[RBW] WTB: Rivendell Sackville Banana Sax Sack

2023-11-13 Thread Patch T
I'm not 100% sure this is the bag for me, and so would rather not purchase 
brand new.

Will consider about any condition, and any color but blue.

Anyone have one?

Patch in NYC

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[RBW] local Oakland Area iBobs: WTB/ISO drop bars, chainrings

2023-11-21 Thread Patch T
Hi Folks - in Oakland CA for the week, and rebuilding a purple RB-2.

Not changing much, but would like to replace the bars and gearing, and 
trying to keep this on a budget and tight turnaround. Anyone have some 
parts lying around?


   - 25.4 clamp area (I already have a nice Nitto stem in that size)
   - 'wide'-ish 42-45 ish range
   - something with more parallel ramps than the classic Sakae bend that 
   came stock. Nitto B135 or 132, maybe Noodles/similar, etc... my dream would 
   be my favorite drop bar the Rene Herse Maes Parallel, but that's outa 


   - pretty sure the stock Sugino 5 bolt crank has a 130BCD
  - currently 53 outer, would prefer a 48
  - currently 40 inner, not bad, but wouldn't mind a 38 
   - *or maybe you have a cheap subcompact-ish 2x square taper crankset or 
   a 110 triple with extra chainrings that would look nice...*

In other news, FWIW, Soma Supple Vitesse 700 x 33c tires fit nicely in the 
frame and under the Blaze calipers. 

Patch in Oakland, CA

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Re: [RBW] Re: NBOD: New Bike Ordered Day! The mythical canti-Roa!

2023-12-04 Thread Patch T
Just tremendous. My ideal Riv road is similar to Bill's ideal Riv road. 
Can't wait to see how this turns out.

Bill, any further teasers you want to share about the build? 

Patch in NYC, but pretty soon in OAK, CA

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[RBW] WTB: one Paul Racer, black, center mount, recessed, rear

2023-12-22 Thread Patch T
Just one, folks. Asking here for a used item before I go new.

Trade for a used Paul Touring/Neo Retro combo in black?

Patch in NYC

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[RBW] Re: Winter exercise switch-up for bike riders

2023-12-23 Thread Patch T
Where I live I don't need to park it completely, but I do ride less. My 
yoga practice (specifically hot Vinyasa with Pilates and occasional cardio 
elements) cadence then increases in the winter.

It has significantly strengthened my core, increased 
flexibility/balance/body awareness, improved my breathing and my stamina, 
and has probably (speculating here) prevented injuries. I'm still pretty 
young, but my body is probably 'younger' than a lot of folks my age.

On Thursday, December 21, 2023 at 9:55:36 AM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 

> I hope this is not off-topic. If it is, I apologize. 
> Living in Michigan means I park my Platypuses for 3 months or so in the 
> winter. I know there are die-hards out there with their studded tires and 
> fat bikes but that’s not me. No Platypus means a lot of my workout time has 
> been freed up and I need to find ways to stay active in winter. I already 
> do strength training and core 6-7 days of the week, year round. I run a 
> little. I walk a lot. But I wanted to add in something new and challenging. 
> I added TWO things: Pilates and HIIT.
> I have to say that I’m amazed how much I feel Pilates. The muscles I’m 
> using in Pilates must never get used in my other workouts. Gluteus medius, 
> specifically. I think I have really neglected my hips. I’m also doing some 
> physical therapy for my shoulder and knee, and my physical therapist has 
> uncovered some of my weaknesses that are, incidentally, being helped with 
> Pilates. I think I’m going to keep it in my routine all year. Maybe ditch 
> the core workouts, because I think Pilates is more effective.
> Also good is HIIT. I find that 20 minutes is plenty challenging. Lots of 
> new moves that make you focus on balance, coordination and isolating muscle 
> groups. Can be hard on the knees. Grant has talked at length about short 
> bursts of intense exercise being the way. This is that.
> I do all of this in my basement using Apple Fitness, in case anyone was 
> wondering how to start. Dirt cheap, very little equipment needed, and a joy 
> to follow the lead of the instructors. I love a group exercise class - just 
> tell me what to do to make the most of my time and put on some good music 
> for the session. I’ll do whatever you say.
> If you park your bike for winter, what do you do to keep up your fitness? 
> I’m always looking for new ideas.
> Leah

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[RBW] Re: "Grant hates toe clips."

2023-12-25 Thread Patch T
I like it all - except toe clips :) 

After refusing to "clip in" for many years, I finally tried SPDs 5 or 6 
years ago and really enjoy the power transfer I perceive (actual or 
imagined, who cares? I like it) and a sense of connection or connectedness 
to the pedals, cranks, bike. 

I've learned that I prefer mountain bike style over road style SPDs for 
both my road and not-road bikes (using apparently discontinued? wide Lake 
MX1 lace-ups), as I enjoy walking with ease and a normal posture. 

I still use platform pedals, specifically MKS Lambdas on commuter and 
camping bikes, and use a variety of shoes and boots. I've not tried the 
more recent iterations on this now iconic Lambda pedal, mostly because they 
just last forever and I cannot yet justify a new purchase.

I have enough overlap on too many of my bikes to like toe clips/cages. I 
recall disliking how much my foot would bend behind the pedal with big 
efforts,  but I admit I never tried a rigid soled shoe with them.

Patch in NYC

On Sunday, December 24, 2023 at 8:44:43 PM UTC-5 Patrick Moore wrote:

> First entry in new Blahg. And no, he doesn't; he reports someone's 
> out-of-context judgment.
> But I'm curious how many on this RBW list like and use retention and how 
> many don't; and of the former, how many use toe clips and how many use 
> clipless systems -- and what kind.
> I'll start: I rode fast for years and thousands of miles in Keds with 
> thick, soft soles and then rubber-soled lace ups of other sorts on 
> un-clipped rat-trap pedals (and even rubber block pedals) until in about 
> 1990 I got my first relatively expensive road bike (1989 Falcon, tout 531C 
> with Sante group) and decided largely because of bike mag content that I'd 
> better get with the retention program. I started with Bata Bikers and clips 
> and straps, graduated to clips and straps and slotted cleats, then pretty 
> quickly switched to the burgeoning varieties of clipless -- Sampson 
> Stratics, Grafton "Erector Set" road and mtb pedals, Speedplay X1s and 
> Frogs, Looks of various sorts, and finally SPDs, road and mtb (by "road" I 
> mean the ones that came out for about 1 season long long ago with the mtb 
> mechanism). 
> A couple of years ago I tried platforms with spikes and no-retention shoes 
> but after about a month of annoyance always shifting my foot to find the 
> right position I gave up and went back to SPDs. I've got SPDs on all my 
> bikes though I've got a very nice set of XC Pros + clips and straps + 
> almost-as-new wood-soled Duegis with cleats that I'd like to try -- I found 
> slotted cleats with semi-tight straps easier with a fixed drivetrain than 
> Look Keos -- except that SPDs are so perfect.
> So, I've round that having gotten used to retention I find it very hard to 
> give it up. I daresay that this habituation is stronger since so much of my 
> riding is on fixed drivetrains, but I'd still want at least clips and 
> loose-ish straps with rubber soles for any freewheel drivetrain.
> But again, SPDs just feel so perfect that I will probably just stay with 
> them.
> Best wishes to all for the Christmas season.
> Patrick Moore, finishing up a late resume on Xmas eve in ABQ, NM.
> -- 
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
> ---
> Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing 
> services
> ---
> *When thou didst not, savage, k**now thine own meaning,*
> *But wouldst gabble like a** thing most brutish,*
> *I endowed thy purposes w**ith words that made them known.*

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[RBW] FS: Thule Doubeltrack 990 hitch rack

2024-02-05 Thread Patch T
NYC area Riv folks!

Hoping to sell this 2-bike platform hitch rack before tomorrow. Thule 
Doubletrack 990.

It's the predecessor to the Doubletrack XT, in very good/excellent 
condition. Used on exactly one cross-country trip, and then stored inside 
for years. Everything functioning as it should. Comes with a 1.25"-2" 

I'm asking $125 OBO

Pick-up only, NYC area.

Patch in Brooklyn

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[RBW] Re: WTB/ISO Paul Thumbie adapter for Silver shifters

2022-11-17 Thread Patch T

On Monday, November 14, 2022 at 2:22:43 PM UTC-5 C Lin wrote:

> Apparently Paul made these for a while to mount silvers on thumbies for 
> shimano bar cons.
> -Carlos in San Diego 

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Re: [RBW] Which Paul brakes for a Quickbeam or Simple One?

2023-01-11 Thread Patch T
I use Paul's Touring on the rear and Minimotos on the front on my QB. 
The Minimotos clear a VO Smooth 45mm fender just fine.
I agree that not using the canti stop bridge on the rear is a little sad, 
but one could get creative and mount a light there if you preferred to run 
a Minimoto on the rear as well.

Patch in NYC

On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 11:44:55 AM UTC-8 Benjamin Kelley wrote:

> When I was starting my design process for Paul braking my Quickbeam 
> everyone said to put touring on the rear.
> I measured my heel clearance and decided for my bike and fit, that touring 
> would be unnecessary and neo-retro's would clear fine.
> However, a set of used touring in my preferred color came up either here 
> or i-bob first, so I ended up going with them anyways.
> Definitely measure before you buy tho if you are only considering the 
> touring for clearance problems, it might not be an issue for you.
> --ben
> On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 1:19 PM iamkeith  wrote:
>> Since the Quickbeam has a nice, built-in cable hanger at the rear 
>> (whereas the Simple One relies on an ad-on hanger installed at the seatpost 
>> clamp bolt), I think it's nice to use canti brakes.  Just my opinion.  I 
>> had wide profile brakes, like the neo-retro, both front and rear on my 
>> Quickbeam (and will again when I finish rebuilding it) and never had heel 
>> clearance problems.   I do have another bike where I needed to use the 
>> touring on the rear with the neo retro on the front.
>> On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 12:01:17 PM UTC-7 eliot...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Why not do the motolite V brakes ? I bet they rock
>>> On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 10:19 AM Drew Henson  wrote:
 Also depends on if you want to run fenders. I don't think the minimotos 
 have all that much clearance depending on tire size.

 On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 10:06:49 AM UTC-8 JohnS wrote:

> Thank you Mark, good to know.
> On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 1:04:13 PM UTC-5 esoter...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> John,
>> The Paul Minomotos are actually short-pull calipers, so you can use 
>> the same short-pull levers that you would use with the touring/neo-retro 
>> cantilevers. The Paul Motolites are the ones that use long-pull levers. 
>> ~Mark
>> Raleigh, NC
>> On Jan 11, 2023, at 12:57, JohnS  wrote:
>> The "are Paul's brakes worth it thread" got me thinking that I 
>> should give them a try on my Quickbeam. What do people have experience 
>> with? I like the idea of using touring canti's on the rear and minimotos 
>> on 
>> the front as seen on this Rock Lobster build over on The Radivist.
>> https://theradavist.com/cyclofunk-single-speed-rock-lobster-cyclocross-kyle-kelley/
>> The only problem with that is, I'll have to get two pairs of brake 
>> levels, one short pull and one long pull. I'm planning on using 
>> Mark/noodle 
>> drop bars, so the Tektro R340 and RL520 brake levers are at reasonably 
>> priced at $30/pair.
>> Any suggestions are appreciated,
>> JohnS
>> -- 
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>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/8fdc7e95-aa10-446d-97ec-695316b217d2n%40googlegroups.com
>> .
>> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Which Paul brakes for a Quickbeam or Simple One?

2023-01-12 Thread Patch T
John - I like the combination very much, but I don't think it is 
significantly *better* than other brake set-ups, and do not necessarily 
champion this set-up over others. I went this route because (a) I, too, 
felt bad leaving the QB brake stop bridge hanging out all alone, and (b) 
had another bike that was in need of only one Minimoto (a 92 XO1 calipered 
frame with a 93 XO1 canti'd fork) and after a parts shuffle across 3 
(mostly) canti'd bikes, I ended up with one spare Minimoto.

I'll say that the Minimotos and Motolites have a sharper, crisper, more 
abrupt stopping action than the Touring and/or Neo Retros. That is not to 
say that the latter pair are 'bad' at stopping - they're marvelous and 
strong - but the transition feel is slower/smoother. When running a combo 
of Minimoto front + Touring rear, the difference in brake feel is not funny 
or weird or all that noticeable. I suppose there's slightly less wheel lock 
with the Touring out back, but this isn't a dominant factor for me.

I personally would recommend the Touring/Neo Retro for road riding; and 
Minimotos for more off-road/trail action, and/or/especially in cases where 
quick-hard-steep stopping is desired. I save my Motolites for my 26" 
dedicated trail bike. 

Last item - aesthetically speaking (YMMV, don't @ me!)
Minimotos look sick with knobbies
Touring/Neo Retro look sick with knobbies
Touring/Neo Retro look sick with slicks
Minimotos look just ok with slicks, but sick with 45mm fenders + slicks

Everyone's got different brake feelings and experiences, these are mine, 
hope they help.

Patch in NYC

On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 5:50:15 PM UTC-8 JohnS wrote:

> Thank you everyone for the tips/advice. I'm not planning to have a rear 
> rack on this bike, so the brake arm extension isn't an issue. Also I may or 
> may not mount the fenders that I have, my Crust LB-canti has them so not a 
> priority to have them on the QB.
> Patch, so how do you like the touring/minimoto combination? Would say it 
> was better or as good as other brake set ups?
> Thanks,
> JohnS
> On Wednesday, January 11, 2023 at 2:56:39 PM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>> I use Paul's Touring on the rear and Minimotos on the front on my QB. 
>> The Minimotos clear a VO Smooth 45mm fender just fine.
>> I agree that not using the canti stop bridge on the rear is a little sad, 
>> but one could get creative and mount a light there if you preferred to run 
>> a Minimoto on the rear as well.
>> Patch in NYC

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[RBW] Re: Nutmeg Nor'Easter 2023

2023-10-13 Thread Patch T
MEEE - but you knew that :)

Patch in Brooklyn

On Friday, October 13, 2023 at 10:16:37 AM UTC-4 Justin Kennedy wrote:

> Curious if anyone else from the RBW Owners Bunch will be there this year. 
> If so, would love to say hello! I'll be on my mermaid Platy.
> Cheers-

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[RBW] Re: Hub recommendations for Velocity Cliffhangers

2024-03-05 Thread Patch T
Lots of great recommendations for hubs at different price points, so I'll 
leave that point alone.

iwritela mentions: *I don't backpack, so a dynamo is unnecessary.*

I'm sure iwritela knows this and wrote something else - but you don't have 
to backpack or bikepack in order to justify a dynamo set up. Not all of my 
bikes have or need dynamo lighting set-ups, but those that do are not all 
bike-packers (or even tourers) neither. It's just wonderful always-having a 
front light; mine live on the bikes I go to when I want a big ride with no 
planned finish, where the possibility of staying out past late-afternoon is 
likely. And having a dynamo set-up has encouraged me to get out and ride at 
night on the occasion I've had the itch.

Perhaps OP already has a dynamo setup and knows all of this, in which case 
please disregard.

Patch in Oakland

On Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 10:55:35 AM UTC-8 iwri...@gmail.com wrote:

> I'd appreciate some recommendations for a new hub for my Appaloosa. I 
> don't backpack, so a dynamo is unnecessary. I'm leaning towards a Paul hub 
> because of its minimalist aesthetic, but if there's a hub you all love, 
> please let me know! Thanks.

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Re: [RBW] Re: Another Brevet Report: The Antelope Island 300k

2024-05-07 Thread Patch T
Great effort and great report! You really persevered through some hard 
stuff. Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

Patch in Oakland

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[RBW] East Bay Dirty Route Recs

2024-05-11 Thread Patch T
Hi Folks,

Looking for some ride & route recommendations in the East Bay; rides that 
mix paved and unpaved roads that smartly link & loop together nice 
sections, great scenery, challenging bits and chill bits. 

Preferences that are in no way fixed requirements:

- any length, but ideally in the 35-65 mi range (but open to longer!)

- starting/ending: ideally somewhere near a BART station. 

- doable with 650b x 48mm knobbies (ie not a mountain bike) 

- bonus points for food/beverage related pit stop/s

Thanks so much!
Patch in Oakland

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Re: [RBW] Re: Cockpit swap on my Sam

2024-05-29 Thread Patch T
Just wrote a whole message privately by accident. Here's a summary:

In my experience ESI grips get very slippery if you sweat. Otherwise cheap 
and comfy!

Rubber grips can get sticky over time.

I like using rolls of cork sheet from the office or craft store, cutting 
and fitting that, then covering with Newbaum's. Or using padded Newbaum's 
similarly as a base layer. Both methods give you grippy cushion, good 
style, plus easy bar-end installation.

Patch in Oakland.

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Re: [RBW] Re: Cockpit swap on my Sam

2024-05-29 Thread Patch T
Or like Brian said, Newbaum's over ESI's - YUM!

On Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 6:59:24 AM UTC-7 Patch T wrote:

> Just wrote a whole message privately by accident. Here's a summary:
> In my experience ESI grips get very slippery if you sweat. Otherwise cheap 
> and comfy!
> Rubber grips can get sticky over time.
> I like using rolls of cork sheet from the office or craft store, cutting 
> and fitting that, then covering with Newbaum's. Or using padded Newbaum's 
> similarly as a base layer. Both methods give you grippy cushion, good 
> style, plus easy bar-end installation.
> Patch in Oakland.

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[RBW] WTT: my 170mm Sugino AT crank arms for your 175mm... or similar

2023-02-13 Thread Patch T
(Crosspost!) Hi Folks,

Looking to trade my 170mm Sugino AT crank arms for your same 175mm crank 
arms, or something comparably well-made + attractive + vintage-y/ish + 
triple 110/74... Ritchey Logic anyone :) ?  No need for chainrings.

Have other items to sweeten potential trades. Trying not to spend actual 
moneys at this time.

Patch in NYC

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[RBW] WTT: your 80mm Simworks Rhonda (or similar stem) for my ...

2023-03-02 Thread Patch T
Howdy Bunch - 

After a couple successful recent trades on the lists I'm putting another 
one out there. Let's see how long I can go without making monetary 
purchases for parts (with exception of course to the USPS)! 

You: have an 80mm Simworks Rhonda Stem 
or something *very* similar (threadless, 80mm long, svelte-not-chunky, 
~80deg rise, removable faceplate, 31.8) in black or chrome/silver/or?

Me: I've got a black Soma Crane 
 80mm, as well as 
a black Velo Orange Cigne 

- as well as a few other items up for trade I can tell you about privately. 

Shoot me a dm if carrying + interested. Thanks!

Patch in BK/NYC

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Re: [RBW] Bike route mapping & guidance app for iPhone

2023-05-01 Thread Patch T
Another vote for RideWithGPS + iPhone and/or computer (mine, a Wahoo 

Patch, still always lost in, and around, NYC
On Monday, May 1, 2023 at 2:12:40 PM UTC-4 jacob...@gmail.com wrote:

> Ridewithgps lets you build routes on your pc and navigate them through the 
> iPhone app. It does audible directions as well. Normally I build the route 
> on my computer and then load the ride on my bike computer (Hammerhead Karoo 
> or Wahoo Element). I have just used the iPhone app at times. Works great. 
> Komoot should do the job too but I’m not as familiar with it. 
> Cheers, 
> Jacob
> Sent from my iPhone
> On May 1, 2023, at 1:56 PM, Patrick Moore  wrote:
> Thanks to the car-centric development of this our Southwestern city we 
> often have destinations only a few miles away that you can't ride to on 
> direct, paved routes. OTOH, thanks to our extensive dirt trails, there are 
> often off-road workarounds that, if they add 50% or more to the total 
> distance are pleasant to ride -- and after all, one rides for pleasure; or 
> I hope one does.
> I have to take a computer in to a shop tomorrow. By 6-lane boulevard and 
> resulting horrible intersections it's 3.3 miles, but per Google maps there 
> is apparently a combined residential street-cum-dirt trail route that can 
> get me there.
> The trouble is that it's complicated enough that I have a hard time 
> following it on my 42" professional screen. Also, I am rather "spatially 
> dyslexic:" I don't easily comprehend spatial directions, relations, and 
> distances -- generally I painstakingly work out complicated routes on a 
> verbal instruction sheet.
> I cannot use Google Maps or on a 2" iPhone screen.
> But: is there some miracle phone app that will, say, let you pick out such 
> a route on a big screen and transfer it to a phone where the app will walk 
> you through the turns and distances?
> Otherwise, I'll stick to writing out route marker lists.
> Aside: When I drive with my daughter, she gauged routes using Siri to 
> operate a direction app that would nag you to turn in "100 yards" or what 
> have you. But (1) I will *not* talk to a ddogamned machine, and (2) the 
> routes in question involve paths that I expect are not inside Google or 
> Apple systems.
> Patrick Moore, who from time to time revisits Robin Williams very funny 
> Siri putdown on Ellen DeGeneres.
> -- 
> ---
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
> -- 
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[RBW] Re: WTB: 60cm Quickbeam

2024-08-16 Thread Patch T

Patch, who traded his orange for a silver.
Oakland, CA

On Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 3:03:45 PM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> I concur with this statement of fact: among Quickbeams it is decidedly 
> true that "Silver is best, followed by orange, then green."
> Bill Lindsay
> whose Green 58cm is already earmarked for trade
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Thursday, August 15, 2024 at 2:28:54 PM UTC-7 jaredwilson wrote:
>> Anyone in the SF Bay Area wanna unload a 60cm Quickbeam today?
>> Silver is best, followed by orange, then green.
>> Email me at jaredwi...@gmail.com
>> jared, currently in Berkeley with crazy dreams and low expectations :)

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[RBW] help with rear derailer

2020-05-21 Thread Patch T
Hi Bunch,

Hoping you could help me work through throuble-shooting a friction shifting 
issue on a rear derailer. I have a feeling it's actually a much simpler 
issue than I think, and that I may already know the problem. But looking 
for advice anyhow.

-- rear derailer won't shift into highest gear on it's own 
-- but it does when I apply forward motion with moderate pressure with my 
right foot at about 2 to 3 c'clock position 
-- all other gears shift fine, if not wonderfully

-- I'm using vintage parts that may not play well. But I think they could? 
All but one part are in great condition. So there's that.

-- rear derailer: *Suntour Cyclone GT long cage 

the High limit screw is maxed out*
*-- *front der: Suntour Cyclone
-- have tried both 8 spd and 9 spd 11-32/36 cassettes with same issue, 
8 speed is slightly better*
-- White Ind M15 shimano body hub, with correct spacers
-- yes, fresh chain
-- Rene Herse double 44/28
-- 113mm bottom brackett
-- vintage suntour bar-cons (this is the only vintage item that is not in 
near-perfect condition, in my amateur opinion)
-- recently changed all cable and housing

ALSO IMPORTANT: *the same bike has experienced great index shifting with 
the following:*
-- White Industries ENO crank with 42 tooth chainring
-- same 113mm bottom brackett
-- SRAM Rival road brake/shifters
-- SRAM Rival rear derailer
-- SRAM cassette 11spd, 11-42 

-- this is a chainline issue; the WI crank has a wider Q that the Rene 
Herse, so derailer can move chain outside easier?
-- If the above is true, is the only solution a BB with longer spindles?
-- I'm being overly optimistic with the actual abilities of the Suntour 
Cyclone and should give up. Even though it easily wraps the lower gears.
-- the derailer is in fact bent and I can't tell with my naked eye

Thanks everyone!


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[RBW] Re: help with rear derailer

2020-05-21 Thread Patch T
Whelp, a super thin, maybe 1 or 2mm washer I dug out of the ol' washer bin 
and set between the derailer and hanger did the trick as Bill explained.
So very thin, but now I have a smooth full range over the 9 speed 11-32. 
Slides into the 11 tooth easily. Still enough thread engaged, too.
Thanks Bill!

Patrick - I did re-check the chain length first, and it was good.

Garth - I had checked the range w/o chain before mounting and it was good.

Thanks everyone!


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[RBW] Re: Will Mini Motos fit a MTB tire?

2020-05-23 Thread Patch T
Sorry the photo is sideways and squashed like that!

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[RBW] Re: WTB quickbeam or simple one

2020-05-31 Thread Patch T
I'd recommend you choose a QB over a CC, given you had access to both and 
you knew you didn't want the option to add gears. But CC is not a terrible 
choice if that is what is available to you, but I wouldn't compare the two 
(I owned both as my primary 2 bikes for 5 or so years; still have the QB). 
I loved how versatile a blank canvas it was for different kinds of builds.

+1 for hunting down a 70s/early80s frame with good tubing. My 1981 Trek 710 

has seen a 650b rando/long-ride conversion with gears, but is currently 
back to single speed 700c x 38 slicks (just barely clears the rear brake 
bridge) and albratross bars for city riding. It feels a lot like the QB.


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[RBW] small bike frame help & recommendations / (WTB)

2020-06-03 Thread Patch T
Hey Bunch,

I rebuilt a 19"/48cm 1987 Trek 330 Elance for my partner with 650b wheels 
and albatrosses. I thought it would fit but it's too big for her. In 
retrospect, I actually just *wanted* the frame to fit because I liked it so 
much, and thought I could make it work. It doesn't. She could use another 
inch of standover room. I don't think going down one size in a similar 
road/sport-touring frame would be enough -- not to mention hard to find.

I'm thinking of a mountain bike frame from the 90s for her instead, as 
shorter standover heights are more common, and I have a good 26" wheelset 
lying around with no use. Worried, however, about weight...

I'd love any recommendations of specific models, tubing, etc to look for as 
I hunt; or, if you have something that fits the bill. Just looking for a 
frame + fork (headsets, BBs and seatposts welcome but not necessary)
*Here are her requirements:*

   - 26" (or 650b converted) 
   - <74cm standover height (with 26x1.5-2.0 or 650x38-42b tires, give or 
   - not a mixte or step-through (her demand, not mine!)
   - not too heavy, we live up a couple flights of stairs with no elevator 
   - cannot be a tank!
   - rim brake, no disc
   - under $400 for frame+fork

*Her Trek:*
Size 19", has a 47.5cm ST and a 74cm SO (frame has a sloping top tube, so 
it varies) with 650 x 38b tires. 
*It's a great frameset with 531 tubing - will be putting it up for sale 
once I get a replacement for her.*

Let me know if I'm forgetting anything. Thanks for reading! 


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[RBW] Re: small bike frame help & recommendations / (WTB)

2020-06-04 Thread Patch T
Thanks everyone! Technically still searching, lots of help on this thread 
and in email. I appreciate all the insights and recs!
Christopher, that's a beautiful build!


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[RBW] Re: Wald 137 bag recommendations?

2021-04-02 Thread Patch T
Eric, I've gone through a lot since I've posted.

The Outershell bag couldn't adapt well to random large loads, I sold it. 
Maybe a little too technical for my needs. Also, off-bike, it looked odd 
hanging from my person. And was too similar to my rando bag, a 
characteristic I thought I would enjoy more.

Riv's Shopsack gets used the most. Alas, no outer pockets, but this I 
remedy with stem bags/caddies. I wish mine had an internal pocket. And a 
shoulder strap, or longer handles.

I used a North St duffel; also doesn't expand, I kept running out of room. 
Great for the daily commute or gym run, but without the stop at the market.

I currently have a Porcelain Rocket Meanwhile 
<https://porcelainrocket.com/products/meanwhile>, and love it's simplicity 
and weather-proofedness, as well as it's HUGE volume potential, and ease of 
cinching down. But no shoulder-capable straps, or internal/external 
pockets. Small handles. So close! 

If someone would buy my Porcelain Rocket bag, I would get one of these  
Hungry. I think it's perfect for me. (I've said that before) Does someone 
want to buy my Porcelain Rocket bag? It's in great condition! 

I have yet to try the Sugarloaf. I worry it isn't roomy enough.

Still looking for the perfect basket bag in BK/NY,

On Friday, April 2, 2021 at 6:55:29 PM UTC-4 ericyue...@gmail.com wrote:

> Putting a 137 on my new Sam Hillborne build so am in the market for a bag 
> to go into it.  This thread was useful, but I know there are a lot more 
> options now so I figured I'd see if folks have any other recommendations.  
> I have pretty much the same criteria as the OP.
> Thanks,
> Eric
> On Saturday, July 21, 2018 at 10:03:24 AM UTC-7 Patch T wrote:
>> Thanks Ana! You're absolutely right, and I've been using a basket with 
>> net and various tote bags for years. Simply looking to up the basket's 
>> efficiency considering the growing number of basket-specific bags in 
>> production out there. 
>> And honestly, I wouldn't mind at all if I didn't have to untangle another 
>> basket net ever again!
>> I still haven't decided y'all. Torn between minimalism and non. It's an 
>> identity crisis of sorts.
>> Patch
>> BK/NY

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Re: [RBW] Re: Fattest Tire on a QB?

2021-04-11 Thread Patch T
Very nice. They look great with the grilver frame. Some day they'll look 
great on my orange.
The mullet set up I have (different bike) with 650b x 48 is especially fun 
on trails for skidding through turns and gettin loose. Curious how it feels 
on a QB with 700c x 42.
If you don't feel good about the clearance you currently have, you can 
always move the wheel back with a longer chain or added links.


On Saturday, April 10, 2021 at 5:28:54 PM UTC-4 robert.har...@gmail.com 

> Update on this thread. My initial reaction is that these ultra dynamic 
> tires are dang nice. I have a mullet setup, so we will see if that 
> helps/makes the ride more sticky or not. That said, my first riding 
> reaction is: these raised the riding position from the 28s I was riding on 
> significantly. I really like that. Additionally, the increased tire size 
> really makes me more comfortable on sketchy roads. To me, that is a-ok! 
> The front has a fair amt of clearance, the rear...not so much. I don’t 
> think I could have gone much fatter. That is on a 58 qb...take from that 
> what you will. 
> These tires are a great compliment to the QB and I am all around stoked. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 2, 2021, at 8:40 AM, 'Hudson Doerge' via RBW Owners Bunch <
> rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Ive also run BG Rock n Roads on my Simpleone with plenty of clearance. 
> Really the only limiting factor are my Paul mini Vs. One thing to take into 
> account is I believe the tire clearance gradually increased on different 
> batches of the QB and the SO had the most clearance yet.
> -Hudson in ATX
> On Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 1:56:41 PM UTC-5 robert.har...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone --
>> I recently saw a post on Instagram (which I have subsequently lost track 
>> of) that showed a QB rocking Ultradynamico 700ccs (I think they were the 
>> Rosè racers). 
>> As I am in the market for some new rubber I thought -- WOWZA -- that 
>> would be fun. So, I'm throwing myself at the mercy of the few the proud the 
>> QB riders on this list. What's the fattest you've been able to go on a QB 
>> (if it helps, I ride a 58...)
>> Thanks all --
>> RGinDC
> -- 
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Re: [RBW] To My Platypus People!

2021-04-22 Thread Patch T
Stellar 60cm build by 
Crust: https://crustbikes.com/products/60cm-rivendell-platypus-complete


On Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 1:54:20 AM UTC-4 Emily Guise wrote:

> Yeah! Svelte is a good word for this bike. It really accelerates nicely 
> too. I feel fast on it, which is not a feeling I'm used to on a bike, haha. 
> Greg and I are planning a shakedown photo ride this weekend, so I'll report 
> back with further impressions!
> -Emily
> PS I'm so enamored of the way the paint sparkles. I absolutely love the 
> color. 
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 1:35 PM Leah Peterson  wrote:
>> I can’t tell you how good it is to see these bikes with my own eyes. It’s 
>> beautiful and regal - a perfect match for Emily. I really love how you set 
>> it up and I can practically feel your joy through the photo. Please don’t 
>> hesitate to delight us all with more photos!
>> So, let me see, here. Emily, Joyce, Junie (you all haven’t met her yet 
>> but I hope she’ll post here one day) and me have all been riding Clem Ls 
>> before our Platys. Emily and I have our Platys and we both have the same 
>> adjectives. This bike is so pretty and so FAST, compared to a Clem. Clems 
>> are gems and all, but I really am enjoying the zippier, lither Platy.
>> I hope you have the day off and can get lots of time riding your new 
>> Platypus, Emily! Tell Greg to get his camera. 😊
>> Leah
>> On Apr 21, 2021, at 1:09 PM, Roberta  wrote:
>> Looking PRETTY and svelte.  Enjoy your rides and let us know about them.
>> On Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 3:25:01 PM UTC-4 Emily Guise wrote:
>>> Picked up the Platypus this morning. She is a beauty, so FAST and 
>>> comfortable. I am in love! 
>>> -Emily
>>> On Apr 20, 2021, at 4:11 PM, Leah Peterson  wrote:
>>> Who still needs a Platy? Golden Saddle Cyclery has frames that need 
>>> homes! Hurry, hurry!!!
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On Apr 20, 2021, at 2:10 PM, Emily Guise  wrote:
>>> I am picking mine up from Golden Pliers (OR) tomorrow morning!!! Will 
>>> report back on the maiden voyage 🥳
>>> -Emily
>>> On Apr 20, 2021, at 11:42 AM, Roberta  wrote:
>>> Excitement all around!
>>> I know that one dealer in Canada and Golden Pliers (OR? WA?) got their 
>>> deliveries.  Analog Cycles (VT) hasn't gotten theirs yet.  Not sure that 
>>> helps with your question, but I'd expect dealer orders would be the first 
>>> ones out the door, followed by non-prepped frames.
>>> I'm looking forward to everyone's build and ride report.
>>> Roberta
>>> On Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 2:13:33 PM UTC-4 philipr...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
 FYI: I have a frameset/HS/BB only order & have not heard anything either

 On Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 10:01:15 AM UTC-7 Ken Yokanovich wrote:

> Wondering the same as Tom. Trying to be patient and not interrupt the 
> busyness at RBW World Headquarters... but... Coming up on almost 3 weeks 
> without any indication of what's happening.  Sure would be nice to know 
> something other than my "Your order is confirmed" 
> On Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 8:48:39 AM UTC-5 Tom Wyland wrote:
>> Has anyone heard when they will start shipping out the non-prepped 
>> frames?  I figured someone else might have made a call or asked.
>>> -- 
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[RBW] WTB / Wanted: Rene Herse Steilacoom EL and/or Hurricane Ridge EL

2021-04-22 Thread Patch T
Hello Bunch!

Putting the QB back together with wide bars and manual two-speed - I know 
I'll feel comfortable with knobby 38s front and back, but thinking a 42 in 
front would be fun! Anyone have any of the following:

   - 1 complete pair RH Steilacoom EL (black strongly preferred)
   - 1 individual RH Steilacoom EL (black strongly preferred)
   - 1 individual RH Hurricane Ridge EL (black strongly preferred)
   - heck, I'll take your full pair of RH HR EL (black) too!

Any decent condition with life left. Really hoping for all-black. But I 
won't turn down the possibility of tan-walls. I love tan walls. 

Promise to post photos soon. Thanks!


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[RBW] Re: ISO/WTB: Rivendell Bullmoose Handlebars w/Quill

2021-04-22 Thread Patch T
A list member was selling some here:

On Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 12:49:25 PM UTC-4 yoshihar...@gmail.com 

> Hi All,
> Looking to buy Rivendell Bullmoose handlebars 
> ,
> as it seems like these bars aren't available throughout the U.S. Thank you!
> Sincerely,
> Masato Y.

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[RBW] Re: Shortish reach drops with long returns

2021-04-22 Thread Patch T
Hi Kevin,

I think the Crust Shaka 

fit that description, depending on how wide you want to go. I have the 
540mm in 26.0 clamp, and really love it for off-road. I have a smallish 
frame and narrow shoulders, so any wider is overkill for me; in fact 540 
may be overkill, but I do find them very comfortable.

The drops do have a long return; the ends are a couple-few inches past the 
top bar by my naked eye, and I find there's lots of room for my hands to 
roam down there in the drops + flats.

Also, if you didn't require silver and 26.0, perhaps the Salsa Cowbell?


On Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 12:52:46 PM UTC-4 Kevin wrote:

> I like the hoods position that wider, shorter reach drop bars, paired with 
> modern longer reach brake levers provides. However, several of the these 
> I've tried (Noodle 48, RM-013 (I do tend to prefer a silver 26.0 clamp)) 
> seem to have correspondingly short returns, such that I can barely get a 
> full hand comfortably on the flatter portion of the drops.
> Lengths of the returns is not typically a measurement noted anywhere in 
> description/specs, so I am seeking out some real world experiences. Anybody 
> have similar experiences and are there bars that have worked well for you?
> Thanks.

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[RBW] WTT: my Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge (1) for your Steilacoom (1)

2021-05-08 Thread Patch T
Perhaps a long shot, but perhaps like me you have more clearance under your 
fork than out back. 

I need only one Steilacoom (700x38) , in exchange for 1 Hurricane Ridge 

I will also consider a straight sale of my 1 Hurricane Ridge.


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Re: [RBW] Bikes on eBay, CraigsLIst, and Other Sites

2021-07-29 Thread Patch T
And for Mac keypads w/o an "end" key:  "fn + right arrow"  --OR--  "command 
+ down arrow".

On Thursday, July 29, 2021 at 10:18:25 AM UTC-4 Jonathan Poor wrote:

> I put my cursor on the text of the top message, and hit the "end" key. 
> Zooms right to the bottom.
> On Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 10:44:28 PM UTC-4 ack...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Not a dumb question at all.  I was wondering the same thing.  Anybody 
>> have a more helpful answer?  Is there a setting that allows one to read the 
>> newest posts first?
>> On Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 4:06:27 PM UTC-7 ericf3 wrote:
>>> I read it in email and Bob is my Uncle...
>>> EricF
>>> Vancouver on android and Firefox
>>> On Tue, Jul 27, 2021, 15:46 max.c@gmail.com  
>>> wrote:
 Dumb question -- is there any way to make this thread display the 
 newest posts at the top? I keep having to scroll through 100+ 
 if I'm missing it!

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[RBW] NYC Area Help: TA crank puller needed

2022-01-19 Thread Patch T
Hi NYC Folks -

TL;DR: Is there anyone in the boroughs that can lend me their TA crank 

I installed a TA crank on a frame to measure the Q factor. My Q-riosity 
sated, I then went to pull the crank and reinstall the arms the correct 
way. But I can't for the life of me find my 23mm crank puller (haven't used 
it in years). I've ordered a new one, but would love to remove it soon, 
like before or over this weekend. I'm not having much luck finding a shop 
with one. Anyone here have one I can briefly  borrow?


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[RBW] Re: NYC Area Help: TA crank puller needed

2022-01-20 Thread Patch T
Found one at Nomad Bikes in Woodside, Queens. Damon to the rescue! 

Minh, not that I know of. 

On Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 5:10:13 PM UTC-5 Minh wrote:

> sorry that i can't help but i'm always on the look out for fellow BK 
> riv'sters.  is there an unofficial or informal NYC group?
> On Wednesday, January 19, 2022 at 12:43:49 PM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>> Hi NYC Folks -
>> TL;DR: Is there anyone in the boroughs that can lend me their TA crank 
>> puller?
>> I installed a TA crank on a frame to measure the Q factor. My Q-riosity 
>> sated, I then went to pull the crank and reinstall the arms the correct 
>> way. But I can't for the life of me find my 23mm crank puller (haven't used 
>> it in years). I've ordered a new one, but would love to remove it soon, 
>> like before or over this weekend. I'm not having much luck finding a shop 
>> with one. Anyone here have one I can briefly  borrow?
>> Thanks!
>> Patch

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[RBW] Re: NYC Area Help: TA crank puller needed

2022-01-20 Thread Patch T
***Nomad Cycle***

On Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 7:15:00 PM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:

> Found one at Nomad Bikes in Woodside, Queens. Damon to the rescue! 
> Minh, not that I know of. 
> On Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 5:10:13 PM UTC-5 Minh wrote:
>> sorry that i can't help but i'm always on the look out for fellow BK 
>> riv'sters.  is there an unofficial or informal NYC group?
>> On Wednesday, January 19, 2022 at 12:43:49 PM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>>> Hi NYC Folks -
>>> TL;DR: Is there anyone in the boroughs that can lend me their TA crank 
>>> puller?
>>> I installed a TA crank on a frame to measure the Q factor. My Q-riosity 
>>> sated, I then went to pull the crank and reinstall the arms the correct 
>>> way. But I can't for the life of me find my 23mm crank puller (haven't used 
>>> it in years). I've ordered a new one, but would love to remove it soon, 
>>> like before or over this weekend. I'm not having much luck finding a shop 
>>> with one. Anyone here have one I can briefly  borrow?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Patch
>>> BK/NYC

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[RBW] Re: NYC Area Help: TA crank puller needed

2022-01-20 Thread Patch T
Thanks Kai - if you have a caliper and could measure, it might be TA if 
it's 23mm (Stronglight if 23.5 I think). But I really don't know, as that's 
not the same kind of tool of mine that went missing recently. 

Patch, NYC Vice/Gang Chef to President Minh, and Supreme Leader Kai

On Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 7:33:20 PM UTC-5 Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY 

> Hi Patch, glad to see you found what you needed. I was going to ask you if 
> this CCP-1 was the ticket, I've only ever used the one side...
> Count me in on the official riv gang in Brooklyn! Minh's President, Patch 
> is Vice/Gang Chef
> -Kai
> [image: IMG-8690.jpg][image: IMG-8689.jpg]
> On Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 7:15:00 PM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>> Found one at Nomad Bikes in Woodside, Queens. Damon to the rescue! 
>> Minh, not that I know of. 
>> On Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 5:10:13 PM UTC-5 Minh wrote:
>>> sorry that i can't help but i'm always on the look out for fellow BK 
>>> riv'sters.  is there an unofficial or informal NYC group?
>>> On Wednesday, January 19, 2022 at 12:43:49 PM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>>>> Hi NYC Folks -
>>>> TL;DR: Is there anyone in the boroughs that can lend me their TA crank 
>>>> puller?
>>>> I installed a TA crank on a frame to measure the Q factor. My Q-riosity 
>>>> sated, I then went to pull the crank and reinstall the arms the correct 
>>>> way. But I can't for the life of me find my 23mm crank puller (haven't 
>>>> used 
>>>> it in years). I've ordered a new one, but would love to remove it soon, 
>>>> like before or over this weekend. I'm not having much luck finding a shop 
>>>> with one. Anyone here have one I can briefly  borrow?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Patch
>>>> BK/NYC

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[RBW] Re: ISO Brooklyn Riv Bike 'Gang'

2022-01-23 Thread Patch T
I'm in, and know a few folks not on this list who would love to ride too.

Kai, both routes sound fun.

Anyone riding during winter? I am! I went out yesterday and about to go 
again today on my newly rebuilt Quickbeam. Photos and report to come, 

*not of Williamsburg East, but on the very eastern edge of eastern 

On Sunday, January 23, 2022 at 6:56:01 AM UTC-5 alan lavine wrote:

> Hi Minh,
> I'm on the UWS in Manhattan and I'd be happy to join you.A few years ago I 
> organized a meet up at a beer garden in Greenpoint. Only a handful of us 
> came but fun. Would love to repeat when the warm weather comes.Actually, 
> for those fully vaccinated and comfortable eating in restaurants, I suppose 
> we could meet even now.
> Alan
> On Saturday, January 22, 2022 at 7:41:51 PM UTC-5 Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY 
> wrote:
>> Cold rubber is fast rubber, let's shred! (says the guy with two kids and 
>> a job that burns the present daylight hours away)
>> I'd like to do a ride that started with a ferry across the river to 
>> Jersey City, winding our way up to the George Washington bridge. From there 
>> we could head north over the Hudson bridge to the Bronx, then weave our way 
>> down the Harlem River and East river, crossing every bridge we can. Every 
>> crossing possible might be fun? Or something less ridiculous would be fine, 
>> if you're into that sort of thing...
>> Shirley Chisholm gravel grinder! (or hoagies, heros, subs, whatevs)
>> -Kai, of Williamsburg East and a sloppily dressed Mixte, among others
>> On Friday, January 21, 2022 at 10:25:01 PM UTC-5 Minh wrote:
>>> Hi all, my name is Minh and i'm on the lookout for other Brooklyn 
>>> Riv'sters, maybe we can start a gang, and by gang i mean a bunch of slow 
>>> riders that will use our age, wisdom and sharply appointed bikes to 
>>> intimidate the go-fast riders in Prospect Park.  
>>> In all seriousness, i've got a Quickbeam here that i am desperately 
>>> trying to justify keeping in this cramped Park Slope apartment.  Something 
>>> that would go a long way towards that is to get out and ride with 
>>> like-minded folks.   Maybe when it gets warmer we can do a ride out of 
>>> town?  I know i've seen a sharply dressed Riv Mixte riding thru the park, 
>>> if you see me on my QB--you'll know its me from the over the top 
>>> accessories, please say hi!
>>> If this is interesting please reply here, i'll collect names and we can 
>>> start a local mini thread? 
>>> On a related note have a small pile of bike parts that i'm not likely to 
>>> use that i'd like to donate, if anyone is aware of a co-op that is open 
>>> taking donations, please let me know!

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[RBW] FS: a few assorted parts - Nitto, Crust, RH...

2022-01-28 Thread Patch T
Some items for sale from Brooklyn, NY (11211).
Prices do not include shipping.
Please feel free to make offers.
Contact off-list.
Ask for photos.
Thank you for looking!

   1. *Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, great 
   condition - $100
   2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, discontinued 
   model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack - $100
   3. *Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains but 
   fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
   4. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
   5. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, great 
   condition - $40
   6. *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, really 
   nice - $60?
   7. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
   hardware is nice - $40
   8. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
   hardware is nice - $30
   9. *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem*, 100mm length, 35deg, 1 1/8" 
   clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, good hardware 
   - $60
   10. *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, very scratched - $25
   11. *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 scratches 
   - $50
   12. *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, 
   ridden ~200 mi with tubes - $140 for both

Open to partial/complete trades; looking for:

   - Fabio's Chest, small
   - Brooks titanium saddle
   - Paul Minimotos
   - silver 27.0 seatpost
   - 1" threaded caliper brake fork with ~200mm steertube and clearance for 
   700 x 33mm tires.

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Owners Bunch" group.
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to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

[RBW] Re: FS: a few assorted parts - Nitto, Crust, RH...

2022-01-28 Thread Patch T
Shoot - forgot some items were alreaday spoken for. Sorry!

   1. *Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, great 
   condition - $100
   2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, discontinued 
   model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack - $100
   3. *Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains but 
   fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
   4. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
   5. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, great 
   condition - $40
   6. *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, really 
   nice - $60?
   7. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
   hardware is nice - $40
   8. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
   hardware is nice - $30
   9. *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem*, 100mm length, 35deg, 1 1/8" 
   clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, good hardware 
   - $60
   10. *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, very scratched - $25
   11. *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 scratches 
   - $50
   12. *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, 
   ridden ~200 mi with tubes - $140 for both

On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 9:52:15 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:

> Some items for sale from Brooklyn, NY (11211).
> Prices do not include shipping.
> Please feel free to make offers.
> Contact off-list.
> Ask for photos.
> Thank you for looking!
>1. *Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, great 
>condition - $100
>2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, 
>discontinued model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack - $100
>3. *Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains but 
>fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
>4. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
>5. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, 
>great condition - $40
>6. *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, 
>really nice - $60?
>7. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>hardware is nice - $40
>8. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>hardware is nice - $30
>9. *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem*, 100mm length, 35deg, 1 1/8" 
>clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, good 
> hardware 
>- $60
>10. *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, very scratched - $25
>11. *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 
>scratches - $50
>12. *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, 
>ridden ~200 mi with tubes - $140 for both
> Open to partial/complete trades; looking for:
>- Fabio's Chest, small
>- Brooks titanium saddle
>- Paul Minimotos
>- silver 27.0 seatpost
>- 1" threaded caliper brake fork with ~200mm steertube and clearance 
>for 700 x 33mm tires.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW 
Owners Bunch" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

[RBW] Re: FS: a few assorted parts - Nitto, Crust, RH...

2022-01-28 Thread Patch T
Did a bad job editing today - that Crust stem is 1 1/8 with a 31.8 clamp, 
non-faceplate singlebolt.

On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 9:54:41 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:

> Shoot - forgot some items were alreaday spoken for. Sorry!
>1. *Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, great 
>condition - $100
>2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, 
>discontinued model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack - $100
>3. *Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains but 
>fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
>4. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
>5. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, 
>great condition - $40
>6. *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, 
>really nice - $60?
>7. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>hardware is nice - $40
>8. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>hardware is nice - $30
>9. *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem*, 100mm length, 35deg, 1 1/8" 
>clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, good 
> hardware 
>- $60
>10. *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, very scratched - $25
>11. *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 
>scratches - $50
>12. *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, 
>ridden ~200 mi with tubes - $140 for both
> On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 9:52:15 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>> Some items for sale from Brooklyn, NY (11211).
>> Prices do not include shipping.
>> Please feel free to make offers.
>> Contact off-list.
>> Ask for photos.
>> Thank you for looking!
>>1. *Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, great 
>>condition - $100
>>2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, 
>>discontinued model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack - $100
>>3. *Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains but 
>>fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
>>4. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
>>5. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>great condition - $40
>>6. *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>really nice - $60?
>>7. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>>hardware is nice - $40
>>8. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>>hardware is nice - $30
>>9. *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem*, 100mm length, 35deg, 1 1/8" 
>>clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, good 
>> hardware 
>>- $60
>>10. *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, very scratched - $25
>>11. *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 
>>scratches - $50
>>12. *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, 
>>ridden ~200 mi with tubes - $140 for both
>> Open to partial/complete trades; looking for:
>>- Fabio's Chest, small
>>- Brooks titanium saddle
>>- Paul Minimotos
>>- silver 27.0 seatpost
>>- 1" threaded caliper brake fork with ~200mm steertube and clearance 
>>for 700 x 33mm tires.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW 
Owners Bunch" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

[RBW] Re: FS: a few assorted parts - Nitto, Crust, RH...

2022-01-29 Thread Patch T
*Updates, price drops*

   1. *SOLD -  Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, 
   great condition - $100
   2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, discontinued 
   model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack, 1 1/8, 31.8 clamp - $95
   3. *SOLD - Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains 
   but fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
   4. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
   5. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, great 
   condition - $40
   6. *SOLD - Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, 
   really nice - $60?
   7. *SOLD - Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up 
   but hardware is nice - $40
   8. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
   hardware is nice - $30
   9. *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem*, 100mm length, 35deg, 1 1/8" 
   clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, good hardware 
   - $55
   10. *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, very scratched - $20
   11. *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 scratches 
   - $50
   12. *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, 
   ridden ~200 mi with tubes - $140 for both

On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 11:00:10 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:

> Did a bad job editing today - that Crust stem is 1 1/8 with a 31.8 clamp, 
> non-faceplate singlebolt.
> On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 9:54:41 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>> Shoot - forgot some items were alreaday spoken for. Sorry!
>>1. *Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, great 
>>condition - $100
>>2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, 
>>discontinued model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack - $100
>>3. *Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains but 
>>fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
>>4. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
>>5. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>great condition - $40
>>6. *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>really nice - $60?
>>7. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>>hardware is nice - $40
>>8. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>>hardware is nice - $30
>>9. *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem*, 100mm length, 35deg, 1 1/8" 
>>clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, good 
>> hardware 
>>- $60
>>10. *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, very scratched - $25
>>11. *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 
>>scratches - $50
>>    12. *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, 
>>ridden ~200 mi with tubes - $140 for both
>> On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 9:52:15 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>>> Some items for sale from Brooklyn, NY (11211).
>>> Prices do not include shipping.
>>> Please feel free to make offers.
>>> Contact off-list.
>>> Ask for photos.
>>> Thank you for looking!
>>>1. *Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, great 
>>>condition - $100
>>>2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, 
>>>discontinued model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack - $100
>>>3. *Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains but 
>>>fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
>>>4. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
>>>5. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>>great condition - $40
>>>6. *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>>really nice - $60?
>>>7. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>>>hardware is nice - $40
>>>8. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up 
>>>but hardware is nice - $30
>>>9. *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem*, 100mm length, 35deg, 1 1/8" 
>>>clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, good 
>>> hardware 
>>>- $60
>>>10. *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, very scratched - $25
>>>11. *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 
>>>scratches - $50
>>>12. *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, 
>>>ridden ~200 mi with tubes

[RBW] Re: FS: a few assorted parts - Nitto, Crust, RH...

2022-01-29 Thread Patch T
*Updates, price drops*

   1. *SOLD -  Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, 
   great condition - $100
   2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, discontinued 
   model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack, 1 1/8, 31.8 clamp - $95
   3. *SOLD - Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains 
   but fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
   4. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
   5. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, great 
   condition - $40
   6. *SOLD - Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, 
   really nice - $60?
   7. *SOLD - Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up 
   but hardware is nice - $40
   8. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
   hardware is nice - $30
   9. *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem*, 100mm length, 35deg, 1 1/8" 
   clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, good hardware 
   - $55
   10. *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, scratches from 
   installation - $20
   11. *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 scratches 
   from installation - $50
   12. *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, 
   ridden ~200 mi with tubes - $140 for both

On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 11:00:10 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:

> Did a bad job editing today - that Crust stem is 1 1/8 with a 31.8 clamp, 
> non-faceplate singlebolt.
> On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 9:54:41 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>> Shoot - forgot some items were alreaday spoken for. Sorry!
>>1. *Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, great 
>>condition - $100
>>2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, 
>>discontinued model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack - $100
>>3. *Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains but 
>>fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
>>4. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
>>5. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>great condition - $40
>>6. *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>really nice - $60?
>>7. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>>hardware is nice - $40
>>8. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>>hardware is nice - $30
>>9. *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem*, 100mm length, 35deg, 1 1/8" 
>>clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, good 
>> hardware 
>>- $60
>>10. *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, very scratched - $25
>>11. *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 
>>scratches - $50
>>    12. *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, 
>>ridden ~200 mi with tubes - $140 for both
>> On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 9:52:15 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>>> Some items for sale from Brooklyn, NY (11211).
>>> Prices do not include shipping.
>>> Please feel free to make offers.
>>> Contact off-list.
>>> Ask for photos.
>>> Thank you for looking!
>>>1. *Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, great 
>>>condition - $100
>>>2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, 
>>>discontinued model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack - $100
>>>3. *Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains but 
>>>fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
>>>4. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
>>>5. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>>great condition - $40
>>>6. *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>>really nice - $60?
>>>7. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>>>hardware is nice - $40
>>>8. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up 
>>>but hardware is nice - $30
>>>9. *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem*, 100mm length, 35deg, 1 1/8" 
>>>clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, good 
>>> hardware 
>>>- $60
>>>10. *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, very scratched - $25
>>>11. *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 
>>>scratches - $50
>>>12. *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, 

[RBW] Re: New Bike-Trade Day - A(nother) Quickbeam

2022-01-31 Thread Patch T
Thanks folks - truly an honor to get an 'APPROVE' from Bill! I'm a huge fan 
of his whole stable, to the extent that he's shared it here or iBob over 
the last few years... 

I thought I really liked orange; but I think I prefer the QB in silver now. 
Orange may be the fastest color but silver is the plane-iest!

No one asked, but I thought I'd share that the rear fender is mounted using 
safety tabs 
They look nice enough and allow for easy-enough wheel removal with the 
rear-facing dropouts. Handy for the (very) occasional hill out here on 
which I would enjoy 'shifting' from 44x16 to 44x19.


On Monday, January 31, 2022 at 2:50:50 PM UTC-5 Dave Grossman wrote:

> That is a great story!  Only Riv's would have such a history!  Matt has my 
> old green 58 and I'm currently on Jamisons old 62 so this is the carousel 
> of QBs!
> On Monday, January 31, 2022 at 11:39:35 AM UTC-6 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> Laing pointed out the FJSr has a "smaller diameter tube set".  
>> It's just the downtube that is smaller diameter, but I agree with you 
>> that the planing zealots should love that.  That said, the planing zealots 
>> generally scoff at long chainstays and/or easily find other things to 
>> complain about.  
>> If that $1500 MSRP frameset was being sold used for $750, I'd grab it.  I 
>> don't think I could part out that $2800 build to get it down to $750 for a 
>> F/F/HS.  
>> On Monday, January 31, 2022 at 9:22:12 AM UTC-8 lconley wrote:
>>> I would classify the FJ Sr as the Rivendell most likely to "plane" of 
>>> any recent Rivendell bike doe to it's smaller diameter tube set, that is, 
>>> if I had any idea what "planing" was. 
>>> Laing
>>> On Monday, January 31, 2022 at 12:11:11 PM UTC-5 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>>> Thanks Doug, but that's out of my price range.  It may be naive of me, 
>>>> but I think used-anything should be half-retail.  $2800 for that build 
>>>> strikes me as a fair bit more than half retail, even though it is a 
>>>> high-end build.  Add to that the fact that the FJ Senor has essentially 
>>>> zero cult following.  Maybe it's collectors prices for the Paul Racer 
>>>> brakes?  HAHA
>>>> Bill Lindsay
>>>> El Cerrito, CA
>>>> On Monday, January 31, 2022 at 7:54:44 AM UTC-8 Doug H. wrote:
>>>>> Bill,
>>>>> There is a 57 cm Frank Jones Sr. on eBay if that interests you. I'll 
>>>>> post the link in case you hadn't seen it. 
>>>>> https://www.ebay.com/itm/185245621839?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&siteid=0&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&toolid=20008&campid=5335981329&customid=with-subcat
>>>>> Doug
>>>>> On Monday, January 31, 2022 at 10:46:59 AM UTC-5 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>>>>> APPROVE!
>>>>>> I want a silver 58cm Quickbeam.  There's a green 60cm locally, but I 
>>>>>> don't like British Racing Green on bikes.  I might end up with it 
>>>>>> anyway, 
>>>>>> but I'm not going to cry if somebody else buys it.  If that 60cm green 
>>>>>> was 
>>>>>> a 58cm silver, I'd already have it...
>>>>>> Bill Lindsay
>>>>>> El Cerrito, CA
>>>>>> On Monday, January 31, 2022 at 6:28:48 AM UTC-8 Patch T wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Bunch,
>>>>>>> *tl:dr - Kyle's Quickbeam was too big. Mine was maybe too small. We 
>>>>>>> swapped. Photos.*
>>>>>>> I've ridden an orange Quickbeam for about 5 years. It's seen all 
>>>>>>> sorts of builds, all sorts of rides, camping trips, commutes; the slow 
>>>>>>> end 
>>>>>>> of a toxic relationship and the start of a healthy one, an engagement, 
>>>>>>> a 
>>>>>>> cross-country move (again), a pandemic a career change... As you can 
>>>>>>> imagine, I'm in love with the bike. My first and only Rivendell (so 
>>>>>>> far) 
>>>>>>> but I don't really feel the

Re: [RBW] New Bike-Trade Day - A(nother) Quickbeam

2022-02-01 Thread Patch T
Just as chuffed for your *Approve*, Patrick :) You've pointed out my 
favorite bits. Especially those bars, I've not found a *better* drop bar 
for me. But I really hate to disappoint: the photo/uneven ground is 
obscuring their actual ~1deg of uptilt, as I might be crazy but my hands do 
like the tiniest bit of angle. But 1 is basically 0, right? Still approve?

No, I know, it would be the coolest set up fixed. I should really throw a 
17t or 18t cog on the other side of that Suzue hub - I haven't ridden a lot 
of fixed, and not in a very long time. 

They make 3/32 fixed cogs, right?

whose knees are already trembling in BK, NYC
On Monday, January 31, 2022 at 4:26:32 PM UTC-5 Patrick Moore wrote:

> I highly approved this build.
> Signed and certified by Patrick Moore.
> Hermaneutic: Mr. Patch chose the ineffably nice Maes Parallel bar, the 
> best bar in the universe, and he installed it properly with ends of hooks 
> strictly parallel to Mother Earth.
> The saddle-to-drop relationship is just right. (Metric: I like it and 
> would so set a bike up myself!)
> VO shiny fenders over plump but not obese tires.
> Patch: Is the drivetrain fixed or merely single speed? You can push your 
> overall score from 98.3275% to well over 100% by having a fixed drivetrain.
> In all seriousness (no!), that's lovely.
> On Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 7:28 AM Patch T  wrote:
>> Hi Bunch,
>> *tl:dr - Kyle's Quickbeam was too big. Mine was maybe too small. We 
>> swapped. Photos.*
>> I've ridden an orange Quickbeam for about 5 years. It's seen all sorts of 
>> builds, all sorts of rides, camping trips, commutes; the slow end of a 
>> toxic relationship and the start of a healthy one, an engagement, a 
>> cross-country move (again), a pandemic a career change... As you can 
>> imagine, I'm in love with the bike. My first and only Rivendell (so far) 
>> but I don't really feel the itch for another. Ok maybe a Mountain Mixte. Or 
>> Roadeo. Or Saluki, maybe. I digress. 
>> I sold a few frames so I could purchase it, used, from an angel named 
>> John who even let me pay in installments. I've learned a lot about bikes 
>> and about wrenching, but also about sizing in the short 5 years since - one 
>> thing I learned is that I should/could ride larger bikes than I thought. 
>> For a while it was my only bike. Kyle from Golden Saddle Cycles used to 
>> frequently catch me outside riding the QB back when I lived in LA, or when 
>> I visited his shop, and every time he would remind me he'd gladly purchase 
>> that bike when I'm ready to sell. You can imagine my answer - however, he 
>> never let up. 
>> Fast forward to cruising Instagram late last year, now living in NYC, and 
>> I saw that Kyle finally got his holy grail - a silver Quickbeam - but in a 
>> size too big for him. He thought he'd like to try out a French fit, but it 
>> didn't work out. So I wrote him, thinking his new-to-him 56 would fit me 
>> better (or, differently + nicely) than my beloved 54. He agreed, and we 
>> packed and shipped each other our frames (he had me ship his to Black Magic 
>> Paint!) 
>> I've spent the past month rebuilding; highlights include a TA crank, 
>> shiny VO fenders, Compass Maes Parallel bar, Swift rando bag, dyno 
>> lighting, Paul brakes (minimoto front, touring rear), 38mm Gravelking 
>> slicks.
>> Was it worth the $80ish in shipping? Maybe. It's not necessarily *more* 
>> comfortable, but *differently* comfortable. I do like having a shorter 
>> stem, and less seatpost showing than before - that feeling of being *in* 
>> it, rather than *above* it. All in all - with the new color and different 
>> (again) parts - it's kinda like a new bike day, for under $100.
>> Patch
>>  [image: image3 (2).jpeg][image: image1 (16).jpeg]
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/30caea19-d5b3-49fd-be7a-b56506d76b97n%40googlegroups.com
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>> .
> -- 
> ---
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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[RBW] Re: FS: a few assorted parts - Nitto, Crust, RH...

2022-02-03 Thread Patch T
*Updates, price drops, a new item*
ask for photos :)

   1. *SOLD -  Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, 
   great condition - $100
   2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, discontinued 
   model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack, 1 1/8, 31.8 clamp - $95
   3. *SOLD - Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains 
   but fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
   4. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
   5. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, great 
   condition - $40
   6. *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, really 
   nice - $60?
   7. *SOLD - Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up 
   but hardware is nice - $40
   8. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
   hardware is nice - $30
   9. *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem*, 100mm length, 35deg, 1 1/8" 
   clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, good hardware 
   - $55
   10. *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, scratches from 
   installation - $20
   11. *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 scratches 
   from installation - $45
   12. *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, 
   ridden ~200 mi with tubes - $130 for both
   13. *NEW - Brooks B17 Special* black, copper rails & rivets (the big 
   ones) very good condition, low miles - $100

On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 11:00:10 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:

> Did a bad job editing today - that Crust stem is 1 1/8 with a 31.8 clamp, 
> non-faceplate singlebolt.
> On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 9:54:41 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>> Shoot - forgot some items were alreaday spoken for. Sorry!
>>1. *Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, great 
>>condition - $100
>>2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, 
>>discontinued model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack - $100
>>3. *Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains but 
>>fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
>>4. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
>>5. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>great condition - $40
>>6. *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>really nice - $60?
>>7. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>>hardware is nice - $40
>>8. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>>hardware is nice - $30
>>9. *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem*, 100mm length, 35deg, 1 1/8" 
>>clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, good 
>> hardware 
>>- $60
>>10. *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, very scratched - $25
>>11. *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 
>>scratches - $50
>>    12. *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, 
>>ridden ~200 mi with tubes - $140 for both
>> On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 9:52:15 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>>> Some items for sale from Brooklyn, NY (11211).
>>> Prices do not include shipping.
>>> Please feel free to make offers.
>>> Contact off-list.
>>> Ask for photos.
>>> Thank you for looking!
>>>1. *Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, great 
>>>condition - $100
>>>2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, 
>>>discontinued model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack - $100
>>>3. *Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains but 
>>>fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
>>>4. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
>>>5. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>>great condition - $40
>>>6. *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>>really nice - $60?
>>>7. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>>>hardware is nice - $40
>>>8. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up 
>>>but hardware is nice - $30
>>>9. *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem*, 100mm length, 35deg, 1 1/8" 
>>>clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, good 
>>> hardware 
>>>- $60
>>>10. *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, very scratched - $25
>>>11. *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, sil

[RBW] Re: FS: a few assorted parts - Nitto, Crust, RH...

2022-02-03 Thread Patch T
(hmmm please ignore the numbers; copy and pasting is messing up the 

On Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 9:45:19 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:

> *Updates, price drops, a new item*
> ask for photos :)
>1. *SOLD -  Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, 
>great condition - $100
>2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, 
>discontinued model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack, 1 1/8, 31.8 clamp - $95
>3. *SOLD - Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains 
>but fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
>1. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
>2. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, 
>great condition - $40
>3. *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, 
>really nice - $60?
>1. *SOLD - Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed 
>up but hardware is nice - $40
>1. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>hardware is nice - $30
>1. *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem*, 100mm length, 35deg, 1 1/8" 
>clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, good 
> hardware 
>- $55
>2. *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, scratches from 
>installation - $20
>3. *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 
>scratches from installation - $45
>4. *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, 
>ridden ~200 mi with tubes - $130 for both
>5. *NEW - Brooks B17 Special* black, copper rails & rivets (the big 
>ones) very good condition, low miles - $100
> On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 11:00:10 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>> Did a bad job editing today - that Crust stem is 1 1/8 with a 31.8 clamp, 
>> non-faceplate singlebolt.
>> On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 9:54:41 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>>> Shoot - forgot some items were alreaday spoken for. Sorry!
>>>1. *Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, great 
>>>condition - $100
>>>2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, 
>>>discontinued model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack - $100
>>>3. *Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains but 
>>>fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
>>>4. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
>>>5. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>>great condition - $40
>>>6. *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>>really nice - $60?
>>>7. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>>>hardware is nice - $40
>>>8. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up 
>>>but hardware is nice - $30
>>>9. *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem*, 100mm length, 35deg, 1 1/8" 
>>>clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, good 
>>> hardware 
>>>    - $60
>>>10. *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, very scratched - $25
>>>11. *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 
>>>scratches - $50
>>>12. *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, 
>>>ridden ~200 mi with tubes - $140 for both
>>> On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 9:52:15 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>>>> Some items for sale from Brooklyn, NY (11211).
>>>> Prices do not include shipping.
>>>> Please feel free to make offers.
>>>> Contact off-list.
>>>> Ask for photos.
>>>> Thank you for looking!
>>>>1. *Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, 
>>>>great condition - $100
>>>>2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, 
>>>>discontinued model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack - $100
>>>>3. *Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains but 
>>>>fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
>>>>4. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
>>>>5. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>>>great condition - $40
>>>>6. *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>>>really nice - $60?
>>>>7. *Nitto

Re: [RBW] Re: Favorite 26" tires

2022-02-03 Thread Patch T
I hope they are! I just got the RH Naches Pass (26x1.8) for my 92 XO-1 
(they fit, there's ample clearance, actual width might be narrower).
+1 for Panaracer Gravelkings. Shop around and you can find decent deals.


On Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 8:44:30 PM UTC-5 Lynn Haas wrote:

> I have. They look nice. Are they $148 nice? 
> Lynn
> On Feb 2, 2022, at 7:33 PM, Eric Marth  wrote:
> Have you looked at Rene Herse? 

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Re: [RBW] Has anyone tried out their Uncle Ron's Orthopedic Bars?

2022-02-17 Thread Patch T
Hey JP - I think photographing with a *severe cross-chain* looks cool, in a 
silly, laughing-in-the-face-of-danger-but-not-really sort of way. And I 
know you're not *supposed* to, but I sometimes (read: frequently) ride with 
the chain crossed like that anyway, so long as the chain clears the front 
derailleur and the rear can take it and feels/sounds like it's not dying a 
slow torturous death. Also, I think SRAM has gone on record saying they're 
less concerned about cross-chaining than say, Shimano and Campagnolo. 

who's living on the (jockey wheels') edge in BK, NYC

On Tuesday, February 15, 2022 at 9:38:51 PM UTC-5 MoVelo wrote:

> I'm curious, and I know I have seen this in numerous bike photos before, 
> but why is the chain so severely cross chained. That being the big cassette 
> cog in the back and big ring in the front? Is there a convention for 
> photographing bikes that I am unaware of, or do most folks cross-chain like 
> this and I am missing out on the pleasure by lack of education?
> Now I could be totally misunderstanding the photo, but with my eyes and 
> the resolution of the digital photo is looks as tho the outside (ie largest 
> ring) is in fact a guard and not a toothed chainring. Am I wrong and the 
> chain is in fact on the middle chainring? 
> I am not trying to be critical, just trying to understand why I seem to 
> see this setup in so many seemingly staged photos. Do most folks ride their 
> bikes in this fashion?
> Just curious. 
> JP
>> On Monday, February 14, 2022 at 10:40:56 AM UTC-5 mcgr...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> I'm going to throw up a WTT thread at some point, but the Ron's Ortho 
>>> bars have just a couple of inch or inch and a half too much backwards reach 
>>> for my 62cm Hunqapillar (pictured here with a 120mm Technomic).  I think 
>>> I'd be better off with a Billie bar.  I'm in northern NJ, work in 
>>> Manhattan, if anyone would be interested in a trade...
>>> [image: Screenshot 2022-02-10 161030.png]

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To view this discussion on the web visit 

[RBW] Re: FS: a few assorted parts - Nitto, Crust, RH...

2022-02-23 Thread Patch T
Last update, make offers if interested

   - *Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, great 
   condition - $100
   - *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, discontinued 
   model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack - $100
   - *Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains but fabric 
   is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
   - *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
   - *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, no rings, great condition 
   - $40
   - *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, no rings, really nice - $50
   - *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
   hardware is nice - $40
   - *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
   hardware is nice - $30
   - *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem 
   <https://global.bluelug.com/nitto-mcr65-stem-black.html>*, 100mm length, 
   35deg, 1 1/8" clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, 
   good hardware - $55
   - *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, very scratched from tight 
   insertion - $20
   - *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 some 
   scratches - $45
   - *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, ridden 
   ~200 mi with tubes - $140 for both
   - *NEW - Brooks B17 Special* black, copper rails & rivets (the big ones) 
   very good condition, low miles - $100

On Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 9:46:41 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:

> (hmmm please ignore the numbers; copy and pasting is messing up the 
> formatting...)
> On Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 9:45:19 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>> *Updates, price drops, a new item*
>> ask for photos :)
>>1. *SOLD -  Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, 
>>silver, great condition - $100
>>2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, 
>>discontinued model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack, 1 1/8, 31.8 clamp - $95
>>3. *SOLD - Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains 
>>but fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
>>1. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
>>2. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>great condition - $40
>>3. *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>really nice - $60?
>>1. *SOLD - Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed 
>>up but hardware is nice - $40
>>1. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>>hardware is nice - $30
>>1. *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem*, 100mm length, 35deg, 1 1/8" 
>>clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, good 
>> hardware 
>>- $55
>>2. *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, scratches from 
>>installation - $20
>>3. *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 
>>scratches from installation - $45
>>4. *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, 
>>ridden ~200 mi with tubes - $130 for both
>>5. *NEW - Brooks B17 Special* black, copper rails & rivets (the big 
>>ones) very good condition, low miles - $100
>> On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 11:00:10 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>>> Did a bad job editing today - that Crust stem is 1 1/8 with a 31.8 
>>> clamp, non-faceplate singlebolt.
>>> On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 9:54:41 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>>>> Shoot - forgot some items were alreaday spoken for. Sorry!
>>>>1. *Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, 
>>>>great condition - $100
>>>>2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, 
>>>>discontinued model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack - $100
>>>>3. *Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains but 
>>>>fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
>>>>4. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
>>>>5. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>>>great condition - $40
>>>>6. *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>>>really nice - $60?
>>>>7. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up 
>>>>but hardware is nice - $40
>>>>8. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up 
>>>>but hardware is nice - $30

[RBW] Re: FS: a few assorted parts - Nitto, Crust, RH...

2022-02-25 Thread Patch T
What's left - Thanks Everyone

   - *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
   - *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, no rings, great condition 
   - $40
   - *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
   hardware is nice - $30

On Wednesday, February 23, 2022 at 11:13:28 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:

> Last update, make offers if interested
>- *Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, great 
>condition - $100
>- *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, 
>discontinued model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack - $100
>- *Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease stains but 
>fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
>- *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
>- *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, no rings, great 
>condition - $40
>- *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, no rings, really nice - 
>- *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>hardware is nice - $40
>- *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up but 
>hardware is nice - $30
>- *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem 
><https://global.bluelug.com/nitto-mcr65-stem-black.html>*, 100mm 
>length, 35deg, 1 1/8" clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in 
>the paint, good hardware - $55
>- *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, very scratched from tight 
>insertion - $20
>- *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 some 
>scratches - $45
>- *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, 
>ridden ~200 mi with tubes - $140 for both
>- *NEW - Brooks B17 Special* black, copper rails & rivets (the big 
>ones) very good condition, low miles - $100
> On Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 9:46:41 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>> (hmmm please ignore the numbers; copy and pasting is messing up the 
>> formatting...)
>> On Thursday, February 3, 2022 at 9:45:19 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>>> *Updates, price drops, a new item*
>>> ask for photos :)
>>>1. *SOLD -  Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, 
>>>silver, great condition - $100
>>>2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, 
>>>discontinued model, 80mm reach, 75mm stack, 1 1/8, 31.8 clamp - $95
>>>3. *SOLD - Roadrunner Bags Jumbo Jammer*, orange - some grease 
>>>stains but fabric is in great shape, all straps there, never cut - $150
>>>1. *Avocet Racing 1 saddle*, excellent condition, 9.5/10 - $70
>>>2. *Sugino VX double crankset,* 130 bcd, 170mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>>great condition - $40
>>>3. *Sugino GP Triple crankset* 110/74, 175mm, with or w/o rings, 
>>>really nice - $60?
>>>1. *SOLD - Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 90mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed 
>>>up but hardware is nice - $40
>>>1. *Nitto Technomic long/tall stem* 110mm, 25.4 clamp, scuffed up 
>>>but hardware is nice - $30
>>>1. *Nitto MCR65 black threadless stem*, 100mm length, 35deg, 1 1/8" 
>>>clamp, 25.4, peeling sticker, one small scratch in the paint, good 
>>> hardware 
>>>- $55
>>>2. *Velo Orange Grand Cru setback seatpost*, scratches from 
>>>installation - $20
>>>3. *Thomson Elite setback seatpost*, silver 330mm uncut, 27.2 
>>>scratches from installation - $45
>>>    4. *Rene Herse Hurricane Ridge EL* 700 x 42mm blackwall knobbies, 
>>>ridden ~200 mi with tubes - $130 for both
>>>5. *NEW - Brooks B17 Special* black, copper rails & rivets (the big 
>>>ones) very good condition, low miles - $100
>>> On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 11:00:10 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>>>> Did a bad job editing today - that Crust stem is 1 1/8 with a 31.8 
>>>> clamp, non-faceplate singlebolt.
>>>> On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 9:54:41 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>>>>> Shoot - forgot some items were alreaday spoken for. Sorry!
>>>>>1. *Nitto x Crust Shaka handlebar*: 540mm, 26.0 clamp, silver, 
>>>>>great condition - $100
>>>>>2. *Crust 90 deg high stack fillet-brazed clear coat stem*, 

[RBW] Re: Share some pictures: Raw steel bikes

2022-03-09 Thread Patch T
I'll have to dig out photos later, but I've done this a couple times - with 
and without clearcoat. I prefer the results without clearcoat. But if you 
don't wipe down your bike frequently, the rust that collects rubs off on 
your clothes easily. Something to be aware of.

Patch, whose commuter was a stripped, raw early 80s Trek 950 with RTPs 
(rust=theft prevention!) until carrying it up the flight of stairs home 
daily got all his clothes dirty, in NYC

On Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 2:23:27 PM UTC-5 Collin A wrote:

> While not a Riv, I had a 2017 Kona Roadhouse with some brass simworks 
> fenders that looked sweet. Clear coat over raw showcasing the fillet over 
> tig welds.
> [image: trashed-1609528015-IMG_20190222_123114.jpg]
> On Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 10:20:45 AM UTC-8 eric...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I'm working on a project and considering going the raw steel finish 
>> route, with a clear. 
>> I hope people can share some pictures of raw steel bikes for inspiration. 
>> Here are a few images I've saved.
>>- Lyle's Rivendell Rambouillet 
>>   - Oil buffed in with scotchbrite pads 
>>- Sal's Trek 950
>>   - Raw with clear shellac 
>>- This Rivendell Glorious from facebook
>>   - I believe these got a clear powdercoat
>> [image: download.jpg]
>> [image: 37166652_218919018822897_3133483443376095232_n.jpg]
>> [image: 272456597_6980658778672856_3904882088288009621_n.jpg]

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[RBW] Re: FS: Rivendell Custom $950

2022-04-01 Thread Patch T
But does it plane?

On Friday, April 1, 2022 at 8:42:11 AM UTC-4 Doug H. wrote:

> Good one!
> Doug
> On Friday, April 1, 2022 at 7:40:11 AM UTC-4 lconley wrote:
>> Rare adjustable angle lugs and telescoping adjustable length chainstays 
>> so you always have the geometry that you want. Adjustable trail forks. 
>> Ultralight Unobtanium tubing. Special Rene Herse self-truing wheelset with 
>> Cross-wind spokes
>> Happy April Fools Day!
>> Laing

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[RBW] Re: Fender Wobble

2022-04-12 Thread Patch T
Re: fender wobble - Have you checked all contact points to ensure 
everything is still fastened?

Re: the other wobble - I'm no expert, but if it's a new sensation that you 
hadn't felt before with that rack and bag + load, I'd check things like QR 
skewers, headset, hub locknuts. 

Take it to the wonderful folks over at Golden Saddle for a look-over?

Patch in NYC

On Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 3:26:44 AM UTC-4 brendonoid wrote:

> There are so many possible sources for *disheartening and weird *wobbles. 
> It seems to me that fenders are an unlikely culprit. My instinct is the 
> same as Joe's RE: the front rack. 
> It could also be something as simple as the tyre pressure getting a bit 
> low in the front wheel.
> On Tuesday, 12 April 2022 at 13:13:08 UTC+8 Joe Bernard wrote:
>> In spite of how often people do it and seem fine with it, I *really *don't 
>> like front loads on Rivs. Even the weight of a porteur rack with no load 
>> was enough to make my steering feel sketchy. Did you have the problem 
>> before you installed it? 
>> On Monday, April 11, 2022 at 10:04:52 PM UTC-7 bunny...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> [image: A2D2E895-1FB7-4121-A081-8CDCC4E9F3E4.jpeg]I’ve never used a 
>>> rear bag… just an under seat wrap.
>>> I had a handlebar bag for a bit, and now a front porteur rack with an 
>>> average bag on top. It’s usually pretty light.
>>> On Monday, April 11, 2022 at 5:24:57 PM UTC-7 Joe Bernard wrote:
 You might get rid of some fender wobble with a bolt-tightening session 
 at all the mounting points, it's not my experience that SKS fenders move 
 around much. 

 The wobble you feel in turns is concerning and probably not fender 
 related. What's the bags/racks situation on your Ram?

 Joe Bernard

 On Monday, April 11, 2022 at 5:14:55 PM UTC-7 bunny...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hey all! 
> I have SKS Fenders on my Ram. I live in L.A., so I rarely need them. 
> Still, there are puddles of gross water, damp mornings, and smatterings 
> of 
> rain, so I really appreciate them when I need them and I leave them on. 
> Now, they do move a bit when riding. I'll look down and see them moving 
> from bumps and wind. I know they're not the best fenders and I'm okay 
> with 
> that.
> There's something else that happens on this bike. When cornering, I 
> sometimes feel it getting a little noodle-y. There is a wobble, and not 
> all 
> the time. It never feel dangerous, but it is a bit disheartening and 
> weird. 
> I'm wondering of the lateral wobble of the fenders is also giving a 
> wobble 
> to the cornering sometimes. Perhaps it's something else, and the wiggling 
> fenders are becoming the scapegoat.
> So, anyone else have anything like this happen? My instinct is to just 
> take them off and see if it happens again. I guess the result would be 
> the 
> same either way; it's the old fenders so I buy nicer fenders because I 
> like 
> having them, or it is the fenders, I fix it with the fenders off and I 
> buy 
> nicer fenders because I like having them.
> Cheers!
> Ben

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[RBW] [iBob cross-post] WTB: various (cheap!) parts for a friend's commuter build

2022-05-03 Thread Patch T
Hey Bunch,

A friend's bike was stolen recently and I'm building up a new commuter for 
her. I've acquired a lightweight vintage Italian step-through in a nicely 
large size for a decent price. The budget isn't terrible, but we are trying 
to be thrifty (in case it's stolen again, goddess forbid) - so I'm asking 
for your well-used but functioning parts kicking around in that bin that 
you've been meaning to sell off or donate.

   - 700c wheelset - 126mm rear spacing; likely running 32mm tires; 
   aluminum rim brake rims - 5/6/7spd cassette like HG or freewheel both great
   - silver quill stem with 25.4 clamp, about 80-90mm extension - no need 
   for lots of height
   - silver sidepull or centerpull brakes, mid-reach
   - 110 or 130 bcd crankarms
   - silver platform pedals
   - front rack with axle-fixed struts, like a VO Constructeur, or similar. 
   Silver would be nice; OR a Wald 137 with its struts
   - rear 6/7/8 speed short or mid-cage derailer, silver
   - bar-end (right-side only) or stem-mounted shifter set-up

I think that's all, at least for now. We appreciate your help and unwanted 

Brooklyn, NY

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[RBW] Re: Help finding 26.0 Nitto Handlebar like their 25.4 b812...

2022-05-09 Thread Patch T
I didn't look up all of the measurements, but looks similar to the Crust 
Juan Martin 
in 26.0

On Sunday, May 8, 2022 at 4:19:32 PM UTC-4 Hunter Harr wrote:

> Hey, any help would be great. 
> Looking to switch from Noodles on my Appaloosa to upright and had some 
> Civia Aldrich bars back on a Hillborne a few years ago. The B812s look like 
> the ticket, but would like to keep the 26.0 DirtDrop stem
> Know I could use a shim, would rather not if I can find these bars. Which 
> I know I saw, but can not find anymore.
> Checked the usual suspects... Blue Lug, SimWorks, Alex's Cycles, jitensha, 
> Retrogression...
> Who did I miss that may have it?

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Re: [RBW] ISO Brooklyn Riv Bike 'Gang'

2022-06-03 Thread Patch T
I might be out of town. If I'm not out of town, I'd love to join!

E. Wburg

On Thursday, June 2, 2022 at 9:07:44 PM UTC-4 Justin Kennedy (Brooklyn, NY) 

> I would love to join. Let me check the calendar and get back to you guys. 
> Later preferable for me too, Kai. 
> On Thu, Jun 2, 2022 at 3:35 PM Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY  
> wrote:
>> Forts and friends! https://photos.app.goo.gl/pcwSpzmpWEvBTixM7 <—ft. 
>> Tilden awhile back, with the good graffiti 
>> That’s an always fun trip, when you thinking to start? I’d be able to do 
>> a later in the day ride, leaving after 2:30ish?, but with so much to see 
>> out there, I would understand if that were too late a start
>> On Thursday, June 2, 2022 at 4:20:28 PM UTC-4 alan lavine wrote:
>>> I will be out of town but would love to another time. Never did that 
>>> ride!
>>> Alan
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jun 2, 2022, at 3:58 PM, Minh  wrote:
>>> hey all bringing this to the top.  i have a free weekend 18th-19th, so 
>>> proposing a ride down to Far Rockaway, anyone else around want to join?  
>>> Ride down, stop at Fort for pictures, get some tacos or other beach food.  
>>>  could do Sat or Sunday, or even Monday if you have the day off!
>>> On Friday, April 29, 2022 at 8:32:06 AM UTC-4 Justin Kennedy (Brooklyn, 
>>> NY) wrote:
 LIC would work for me. $100 per month per person? I'd prob be willing 
 to go higher depending on the space, how many other people join, etc. 

 On Friday, April 29, 2022 at 6:54:16 AM UTC-4 alan lavine wrote:

> I appreciate all leads and ideas. On the listings project, mentioned 
> above, there are some spaces in LIC, an area I hadn't thought about.
> This may be an unreasonable question right now, until we have 
> something specific to consider, but does anyone have an idea of how much 
> they would be able/willing to contribute to this? It might help in 
> limiting 
> the options. VERY rough ballpark figure, of course, with no obligations 
> at 
> all.
> Alan
> On Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 1:09:42 PM UTC-4 Kainalu V. -Brooklyn 
> NY wrote:
>> There's this- https://bikecoop.nyc/ but it lacks the home base feel 
>> that would be nice in a rental. Much cheaper though...
>> -Kai
>> On Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 7:15:45 AM UTC-4 alan lavine wrote:
>>> We had a nice meet up yesterday at the Spritzenhaus (gotta love that 
>>> name): Kai, Michael, Stephan and me, all on Rivendells from various 
>>> eras.
>>> To all New Yorkersanyone interested in sharing some rental space 
>>> to set up as a workshop? My guest bedroom is becoming overrun with 
>>> stuff. 
>>> Could be in Brooklyn, upper Manhattanjust need easy access via 
>>> bike. 
>>> I'm envisioning a bike shop like atmosphere, work bench with vise 
>>> (Yeh), 
>>> shared tools and spare parts. Small frig with libations, used couch for 
>>> a 
>>> nap, etc.
>>> Anyone else have this pipe dream? Or a lead on some space?
>>> Alan
>>> UWS
>>> On Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 1:36:50 PM UTC-4 Minh wrote:
  (sorry if this is a double send).  

 hey all,

 i'm sad to miss this get together, sounds like there is a decent 
 number!   as far as organizing, i'd propose a sheet like this 
 where people can add their names and links to parts swap, etc. we can 
 use it as a shared calendar for activities.

 if you wanna test it, here's the link to the form 
 On Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 11:41:40 AM UTC-4 Stephen wrote:

> I'm in for the meetup, looking forward to it!
> -Stephen
> On Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 11:04:46 AM UTC-4 Kainalu V. 
> -Brooklyn NY wrote:
>> Might be a little late, coming from the dentist, hopefully not 
>> numb, maybe with drop bars...
>> -Kai
>> On Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 8:27:46 AM UTC-4 alan lavine wrote:
>>> Good Morning All,
>>> I'm hoping that tomorrow will be better for some of you, at 
>>> least. I suggest meeting at the Spritzen House, 33 Nassau st 
>>> ,
>>> Greenpoint, around 5-6 pm. Not sure where a good ride would be in 
>>> late 
>>> afternoon NYC traffic, but we can discuss ideas for future rides 
>>> depending 
>>> on when folks are available. I'm thinking tomorrow as me

Re: [RBW] Re: front carrying options for 2022

2022-06-08 Thread Patch T
Wally, I love the set-up you've got there, especially up front. *I wish I 
was a little bit taller...*

Minh, I've owned a QB for 5 or 6 years. I recently traded my Orange 54 for 
a better-fitting, but less-fast ;) Silver 56. 

The 54 always had a front basket on a small Campee rack. I camped and 
erranded a lot on this bike, plenty of long rides in-between - it was my 
only bike for some time. I never experienced wobble nor shimmy, and really 
pushed the limits on load weight - in fact, the fork crown stay of the rack 
broke (not at the weld, mind you) on a mostly off-road 2-nighter around the 
Santa Cruz Mountains in CA, catastrophe gratefully/luckily avoided. It was 
fixed by listmember David Parsons. Since then, I've been much more careful 
with how much weight I add on that rack. Anyway, steering generally always 
felt totally great.

The 56 is more of a French fit, and it currently holds a Swift rando bag. 
It's fendered, and its main purpose is a wet-conditions SS road/rando bike. 
I have a commuter now that does the errand haul with a sturdier rack, so 
the QB's load stays light; only gets what I need for a day's ride. I'm 
currently in the middle of a bike-parts-switch-up, and it may end up 
getting moustache bars (I was recently surprised to learn I love them), and 
an Erlen rack + small Fabio out back. I've never ridden with rear weight on 
the QB, and would like to try it out, as others have recommended. I have 
tried rear weight on various other bikes, most recently a '92 XO-1, and 
have never liked the feel. 

The other main thing to consider with a large handlebar bag, besides your 
bar width as Joe pointed out, is how high your bars are in relation to you 
front wheel, and how/if the bag is supported. Yours looks fine in the 
photo, but something to consider. Once a week or so I try to commute 33 
miles each way to work on the XO-1. I use the small Fabio's, supported by a 
homemade "Pec-Dec". It holds just my laptop, charger, clothes, snacks, 
journal, few toiletries, other small incidentals (read: junk). It could fit 
more, and even with weight, the bag feels sturdy, the steering different 
but comfortable, smooth, responsive. But the bag, even with the support, 
just barely clears enough when stuffed with stuff. I need longer struts.

Anyway, hope that's all helpful.


On Wednesday, June 8, 2022 at 10:45:57 AM UTC-4 Steven Sweedler wrote:

> Another thing to try and eliminate shimmy is to use a fork crown mounted 
> brake cable stop instead of the one at the headset. Its worked for me on 
> several bikes and now its all I use. Steve
> On Wed, Jun 8, 2022 at 10:27 AM 'John Hawrylak' via RBW Owners Bunch <
> rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> From your pictures, your front rack/basket seems to be set up as good as 
>> it can be, i.e., the rack is as low as possible and all the weight is on 
>> the rack, none is on the bars.  I do not see any improvements there
>> So the shimmy is likely caused by the amount of weight on the front and 
>> the high trail & flop inherent in you QB.  The QB seems to be a 56 or 58cm 
>> frame and per the RBW specs on Cyclofiend ( Cyclofiend: RBW: Frame 
>> Geometry Archive Info 
>>  ) HTA is 72.5°, 
>> rake is 4.5cm & with 32-622 tires, giving a 62mm trail and 18mm flop.  The 
>> trail and flop are both high, and combined with the front weight, is a 
>> likely cause of the shimmy.
>> Suggestions
>> Shift some of the front weight to the rear saddle bag to reduce front 
>> weight, and balance the load better
>> Use a needle bearing headset, or a HS with needle bearings on the 
>> bottom.  
>> John Hawrylak
>> Woodstown NJ 
>> On Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 12:00:22 PM UTC-4 Minh wrote:
>>> hey all, i've been using my QB more now, and started to think about how 
>>> i carry things on the front of my bike.  i'm pretty settled on a rivy 
>>> shopsack+ wald137 basket + nitto mini front (with a safety strap!).  I know 
>>> this is a little perilous according to the stated specs, so would consider 
>>> other options.  
>>> I'm mostly happy with this, i do get a little bit of wobble or shimmy.  
>>>  But i also feel like this is how i've always done things so curious how 
>>> other people are carry things--particularly on front of teh bike.  For 
>>> example i see all these Fabio's Chest running around, is it better to carry 
>>> stuff off the bar?   Larger porter racks and bags?
>>> This bike is my high security storage only bike, so i'm not too worried 
>>> about leaving bags on the bike.   Would appreciate peoples thoughts, 
>>> opinions, philosophy on this!  
>> -- 
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>> email to rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> https://groups.google.com

Re: [RBW] Bleriot 55 complete $1000 plus shipping

2022-07-07 Thread Patch T
Very interested!! Sent a pm :)

Patch in BK/NY

On Wednesday, July 6, 2022 at 8:05:59 PM UTC-4 David Hays wrote:

> What a beautiful bike and a great deal. Just too far past the N+1 right 
> now…
> David
> On Jul 6, 2022, at 7:35 PM, Valerie Yates  wrote:
> Thanks for the enthusiasm! Someone looking for a versatile bike and fun 
> ride should have the chance to enjoy this  Bleriot.  I’ve read several 
> posts about people regretting selling theirs, so I do have some hesitation 
> around it. But I also am expecting a Charlie H Gallop demo (54) and want to 
> make some room. 
> I am new to Flickr. I think/hope the pics are now visible. 
> On Wednesday, July 6, 2022 at 5:18:02 PM UTC-6 Matt Beecher wrote:
>> That's a crazy good deal!  I'm not personally interested, but I also 
>> cannot access the photos.  
>> GLWS!
>> Matt
>> On Wednesday, July 6, 2022 at 6:09:10 PM UTC-5 Valerie Yates wrote:
>>> I am interested in selling my size 55 Bleriot complete. It is a lovely 
>>> bike to ride. I have the gearing set for steep dirt roads, at which it 
>>> excels. It rides similar to a Soma San Marcos - very fluid - with a bit 
>>> more tire clearance (42 v 38). 
>>> I purchased the Bleriot from a list member in 2017. Our deal was for 
>>> $1200 including shipping and minus saddle, stem, and handlebars. I am 
>>> hoping to sell it for essentially the same price with a stem and handlebars 
>>> included, along with a new freewheel. Sale price is $1,000 complete, 
>>> including professional packing, plus actual charges for bike flights 
>>> shipping. Shipping to be determined once packed and the ship-to address is 
>>> known. I am open to offers if someone wants the frame minus specific 
>>> components or for local pick-up in Boulder/Denver area. 
>>> This bike has ample visible beausage - lots of scratches and dings -- 
>>> without any serious damage.  The only trouble it has given me is that the 
>>> rear brake hanger can get in the way of the seat bolt binder. I have to 
>>> position it very carefully to make sure the seat post does not slip. 
>>> Lots of pictures here 
>>> .
>>> *Details*:
>>> Size 55 measured center to center (which is a good fit for my 82 pbh)
>>> Saddle as pictured is 71 1/2 , measured diagonally from the center of 
>>> the crank arm
>>> Geometry chart 
>>> Velocity Synergy 650B 32h rims
>>> Standover about 81 Fatty Rumpkin tires (great tires! plenty of life left 
>>> in them)
>>> Shimano Dynamo front hub DH 3N71 
>>> B&M Lumotec Lyt (25 lumens)
>>> Phil Wood rear hub
>>> Campagnolo-Brev-Int headset
>>> Phil Wood bottom bracket (according to previous owner)
>>> Technomic stem 7
>>> Nitto handlebars -- likely B136 Rando Touring Bar size 42  
>>> (very
>>> comfortable)
>>> Sugino XD triple 48x36x24
>>> Shimano Sora FD
>>> 7 speed freewheel (not a free hub / cassette) SunRun 14x34 (relatively 
>>> new)
>>> Paul Components center-pull brakes
>>> Shimano XT RD
>>> Tektro brake levers
>>> Shimano bar-end shifters
>>> Excluded items: saddle, pedals and tail-light
>>> Bottle cages - optional (no charge either way)
>>> Happy to answer any questions. 
>>> Best,
>>> Val in Boulder CO
>>> [image: PXL_20220706_203855424.jpg]
> -- 
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> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/29dfbddd-d01c-489f-a70e-972cec676b13n%40googlegroups.com
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[RBW] Re: Long reach brake options for AHH

2022-07-13 Thread Patch T
I've used a set of these Grand Bois "Chouette" long reach centerpulls for a 
conversion, using a backing plate:

Decent value, great looks, maybe finicky to set up, but fantastic braking 
power. I love my MiniMotos and love these, too. They have very different 
feels, but are both very effective.

Patch in NYC

On Saturday, July 9, 2022 at 9:37:19 AM UTC-4 Pierre wrote:

> Hi bunch - 
> Not super happy with the original Silver calipers raw stopping power 
> (admittedly quite spoiled by excellent hydro discs on other bikes).
> Looking for an upgrade but looks like long reach Paul racer are no longer 
> produced. What are my options lately? Anyone tried Rene Herse center pulls?
> (Even toying with idea of sending frame to Bilenky to add canti studs so I 
> can run mini-motos but maybe a bit extreme...).
> Thanks.
> Pierre

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Re: [RBW] Silver2 shifter apparently shift 12 speeds fine, even with SRAM rd

2022-07-18 Thread Patch T
Just adding more similar data here...

My Silver1 shifter set up on the Riv bar-end pod shifts a Sram Rival 
through 11 speeds (11 to 42) with a 33t chainring. It does so very nicely.

Before mounting this shifter (last week), I tried out a Suntour barcon, 
which could not get up to the last, largest cog. 

Patch in NYC

On Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 2:53:19 PM UTC-4 Daniel MacPherson wrote:

> When my Silver1 shifter broke and I replaced it with a Suntour Barcon. I 
> was surprised by how easier it was to shift to the last cog on a 10 speed 
> cassette compared to the Silver1 shifter. My initial set-up with the 
> Silver1 shifter was with a Deore XT 10-speed derailleur. The last cog was 
> almost impossible to shift and sometimes didn't. I replaced the Deore Xt 
> with a Claris 9-speed derailleur and that fixed the problem. However, I had 
> to swing the Silver1 shifter all the way up to get to the last cog. It is 
> now easier with Suntour Barcon. I sometimes wonder why a bicycle company 
> hasn't come out with a modern version of the Suntour Barcon
> Daniel M 
> Tallahassee, FL 
> On Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at 3:24:14 PM UTC-4 Patrick Moore wrote:
>> RBW said it won't work; quoting BS quoting Riv: 
>> *These are compatible with up to 9 speed rear derailers only. Not 
>> compatible with SRAM rear derailers.*
>> But this recently appeared on the web page:
>> HOLY COW, FOLKS: These will shift up to 11 speeds when used with a 9/8 
>> speed rear derailer. The latest 10/11/+ rear derailers require more cable 
>> to be pulled making them no good but a 9 speed rear derailer will still 
>> shift through an 11-speed cassette easily. Match your chain to your 
>> cassette, and the 9sp rear derailer works!
>> In fact, BSNYC is using them to shift 12.
>> The main complication is indeed lever travel; and this is why I find 
>> Suntour Barcons with more "pull per inch" better for 10 cogs than Silver1s, 
>> even though this means that shifting takes, theoretically, a bit more care. 
>> In practice, the Barcons work fine with 10.
>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2022 at 10:54 AM Jim Bronson  wrote:
>>> I guess my reaction to this would be "why would it not work".  It's a 
>>> friction shift lever.
>>> So long as the limit screws on the rear derailleur are set correctly, 
>>> and the lever has sufficient travel to sweep the entire distance between 
>>> the high stop and the low stop when connected to the cable, there's no 
>>> reason it wouldn't work.
>>> I suppose you could also talk about cable pull ratios and maybe there's 
>>> a situation under which a friction shift lever didn't have enough travel 
>>> because of multiplication or division of travel, but it still goes back to 
>>> the same question, is there enough travel when the thing is connected to a 
>>> cable, so more or less a yes or no question.
>>> Jim
>>> Austin suburbs, TX
>>> On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 5:41 PM Patrick Moore  wrote:

 I'm only up to 10, and that with an 8-sp-era road rd and Barcons, but 
 this is heartening news. 

 I'm tempted to try my Barcons with a 12-sp road cassette, tho' I'd have 
 to swap out the DA 7401 rd for an 8-sp XT rd, I guess to handle a 
 big-enough granny cog to make it all worthwhile. Actually, I should 
 gently, and simply go to 11 first.


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[RBW] Re: SimpleOne upgrade

2022-07-20 Thread Patch T
On Tuesday, July 19, 2022 at 11:40:38 PM UTC-4 jasonz...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hey All!  I haven't posted much for content here so I thought I'd share 
> some before and after shots of my SimpleOne.  I am the third owner and it 
> had a hard life to say the least.  I love. that it was well used as all 
> Rivendell bikes deserve, but I desired to give it a classy upgrade and 
> start my own love marks on the gravel roads here in Nebraska and tours 
> around the midwest.  I'm really pleased with how she turned out and I am 
> already enjoying the new scuffs and bumps in the new adventures.
> Before:
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/196122347@N08/52212931663/in/album-72177720300508394/
> After:
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/196122347@N08/52213400520/in/album-72177720300508394/
> Cheers,
> Jason, also a pretty simple one

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[RBW] WTB/WTT: a few used parts for a commuter

2022-07-31 Thread Patch T
Hello! In search of the following, used but functional is fine, looking for 
low prices on your unwanted bits here before I go searching online for 

- right-side top-mount thumb shifter, like an Suntour Power Ratchet, or 
maybe your used Sunrace M96, ideally silver/mostly-silver. Will be shifting 
7 speeds, friction.

- Short-pull brake levers for 22.2 bars, something like a silver Tektro 
FL750 would be great.

- front rack that mounts to fork crown and fork ends, such as a VO 
Constructeur, silver preferred. For attaching a basket.

A few random comparable bits I have to trade:

- VO Left Bank hbars in 23.8, with VO city levers, generic 80mm SR stem: 
either as a cockpit with grip area wrapped with cork sheet + red Newbaum's 
+ amber shellac, or parted out. 

- Shimano Altus rear derailer

- Shimano 600 short-reach calipers, 6208's I think.

Patch in NYC

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[RBW] Re: WTB/WTT: a few used parts for a commuter

2022-08-01 Thread Patch T
Also seeking: 80mm (or so?) *tall* quill stem with 26.0 clamp

Also can trade: Velo Orange Constructeur REAR rack for your FRONT

Found: brake levers!

Hello! In search of the following, used but functional is fine, looking for 
> low prices on your unwanted bits here before I go searching online for 
> deals:
> - right-side top-mount thumb shifter, like an Suntour Power Ratchet, or 
> maybe your used Sunrace M96, ideally silver/mostly-silver. Will be shifting 
> 7 speeds, friction.
> - Short-pull brake levers for 22.2 bars, something like a silver Tektro 
> FL750 would be great.
> - front rack that mounts to fork crown and fork ends, such as a VO 
> Constructeur, silver preferred. For attaching a basket.
> A few random comparable bits I have to trade:
> - VO Left Bank hbars in 23.8, with VO city levers, generic 80mm SR stem: 
> either as a cockpit with grip area wrapped with cork sheet + red Newbaum's 
> + amber shellac, or parted out. 
> - Shimano Altus rear derailer
> - Shimano 600 short-reach calipers, 6208's I think.
> Thanks!
> Patch in NYC

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[RBW] Re: New Roadinis will have clearance for 42 mm tires

2022-09-06 Thread Patch T
Michael - really looking forward to hearing what happens with the GC610s! 

Patch, who's helping a friend build his 57 orange once it gets here in 

On Saturday, September 3, 2022 at 10:32:15 AM UTC-4 Michael Doleman wrote:

> This is an old thread, but having just scored a 50cm Roadini for my 
> partner, I thought I'd respond. The need for long reach brakes concerned me 
> slightly, but in the end decided that with all the factors involved, it 
> would be fine: bike is small, partner doesn't weigh much (125 or so), the 
> bike isn't going to handle any big loads, and we aren't going to be doing 
> harrowing descents). What I have opted to get for brakes is a set of the 
> Dia-Compe/Gran-Compe GC700 model. I have both the GC610 and GC450 on other 
> bikes, and I feel that they offer very good performance with quality brake 
> pads -- better, I'm sure, than a long reach side pull. That said, I have 
> also used the Tektro R559 and found them to be basically fine so long as 
> they are outfitted with something other than the stock pads. They may be a 
> little less than ideal in wet conditions but overall I think they are fine. 
> And, if you don't need the extra clearance, it's always possible to use a 
> drop bolt--which are hard to find, admittedly, but they are out there. The 
> GC700 is also a little difficult to find, and a bit on the expensive side, 
> at better than $200 for a set. And if you're willing to go even higher than 
> that, there's always the Rene Herse model.
> Part of me wonders if the GC610 would actually work. They are specified to 
> have -- I think -- 61mm of reach, which is only 2mm short of what the 
> Roadini spec says it needs. Perhaps with the right pad? I don't know. I 
> have a free set of the 610s available, so will try it when the new Roadini 
> arrives and report back here on findings.
> On Friday, January 14, 2022 at 9:46:12 PM UTC-8 Eamon Nordquist wrote:
>> I saw today the announcement that the new Roadinis are niw designed for 
>> R559 brakes and will easily clear 42 mm tires. Good news, as far as I’m 
>> concerned! The only thing I am slightly sad about is that they aren’t 
>> coming in grilver, which is THE color for the Roadini, in my opinion. That 
>> may be influenced by my love for the silver gray imron paint on early 80’s 
>> Treks. Regardless, if I have a  job by then, I may have to get one.
>> Eamon
>> Seattle 

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[RBW] WTB: Nitto x Fairweather "All Road" Hbar - Mod 174aa

2022-09-06 Thread Patch T

*WTB: Nitto x Fairweather "All Road" Hbar - Mod 174aa*

Hi Bunch - looking for this bar in silver. 42 or 44 ideally. Let me know 

Patch in NYC

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[RBW] WTB: some parts for my friend's new Roadini!

2022-09-08 Thread Patch T
Hi Bunch! I have the honor of building up my friend's Roadini. I made a 
budget based on his desires (mostly aesthetic) and my recommendations 
(mostly functional). If purchased brand new, we would be a little over what 
he was hoping to spend. So once again I'm here, asking if you have any of 
the following parts in used but working condition:

   - Nitto Fairweather m174aa in 42 or 44
   - 80mm Nitto Technomic or comparable
   - 9spd bar-end shifters - silver - *Frictionable*
   - Brown Brooks Professional, Team Pro, something with the larger rivets
   - VO 50.4 Grand Cru Crankset (or TA Cyclotouriste?)
   - VO Contructeur Front Rack, or comparable
   - All Silver/Polished Wheelset - 100/130, 32h, 9spd capable. Need not be 
   a featherweight but preferably not something too heavy-duty (ie 

Shipping, depending on part, will be to 11211 or 12526.

Thanks, as always, for your help!


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[RBW] WTB: Albatross, wheelset, front rack, tires

2022-09-19 Thread Patch T
Hi Folks,

I've found myself building up now 3 bikes for 3 friends. They're all mostly 
done; just need a few additional parts. Budgets are reaching their max, so 
I'm looking for some used parts in usable condition.

   - all-silver 700c rim-brake wheelset 100/130; 8/9/10 spd compatible; 
   rims need not be tubeless ready
   - Nitto Albatross, ideally HT but cro-mo ok
   - Front Rack, 2 flavors: 
  - one that mounts to fork-ends (like VO Constructeur) 
  - and one that mounts to mid-fork eyelets, or p-clamps (not 
   - 700x38c tires (like GravelKing slicks)
   - 9 speed 11-32 or 11-34 cassette
   - and, a specific long shot: Nitto x Fairweather 174aa all-road bar in 

Thanks all
Patch in NYC

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[RBW] Re: Roaduno substitute for a while...

2022-09-19 Thread Patch T
As always, I very much looking forward to this Bill Lindsay build. 

On Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 1:14:16 PM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> I had been searching for quite a while for a single speed that enabled 
> some derailer-less gear flexibility.  On one hand I searched for a 58cm 
> Quickbeam or SimpleONE.  On the other hand I was/am waiting on the 
> RoadUNO.  I was/am a huge fan of Rivendells rear dropouts with the angle 
> that allows a significant gear change while maintaining brake adjustment.  
> In an absolutely perfect world, my Size Large singlespeed would also have 
> been 650B (for fat tires and no TCO).  While I'm sitting here in 
> fantasy-land, I also would have waved my magic wand to have the bike be 
> belt-compatible, and would allow brakes, but have a discreet way to NOT run 
> brakes.  
> Over the last 18 months or so, I've been working with placeholders for 
> these things.  I bought a Crust Michigan Man right when they were released 
> and set it up as a strictly 1-speed fixie in my office in Wayne County, 
> Michigan.  Will at Riv also has a Michigan Man.  I also managed to acquire 
> a 58cm Quickbeam, and that is now in my garage as a 8-speed single speed.  
> I slowly acquired some of the parts for a 650B custom, including a pair of 
> Rivendell dropouts.  I even had preliminary conversations with a local 
> builder, and have a tentative spot on his enormous waiting list.  
> Then, totally by surprise, a new contender appeared.  Crust released a new 
> variant of their single speed Lightning Bolt.  It's 650B, with clearance 
> for 48mm tires and contemporary Randonneur geometry.  It's belt-compatible 
> and has removable cantilever posts and cable guides.  It's almost exactly 
> what my custom would have been except for the Riv-style ends.  
> It's 2022, and the lesson we've all learned is that if the thing you want 
> is available, you buy it, because it may never be available again.  So, I 
> went ahead and bought it, and the frame should arrive today.  I'm pretty 
> excited.  
> Whether or not my new Crust will get replaced by a RoadUNO next year 
> remains to be seen.  Will's email updates (plus simple geometry) make it 
> pretty clear to me that the RoadUNO will not have Riv ends.  It'll have 
> some other svelte track ends, so easy gear changes with a rear brake won't 
> be part of the feature list, it seems.  I'm still paying very close 
> attention, but the itch is getting scratched today.  
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA

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[RBW] Re: New Roadini Clearance and Brake Reach

2022-09-22 Thread Patch T
Thanks Michael - I was eagerly waiting for these results. Are you running 
GC700 front and rear, or keeping the 610 up front?

Patch in NYC

On Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 5:49:08 PM UTC-4 Michael Doleman wrote:

> In a previous conversation I promised to post my findings on actual brake 
> reach needs for the new Roadini frames. Specifically, I had been 
> speculating that the Dia-Compe/Gran-Compe model GC610 center-pull could 
> work, despite having only 61 of the specified-as-required 63 millimeters of 
> reach.
> My partner just received her new 50cm model, and I've conducted some 
> initial studies. Findings are interesting, the main one being that there 
> seems to be a rather huge difference between reach needed for the frame 
> versus the fork. For the fork, the GC610 very easily works, with plenty to 
> spare.
> On the frame itself, it's a different matter. The brake shoe is very close 
> to contacting the (35mm) tire.
> Some might argue that it could work, but don't include me in that set -- 
> too close for comfort. 
> So I'll be installing the GC700 model which gives another 9mm of reach and 
> is a very nice brake as well.
> Side note: the fit of the rear wheel axle into the dropout was really 
> tight. At first I didn't have the wheel set into it properly and it 
> appeared that the reach was even greater. Make sure you get the wheel 
> properly seated into the dropout -- with the paint, it's quite tight.
> I tried to add photos to this message but was told the post was too long 
> with them.

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[RBW] WTB: Albatross or B352/Northroad/similar

2022-09-27 Thread Patch T
Hello hi!

Finishing up a build for a friend and on the hunt for an Albatross/similar. 
We are being budgety. Cromo is Cool, HT would be Hella Tight. Bar-end 
compatibility preferred!

Shipping may ruin things. I'm in 11211.

Patch in Brooklyn

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[RBW] Re: For sale, Suntour Superbe brakes

2022-10-16 Thread Patch T
FWIW, these clear Rene Herse Naches Pass 26 x 1.8 (41mm actual) on my 1992 
Bstone XO-1.
They're beautiful. Braking is good. No issues with centering.

Patch in NYC

On Sunday, October 16, 2022 at 10:58:52 AM UTC-4 Joe Bernard wrote:

> They're light and beautiful vintage Suntour brakes for people who know 
> what that is and want them. It's 2022 and there aren't a ton of these in 
> this condition around anymore. 
> On Sunday, October 16, 2022 at 7:48:03 AM UTC-7 Ray Varella wrote:
>> And yes, I know the adjuster nut is not in the right place, it’s there to 
>> keep all the parts together. 
>> On Sunday, October 16, 2022 at 7:46:36 AM UTC-7 Ray Varella wrote:
>>> [image: 03D4B414-DF10-4CAE-B9CE-9D6168A94ABA.jpeg]Here’s a pic of the 
>>> brakes. 
>>> I have a set of these on a bike and they clear the Rene Herse 38s with 
>>> the pads at the bottom of the slots. 
>>> Not all frames will have the same clearances. 
>>> In over 30 years of using this model of brake I have never had any 
>>> issues with them staying centered. 
>>> They do require more hand strength than modern dual pivots but that 
>>> hasn’t been a problem for me yet. 
>>> Thank you 
>>> Ray
>>> On Saturday, October 15, 2022 at 3:46:34 PM UTC-7 Garth wrote:
 Dissing on someone's for sale posting is just not cooland it wasn't 
 even for the right brake. doubly shmubly

 On Saturday, October 15, 2022 at 4:10:13 PM UTC-4 pi wrote:

> If these are the superbe pro sidepull calipers they are junk. I had a 
> pair and they could never stay centered.

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[RBW] WT"B" - Nutmeg Nor'Easter Registration

2022-10-18 Thread Patch T
Howdy - anyone register for the Nutmeg Nor'Easter (registration is now 
closed) but won't be able to go after all? Asking for a friend who didn't 
register but would love to go.

And, anyone here going?

Patch in NYC

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[RBW] Re: WT"B" - Nutmeg Nor'Easter Registration

2022-10-18 Thread Patch T
I'm not even sure they'll transfer but worth a shot?

On Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 10:28:38 AM UTC-4 Patch T wrote:

> Howdy - anyone register for the Nutmeg Nor'Easter (registration is now 
> closed) but won't be able to go after all? Asking for a friend who didn't 
> register but would love to go.
> And, anyone here going?
> Patch in NYC

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[RBW] Re: WT"B" - Nutmeg Nor'Easter Registration

2022-10-18 Thread Patch T
All set! Hope to see some of y'all there...

On Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 10:38:20 AM UTC-4 Patch T wrote:

> I'm not even sure they'll transfer but worth a shot?
> On Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 10:28:38 AM UTC-4 Patch T wrote:
>> Howdy - anyone register for the Nutmeg Nor'Easter (registration is now 
>> closed) but won't be able to go after all? Asking for a friend who didn't 
>> register but would love to go.
>> And, anyone here going?
>> Patch in NYC

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[RBW] FS: tires, bars, n more (Compass, WTB, Nitto, Simworks, VO...)

2020-12-05 Thread Patch T
Hello all! Sorry for the cross-posting. I have the following items for 
sale. Can potentially arrange pickups in NYC area. Paypal or Venmo. ITEMS 
Photos can be found here. 
*email*: p tro ffer @ g ma il . co m (omit all spaces)

Thanks for looking!

*SOMA SHIKORO* - 700c x 42 -* used some; dirty walls *- $60/pair

*WTB NANO* - 700c x 40 / TCS -* some noticeable tread wear* - $50/pair

*CLEMENT XPLOR MSO* - 700c x 40 / black - *barely used; pre-Donnely, not 
tubeless ready* - $60/pair

*WTB BYWAY* - 650b x 47 / skinwall - *very dirty walls; lots of tread left* 
- $50/pair

*TERAVAIL RUTLAND* - 27.5 x 2.1 / black - *used a handful of times; lots of 
tread left *- $60/pair

*COMPASS LOUP LOUP* - 650B X 38 / skinwall / standard casing - *dirty 
walls; used lightly, lots of tread* - $100/pair

*ULTRADYNAMICO ROSE X CAVA* - 650b x 47.99 / "robusto" casing / black - *great 
condition, used lightly, lot of tread left;* *2 different treads; 1 of each 
for "mullet" set-up* - $100/pair

*MAXXIS DTH* - 26 x 2.15 / skinwall - *used some; dirty walls; lots of 
tread left* - $50/pair

*SIMWORKS WILD HONEY* - silver / 470mm ctc / 31.8mm / 105mm reach / 120mm 
drop - *clean, like new, a little shellac* - $75

*SIMWORKS GETAROUND* - silver / 700mm / 22.2 clamp area + shims  - *Weird 
early version with no sleeved clamp; shims included (but are cut to fit 
inside a Nitto stem)* - $60

*NITTO KITE* - black / 630mm / 25.4mm /Heat Treated Alum - *Great condition* 
- $35

*NITTO NOODLE* - 410mm / 26.0 clamp - *Great condition, lightly used, some 
scratches* - $60

*SALSA COWBELL 2* - black / 490mm ctc / 31.8 / 68mm reach / 115mm drop - *tape 
and residue* - $50

*Stem - VO threadless* - 6 deg / 90mm / 31. 8 clamp / silver  - *some small 
scratches from storage* - $20

*Stem - RITCHEY threadless* - 30 deg / 60mm / 31.8 clamp / black - *like 
new* - $20

*Brakeset -TEKTRO R539*  - 47-59mm / silver / recessed - *like new* - 

*Brake Levers - CANE CREEK DROP V* - all-black / long-pull - *like new* - 

*Brake Levers - VO GRAN COMPE* - non-aero / drilled / tan hoods - *like new* 
- $60/pair

*Rack - PLETSCHER ATHLETE* - black - *like new - *$50

*NORTH STREET* Basket Duffel - this one 
but without handlebar mount / navy blue - *used, a little dirty, but no 
rips or tears or significant damage* - $50

1987 TREK 330 ELANCE 

   - 19"/47.5CM
   - red
   - Reynolds 531
   - new VO Grand Cru headset
   - new BB UN55 x 110 (I think)
   - new Tektro R559 (650b ready - clearance for 650b x 38)
   - dent in top tube, see photos

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[RBW] Re: FS: tires, bars, n more (Compass, WTB, Nitto, Simworks, VO...)

2020-12-08 Thread Patch T
Hello all! Updates and some price drops here n there. I'll entertain offers!
Can arrange pickups in NYC area. Paypal f&f or Venmo please.
Photos can be found here. <https://photos.app.goo.gl/dQVfNAkDyrK5fjEj7>
*email*: p tro ffer @ g ma il . co m (omit all spaces)

Thanks for looking!

*WTB NANO* - 700c x 40 / TCS -* some noticeable tread wear* - $40/pair

*WTB BYWAY* - 650b x 47 / skinwall - *very dirty walls; lots of tread left* - 

*TERAVAIL RUTLAND* - 650b x 47 / black - *used a handful of times; lots of 
tread left *- $40/pair

*ULTRADYNAMICO ROSE X CAVA* - 650b x 47.99 / "robusto" touring casing / 
black - *great condition, used lightly, lot of tread left;* *2 different 
treads; 1 of each for "mullet" set-up* - $90/pair

*MAXXIS DTH* - 26 x 2.15 / skinwall - *used some; dirty walls; lots of 
tread left* - $40/pair

*SIMWORKS GETAROUND* - silver / 700mm / 22.2 clamp area + shims  - *Weird 
early version with no sleeved clamp; shims included (but are cut to fit 
inside a Nitto stem)* - $50

*NITTO NOODLE* - 410mm / 26.0 clamp - *Great condition, lightly used, some 
scratches* - $50

*SALSA COWBELL 2* - black / 490mm ctc / 31.8 / 68mm reach / 115mm drop - *tape 
and residue* - $50

*Stem - RITCHEY threadless* - 30 deg / 60mm / 31.8 clamp / black - *like 
new* - $20

*Brakeset -TEKTRO R539*  - 47-59mm / silver / recessed - *like new* - 

*NORTH STREET* Basket Duffel - this one 
but without handlebar mount / navy blue - *used, a little dirty, but no 
rips or tears or significant damage* - $50

1987 TREK 330 ELANCE 
<http://www.vintage-trek.com/images/trek/87TrekCatalog.pdf> - 

   - 19"/47.5CM
   - red
   - Reynolds 531
   - new VO Grand Cru headset
   - new BB UN55 x 110 (I think)
   - new Tektro R559 (650b ready - clearance for 650b x 38)
   - dent in top tube, see photos

On Saturday, December 5, 2020 at 2:53:18 PM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:

> Hello all! Sorry for the cross-posting. I have the following items for 
> sale. Can potentially arrange pickups in NYC area. Paypal or Venmo. ITEMS 
> Photos can be found here. <https://photos.app.goo.gl/dQVfNAkDyrK5fjEj7>
> *email*: p tro ffer @ g ma il . co m (omit all spaces)
> Thanks for looking!
> Patch
> *SOMA SHIKORO* - 700c x 42 -* used some; dirty walls *- $60/pair
> *WTB NANO* - 700c x 40 / TCS -* some noticeable tread wear* - $50/pair
> *CLEMENT XPLOR MSO* - 700c x 40 / black - *barely used; pre-Donnely, not 
> tubeless ready* - $60/pair
> *WTB BYWAY* - 650b x 47 / skinwall - *very dirty walls; lots of tread 
> left* - $50/pair
> *TERAVAIL RUTLAND* - 27.5 x 2.1 / black - *used a handful of times; lots 
> of tread left *- $60/pair
> *COMPASS LOUP LOUP* - 650B X 38 / skinwall / standard casing - *dirty 
> walls; used lightly, lots of tread* - $100/pair
> *ULTRADYNAMICO ROSE X CAVA* - 650b x 47.99 / "robusto" casing / black - 
> *great 
> condition, used lightly, lot of tread left;* *2 different treads; 1 of 
> each for "mullet" set-up* - $100/pair
> *MAXXIS DTH* - 26 x 2.15 / skinwall - *used some; dirty walls; lots of 
> tread left* - $50/pair
> *SIMWORKS WILD HONEY* - silver / 470mm ctc / 31.8mm / 105mm reach / 120mm 
> drop - *clean, like new, a little shellac* - $75
> *SIMWORKS GETAROUND* - silver / 700mm / 22.2 clamp area + shims  - *Weird 
> early version with no sleeved clamp; shims included (but are cut to fit 
> inside a Nitto stem)* - $60
> *NITTO KITE* - black / 630mm / 25.4mm /Heat Treated Alum - *Great 
> condition* - $35
> *NITTO NOODLE* - 410mm / 26.0 clamp - *Great condition, lightly used, 
> some scratches* - $60
> *SALSA COWBELL 2* - black / 490mm ctc / 31.8 / 68mm reach / 115mm drop - 
> *tape 
> and residue* - $50
> *Stem - VO threadless* - 6 deg / 90mm / 31. 8 clamp / silver  - *some 
> small scratches from storage* - $20
> *Stem - RITCHEY threadless* - 30 deg / 60mm / 31.8 clamp / black - *like 
> new* - $20
> *Brakeset -TEKTRO R539*  - 47-59mm / silver / recessed - *like new* - 
> $60/set
> *Brake Levers - CANE CREEK DROP V* - all-black / long-pull - *like new* - 
> $35/pair
> *Brake Levers - VO GRAN COMPE* - non-aero / drilled / tan hoods - *like 
> new* - $60/pair
> *Rack - PLETSCHER ATHLETE* - black - *like new - *$50
> *NORTH STREET* Basket Duffel - this one 
> <https://northstbags.com/collections/bike-handlebar-bags/products/scout-handlebar-duffle>,
> but without handlebar mount / navy blue - *used,

[RBW] Re: FS: tires, bars, n more (Compass, WTB, Nitto, Simworks, VO...)

2020-12-10 Thread Patch T
Hello all! Updates and some price drops here n there. *I'll entertain 
Can arrange pickups in NYC area. Paypal f&f or Venmo please.
Photos can be found here. 
*email*: p tro ffer @ g ma il . co m (omit all spaces)

Thanks for looking!

*WTB NANO* - 700c x 40 / TCS -* some noticeable tread wear* - $30/pair

*TERAVAIL RUTLAND* - 650b x 47 / black - *used a handful of times; lots of 
tread left *- $40/pair

*NITTO NOODLE* - 410mm / 26.0 clamp - *Great condition, lightly used, some 
scratches* - $40

*SALSA COWBELL 2* - black / 490mm ctc / 31.8 / 68mm reach / 115mm drop - *tape 
and residue* - $30

*Stem - RITCHEY threadless* - 30 deg / 60mm / 31.8 clamp / black - *like 
new* - $15

*A FRAME - great 650b conversion frame for smallish person!*
1987 TREK 330 ELANCE 
 - F/F/HS/BB - 

   - 19"/47.5CM
   - red
   - Reynolds 531
   - new VO Grand Cru headset
   - new BB UN55 x 110 (I think)
   - clears GB Hetres (650x42) with tubes on Pacenti Brevet rims 
  - or 38mm tires with fenders
   - dent in top tube, see photos

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[RBW] experience with Dia Compe 980s + tires wider than 45mm

2021-01-19 Thread Patch T
Hi Bunch,

Does anyone have experience with Dia Compe 980s + tires wider than 45mm ?

Do you reckon I would have to deflate a tire that measures 49mm to fit 

I actually don't know the post spacing on the frame in question and realize 
that may be a contributing factor. I'll measure when I can, which is not 
right now.


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[RBW] Re: experience with Dia Compe 980s + tires wider than 45mm

2021-01-19 Thread Patch T
Bones - that's super helpful! Thanks

On Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 8:44:34 AM UTC-8 Bones wrote:

> Will depend on the post spacing. For reference, here they are on my single 
> speed. Spacing looks like 82mm, Snoqualmies measuring 42mm on Dyads. Tons 
> of clearance. I could probably fit 50's without deflating.
> Bones
> On Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 10:48:07 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>> Hi Bunch,
>> Does anyone have experience with Dia Compe 980s + tires wider than 45mm ?
>> Do you reckon I would have to deflate a tire that measures 49mm to fit 
>> through?
>> I actually don't know the post spacing on the frame in question and 
>> realize that may be a contributing factor. I'll measure when I can, which 
>> is not right now.
>> Thanks
>> Patch
>> BK/NY

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[RBW] Re: experience with Dia Compe 980s + tires wider than 45mm

2021-01-19 Thread Patch T
Luke, that's correct! And thank you!

On Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 9:16:55 AM UTC-8 Luke Volkmann wrote:

> Howdy, I'm assuming that you're talking about the newer Dia Compe 980s 
> with threaded posts and not the 1980's 980s. I'm using these on a Crust 
> Romanceur with Rene Herse 650x48's that are measuring around 47mm on the 
> Pacenti Brevet rims. I don't need to deflate the tires when removing the 
> wheels from the bike. It'll take a look later and see if it looks like 2 
> more mm would still be an easy fit.
> Luke in Seattle
> On Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 7:48:07 AM UTC-8 Patch T wrote:
>> Hi Bunch,
>> Does anyone have experience with Dia Compe 980s + tires wider than 45mm ?
>> Do you reckon I would have to deflate a tire that measures 49mm to fit 
>> through?
>> I actually don't know the post spacing on the frame in question and 
>> realize that may be a contributing factor. I'll measure when I can, which 
>> is not right now.
>> Thanks
>> Patch
>> BK/NY

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[RBW] FS: 1981 Trek 710 "22.5"

2021-01-29 Thread Patch T
Hello Bunch!

Passing along this frame - fork - headset - bottom bracket. *$200 + 
*but really hoping for a local sale; can drive + delivery myself, too, 
Sizing details here 
 and also here 
oh wow, here too! 

   - 531 double butted throughout - "sport touring" model
   - Size "22.5" - measured C to C, it is 56cm square
   - Clearance for 700x32 + fenders, or 35!
   - Clearance 650bx38 + fenders, or 42!
  - I was actually able to fit SKS B53 over WTB Resolute (650b 42mm) 
  with enough room for commuting sanity, rear axle all the way back in the 
   - Sparkly navy blue, some paint chips
   - Fork has fender mounts
   - Rear stays have rack mounts + rear drops have fender mounts 
   - Very lightweight, comfortable, capable frame
   - I think the BB is a UN55
   - The IRD headset has seen better days cosmetically (someone used a 
   toothed wrench for adjustment), but otherwise perfect
   - *I have long and mid reach brakes, a full 600 group, and a bunch of 
   other random parts you can ask about if you want to put together a semi 
   build package*

I'm selling because I have too much overlap with wide-tired sporty bikes, 
and have moved on to a 26"er for my commuting bike. I picked up a go-fasty 
bike with tighter geometry and I'm out of storage room! Otherwise I would 
keep - it's a dreamy bike.
Let me know if I forgot something or if you have questions!


Thanks all,

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[RBW] Re: FS: 1981 Trek 710 "22.5"

2021-01-30 Thread Patch T
To clarify sizing:

As far as I can tell, Trek used *Center to Top* of seat tube to identify 
sizes offered.
So their "Size 22.5" (57cm) is the seat tube measured *Center to Top*.
Measured *Center to Center*, the seat tube is 56cm (~22 in).
Measure *Center to Center*, the top tube is 56cm (~22 in).

On Friday, January 29, 2021 at 8:56:27 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:

> Hello Bunch!
> Passing along this frame - fork - headset - bottom bracket. *$200 + 
> shipping*
> *but really hoping for a local sale; can drive + delivery myself, too, 
> depending*
> Sizing details here <http://www.vintage-trek.com/images/trek/Trek81.pdf>
>  and also here 
> <https://bikeinsights.com/bikes/5cd320cf6f64090017520ffb-trek-bikes-710?build=base&version=1981>,
> oh wow, here too! <https://geometrygeeks.bike/bike/trek-710-1981/>
>- 531 double butted throughout - "sport touring" model
>- Size "22.5" - measured C to C, it is 56cm square
>- Clearance for 700x32 + fenders, or 35!
>- Clearance 650bx38 + fenders, or 42!
>   - I was actually able to fit SKS B53 over WTB Resolute (650b 42mm) 
>   with enough room for commuting sanity, rear axle all the way back in 
> the 
>   dropout
>- Sparkly navy blue, some paint chips
>- Fork has fender mounts
>- Rear stays have rack mounts + rear drops have fender mounts 
>- Very lightweight, comfortable, capable frame
>- I think the BB is a UN55
>- The IRD headset has seen better days cosmetically (someone used a 
>toothed wrench for adjustment), but otherwise perfect
>- *I have long and mid reach brakes, a full 600 group, and a bunch of 
>other random parts you can ask about if you want to put together a semi 
>build package*
> I'm selling because I have too much overlap with wide-tired sporty bikes, 
> and have moved on to a 26"er for my commuting bike. I picked up a go-fasty 
> bike with tighter geometry and I'm out of storage room! Otherwise I would 
> keep - it's a dreamy bike.
> Let me know if I forgot something or if you have questions!
> PHOTOS HERE <https://photos.app.goo.gl/Vsp3yp5tWQDT98Ej7>
> Thanks all,
> Patch

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[RBW] Re: FS: 1981 Trek 710 "22.5"

2021-01-31 Thread Patch T
SOLD, thanks all

On Saturday, January 30, 2021 at 2:16:47 PM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:

> To clarify sizing:
> As far as I can tell, Trek used *Center to Top* of seat tube to identify 
> sizes offered.
> So their "Size 22.5" (57cm) is the seat tube measured *Center to Top*.
> Measured *Center to Center*, the seat tube is 56cm (~22 in).
> Measure *Center to Center*, the top tube is 56cm (~22 in).
> On Friday, January 29, 2021 at 8:56:27 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>> Hello Bunch!
>> Passing along this frame - fork - headset - bottom bracket. *$200 + 
>> shipping*
>> *but really hoping for a local sale; can drive + delivery myself, too, 
>> depending*
>> Sizing details here <http://www.vintage-trek.com/images/trek/Trek81.pdf>
>>  and also here 
>> <https://bikeinsights.com/bikes/5cd320cf6f64090017520ffb-trek-bikes-710?build=base&version=1981>,
>> oh wow, here too! <https://geometrygeeks.bike/bike/trek-710-1981/>
>>- 531 double butted throughout - "sport touring" model
>>- Size "22.5" - measured C to C, it is 56cm square
>>- Clearance for 700x32 + fenders, or 35!
>>- Clearance 650bx38 + fenders, or 42!
>>   - I was actually able to fit SKS B53 over WTB Resolute (650b 42mm) 
>>   with enough room for commuting sanity, rear axle all the way back in 
>> the 
>>   dropout
>>- Sparkly navy blue, some paint chips
>>- Fork has fender mounts
>>- Rear stays have rack mounts + rear drops have fender mounts 
>>- Very lightweight, comfortable, capable frame
>>- I think the BB is a UN55
>>- The IRD headset has seen better days cosmetically (someone used a 
>>toothed wrench for adjustment), but otherwise perfect
>>- *I have long and mid reach brakes, a full 600 group, and a bunch of 
>>other random parts you can ask about if you want to put together a semi 
>>build package*
>> I'm selling because I have too much overlap with wide-tired sporty bikes, 
>> and have moved on to a 26"er for my commuting bike. I picked up a go-fasty 
>> bike with tighter geometry and I'm out of storage room! Otherwise I would 
>> keep - it's a dreamy bike.
>> Let me know if I forgot something or if you have questions!
>> PHOTOS HERE <https://photos.app.goo.gl/Vsp3yp5tWQDT98Ej7>
>> Thanks all,
>> Patch
>> BK/NY

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Re: [RBW] Re: Albatross and Choco riders

2021-03-04 Thread Patch T
Everyone's different!
I like my Albatrosses tilted downward and my saddle just above the height 
of the bends. 
This gives me an upright position (for me, relatively) at the ends; a 
position at the bends that is very close to my drop-bar builds, good for 
efforts; and every spot in-between.
I personally never enjoyed these bars at or above saddle height.
I like keep the bars free of everything but brake levers so I can use as 
much of the freed up real estate as possible.


On Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 10:01:50 PM UTC-5 Tim Baldwin wrote:

> Yes, tighten that stem clamp. I think the move to 31.8 clamp makes sense 
> for swept back bars. The 31.8 Tosco feels super solid wiith the Nitto 
> faceplate quill stem.
> On Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 1:03:43 PM UTC-6 John Phillips wrote:
>>   I tilt my Albatross bars down like Eric's Alba's or Tom's Tosco's. I 
>> like a nearly 90 degree angle between the bar and my arm/wrist. With stem 
>> length & height, bar height, bar angle, and grips, everyone's needs are 
>> different , but one absolutely needs to tighten that bar clamp.
>> John

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Re: [RBW] Fattest Tire on a QB?

2021-03-29 Thread Patch T
The largest I've confidently fit on my orange 56 were Soma Cazadero 42s, 
Dyad rims, wheel around the back-middle of the dropouts. 
I never tried any wider, as the chainstay clearance looks like the max for 
my piece of mind. (I like riding it on rougher stuff than paved stuff, so a 
hairline clearance is not an option for me)

I'd be willing to bet that the UDs will fit. AND I may end up doing the 
same move once I put the QB back together. I have the 650b ROSE "mullet" 
set-up on my custom Bantam and the combination of knobs in front and file 
tread in back is super fun on trails, good enough on pavement.


On Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 11:03:46 PM UTC-4 Jim M. wrote:

> I had Big Apple 50s on mine. Fit was maybe a little tight but no paint 
> rubbed off, so I think it was good.
> jim m
> walnut creek, ca
> [image: 3448531380_84086b5829_c (1).jpg]
> On Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 3:56:33 PM UTC-7 mkernan...@gmail.com wrote:
>> RG,   I used to be able to fit BG rock n roads ( 700x43) on my Orange 64 
>> QB a few years back with the wheel in the middle to rear of the dropouts.   
>> And the RnRs have some decent side knobs to take into account.  Not sure of 
>> exact mm clearance on each side but it was fine.-Mike
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 28, 2021, at 11:56 AM, Robert Gardner  
>> wrote:
>> Hi everyone --
>> I recently saw a post on Instagram (which I have subsequently lost track 
>> of) that showed a QB rocking Ultradynamico 700ccs (I think they were the 
>> Rosè racers). 
>> As I am in the market for some new rubber I thought -- WOWZA -- that 
>> would be fun. So, I'm throwing myself at the mercy of the few the proud the 
>> QB riders on this list. What's the fattest you've been able to go on a QB 
>> (if it helps, I ride a 58...)
>> Thanks all --
>> RGinDC
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/CAO1DKXtqvXAQ%2BUpWPC3s%2Br82b_K2jfB-Wo24j_E0PFhmSAkhFQ%40mail.gmail.com
>> .

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Re: [RBW] Fattest Tire on a QB?

2021-03-29 Thread Patch T
Edit: by ROSE I meant RACE. The names are confusing to me still.

On Monday, March 29, 2021 at 9:45:11 AM UTC-4 Patch T wrote:

> The largest I've confidently fit on my orange 56 were Soma Cazadero 42s, 
> Dyad rims, wheel around the back-middle of the dropouts. 
> I never tried any wider, as the chainstay clearance looks like the max for 
> my piece of mind. (I like riding it on rougher stuff than paved stuff, so a 
> hairline clearance is not an option for me)
> I'd be willing to bet that the UDs will fit. AND I may end up doing the 
> same move once I put the QB back together. I have the 650b ROSE "mullet" 
> set-up on my custom Bantam and the combination of knobs in front and file 
> tread in back is super fun on trails, good enough on pavement.
> Patch
> On Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 11:03:46 PM UTC-4 Jim M. wrote:
>> I had Big Apple 50s on mine. Fit was maybe a little tight but no paint 
>> rubbed off, so I think it was good.
>> jim m
>> walnut creek, ca
>> [image: 3448531380_84086b5829_c (1).jpg]
>> On Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 3:56:33 PM UTC-7 mkernan...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> RG,   I used to be able to fit BG rock n roads ( 700x43) on my Orange 64 
>>> QB a few years back with the wheel in the middle to rear of the dropouts.   
>>> And the RnRs have some decent side knobs to take into account.  Not sure of 
>>> exact mm clearance on each side but it was fine.-Mike
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 28, 2021, at 11:56 AM, Robert Gardner  
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone --
>>> I recently saw a post on Instagram (which I have subsequently lost track 
>>> of) that showed a QB rocking Ultradynamico 700ccs (I think they were the 
>>> Rosè racers). 
>>> As I am in the market for some new rubber I thought -- WOWZA -- that 
>>> would be fun. So, I'm throwing myself at the mercy of the few the proud the 
>>> QB riders on this list. What's the fattest you've been able to go on a QB 
>>> (if it helps, I ride a 58...)
>>> Thanks all --
>>> RGinDC
>>> -- 
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>>> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
>>> an email to rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/CAO1DKXtqvXAQ%2BUpWPC3s%2Br82b_K2jfB-Wo24j_E0PFhmSAkhFQ%40mail.gmail.com
>>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/CAO1DKXtqvXAQ%2BUpWPC3s%2Br82b_K2jfB-Wo24j_E0PFhmSAkhFQ%40mail.gmail.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
>>> .

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Re: [RBW] New-to-me Sam! Advice/recommendations?

2021-11-04 Thread Patch T
Panaracer Gravelking Slicks in 700x38c!

Patch in NYC

On Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 2:29:00 PM UTC-4 cycli...@gmail.com wrote:

> 38mm Barlow Pass fit fine with fenders on my 62cm Sam with sidepull 
> brakes.  44mm Snoqualmie Pass only fit when the fenders were removed.
> On Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 10:56:24 AM UTC-7 Paul Richardson wrote:
>> that's a great looking bike.  congrats!
>> i swapped out dura-ace barends for silver1 (downtube) shifters on my 
>> homer without issue.  totally straightforward.  if you do so and are 
>> looking to rehome the shimanos, i'll take 'em off your hands!
>> in my experience, you can't go wrong with the 38mm rene herse tires, 
>> especially if you're looking to zippy it up and complement the atlantis.  
>> they'd almost certainly feel livelier than the schwalbes.
>> paul
>> takoma park, md.

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[RBW] Re: Minimotos on a Quickbeam?

2021-12-06 Thread Patch T
TLDR: *do it*.

The first time I mounted MiniMotos was on my QB.

The first hard stop I had to make with them (oncoming car didn't see me and 
turned in front of me) I pulled too hard and went over the handlebars, 
fortunately only spraining my elbow. I missed the car altogether though, 
came up short (they stopped). I was immediately sold. Went on to buy some 
Motolites for a mountain bike.

As for clearance, you have plenty of room with those 42s.

Currently, I have the pair of MiniMotos split between two bikes, on the 
forks of each. Paul Touring cantis / Neo Retros on each rear. Like Bones. 

But I did have them on the rear briefly. I did not use the brake cable stop 
on the frame, just went around it. That bridge felt a little sad unused. 
One could perhaps mount a light there...

Have fun
Patch, NYC

On Monday, December 6, 2021 at 9:12:01 AM UTC-5 Bones wrote:

> Not on a QB but on a different single speed. The stopping power is 
> unmatched in my opinion. No issues with tire clearance, you could probably 
> clear a slick up to 45-48mm (not with fenders though!). I would not 
> recommend routing the cable through the holder; just run it like normal 
> V-brakes. On my SS I ended up using a minimoto in the front and a neo-retro 
> in the rear so that I could continue using the rear brake bridge. Most of 
> the stopping power is in the front anyway. 
> Bones
> On Monday, December 6, 2021 at 8:57:30 AM UTC-5 Wally Estrella wrote:
>> I've ridden my Quickbeam for about 2 gazillion miles.  Give or take a 
>> gazillion.  The Neo-retros have been good at stopping this Orc sized 
>> rider.  I'm guessing the MiniMotos will be even better.   
>> Any others try Minimotos on their QB? Good for stopping? And I'm guessing 
>> no issues for tire clearance (currently has Shikoro 42s on it).
>> Also, did you run the rear cable into the center holder then out to the 
>> noodle or just from the directly into the noodle from around the seatpost?
>> Thanks,
>> Wally in Maine

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[RBW] 1987 TREK 330 ELANCE - F/F/HS/BB/BRAKES - $300 + shipping, OBO

2021-12-09 Thread Patch T
Howdy Bunch,

I have a 1987 Trek 330 Elance in cherry red that won't fit its intended 
rider. Ready for a 650b conversion - a great light-tourer, commuter, or 
just-ride bike. Currently listed with installed VO headset, Shimano UN55 
BB, and long reach Tektro brakes, ready for a 650b conversion. Room for 
38s; technically 42s fit but it's close around the chain stays.

I also have a 650b wheelset (100/126 spaced Sansin freehub; Velocity 
Aerohead 650b rims) + parts enough for a complete Rivish build, if you're 

*PLEASE NOTE: there is a small dent in the top tube, pictured.*

1987 TREK 330 ELANCE 
F/F/HS/BB/BRAKES - $300 + shipping OBO

   - 19"/47.5CM
   - red
   - Reynolds 531
   - new VO Grand Cru headset
   - new BB UN55 x 110 (I think)
   - new Tektro R559 (650b ready - clearance for 650b x 38)
   - dent in top tube, see photos


Thank you
Patch, NYC

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Re: [RBW] Show me some bikes with black components

2021-12-10 Thread Patch T
Maybe Bill Lindsay will show his Amethyst Smoke Legolas with black 
components. I love that bike and the build he chose for it. (I love most of 
Bill's bikes and the builds he chooses for them.)

Patch, in NYC, who somehow feels inappropriate linking to someone else's 
Flickr, so won't
On Friday, December 10, 2021 at 12:41:12 PM UTC-5 cycli...@gmail.com wrote:

> Reverse order.
> [image: DSCF0130 copy.jpeg]
> On Friday, December 10, 2021 at 9:40:29 AM UTC-8 David Person wrote:
>> [image: DSCF0133 copy.jpeg]
>> One of each.  Hillborne with mostly silver components (though I really 
>> like the black Dyad Rims with silver braking surface) and Surly Disc 
>> Trucker with a mix of black/silver components.

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Re: [RBW] Show me some bikes with black components

2021-12-10 Thread Patch T
I second both these sentiments. Very nice indeed.

On Friday, December 10, 2021 at 1:53:21 PM UTC-5 cycli...@gmail.com wrote:

> Nice Roadini, Bones.  I'm becoming very partial to black rims with 
> machined (silver) sidewalls.
> On Friday, December 10, 2021 at 10:08:35 AM UTC-8 Lucky wrote:
>> Not a Rivendell but here’s my Kelly Roshambo (now with black pedals). The 
>> bike itself is kind of a coffee bean color. 
>> On Dec 10, 2021, at 09:49, Patch T  wrote:
>> Maybe Bill Lindsay will show his Amethyst Smoke Legolas with black 
>> components. I love that bike and the build he chose for it. (I love most of 
>> Bill's bikes and the builds he chooses for them.)
>> Patch, in NYC, who somehow feels inappropriate linking to someone else's 
>> Flickr, so won't
>> On Friday, December 10, 2021 at 12:41:12 PM UTC-5 cycli...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Reverse order.
>>> [image: DSCF0130 copy.jpeg]
>>> On Friday, December 10, 2021 at 9:40:29 AM UTC-8 David Person wrote:
>>>> [image: DSCF0133 copy.jpeg]
>>>> One of each.  Hillborne with mostly silver components (though I really 
>>>> like the black Dyad Rims with silver braking surface) and Surly Disc 
>>>> Trucker with a mix of black/silver components.
>>>> -- 
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>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>> email to rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/0343185e-54d5-497c-af95-0c88f62b0624n%40googlegroups.com
>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/0343185e-54d5-497c-af95-0c88f62b0624n%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
>> .

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[RBW] Re: 1987 TREK 330 ELANCE - F/F/HS/BB/BRAKES - $300 + shipping, OBO

2021-12-15 Thread Patch T
Crickets! $225 + shipping?

On Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 11:27:33 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:

> Howdy Bunch,
> I have a 1987 Trek 330 Elance in cherry red that won't fit its intended 
> rider. Ready for a 650b conversion - a great light-tourer, commuter, or 
> just-ride bike. Currently listed with installed VO headset, Shimano UN55 
> BB, and long reach Tektro brakes, ready for a 650b conversion. Room for 
> 38s; technically 42s fit but it's close around the chain stays.
> I also have a 650b wheelset (100/126 spaced Sansin freehub; Velocity 
> Aerohead 650b rims) + parts enough for a complete Rivish build, if you're 
> interested.
> *PLEASE NOTE: there is a small dent in the top tube, pictured.*
> 1987 TREK 330 ELANCE 
> <http://www.vintage-trek.com/images/trek/87TrekCatalog.pdf> - 
> F/F/HS/BB/BRAKES - $300 + shipping OBO
>- 19"/47.5CM
>- red
>- Reynolds 531
>- new VO Grand Cru headset
>- new BB UN55 x 110 (I think)
>- new Tektro R559 (650b ready - clearance for 650b x 38)
>- dent in top tube, see photos
> PHOTOS HERE <https://photos.app.goo.gl/dQVfNAkDyrK5fjEj7>
> Thank you
> Patch, NYC

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[RBW] Re: 1987 TREK 330 ELANCE - F/F/HS/BB/BRAKES - $300 + shipping, OBO

2021-12-17 Thread Patch T
Sale pending...

On Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at 9:29:46 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:

> Crickets! $225 + shipping?
> On Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 11:27:33 AM UTC-5 Patch T wrote:
>> Howdy Bunch,
>> I have a 1987 Trek 330 Elance in cherry red that won't fit its intended 
>> rider. Ready for a 650b conversion - a great light-tourer, commuter, or 
>> just-ride bike. Currently listed with installed VO headset, Shimano UN55 
>> BB, and long reach Tektro brakes, ready for a 650b conversion. Room for 
>> 38s; technically 42s fit but it's close around the chain stays.
>> I also have a 650b wheelset (100/126 spaced Sansin freehub; Velocity 
>> Aerohead 650b rims) + parts enough for a complete Rivish build, if you're 
>> interested.
>> *PLEASE NOTE: there is a small dent in the top tube, pictured.*
>> 1987 TREK 330 ELANCE 
>> <http://www.vintage-trek.com/images/trek/87TrekCatalog.pdf> - 
>> F/F/HS/BB/BRAKES - $300 + shipping OBO
>>- 19"/47.5CM
>>- red
>>- Reynolds 531
>>- new VO Grand Cru headset
>>- new BB UN55 x 110 (I think)
>>- new Tektro R559 (650b ready - clearance for 650b x 38)
>>- dent in top tube, see photos
>> PHOTOS HERE <https://photos.app.goo.gl/dQVfNAkDyrK5fjEj7>
>> Thank you
>> Patch, NYC

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[RBW] new to me bike day (the L.A. Quickbeam)

2016-06-21 Thread Patch T
Hi all,

I'm the one who bought the LA Craigslisted Quickbeam from cool dude John in 
San Pedro recently. Aside from a pretty handbuilt bicycle collection, John 
has a huge record collection; he's also quite nice. 

Anyhow, I'm still dialing it in, but thought I'd share my new to me QB.

Basic specs:

Sugino 38/32 and WI Dos 16/18. 

Nitto B135 Gran Randonneurs with old Modolo levers

Paul Touring Cantis.

Nanos on Open Pros

I'll put a basket on that rack, get a new light for a generator wheel 
(which was generously included in the sale, not pictured), and switch out 
the bars for Nitto M013.

I won't go on about how much fun the QB is; you've either heard it before 
or know it already. 
What a dream!


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[RBW] Re: Paul Mini Moto brakes

2020-07-27 Thread Patch T
I wouldn't recommend it and I only did it to see if it would fit - *but* - 
I once recently mounted 27.5 x 2.1 Thunderburts under my Minimotos and the 
straddle cable did not rub. There was a cm of clearance, maybe.


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[RBW] WTB: mixte/step-through frame+fork or partial, for friend (also, wheelset?)

2020-09-18 Thread Patch T
Hello Bunch!

On the hunt for a frame+fork/partial/complete to build up a commuter/fun 
bike for a friend. They're largely afraid of cycling, but we recently did a 
gentle 8-mile-each-way ride to the beach out on Long Island and they 
absolutely loved it, all of it, except for the bike, and I don't blame 
them! I won't talk trash on this bike, that's not very nice, but let's just 
say they're ready for a new rig :)

They strongly prefer a mixte or step-through, as they feel safer on one. No 
camping or loaded touring planned, but I'd love to rig a basket for their 
errands, picnics, commuting, etc. Planning a build very much in line with 
Rivendellish state of mind. Here are some further preferences/details I 
(we) have:

   - PBH: 78.75 
   - Height: 5' 6.75"
   - likely 700c, but open to other (also possibly looking for a budgety 
   - rim-brake
   - lightweight steel tubing (has to walk up flights of stairs to their 
   - any rideable/reliable condition is great: beausage + "anti-theft 
   aesthetic" welcomed
   - we're on a budget - I have spare parts and will be donating my time; a 
   frame under 400 (post-shipping) would be a dream, less is *even* dreamier
   - can accommodate for gears, but we're open to different versions of 
   gearing set-ups
   - what am I forgetting?

Meanwhile I'm closely watching the internet; but would also appreciate 
links to any candidates you may happen to see on your own bicycle perusings!

ptroffer *at* gmail *dot* com

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[RBW] Re: WTB: mixte/step-through frame+fork or partial, for friend (also, wheelset?)

2020-09-19 Thread Patch T
Mark - Thanks for the inspiration! I feel the same about these projects :)

On Friday, September 18, 2020 at 10:21:51 PM UTC-4, Mark Roland wrote:
> I like projects like this, because I get to shop and somebody else gets to 
> spend the money and do all the work.
> For somebody that size and disposition, don't rule out 26" vintage mtbs 
> "ladies" frames. Here's one I fixed up for a friend earlier this summer:

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[RBW] WTB/source for: 700c 1"threaded fork

2020-10-16 Thread Patch T
Hi Bunch!

Found a decent (and free!) triple butted steel frame (85 Univega Maxima 
Sport Mixte) to start a commuter I'm building for a friend. Trouble is, no 

Looking for a used steel fork or recommendations for a new one. 

   - 1" threaded
   - Any color, but black preferred. 
   - Lighter/lightish steel also preferred.
   - Headtube is about 110mm w/o headset; with headset installed, about 
   135mm from bottom of crown race to top of top race.
   - Caliper brake. 
   - Fender eyelets a plus, 
   - + rack eyelets even better!

I'm close to buying this Soma Fork 
but the only color I don't want is chrome. If I find nothing, I'll go this 
route *(and if I do, the 140mm will fit, right?) *Although I'd rather spend 
less than 100 shipped...

Thanks for your help!

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