ride your 54 or 58 Hunq?
> Thanks, all.
> - Mike in Austin

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[RBW] Re: Kingsport library canti-Romulus sighting

2015-11-11 Thread jtallman
Hello Leslie - the Romulus you saw had to be mine. I work at the library 
and did not come down to get it until quitting time, so you might have had 
a long wait.

I added some fenders to it over the weekend and the tires you saw, which 
were SwiftTire Sand Canyon 27'' tires, will not clear the rear fender. Now 
it has Jack Brown Greens.

Hope to see your Romulus sometime as well,

Jon Tallman

On Monday, November 9, 2015 at 10:47:48 AM UTC-5, Leslie wrote:
> So, unlike the SF Bay area, there aren't as many Rivendells around here.   
> Thanks to MSL in Bristol, there's several, tho'...  I usually see them on 
> the Creeper, or at Steele Creek;   in Kingsport itself, other than my own, 
> I've only seen one other Rivendell, was a Quickbeam out on our Greenbelt. 
> Until, Thursday, long crazy day that's a whole other story, but I found 
> myself in downtown Kingsport that afternoon, canvasing the area by bike for 
> hours.   While riding around the downtown area, on my canti-Rom, what did I 
> find parked outside of the library, but, another canti-Rom.   My older 
> daughter just happened to meet me in the downtown area at the library when 
> I was arriving, and although she's not a 'bike person', even she noticed, 
> "wow, that bike is *exactly* like your bike, eerily so!".   Of course, 
> being a canti-Rom, it was the same light blue, but this one had a Selle 
> Anatomica whereas mine are all Brooks, my tires were a lot larger (I'm 
> pushing it, running MSO's, whereas this one has sensible 32's on it)... It 
> was undecaled, the Romulus downtube decal had been removed, but, if you 
> knew what you were looking at, it was unmistakable that it was the same 
> frame as mine.
> I didn't think it good form to go into the library hollerin' out, who's on 
> the Ram, and I still had a lot of ground to cover, couldn't just wait and 
> see who came out.
> Anywho, just wondering if there's someone else in Kingsport here on the 
> list, that I'd not known about  just reaching out to say hello 
> -L

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[RBW] Re: Tektro Brake RL720 Interrupter Levers on Bosco Bars?

2015-11-13 Thread jtallman

I have them on my bosco bars. I just used some Newbaum's bar tape to take 
up the space and they have worked fine.



On Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at 10:05:44 PM UTC-5, Doug Williams wrote:
> I was thinking of putting Tektro Brake RL720 Interrupter Levers on my 
> Bosco Bars. Riv says that they don't fit Bosco's because the clamp diameter 
> of the bars is 22.2mm and the Interrupter levers are designed for a 24.0 
> clamp diameter bars. But...really? Can't I just add a wrap or two of 
> friction tape to the bars before I put on the Tektro Brake RL720 
> Interrupter Levers? What about just putting them on over the bar wrap? (I 
> use shellacked Newbaums)
> Has anyone had success with the Tektro Brake RL720 Interrupter Levers on 
> Bosco's? Are there other good interrupter levers that work with Bosco's?
> Doug

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Re: [RBW] Re: Anyone order a Joe?

2015-12-06 Thread jtallman
Three sets of water bottle mounts.

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[RBW] Re: Aero Albatross

2019-12-04 Thread jtallman

I have Bosco bars on an old Nishiki mountain bike with bar-end extensions 
just ahead of the curve of the bar. It looked like this when I had them on 
my Hunqapillar - https://flic.kr/p/e2PjbY

Jon Tallman

On Tuesday, December 3, 2019 at 5:07:35 PM UTC-5, A. Douglas M. wrote:
> Has anyone had any luck putting aero extensions into albatross bars? I 
> love my upright position 80% of the time, but on long hauls I sometimes 
> like to lean into it and spin. Grips just forward of the bend would help 
> immensely with this. 
> Thanks!
> Aaron in El Paso

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Re: [RBW] Re: Fancier Cheviot?

2019-12-05 Thread jtallman

On Wednesday, December 4, 2019 at 9:55:42 PM UTC-5, Joe Bernard wrote:
> I still don't know what a Charlie Gallop is 

 In the blahg from early November (the first number 30) is a drawing named 

It has a swoopy top tube, long chainstays, a relatively short virtual top 
tube length, and 622 listed as the rim size. I see a 29er with drop bars 
when I see it built up in my mind.

Jon Tallman

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[RBW] Re: Rack choice for Wald basket on a Hillborne

2020-01-03 Thread jtallman
I like the constructeur front rack from Velo Orange. I have it on multiple 
bikes. Handles baskets, rando bags, small panniers.  I have also mounted it 
on the rear and used it as a saddlebag support. Works great.

Jon Tallman

On Thursday, January 2, 2020 at 10:21:42 PM UTC-5, Randall Rupp wrote:
> I've got a Sam Hillborne and a Wald basket (medium) that I had rigged up 
> with a Racktime front rack.  That combo proved problematic so I ditched the 
> Racktime rack.  What are the better front rack alternatives for the Wald 
> basket?  Is the Mark's rack good for the Wald baskets?

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[RBW] Re: So Close, Yet So Far

2020-01-30 Thread jtallman
Interesting shifter boss location!

On Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 9:44:49 AM UTC-5, lconley wrote:
> My Custom is almost ready
> [image: Custom.png]
> Laing
> Delray FL

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[RBW] Re: Tires for Sam

2017-05-02 Thread jtallman
I have 2 Sam Hillbornes, the first one being an orange 56 cm canti brake 
version that I bought in the summer of 2009. I have tried several different 
tires on it over the years, including a set of Jack Browns. I have also 
found that I enjoy the ride of the Sam more with narrower tires. Four years 
ago I built up a pair of 27 inch wheels from some spare rims I had and put 
them on my Sam along with some 27 x 1 1/4 Paselas. I have rarely had 700c 
tires on it since then.


I have a blue 55 cm Sam that I bought just over 2 years ago and it has only 
had a 27 inch wheelset with SwiftTire SandCanyon tires from Loose Screws. 
You can get them from Amazon.


Blue Sam here: https://flic.kr/p/GpM8Nv

Not suggesting that you should abandon your wheelset, but letting you know 
your not completely alone in preferring "narrower" tires on a Sam!

Jon Tallman

On Monday, May 1, 2017 at 7:17:00 PM UTC-4, Broccoli Cog wrote:
> I have been fusing with different tires on my Sam every since I purchased 
> it late last summer. I thought I wanted to go as wide as possible and have 
> the ability to ride on multi surfaces. The reality is that 95% of my riding 
> time on the Sam is on the road. I also have P45 fenders mounted which left 
> very little clearance for the 40 mm tires. Some of you may recall me 
> wrestling with the fenders. I decided to try riding the bike with 33mm 
> tires on it. I had a pair of Clement LAS file treads in my basement so I 
> decided to give them a try. Although not an absolute, in my opinion a 33mm 
> tire or something in that range seems to be the sweet spot for the Sam. 
> When I rode it this morning it was noticeably more nimble. Another big plus 
> for me is that they easily cleared the fenders. I had been thinking about 
> buying a set of Compass Barlow Pass tires but my experience with the 33's 
> had be second guessing. Since the Compass tires have yet to arrive on our 
> shores I decided to look elsewhere. I was able to find a guy on another 
> forum selling a set of Jack Brown Blue's that he mounted but never ending 
> up riding. I picked them up for a good price so I am pretty excited to try 
> them. I'll report back once I have spent some time riding on them. 
> Tim 

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[RBW] For sale - 58cm Hunqapillar frame, fork, headset, seatpost

2017-08-29 Thread jtallman
Bought from Rivendell in 2011. Original grey with kidney bean red headtube. 
No dents, but I have touched up some paint issues in 2 places - on the 
middle of the top tube (fell over in the gravel) and the right chainstay 
just behind the bottom bracket shell (chainsuck). Also some shellac residue 
on the top tube and right chainstay. I have ridden it about 2,000 miles 
over the past 6 years. I tried several handlebar configurations - lots of 
pictures on my flickr account https://flic.kr/s/aHsjCimVmc

I have attached a jpg image of the geometry. I have a pbh of 86 cm and 
standover was never an issue even with 2.1 inch tires. I tried nitto noodle 
handlebars for a while and really liked them, but the top tube was just too 
long even with a 5 cm stem. Bosco bars worked great with a 12 cm stem. 
Price is $1,200 for frame, fork, Ritchey Logic headset, and Nitto S83 (size 
26.8) seatpost. My zip code is 24202 to help you get a shipping quote. 
PayPal is fine. Glad to answer any questions that I can!

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[RBW] Re: For sale - 58cm Hunqapillar frame, fork, headset, seatpost

2017-08-30 Thread jtallman
Thanks everyone! Bike is sold.

On Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 10:57:40 AM UTC-4, jtallman wrote:
> Bought from Rivendell in 2011. Original grey with kidney bean red 
> headtube. No dents, but I have touched up some paint issues in 2 places - 
> on the middle of the top tube (fell over in the gravel) and the right 
> chainstay just behind the bottom bracket shell (chainsuck). Also some 
> shellac residue on the top tube and right chainstay. I have ridden it about 
> 2,000 miles over the past 6 years. I tried several handlebar configurations 
> - lots of pictures on my flickr account https://flic.kr/s/aHsjCimVmc
> I have attached a jpg image of the geometry. I have a pbh of 86 cm and 
> standover was never an issue even with 2.1 inch tires. I tried nitto noodle 
> handlebars for a while and really liked them, but the top tube was just too 
> long even with a 5 cm stem. Bosco bars worked great with a 12 cm stem. 
> Price is $1,200 for frame, fork, Ritchey Logic headset, and Nitto S83 (size 
> 26.8) seatpost. My zip code is 24202 to help you get a shipping quote. 
> PayPal is fine. Glad to answer any questions that I can!
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-91e4-SacW9M/WaVlN2BoR-I/ArY/_3KJVXIEGGkUHsc1AH3EjZuomBnweambACLcBGAs/s1600/36693493882_d614a1516b_z.jpg>
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-vc-_lEcfw-Q/WaVlVamLWuI/Arc/VylnNuprVwYS7U6h32Kfj5mNgI58ctQngCLcBGAs/s1600/WFHunq%2B58.jpg>

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[RBW] For sale - Rivendell Romulus frame, fork, and headset with cantilever posts - size 61

2017-09-27 Thread jtallman
Often referred to as a "canti-rom" this Romulus uses cantilever brakes or 
v-brakes. I used Tektro mini v-brakes with regular pull levers and stopping 
power was excellent. I bought this from ebay 2 years ago. Rode it just over 
300 miles in about a year of use. I was able to fender a Jack Brown tire - 
clearance was tightest on the rear at both bridges. Actual 38 mm tires will 
fit without fenders.

61 cm seat tube, 58.5 cm top tube. Full geo available 
here: http://www.cyclofiend.com/Images/rbw/romulus/rom_flyer1-04.jpg

Pictures available here: https://flic.kr/s/aHskmd2HcU

I am 5'11" with a pbh of 87 cm. To get the reach to the drop bars to feel 
right to me I used a 7 cm stem.

I would describe the overall condition of the bike as very good to 
excellent. There are some scratches in the paint, particularly on the top 
tube which I tried to capture in the photos. Paint still shines, no dents 
or dings. The decals were removed, a look which I came to prefer. Rear 
dropouts are set at 132.5, allowing the use of either 130 or 135 hubs. I 
used both at different times with no issues.

Asking $800 plus shipping with bikeflights from zip code 24202. Contact me 
offlist and I will be glad to answer any questions. You might find it 
useful to search the messages on this forum for "Romulus" to get more 
information as well.


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[RBW] Re: Mark's Rack (M1) on Back?

2019-04-09 Thread jtallman
Hi John.

I used one on a Sam Hillborne to support a medium saddlesack. It worked 


Jon Tallman

On Tuesday, April 9, 2019 at 7:49:01 AM UTC-4, John Rinker wrote:
> Good evening,
> Does anyone have a Mark's M1 rack mounted on the back of their Riv (Hunq?) 
> to support a saddlesack? 
> Cheers, John

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[RBW] Re: Mark's Rack (M1) on Back?

2019-04-09 Thread jtallman
I never probably never had more than 10 - 15 pounds, so not a lot of 
weight. Of course, not all of the weight was on the rack since the 
saddlesack was attached to my saddle loops. I never had concerns about it 
being overloaded.

On Tuesday, April 9, 2019 at 9:57:01 AM UTC-4, John Rinker wrote:
> Thanks Takashi and Jon,
> Any concerns about the weight of you'll load into the medium saddlesack 
> with the Mark's rack? 
> Cheers, John
> On Tuesday, April 9, 2019 at 7:02:12 PM UTC+5:45, Takashi wrote:
>> Hi John
>> I also have Mark's Rack on back of my Hunq.
>> https://flic.kr/p/298TE5u
>> As you can see in this picture, I cut off the tombstone of the rack.
>> I did it because I like saddlebag to be as close to seatpost as possible, 
>> like in this picture (I don't mind my thighs hitting the saddlebag) :
>> https://flic.kr/p/RV8rN3
>> Takashi

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