[RBW] Re: Compliments

2023-11-16 Thread J S
I live in the northeast and after all of these years only had one person 
say nice bike. Not sure if it was the Hillborne or the Saluki. This person 
did not know it was a rivendell, they were not riding but walking at the 
time. Of course there are less Rivs here than in the Bay Area. 

On Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 3:01:31 PM UTC-5 aeroperf wrote:

> So one thing I’ve noticed - I mean REALLY noticed - about our Rivendell 
> bikes is that they get compliments.
> I ride the Silver Comet near Atlanta.  
> https://groups.google.com/g/bicycletouring/c/cFpcvUWqzkA
> For 15 years I rode a Diamondback Approach, a decent hybrid bike (as they 
> called those back in the ’90s).  I never heard a word from fellow riders.
> Then in 2015 I got a Sam Hillborne.  Bog standard, as the Brits say - Sage 
> Blue, cork grips.  I added some fenders and started seriously hitting the 
> trail for exercise.
> Suddenly folks are pulling up next to me (or going past), and saying “Nice 
> bike!”  Now I’m 74 and banging along at about 11 mph, so it’s not tough to 
> pull up next to me.  But this happens 2 - 3 times a year.  It surprises me.
> A couple of nice ladies went on about the friction shifters and “a hard 
> leather seat.  He’s hard core!”, before riding off on their carbon 
> Cannondales.  A nice gentleman commented at length on the cork grips. 
>  Maybe he was a fly fisherman?
> It happened again yesterday when I stopped for water.  Two guys also 
> stopped and were very complimentary about the Sam.  One asked to ride it 
> (sure!) and came back grinning (“If I didn’t already have too many bikes…”)
> It surprised my wife, too.  I built her up a Platypus last winter, and on 
> her second ride she got a “Nice bike!” from someone.  She came home with 
> smiles.
> Does this happen to you when you ride your Rivendell?  Tell us about the 
> compliments you get.

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[RBW] Re: Newer Sam Hillborne/Toyo Atlantis crossover

2023-11-26 Thread J S

Cannot speak for the Atlantis but I have a Hillborne and think it can be 
used on streets, gravel, dirt paths. It can fit 48mm tires without fenders, 
a really nice bike with shorter chainstays  than Riv is favoring on 90% of 
their current bikes. For me that was the decision point. 
On Saturday, November 25, 2023 at 12:36:39 PM UTC-5 exliontamer wrote:

> Just curious if anyone has any real world experience with both of these 
> bikes, and if so, how similar they feel & ride (aside from obvious 
> differences like tire clearance). I have a 61 Atlantis and am looking at a 
> 60 Hillborne. Thanks!

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[RBW] Re: "Grant hates toe clips."

2023-12-25 Thread J S
I rode with clips and straps for most of my riding years (started I believe 
with them in the mid ‘70’s on my first 10 speed. I tried clipless in the 
‘90’s (frogs) but took a bad spill when I was unable to disengage hurting 
my leg, and back to clips and straps. After my second back surgery and 
riding again I took all the clips and straps off of my bikes adding 
platform pedals. It was a matter of safety so I could put a leg out if 
needed. I never missed the clips and straps. 

On Sunday, December 24, 2023 at 8:44:43 PM UTC-5 Patrick Moore wrote:

> First entry in new Blahg. And no, he doesn't; he reports someone's 
> out-of-context judgment.
> But I'm curious how many on this RBW list like and use retention and how 
> many don't; and of the former, how many use toe clips and how many use 
> clipless systems -- and what kind.
> I'll start: I rode fast for years and thousands of miles in Keds with 
> thick, soft soles and then rubber-soled lace ups of other sorts on 
> un-clipped rat-trap pedals (and even rubber block pedals) until in about 
> 1990 I got my first relatively expensive road bike (1989 Falcon, tout 531C 
> with Sante group) and decided largely because of bike mag content that I'd 
> better get with the retention program. I started with Bata Bikers and clips 
> and straps, graduated to clips and straps and slotted cleats, then pretty 
> quickly switched to the burgeoning varieties of clipless -- Sampson 
> Stratics, Grafton "Erector Set" road and mtb pedals, Speedplay X1s and 
> Frogs, Looks of various sorts, and finally SPDs, road and mtb (by "road" I 
> mean the ones that came out for about 1 season long long ago with the mtb 
> mechanism). 
> A couple of years ago I tried platforms with spikes and no-retention shoes 
> but after about a month of annoyance always shifting my foot to find the 
> right position I gave up and went back to SPDs. I've got SPDs on all my 
> bikes though I've got a very nice set of XC Pros + clips and straps + 
> almost-as-new wood-soled Duegis with cleats that I'd like to try -- I found 
> slotted cleats with semi-tight straps easier with a fixed drivetrain than 
> Look Keos -- except that SPDs are so perfect.
> So, I've round that having gotten used to retention I find it very hard to 
> give it up. I daresay that this habituation is stronger since so much of my 
> riding is on fixed drivetrains, but I'd still want at least clips and 
> loose-ish straps with rubber soles for any freewheel drivetrain.
> But again, SPDs just feel so perfect that I will probably just stay with 
> them.
> Best wishes to all for the Christmas season.
> Patrick Moore, finishing up a late resume on Xmas eve in ABQ, NM.
> -- 
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
> ---
> Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing 
> services
> ---
> *When thou didst not, savage, k**now thine own meaning,*
> *But wouldst gabble like a** thing most brutish,*
> *I endowed thy purposes w**ith words that made them known.*

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Re: [RBW] NYC Riv Ride?

2024-01-02 Thread J S
My home town, Far Rockaway. For safety stay on the boardwalk should you 
ride in Far Rockaway. The western part of the Rockaways is much safer these 

On Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 1:31:07 PM UTC-5 ryan.o...@gmail.com wrote:

> Not sure about my plans but would love to be kept in the loop. A ride to 
> the Rockaways is nice this time of year, if not too windy. 
> Sent from my mobile device. 
> On Jan 2, 2024, at 1:26 PM, Caroline Golum  wrote:
> Seeing the LA Riv Ride post got me thinking! Anyone in the NYC area 
> interested in a weekend ride this month? It's chilly, but we can handle it! 
> -- 
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> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/12ea7173-c959-46cd-aec4-fc93a05499c5n%40googlegroups.com
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[RBW] Re: Maiden voyage with my new Homer

2024-01-07 Thread J S

Looks great, enjoy. 
On Saturday, January 6, 2024 at 2:52:27 PM UTC-5 Tim Bantham wrote:

> Congrats Don! Looks like a nice build. My new Homer frameset is hanging in 
> my basement just waiting for me to hang some parts on it. Can't wait to get 
> it on the road!. 
> On Saturday, January 6, 2024 at 2:11:54 PM UTC-5 Donzaemon wrote:
>> Hi folks, I've spent the past few months lurking and soaking up knowledge 
>> in hopes of informing the direction of my Homer build. I sort of agonized 
>> over so many details that it was tough landing on my desired gearing, 
>> wheels, bar tape, etc. One can spend an eternity and never get anywhere so 
>> I finalized on the last few undecided items and had the fine folks at Riv 
>> HQ begin their work. This past Saturday, I finally brought it home. 
>> Pictured below is a stop I made on my ride on the Paradise Loop in Marin 
>> County. Beautiful views of the Bay all throughout this route. Looking 
>> forward to lots more miles in 2024!
>> [image: IMG_9002.jpeg]
>> -don

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Re: [RBW] Re: Rivendell and Brooks B68 short film

2024-01-21 Thread J S

Jock, I like some like the Hillborne, Saluki, Bleriot. I did try the newer 
longer Atlantis but it was not for me. I did want a Yves Gomez which is 
also not very long but the seller did not want to sell to me. Just as well 
as I found my much sought after Saluki. That is a beautiful bike. I hope 
you find one.
On Friday, January 19, 2024 at 3:15:06 PM UTC-5 John Dewey wrote:

> I think it might just be…but at the least pleasantly harmless and sweet. 
> And  they all having such a good time. 
> Tho try as I might the long-wheelbase bikes just don’t flip my switch. 
> This got me going quite a while ago and I’m still chasing it. Rather odd I 
> suppose. 
> Jock
> On Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 11:39 AM eddietheflay  wrote:
>> All those guys wearing those hats look like a cult :).
>> On Friday, January 19, 2024 at 7:32:07 AM UTC-8 eric...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> [image: 
>>> VS--YouTube-BrooksEnglandTheB68isbackftRivendellBicycleWorks-0’45”.jpg]
>>> Brooks just released the 16mm film they made with the Rivendell staff 
>>> :0) Quite fun! 
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBIryCWhgBc
>>> The saddles are now available from Brooks! 
>>> https://www.brooksengland.com/en_us/b68.html
>>> I wonder if this means we can buy a B68 directly from Rivendell now? 
>>> Seems like Riv was holding back for Brooks to launch the revived saddle. 
>> -- 
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[RBW] Re: Rim selection for a Sam Hillborne

2022-10-21 Thread J S
I’m using Velocity Atlas rims on my 650b Hillborne.  It mounts 48mm tires 
with ease and rides great.  I use the older synergy’s on my Saluki with no 
issues with 42mm Baby Shoe Pass tires, but putting a 48mm tire on it would 
be a lot more work if even possible. I did try a Panaracer Gravel King and 
went to a 42 for my spare Synergy rim as I had problem mounting the 48 
(arthritis in both hands so maybe it was me).  

On Friday, October 21, 2022 at 12:59:54 PM UTC-4 fra...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hey Calvin! Unless you are looking to go tubeless, the Cliffhanger might 
> be a bit wide for the tire sizes you have listed. I’m running a 700x50 on 
> the Dyad and they work very well. Maybe look at the A23 if you want a more 
> road  rim that is tubeless capable. Non tubeless is the only downside to 
> the Dyad in my opinion. I think smaller than 48mm on the Cliffhanger would 
> just be too narrow of a tire for it. 
> On Friday, October 21, 2022 at 9:51:01 AM UTC-7 Cal Patterson wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I am thinking of building a wheelset for my Sam, and am looking for 
>> opinions & experiences of those who have used the Velocity Quills and also 
>> the Cliffhangers.  I understand the former to be a fast and nimble road-ish 
>> rim, and the latter to be a more stout trail and touring type.  I feel that 
>> the Sam could be either of these things, and am trying to decide which way 
>> to go.  
>> Currently, my Sam is borrowing a set of wheels, shutter precision front 
>> hub and ultegra 9-speed rear hub (re-spaced to 135) laced to Velocity Dyad 
>> rims.  These feel fine, despite a slight bearing knock in the front hub, 
>> though I like the idea of a rim somewhat wider than the Dyad.  For tires in 
>> non-fender mode I've got 700x48, and fendered it'll have 42-44 range.
>> My hub plan for the new wheelset is a xtr M900 that I've got for the 
>> rear, and looking to get a son 28 or delux for the front.
>> I'm curious about the feel & behavior of those different rims, all else 
>> being equal.  I haven't ever/yet gotten to do much side-by-side comparison 
>> of different rim styles scientifically, with all other parts being the 
>> same.  Usually my experiences with wider, stout cliffhanger-type rims is on 
>> a mountainish bike or a way stiff and heavy loaded tourer, not a zippy town 
>> and trails cruiser.  I like the idea of touring on the Sam, but 
>> realistically that would be two weeks a year, while the other 50 are town 
>> trails and country cruising.  I don't really fear the weight of the 
>> Cliffhangers, though I do appreciate the zip of a nice light rim & tire 
>> combo.  Probably can't go wrong either way, but interested in others' 
>> experiences.
>> Thanks,
>> Calvin

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[RBW] Re: Betty Foy Sizing & Search

2022-10-26 Thread J S
This may not show. 
On Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 8:44:01 AM UTC-4 Tom Palmer wrote:

> I second and third the Buena Vista as I have 2. Very nice bikes from quick 
> road rides to grocery shopping to gravel road rides. 
> Tom Palmer
> On Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 2:49:17 PM UTC-4 brok...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Last year, we had a Soma Buena Vista mixte built up for my wife, and it 
>> is an incredible bike. So much so, that I often find myself riding it 
>> around the neighborhood when she's unaware. She rides the same size frames 
>> as me (54cm), but she doesn't like the height of traditional top tubes, so 
>> we looked for a nice step-through or mixte design and then found the Buena 
>> Vista. Nicely made with Tange steel and really cool details. Just something 
>> to consider.
>> On Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 2:31:01 PM UTC-4 cycli...@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Eric Marth posted a really nice video of the SR mixte he rebuilt for his 
>>> partner.  Converted the original 27" wheelset to 700c. Came out 
>>> beautifully.  A good reminder of the utility of older bikes, if they were 
>>> well cared for.
>>> https://groups.google.com/g/rbw-owners-bunch/c/bBIzsD73S3M
>>> On Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 5:48:17 AM UTC-7 lconley wrote:
 Those were the early Bettys. The later Bettys came in different sizes. 
 Mine is a 60:
 [image: RIV.JPG]


 On Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 6:07:05 AM UTC-4 Garth wrote:

> Here's the orignal geo for the Foy. Rivendell never posted any 
> stack/reach info for the Betty. If your wife likes the Betty, stick with 
> that.  I can see why as the paint job is awesome. There's nothing worse 
> than asking for cookies and someone offers you saltines. 
> On Monday, October 24, 2022 at 10:31:22 PM UTC-4 John Hawrylak wrote:
>> Matt
>> The World Sport used 1020 stays.
>> John Hawrylak
>> Woodstown NJ
>> On Monday, October 24, 2022 at 10:27:06 PM UTC-4 John Hawrylak wrote:
>>> Matt
>>> Have you considered a 1986 to 1990 Schwinn World Sport or 1986/87 
>>> Traveler Step Thrus or a 1984 to 1987 Schwinn LeTour Step Thru??  The 
>>> Step 
>>> thru looks like a Betty but without the extra set of stays behind the 
>>> TT/ST 
>>> lug, scan of 1985 Schwinn catalog of a World Sport step thru
>>> Schwinn catalogs, 1981 - 1990 (266 of 456) (waterfordbikes.com) 
>>> Both use 4130 double Butted TT/DT (lugged) and a 1020 tubular fork & 
>>> have 27" alloy rims.   The LeTours used 4130 stays.  Craiglist is a 
>>> good 
>>> source with prices in the $125 to $250 range.   Common size frame size 
>>> is 
>>> 19" C-T (48cm) with some 21" frames.   A 19" should fit her 5'4".   
>>> Schwinn 
>>> gave 26# for the LeTour and 27# for the World Sport.   Panaracer still 
>>> has 
>>> the Pasela in a 27" tire.
>>> She may appreciate the lower cost.
>>> The World model is a 1020 LUGGED frame and weighs about 28# which is 
>>> not bad and have 27" alloy rims in 1985 and after.   There tend to be 
>>> more 
>>> World's vs World Sport/Traveler simply because they cost less
>>> John Hawrylak
>>> Woodstown NJ
>>> On Monday, October 24, 2022 at 3:00:06 PM UTC-4 mmille...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
 Hello all,

 I've been looking for a step-through for my wife. She specifically 
 likes a Betty Foy, but really anything "pretty" would work. She's not 
 really in to changing gears a lot, and this would also be for 
 commuting and 
 trail rides <10 miles. Does this crew have any ideas/bikes?

 Also, it's tough to find sizing on the Betty Foy bikes. Does anyone 
 have old material or could chime in with their size? I've searched and 
 searched, but been coming up empty.

 She's 5'4" with a 77 PBH.

 Matt in STL


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[RBW] Re: Zero-rise Albatross Bar?

2022-11-02 Thread J S
Kieran, I switched from Albatross to Choco.  Love the Choco bars, much more 
room for your hands and you can reverse them so they go slightly down vs. 
up.  It is a very mild rise.  

On Wednesday, November 2, 2022 at 2:04:02 PM UTC-4 Kieran J wrote:

> Honestly, I think the Choco bars are the closest thing out there. Not much 
> else comes close.
> KJ
> On Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 5:45:56 AM UTC-7 Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY 
> wrote:
>> Soma Three Speed bar #2 is fantastic, and while not flat, it’s pretty low 
>> profile.
>> https://www.somafab.com/archives/product/moustache-ii-bar
>> -Kai
>> On Friday, October 28, 2022 at 1:45:41 PM UTC-4 Kieran J wrote:
>>> I'm looking for a handlebar that's very much like the Alba bars but 
>>> flat/no rise. Essentially an Alba-size porteur. 
>>> Anyone have any suggestions? The Choco bars are close but not quite 
>>> flat. 
>>> KJ

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[RBW] Re: saddle angle and lower back pain

2022-11-16 Thread J S

I am no stranger to back pain, have had it for over 30 years and 3 back 
surgeries. I ride my brooks level but not because of back pain but other 
issues as knee and leg pain and tilting the saddle up gives me numbness.  I 
do ride my saddle lower than my bars which for me makes sense. .  Also your 
TT length maybe different on a Riv, I would bet it is so take that into 
consideration.  You may need a shorter stem. 

Good luck, play around to find a solution. 
On Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 6:05:37 PM UTC-5 brok...@gmail.com wrote:

> I wanted to post a bit about an experience I've had lately to see if 
> anyone else here can relate, or provide some insights into: to preface, I'm 
> a relatively new Riv owner, a longtime cyclist in his late 40's with no 
> previous history of back pain (knock on wood), and someone who has always 
> ridden saddles at a level angle, at or slightly above bar height.
> As most of us on here do, I enjoy looking at photos of different setups 
> for all the many different Riv bikes produced over the years. One thing 
> I've noticed about a lot of folks' setup - especially the ones that are 
> more upright, and especially the newer models that are stretched out and 
> upright (Clem, Platy, Gus/Susie, Joe, etc.) - is that many riders tend to 
> tilt their saddles nose-up slightly, and some at rather pronounced angles. 
> I recall reading some posts recently published by Rivendell that 
> essentially recommend positioning the saddle this way on these types of 
> bikes.
> So, after getting my Gus built up back in the beginning of October, I took 
> the recommendation to heart, bolstered in part by all the evidence of many, 
> many photos showing owners enjoying their saddles set up this way. I tilted 
> the nose up at an angle that seemed appropriate, set my saddle height, and 
> off I went. It felt ok, but I always felt like I was sliding down the 
> backside of the saddle, and my body did feel like it was trying to get used 
> to the upright position of the bike. Since then, I've been riding my Gus a 
> lot. Many different types of terrain and varying distances. It's a joy to 
> ride of course, and has been extremely comfortable otherwise from the 
> get-go. i love it.
> However, something else started coinciding with my time on Gus; a nagging 
> lower back ache that seemed to be at its worse following a ride, and 
> continuing for a day or two afterwards. I recently took 5 days off the bike 
> and experienced no back pain during that time. It was then that I started 
> to wonder if it was all related to the saddle angle. This past week, I 
> started experimenting with setting my saddle up the same way it is on all 
> my other bikes. The only difference with this bike is that the bars are 
> much higher in relation to the saddle on my other bikes. After a couple of 
> days riding with the newly level saddle (including a 30 mi ride yesterday), 
> I'm experiencing no back pain like I was before. Maybe it's too early to 
> count out coincidence, but something tells me it's not.
> So this leads me to question the whole upwards tilt thing as it relates to 
> these types of Riv models and how folks ride them. I know everyone is 
> different, and there's always going to be those who prefer upward tilts, 
> downward tilts, extreme fore / aft, etc. but what exactly is it, 
> physiologically speaking, that skews towards the preference for the upward 
> saddle tilt for an upright riding position? I'm certainly no expert on bike 
> fit, but is there a logical justification for it, other than just personal 
> preference? Has anyone else here had a similar experience? I'm going to 
> keep it this way for a while to see if my hunch continues to bear fruit - 
> fingers crossed.

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[RBW] Re: What epoch of Rivster are you?

2022-11-16 Thread J S
I would fall mostly into the  Golden Ager, but also the Proto Riv as you 
define them.  I tried one longer chainstay Riv and we did not connect.  I 
currently have a Hillborne which while a newer design for me is more old 
school,  and a Saluki.  I have had Riv Roads, a Custom, an AR, and the list 
goes on.  These are my favorites.  
On Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at 7:55:34 PM UTC-4 Philip Williamson 

> Recent discussions make me wonder, what epoch of Rivendell bikes or 
> aesthetic most appeals to list members? 
> Which era do you identify with the most, or like the best? 
> Is it the era you first encountered Riv in, or did you look back through 
> the back catalog and say, "That's the one for me?" Or did you arrive early, 
> travel into the future with Rivendell and love best what's happening now? 
>- Are you a "*Proto-Riv*" aficionado of Longlows, Allrounders, and 
>- A "*Golden Ager*?" Are Herons, Rambouillets, and Salukis your 
>- Or are you a "*2TTer,*" a Bombadil, Hunq, and Sam Hillborner?
>- A "*Clemster*" and a Rosco? 
>- Have you become a "*New Atlantean*?" A Swoop-a-tuber, Hill-biker, 
>and a Gus Bootster? 
> Are these fixed preferences, or have you been most into a different era 
> before? Do you have shadings of more than one?  I first encountered Riv in 
> the Proto era, looking at the All Rounder. Overall I'm a Golden Ager, but 
> the New Atlantean age is looking pretty attractive. 
> Philip 
> Santa Rosa, CA 

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[RBW] Re: New Sam Hillbornes

2022-12-01 Thread J S
I’m with you.  I’d trade my near mint orange for a silver in a heartbeat. 

On Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 10:04:00 AM UTC-5 jak...@me.com wrote:

> Anxiously awaiting the new Sams to land on our shores and am obsessing 
> over the potential build.  Perusing these pages with all of your 
> experiences have really helped.  I thought the lime olive was for me until 
> I saw the early photos of the HiHo Silver.  Smitten.
> Anyone going in on these?  I feel like I am on baby watch!

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[RBW] Re: New Sam Hillbornes

2022-12-01 Thread J S
My bright orange from the batch before the Dark Gold is 27.2. 

On Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 9:58:35 PM UTC-5 velomann wrote:

> "I do not recall a 26.8mm seatpost in the past for the Sam H."
> My Dark Gold Sam from the last batch 2 (3?) years ago has a 26.8 seatpost 
> diameter, so this isn't new.
> Mike M
> On Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 7:04:00 AM UTC-8 jak...@me.com wrote:
>> Anxiously awaiting the new Sams to land on our shores and am obsessing 
>> over the potential build.  Perusing these pages with all of your 
>> experiences have really helped.  I thought the lime olive was for me until 
>> I saw the early photos of the HiHo Silver.  Smitten.
>> Anyone going in on these?  I feel like I am on baby watch!

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Re: [RBW] Re: New Sam Hillbornes

2022-12-05 Thread J S
Paul, my custom was 56cm measured by Grant, my Hillborne is 51cm and fits
as it should.

On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 2:56 PM Paul Clifton  wrote:

> I'm not looking to buy a Sam, but I just glanced at the size chart on
> Instagram, and, wow, the sizing has changed dramatically over the years. My
> PBH is 82cm. That puts me on a 51cm Sam for this current batch. When I test
> rode one of the originals with caliper brakes, it was a 56cm I believe, and
> it fit perfectly. I haven't kept up with the geometry changes, but I'd
> really like to see what it's like to ride a 51cm frame and be at the top
> end of a size range for once. I bet the reach would be sublime.
> Paul in AR
> On Monday, December 5, 2022 at 1:47:53 PM UTC-6 Houston Wilson wrote:
>> Hi Bill,
>> I'd love the catalog!!
>> Houston Wilson
>> Los Angeles, CA
>> On Friday, December 2, 2022 at 8:16:50 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> For the voracious and anxious waiters of shipping containers:  I've
>>> stumbled upon a Rivendell Sam Hillborne catalog.  It's from one of the
>>> sidepull brake variants of the Sam Hillborne.  If anybody wants it, let me
>>> know and I can mail it to whomever.
>>> Bill Lindsay
>>> El Cerrito, CA
>>> On Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 7:04:00 AM UTC-8 jak...@me.com wrote:
 Anxiously awaiting the new Sams to land on our shores and am obsessing
 over the potential build.  Perusing these pages with all of your
 experiences have really helped.  I thought the lime olive was for me until
 I saw the early photos of the HiHo Silver.  Smitten.

 Anyone going in on these?  I feel like I am on baby watch!

>>> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Best saddle for very upright posture?

2022-12-05 Thread J S
Kim, I tried the Selle and within a few rides the saddle was loosing all
shape and I would have needed to tighten it.  I thought that was a bit too
quick so it went back.  It was not the H but the model just before it in
their lineup,  but I am only about 145 pounds.

On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 9:36 PM Kim Hetzel  wrote:

> I have a Brooks B67S saddle that I have had for sometime between two other
> bikes. It is fairly broken in.  I like the short nose on it.
> I own a 2021 59cm Clem Smith Jr. "L".   It has become futile finding a
> seat post with sufficient setback, that measures 29.8mm.  I have been
> riding on rivets.
> I have moved forward recently in getting the right shim to accept a 27.2mm
> seat post. Good news is the used PAUL Tall and Handsome post is coming in
> the mail tomorrow. With great hope, my problems will be solved with
> sufficient setback.
> I am considering on the back burner as future purchase of a Selle
> Anatomica H-1 saddle for more of a comfortable ride.
> Has anyone used one of the Selle Anatomica saddles for upright riding ?
> If so, what is your experience ?
> Kim (boney butt) Hetzel
> Yelm, WA.
> On Monday, December 5, 2022 at 11:47:35 AM UTC-8 schralp wrote:
>> I just went through all of the Brooks iterations over the last 3 months
>> for my Platypus. I found B67 was the right seat for my posture and rear.
>> Flyer not flat enough, flyer carved pinches areas that shouldn't be
>> pinched, B17 also not flat enough and my old Professional definitely not
>> comfortable for upright riding. YMMV but I find the flat rear section
>> perfect for upright riding and get no impingement on the hamstrings on the
>> downstroke. The springs provide just enough give rocking back and forth at
>> my weight (175#) but do not dampen much vibration. Hope that helps.
>> On Monday, October 19, 2020 at 5:06:28 PM UTC-7 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Sort of like the Sheldon Brown technique for breaking in a B 17 years
>>> ago by soaking it in oil. I only did that once...
>>> On Monday, October 19, 2020 at 11:26:43 AM UTC-4 pa...@superplastic.co
>>> wrote:
 After a lot of testing I've come around to loving my Berthold Mente!! I
 have two.

 I dunked it in water and covered it with saddle grease to break it in
 fast, however.

 On Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 8:44:41 PM UTC-4 velomann wrote:

> I personally find springs superfluous, maybe because I'm light and
> they don't seem to do much except add weight and squeak.  For the BEST
> upright saddle I'm always on the lookout for increasingly rare B-68s. The
> Holy Grail of upright saddles (to me) would be finding a B-68 Imperial.
> Michael M
> On Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 4:42:42 AM UTC-7 Jesse Stoddard wrote:
>> What I really want is a sprung Brooks, but I'm not heavy enough to
>> actuate the springs. Can't afford a Berthoud.
>> The only other option I know of is the Rivet Loveland, which I've
>> heard is excellent quality.
>> Anything else to consider?
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: New Sam Hillbornes

2022-12-06 Thread J S
Eric, I agree.  I do like the blue, have an Orange that I bought as it was
the only one I could find when Riv was out, it is ok but not my favorite
color. Love that new Silver.  My favorite colors are the Black (like your
repainted one) and the new Silver, absolutely beautiful colors. There are
probably others I have not seen but that silver has my vote.

On Tue, Dec 6, 2022 at 12:22 PM Eric Marth  wrote:

> I'll be interested to see how quickly these move. The Hillbornes are such
> great bikes, adaptable for many purposes. I could definitely see the paint
> colors this round getting buyers excited. Nothing against 'em but the RBW
> blue, orange and harvest gold didn't do much for me. New colors are rel
> good.
> On Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 11:18:17 AM UTC-5 edwardb...@gmail.com
> wrote:
>> But that green is causing it to heat back up
>> On Tue, Dec 6, 2022 at 8:09 AM Eric Daume  wrote:
>>> I’m with Johnny. I think the market is cooling down.
>>> On Tuesday, December 6, 2022, Johnny Alien  wrote:
>> It will sell well but I don't think we are going to see immediate sell
>>>> outs on anything the way it had been happening.
>>>> On Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 12:52:36 AM UTC-5 Joe Bernard wrote:
>>>>> Yep. The folks who will never ride a mixte/step-thru haven't had a
>>>>> lugged Riv on the block in quite a while and these colors are spectacular.
>>>>> Don't doddle!
>>>>> On Monday, December 5, 2022 at 9:41:51 PM UTC-8 eliot...@gmail.com
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Do you folks think they will sell out quickly ?
>>>>>> On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 12:30 PM J S  wrote:
>>>>>>> Paul, my custom was 56cm measured by Grant, my Hillborne is 51cm and
>>>>>>> fits as it should.
>>>>>>> On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 2:56 PM Paul Clifton 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'm not looking to buy a Sam, but I just glanced at the size chart
>>>>>>>> on Instagram, and, wow, the sizing has changed dramatically over the 
>>>>>>>> years.
>>>>>>>> My PBH is 82cm. That puts me on a 51cm Sam for this current batch. 
>>>>>>>> When I
>>>>>>>> test rode one of the originals with caliper brakes, it was a 56cm I
>>>>>>>> believe, and it fit perfectly. I haven't kept up with the geometry 
>>>>>>>> changes,
>>>>>>>> but I'd really like to see what it's like to ride a 51cm frame and be 
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> the top end of a size range for once. I bet the reach would be sublime.
>>>>>>>> Paul in AR
>>>>>>>> On Monday, December 5, 2022 at 1:47:53 PM UTC-6 Houston Wilson
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Bill,
>>>>>>>>> I'd love the catalog!!
>>>>>>>>> Houston Wilson
>>>>>>>>> Los Angeles, CA
>>>>>>>>> On Friday, December 2, 2022 at 8:16:50 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> For the voracious and anxious waiters of shipping containers:
>>>>>>>>>> I've stumbled upon a Rivendell Sam Hillborne catalog.  It's from one 
>>>>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>>>>> sidepull brake variants of the Sam Hillborne.  If anybody wants it, 
>>>>>>>>>> let me
>>>>>>>>>> know and I can mail it to whomever.
>>>>>>>>>> Bill Lindsay
>>>>>>>>>> El Cerrito, CA
>>>>>>>>>> On Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 7:04:00 AM UTC-8 jak...@me.com
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Anxiously awaiting the new Sams to land on our shores and am
>>>>>>>>>>> obsessing over the potential build.  Perusing 

Re: [RBW] Re: New Sam Hillbornes

2022-12-06 Thread J S
I’m with you Eric.  My Saluki which I got last winter is a taupe and it
looks great with brown and grays.  If I was ready to sell my Hillborne I
would order a Silver tomorrow.  But it makes no sense.  If someone was hot
for a bright orange I could be tempted.

On Tue, Dec 6, 2022 at 6:58 PM Eric Marth  wrote:

> Joel — I might be forgetting a color here or there but... I think these
> new ones plus the black are my favorite paint colors for all the Hillbornes
> :)
> I think these new colors will look especially good with some kinda
> warm-tones saddle (tan, brown), nice big tires with gum sidewalls and warm
> bar tape and grips! Subtle, timeless warmth. Just me, that's my thing,
> maxing out the neutrals.
> On Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 4:05:44 PM UTC-5 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Eric, I agree.  I do like the blue, have an Orange that I bought as it
>> was the only one I could find when Riv was out, it is ok but not my
>> favorite color. Love that new Silver.  My favorite colors are the Black
>> (like your repainted one) and the new Silver, absolutely beautiful colors.
>> There are probably others I have not seen but that silver has my vote.
>> On Tue, Dec 6, 2022 at 12:22 PM Eric Marth  wrote:
>>> I'll be interested to see how quickly these move. The Hillbornes are
>>> such great bikes, adaptable for many purposes. I could definitely see the
>>> paint colors this round getting buyers excited. Nothing against 'em but the
>>> RBW blue, orange and harvest gold didn't do much for me. New colors are
>>> rel good.
>>> On Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 11:18:17 AM UTC-5 edwardb...@gmail.com
>>> wrote:
>>>> But that green is causing it to heat back up
>>>> On Tue, Dec 6, 2022 at 8:09 AM Eric Daume  wrote:
>>>>> I’m with Johnny. I think the market is cooling down.
>>>>> On Tuesday, December 6, 2022, Johnny Alien 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> It will sell well but I don't think we are going to see immediate sell
>>>>>> outs on anything the way it had been happening.
>>>>>> On Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 12:52:36 AM UTC-5 Joe Bernard wrote:
>>>>>>> Yep. The folks who will never ride a mixte/step-thru haven't had a
>>>>>>> lugged Riv on the block in quite a while and these colors are 
>>>>>>> spectacular.
>>>>>>> Don't doddle!
>>>>>>> On Monday, December 5, 2022 at 9:41:51 PM UTC-8 eliot...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Do you folks think they will sell out quickly ?
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 12:30 PM J S  wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Paul, my custom was 56cm measured by Grant, my Hillborne is 51cm
>>>>>>>>> and fits as it should.
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 2:56 PM Paul Clifton 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I'm not looking to buy a Sam, but I just glanced at the size
>>>>>>>>>> chart on Instagram, and, wow, the sizing has changed dramatically 
>>>>>>>>>> over the
>>>>>>>>>> years. My PBH is 82cm. That puts me on a 51cm Sam for this current 
>>>>>>>>>> batch.
>>>>>>>>>> When I test rode one of the originals with caliper brakes, it was a 
>>>>>>>>>> 56cm I
>>>>>>>>>> believe, and it fit perfectly. I haven't kept up with the geometry 
>>>>>>>>>> changes,
>>>>>>>>>> but I'd really like to see what it's like to ride a 51cm frame and 
>>>>>>>>>> be at
>>>>>>>>>> the top end of a size range for once. I bet the reach would be 
>>>>>>>>>> sublime.
>>>>>>>>>> Paul in AR
>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, December 5, 2022 at 1:47:53 PM UTC-6 Houston Wilson
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:

Re: [RBW] Re: Tempt me to sell you my 51cm Bright orange Sam Hillborne

2022-12-07 Thread J S
Garth, I was thinking $1450 plus shipping, professionally packed. Headset
included but not BB.  I have 2 BB’s here but they are probably too long,
both new Tange. I may have a few other odds and ends that I could include.

On Wed, Dec 7, 2022 at 6:02 PM Garth  wrote:

> I'm gonna play the sourpuss here  . but "tempt me" .
> *Really ? *
> This isn't The Dating Game show, you know ?
> On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 5:07:19 PM UTC-5 jrst...@gmail.com
> wrote:
>> [image: AA8EC99B-8FE3-4A56-8704-F2A587219DDC.jpeg]My eye is on the
>> silver one so if you are looking for an orange Sam H frame. 51cm let me
>> know.
>> Frame is in excellent condition, I believe under 1000 miles on it.  I can
>> be more specific if interested.
>> Thanks
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Tempt me to sell you my 51cm Bright orange Sam Hillborne

2022-12-11 Thread J S
Colin, I have thought of that.  Also just keeping it as is as it is in
brand new condition.  Thanks.

On Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 2:10 AM Colin  wrote:

> Have you thought about getting it repainted? Would be a lot cheaper/less
> logistics than a brand new frame. I just got the lime color and am planning
> a re-paint in the future
> On Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 3:41:18 PM UTC-8 Garth wrote:
>> Very Good !
>> --
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[RBW] Re: Sam 51cm rough draft

2023-01-27 Thread J S
Very nice, enjoy. 

On Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 4:54:36 PM UTC-5 Doug H. wrote:

> Elegant bicycle that Sam. Which handlebars, crankset, and wheels do you 
> have on it?
> Doug
> On Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 4:14:05 PM UTC-5 Shoji Takahashi wrote:
>> Looks great! For me, it'd be a tough wait... 
>> On Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 11:12:23 AM UTC-5 cramer@gmail.com 
>> wrote:
>>> Still waiting on  pieces and parts.

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[RBW] Re: Kucharik wool shorts with real chamois or Andiamos under street shorts

2023-07-08 Thread J S
Patrick, I’ve never worn anything more comfortable than Kucharik wool 
shorts. I had my time with synthetic skin tight shorts and bib shorts but 
without high pads and while ok the Kucharik were still the most 

On Friday, July 7, 2023 at 7:59:02 PM UTC-4 Patrick Moore wrote:

> I was just perusing the new Riv email update and saw Andiamos.
> I gave up nastily clinging lycra shorts with nasty, bulky pillow pads over 
> 20 years ago, but when I ride over 30 miles I do sometimes like to wear 
> something a bit more bunch, crease, and chafe resistant than my usual 
> oversized nylon boxers under street shorts or Rapha Randonee shorts.
> I've hoarded about 3 pairs of nice Kucharik wool shorts with real chamois 
> or -- for one pair -- a synthetic that is also minimalist. 
> But I'd rather have something synthetic for ease of laundering and an 
> undergarment that can be worn under any decent pair of shorts, as long as 
> it serves as well the basic purpose of bike shorts: prevent bunching and 
> chafing. Again, I'm not interested in padding; I chose the right saddle and 
> I have it and bar positioned properly.
> So, those of you with relevant experience, will Andiamos be as comfortable 
> under Rapha touring shorts as wool Kuchariks with chamois?
> -- 
> ---
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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[RBW] Re: Kucharik wool shorts with real chamois or Andiamos under street shorts

2023-07-09 Thread J S
Patrick, I should have mentioned that I’ve used Andiamos padded liners for 
years. I liked the old ones better but the new ones are cheap and the 
company gives good deals, or car least they did with some free liners when 
you reach a certain amount purchased. They do run large, I take a small in 
them. I should be a medium so you can base it on that. The pad itself is 
minimal at best. Good luck. 

On Saturday, July 8, 2023 at 10:02:59 AM UTC-4 J S wrote:

> Patrick, I’ve never worn anything more comfortable than Kucharik wool 
> shorts. I had my time with synthetic skin tight shorts and bib shorts but 
> without high pads and while ok the Kucharik were still the most 
> comfortable. 
> On Friday, July 7, 2023 at 7:59:02 PM UTC-4 Patrick Moore wrote:
>> I was just perusing the new Riv email update and saw Andiamos.
>> I gave up nastily clinging lycra shorts with nasty, bulky pillow pads 
>> over 20 years ago, but when I ride over 30 miles I do sometimes like to 
>> wear something a bit more bunch, crease, and chafe resistant than my usual 
>> oversized nylon boxers under street shorts or Rapha Randonee shorts.
>> I've hoarded about 3 pairs of nice Kucharik wool shorts with real chamois 
>> or -- for one pair -- a synthetic that is also minimalist. 
>> But I'd rather have something synthetic for ease of laundering and an 
>> undergarment that can be worn under any decent pair of shorts, as long as 
>> it serves as well the basic purpose of bike shorts: prevent bunching and 
>> chafing. Again, I'm not interested in padding; I chose the right saddle and 
>> I have it and bar positioned properly.
>> So, those of you with relevant experience, will Andiamos be as 
>> comfortable under Rapha touring shorts as wool Kuchariks with chamois?
>> -- 
>> ---
>> Patrick Moore
>> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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Re: [RBW] Re: Wanted post worries

2023-07-16 Thread J S
I better post more often as I like selling on this list and giving good 
deals. It seems scams are all around us. 

On Sunday, July 16, 2023 at 9:30:31 AM UTC-4 krhe...@gmail.com wrote:

> Ted Wood,
> I got caught up in a spider web with Anita Batya most recently for those 
> *REW10 
> WORKS* hex brass valve caps . I was taken for a real agitating tail spin 
> with her. Still waiting for an answer from Paypal for a refund to finalize 
> my interests with her. 
> Kim Hetzel
> Yelm, WA. 
> On Sunday, July 16, 2023 at 4:38:13 AM UTC-7 ted.l...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Always check the members list at https://groups.google.come before 
>> replying to wanted post DMs. I was recently scammed out of a *whopping* $17 
>> by not following my own advice. Watch for Anita as well.
>> On Sat, Jul 15, 2023 at 2:07 PM larson@gmail.com <
>> larson@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I had similar responses to my post. Eduardo wanted to sell me an 
>>> Atlantis MIT frameset for $600.
>>> Randy in WI
>>> On Saturday, July 15, 2023 at 12:58:44 PM UTC-5 Josh C wrote:
 It's good to be careful. It's a weird world these days. 

 On Saturday, July 15, 2023 at 12:50:16 PM UTC-4 Lucky wrote:

> Greetings all, 
> I posted a want ad yesterday for an Albastache bar and got a couple 
> responses from people I’ve never seen here before. I do know there are 
> lurkers on the list so if Denise and Eduardo Garcia are members here 
> please 
> follow up with more info. 
> It’s a shame we have to worry about scammers all the time now and my 
> apologies if I am wrong. 
> Liz in Sacramento 

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>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/52f64998-5ffc-42ca-bc50-550556fd3a0an%40googlegroups.com
>>> .
>> -- 
>> Ted Wood < ted.l...@gmail.com >

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[RBW] Re: ISO Roadini...or?

2023-07-20 Thread J S
I have a question regarding the Roadini vs. the old Saluki and Bleriot 
bikes. I wonder how similar it is to these? I have a Sam and found a Saluki 
in my size so sold my Bleriot. I am not a fan of the lng chainstays, so 
the Sam works perfectly for someone like me. I have fat 48mm tires on it 
and 42’s on the Saluki. Speed is a non issue or will be when my knees let 
me ride again. As I get older a go fast bike would be at the bottom of my 
list, but I did love my old go fast bikes when I was much younger. 

On Wednesday, July 19, 2023 at 9:14:40 PM UTC-4 brenton...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have really fallen for these luscious new Roadini builds I've seen at 
> Riv and Blue Lug.
> I have a Sam Hillborne and love it. It's been through several iterations 
> of cockpit/racks/bags/brakes/wheels/tires and all have been really fun. 
> Right now it has flat bars with sweep, chunky 47mm tires, and is an 
> excellent all around adventure/trail/camping ride. It's currently my only 
> bike!
> Before the Sam, I rode 90s road bikes exclusively for 20 years, and those 
> worked great for city/commuting/neighborhood/pub rides. I've heard that the 
> Roadini does NOT offer that kind of 
> ride/speed/feel/handling/gusto/whatever, from several folks in this group.
> So am I fooling myself into thinking another $2500 Riv build is going to 
> scratch the itch? Or should I buy a <$500 Japanese Road Bike that can hold 
> 33s and actually feel some performance?

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[RBW] Re: Blue Lug Koma Lights in-stock at Analog

2023-07-22 Thread J S
I think the last ones I got were from Crust. I bought some from Blue Lug 

On Friday, July 21, 2023 at 4:15:05 PM UTC-4 Mackenzy Albright wrote:

> I fully submerged mine under water for over an hour accidentally. The 
> switch got kind of weird but it still worked for close to a year before the 
> switch mechanism stopped working entirely. I've been meaning to replace it 
> but were out of stock for a long time. I've since moved to a dynamo. I wish 
> Koma made a dynamo light...they look so nice. 
> 10/10. 
> On Friday, July 21, 2023 at 11:53:06 AM UTC-7 Matthew Miller wrote:
>> These were everywhere for a while until they weren't, haha. Analog got 
>> some back in-stock if anybody is in the market for one. Big fan of mine.
>> https://analogcycles.com/products/blue-lug-koma-usb-taillight
>> best,
>> matt

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Re: [RBW] Re: ISO Roadini...or?

2023-07-24 Thread J S
For some of us who have had back pain with more modern bikes Rivendells
have always been a breath of fresh air. I started buying them in 1997 and
have not looked back, they made riding possible for me again.

I do prefer the Rivs with the shorter for Riv  chainstays. Nice bikes for
those of us who have issues with more aggressive geometries. For me not
koolaide but a practical   comfort.

Glad your aluminum bike works for you.

On Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 2:13 AM Nick Payne  wrote:

> On Monday, 24 July 2023 at 2:43:06 pm UTC+10 Joe Bernard wrote:
> Modern bikes are fine - I recommended the OP consider one as a companion
> to his Sam - but being on a Rivendell group and calling us "people who've
> drunk the Kool-Aid" is... interesting 😐
> I have Rivendell bikes, and they're nice bikes to ride. I just don't think
> they're the be-all and end-all of bicycle design. What the OP seems to be
> looking for in a bike is closer to what you and I both recommended.
> Nick Payne
> --
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Re: [RBW] New Member Introduction—Sam Hillborne commuter

2023-07-30 Thread J S
I’m west of both of you, East Longmeadow. My rides have been in this area 
as well as Northampton and Amherst and parts of Connecticut. I’ve never 
seen another Rivendell in the 26 years I have been riding here starting 
with my first Rivendell Road in 1997. 

On Sunday, July 30, 2023 at 6:45:59 AM UTC-4 daniell...@gmail.com wrote:

> [image: IMG_4678.jpeg]Love this idea, Max! I never thought I’d see a ride 
> up our way, but I also noticed a silver Sam locked up outside of Honeycomb 
> Creamery on Mass Ave this week and grabbed this picture of it with my 
> Cheviot. In six years of riding a Riv around Watertown/Cambridge this week 
> is the first I’ve seen one in the wild. I’d love to see a ride happen!
> Adding yours to my list of bikes to be on the lookout for! You’re also 
> likely to spot mine at Sofra on Saturday mornings. We take the new Fresh 
> Pond bike path there for breakfast most weeks :)
> On Friday, July 28, 2023 at 7:53:20 PM UTC-4 maxcr wrote:
>> Great to hear of so many people around Cambridge/Boston!
>> I’m also a Riv commuter in the area. You might see me in the other 
>> direction: I ride Somerville to Arsenal (via Harvard) in my silver Gallop.
>> We should organize a weekend ride soon
>> Max
>> On Jul 28, 2023, at 7:41 PM, danielle da cruz  
>> wrote:
>> We’re bound to see each other someday, I cross Concord at the Sunoco and 
>> head up to Garden too. I then ride through the common to get over to the 
>> science area. Brattle is a beautiful ride and I’m loving the new bike lanes 
>> both there and on Garden...and the new bike traffic lights. So many great 
>> improvements for the commute in just the past year. Enjoy the ride!
>> On Jul 28, 2023, at 7:30 PM, Jorge Espada Vick  wrote:
>> I go down Concord then Garden into Harvard Square, but that’s relatively 
>> recent. My prior commute was down Brattle, which I really enjoyed!
>> On Fri, Jul 28, 2023 at 7:23 PM, danielle da cruz  
>> wrote:
>> Ah, wow! My ride is from Concord Ave at the Belmont line to Harvard 
>> campus and I’m frequently pulling along a lazy puppy in a green trailer…you 
>> can’t miss me :) I’ll be sure to be on the lookout for orange bikes now!
>> On Jul 28, 2023, at 7:20 PM, Jorge Espada Vick  wrote:
>> Thank you, both! Danielle, mine’s a Belmont-Cambridge commute—I’ll keep 
>> an eye out, though I tend to notice orange bikes without trying! Jorge
>> On Fri, Jul 28, 2023 at 3:18 PM, danielle da cruz  
>> wrote:
>> Hi Jorge!
>> Also a Boston-area commuter here (Cambridge), and a fellow orange Riv 
>> rider! I have a Cheviot (with a Roadini on the way). I don't see many Riv's 
>> around and will keep my eye out for yours :)
>> Cheers,
>> Danielle
>> On Friday, July 28, 2023 at 1:12:51 PM UTC-4 Keith P. wrote:
>>> Welcome Jorge!
>>> k.
>>> On Jul 28, 2023, at 9:53 AM, Jorge Espada Vick  wrote:
>>> Hello, just wanted to introduce myself—I’m an on and off bike commuter 
>>> that is currently “on.” I did one year of four seasons (Boston-area), but I 
>>> may skip winter this year, more because of darkness than snow. My Sam 
>>> Hillborne has been my bike the entire time (from 2009-10ish) and has 
>>> essentially been my only adult bike—there was a long gap between it and a 
>>> series of Toys-R-Us BMXs. I enjoy following conversations on this forum and 
>>> the general un-racer attitude of Rivendell. My knowledge of bike mechanics 
>>> and parts is close to nil, but I’m interested in learning and doing more on 
>>> my Sam and appreciating it more on that level. Looking forward to learning 
>>> from all of you about both practical and more philosophical aspects of 
>>> riding, and riding a Rivendell specifically. Jorge
>>> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Re: ISO Roadini...or?

2023-08-04 Thread J S
Garth, looks really nice. Are they made in Taiwan? Enjoy

On Fri, Aug 4, 2023 at 4:09 PM Garth  wrote:

> I pre-ordered the VO Rando today. Through the 6th the frames are
> discounted 20% for pre-orders.  I hadn't even been aware of them. Road bike
> heaven, Yippee !
> I finally got the drop bars on my Franklin and I had forgotten how much I
> love riding them, so I'm going the exact opposite of what Riv is doing, I'm
> all in on going back to pure road bikes.
> https://velo-orange.com/products/rando-frameset
> --
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[RBW] Re: Wheel Builder

2023-08-15 Thread J S
Not close to you but I used Peter White on my last wheels and have been 
very pleased. He is meticulous. 

On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 7:49:49 PM UTC-4 Josh C wrote:

> Thanks. I've heard of Sugar but didn't think of that, I'll look into them. 
> On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 2:13:14 PM UTC-4 fra...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I had several nice wheels over the years, including some Rich built. I 
>> have to recommend Sugar wheel works. I had a set of SimWorks Stand-alone 
>> rims (Velocity Cliffhanger) with CX ray spokes MI5 rear hub and Son front 
>> and they were the nicest build I’ve ever seen by far. Great to work with 
>> and the price was much better than some other options as well. 
>> On Sunday, August 13, 2023 at 12:56:10 PM UTC-7 Josh C wrote:
>>> Thanks Laing. I do have a set of VO rims on a bike that I recently 
>>> acquired and like them so far. I've ridden on them throughout the summer 
>>> quite a bit. I like that they come in a polished finish but the highest 
>>> hole count is 36. I'm not sure how they will hold up just yet, but they 
>>> seem nice. Wish they did 'em in a 40h. I don't mind truing a wheel, and 
>>> have a truing stand, but I'd rather have a pro build the wheel. 
>>> On Sunday, August 13, 2023 at 2:05:52 PM UTC-4 lconley wrote:
 I almost always build my own wheels, but you cannot go wrong with 
 either Rich Lesnik (Rivendell / Hands On Wheels) or Peter White. I have 
 wheels from both, and they were flawless. Not local to you though, west 
 coast and east coast respectively.

 I use Velocity or Velo Orange rims; Phil Wood, White Industries, Paul, 
 Curtis Odom or classic Campagnolo hubs (Nuovo Record or Tipo); and 
 Wheelsmith (out of production but still out there) or Sapim spokes. Most 
 my wheels are now 40 and 48 spoke, but I do have quite a few 36 and even a 
 couple 32s.

 Delray Beach FL

 On Friday, August 11, 2023 at 9:13:50 AM UTC-4 Josh C wrote:

> I could use a recommendation for a good wheel builder. I've used 
> prowheelbuilder.com in the past and have no complaints. Not sure how 
> I landed on them. Just curious if there is another business that I should 
> be looking into? I'm located in Indianapolis as well, and would prefer 
> sending business to a local or at least midwest company if possible.  
> I'm looking for a set of 700c wheels for my Atlantis. I'm thinking 
> I'll do velocity cliffhangers with a SON up front and a nice rear hub. 
> The 
> rear is not yet totally decided as I like quiet hubs but there are not 
> many 
> options in rim brake, 36-40h hubs these days. I've got an onyx silent hub 
> on my crust and love it but they only go up to 32h and I'd prefer 36 or 
> 40 
> as I'm a big dude. Which is why I'm thinking about a white industry (loud 
> as they come) rear hub in 36 or 40h. 
> Anyway. I'd like to hear about your preferred wheel builders. 

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[RBW] Re: For Sale: Ibex merino cycling shorts (Made in USA)

2023-08-16 Thread J S
Ibex made great products when they were in VT before they sold their name. 
These are the good ones. 

On Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 7:56:42 PM UTC-4 eric...@gmail.com wrote:

> Now $40 plus shipping to you :o) 
> On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 11:48:43 AM UTC-4 Eric Marth wrote:
>> *Correction: *These are size *large* note size medium as stated above. 
>> Thanks!
>> On Monday, August 14, 2023 at 11:46:54 AM UTC-4 Eric Marth wrote:
>>> Hi all — Looking for $50 plus shipping to you, price is net to me :o) 
>>> [image: IMG_7043.JPG]
>>> Ibex cycling shorts. Black, 92% merino, 6% poly, 2% lycra. Made in USA. 
>>> Poly pad. These are in great overall shape, some light abrasions on the 
>>> rear panels below the pad as shown.  
>>> There are labeled a size medium but check these measurements to ensure 
>>> best fit. Lots of stretch in them but not stretched out or over-stretched. 
>>>- Waist laid flat, not stretched: 14" 
>>>- Inseam: 9" 
>>>- Rise: 18"
>>> [image: IMG_7044.JPG]
>>> [image: IMG_7046.jpg]
>>> [image: IMG_7039.jpg]
>>> [image: IMG_7041.jpg]
>>> [image: IMG_7040.jpg]
>>> [image: IMG_7042.JPG]

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Re: [RBW] Craigslist, etc 2023

2023-08-21 Thread J S
That Hillborne seems very cheap for a complete bike. 

On Sunday, August 20, 2023 at 11:01:32 PM UTC-4 Matthew Williams wrote:

> 57cm
> 1200
> San Francisco, CA
> https://sfbay.craigslist.org/pen/bik/d/portola-valley-rivendell-sam-hillborne/7657012769.html

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[RBW] Re: Ron's Ortho vs. Nitto Albatross

2023-08-28 Thread J S
I switched to Choco bars in 2020 from Albatross bars. I have never 
regretted the switch, seems like I have extra hand room and added comfort. 

On Friday, August 25, 2023 at 1:51:07 PM UTC-4 David Pulsipher wrote:

> Hi there,
> I've been using the Nitto Albatross now for over 13 years - and love it 
> immensely. But recently I've been intrigued by the idea of going wider, 
> much wider. Was wondering if any one had made a similar transition and 
> would mind sharing their thoughts, reflections.
> Thanks hive mind!

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Re: [RBW] Re: FS: Craigslist, etc 2023

2023-08-28 Thread J S
Grants sizing was so different then. Would that be a 53 by todays and
everyone else’s yesterday standards?

On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 7:53 PM Eric Marth  wrote:

> Wow that Heron is deluxe as hell!
> On Monday, August 28, 2023 at 3:55:37 PM UTC-4 maxcr wrote:
>> Another local sale only and no mention of Rivendell in the ad:
>> 56 Heron $2,650 in Adrian Michigan
>> https://annarbor.craigslist.org/bik/d/adrian-heron-by-waterford/7659634840.html
>> On Sunday, August 27, 2023 at 10:54:20 PM UTC-4 maxcr wrote:
>>> PSA
>>> There’s a beautiful silver 60 Bombadil on the FB group. Lots of bling
>>> asking is $4,800 in the Pacific NW (local sale only)
>>> Max
>>> On Aug 24, 2023, at 5:43 PM, Patrick Moore  wrote:
>>> Just reposted on the list by our mutual friend Jason for $1750, too low
>>> IMO.
>>> On Thu, Aug 24, 2023 at 1:30 PM Paul Clifton 
>>> wrote:
 This apparently is in near me (northwest Arkansas) if anyone wants a
 proxy. Listed on Craigslist now:

 Paul in AR

 On Saturday, August 19, 2023 at 11:52:45 PM UTC-5 Collin A wrote:

> PSA, 58 "Crusty" Quickbeam delux (paul, dynamo, etc.) not mine, nor my
> size:
> https://crustbikes.com/a/shopicial/topics/173086
> --
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>>> --
>>> --
>>> Patrick Moore
>>> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
>>> Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters,
>>> and other less well defined but still important writing services.
>>> --
>>> *When thou didst not, savage,*
>>> *Know thine own meaning, but wouldst gabble like*
>>> *A thing most brutish, I endowed thy purposes*
>>> *With words that made them known.*
>>> Tempest Act 1 Scene 2
>>> --
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[RBW] Re: Toyo Atlantis Update

2023-09-09 Thread J S

In my experience when just a few coats of shellac are used it can feel 
rough.  I always do many coats, 7,8 or more until it feels smooth. 
The longest to dry is the first coat, after that dry time is quicker as you 
put on more coats. My shellacked bars are very smooth. 

Good luck, nice looking bike.  
On Saturday, September 9, 2023 at 2:41:29 PM UTC-4 eliot...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hello All,
> I'm nearing completion of my Atlantis rebuild and wanted to share it with 
> you all. I'm tempted to shellac the bar tape to match the chainstay 
> protector but i've heard that this can give the tape a rough texture ? (i 
> haven't done this before). I have some metal fenders coming and plan to 
> add  Riv fender flaps (gray and leather if i can ever find them). I wanted 
> to have enough clearance for my fenders but when i raised the straddle high 
> enough I wasn't a fan of the performance with the touring style cantis. I 
> also wanted a front rack for that beautiful Berthoud bag that i got from a 
> group member. So implemented a Suntour Power Hanger and am very pleased 
> with the braking power and aesthetic. I was really nice to get rid of the 
> headset cable stop as well. I've run one of these in the past and the cable 
> entered on the other side so i'm wondering if i got some weird 
> british/motocross style where the front brake is routed from the right. It 
> works well enough but looks better with the other style. Also, shout out to 
> Hunter Nugz for easy brake adjustment and VO for their integrated decaleur 
> (i had difficulty finding one that could handle the relatively short bag 
> height and high handlebar). 
> Enjoy! Totally open to any suggestions or recommendations if you would 
> improve on the build in any way.
> https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAU4a6

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[RBW] Re: Aging cyclists (was upright bars and geometry)

2023-09-14 Thread J S
Ted, very timely. I took my Saluki out the other day and yesterday my back 
was screaming. I just turned 72 and my back has been an issue since my 
40’s, why I started riding Rivendells.  Today I will ride my Hillborne. To 
make it fair I took the 48mm tires off and put 42’s on like on the Saluki. 
Maybe the Hillborne geometry is better. Both bikes are set up the same, 2 
differences are tires and cranks. I have a Sugino on the Hillborne and a TA 
Zephyr on the Saluki. I got the Saluki last year to replace a Bleriot which 
rode great and transferred all of the components. I thought the geometry 
was similiar if not the same as the Saluki. By tomorrow morning I will know 
how my back did. 

On Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 10:28:17 AM UTC-4 Ted Durant wrote:

> On Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 8:41:29 AM UTC-4 rmro...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
> Garth, of course nothing you say here is wrong, it’s simply not the same 
> for everyone. And I know you know that. I am a 68 year old lifetime 
> cyclist. I’ve been through many drop bar bikes and though my last one 
> (Custom Richard Sachs) was easily the best, I was never truly comfortable.
> This is a timely topic for me. I'm about to turn 61 and, until last 
> spring, I thought I had dialed in my perfect bike fit. Doing a fair amount 
> of yoga starting in my 40's really helped my flexibility and core strength, 
> so I ride with a pretty low, flat back. I use pretty deep drop bars (mostly 
> Noodles), set the tops a bit below the saddle, and spend a lot of time on 
> the drops. My personal cubit is how I check seat-bar distance, and the 
> backs of my handlebar tops at the stem have always been 2-4cm ahead of my 
> fingertips.
> When I was spec'ing out my new Sam, I spent a long time on stem length and 
> finally decided to go shorter. This is also relevant to the previous 
> thread, as the Sam has a much slacker seat tube angle than my other bikes, 
> making it a bit more challenging to translate fit from the other bikes.  On 
> the Sam, the bars are just a few mm ahead of my fingers. I was worried this 
> would be too cramped, so it was a bit of a revelation when I found it was 
> comfortable and still allowed plenty of breathing space. Thinking about it, 
> I realized that it was logical that my seat-bar distance would need to 
> shrink a bit. I have pretty severe osteoporosis and a couple of compressed 
> vertebrae, so my torso length is shorter than it was 5 years ago. 
> So, yeah, everybody ages differently, but we all age and need to be aware 
> of how our bodies are changing and how that impacts position and fit on the 
> bike. 
> Ted Durant
> Milwaukee, WI USA

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Re: [RBW] Craigslist, etc 2023

2023-09-16 Thread J S
Someone got a deal.

On Sat, Sep 16, 2023 at 7:57 PM Max S  wrote:

> Did anyone here buy that?.. Curious about some slight geo diffs. between
> the SO and the QB, like BB drop, setback, front-center...
> - Max "curious minds" in A2
> On Wednesday, September 6, 2023 at 3:28:03 PM UTC-4 Michael Morrissey
> wrote:
>> Does this belong to someone on the list here?
>> Simpleone
>> 58cm Green
>> Brooklyn, NY
>> https://www.ebay.com/itm/186064411809?hash=item2b524d9ca1:g:6VcAAOSwOcBk9hv3
>> On Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 3:04:49 PM UTC-4 chasenl...@gmail.com
>> wrote:
>>> happy hump day to all
>>> self promoting my medium gus for pickup in nyc
>>> https://newyork.craigslist.org/brk/bik/d/brooklyn-rivendell-gus-boots-willsen/7660623554.html
>>> On Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 9:21:57 AM UTC-4 eric...@gmail.com
>>> wrote:
 An unusual Homer! Double tube, darker blue than I'm used to seeing.
 Nice build. Oddly the listing makes no mention of the 3x1 drivetrain.

 On Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 9:16:12 AM UTC-4 Eric Marth wrote:

> Cheviot f/f/hs
> 60cm
> Tulsa, Okay
> Auction: https://www.ebay.com/itm/115901802895
> [image: s-l1600.jpg]
> On Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 10:23:27 PM UTC-4 Danny wrote:
>> Bike Recyclery has a NOS 60cm Yves Gomez for $1499.99
>> https://bikerecyclery.com/nos-rivendell-yves-gomez-betty-foy-frameset-fork-hs-br-bb-60cm-700c-fenders-racks-heart-cutout-lugs-black-white-gold/
>> On Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at 12:50:33 PM UTC-5 Matthew Williams
>> wrote:
>>> A. Homer Hilsen (curved 2TT!)
>>> 64cm
>>> 3400
>>> East Hampton, NY
>>> https://www.ebay.com/itm/404463031464
>>> [image: s-l1600.jpg]
>> --
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[RBW] Re: I only have 1 chance to get a Rivendell.. which would you recommend?

2024-02-26 Thread J S

I prefer the Hillborne but I like it being closer to older bikes before the 
chainstays got longer and longer  at Riv. 
On Saturday, February 24, 2024 at 11:46:51 AM UTC-5 ahb...@gmail.com wrote:

> Only 1 chance because I'm living in Asia and the closest place I can buy 
> is from Blue Lug online store in Tokyo. So, I have to pay for shipping and 
> import tax.
> I mostly commute 90% and joy ride the rest. Wish and would one day will go 
> for long road touring. I'm considering the following model.
> A. Homer Hilsen OR Sam Hillborne. From my research, their geometry are 
> pretty much the same now. Except Hillborne is a bit heavier due to tube 
> reinforcement. I'm leaning toward A. Homer Hilsen because its lighter and I 
> can get one now.
> Also considering their Step Through. First choice would be Platypus then 
> Clem Smith Jr..
> Which one would you recommend and thanks in advance.

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[RBW] Re: Best Rivendell for pavement riding

2024-03-03 Thread J S
I ride exclusively on pavement and of the current models the Sam Hillborne 
does it wonderfully. 

On Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 1:56:38 PM UTC-5 cfic...@gmail.com wrote:

> I really like the Rivendell approach to bikes and bike technology with the 
> idea of a more upright posture and a long wheelbase for long rides at a 
> comfortable pace, but it seems like the models all lean heavily to what 
> they call "country bikes."  I like to ride from my house, and that means 
> riding almost exclusively on smooth (mostly) pavement. Can anyone suggest 
> which models are better suited for road riding? Reading and comparing the 
> descriptions, it seems that the Homer might be a good choice, or possibly 
> the Appaloosa or Atlantis? Or the new Charlie Gallop, though I haven't 
> heard much about how it is supposed to ride? I tried a Roadini (which I 
> recently listed here and sold), but I think it was too big for me. I never 
> felt comfortable on it. Maybe I just needed it in the right size. 
> I would like the bike to work well with drop bars because of the multiple 
> hand positions and they're just what I'm used to. I tried a bike with swept 
> bars recently, but found I wasn't comfortable on longer rides. And when 
> riding on streets with minimal shoulder width, I felt like I was going to 
> catch the end of them on mailboxes or other obstacles. Maybe there's a 
> handlebar in Rivendell's catalog that works well for road riding?
> I'd appreciate any comments, especially if someone does this type of 
> riding and has tried several of these models. Thanks.
> Chuck

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[RBW] Anyone else not a fan of the very long chainstays?

2024-03-05 Thread J S
I tried an Atlantis but was not enamored. Sold it and got a Hillborne which 
I love but still not as much as my finally found Saluki but like it a lot. 
I am probably in the minority here but I know there must be others who 
share my sentiments. I have had so many Rivs, 2 roads, one custom when they 
were custom Roads, Ram, Saluki, Bleriot, Atlantis, AR. I know I am leaving 
some out but you get the picture. The shorter wheelbase suits me well and 
is easier to manage bringing it into my sunroom and basement. 

Not meant to offend anyone, just my preference. 


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Re: [RBW] Re: Anyone else not a fan of the very long chainstays?

2024-03-05 Thread J S
I like the bit longer chain stays of my Sam and Saluki as well but that is
as long as I need.

On Tue, Mar 5, 2024 at 12:01 PM Tim Bantham  wrote:

> I can relate to this. For me there are pros and cons. For example, the
> Clem I bought a few years ago was intended to be an analog mountain bike. I
> found the long chainstays to be a liability for east coast single track.
> This is especially the case with tight turns and the need to carry the
> bike. If I had to do it all over for the type of MTB riding that I have
> available to me I would go for a bike with shorter stays and a lighter
> frame. That said, I love the longer chainstays on my Sam as compared to a
> regular road/gravel  bike. Definitely noticeable on the descents. I ride my
> Sam on dirt roads quite a bit and the long stay really shines in that
> situation.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the
> Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/rbw-owners-bunch/P5Cfxk3lrN8/unsubscribe
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> To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to
> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/c173cbd3-3653-48fc-aee1-01d06e8fa243n%40googlegroups.com
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Re: [RBW] Re: Anyone else not a fan of the very long chainstays?

2024-03-09 Thread J S
Thanks Kim. I have only used Technomic stems because they were the longest
available when I started with Riv in ‘97 or so. I think on my first road I
used the shorter Technomic deluxe.

On Sat, Mar 9, 2024 at 7:23 PM Kim H.  wrote:

> @Joel,
> The  Nitto Technomic NTC-280 stemis very much different than that of the
> Nitto Technomic Tallux in that the NTC-280 stem's quill is a length of
> 11.02 inches, while the Tallux stem's quill length is shorter, 10.3 inches.
> This is where I bought mine:
> https://alexscycle.com/products/nitto-technomic-ntc-280-stem-1
> Kim Hetzel.
> On Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 5:50:11 AM UTC-8 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Kim, is this  NITTO Technomic NTC-280 Stem the same as the Technomic? I
>> never heard the NTC-280 part before. The Technomic is the old high stem I
>> think Riv now calls the Tallux.
>> On Fri, Mar 8, 2024 at 9:52 PM Kim H.  wrote:
>>> @John,
>>> From you have spoken about more weight distribution further back on the
>>> rear wheel and the handlebars closer to the rider for a comfortable upright
>>> riding position, in my case with my 52cm Clem "L" bike, I have found myself
>>> very comfortable with more weight on the back wheel with a Sakae Ringyo
>>> MTE-100 seat post paired with a Brooks B-66S saddle. As far as getting the
>>> my Nitto Bosco bars higher and closer to me, I found a NITTO Technomic
>>> NTC-280 Stem to get me there. The stem is outrageously tall, yet it all
>>> works for me with everything around these long chain stays as a senior
>>> cyclist.
>>> Kim Hetzel. [image: 20240128_143701hhh.jpg]
>>> On Friday, March 8, 2024 at 8:04:12 AM UTC-8 John Johnson wrote:
 I have both normal and longish chainstay bikes in my house. I like the
 aesthetics of both, and they both feel "normal" (like Matt from Crust said)
 once you're riding.

 I know way less about bike handling and geometry than most of you, but
 one thing I assume that when you're riding in a more upright position, you
 want those long chainstays because your center of gravity is more aft than
 with a "traditional" bike position, where you are leaned a bit more forward
 on your hands and your weight is distributed more up front. It makes
 intuitive sense to me, and if you look at both Jones and Riv, the comfy
 upright position that they both aim for (albeit via different routes)
 involves getting the bars closer to you (high stack and short reach in the
 case of Jones, high handlebars in the case of Riv) and long chainstays. It
 would make sense that if the rider's weight is supposed to be farther back,
 the bike design should take this into account.

 On Friday, March 8, 2024 at 3:57:29 PM UTC+1 rmro...@gmail.com wrote:

> Well, the larger volume tires are definitely part of the ride quality
> equation. If they are “bouncy” the pressure is too high.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 8, 2024, at 8:50 AM, Chris Halasz  wrote:
> I'll chime in that while the very long (54cm?) chainstays on some of
> the frames introduce some storage concerns, they (the Platypus, for
> instance) ride very, very nicely.
> That said, I dislike the common (what, 41cm?) short chainstays far
> more than I dislike the extended variety.
> My chainstay sweet spot compromise may be more like 46cm, but I find
> myself drawn to even longer.
> What I haven't yet come to appreciate are large tires for road use,
> say, anything over 35mm. The longer chainstay bikes, to me, start to look
> nervous with narrower tires. I really like the looks of the Clem H, 
> though.
> Maybe there's more learning for me to appreciate the wider, heavier,
> bouncier tread. But that's another topic.
> - Chris
> On Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 8:30:45 PM UTC-5 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> Ian thinks "there's a heaping good portion of "I got mine" in your
>> perspective."
>> You are allowed to think whatever you like about me and my motives.
>> Are you in the market for a new (to you) bike now?  What is your build
>> concept?
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA
>> On Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 4:02:18 PM UTC-8 ian m wrote:
>>> On Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 12:26:11 PM UTC-5 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> All those wanting Rivendell to re-release bikes they made 10 years
>>> ago do NOT have to turn in their Riv card, but they ARE outing 
>>> themselves
>>> as PAWNS of the T&D IC.  Resist the pressures of the Time and Date
>>> Industrial Complex!
>>> BL I feel like I understand where you're coming from in this thread
>>> and largely I don't disagree with much of what you're saying but I think
>>> there's a heaping good portion of "I got mine" in your perspective. 
>>> Y

Re: [RBW] Re: Anyone else not a fan of the very long chainstays?

2024-03-10 Thread J S
Kim, I agree, I have never wanted a threadless stem, probably for the same
reasons as you. In my mind a threadless stem will not give me the height I
desire, maybe I am wrong but I have my bikes and will not be adding any

On Sat, Mar 9, 2024 at 8:51 PM Kim H.  wrote:

> @Joel,
> You are more than welcome.
> I was very fortunate to find this very quill stem. I could not bring
> myself to go threadless, after over 40 years going used to quill stems. I
> am very slow to change, by the way. I am very happy with the The Nitto
> Technomic NTC-280 stem.
> Kim Hetzel.
> On Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 4:27:13 PM UTC-8 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
> Thanks Kim. I have only used Technomic stems because they were the longest
> available when I started with Riv in ‘97 or so. I think on my first road I
> used the shorter Technomic deluxe.
> On Sat, Mar 9, 2024 at 7:23 PM Kim H.  wrote:
> @Joel,
> The  Nitto Technomic NTC-280 stemis very much different than that of the
> Nitto Technomic Tallux in that the NTC-280 stem's quill is a length of
> 11.02 inches, while the Tallux stem's quill length is shorter, 10.3 inches.
> This is where I bought mine:
> https://alexscycle.com/products/nitto-technomic-ntc-280-stem-1
> Kim Hetzel.
> On Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 5:50:11 AM UTC-8 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
> Kim, is this  NITTO Technomic NTC-280 Stem the same as the Technomic? I
> never heard the NTC-280 part before. The Technomic is the old high stem I
> think Riv now calls the Tallux.
> On Fri, Mar 8, 2024 at 9:52 PM Kim H.  wrote:
> @John,
> From you have spoken about more weight distribution further back on the
> rear wheel and the handlebars closer to the rider for a comfortable upright
> riding position, in my case with my 52cm Clem "L" bike, I have found myself
> very comfortable with more weight on the back wheel with a Sakae Ringyo
> MTE-100 seat post paired with a Brooks B-66S saddle. As far as getting the
> my Nitto Bosco bars higher and closer to me, I found a NITTO Technomic
> NTC-280 Stem to get me there. The stem is outrageously tall, yet it all
> works for me with everything around these long chain stays as a senior
> cyclist.
> Kim Hetzel. [image: 20240128_143701hhh.jpg]
> On Friday, March 8, 2024 at 8:04:12 AM UTC-8 John Johnson wrote:
> I have both normal and longish chainstay bikes in my house. I like the
> aesthetics of both, and they both feel "normal" (like Matt from Crust said)
> once you're riding.
> I know way less about bike handling and geometry than most of you, but one
> thing I assume that when you're riding in a more upright position, you want
> those long chainstays because your center of gravity is more aft than with
> a "traditional" bike position, where you are leaned a bit more forward on
> your hands and your weight is distributed more up front. It makes intuitive
> sense to me, and if you look at both Jones and Riv, the comfy upright
> position that they both aim for (albeit via different routes) involves
> getting the bars closer to you (high stack and short reach in the case of
> Jones, high handlebars in the case of Riv) and long chainstays. It would
> make sense that if the rider's weight is supposed to be farther back, the
> bike design should take this into account.
> -John
> On Friday, March 8, 2024 at 3:57:29 PM UTC+1 rmro...@gmail.com wrote:
> Well, the larger volume tires are definitely part of the ride quality
> equation. If they are “bouncy” the pressure is too high.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 8, 2024, at 8:50 AM, Chris Halasz  wrote:
> I'll chime in that while the very long (54cm?) chainstays on some of the
> frames introduce some storage concerns, they (the Platypus, for instance)
> ride very, very nicely.
> That said, I dislike the common (what, 41cm?) short chainstays far more
> than I dislike the extended variety.
> My chainstay sweet spot compromise may be more like 46cm, but I find
> myself drawn to even longer.
> What I haven't yet come to appreciate are large tires for road use, say,
> anything over 35mm. The longer chainstay bikes, to me, start to look
> nervous with narrower tires. I really like the looks of the Clem H, though.
> Maybe there's more learning for me to appreciate the wider, heavier,
> bouncier tread. But that's another topic.
> - Chris
> On Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 8:30:45 PM UTC-5 Bill Lindsay wrote:
> Ian thinks "there's a heaping good portion of "I got mine" in your
> perspective."
> You are allowed to think whatever you like about me and my motives.  Are
> you in the market for a new (to you) bike now?  What is your build concept?
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 4:02:18 PM UTC-8 ian m wrote:
> On Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 12:26:11 PM UTC-5 Bill Lindsay wrote:
> All those wanting Rivendell to re-release bikes they made 10 years ago do
> NOT have to turn in their Riv card, but they ARE outing themselves as PAWNS
> of the T&D I

Re: [RBW] Re: Anyone else not a fan of the very long chainstays?

2024-03-10 Thread J S
Kim, I have the height  I need while it is maxed out it is just what I

On Sun, Mar 10, 2024 at 1:59 PM Kim H.  wrote:

> @Joel,
> It is quite comforting to hear that I am not alone in not wanting to have
> a threadless stem on my bicycle, my Clem. I only have one bicycle that I
> ride. The other is a retired road bike that I would like to sell to a good
> home.
> Would the Nitto Technomic NTC-280 stem help you get the height you want on
> your favorite bike ?
> Kim Hetzel.
> On Sun, Mar 10, 2024, 5:51 AM J S  wrote:
>> Kim, I agree, I have never wanted a threadless stem, probably for the
>> same reasons as you. In my mind a threadless stem will not give me the
>> height I desire, maybe I am wrong but I have my bikes and will not be
>> adding any more.
>> On Sat, Mar 9, 2024 at 8:51 PM Kim H.  wrote:
>>> @Joel,
>>> You are more than welcome.
>>> I was very fortunate to find this very quill stem. I could not bring
>>> myself to go threadless, after over 40 years going used to quill stems. I
>>> am very slow to change, by the way. I am very happy with the The Nitto
>>> Technomic NTC-280 stem.
>>> Kim Hetzel.
>>> On Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 4:27:13 PM UTC-8 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Thanks Kim. I have only used Technomic stems because they were the
>>> longest available when I started with Riv in ‘97 or so. I think on my first
>>> road I used the shorter Technomic deluxe.
>>> On Sat, Mar 9, 2024 at 7:23 PM Kim H.  wrote:
>>> @Joel,
>>> The  Nitto Technomic NTC-280 stemis very much different than that of
>>> the Nitto Technomic Tallux in that the NTC-280 stem's quill is a length of
>>> 11.02 inches, while the Tallux stem's quill length is shorter, 10.3 inches.
>>> This is where I bought mine:
>>> https://alexscycle.com/products/nitto-technomic-ntc-280-stem-1
>>> Kim Hetzel.
>>> On Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 5:50:11 AM UTC-8 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Kim, is this  NITTO Technomic NTC-280 Stem the same as the Technomic? I
>>> never heard the NTC-280 part before. The Technomic is the old high stem I
>>> think Riv now calls the Tallux.
>>> On Fri, Mar 8, 2024 at 9:52 PM Kim H.  wrote:
>>> @John,
>>> From you have spoken about more weight distribution further back on the
>>> rear wheel and the handlebars closer to the rider for a comfortable upright
>>> riding position, in my case with my 52cm Clem "L" bike, I have found myself
>>> very comfortable with more weight on the back wheel with a Sakae Ringyo
>>> MTE-100 seat post paired with a Brooks B-66S saddle. As far as getting the
>>> my Nitto Bosco bars higher and closer to me, I found a NITTO Technomic
>>> NTC-280 Stem to get me there. The stem is outrageously tall, yet it all
>>> works for me with everything around these long chain stays as a senior
>>> cyclist.
>>> Kim Hetzel. [image: 20240128_143701hhh.jpg]
>>> On Friday, March 8, 2024 at 8:04:12 AM UTC-8 John Johnson wrote:
>>> I have both normal and longish chainstay bikes in my house. I like the
>>> aesthetics of both, and they both feel "normal" (like Matt from Crust said)
>>> once you're riding.
>>> I know way less about bike handling and geometry than most of you, but
>>> one thing I assume that when you're riding in a more upright position, you
>>> want those long chainstays because your center of gravity is more aft than
>>> with a "traditional" bike position, where you are leaned a bit more forward
>>> on your hands and your weight is distributed more up front. It makes
>>> intuitive sense to me, and if you look at both Jones and Riv, the comfy
>>> upright position that they both aim for (albeit via different routes)
>>> involves getting the bars closer to you (high stack and short reach in the
>>> case of Jones, high handlebars in the case of Riv) and long chainstays. It
>>> would make sense that if the rider's weight is supposed to be farther back,
>>> the bike design should take this into account.
>>> -John
>>> On Friday, March 8, 2024 at 3:57:29 PM UTC+1 rmro...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Well, the larger volume tires are definitely part of the ride quality
>>> equation. If they are “

[RBW] Re: Selling Betty Foy and Ives Gomez

2024-03-28 Thread J S
If I found a Yves in my size I would sell or trade my Sam. Being as that is 
doubtful I will continue to ride my bikes until I can no longer get my leg 
over the TT. Age has a way of humbling us. 

On Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at 2:56:05 PM UTC-4 wpes...@gmail.com wrote:

> I am 6’ tall with a 30” in seam. The saddle setting in the pic was for my 
> son who is 5’9”. My normal saddle setting is about 2” higher than what I 
> have in the picture. BTW the brakes are Paul center pull brakes. Sorry for 
> the typo. 
> On Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at 2:47:29 PM UTC-4 Michael Baquerizo wrote:
>> can i ask how tall you are / your PBH? That Yves looks as low as it could 
>> go, wondering if it would work for me.
>> On Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at 2:41:28 PM UTC-4 wpes...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> [image: IMG_0268.jpeg]Betty found a new home but my Ives Gomez is still 
>>> available. It’s on a 60 cm frame with top of the line component upgrades 
>>> including White Industry hubs and bottom bracket, Pal center pull brakes, 
>>> Bull Moose handle bar, Shimano Ultegra Derailleurs, Nitto front and rear 
>>> racks. The bike is in very good condition with only minor wear marks. I 
>>> also have a new spare rim which comes with the bike. If interested please 
>>> send me a note for more pics and details. 
>>> On Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 11:37:16 AM UTC-5 walter peseckas 
>>> wrote:
 I am selling both bikes which we purchased in 2013. We hate to sell but 
 in our age biking is no longer possible. The 60 cm Ives Gomez has top of 
 the line components upgrades including White Industries hubs and bottom 
 bracket, Paul center pull brakes, Nitto front and rear racks, Bull Moose 
 handle bar, Shimano Ultegra Derailleurs. The bike is in very good 
 with only very minor paint scratches. The 55cm Betty Foy is in superb as 
 new condition with a spare set of fenders. If anyone is interested please 
 let me know. I can send pictures. 

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[RBW] Brooks B68

2024-05-15 Thread J S
Anyone have a fairly new B68 you are looking to sell?



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Re: [RBW] Re: Brooks B68

2024-05-16 Thread J S
Condition and price?

On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 11:59 PM jeffbog...@hotmail.com <
jeffbogdanov...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> I have one, PM sent
> On Wednesday 15 May 2024 at 09:38:10 UTC-5 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Anyone have a fairly new B68 you are looking to sell?
>> Thanks
>> Joel
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Brooks B68

2024-05-16 Thread J S
I am going to hold off for a bit.  Thanks

On Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 9:46:29 AM UTC-4 J S wrote:

> Condition and price? 
> On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 11:59 PM jeffbog...@hotmail.com <
> jeffbog...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> I have one, PM sent
>> On Wednesday 15 May 2024 at 09:38:10 UTC-5 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Anyone have a fairly new B68 you are looking to sell?
>>> Thanks
>>> Joel
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the 
>> Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/rbw-owners-bunch/cwTzGgQLmDk/unsubscribe
>> .
>> To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to 
>> rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/e39ff74e-a31c-45ef-a6e3-423068388944n%40googlegroups.com
>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/e39ff74e-a31c-45ef-a6e3-423068388944n%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
>> .

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Re: [RBW] Re: Brooks B68

2024-05-18 Thread J S
I’m holding off for now. Having some riding issues.


On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 6:01 PM jeffbog...@hotmail.com <
jeffbogdanov...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Perfect shape, rode around the block and it's not a good match. Basically
> new. How about $135?
> On Thursday 16 May 2024 at 16:13:53 UTC-5 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I am going to hold off for a bit.  Thanks
>> On Thursday, May 16, 2024 at 9:46:29 AM UTC-4 J S wrote:
>>> Condition and price?
>>> On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 11:59 PM jeffbog...@hotmail.com <
>>> jeffbog...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I have one, PM sent
>>>> On Wednesday 15 May 2024 at 09:38:10 UTC-5 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>> Anyone have a fairly new B68 you are looking to sell?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Joel
>>>> --
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>>>> rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
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>>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/e39ff74e-a31c-45ef-a6e3-423068388944n%40googlegroups.com
>>>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/e39ff74e-a31c-45ef-a6e3-423068388944n%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
>>>> .
>>> --
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[RBW] Re: New Sam Hillborne sizing advice

2024-05-21 Thread J S

If I listened to rivendell on what size stem to use it would quite a bit 
longer. I opted fot a shorter stem and that works for me. Maybe you should 
call Rivendell to see that the stem length was on the bike you ride, then 
go down a smidge on a 60 to bring the bars closer. I think I use an 8cm 
stem on my Hillborne, the folks at Riv suggested at least am 11. I know my 
body. Good luck. 
On Monday, May 20, 2024 at 10:55:25 PM UTC-4 gre...@gmail.com wrote:

> Thank you for the pictures and stating the saddle hight! Super helpful. 
> With my saddle hight being 79 or 80 that's more post than I want. Feeling 
> good about buying the 60cm as well. 
> On Monday, May 20, 2024 at 5:54:31 p.m. UTC-6 David B wrote:
>> I did end up going back to the Riv shop last week to test ride a few more 
>> bikes and nail down my size. Everyone I've talked to at the shop is in 
>> consensus that the 60 Hillborne is the best fit for me, and I'd say I 
>> definitely agree with them. I test rode a 57 Hillborne and 64 Homer, both 
>> set up with swept bars.
>> Here is what the 57 Hillborne looked like with a saddle height of 82cm. 
>> It felt a lot smaller than I remembered. 
>> [image: unnamed.jpg]
>> Here is what the 64 Homer looked like with the same saddle height. I was 
>> really comfortable in this setup, but I had zero standover clearance and I 
>> don't think drop bars would have worked as well.
>> [image: IMG_3383.JPG]
>> I can't say for sure whether the 60 Hillborne will be a perfect fit, but 
>> out of the sizes available, it definitely seems like the best option for my 
>> PBH and height. I ended up ordering a size 60 frameset and will report back 
>> with an update when I finish building it up.
>> On Monday, May 20, 2024 at 2:53:40 PM UTC-7 gre...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Please report back when you get your new sam or the chance to ride the 
>>> different sizes. I am wanting to get a sam for a dedicated drop bar rando 
>>> bike. I am  6'1" PBH 90 and my 60cm Appaloosa fits just how I like with a 
>>> wavy style handlebar. I'm thinking about buying a 60cm SH from my local 
>>> shop but a little concerned about it being big for me using drops. Would 
>>> love to hear about your experience.
>>> On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 8:59:10 p.m. UTC-6 Collin A wrote:

 You are in Berkeley, you should BART over to RIv World HQ and test one 
 out on the local loop up in shell ridge (its dry and perfect riding 
 conditions right now!). Last I remember there is a 57 demo with 
 billie/alba, but might be worth calling them first before making the 

 Collin, also in Berkeley, but with an 81cm PBH.

 On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 11:06:45 PM UTC-7 David B wrote:

> Hey all, first time posting here. I'm planning on grabbing a Sam 
> Hillborne frameset when they go on sale this month. It'll be my first 
> Rivendell. I decided on the Hillborne as a replacement for my 56cm Cross 
> Check, which has never been comfortable for me. The short headtube puts 
> the 
> bars too far below my saddle.
> I have a pair of Billie bars I'd like to put on the Hillborne for 
> daily commuting, grocery getting, and some light off road riding. I'd 
> also 
> like to have the option to use drop bars at some point down the line.
> I went to the Rivendell shop a few weeks ago to test ride a few bikes 
> and get sized. I'm 6' with a 92 PBH (long legs, short torso), and based 
> on 
> the Sam geo chart, my PBH puts me firmly in the size 60 Sam range. They 
> didn't have a 60 Hillborne around, so I instead rode a 57 Sam and a 
> couple 
> of 61.5 Homers with different cockpit setups. 
>- The 57 Sam was set up with wide, swept back bars (Ron's Ortho 
>bars) and was comfortable. We did have to raise the seatpost up pretty 
> high 
>to get the saddle in a good position.
>- The first 61.5 Homer was set up with Billie bars and was also 
>comfortable. The saddle was pretty close to the top tube, however - 
> there 
>was maybe a little less than a fistful of seatpost showing.
>- The second 61.5 Homer with drops made me feel a little stretched 
>out. The saddle was raised up higher than ideal for my height, but the 
> bike 
>belonged to a staff member who wasn't around that day, and so we 
> didn't 
>adjust the saddle position. Part of me thinks it might have worked 
> with a 
>lower saddle, shorter stem, and higher bars, but I'm not totally sure.
> I left feeling like a 60 Sam would work for me, but I'm now second 
> guessing whether it makes more sense to go down to the 57 for a shorter 
> top 
> tube length. However, the size 57 Sam has a suggested PBH range of 86-89, 
> which is 3cm lower than my PBH of 92. 
> Could anyone share if you've had a similar experien

[RBW] Re: WTB Albatross Bar, NYC area

2023-02-03 Thread J S
Stephen, I an in Massachusetts so a bit far.  I have the cro mo version I 
am no longer using.  Shipping is a bit high on a box to fit (if I could 
find one). 

On Thursday, February 2, 2023 at 7:17:52 PM UTC-5 Stephen wrote:

> Been wanting to switch to less wide bar for city riding, anybody local 
> have one they might like to sell? Thought Id check before I eventually end 
> up ordering from riv.
> Thanks for lookin!
> Stephen

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[RBW] Re: Just restored '95 Riv Road

2023-02-09 Thread J S

Peter, beautiful job, great color.  I hope you enjoy the bike for many more 
On Thursday, February 9, 2023 at 10:36:36 AM UTC-5 peter@gmail.com 

> This may be my first post here,  though it's likely I posted way back 
> when  (I probably should check that!) 
> ... So I just had my 1995 Rivendell Road restored at Waterford Precision 
> Cycles late last Fall.  I actually ordered the frame in 1995, it was brazed 
> at the Waterford factory in late '95 and delivered to me in January of 
> 1996.  So I consider a 1995. It was originally Sherwood Forest Green.  
> Here it is now:
> [image: Rivendell Studio 1-28-230034- Format10 export.jpg]
> By luck or happenstance, I actually worked directly with Richard Schwinn 
> on the project and I gravitated toward the color "*English Light Blue 
> metalic"  *when I saw a sample *.  *At first I wasn't sure the re-paint 
> would happen as a few surface rust spots could have been worse than 
> suspected, but all the potential problems turned out to be superficial.
> I rode this bike over the last 27+ years in a variety of configurations:  
> as a near-racer, later a fendered commuter, at some points I added indexed 
> Suntour Superbe derailleurs and later an old Simplex rear friction 
> derailleur. It had Modolo brakes for years as well as some 1989 single 
> Pivot Dura-Ace calipers. Eventually it received hand-me-down older racing 
> bike parts, Shimano and Campy,  from my racing bikes and it is now pretty 
> much a traditional British style race bike in the tradition of the 
> Bridgestone RB-1, except with 11-speed drive train.  
> This current build is mostly Campy with an Athena rear derailleur (I 
> wanted a lot of chrome), Record square taper BB and crank (maybe my 
> favorite crank of all time),  rebuilt Record hubs, Chorus calipers and 
> record front derailleur..  The seatpost is a cool Salsa that can be tilted 
> with out loosening the clamp. Stem is a wonderful old Nitto Pearl. Rims are 
> Hed Belgium with 28c Rene Hearse tires. The seat is a no-name something or 
> other I found on Amazon and bought for the color, turns out to be a great 
> seat for me.
> So I  just finished the build last week and felt this was a good place to 
> share. I have a particular affinity for the Richard Sachs designed lugs.
> [image: _PSG0709- FM sRGB 2400px 1.jpg] 
> Here is a cloud folder of frame-only photos and a few after built.
> https://ln5.sync.com/dl/daf4b7440/vjrbrwbt-ipme6hme-k74hpdjr-9ky5ayyr

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Re: [RBW] Digest for rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com - 19 updates in 10 topics

2023-02-16 Thread J S
You can also get the Nitto Technomic, same stem, different name.

Good luck

On Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 8:50 AM  wrote:

> rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
>  Google
> Groups
> Topic digest
> View all topics
>- Proper(?) fitting of a Bosco or similar handlebar & Nitto V5 stem
><#m_-8988473904385893566_group_thread_0> - 7 Updates
>- FS Custom 650b wheelset <#m_-8988473904385893566_group_thread_1> - 1
>- Riv Riders in Western NC <#m_-8988473904385893566_group_thread_2> - 4
>- ISO/WTB: Aluminum insert for carbon steerer tubes
><#m_-8988473904385893566_group_thread_3> - 1 Update
>- 650b or 700 Bombadil frame question
><#m_-8988473904385893566_group_thread_4> - 1 Update
>- Bombadil and Hunqapillar origins: The definitive thread
><#m_-8988473904385893566_group_thread_5> - 1 Update
>- FS: Rambouillet 58cm Orange <#m_-8988473904385893566_group_thread_6>
>- 1 Update
>- any bike photos of bikes with the Dia compe 980's?
><#m_-8988473904385893566_group_thread_7> - 1 Update
>- FS: Wolbis/Susie <#m_-8988473904385893566_group_thread_8> - 1 Update
>- WTB: Nitto Tallux Stem - 11cm, 25.4mm
><#m_-8988473904385893566_group_thread_9> - 1 Update
> Proper(?) fitting of a Bosco or similar handlebar & Nitto V5 stem
> greenteadrinkers : Feb 15 10:45AM -0800
> I love the V5, here are some pictures of the v5 with a Choco on my
> Moonshiner. If I was going to use a non-moose Bosco on a Gus, I would only
> use a v5, I had a non-moose Bosco with a Technomic on my Sam, and had to
> use a shim, the bar would slip unless I tightened the stem as hard down as
> absolutely possible. Now I have a Bosco Moose on the Sam, perfection!
> So...
> 100% no go Bosco/Technomic for off-road roughstuff unless mated with a v5,
> I say this from experience. An aside, if you order a v5 from Blue Lug
> check
> out the brass spacers or the Nitto spacers, both are fabricated to mate
> perfectly with the v5.
> [image: Screen Shot 2023-02-15 at 1.32.43 PM.png][image: Screen Shot
> 2023-02-15 at 1.32.10 PM.png][image: Screen Shot 2023-02-15 at 1.31.10
> PM.png][image: Screen Shot 2023-02-15 at 1.30.13 PM.png]
> On Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 2:47:43 PM UTC-5 Mackenzy Albright wrote:
> Richard Rose : Feb 15 02:03PM -0500
> Thanks for the input. I have a Bosco on my Clem with a four bolt
> FacePlater. It does not slip but I had to re-torque a couple of times. But
> the Gus will see more rough stuff. I have a Soma Shotwell on the Gus now
> but it's a bit short. I will likely get a V5. BTW, nice Moonshiner.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 15, 2023, at 1:45 PM, greenteadrinkers 
> wrote:
> I love the V5, here are some pictures of the v5 with a Choco on my
> Moonshiner. If I was going to use a non-moose Bosco on a Gus, I would only
> use a v5, I had a non-moose Bosco with a Technomic on my Sam, and had to
> use a shim, the bar would slip unless I tightened the stem as hard down as
> absolutely possible. Now I have a Bosco Moose on the Sam, perfection! So...
> 100% no go Bosco/Technomic for off-road roughstuff unless mated with a v5,
> I say this from experience. An aside, if you order a v5 from Blue Lug check
> out the brass spacers or the Nitto spacers, both are fabricated to mate
> perfectly with the v5.
> On Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 2:47:43 PM UTC-5 Mackenzy Albright wrote:
> I've found boscos to be very lenient with their "fitting". The only time I
> haven't liked them is when they are way too close. I have yet to have them
> too far. I find the bar tilt also drastically effects the reach - if that
> is a thing of concern.
> I absolutely love the looks of the V-5 stem. On the bike's I've seen with
> boscos/loscos and V5's installed I haven't taken much notice. Could always
> "riv it up" and wrap it with some cotton tape and twine. I haven't had
> issues with a faceplate chromoly stem and loscos but imagine it'd give the
> confidence of the boscomoose.
> On Monday, February 13, 2023 at 5:56:35 PM UTC-8 rmro...@gmail.com wrote:
> Two separate questions. Regarding the Bosco; I am curious how others
> approach the Bosco from a fit perspective. I love mine on my Clem. Its a
> 540 wide and came with a 135 FacePlater. Mine is positioned with the tips
> between 2"-3" above the saddle nose. With the 135 stem those tips come back
> perhaps not as far as most folks? When pedaling, the tips do not come back
> far enough to cross an imaginary line between my knee

[RBW] Re: Has anybody 650'ed a Riv Road?

2023-03-16 Thread J S
If I still had one of the 3 RR’s I had I would have done a conversion by 
now. Sold my last custom which was a 56cm, not sure how Grant put me on 
that one but it worked fine with 700’s. I believe 650b would have been 

On Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 1:51:02 AM UTC-4 Peter Bridge wrote:

> On Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 1:29:48 PM UTC-7 Matt Beecher wrote:
> Out of curiosity, did you get the pink one off craigslist?  If so, please 
> don't paint it.  Be brave enough to ride pink. 
> Who, me? I carefully delayed until it vanished. I was tempted to chase 
> it.  I'm already pretty heavily invested, emotion and energy rather than 
> funds, in a bike that checks a lot of boxes for me, including clearing 38 
> tires. Would have taken no bravery for me to ride a pink bike. A screaming 
> pink Eisentraut was my main ride for 25 years. Pink bikes might be the only 
> bikes that are cooler than orange bikes.
> Thanks, everybody for the responses.
> ~pb

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[RBW] Re: FS: Heron Rando-55cm

2023-03-17 Thread J S
Mike, if I am not mistaken that is the old geometry.  I wonder what the 
standover is? 

On Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 9:10:47 PM UTC-4 mike goldman wrote:

> https://providence.craigslist.org/bik/d/north-smithfield-heron-rivendell/7589671114.html
> Here is a link to my friends Heron for sale
> mike goldman
> rhode island

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[RBW] Has anyone tried Suntect UV shirts

2023-05-11 Thread J S
Prices are very good, no knowledge of these shirts. Any info would be 


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[RBW] Free for pickup, 650B tires, East Longmeadow, MA

2023-05-22 Thread J S
I will cross post to the 650B group

I have  3 sets of tires taking up space.

These have been in my basement for years but look good.

New, 2 Roly Poly I believe, 650B X38

Used minimally, Grand Bois Cypress 650B x 32

Another pair of 650B x 32, Panaracer, I will mess the name up, Cul de le 
Vie. 1 was used on my rollers with a fork mount the other never used.

Available for pickup in East Longmeadow, MA

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[RBW] Re: FS: 54ish Bleriot in Massachusetts

2023-06-05 Thread J S
Johnny, the Bleriot came in 53 & 55cm. They are not sized like current 
Rivendells. A 55cm would be like todays 51.5 or 52cm bike.  THE 54 Saluki 
would be like a 51cm Hillborne by todays sizing. 

On Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 10:52:19 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:

> I think their measurements are off. That looks to be a 51cm frame. Its for 
> sure not a 55cm and I used to own a 53 and that looks a touch smaller.
> On Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 9:22:13 PM UTC-4 mike goldman wrote:
>> https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/576857184479790/?ref=browse_tab&referral_code=marketplace_top_picks&referral_story_type=top_picks

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Re: [RBW] Re: FS: 54ish Bleriot in Massachusetts

2023-06-05 Thread J S
Just read the rest of your comment Johnny. I cannot see the picture as I am
not on Social Media. If you owned a 53 then you would have a good feel for
the size. I don’t remember fully but I think 51cm was the smallest the
Bleriot came in but they may have offered a 49. Is there a pump peg in the
photo? I think the 53 would have had one, not sure about the 51.

On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 10:08 AM J S  wrote:

> Johnny, the Bleriot came in 53 & 55cm. They are not sized like current
> Rivendells. A 55cm would be like todays 51.5 or 52cm bike.  THE 54 Saluki
> would be like a 51cm Hillborne by todays sizing.
> On Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 10:52:19 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:
>> I think their measurements are off. That looks to be a 51cm frame. Its
>> for sure not a 55cm and I used to own a 53 and that looks a touch smaller.
>> On Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 9:22:13 PM UTC-4 mike goldman wrote:
>>> https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/576857184479790/?ref=browse_tab&referral_code=marketplace_top_picks&referral_story_type=top_picks
>> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the
> Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/rbw-owners-bunch/55b36jG9gow/unsubscribe
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> To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to
> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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> .

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Re: [RBW] Re: FS: 54ish Bleriot in Massachusetts

2023-06-05 Thread J S
Here is a 51cm

On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 10:18 AM J S  wrote:

> Just read the rest of your comment Johnny. I cannot see the picture as I
> am not on Social Media. If you owned a 53 then you would have a good feel
> for the size. I don’t remember fully but I think 51cm was the smallest the
> Bleriot came in but they may have offered a 49. Is there a pump peg in the
> photo? I think the 53 would have had one, not sure about the 51.
> On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 10:08 AM J S  wrote:
>> Johnny, the Bleriot came in 53 & 55cm. They are not sized like current
>> Rivendells. A 55cm would be like todays 51.5 or 52cm bike.  THE 54 Saluki
>> would be like a 51cm Hillborne by todays sizing.
>> On Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 10:52:19 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:
>>> I think their measurements are off. That looks to be a 51cm frame. Its
>>> for sure not a 55cm and I used to own a 53 and that looks a touch smaller.
>>> On Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 9:22:13 PM UTC-4 mike goldman wrote:
>>>> https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/576857184479790/?ref=browse_tab&referral_code=marketplace_top_picks&referral_story_type=top_picks
>>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the
>> Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this topic, visit
>> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/rbw-owners-bunch/55b36jG9gow/unsubscribe
>> .
>> To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to
>> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/c4c17a74-4508-43a7-aa31-48293314b762n%40googlegroups.com
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>> .

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Re: [RBW] Re: FS: 54ish Bleriot in Massachusetts

2023-06-05 Thread J S
More info on Bleriot sizing


On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 10:20 AM J S  wrote:

> Here is a 51cm
> https://www.hoopriderparts.com/product/rivendell-bleriot-51cm-lugged-chromoly-frame-and-fork
> On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 10:18 AM J S  wrote:
>> Just read the rest of your comment Johnny. I cannot see the picture as I
>> am not on Social Media. If you owned a 53 then you would have a good feel
>> for the size. I don’t remember fully but I think 51cm was the smallest the
>> Bleriot came in but they may have offered a 49. Is there a pump peg in the
>> photo? I think the 53 would have had one, not sure about the 51.
>> On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 10:08 AM J S  wrote:
>>> Johnny, the Bleriot came in 53 & 55cm. They are not sized like current
>>> Rivendells. A 55cm would be like todays 51.5 or 52cm bike.  THE 54 Saluki
>>> would be like a 51cm Hillborne by todays sizing.
>>> On Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 10:52:19 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:
>>>> I think their measurements are off. That looks to be a 51cm frame. Its
>>>> for sure not a 55cm and I used to own a 53 and that looks a touch smaller.
>>>> On Sunday, June 4, 2023 at 9:22:13 PM UTC-4 mike goldman wrote:
>>>>> https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/576857184479790/?ref=browse_tab&referral_code=marketplace_top_picks&referral_story_type=top_picks
>>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the
>>> Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this topic, visit
>>> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/rbw-owners-bunch/55b36jG9gow/unsubscribe
>>> .
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to
>>> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/c4c17a74-4508-43a7-aa31-48293314b762n%40googlegroups.com
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>>> .

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[RBW] Re: I spy a yellow Platypus

2023-06-07 Thread J S

Great color. It may be my favorite, enjoy. 
On Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at 8:06:52 PM UTC-4 sarahlik...@gmail.com wrote:

> Yes, this is the dream realized Yellow Platypus! And I have been very very 
> absent from social media because I cannot stop riding this bike!
> On Friday, June 2, 2023 at 2:27:41 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
>> Yes! Good eye, Max! And Ryan, good memory! My RivSister (we met on 
>> Instagram) wanted a yellow Platy and we have been planning and dreaming for 
>> weeks, and here it finally is. I will start a new thread about her bike 
>> (she asked me to because she isn’t in love with technology) tonight, 
>> probably late. She’s out riding and is on West Coast time and I’m in 
>> Eastern, so there’s a little delay. Anyway, as soon as she answers the 
>> questions I have and hands me the photos she wants, I’ll be back with the 
>> details. I’m so happy for her! 
>> Leah
>> On Friday, June 2, 2023 at 4:26:41 PM UTC-4 Ryan wrote:
>>> Oooh nice! I feel like Leah mentioned someone getting a Platypus and 
>>> wanting to paint it yellow fairly recently...within the last 6 months or 
>>> so. 
>>> On Friday, June 2, 2023 at 2:23:24 PM UTC-5 maxcr wrote:
 Did you see the yellow platy on Insta? OMG!

 Posting here for those without social media accounts

 [image: 351013416_54772725404_237773184394501808_n.jpg]


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[RBW] Re: New member confession.

2023-06-19 Thread J S
David, sorry to hear about your situation. I hope you can continue to ride 
for longer than you think you will but understand your concerns as I have 
seen friends with Parkinson’s and how each person seems to have different 

Good luck with your sale, try to keep one for as long as you can.

Best wishes


On Sunday, June 18, 2023 at 8:47:47 PM UTC-4 dalin...@gmail.com wrote:

> My primary reason for requesting membership to this group is that I must 
> begin selling all six of my bikes and related bicycle gear. Let me explain, 
> please. 
> I was a member of the original Bridgestone Owner's Group, I think #912  
> ???. I joined the RBW group early on, but eventually dropped active 
> participation  because I could not keep up with the number of e-mails 
> involved.
> I am now a retired, 87 year old, VA physician, living in north central 
> Arizona. I primarily was a road rider, (non racer, ) with some off road 
> riding in the national forest  which lies out my front door. I stopped  
> riding outdoors when we were shut down by the Covid pandemic.
> I could not risk an injury requiring a hospital ER  visit or 
> hospitalization, and leaving my wife to fend for herself. Thus, I have only 
> been riding indoors on my Revmaster Pro stationary bike.
> I have more recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, am on 
> medication,, but am plagued with extreme fatigue, which limits my rides to 
> about 30 minutes. PD is a progressive, incurable disease, thus my cycling 
> situation is not likely to change .
> Therefore, I an going to try to sell my bikes and miscellaneous gear and 
> equipment.
> :I/,m 

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[RBW] Re: A PSA From Gordon Ramsay

2024-06-19 Thread J S
As I am getting older I find my balance is not as good as it used to be. At 
72 I had not worn a helmet in many years. 3 1/2 weeks ago I took a bad 
spill, tire hitting a raised curve on a bike trail, one I use to get to 
quiet street to ride. My reflexes are not as good as they used to be. I 
landed on my left side, bruised forehead, skin tissue damage on my left 
side at shoulder and ribs. I took 2 short rides this week,  with a helmet, 
I don’t like them but but my balancing seems to be a bit off, maybe a mixte 
would be better now. I’ve been sleeping in my recliner as it has been the 
most comfortable place. I will wear a helmet now as age may dictate better 
protection. I also think tha wider bars I use now offer less control as I 
had 3 near balance issues yesterday at very slow speeds. 

On Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 7:32:26 AM UTC-4 ascpgh wrote:

> It boils down to the potential for a sudden stop, primarily your head and 
> something of greater mass. Inertia is the culprit even if you have a hard 
> head your brain is floating inside it tethered only to your spinal cord. 
> I guess in tort law it is standard not to expect a person to be 
> responsible for the infinite possible acts of others but to demonstrate the 
> choices of a reasonably prudent person. 
> Those two things exist. I was struck from my bike by the side mirror of a 
> passing truck without a helmet the spring of tenth grade. I didn't remember 
> things or people for days. An MRI, three nights in the hospital, finally 
> recognizing my dad and a neurosurgeon when talking about how to address my 
> subdural hematoma. The back left of my head felt like an overripe banana 
> was under the flesh. I didn't know what a craniotomy was but am happy my 
> dad chose letting all the blood reabsorb on its own, even though it meant a 
> debilitating headache and bedrest for most of three months. Learning to 
> walk again after the deconditioning and weight loss was bad. 
> Riding my new Rambouillet cross country years later I suffered a rear tire 
> slash going 40mph downhill. Before I could get stopped I had some steering 
> to do which I was unable to do any longer and went over in a high side. The 
> road was freshly chip topped tar using what they had around which was very 
> hard, granite-like. I hit it with the back left of my head and nearly top 
> of my shoulder. My helmet broke and slid, my shoulder (then several other 
> points) hit and stuck like velcro to the sharp shards of the road surface 
> taking out scoops of flesh each time until I slowed to a slide. I was a 
> bloody mess, my helmet was but for one piece of lining pad in two pieces 
> and my left shoulder not quite right.
> My cohorts on this adventure had lead more gentle lives to this point and 
> hadn't been around many in-person injuries or blood. My shoulder was 
> separated (collar bone no longer connected to the projection of the 
> shoulder blade...ligament broken) and I needed to get going. No cars passed 
> us in the previous hours, no cell phone coverage and dark clouds across the 
> western half of the sky. Our overnight was 43 miles away so I got up and 
> rode there. The others, in shock from their experience of my injuries, did 
> ultimately follow.
> Getting away with your head and contents functioning permits better 
> stories to tell later. I emailed Grant about my ride after being all torn 
> up and bloody, my jersey hem pullled into a sling and my orange Rambouillet 
> rideable with one hand. These seemed liike options and observations 
> resulting from being reasonable and prudent about wearing a helmet. Being 
> thusly rewarded I continue to choose the paradigm I followed after having 
> experienced my brain being bashed about inside my young skull and the 
> resulting bruising that caused. It surely saved me this time and was just 
> on my head for an 80 mile ride out and back on the GAP Monday and 
> Tuesday.[image: 
> 85A9C7C6-2E3B-4530-BE90-ABE2A317E084_1_105_c.jpeg]
> Andy Cheatham
> Pittsburgh
> On Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 5:27:36 PM UTC-4 Matthew Williams wrote:
>> [image: 
>> oMe3QaPR4E9b7DDpDnQFwbXwIfYum0EBKDB8bA~tplv-photomode-video-share-card:1200:630:20.jpeg]
>> 1.1M likes, 21.3K comments. “Sound ON for this one…with #FathersDay 
>> tomorrow I have very important message for all the dads out there…WEAR A 
>> HELMET ! This week I had a really bad accident while riding my bike in 
>> Connecticut. I'm doing ok and did not break any bones or suffer any major 
>> injuries but I am a bit bruised up looking like a purple potato. I’m 
>> thankful for all the doctors, nurses and staff at Lawerence + Memorial 
>> Hospital in New London who looked after me and checked me out, but most 
>> thankful for my helmet that saved my life. Have a great Father’s Day and be 
>> safe Gx”
>> TikTok · Gordon Ramsay 

[RBW] Re: A PSA From Gordon Ramsay

2024-06-19 Thread J S
No but I think it is a good idea, thank you. 

On Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 11:05:30 AM UTC-4 George Schick wrote:

> @jrstern - have you ever been examined for inner ear problems?  Might be a 
> worthwhile thing to do.
> On Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 9:11:45 AM UTC-5 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
>> As I am getting older I find my balance is not as good as it used to be. 
>> At 72 I had not worn a helmet in many years. 3 1/2 weeks ago I took a bad 
>> spill, tire hitting a raised curve on a bike trail, one I use to get to 
>> quiet street to ride. My reflexes are not as good as they used to be. I 
>> landed on my left side, bruised forehead, skin tissue damage on my left 
>> side at shoulder and ribs. I took 2 short rides this week,  with a helmet, 
>> I don’t like them but but my balancing seems to be a bit off, maybe a mixte 
>> would be better now. I’ve been sleeping in my recliner as it has been the 
>> most comfortable place. I will wear a helmet now as age may dictate better 
>> protection. I also think tha wider bars I use now offer less control as I 
>> had 3 near balance issues yesterday at very slow speeds. 
>> On Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 7:32:26 AM UTC-4 ascpgh wrote:
>>> It boils down to the potential for a sudden stop, primarily your head 
>>> and something of greater mass. Inertia is the culprit even if you have a 
>>> hard head your brain is floating inside it tethered only to your spinal 
>>> cord. 
>>> I guess in tort law it is standard not to expect a person to be 
>>> responsible for the infinite possible acts of others but to demonstrate the 
>>> choices of a reasonably prudent person. 
>>> Those two things exist. I was struck from my bike by the side mirror of 
>>> a passing truck without a helmet the spring of tenth grade. I didn't 
>>> remember things or people for days. An MRI, three nights in the hospital, 
>>> finally recognizing my dad and a neurosurgeon when talking about how to 
>>> address my subdural hematoma. The back left of my head felt like an 
>>> overripe banana was under the flesh. I didn't know what a craniotomy was 
>>> but am happy my dad chose letting all the blood reabsorb on its own, even 
>>> though it meant a debilitating headache and bedrest for most of three 
>>> months. Learning to walk again after the deconditioning and weight loss was 
>>> bad. 
>>> Riding my new Rambouillet cross country years later I suffered a rear 
>>> tire slash going 40mph downhill. Before I could get stopped I had some 
>>> steering to do which I was unable to do any longer and went over in a high 
>>> side. The road was freshly chip topped tar using what they had around which 
>>> was very hard, granite-like. I hit it with the back left of my head and 
>>> nearly top of my shoulder. My helmet broke and slid, my shoulder (then 
>>> several other points) hit and stuck like velcro to the sharp shards of the 
>>> road surface taking out scoops of flesh each time until I slowed to a 
>>> slide. I was a bloody mess, my helmet was but for one piece of lining pad 
>>> in two pieces and my left shoulder not quite right.
>>> My cohorts on this adventure had lead more gentle lives to this point 
>>> and hadn't been around many in-person injuries or blood. My shoulder was 
>>> separated (collar bone no longer connected to the projection of the 
>>> shoulder blade...ligament broken) and I needed to get going. No cars passed 
>>> us in the previous hours, no cell phone coverage and dark clouds across the 
>>> western half of the sky. Our overnight was 43 miles away so I got up and 
>>> rode there. The others, in shock from their experience of my injuries, did 
>>> ultimately follow.
>>> Getting away with your head and contents functioning permits better 
>>> stories to tell later. I emailed Grant about my ride after being all torn 
>>> up and bloody, my jersey hem pullled into a sling and my orange Rambouillet 
>>> rideable with one hand. These seemed liike options and observations 
>>> resulting from being reasonable and prudent about wearing a helmet. Being 
>>> thusly rewarded I continue to choose the paradigm I followed after having 
>>> experienced my brain being bashed about inside my young skull and the 
>>> resulting bruising that caused. It surely saved me this time and was just 
>>> on my head for an 80 mile ride out and back on the GAP Monday and 
>>> Tuesday.[image: 
>>> 85A9C7C6-2E3B-4530-BE90-ABE2A317E084_1_105_c.jpeg]
>>> Andy Cheatham
>>> Pittsburgh
>>> On Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 5:27:36 PM UTC-4 Matthew Williams wrote:

 1.1M likes, 21.3K comments. “Sound ON for this one…with #FathersDay 
 tomorrow I have very important message for all the dads out there…WEAR A 
 HELMET ! This week I had a really bad accident while riding my bike in 
 Connecticut. I'm doing ok and did not break any bones or suffer any

[RBW] Nitto Technomic Stem

2024-06-25 Thread J S
I believe the Nitto technomic stem is basically the Tallux steel, 225 ht. I 
also believe this is the highest stem rise available. I have used these 
since I have gone to Albatross and Choco  bars. I bought a frame 2 years 
ago and unknown to me at the time the steerer tube was cut, the stem height 
is about 2.5-3 cm less than on my Sam Hillborne and I believe it is enough 
to aggravate my back, going from yesterdays ride. Any suggestions? I may 
have to sell the much sought after Saluki frame. If I did with advancing 
age, some balance issues I would be looking for a Willbury, Yves Gomes or a 
Cheviot as I like the shorter chainstays better. The Saluki is a 54 cm, so 
about a 51 by todays models like my Hillborne.  I would have to look at the 
effective TT lengths on any frame, not sure how Riv sized these step 
throughs. All I would need would be the ability to use 42mm tires.

If anyone has any ideas I would be open to listen, or if anyone has any of 
the step throughs I have mentioned above they are looking to sell or trade 
please let me know.



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Re: [RBW] Re: Nitto Technomic Stem

2024-06-25 Thread J S
Jeff, thanks and yes it is ugly to my eyes. When I realized the the steerer
tube was cut I was not sure it would be a problem for my back. As I am
having some balancing issues just shy of my 73rd I may opt for one oh they
step throughs if I can find one.

Thanks again,


On Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 11:35 AM Jeffrey Arita 

> Joel,
> In addition to what Erik recommends, there is another potential solution:
> I assume your Saluki has a 1" (22.2mm) threaded headset?  If so, I once
> owned this
> available
> from Merry Sales.  I sold it and I made sure to disclose to the new owner
> that the bars could be wy up high, maybe too high.  You will need to
> buy threadless stem(s) to dial in your desired fit.  The whole setup will
> be ugly, but it could help your overall ergonomics enabling you to keep
> your Saluki.
> Way back when, I once owned a road bike with very low stack height, making
> my fit miserable.  I've since sold it.  That was before Soma had that tall
> adapter available.  It is nice that there are solutions out there now that
> could improve things.  Good luck.
> Best regards,
> Jeff
> Claremont, CA
> On Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 8:07:03 AM UTC-7 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I believe the Nitto technomic stem is basically the Tallux steel, 225 ht.
>> I also believe this is the highest stem rise available. I have used these
>> since I have gone to Albatross and Choco  bars. I bought a frame 2 years
>> ago and unknown to me at the time the steerer tube was cut, the stem height
>> is about 2.5-3 cm less than on my Sam Hillborne and I believe it is enough
>> to aggravate my back, going from yesterdays ride. Any suggestions? I may
>> have to sell the much sought after Saluki frame. If I did with advancing
>> age, some balance issues I would be looking for a Willbury, Yves Gomes or a
>> Cheviot as I like the shorter chainstays better. The Saluki is a 54 cm, so
>> about a 51 by todays models like my Hillborne.  I would have to look at the
>> effective TT lengths on any frame, not sure how Riv sized these step
>> throughs. All I would need would be the ability to use 42mm tires.
>> If anyone has any ideas I would be open to listen, or if anyone has any
>> of the step throughs I have mentioned above they are looking to sell or
>> trade please let me know.
>> Thank,
>> Joel
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the
> Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/rbw-owners-bunch/J0cml7sHBGY/unsubscribe
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> To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to
> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/b983e645-6512-49a8-841d-f720d4d25eb2n%40googlegroups.com
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[RBW] Re: Nitto Technomic Stem

2024-06-25 Thread J S

Erik, thanks, I think either would work but the 280 would give the same 
length. I would have to go a bit smaller Tish the dirt dtop but very 
On Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 11:17:53 AM UTC-4 erik.s...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi Joel,
> Soma has a couple options. You could look at the 225mm rise Dirt Drop stem 
> for some more height, or the mega-tall 280mm rise Nitto Technomic (25.4 
> version for your Chocos/Albas 
> )
> for even more.
> Getting a mixte would be pretty cool, but so would keeping your Saluki!
> Erik, Philly
> On Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 11:07:03 AM UTC-4 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I believe the Nitto technomic stem is basically the Tallux steel, 225 ht. 
>> I also believe this is the highest stem rise available. I have used these 
>> since I have gone to Albatross and Choco  bars. I bought a frame 2 years 
>> ago and unknown to me at the time the steerer tube was cut, the stem height 
>> is about 2.5-3 cm less than on my Sam Hillborne and I believe it is enough 
>> to aggravate my back, going from yesterdays ride. Any suggestions? I may 
>> have to sell the much sought after Saluki frame. If I did with advancing 
>> age, some balance issues I would be looking for a Willbury, Yves Gomes or a 
>> Cheviot as I like the shorter chainstays better. The Saluki is a 54 cm, so 
>> about a 51 by todays models like my Hillborne.  I would have to look at the 
>> effective TT lengths on any frame, not sure how Riv sized these step 
>> throughs. All I would need would be the ability to use 42mm tires.
>> If anyone has any ideas I would be open to listen, or if anyone has any 
>> of the step throughs I have mentioned above they are looking to sell or 
>> trade please let me know.
>> Thank,
>> Joel

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Re: [RBW] Re: Nitto Technomic Stem

2024-06-25 Thread J S
Thanks Erik, I did find both of those and either might be the solution.


On Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 1:14 PM Erik Wright  wrote:

> Hi Joel,
> Soma has a couple options. You could look at the 225mm rise Dirt Drop stem
> for some more height, or the mega-tall 280mm rise Nitto Technomic (25.4
> version for your Chocos/Albas
> )
> for even more.
> Getting a mixte would be pretty cool, but so would keeping your Saluki!
> Erik, Philly
> On Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 11:07:03 AM UTC-4 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I believe the Nitto technomic stem is basically the Tallux steel, 225 ht.
>> I also believe this is the highest stem rise available. I have used these
>> since I have gone to Albatross and Choco  bars. I bought a frame 2 years
>> ago and unknown to me at the time the steerer tube was cut, the stem height
>> is about 2.5-3 cm less than on my Sam Hillborne and I believe it is enough
>> to aggravate my back, going from yesterdays ride. Any suggestions? I may
>> have to sell the much sought after Saluki frame. If I did with advancing
>> age, some balance issues I would be looking for a Willbury, Yves Gomes or a
>> Cheviot as I like the shorter chainstays better. The Saluki is a 54 cm, so
>> about a 51 by todays models like my Hillborne.  I would have to look at the
>> effective TT lengths on any frame, not sure how Riv sized these step
>> throughs. All I would need would be the ability to use 42mm tires.
>> If anyone has any ideas I would be open to listen, or if anyone has any
>> of the step throughs I have mentioned above they are looking to sell or
>> trade please let me know.
>> Thank,
>> Joel
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the
> Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/rbw-owners-bunch/J0cml7sHBGY/unsubscribe
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> To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to
> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/50188c3b-9a0a-40c1-8a6d-f0f63f9f600en%40googlegroups.com
> .

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Re: [RBW] Re: Nitto Technomic Stem

2024-06-26 Thread J S
Rich, thanks. A forum friend said he has a nitto steerer extender. I am
waiting for pics. He said it would give me up to 3” added height. That
might be the least expensive way ro go about this and solve the problem. I
am hoping it is feasible.

Hoping you are well and riding, my Hillborne seems to be the most
comfortable but the bars are 3cm higher than the saddle compares to the
Saluki and yes, I would like to Keep the Saluki if possible.


On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 11:25 AM RichS  wrote:

> Hi Joel,
> One more suggestion, albeit more extreme than a stem change, would be to
> have a framebuilder replace the existing steerer tube with a taller one.
> I guess that alternative would depend on how committed you are to keeping
> the Saluki. Good luck with whatever direction you choose. The mixtes you
> mentioned would be on my list as well if my septugenarian body demands it
> at some point!
> Best,
> Rich in ATL
> On Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 3:20:56 PM UTC-4 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Thanks Erik, I did find both of those and either might be the solution.
>> Joel
>> On Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 1:14 PM Erik Wright  wrote:
>>> Hi Joel,
>>> Soma has a couple options. You could look at the 225mm rise Dirt Drop
>>> stem
>>> for some more height, or the mega-tall 280mm rise Nitto Technomic (25.4
>>> version for your Chocos/Albas
>>> )
>>> for even more.
>>> Getting a mixte would be pretty cool, but so would keeping your Saluki!
>>> Erik, Philly
>>> On Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 11:07:03 AM UTC-4 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
 I believe the Nitto technomic stem is basically the Tallux steel, 225
 ht. I also believe this is the highest stem rise available. I have used
 these since I have gone to Albatross and Choco  bars. I bought a frame 2
 years ago and unknown to me at the time the steerer tube was cut, the stem
 height is about 2.5-3 cm less than on my Sam Hillborne and I believe it is
 enough to aggravate my back, going from yesterdays ride. Any suggestions? I
 may have to sell the much sought after Saluki frame. If I did with
 advancing age, some balance issues I would be looking for a Willbury, Yves
 Gomes or a Cheviot as I like the shorter chainstays better. The Saluki is a
 54 cm, so about a 51 by todays models like my Hillborne.  I would have to
 look at the effective TT lengths on any frame, not sure how Riv sized these
 step throughs. All I would need would be the ability to use 42mm tires.

 If anyone has any ideas I would be open to listen, or if anyone has any
 of the step throughs I have mentioned above they are looking to sell or
 trade please let me know.



>>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the
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>>> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/rbw-owners-bunch/J0cml7sHBGY/unsubscribe
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to
>>> rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
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>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/50188c3b-9a0a-40c1-8a6d-f0f63f9f600en%40googlegroups.com
>>> .
>> --
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> rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/31b3b613-d4ed-4644-8bb1-2c54a0386fe4n%40googlegroups.com
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Re: [RBW] Re: Nitto Technomic Stem

2024-06-26 Thread J S
Thanks Kim, you’ve got that right and the miles get less and speed slower.
But if I can still ride I am happy.
On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 12:49 PM Kim H.  wrote:

> As we grow older, the gears get lower and the handlebars get higher.
> Kim Hetzel.
> On Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 9:25:49 AM UTC-7 Kim H. wrote:
>> Hi Joel,
>> I bought a NITTO Technomic NTC-280 Stem
>> <https://alexscycle.com/products/nitto-technomic-ntc-280-stem-1> on my
>> 58cm Nitto Bosco bars from Alex Cycles without going threadless. I am happy
>> with it on my Clem.
>> [image: thumbnail_20240111_143550.jpg]
>> Kim Hetzel.
>> On Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 8:59:42 AM UTC-7 J S wrote:
>>> Rich, thanks. A forum friend said he has a nitto steerer extender. I am
>>> waiting for pics. He said it would give me up to 3” added height. That
>>> might be the least expensive way ro go about this and solve the problem. I
>>> am hoping it is feasible.
>>> Hoping you are well and riding, my Hillborne seems to be the most
>>> comfortable but the bars are 3cm higher than the saddle compares to the
>>> Saluki and yes, I would like to Keep the Saluki if possible.
>>> Joel
>>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 11:25 AM RichS  wrote:
>>>> Hi Joel,
>>>> One more suggestion, albeit more extreme than a stem change, would be
>>>> to have a framebuilder replace the existing steerer tube with a taller one.
>>>> I guess that alternative would depend on how committed you are to
>>>> keeping the Saluki. Good luck with whatever direction you choose. The
>>>> mixtes you mentioned would be on my list as well if my septugenarian body
>>>> demands it at some point!
>>>> Best,
>>>> Rich in ATL
>>>> On Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 3:20:56 PM UTC-4 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Erik, I did find both of those and either might be the
>>>>> solution.
>>>>> Joel
>>>>> On Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 1:14 PM Erik Wright 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Joel,
>>>>>> Soma has a couple options. You could look at the 225mm rise Dirt
>>>>>> Drop stem
>>>>>> <https://www.somafabshop.com/shop/nitto-stem-quill-mt-10-dirt-drop-225mm-slv-5647?category=983#attr=288,1136>
>>>>>> for some more height, or the mega-tall 280mm rise Nitto Technomic (25.4
>>>>>> version for your Chocos/Albas
>>>>>> <https://www.somafabshop.com/shop/nitto-stem-technomic-quill-280mm-xl-25-4mm-4096?page=2&category=983#attr=4036>)
>>>>>> for even more.
>>>>>> Getting a mixte would be pretty cool, but so would keeping your
>>>>>> Saluki!
>>>>>> Erik, Philly
>>>>>> On Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 11:07:03 AM UTC-4 jrst...@gmail.com
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I believe the Nitto technomic stem is basically the Tallux steel,
>>>>>>> 225 ht. I also believe this is the highest stem rise available. I have 
>>>>>>> used
>>>>>>> these since I have gone to Albatross and Choco  bars. I bought a frame 2
>>>>>>> years ago and unknown to me at the time the steerer tube was cut, the 
>>>>>>> stem
>>>>>>> height is about 2.5-3 cm less than on my Sam Hillborne and I believe it 
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> enough to aggravate my back, going from yesterdays ride. Any 
>>>>>>> suggestions? I
>>>>>>> may have to sell the much sought after Saluki frame. If I did with
>>>>>>> advancing age, some balance issues I would be looking for a Willbury, 
>>>>>>> Yves
>>>>>>> Gomes or a Cheviot as I like the shorter chainstays better. The Saluki 
>>>>>>> is a
>>>>>>> 54 cm, so about a 51 by todays models like my Hillborne.  I would have 
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> look at the effective TT lengths on any frame, not sure how Riv sized 
>>>>>>> these
>>>>>>> step throughs. All I would need would be the abil

Re: [RBW] Re: Nitto Technomic Stem

2024-06-26 Thread J S
I’m with you on threadless, not for me. I think I found the same stem,
maybe on Ben’s, Technomic XL or something like that.

Thanks again.
On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 2:05 PM Kim H.  wrote:

> You are more than welcome, Joel.
> So, in a nutshell, you are trying to find a way to get your handlebar
> higher ? Right  ?
> After a long research on the internet, I found that long quill stem. I was
> and remain very pleased with the outcome. I just couldn't cross the
> threadless stem bridge as stubborn as I am from being old school. My bike
> would not look right.
> Let me know what your decision choice is.
> Sincerely,
> Kim.
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024, 10:56 AM J S  wrote:
>> Thanks Kim, you’ve got that right and the miles get less and speed
>> slower. But if I can still ride I am happy.
>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 12:49 PM Kim H.  wrote:
>>> As we grow older, the gears get lower and the handlebars get higher.
>>> Kim Hetzel.
>>> On Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 9:25:49 AM UTC-7 Kim H. wrote:
>>>> Hi Joel,
>>>> I bought a NITTO Technomic NTC-280 Stem
>>>> <https://alexscycle.com/products/nitto-technomic-ntc-280-stem-1> on my
>>>> 58cm Nitto Bosco bars from Alex Cycles without going threadless. I am happy
>>>> with it on my Clem.
>>>> [image: thumbnail_20240111_143550.jpg]
>>>> Kim Hetzel.
>>>> On Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 8:59:42 AM UTC-7 J S wrote:
>>>>> Rich, thanks. A forum friend said he has a nitto steerer extender. I
>>>>> am waiting for pics. He said it would give me up to 3” added height. That
>>>>> might be the least expensive way ro go about this and solve the problem. I
>>>>> am hoping it is feasible.
>>>>> Hoping you are well and riding, my Hillborne seems to be the most
>>>>> comfortable but the bars are 3cm higher than the saddle compares to the
>>>>> Saluki and yes, I would like to Keep the Saluki if possible.
>>>>> Joel
>>>>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 11:25 AM RichS  wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Joel,
>>>>>> One more suggestion, albeit more extreme than a stem change, would be
>>>>>> to have a framebuilder replace the existing steerer tube with a taller 
>>>>>> one.
>>>>>> I guess that alternative would depend on how committed you are to
>>>>>> keeping the Saluki. Good luck with whatever direction you choose. The
>>>>>> mixtes you mentioned would be on my list as well if my septugenarian body
>>>>>> demands it at some point!
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Rich in ATL
>>>>>> On Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 3:20:56 PM UTC-4 jrst...@gmail.com
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks Erik, I did find both of those and either might be the
>>>>>>> solution.
>>>>>>> Joel
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 1:14 PM Erik Wright 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Joel,
>>>>>>>> Soma has a couple options. You could look at the 225mm rise Dirt
>>>>>>>> Drop stem
>>>>>>>> <https://www.somafabshop.com/shop/nitto-stem-quill-mt-10-dirt-drop-225mm-slv-5647?category=983#attr=288,1136>
>>>>>>>> for some more height, or the mega-tall 280mm rise Nitto Technomic (25.4
>>>>>>>> version for your Chocos/Albas
>>>>>>>> <https://www.somafabshop.com/shop/nitto-stem-technomic-quill-280mm-xl-25-4mm-4096?page=2&category=983#attr=4036>)
>>>>>>>> for even more.
>>>>>>>> Getting a mixte would be pretty cool, but so would keeping your
>>>>>>>> Saluki!
>>>>>>>> Erik, Philly
>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 11:07:03 AM UTC-4 jrst...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>> wrote:

Re: [RBW] Re: Nitto Technomic Stem

2024-06-27 Thread J S
Thanks Gorgonzola. I’ll look at Nitto face plate.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 9:42 PM Gordon Stam  wrote:

> Joel, maybe look into one of those Nitto 4 bolt face plate stems. I
> believe that the quill is just as long as the Technomic, or Tallux, at 225
> cm but the stem comes out at 90 degrees which gives you a few extra cm of
> height. A little geometry, or an online stem length/height calculator, will
> tell you how much.
> Concerning a step through for balance issue mitigation - I don't know.
> Maybe getting on is easier since you don't necessarily have to swing your
> leg over the saddle but when you stop the lack of a crossbar makes keeping
> the bike upright a little trickier. I got my Clem Jr. this spring (love it,
> actually) and that lack of a cross bar caught me out on a few occasions and
> I dropped the bike. I've since gotten used to it, sort of. That said youay
> be right, getting on and off might be easier if the balance is getting to
> be an issue. Good luck!
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024, 4:32 PM Kim H.  wrote:
>> @Joel,
>> You are more than welcome.
>> I hope it works out very well for you.
>> Send some pictures to us herein would be nice, when you get it installed.
>> Kim Hetzel.
>> On Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 2:39:15 PM UTC-7 J S wrote:
>>> Kim,
>>> I’m with you on threadless, not for me. I think I found the same stem,
>>> maybe on Ben’s, Technomic XL or something like that.
>>> Thanks again.
>>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 2:05 PM Kim H.  wrote:
>>>> You are more than welcome, Joel.
>>>> So, in a nutshell, you are trying to find a way to get your handlebar
>>>> higher ? Right  ?
>>>> After a long research on the internet, I found that long quill stem. I
>>>> was and remain very pleased with the outcome. I just couldn't cross the
>>>> threadless stem bridge as stubborn as I am from being old school. My bike
>>>> would not look right.
>>>> Let me know what your decision choice is.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Kim.
>>>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024, 10:56 AM J S  wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Kim, you’ve got that right and the miles get less and speed
>>>>> slower. But if I can still ride I am happy.
>>>>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 12:49 PM Kim H.  wrote:
>>>>>> As we grow older, the gears get lower and the handlebars get higher.
>>>>>> Kim Hetzel.
>>>>>> On Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 9:25:49 AM UTC-7 Kim H. wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Joel,
>>>>>>> I bought a NITTO Technomic NTC-280 Stem
>>>>>>> <https://alexscycle.com/products/nitto-technomic-ntc-280-stem-1> on
>>>>>>> my 58cm Nitto Bosco bars from Alex Cycles without going threadless. I am
>>>>>>> happy with it on my Clem.
>>>>>>> [image: thumbnail_20240111_143550.jpg]
>>>>>>> Kim Hetzel.
>>>>>>> On Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 8:59:42 AM UTC-7 J S wrote:
>>>>>>>> Rich, thanks. A forum friend said he has a nitto steerer extender.
>>>>>>>> I am waiting for pics. He said it would give me up to 3” added height. 
>>>>>>>> That
>>>>>>>> might be the least expensive way ro go about this and solve the 
>>>>>>>> problem. I
>>>>>>>> am hoping it is feasible.
>>>>>>>> Hoping you are well and riding, my Hillborne seems to be the most
>>>>>>>> comfortable but the bars are 3cm higher than the saddle compares to the
>>>>>>>> Saluki and yes, I would like to Keep the Saluki if possible.
>>>>>>>> Joel
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 11:25 AM RichS  wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Joel,
>>>>>>>>> One more suggestion, albeit more extreme than a stem change, would

[RBW] Lookin to buy nitto technomic XL 8 CM

2024-06-28 Thread J S
If you have one please let me know.
I can get a new one but thought I would try here first. 
Thank you,


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[RBW] Re: B68

2024-06-28 Thread J S
Here are the rest 

On Friday, June 28, 2024 at 12:59:15 PM UTC-4 J S wrote:

> [image: IMG_0223.jpeg]I bought this from a friend as he had too many. I 
> used to ride these all of the time. I could have bought one of my old ones 
> back but remembered it flared to my thighs. So I went out and I took a 
> fall. I skidded on the saddle. After 3 weeks when I could ride again I 
> discovered  the shape was no longer good for me so I will pass this on. I 
> will cross post to iBob. Ridden less than 20 miles.  $150 Shipped.  I will 
> need to post the pics in at least 2 messages. 

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Re: [RBW] Re: Nitto Technomic Stem

2024-06-28 Thread J S
Gordon, thanks. I ordered a Technomic XL today from Ben’s.  Also some bar
tape from rivendell? Of course a faceplate would, if I needed to change it
again make life easier.

On Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 2:16 PM Gordon Stam  wrote:

> Gorgonzola. Now there's an online moniker. Is it too late to change my
> screen name?
> When I got my 59 cm Clem I put a Technomic stem on it with a 130mm reach
> and was thinking that perhaps I should have gotten a 64 because I had the
> stem maxed out to get the handlebars up to the height I wanted.  In a
> similar configuration the faceplate stem gave me two more inches (51mm) of
> rise. That did the trick. I've since gone to a faceplate with a 110
> extension and a handlebar with more rise and everything is still hunky dory.
> On Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 6:38:06 AM UTC-6 jrst...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Thanks Gorgonzola. I’ll look at Nitto face plate.
>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 9:42 PM Gordon Stam  wrote:
> Joel, maybe look into one of those Nitto 4 bolt face plate stems. I
>>> believe that the quill is just as long as the Technomic, or Tallux, at 225
>>> cm but the stem comes out at 90 degrees which gives you a few extra cm of
>>> height. A little geometry, or an online stem length/height calculator, will
>>> tell you how much.
>>> Concerning a step through for balance issue mitigation - I don't know.
>>> Maybe getting on is easier since you don't necessarily have to swing your
>>> leg over the saddle but when you stop the lack of a crossbar makes keeping
>>> the bike upright a little trickier. I got my Clem Jr. this spring (love it,
>>> actually) and that lack of a cross bar caught me out on a few occasions and
>>> I dropped the bike. I've since gotten used to it, sort of. That said youay
>>> be right, getting on and off might be easier if the balance is getting to
>>> be an issue. Good luck!
>>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024, 4:32 PM Kim H.  wrote:
>>>> @Joel,
>>>> You are more than welcome.
>>>> I hope it works out very well for you.
>>>> Send some pictures to us herein would be nice, when you get it
>>>> installed.
>>>> Kim Hetzel.
>>>> On Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 2:39:15 PM UTC-7 J S wrote:
>>>>> Kim,
>>>>> I’m with you on threadless, not for me. I think I found the same stem,
>>>>> maybe on Ben’s, Technomic XL or something like that.
>>>>> Thanks again.
>>>>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 2:05 PM Kim H.  wrote:
>>>>>> You are more than welcome, Joel.
>>>>>> So, in a nutshell, you are trying to find a way to get your handlebar
>>>>>> higher ? Right  ?
>>>>>> After a long research on the internet, I found that long quill stem.
>>>>>> I was and remain very pleased with the outcome. I just couldn't cross the
>>>>>> threadless stem bridge as stubborn as I am from being old school. My bike
>>>>>> would not look right.
>>>>>> Let me know what your decision choice is.
>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>> Kim.
>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024, 10:56 AM J S  wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks Kim, you’ve got that right and the miles get less and speed
>>>>>>> slower. But if I can still ride I am happy.
>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 12:49 PM Kim H.  wrote:
>>>>>>>> As we grow older, the gears get lower and the handlebars get higher.
>>>>>>>> Kim Hetzel.
>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 9:25:49 AM UTC-7 Kim H. wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Joel,
>>>>>>>>> I bought a NITTO Technomic NTC-280 Stem
>>>>>>>>> <https://alexscycle.com/products/nitto-technomic-ntc-280-stem-1>
>>>>>>>>> on my 58cm Nitto Bosco bars from Alex Cycles without going 
>>>>>>>>> threadless. I am
>>>>>>>>> happy with it on my Clem.

[RBW] Re: Wool in summer

2024-09-06 Thread J S
I wore wool until it would get brutal. Still wear it when I can.  I am in 
New England but this year was very hot. I switched to SPF shirts after 
having a basal cell carcinoma discover and removed. I am not religious 
about this even though I should be. I do make sure to use sunscreen when I 
remember. Wool and cotton leg the sun in but I still prefer my old 
lightweight Ibex merino tops. As far as the heat and humidity  go, wool is 
fine for me but my. Limited is not as hot as your’s Patrick. We do get out 
share of humility and this summer was worse than most. 

On Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 7:21:42 PM UTC-4 Patrick Moore wrote:

> I'm curious to hear if any of y'all wear wool tops in summer, and if so, 
> what "summer" is in your neck of the woods: 90* humidity with 90*F temps? 
> 110 F AZ with 5%?
> I'd spent more than enough emotional energy fretting about suitable hot 
> weather riding tops: rayon, cotton, synthetics with their inevitable stink.*
> I'd owned a couple of Rivendell summer weight Wooly Warm ss jerseys, quite 
> light-gauge merino knit, but sold them after they kept sagging lower and 
> lower and gathering snags and moth holes.
> But  in late Spring this year I ordered a supremely excellent ss medium 
> weight jersey from Wabi Woolens. The material is rather thick compared to 
> the WWs, and I had to order an XL to get something from the rather 
> tight-fitting line to fit trimly but not cling-ingly and allow a bit of 
> airflow, but doggone if that jersey hasn't been very, very comfortable even 
> at 98*F in 10% humidity and even at 92F and high for our area 50% humidity.
> So much was I struck by this that I fished out an Italian ss wool jersey 
> I'd bought 2nd hand years ago and until now left for that in-between season 
> between hot and cold. I rode in it yesterday at 90-92 and 23% and it was 
> comfortable as in, "I didn't even think about it." I'd extrapolate and say 
> that this older jersey, as well as the new WW, will be fine in any hot 
> weather conditions I experience here, say -- worst case -- 95* and 50% 
> humidity.
> So, what is all y'all's experience, thoughts, judgments about wool in warm 
> weather?
> * Synthetics, knit or woven, just stink after 1 ride, even just 1 hour. 
> But I found a partial antidote: immediately upon return, in the garage, 
> remove plastic jersey and swish around in 1 gallon of cold water from the 
> garage utility sink, then hang to drip dry. Sure enough, when it's dried, 
> the stink is gone and the jersey is good for another ride -- I can keep 
> this up for at least 5-7 hours of riding.
> -- 
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
> ---
> Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing 
> services
> ---
> *When thou didst not, savage, k**now thine own meaning,*
> *But wouldst gabble like a** thing most brutish,*
> *I endowed thy purposes w**ith words that made them known.*

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[RBW] Kiley and Koma lights

2024-09-06 Thread J S
I know we talked about this some years ago so here goes. To me it looks 
like these are basically identical. I have both and believe that the Kiley 
flashers last longer on a charge, this may be inaccurate but it seems so. 

My front lights seem to be dying as they are about 4 years old or so and do 
not hold a charge like they used to, the rear red lights seem to last 
longer on a charge and seem to have a longer lifespan. Again, my experience 
with the ones I have. I just bought new front lights foe each bike, silver 
was not available so I got a purple for the Taupe Saluki and Green for the 
orange Hillborne. I cannot find red flasher in these colors, just the ones 
that mount on the hub. I know I can use these if I want to use the silver 
mounting I now have on the bike, but my real question to anyone who might 
know is does Kiley make the Koma for Blue Lug? Also, if anyone knows where 
I might find the ones I am looking for.



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Re: [RBW] To My Platypus People!

2021-04-23 Thread J S
Thanks Dorothy.  I was hoping it could take fatter tires.

On Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 2:26 PM Dorothy C  wrote:

> Joel, I have the 2018 Cheviot - it fits 50mm Conti baseball tires without
> fenders, I currently have 42mm Panaracer Paselas with SKS fenders on it.
> Tektro R559 sidepull brakes with Koolstop ebike brake pads.
> On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 11:15:00 AM UTC-7 philipr...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Thanks - I have one of those too! Then there's this rather expensive but
>> lovely thing;
>> https://www.universalcycles.com/shopping/product_details.php?id=94457
>> Which gets horrible reviews;
>> https://off.road.cc/content/review/pumps-and-co2-inflators/fabric-megabar-dual-valve-mini-pump-review-6599
>> On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 12:31:12 PM UTC-5 Dorothy C wrote:
>>> Phillip, my 55cm Cheviot is also 16” and fits the No 2 Zefal pump that
>>> Riv sell. Make sure to turn the pump head from HP to X before trying to
>>> compress it into position
>>> On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 8:46:38 AM UTC-7 philipr...@gmail.com
>>> wrote:

 Well that takes the Topeak Master Blaster off the table then!

 Thanks for checking.

 On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 10:33:05 AM UTC-5 will...@yahoo.com wrote:

> 16" on the nose from tip to edge of HT
> On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 5:55:59 AM UTC-7 philipr...@gmail.com
> wrote:
>> Would someone mind running a tape measure for the pump mounting boss
>> to head tube?
>> Also, what are people's thoughts on fenders for their Plats?
>> On Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 11:55:18 PM UTC-5 will...@yahoo.com
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks Leah. I have definitely narrowed it down to a Sam or an
>>> Appaloosa for myself, in that order. A Sam in Mermaid would probably be 
>>> my
>>> ultimate Riv. Nothing against the mixte, I'm just kind of a double 
>>> diamond
>>> purist.
>>> On Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 9:11:59 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding
>>> Ding! wrote:
 I'm greatly enjoying reading your impressions and seeing the
 details in the photos. Will and Maia summed it up well - I've thought 
 those same thoughts about my own Platypus. I also really think this is 
 most sparkle Riv has ever put in a paint job and we are all loving it.
 Sparklepus or SparklePlaty. That's the new hashtag!

 Anyway, Will, I think you should snag a 60 mermaid Platy for
 yourself. Why not? This IS the best bike in the Riv line, you know...

 On Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 7:57:25 PM UTC-7 will...@yahoo.com

> Maia's Mermaid 55CM Details Part1
> [image: IMG_0443.png][image: IMG_0444.png]

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Re: [RBW] To My Platypus People!

2021-04-23 Thread J S
Thank you Emily.

On Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 3:42 PM Emily Guise  wrote:

> My 60 cm has 48mm Soma Shikoro tires on it, with wide SKS fenders ( I
> think the 62s?) No problems with braking or brake clearance.
> -Emily
> On Apr 23, 2021, at 11:42 AM, Dorothy C  wrote:
> Joel, I forgot to say - Atlas 650b rims
> On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 11:26:43 AM UTC-7 Dorothy C wrote:
>> Joel, I have the 2018 Cheviot - it fits 50mm Conti baseball tires without
>> fenders, I currently have 42mm Panaracer Paselas with SKS fenders on it.
>> Tektro R559 sidepull brakes with Koolstop ebike brake pads.
>> On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 11:15:00 AM UTC-7 philipr...@gmail.com
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks - I have one of those too! Then there's this rather expensive but
>>> lovely thing;
>>> https://www.universalcycles.com/shopping/product_details.php?id=94457
>>> Which gets horrible reviews;
>>> https://off.road.cc/content/review/pumps-and-co2-inflators/fabric-megabar-dual-valve-mini-pump-review-6599
>>> On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 12:31:12 PM UTC-5 Dorothy C wrote:
 Phillip, my 55cm Cheviot is also 16” and fits the No 2 Zefal pump that
 Riv sell. Make sure to turn the pump head from HP to X before trying to
 compress it into position

 On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 8:46:38 AM UTC-7 philipr...@gmail.com

> Well that takes the Topeak Master Blaster off the table then!
> Thanks for checking.
> On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 10:33:05 AM UTC-5 will...@yahoo.com
> wrote:
>> 16" on the nose from tip to edge of HT
>> On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 5:55:59 AM UTC-7 philipr...@gmail.com
>> wrote:
>>> Would someone mind running a tape measure for the pump mounting boss
>>> to head tube?
>>> Also, what are people's thoughts on fenders for their Plats?
>>> On Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 11:55:18 PM UTC-5 will...@yahoo.com
>>> wrote:
 Thanks Leah. I have definitely narrowed it down to a Sam or an
 Appaloosa for myself, in that order. A Sam in Mermaid would probably 
 be my
 ultimate Riv. Nothing against the mixte, I'm just kind of a double 

 On Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 9:11:59 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding
 Ding! wrote:

> I'm greatly enjoying reading your impressions and seeing the
> details in the photos. Will and Maia summed it up well - I've thought 
> all
> those same thoughts about my own Platypus. I also really think this 
> is the
> most sparkle Riv has ever put in a paint job and we are all loving it.
> Sparklepus or SparklePlaty. That's the new hashtag!
> Anyway, Will, I think you should snag a 60 mermaid Platy for
> yourself. Why not? This IS the best bike in the Riv line, you know...
> On Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 7:57:25 PM UTC-7 will...@yahoo.com
> wrote:
>> Maia's Mermaid 55CM Details Part1
>> [image: IMG_0443.png][image: IMG_0444.png]
> --
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Re: [RBW] Sam sizing advice

2021-04-24 Thread J S
I’m now 5’5”, used to be 5’7”.  My 55 Bleriot is a tad larger (and tighter 
but not too tight) than my 51cm Sam.  My PBH is 80.6 (as close as I can 
get).  The 51 Sam is as big as I could go and I am using 48mm Rene Herse 
tires (Switchback Hill) with no issues. The Bleriot has 42mm tires on it. 
 Rivendell will always put you on the largest frame they believe will work 
for you.  I agree with this philosophy but you have to be careful and 
proactive.  With their reluctance to put standover heights in the specs  it 
makes things a bit more difficult for some.  

I really like the Sam and love 650b (27.5) wheel size.  I like being able 
to get a fatter tire on the bike and run them at 35psi.  

On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 11:23:11 PM UTC-4 dougP wrote:

> Will:
> Don't forget that tire size will impact stand over height.  For instance, 
> 40 mm wide tires will be a bit smaller in diameter than 50 mm.  Don't know 
> what the limit is for a Sam, but that is something to consider.  
> dougP
> On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 6:52:07 PM UTC-7 aeroperf wrote:
>> I’m 5’ 9” (used to be 5’ 10”) and measured my PBH at 83.  I measured it 
>> again to be sure I was doing it right, then again a couple of weeks later.
>> Every bicycle I had from 1975 on was 700c.  There was no way I was going 
>> to go 650b.  I ordered a Sam in 2015, and Will set me up with a 55 Cm frame 
>> even though I did not mention my aversion to 650b.  The SOH of that frame 
>> was listed at 83.3.
>> My Sam felt just a little “tall” for me.  Sliding off the seat forward at 
>> a stop took some getting used to.  I did adapt, however, and now the Sam 
>> feels like it is part of me when I ride.
>> Last year I got a 51 Cm Homer (650b), to see if a smaller frame would be 
>> better.  It is MUCH too small.  Don’t do that.
>> So I’m with J L.  Call Riv, and believe what they set you up with.  If 
>> they try to set you up with a frame that takes 650b, and you don’t want 
>> 650b, buy something else.
>> As for another model similar to a Sam, look for a Soma Saga.  A Platypus 
>> is also listed as “a country bike”, but it feels nothing like a Sam, while 
>> the Saga does.  I do think a good used Sam from the 2014 - 2017 era would 
>> be a good fit, and the 54 Cm probably would, too.  If you slide off the 
>> seat, be sure to land on your toes.  ;-)

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Re: [RBW] Digest for rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com - 17 updates in 8 topics

2021-04-26 Thread J S
Why not just measure standover? Easy enough to measure from the floor
straight up to the middle of the top tube. I would think that would be a
good indicator of fit for the right person.  I always try to go with
standover due to BB height, how Rivendell measures, etc.  After owning 9+
Rivendell bikes Stand Over and TT length are to 2 figures I want to see.

On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 9:49 AM  wrote:

> rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com
>  Google
> Groups
> Topic digest
> View all topics
>- WTB: Wide range double crankset
><#m_5137483529340545782_group_thread_0> - 3 Updates
>- FS: Bikes on eBay, CraigsLIst, and Other Sites
><#m_5137483529340545782_group_thread_1> - 1 Update
>- Are Shimano and SRAM 11speed mountain interchangeable?
><#m_5137483529340545782_group_thread_2> - 3 Updates
>- To My Platypus People! <#m_5137483529340545782_group_thread_3> - 3
>- Can an 11speed cassette fit on an 8-9-10 hub
><#m_5137483529340545782_group_thread_4> - 3 Updates
>- Looking for the following ! <#m_5137483529340545782_group_thread_5>
>- 1 Update
>- FS: 1992 Bridgestone MB-4 in Nashville
><#m_5137483529340545782_group_thread_6> - 1 Update
>- FOR SALE: Custom Rivendell Road Bike
><#m_5137483529340545782_group_thread_7> - 2 Updates
> WTB: Wide range double crankset
> "Joe M." : Apr 25 04:18PM -0700
> Ok thanks for everyone's input this is helpful. I'll look into making
> these
> work.
> But if anyone does have a wide range double they'd part with, I'd still be
> interested in possibly purchasing it.
> On Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 4:09:55 PM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:
> Ray Varella : Apr 25 04:59PM -0700
> Joe,
> I just measured the Sugino AT on a 127mm spindle. I get 153mm without
> cinching the bolts down. This is just a hand press fit with a gentle tap
> to
> make sure they are on straight.
> Since you want a wide range double, I’m assuming you plan on using the
> inner ring.
> By eliminating the inner ring and running a compact double that would
> allow
> running a narrower Q
> I don’t think most modern cranks will improve on that for you.
> Hope that helps
> Ray
> On Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 4:18:43 PM UTC-7 Joe M. wrote:
> Garth : Apr 26 05:26AM -0700
> I also ran a AT triple with a UN72 127mm bb. I don't recall needing a
> spacer as it was on my '83 Stumpjumper that had excellent ring clearance,
> no bowed stays. It was perfectly centered. The tread width was still very
> low compared to anything "modern". I still have it around so maybe later
> I'll measure it uninstalled, a hand press as Ray did. In riding the extra
> length spindle made no difference to me. In a blind test I would not be
> able to tell a difference. Years later I'm riding a 170mm tread width
> triple and even that makes no difference to me.
> On Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 7:59:14 PM UTC-4 Ray Varella wrote:
> Back to top <#m_5137483529340545782_digest_top>
> FS: Bikes on eBay, CraigsLIst, and Other Sites
> Eric Marth : Apr 26 04:24AM -0700
> Thanks, Liz -- Turns out the Arlington Hillborne is a 58cm, not a 60cm as
> listed. Which is great because that's my size. Looks like the previous
> owner was very tall, hence the teetering dirt drop stem.
> This bike is currently in my shed :)
> On Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 11:01:37 AM UTC-4 Elisabeth Sherwood wrote:
> Back to top <#m_5137483529340545782_digest_top>
> Are Shimano and SRAM 11speed mountain interchangeable?
> Ray Varella : Apr 25 08:44PM -0700
> As a follow up question re; 11 speed on 8-9-10 hubs.
> Are Shimano and SRAM 11 speed cassettes and derailers interchangeable.
> David Person posted an article outlining the differences between freehubs.
> Assuming the SRAM cassette designed for Shimano HG is used, do I need to
> use a Shimano derailer?
> If I use a Shimano 11 speed cassette can I use the SRAM 11 speed derailer?
> Thank you
> Ray
> Philip Barrett : Apr 25 08:51PM -0700
> Basically all interchangeable with some slight disagreements on the chain;
> match the chain to the cassette say some, pooey to that say others.
> [image: Compatibility-tables.002.png]
> On Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 8:44:08 PM UTC-7 Ray Varella wrote:
> Ray Varella : Apr 26 03:59AM -0700
> Thank you Philip
> Ray

Re: [RBW] Sam sizing advice

2021-04-26 Thread J S
The standover of my 51cm Sam with 48mm Switchback  Hill tires is about
30.75”. My PBH IS 80.6 so I have a bit of room.  Mt 55 cm Bleriot with 42mm
tires is a bit over 31.25”  and is ok but tight.  The TT on the Bleriot is
1cm shorter than the Sam so I use a stem that is 1cm less.

Hope this helps.

On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 5:49 PM Roberta  wrote:

> Will,
> I'm 5'7" with an 83cm pbh.  I've ridden Sams, but I own a 54.5 AHH and
> would be less happy on a smaller bike (I'm like Maia--hey,
> RivSister--bigger is better)  However, the top tube is close!
> Joel in this thread or another suggested getting someone to measure the
> stand over of Sam.   Like aeroperf, I rode a 51cm Sam and didn't feel it
> was quite right  for my PBH, which is both his and yours.  One time I was
> at Riv and threw my leg over an older 55 Sam and it was too tall for me.
> Perhaps the new ones are slightly smaller, even with the bigger wheels.
> Finally, someone here suggested a favor from the listers here for you to
> test ride their Sam.  I think that is a good idea.
> Roberta
> On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 9:45:14 PM UTC-4 will...@yahoo.com wrote:
>> This is hilarious and you guys are awesome.
>> my PBH is indeed 83CM if I try to lift myself up off the ground. nd I
>> just found out I am more like 5' 9 & a 1/4".
>> sounds like I would just qualify for the 54cm Sam which is perfect.
>> w
>> On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 6:15:08 PM UTC-7 David Hays wrote:
>>> Will,
>>> I second what Jason said.
>>> I’m 5’ 71/2”. Maybe 5’8” on a good day with a tailwind.
>>> I have a PBH of 83 and ride a 56cm Homer from the time they ran 650B.
>>> I’m running Hetres and am quite comfortable with ‘space’ and fit.
>>> Best.
>>> David
>>> Buffalo, NY
>>> On Apr 23, 2021, at 9:05 PM, J L  wrote:
>>> Will,
>>> I expect you are going to get many of the same responses so i’ll keep
>>> mine brief.
>>> 1) The PBH listings are guidelines. 82pbh should be fine on that bike.
>>> 2) Call Riv HQ and talk to them about your size concerns they are great
>>> to talk to.
>>> 3) We are all built different and yet 82cm PBH at 5’11” seems quite
>>> short in the legs. I suspect you have under measured. Measure again and
>>> keep pulling up as if you are going to lift yourself off the ground. I
>>> expect you will find another CM or two of PBH has been there all along.
>>> Cheers
>>> Jason
>>> SFCA
>>> On Apr 23, 2021, at 5:42 PM, 'Will Horton' via RBW Owners Bunch <
>>> rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>> I am 5'11" on a good day. My PBH is 82CM.
>>> I really want a Sam but am not overly enthusiastic about running 650B
>>> wheels and tires. Would really prefer 700C. I have lots of parts on hand
>>> and all of it is 700C.
>>> The challenge is that the 54cm Sam they sell these days requires minimum
>>> PBH of 83CM, if I go down to a 51cm Sam, they take 650B wheels.
>>> Did Riv ever make a smaller Sam that is compatible with my 82PBH that
>>> was 700c?
>>> Is there another model similar to the Sam that fits my requirements?
>>> --
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Re: [RBW] Sam sizing advice

2021-04-26 Thread J S
So that means 78.1 cm vs. 79.4.

On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 6:37 PM J S  wrote:

> The standover of my 51cm Sam with 48mm Switchback  Hill tires is about
> 30.75”. My PBH IS 80.6 so I have a bit of room.  Mt 55 cm Bleriot with 42mm
> tires is a bit over 31.25”  and is ok but tight.  The TT on the Bleriot is
> 1cm shorter than the Sam so I use a stem that is 1cm less.
> Hope this helps.
> On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 5:49 PM Roberta  wrote:
>> Will,
>> I'm 5'7" with an 83cm pbh.  I've ridden Sams, but I own a 54.5 AHH and
>> would be less happy on a smaller bike (I'm like Maia--hey,
>> RivSister--bigger is better)  However, the top tube is close!
>> Joel in this thread or another suggested getting someone to measure the
>> stand over of Sam.   Like aeroperf, I rode a 51cm Sam and didn't feel it
>> was quite right  for my PBH, which is both his and yours.  One time I was
>> at Riv and threw my leg over an older 55 Sam and it was too tall for me.
>> Perhaps the new ones are slightly smaller, even with the bigger wheels.
>> Finally, someone here suggested a favor from the listers here for you to
>> test ride their Sam.  I think that is a good idea.
>> Roberta
>> On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 9:45:14 PM UTC-4 will...@yahoo.com wrote:
>>> This is hilarious and you guys are awesome.
>>> my PBH is indeed 83CM if I try to lift myself up off the ground. nd
>>> I just found out I am more like 5' 9 & a 1/4".
>>> sounds like I would just qualify for the 54cm Sam which is perfect.
>>> w
>>> On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 6:15:08 PM UTC-7 David Hays wrote:
>>>> Will,
>>>> I second what Jason said.
>>>> I’m 5’ 71/2”. Maybe 5’8” on a good day with a tailwind.
>>>> I have a PBH of 83 and ride a 56cm Homer from the time they ran 650B.
>>>> I’m running Hetres and am quite comfortable with ‘space’ and fit.
>>>> Best.
>>>> David
>>>> Buffalo, NY
>>>> On Apr 23, 2021, at 9:05 PM, J L  wrote:
>>>> Will,
>>>> I expect you are going to get many of the same responses so i’ll keep
>>>> mine brief.
>>>> 1) The PBH listings are guidelines. 82pbh should be fine on that bike.
>>>> 2) Call Riv HQ and talk to them about your size concerns they are great
>>>> to talk to.
>>>> 3) We are all built different and yet 82cm PBH at 5’11” seems quite
>>>> short in the legs. I suspect you have under measured. Measure again and
>>>> keep pulling up as if you are going to lift yourself off the ground. I
>>>> expect you will find another CM or two of PBH has been there all along.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Jason
>>>> SFCA
>>>> On Apr 23, 2021, at 5:42 PM, 'Will Horton' via RBW Owners Bunch <
>>>> rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>>> I am 5'11" on a good day. My PBH is 82CM.
>>>> I really want a Sam but am not overly enthusiastic about running 650B
>>>> wheels and tires. Would really prefer 700C. I have lots of parts on hand
>>>> and all of it is 700C.
>>>> The challenge is that the 54cm Sam they sell these days requires
>>>> minimum PBH of 83CM, if I go down to a 51cm Sam, they take 650B wheels.
>>>> Did Riv ever make a smaller Sam that is compatible with my 82PBH that
>>>> was 700c?
>>>> Is there another model similar to the Sam that fits my requirements?
>>>> --
>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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>>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/c3d2fcc7-60af-4678-a6a8-4e9846843907n%40googlegroups.com
>>>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/c3d2fcc7-60af-4678-a6a8-4e9846843907n%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
>>>> .
>>>> --
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Re: [RBW] Sam sizing advice

2021-04-26 Thread J S
I should’ve mentioned the Bleriot  is the older Rivendell geometry so it’s
more like what would be a 52 cm for the measurements today.

On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 6:41 PM J S  wrote:

> So that means 78.1 cm vs. 79.4.
> On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 6:37 PM J S  wrote:
>> The standover of my 51cm Sam with 48mm Switchback  Hill tires is about
>> 30.75”. My PBH IS 80.6 so I have a bit of room.  Mt 55 cm Bleriot with 42mm
>> tires is a bit over 31.25”  and is ok but tight.  The TT on the Bleriot is
>> 1cm shorter than the Sam so I use a stem that is 1cm less.
>> Hope this helps.
>> On Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 5:49 PM Roberta  wrote:
>>> Will,
>>> I'm 5'7" with an 83cm pbh.  I've ridden Sams, but I own a 54.5 AHH and
>>> would be less happy on a smaller bike (I'm like Maia--hey,
>>> RivSister--bigger is better)  However, the top tube is close!
>>> Joel in this thread or another suggested getting someone to measure the
>>> stand over of Sam.   Like aeroperf, I rode a 51cm Sam and didn't feel it
>>> was quite right  for my PBH, which is both his and yours.  One time I was
>>> at Riv and threw my leg over an older 55 Sam and it was too tall for me.
>>> Perhaps the new ones are slightly smaller, even with the bigger wheels.
>>> Finally, someone here suggested a favor from the listers here for you to
>>> test ride their Sam.  I think that is a good idea.
>>> Roberta
>>> On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 9:45:14 PM UTC-4 will...@yahoo.com wrote:
>>>> This is hilarious and you guys are awesome.
>>>> my PBH is indeed 83CM if I try to lift myself up off the ground. nd
>>>> I just found out I am more like 5' 9 & a 1/4".
>>>> sounds like I would just qualify for the 54cm Sam which is perfect.
>>>> w
>>>> On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 6:15:08 PM UTC-7 David Hays wrote:
>>>>> Will,
>>>>> I second what Jason said.
>>>>> I’m 5’ 71/2”. Maybe 5’8” on a good day with a tailwind.
>>>>> I have a PBH of 83 and ride a 56cm Homer from the time they ran 650B.
>>>>> I’m running Hetres and am quite comfortable with ‘space’ and fit.
>>>>> Best.
>>>>> David
>>>>> Buffalo, NY
>>>>> On Apr 23, 2021, at 9:05 PM, J L  wrote:
>>>>> Will,
>>>>> I expect you are going to get many of the same responses so i’ll keep
>>>>> mine brief.
>>>>> 1) The PBH listings are guidelines. 82pbh should be fine on that bike.
>>>>> 2) Call Riv HQ and talk to them about your size concerns they are
>>>>> great to talk to.
>>>>> 3) We are all built different and yet 82cm PBH at 5’11” seems quite
>>>>> short in the legs. I suspect you have under measured. Measure again and
>>>>> keep pulling up as if you are going to lift yourself off the ground. I
>>>>> expect you will find another CM or two of PBH has been there all along.
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Jason
>>>>> SFCA
>>>>> On Apr 23, 2021, at 5:42 PM, 'Will Horton' via RBW Owners Bunch <
>>>>> rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>>>> I am 5'11" on a good day. My PBH is 82CM.
>>>>> I really want a Sam but am not overly enthusiastic about running 650B
>>>>> wheels and tires. Would really prefer 700C. I have lots of parts on hand
>>>>> and all of it is 700C.
>>>>> The challenge is that the 54cm Sam they sell these days requires
>>>>> minimum PBH of 83CM, if I go down to a 51cm Sam, they take 650B wheels.
>>>>> Did Riv ever make a smaller Sam that is compatible with my 82PBH that
>>>>> was 700c?
>>>>> Is there another model similar to the Sam that fits my requirements?
>>>>> --
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Re: [RBW] To My Platypus People!

2021-04-30 Thread J S
You need to add the protection.  I used framesaver on the last 2 bikes,
others like boshield.  I am sure there are other products as well.  .

On Fri, Apr 30, 2021 at 9:27 AM Tom Wyland  wrote:

> Platy arrived via UPS yesterday!  I plan to move 80% of the parts from
> another bike over to it. Question - are the interior of these bikes ED
> coated or should I use frame saver?  I assumed frame saver but after I
> search of this forum I really haven't seen anything about MIT Rivs.  Mine
> was the "non prep" option from Riv.
> Thanks!
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: daily post ur riv

2021-05-07 Thread J S
Jason, I have the regular Switchback Hill tires and really love the ride.

On Fri, May 7, 2021 at 12:25 PM Jason Fuller  wrote:

> I have some EL Switchback Hills (650x48) in the parts bin I plan to try on
> the Bombadil - have been putting it off because it feels somewhat
> sacreligious to not have knobbies on a Bombadil, but I really ought to try
> - especially since I use this bike primarily for commuting on pavement and
> hardpack gravel!
> And pics for clicks
> On Fri, May 7, 2021 at 5:20 AM Takashi  wrote:
>> Changed tires to 700c x 44mm Snoqualmie Pass. They feel very smooth, and
>> I also believe I'm faster with these tires, though I seldom keep track of
>> my speed.
>> Now I'm kicking myself for not trying these tires much earlier.
>> Here's picture from last Tuesday, enjoying view of Mt. Kiso-Komagatake
>> and peach blossoms.
>> Takashi
>> --
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[RBW] Re: SOLD! Paul Touring cantilevers SOLD! SOLD! Paul Touring cantilevers SOLD!

2021-05-12 Thread J S
I really need to check this page more often. 

On Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 7:17:21 PM UTC-4 Patrick Moore wrote:

> I'm sorry not to answer each inquirer, but there were many. 
> -- 
> ---
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

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[RBW] Re: Seeking advice - Sam Hillborne vs Atlantis

2021-06-08 Thread J S
Daniel, I bought an Atlantis last summer and sold it in a month or less. 
 For me the long chain stays were not to my liking.  I was lucky to find a 
new Sam at a dealer before Riv got their last shipment in.  I really like 
the Sam Hillborne and run it with 48mm tires.  It rides and handles great. 
 I use Choco bars and sit at about 50-60 degrees, so not bolt upright, and 
I hold the bars either on top of the break levers or further up maybe close 
to the hoods on a drop bar.  You should, if possible try to ride them, I 
was unable too before purchasing any of the Rivendells I have bought over 
the years.  

If there is a list member near you who has one  I bet they be happy to help 

Good luck


On Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 11:07:24 AM UTC-4 daniel@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm glad I recently found this group, I am hoping you can help me out!
> I am planning on ordering a Rivendell frameset in the near future 
> (whenever they are in stock, I am patient). I am just having a hard time 
> deciding what might be right for me between the Sam Hillborne and the 
> Atlantis, mainly on the geometry.
> I would be using the bike for a half-hour commute on road / bike paths a 
> couple of times a week with panniers, and also for weekend rides of ~1-2 
> hours mostly on gravel roads. I want to build it up with drop bars and 
> something around ~45mm tyres.
> My PBH is 91cm and my previous drop bar bikes have had a ~60cm top tube. I 
> am tall enough that I have never owned a road bike that is capable of 
> getting the bars level with the saddle, even with a riser stem! My hope for 
> a Rivendell is to set it up with drop bars that can actually be level with 
> the saddle, and to have a bike that will be with me for life.
> I have always LOVED the look of the Atlantis, especially with the extra 
> rainbow top tube. The colour and the head badge are beautiful. For this 
> reason alone it would be my first choice, however… my concern is that in my 
> size (59 cm) the top tube length is 64cm which seems very long, like it 
> would be too long for drop bars. I get the feeling that maybe the “new” 
> Atlantis is more optimised for upright bars? Does anyone have recent 
> experience with drops on the Atlantis?
> Sam Hillborne is a beautiful looking frame too (in orange). The geometry 
> seems to be more “standard” and it would fit my needs nicely. However I’m a 
> little confused on size, the geometry charts on the Riv website lead me to 
> believe there is a 58cm which would be my size, or possibly a 62cm which is 
> the next size up. The text on the Sam Hillborne page suggests there is a 
> 60cm model as the biggest - have they recently updated the sizing and 
> geometry? 
> I think I really want the Atlantis but am hoping for reassurance on the 
> fit. Any light you can shed on this would be great!
> Thanks
> Daniel 

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[RBW] Re: FS: Saluki 54 cm

2021-06-14 Thread J S
Damn, it would fit too.  What is the stand over? I am near Springfield.  

On Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 10:21:30 PM UTC-4 bliss...@gmail.com wrote:

> [image: 1AB96CC9-B8E8-4839-AEE8-06072FBCA0E6.jpeg][image: 
> D79EE857-57C6-46AF-B404-F03971C856F8.jpeg]Need to sell a few bikes to 
> appease my wife (buying recumbent trike!), luckily still have a few 
> Rivendells left- Rivendell Road, a trusty blue Rambouillet, and a quirky 
> Quickbeam
> Saluki 54cm, champagne.  Serial number SA0070
> Two small paint chips on down tube, and 3 inch linear mark? Under down 
> tube near bottom bracket from slap of derailleur cable?  Some rub on the 
> crank decal/markings  from use, minimal.  Thick clear chain guard on rear 
> stay.
> 8-speed Suntour XC Pro shifting/derailleurs, Suntour brake levers. 
>  Surgino PX triple cranks
> I believe Velocity rims, has the asymmetric rim in back.  8-speed Suntour 
> XC Pro rear hub, front unbranded high flange?  Of course Nitto all around, 
> Pearl 100 stem Nitto bars, frog seatpost.  Brooks B17 in great shape.  Trim 
> line 650bx38 tires in great shape.
> Not sure about headset, looks like high end Tange?  Not sure about bottom 
> bracket, but it’s fine.
> Two Nitto bottle cages.  Berthoud front bag with decailler(?) on Nitto 
> front rack.  Berthoud seat bag, two 650b tubes included!   Bags in slightly 
> weathered but great shape, includes rain cover for front bag.  Map carrier 
> supple without cracks/tears.
> Purchased from enthusiast/constructeur from Portland, Maine 15 years ago? 
>  Believe his first name was Ed.  Was set up with rim generator, took that 
> off... Tiny sealed hole drilled in bottom of top tube near head tube for 
> original wire to front light mounted on front rack (removed).  
> Used for a few Deerfield Dirt Road Randonee’s, otherwise possibly 200 
> miles total.
> Additional pictures on request
> Price?  I believe I paid $2100, would love to get that.  Bags and 
> decailler would be $400 if you could get them.  Located on Cape Cod, could 
> meet near Boston, or happy to ship through my bike shop ($150-200 these 
> days?)

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Re: [RBW] Re: Charlie H Gallop!

2021-06-16 Thread J S
Tom, that was done years ago with the Bleriot.

On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 4:17 PM Tom Wyland  wrote:

> If I was Riv President for a day, I would ponder if adding a lower-cost
> all-rounder bike would cut into sales of the other models. Clem and
> Roadini  (tigged lower-cost frames) are on the rough terrain and road ends
> of the spectrum.  The premium equivalents are the Hillibikes  and AHH.  All
> of the bikes in the all-rounder territory are the premium type, and there
> are quite a few models that functionally overlap (Platy, Sam, Atlantis, Joe
> Appa). Adding a lower-cost alternative for the already overlapping premium
> models would just cut into the sales of those without further
> differentiation.
> I would partner with a brand that made lower-cost frames and offer those
> without Riv branding.  Then capture all of those other brand's customers
> and offer them to ladder up to a Rivendell.  Basically use the lower cost
> brand as a channel to sell the more premium Rivs.  And you wouldn't dilute
> your brand with a lower-priced model with little differentiation.
> Companies like Handsome or Soma might make sense.
> The good news is 1) I'm not Riv President for a Day and 2) due to the
> current bike boom they'll sell whatever bikes they ordered in an hour.
> Boom.
> Tom
> --
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2021-06-20 Thread J S
Not cool to make a higher offer. 

On Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at 3:40:58 PM UTC-4 Bruce Baker wrote:

> Gerarard,
> If not sold I want to buy it and my offer is $1150.00 and I will pay for 
> shipping...
> Bruce
> On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 12:15 PM Gerard Gunhouse  
> wrote:
>>- SERIAL# RB1100
>> https://www.flickr.com/photos/143721512@N07/albums/72157719408393298
>> -- 
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[RBW] Re: New Plat in Brooklyn

2021-07-20 Thread J S
Beautiful bike.  When I lived on Cortelyou Rd many years ago Brooklyn was 
far from bike crazy but I did ride there.  Sometimes road on the side of 
the Belt Pkwy.  

On Tuesday, July 20, 2021 at 6:01:34 PM UTC-4 Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY wrote:

> Super PLAT! (SPLAT!)
> Happy Rolling...
> -Kai
> On Tuesday, July 20, 2021 at 12:03:11 AM UTC-6 Brooklyn Plat wrote:
>> I got one from that first batch of Platypuses. Twenty-five years as a Riv 
>> fan, but never an owner, finis. Full membership in the cult, now. I decided 
>> I would get the full experience and let Riv build it for me, also, I was 
>> rebuilding another bike at the same time and couldn't handle a second 
>> project. (That bike is kind of a Riv knockoff.) It's a modest build. No 
>> fancy parts. I am curious about the low-normal derailer Grant is working 
>> on. We'll see. Also I prefer a chainstay kickstand. Another thing to think 
>> about. In low gear I just shot up Old Mountain Road near Nyack, and as 
>> promised, no feeling at all that the bike was going to go over backward. 
>> That's nearly tree climbing. I need to cloth tape the ESI grips, and at 
>> first thought I'd do it in red; Riv even included a roll of the tape for me 
>> to use, and I've got twine and shellac to finish it off. But I kind of like 
>> the black/red combination, so I may do the grips in black. Since this photo 
>> I've hung an inexpensive black rack off the back. Bikes have to be more 
>> than pretty faces. Brooklyn being bike crazy right now and Riv having 
>> caught on (I have my own theory), once inventory levels there are rebuilt I 
>> expect to see myself coming and going on Brooklyn streets. Don't mind at 
>> all. May Riv live long and prosper.
>> [image: Riv1.jpg]

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[RBW] Re: WTB: Riv Hat

2021-08-11 Thread J S
I have a few that have lost a lot of the elastic and are too big fir me 
now.  Not sure of the colors right now other than red, I can check.  

On Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 2:24:17 PM UTC-4 Matthew P wrote:

> Hello RBW bunch,
> I'm looking to buy a Rivendell hat.
> Used or unused. Baseball style or cycling style.
> All offers appreciated.
> Are you planning on buying one of the Riv - Blue Lug hats? Pass on your 
> old one to me :)
> Thank you.
> -Matthew
> in San Diego hoping to finish my Atlantis by Thursday to ride it on my 
> birthday! :D

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[RBW] Re: WTB: Riv Hat

2021-08-11 Thread J S
Roberta, if no other takers and if the ekastic is good I’ll take it, but 
let OP have first shot.  

On Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 9:03:44 PM UTC-4 Roberta wrote:

> I have one I’m pretty sure unworn. Cycling cap. It looks like this but 
> Homer blue ( the darker Homer). It’s in my house somewhere in a box. If 
> you’re interested, I’ll find it and get you pics. House is non smoking and 
> no pets. 
> https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/377528381248306877/
> Roberta
> On Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 4:03:35 PM UTC-4 Matt Beecher wrote:
>> They did a nice run of hats a couple years ago.  I picked up a bucket 
>> hat, 2nd hand.  I really wanted one of the traditional baseball style 
>> hats.  I seem to recall a nice looking orange one.
>> I have a green baseball cap, but quality does not seem quite as nice as 
>> the Blue Lug or the ones I missed out on.  I'm hopeful there will be a 
>> higher end hat offering coming up while they are looking for something to 
>> help stay afloat next year.  
>> Good luck with the hunt!
>> Best regards,
>> Matt in Oswego, IL 
>> On Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 1:24:17 PM UTC-5 Matthew P wrote:
>>> Hello RBW bunch,
>>> I'm looking to buy a Rivendell hat.
>>> Used or unused. Baseball style or cycling style.
>>> All offers appreciated.
>>> Are you planning on buying one of the Riv - Blue Lug hats? Pass on your 
>>> old one to me :)
>>> Thank you.
>>> -Matthew
>>> in San Diego hoping to finish my Atlantis by Thursday to ride it on my 
>>> birthday! :D

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[RBW] Re: 51cm Homer Hilsen at my local shop

2022-02-06 Thread J S
$5,000, wow…..

On Saturday, February 5, 2022 at 12:45:44 PM UTC-5 exliontamer wrote:

> Just a heads up in case anyone is looking for one. 
> https://www.halcyonbike.com/inventory

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[RBW] Re: Shellacing the Neubaums

2022-02-28 Thread J S
I always apply in very light coats. I end up using 6 or so coats.  Like you 
I cover the front of the bike.  I use plastic drop cloths and lasting tape. 
 Alcohol, denatured Alcohol can take the shellac off of the places you do 
not want it. 

On Sunday, February 27, 2022 at 5:23:28 PM UTC-5 JohnS wrote:

> Wrapped the Soma Oxfords (Albatross copy) on my '82 Stumpy today. Shellac 
> is very runny and just wants to go everywhere, I tried to mask the front 
> end of the bike and tipped it in the stand to keep from going where it 
> shouldn't. You really can't be too careful with it.
> JohnS
> [image: WIN_20220227_16_50_20_Pro.jpg]

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[RBW] WTB: B17 imperial (cutout) pr B68 Imperial, cross post

2022-03-02 Thread J S
While set up on rollers with a fork mount my B17 seems to get me numb.  I 
know I can get a new one at a decent price but thought I would try here. 



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[RBW] Re: Am I thinking practically? Riv for all seasons

2022-03-14 Thread J S
I would not rule out a Hillborne. 

On Sunday, March 13, 2022 at 12:42:34 PM UTC-4 trevor@gmail.com wrote:

> First time posting here. Not yet an owner, but working on it!
> A few years back, I sold my year round commuter (a Surly Steamroller with 
> custom Canti mounts) in favour of a bike with disc brakes, thinking that 
> would be the way to go for all-season riding. For reference, I live in the 
> middle of Canada where we have snow up to 6 months of the year, with 
> temperatures hovering well below -20C for a lot of that.
> I've recently been eyeing up the Joe Appaloosa as a contender for my next 
> bike. The idea is that it would be commuter as well as tourer/light 
> trail/etc. There would be some overlap with other bikes, but I am going to 
> be honest and say that I am smitten with that bike.
> Does anyone have any experience riding their Riv in awful wintery 
> conditions? I've survived on 33c CX tires before, so that aspect of the 
> bike is less of a concern. I am mostly thinking about the rim brake 
> concerns and any other things to watch out for. Or maybe I am just trying 
> to coax myself into moving distinctly into N+1 territory. 
> I would be happy to hear any thoughts about riding Rivs in awful winter 
> conditions.

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Re: [RBW] Anxiously awaiting a warm up

2022-03-16 Thread J S
Thanks you J.  I hope so too.  Tomorrow will be rainy so fingers are 
On Wednesday, March 16, 2022 at 1:44:44 PM UTC-4 row.n.2...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hope you get a ride in.
> We had Monday and Tuesday to ride. Monday took wife s car in for new 
> alternator. Tuesday I had a dentist appointment. Today a storm is Brewing. 
> Predicting 8-10" over night. Next week looks good.
> Nice looking machine you have there.
> Have a good ride.
> On Wed, Mar 16, 2022, 10:21 AM 'Joel S' via RBW Owners Bunch <
> rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> [image: D3F3449F-4214-4148-9961-4E8F82F95303.jpeg]Friday might be the 
>> day.  Hard for me to ride in cooler weather in the past years where I used 
>> to ride thru December and beyond.  Friday may hit a warm spot so I brought 
>> my not yet ridden Saluki up from the basement, perched in the sunroom now.  
>> All lights and computer either charged or getting charged.  Wish me luck, 
>> Joel 
>> -- 
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[RBW] Re: $500 Atlantis

2022-03-20 Thread J S
We’ve always sold at fair prices on this forum, I have no issue with 
someone telling him it is worth more.  My only question is would he have 
told him that if he would have shipped it? 

On Sunday, March 20, 2022 at 6:21:13 PM UTC-4 eric...@gmail.com wrote:

> Dang, I was hoping someone got it for a sweet deal. Too bad the person 
> asking for shipping ruined it for the next buyer. 
> On Sunday, March 20, 2022 at 1:38:53 PM UTC-4 J wrote:
>> No. The seller was contacted by someone from this group wanting him to 
>> ship it. When he said it was local pickup only the person told him then he 
>> should sell it for much more. Congrats to whomever that was. Let this one 
>> rest. 
>> On Sunday, March 20, 2022 at 10:30:12 AM UTC-7 eric...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Anybody here nab this?
>>> On Saturday, March 19, 2022 at 7:57:24 PM UTC-4 Joe Bernard wrote:
 It's still dicey but if he's come to a place of just needing it gone, 
 that number should do it. I've done sales like that. 

 On Saturday, March 19, 2022 at 4:42:21 PM UTC-7 Ryan wrote:

> Actually , Joe...you are right...I didn't see what he wrote about the 
> bike at first glance when I posted earlier
> Feels like it should be worth more...someone is getting that bike at a 
> nice price

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