Re: [RBW] Re: DC Sunrise Coffee

2014-02-23 Thread Chris Chen
Kroil works wonders too. PB blaster is something else I've used that is
also effective.

On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 8:43 PM, hsmitham  wrote:

> Tony,
> Enjoyed the post...rides with purpose are the best. Re: stuck seat post
> I'd recommend Liquid Wrench stuff is magic.
> ~Hugh
> On Thursday, February 20, 2014 8:21:33 PM UTC-8, Tony DeFilippo wrote:
>> I've been inspired and jealous by the California and Pittsburgh sunrise
>> coffee rides so I decided to finally do something about it this morning!
>>  My friend Joe and I met up at the LBJ Memorial Grove which has a great
>> view of the DC monuments... My esbit alcohol stove had the water hot in no
>> time and the pour over new delivered excellent coffee.
>> I'm temporarily Riv-less having shipped off my Atlantis to it's lucky new
>> owner and have not made the trip to pick up the new purple Saluki just yet.
>>  So the closest I could come is my XO-3... Fresh off an epic battle to
>> remove a stuck seat post I built it back up last night with some of the
>> Atlantis accessories that didn't make the sale.  The ride, the coffee and
>> the companionship was all great! Pictures prove it happened;
>> I'm hoping to make a habit of this!
>> Tony
>>  --
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Re: [RBW] Saw the coolest thing on trail today.

2014-02-23 Thread Chris Chen
Awesome crash stories, Manny!

On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 10:35 PM, Manuel Acosta <> wrote:

> Good amount of East Bay dirt.
> Five of us. Kurt, Brian, Jeremy, Evan and Jon.
> Two of the five were on single speeds.
> 4 out of the five haven't ridden the single track of Joaquin Miller Park,
> Oakland's only "downhill" course.
> Which always equals fun.
> Lots of crashes today. Me included.
> Notable crashes.
> As we start of the single track down from JMP we're followed by another
> group of dirt riders.
> 10 bikers barreling down a single track, I take a short cut and was able
> to cut in front of them only to miss the last lip and doing my best ninja
> roll over my camera. Nothing hurt just a twisted handlebar. Camera was fine.
> Mr.Brian Oei, one of the four/five? members of the Boyz on the Hoods
> Made my life complete by allowing me to watch him crash but recover in the
> coolest way possible.
> Going down Sunset Trail in JMP with Brian, Kurt and Jeremy behind me.
> Taking the first switchback Brian's back wheel slides out.
> I look back and he's on his back still clipped in.
> He was in toe clips and he couldn't unclip. Like a boss he did a 180
> backspin on his back on the cambered switchback.
> He rolls his bike over himself gets back on the trail and rides ahead of
> me.
> Then proceeds to rip through.
> My life feels complete now that I've seen that. No pictures of this but 2
> other people can be a witness.
> Picture proved that the rest of the ride was great:
> Manny "Uses his breakdance moves on the trail" Acosta
>  --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Change my chain or ride it til it skips?

2014-02-23 Thread Chris Chen
And if you don't do it, eventually your chain, rings, and cassettes will
wear and if you get chainsuck at an unfortunate place, you'll crash.

So replace the f'n chain. It's $20.


On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 10:35 PM, Michael  wrote:

> So is it as easy to do myself as just buying a new 9-speed chain,
> matching the link count and then snapping together the master link?
> Any tips?
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Re: [RBW] New Compass tires?

2014-02-24 Thread Chris Chen
The design tire for my new bike is a 50x584 big ben, with enough to go to


On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 12:08 PM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:

> Somebody should do a youtube of themself walking into their local bike
> shop with a pair of Compass 700x38 tires.  Walk up to the dude behind the
> counter and ask:  Do you have a bike to fit these tires?  See how they
> handle it.  They always ask very early in the conversation "What kind of
> riding are you going to do?" and that's a very useful way to narrow the
> search.  If you have the tires picked out, you can hold them up and say
> "THIS is the kind of riding I will be doing".
> On Monday, February 24, 2014 12:03:35 PM UTC-8, Pudge wrote:
>>  My order for the 700C 38mm is already in - I'm going to try them on my
>> Hilsen.  Report to follow.
>>  --
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Re: [RBW] 9 to 8 speed worth it for better friction shifting?

2014-02-24 Thread Chris Chen
Before you do that swap the Centeron pulley closest to the cassette with
the non floating one and see if that helps your accuracy.
On Feb 24, 2014 10:30 PM, "Michael"  wrote:

> While I need to replace my chain now, I was wondering if swapping out my 9
> speed chain and cassette to an 8 speed chain/cassette would be a good idea
> for better friction-ing while I am at it.
> I hear the cogs are wider apart which makes for truer shift and less
> auto-shifting.
> My 9 speed cassette and Silver shifter does well, but I do get some
> auto-shifts, probably because I don't always land the chain squarely on the
> next cog and I am wondering if going to an 8 speed would help a bit.
> Anything I need to know about this, or just swap the parts and adjust the
> derailer limit screws if needed in case the cassette width differs from the
> existing 9 speed? I am guessing the Silver shifter would be fine for 8
> speed. I plan to keep the same toothcount for the biggest cog.
> Any info is appreciated.
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: New Rear Racks

2014-03-03 Thread Chris Chen
Maybe we'll just start calling them big chevy front and big chevy rear

On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 12:19 PM, Minh  wrote:

> These look great, but as someone that's been around RBW for a long time, i
> wish they would name the racks so we know it's the newest version.  It
> doesn't affect RBW much since they don't sell the old versions but other
> vendors do and they show up on the second-hand market a lot.  It get's
> confusing trying to figure out which version of the Nitto BBR or BFR you
> are talking about!
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: New Rear Racks

2014-03-03 Thread Chris Chen
well maybe not they didn't change the BFR...yet.

On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 3:32 PM, Chris Chen  wrote:

> Maybe we'll just start calling them big chevy front and big chevy rear
> On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 12:19 PM, Minh  wrote:
>> These look great, but as someone that's been around RBW for a long time,
>> i wish they would name the racks so we know it's the newest version.  It
>> doesn't affect RBW much since they don't sell the old versions but other
>> vendors do and they show up on the second-hand market a lot.  It get's
>> confusing trying to figure out which version of the Nitto BBR or BFR you
>> are talking about!
>> --
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> --
> "I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah

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Re: [RBW] Re: Current Status

2014-03-03 Thread Chris Chen
You realize that NW weather is actually pretty tame; rainfall is usually
pretty light and big storms are nothing like those storms that cause half
the San Gabriels to fall apart.

Also, we're just far tougher than you.


On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 4:56 PM, Hugh Smitham  wrote:

> Andy,
> Crappy roads again another reason fat tires are optimal. I don't know how
> you folks weather (pun intended) the extremes as you do. Perhaps, it's the
> fact that Spring and Fall are so glorious which sustains.
> I'd really enjoy a tour like this video,
> Looks to be superb. Look forward to your ride reports.
> ~Hugh
> "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep
> moving." -- Albert Einstein
> On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 3:52 AM, ascpgh  wrote:
>> When riding starts in my group, we're going to have to require helmets
>> and huge tires as it looks from here.
>> Kinder winters for the last two years lulled municipal road departments
>> and those older, more porous streets and roads have simply given up to
>> entropy this winter, returning to their particulate origins. Short of road
>> salt so plows ran yesterday, spalling the already delicate roads. It's
>> going to be more dangerous to ride in a group in the spring on these roads
>> than it is now. The persistent snow pack may be more reminiscent of Siberia
>> than North America, but it sure helps level and bind the degraded roads and
>> streets.
>> Days are getting longer, I could see the blue of the blue of the sky
>> before dawn the other day as I got to work, while it was 3°. Ah the coming
>> days of warmth when all unfreezes and lets go.
>> Andy Cheatham
>> Pittsburgh
>> On Sunday, March 2, 2014 9:18:48 AM UTC-5, Marc Irwin wrote:
>>> It went by here last night leaving a fresh 4" on top of the 10 feet we
>>> have already received...sigh.  I'm tired of studded tires.  Ironically,
>>> with daylight savings time a week away, I sent out a press release for the
>>> local club to announce the beginning of our organized ride season.  It's
>>> got to have people rolling on the floor.
>>> Marc
>>> On Saturday, March 1, 2014 2:20:32 PM UTC-5, Montclair BobbyB wrote:

 Thanks a LOT Hugh... We're actually expecting the remnants of that
 storm here in Central NJ (in the form of snow) beginning Sunday, and
 lasting most of Monday... Estimates range from 6-12 inches, possibly
 more...  We'll be jealous of the nice weather that no doubt follows your

 On Saturday, March 1, 2014 1:57:30 AM UTC-5, hsmitham wrote:
> Yep the first big storm of 2014 in Southern California...for those of
> you out East jealous of our fair weather, well read about it 
> hereand  know that we sometimes 
> have to change plans.
> ~Hugh
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Re: [RBW] Re: Recommended Coffee Grinder

2014-03-04 Thread Chris Chen
About a minute?

On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 10:04 AM, Patrick Moore  wrote:

> I see that the Porlex accepts up to 1/4 cup of beans. OK, how long to
> grind 1/4 cup coarsely for a press?
> Patrick "rushed in the morning -- at least, rushed for my coffee" Moore
> On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 11:02 AM, Patrick Moore wrote:
>> I've toyed with the idea of getting a bur grinder to prepare coffee for a
>> press (usually use a Melita drip cone for which a blade grinder is fine).
>> How long does it take to grind say 1/3 cup of beans in the Porlex
>> grinder? I have nothing against electric burr grinders but don't want to
>> spend the money for one. $40 I can afford.
>> On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 10:57 AM, Zack  wrote:
>>> Deacon -
>>> I have that grinder, and think it's fantastic.  Nice even grind, every
>>> time.  It does indeed sort of fit inside the aeropress cylinder as well.  I
>>> usually don't end up doing that, but it works.
>>> Also there is definitely a huge difference between grinding right before
>>> you brew and waiting days or weeks.  Coffee, after you grind it, goes stale
>>> in a matter of minutes.  There are worse things in the world than "stale"
>>> coffee, but if you want to do it right, grinding right before you brew
>>> makes a huge difference.
>>> happy brewing!
>>> --
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>> --
>> Albuquerque, NM, USA
>> Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and letters that get interviews.
>> By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching.
>> Other professional writing services.
> --
> Albuquerque, NM, USA
> Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and letters that get interviews.
> By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching.
> Other professional writing services.
>  --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Recommended Coffee Grinder

2014-03-04 Thread Chris Chen
Yes, if you look at a blade grinder it just whacks the s*** out of the
beans until you stop, so you have a random chance of hitting a large bean
or a small shard; this of course means that when you stop, the vast
majority of the particles are in the middle (think standard distribution).

With a burr grinder, it's more like a go-no go gauge (or high pass/low pass
filter, whatever floats your boat): you set the slop between the top and
bottom parts and only particles small enough pass through. You'll see a
more consistent grind.

On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 11:07 AM, Deacon Patrick  wrote:

> Thanks, George. As I understand it, the inconsistency of grind you
> describe is exactly why people recommend going with a burr grinder over a
> blade grinder. Can anyone confirm?
> With abandon,
> Patrick
> On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 12:01:13 PM UTC-7, George Schick wrote:
>> I've used the Krups fast-touch for years with good success.  It can be
>> purchased most places for around $20.  And, as their web site says, it
>> doubles nicely as a spice grinder, too.  One irritating quality about it,
>> though, is it seems that some of the coffee will always settle to the
>> bottom of the grinding chamber and wind up becoming very fine whereas the
>> rest of it remains near the top and is more coarse.  I have to hold the lid
>> on tightly, turn it upside down and shake it a few times during the grind
>> in order to more evenly distribute the coffee.
>> Products/F203/F203.htm
>> On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 11:54:25 AM UTC-6, Deacon Patrick wrote:
>>> What coffee grinder do you recommend? Two uses:
>>> -- Home
>>> -- Bikepacking
>>> (This one was mentioned by someone as fitting inside the Aeropress:
>>> s9_simh_gw_p79_d0_i3?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=
>>> 12CYT1TWETYTZZ7PMY48&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1688200382&pf_rd_i=507846 )
>>> It's interesting. I'm discovering fresh swiss water decaf coffee well
>>> brewed (which I learned how to do through this group -- thank you!) helps my
>>> brain in a way similar to the way dark chocolate does (we make our own to
>>> get it dark enough without stuff that messes me up). So I'm planning on
>>> making coffee on trips now, and there is a vast difference between fresh
>>> found and even day old ground, which I can now taste because I am brewing
>>> it well. And I don't even have the Aeropress yet. Grin.
>>> With abandon,
>>> Patrick
>>> * *
>>> * *
>>>  --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Recommended Coffee Grinder

2014-03-04 Thread Chris Chen
By the way, it's true the porlex isn't the fastest grinder, but even when
I'm making coffee for 4, I don't think to myself (man this is really
slowing me down)...

Also apparently it's social to do so:

On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 11:25 AM, Deacon Patrick  wrote:

> I just read up on it again. I definitely want a burr grinder, likely hand
> cranked at home and definitely hand cranked for bikepacking. Issues of
> grind consistency and temperature eliminate the blade grinders for me.
> With abandon,
> Patrick
> On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 12:07:30 PM UTC-7, Deacon Patrick wrote:
>> Thanks, George. As I understand it, the inconsistency of grind you
>> describe is exactly why people recommend going with a burr grinder over a
>> blade grinder. Can anyone confirm?
>> With abandon,
>> Patrick
>> On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 12:01:13 PM UTC-7, George Schick wrote:
>>> I've used the Krups fast-touch for years with good success.  It can be
>>> purchased most places for around $20.  And, as their web site says, it
>>> doubles nicely as a spice grinder, too.  One irritating quality about it,
>>> though, is it seems that some of the coffee will always settle to the
>>> bottom of the grinding chamber and wind up becoming very fine whereas the
>>> rest of it remains near the top and is more coarse.  I have to hold the lid
>>> on tightly, turn it upside down and shake it a few times during the grind
>>> in order to more evenly distribute the coffee.
>>> Products/F203/F203.htm
>>> On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 11:54:25 AM UTC-6, Deacon Patrick wrote:

 What coffee grinder do you recommend? Two uses:

 -- Home
 -- Bikepacking
 (This one was mentioned by someone as fitting inside the Aeropress:
 12CYT1TWETYTZZ7PMY48&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1688200382&pf_rd_i=507846 )

 It's interesting. I'm discovering fresh swiss water decaf coffee well
 brewed (which I learned how to do through this group -- thank you!) helps 
 brain in a way similar to the way dark chocolate does (we make our own to
 get it dark enough without stuff that messes me up). So I'm planning on
 making coffee on trips now, and there is a vast difference between fresh
 found and even day old ground, which I can now taste because I am brewing
 it well. And I don't even have the Aeropress yet. Grin.

 With abandon,

 * *
 * *

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Re: [RBW] Re: You know you are riding in San Francisco when

2014-03-04 Thread Chris Chen
She lives in Vancouver, which is almost if not as bad.

On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 2:12 PM, Tonester  wrote:

> Bring a bag of money.  Rent/Housing is insane.  Again.
> On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 12:46:38 PM UTC-8, Cecily Walker wrote:
>> This is doing nothing to quell those urges to pack up and move to San
>> Francisco. Also? I wanna be Eileen.
>> On Monday, March 3, 2014 12:57:25 PM UTC-8, Tom Virgil wrote:
>>> "I see a fellow cyclist riding in high heels".
>>> Interesting profiles of some S.F. 
>>> riders.
>>> There is even a Homer Hilsen rider with a fish leather cap.
>>> Some ideas for the Bay Area National 
>>> Gathering.
>>>  --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Favorite Coffee (regular and decaf)

2014-03-04 Thread Chris Chen
I'm gonna sound like a crank but unless you're going on a tour just bring
the kit; But then again I'm part of the "carry more, right?" school of

Like for an overnight, I pack a proper ceramic mug, my ceramic beehouse,
pre-weigh out 16g of beans and bring the grinder.

There's something fundamentally relaxing and grounding about the *act* of
making coffee that even if I don't get perfect pour-over results on the
road, it still tastes great.


On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 2:26 PM, David Stein  wrote:

>  I did the popcorn popper and Deans Beans (and also Sweet Maria's) for a
> while. The coffee was awesome and super fresh, but took too much time to
> roast and the batches were only enough for a pot or two. I briefly had a
> system where i used two poppers and did 3 batches each in a row for a full
> weeks supply of coffee, but the popcorn popper got so hot after the first
> batch that it burned the second, and I didn't have the patience to let it
> cool down ;). A lot of people roast their own this way and all the power
> too them, I wasn't dedicated enough.
> Don't understand the blue bottle craze. Their coffee beans are ok, the
> main problem is they are so populer that everytime I go to buy some beans
> at the Ferry building in SF (or at any number of local farmers markets) the
> line is crazy long.
> I lived in Nashville for a while and loved all the local coffee beans
> there: bongo java and portland brew especially.  Now I live in Oakland and
> get my beans from Highwire. They're the best I've had in the bay area,
> though I admittedly haven't tried much besides them, Philz and Blue bottle.
> For camping I'm all about the Startbucks via instant coffee.
> On Tuesday, March 4, 2014 11:48:07 AM UTC-8, Deacon Patrick wrote:
>> What's your favorite coffee? Regular and/or decaf.
>> Since I can only drink decaf, my favorite (so far) is Dazbog French Roast
>> Organic Decaf, with their Babushka a very close second.
>> With abandon,
>> Patrick
>> * *
>> * *
>>  --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Recommended Coffee Grinder

2014-03-05 Thread Chris Chen
I vary the size of grind on my porlex between rediculous turkish fine to
coarse french press, and it seems to work fine. I've been using it pretty
regularly and I think it's plenty tough in the handle. If I recall
correctly it's the hario that seems to break after a time.


On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 9:41 AM, Toshi Takeuchi  wrote:

> Hario grinder and I also bought a used Zassenhaus. I love my French press.
> Toshi
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Re: [RBW] Looking for some advice, contacts in Portland

2014-03-05 Thread Chris Chen
My Family is from Burma. I can put him up.

We can make Shan-style "Tofu".


On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 7:37 PM, Kip Otteson  wrote:

> Hello from Thailand.  I'm currently helping a student look into the UBI
> school in Portland for the mechanics course.  The course is 6,450 dollars
> for the whole shebang and he has that much money.  He can also fly over
> from Thailand to do the course.  What I'm looking for is some good soul
> that would house him and let him work for food and lodging while he's in
> Portland from the beginning of October to November 8th or so.  The courses
> run from the 6th of October to November 7th.  So, one month.
> This kid is named Kan Kyi and he's an ethnic Burmese/Shan person.  He's
> very motivated to start a community bike shop in Chiang Mai and use the
> space to bring communities together of Thai, Burmese, and various ethnic
> tribes through cycling and art.  My family has land in town that is
> available for him to use for a shop and the lease runs for five years.  Kan
> Kyi has applied and been accepted to numerous universities in the states
> but there is just not enough scholarship money for his needs to be met.
> His family has chosen public service over money and it is hard to pay such
> huge fees for American schools.
> The space that Kan Kyi's shop would be located on includes Documentary
> Arts Asia and the Pun Pun Farm restaurant.  This is going to be a kind of
> alternative, organic, sustainable think tank in the middle of the city.
> Super cool!
> So does anyone on the list want to take a risk and host a budding bike nut
> for a month?  I know Kan Kyi wants to work out some kind of rent payment.
> (He'll soon have crazy bike skills!)  He'll come to Portland with his Surly
> LHT and get to work.  Two other list guys can vouch for him, Earl Grey
> (Gernot Huber) and Paul Y.
> Thanks for the time.
> Kip Otteson
> Chiang Mai, Thailand
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Re: [RBW] Coffee questions

2014-03-07 Thread Chris Chen
Patrick, here are my thoughts about this:

Coffee goes from sour to sweet and balanced to bitter as you extract more
of the water soluble bits.

Since a paper cone takes out all the solids, yeah it's "cleaner" but I
think a main issue is skimping on the beans which leads to overextraction,
which leads to bitterness. I try and err on the side of more coffee grounds
(currently I try 15-16g/250mL).

If I'm using a french press I grind coarse (to be honest I think this is
partially because finer particles clog up the screen and make it harder to
push down). I only let the press sit for 4 minutes, stirring regularly,
then immediately decanting into cups or some other container; don't let the
coffee sit in the press because it'll keep extracting.

Most folks like the Aeropress, and if I ever got one I'd probably like it
too, but right now I like the practice of pour over with a beehouse ceramic
filter holder and the trangia kettle. None of these are particularly
"ideal" for coffee on the road but it's just so damn fun. There's a video
with all kinds of methods, I'm sure I've posted it before but hey...

Unsurprisingly the wikipedia page has some great tips on what, empirically,
makes a "good" cup of coffee, and what sorts of extraction levels to shoot
for. And the sweet maria's site has some nice instructional videos.



On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 8:58 AM, Patrick Moore  wrote:

> I've used many brewing methods over the years, currently an old Melita
> cup-top filter. A few questions (which must be On Topic, given the length
> of the similar threads ongoing at this point):
> 1. Am I correct in thinking that the on-pass filter method gives a
> "clearer" and "cleaner" brew?
> 2. That a stovetop espresso (I know it's not "espresso in the nitty gritty
> technical details, but that's what it's generally called) maker gives a
> "smokier" brew?
> 3. I used a press for years, but found that it often gave a sour brew. Was
> this due to excessively fine particles (due to using a blade grinder)?
> 4. What is the best way, start to finish, to brew using a press?
> Patrick Moore, seriously thinking of trying green tea, too.
> 5. Come to think of it what is y'all's favorite way of brewing, and why?
> --
> Albuquerque, NM, USA
> Resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and letters that get interviews.
> By-the-hour resume and LinkedIn coaching.
> Other professional writing services.
>   --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Coffee questions

2014-03-08 Thread Chris Chen
Daniel I agree, that's why I often err on the generous side when I'm
weighing my beans (that, and my balance is not so accurate).

Deacon, I suppose I was only referencing the Wikipedia page because it
lists different extraction percentages favored in different regions, and I
like numbers. :)


On Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 8:35 AM, Daniel M  wrote:

> Just to point out: over-extraction does not result from too much (er,
> many) coffee grounds being used. It's a combination of too few grounds /
> too much water / too much extraction time.
> I find that using a generous amount of very coarse grind with a slow
> pour-over is a very forgiving method. Comes out strong, rich, and smooth.
> Time to make coffee!
> Daniel
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Re: [RBW] Tire swapping Saturday

2014-03-08 Thread Chris Chen
Sweet dude!

On Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 12:07 PM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:

> I was messing around in the garage, getting ready for the first S24O of
> 2014, and went ahead and put knobbies on my Hillborne.  700x43 Rock and
> Roads.  It looks so butch!
>  --
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Re: [RBW] WTB Rear Cream Longboard

2014-03-08 Thread Chris Chen
You got it. I bought a new set to replace the front, so I have the rear
lying around.


On Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 8:27 PM, Edwin W  wrote:

> Cracked mine today, not sure how. It involved a broken spoke and my 7 year
> old riding on my rear rack. I am sure all of those are connected, but not
> sure how!
> Anyone have a mismatched rear cream longboard lying around looking for a
> mate?
> You can contact me at dweendaddy at hotmail.
> Maybe biking in the South is dangerous in more ways than I knew,
> Edwin
>  --
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Re: [RBW] Re: The hills are calling and they are green

2014-03-10 Thread Chris Chen
I'm in San Francisco until Sunday evening. Down to do an overnight next


On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 10:04 AM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:

> All day Sunday:
> Henry:  So dad, when's the next one?
> Me:  I don't know, whenever people want to do one
> Henry:  How did you find out about this one?
> Me:  Manny texted me?
> Henry:  Has Manny texted you about the next one?
> Me:  No, not yet
> Henry:  Can you check if he's texted you?
> Me:  He really hasn't texted me yet?
> Henry:  So when do you think he'll text you?
> Me:  I never know.
> Henry:  Is Manny the only one who can call these?
> Me:  No, people can do whatever they want.  Solo, organized, whatever,
> whenever
> Henry:  Ohso when's the next one?
> On Sunday, March 9, 2014 6:37:02 PM UTC-7, Manuel Acosta wrote:
>> Finally have some weekends free and with the recent rains the hills were
>> calling me.
>> Sent out general invite via social media. Always a fun gamble to see who
>> comes out.
>> Ended up with a big group 8 by my count.
>> 3 were newbies.
>> 4 had blue jeans on.
>> 1 came but didn't sleep
>> 3 ladies.
>> 1 offspring of younger years.
>> Meant to leave at 4. Ended up leaving 530ish due to hot chocolate brought
>> by the one and only Tom de Leonias. By far the best hot chocolate and best
>> way to start a s240.
>> After some riding/hiking we get to camp with Dustin already sent up with
>> his tent. Food was shared, a pound of chocolate was eatten. I made fried
>> tilapia. Food made us happy.
>> Breakfest was met by clouds and coffee made INVERTED aeropress. Which wad
>> amazing. The ride back was mellow and no body died. Good times.
>> Pictures proved that everyone had a horrible time.
>> Manny "don't hate me after this ride" Acosta
>>  --
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Re: [RBW] Re: What do Rivendell riders use for riding Sandals?

2014-03-11 Thread Chris Chen
I love riding in Birkenstocks, the Arizona (that has no rear strap). They
don't come off while riding, mostly because feet don't do very much while
riding :)

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 11:31 AM, Garth  wrote:

> Birkenstocks, with the classic footbed. I use Arizona and Boston model,
> but they have some with a heel strap if you need it.  I've never have my
> foot come off the sandal either .
> Keen has new water sandal that is completely flat on the bottom if you
> need one for frequent wet use.
> For me, Chaco's are not flat enough, and quite thick compared to Birks.  *To
> Each their Own* ;) ahahahaahah   !
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Edelux - Blug Post

2014-03-12 Thread Chris Chen
a bit dramatic aren't we
On Mar 12, 2014 8:29 PM, "Eric"  wrote:

> Mounting this light to my old touring bike and Homer Hilsen was often been
> the bane of my existence and I gave it up.
> The only time I will mount this light again is when my new custom tourer
> has a DEDICATED light mount constructed on the custom front rack.
> No more jerry-rigging for me too much of pain. I was able to mount the
> light on my Mark's Rack but it was such a pain (secret: it involved a
> Pitlock skewer to prevent theft) and it looked awful too.
> Why doesn't Riv just have Nitto fashion a light mount onto the racks they
> offer?
> It's a $200 light! I'm sure Nitto can weld on a simple solution.
>  --
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Re: [RBW] Riv-esque Bike shops in Portland?

2014-03-12 Thread Chris Chen
I can find brass ferrules everywhere. They're just wheels manufacturing
stock parts.

Try clever cycles, try velocult, hell, universal works too.

And I love sugar wheel works.
On Mar 12, 2014 8:57 PM, "Skip Richmond"  wrote:

> Where are the box dog bikes of multnomah county?
> the american cyclerys of the river city?
> the hand-made leather-bound bridge-city bag n racks?
> i ain't talkin this portland design works chump-swag
> i'm talking the real deal, hand-hammered, nickel-plated good stuff.
> tired of relying on mail order from riv, let me know where i can pick up
> an xd-2 and some brass ferrules.
> see you in the extra-wide bike lanes,
> skip
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Riv-esque Bike shops in Portland?

2014-03-12 Thread Chris Chen
Yup citybikes works too.
On Mar 12, 2014 10:54 PM, "Evan Baird"  wrote:

> Velo Cult? I have yet to visit, but it looks like that type of spot. I've
> always stopped by Citybikes when I've visited. That's a pretty neat shop.
> On Wednesday, March 12, 2014 4:21:55 PM UTC-7, Skip Richmond wrote:
>> Where are the box dog bikes of multnomah county?
>> the american cyclerys of the river city?
>> the hand-made leather-bound bridge-city bag n racks?
>> i ain't talkin this portland design works chump-swag
>> i'm talking the real deal, hand-hammered, nickel-plated good stuff.
>> tired of relying on mail order from riv, let me know where i can pick up
>> an xd-2 and some brass ferrules.
>> see you in the extra-wide bike lanes,
>> skip
>  --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Riv-esque Bike shops in Portland?

2014-03-13 Thread Chris Chen
Basically I haven't encountered much gruff from any shop in Portland,
especially when dealing with their service/mechanical folks. It's like
rolling into a shop with a Riv tells the mechanics it's okay to talk about
unracy bikes.

The two closest shops to me are West End and Western Bike Works, and while
they're definitely "mainstream" shops, they carry all the parts, tools, and
fat tires you'd care to try.


On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 8:49 AM, redsydude  wrote:

> The Universal Cycles store on Burnside has a showroom with Brooks, Nitto,
> Tekro, Sugino, ... and (based on the guy who helped me)
> excellent mechanic(s).
> On Thursday, March 13, 2014 7:37:11 AM UTC-7, iamkeith wrote:
>> My Rambouillet was originally sold at Coventry Cycles when they were a
>> Rivendell Dealer, and I bought my All Rounder at Sellwood Cycles.  Both
>> great shops, both pre-date the current hipster culture,
>> bike-as-fashion-statement movement that some people associate with Portland
>> today.  Also, don't forget Universal Cycles as a last-option if you can't
>> find what you need in a "real" shop.   They don't have mechanics or a
>> showroom where you can browse, but you can order on their site for local
>> pick-up.  They have a pretty diverse inventory.
>> On Wednesday, March 12, 2014 5:21:55 PM UTC-6, Skip Richmond wrote:
>>> Where are the box dog bikes of multnomah county?
>>> the american cyclerys of the river city?
>>> the hand-made leather-bound bridge-city bag n racks?
>>> i ain't talkin this portland design works chump-swag
>>> i'm talking the real deal, hand-hammered, nickel-plated good stuff.
>>> tired of relying on mail order from riv, let me know where i can pick up
>>> an xd-2 and some brass ferrules.
>>> see you in the extra-wide bike lanes,
>>> skip
>>  --
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[RBW] Bay Area Ramble Report

2014-03-16 Thread Chris Chen
I had a few days down here so I hopped on my trusty California Steed (made
in Taiwan) and went for an overnight at Pan Toll Ranger Station on Mount

But not before taking the BART out to Walnut Creek to visit the bike nerds
at HQ and BBH. BART's been fixing up track on the weekends so I was faced
with a long wait at Lafayette; I took the opportunity to do some suburban
riding (and a neat little rough stuff detour) for the 4 miles between
Lafayette & Walnut Creek.

My "excuse" was to test ride something with Albastaches: for whatever
reason, while the Albas on my Homer aren't "bad", there is an element
missing, and I'm not sure I want ol' AHH to be so sedate. Joe put me on a
Hillborne with Albastaches and I took it for the fastest test ride ever
(two laps around Rivendell Muffler and Body HQ).

I purchased two water bottles for $6/piece which I intend to sell on Ebay
so I can retire to my private island.

I actually swung past BBH before going to HQ. Will poured me a cup of fresh
coffee (DELICIOUS), and I had too much fun with the meshwork of bells
suspended from the ceiling with monkey's fist pull cords.

And my Cousin dropped by HQ for the fastest hello ever. I was all about
speed at that moment.

Verdict from the fastest test ride ever: I think I'll give 'em a shot: I
found the position at the fore (or in the crotch) of the bars to be really
secure, reminding me of what I'd been missing from the ramp/hoods on
Noodles. The swept back portion REALLY comes back and that's what was
missing (or at least thought I was missing) when I was on tour last year.

Okay enough bike store fun; I got out of Contra Costa County as fast as I
could and met up with my friend David at the Ferry Building in San
Francisco. It turns out there's a St. Patrick's Day Parade happening and
the city was filled with drunk party people. THIS MADE FOR INTERESTING
RIDING. We rode very gingerly through very packed streets and parks.

The ride across the bridge, through Sausalito and Mill Valley was pretty
uneventful if not REALLY REALLY CROWDED. I mean come on it's a tourist

Climbing out of Mill Valley to Panoramic Highway was pretty fantastic.
Getting up that ridge up past the Alpine Hut and into the State Park was
pretty good too. There's definitely a lot of spandex traffic along that
stretch. I loved how development was nearly impossible to spot once
entering the park.

We made it to Pan Toll ranger station and campground where the only site
open was the Hiker Biker site (YES) so for $5 we had ourselves an excellent

It's definitely high season for bike camping down here, with sunset
happening late enough to get a good meal in before the darkness settled in.
I made a gamble and said "f--- it, I'm in California" as I put away the
rain fly and flipped the bird to the fog drip gods.

After 2 or 3am the wind died down to nothing and it was so quiet and lovely.

I got up before 7am and hopped on my steed for the 4 mi climb up to East
Peak and the observatory. So breathtaking!

Picture Prove that Something Something

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Re: [RBW] Riv Light Mount Hardware Question?

2014-03-17 Thread Chris Chen
FWIW I love the way the Edelux looks when mounted on the front tab of a
nitto marks or big front rack with the Busch & Müller Fork Crown Mount.

Of course I also took the opportunity given by external wiring to learn the
old art of cable lacing, so no zip ties!


On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Ron Mc  wrote:

> Jim and Minh, I have some good photos here where I tapped a Gino light
> mount to M6 so I could fit it to a Nitto strut with the rod bolt and nut
> On Monday, March 17, 2014 1:31:01 PM UTC-5, Minh wrote:
>> Jim,
>> Ron has pointed you to the part, it's not notched to go against the
>> strut, there is a hole and the strut goes through it, so this only works
>> with racks where the struts are bolted down so you can slide the nut
>> through the strut.
>> On Monday, March 17, 2014 11:57:26 AM UTC-4, Jim Bronson wrote:
>>> What about the other washer in the picture that is notched to press
>>> against the strut?
>>> On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 5:01 AM, blakcloud  wrote:
 Serrated washer with a Sheldon Brown fender nut by Problem Solvers. The
 washer you see comes with the Nitto rack as part of the hardware.

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>>> --
>>> Keep the metal side up and the rubber side down!
>>  --
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[RBW] WTB: tallux 26 x 8cm

2014-03-17 Thread Chris Chen
It's out of stock at HQ, anyone got one lying around?


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Re: [RBW] Re: Bay Area Ramble Report

2014-03-17 Thread Chris Chen
As it is scribbled in the Montlake Cut:


On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 5:25 PM, hsmitham  wrote:

> Chris,
> As always enjoyed your post. The pictures are wonderful. So we are to
> believe we'll be witness to yet another Homer cockpit change. The coconut
> will be hurt...thought you were obliged to protect the nut from harm?
> ~Hugh
> On Sunday, March 16, 2014 4:53:13 PM UTC-7, Christopher Chen wrote:
>> I had a few days down here so I hopped on my trusty California Steed
>> (made in Taiwan) and went for an overnight at Pan Toll Ranger Station on
>> Mount Tam,
>> But not before taking the BART out to Walnut Creek to visit the bike
>> nerds at HQ and BBH. BART's been fixing up track on the weekends so I was
>> faced with a long wait at Lafayette; I took the opportunity to do some
>> suburban riding (and a neat little rough stuff detour) for the 4 miles
>> between Lafayette & Walnut Creek.
>> My "excuse" was to test ride something with Albastaches: for whatever
>> reason, while the Albas on my Homer aren't "bad", there is an element
>> missing, and I'm not sure I want ol' AHH to be so sedate. Joe put me on a
>> Hillborne with Albastaches and I took it for the fastest test ride ever
>> (two laps around Rivendell Muffler and Body HQ).
>> I purchased two water bottles for $6/piece which I intend to sell on Ebay
>> so I can retire to my private island.
>> I actually swung past BBH before going to HQ. Will poured me a cup of
>> fresh coffee (DELICIOUS), and I had too much fun with the meshwork of bells
>> suspended from the ceiling with monkey's fist pull cords.
>> And my Cousin dropped by HQ for the fastest hello ever. I was all about
>> speed at that moment.
>> Verdict from the fastest test ride ever: I think I'll give 'em a shot: I
>> found the position at the fore (or in the crotch) of the bars to be really
>> secure, reminding me of what I'd been missing from the ramp/hoods on
>> Noodles. The swept back portion REALLY comes back and that's what was
>> missing (or at least thought I was missing) when I was on tour last year.
>> Okay enough bike store fun; I got out of Contra Costa County as fast as I
>> could and met up with my friend David at the Ferry Building in San
>> Francisco. It turns out there's a St. Patrick's Day Parade happening and
>> the city was filled with drunk party people. THIS MADE FOR INTERESTING
>> RIDING. We rode very gingerly through very packed streets and parks.
>> The ride across the bridge, through Sausalito and Mill Valley was pretty
>> uneventful if not REALLY REALLY CROWDED. I mean come on it's a tourist
>> attraction.
>> Climbing out of Mill Valley to Panoramic Highway was pretty fantastic.
>> Getting up that ridge up past the Alpine Hut and into the State Park was
>> pretty good too. There's definitely a lot of spandex traffic along that
>> stretch. I loved how development was nearly impossible to spot once
>> entering the park.
>> We made it to Pan Toll ranger station and campground where the only site
>> open was the Hiker Biker site (YES) so for $5 we had ourselves an excellent
>> encampment.
>> It's definitely high season for bike camping down here, with sunset
>> happening late enough to get a good meal in before the darkness settled in.
>> I made a gamble and said "f--- it, I'm in California" as I put away the
>> rain fly and flipped the bird to the fog drip gods.
>> After 2 or 3am the wind died down to nothing and it was so quiet and
>> lovely.
>> I got up before 7am and hopped on my steed for the 4 mi climb up to East
>> Peak and the observatory. So breathtaking!
>> Picture Prove that Something Something
>> --
>> "I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah
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Re: [RBW] Re: Bay Area Ramble Report

2014-03-17 Thread Chris Chen
next time Tam fire roads or Hamilton.

First Week May

On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 7:59 PM, Manuel Acosta  wrote:

> Sad I got to miss this one.
> Looks like blast
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Grant on tires

2014-03-18 Thread Chris Chen
I'm of two minds.

I have the Barlow Pass Compass tires on the way and I'm seriously
considering trying out some of those 700x40C Clement MSOs I saw on Will's
Hillborne: I heard they come out to 38 on a 24mm rim and that's damn near
perfect for lil' ol' me.

They look so Manly.

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:

> I'm thinking about getting an Xpress as a spare tire, after having 5 flats
> on 2 different Pari-Motos.  I replaced the back tire with a spare after the
> 3rd flat, and proceeded to have two more.
> If a rider is going to have to install the spare tire, I think there's
> some merit in that spare being a little tougher.
> I'm also considering trying out the Compass Loup Loup Pass as a rear tire,
> and keeping the Pari-Motos on the front, at least until my supply of
> Pari-Motos runs out.
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 12:56 PM, Toshi Takeuchi  wrote:
>> I use Soma Xpress 650b on my commuter and have had two flats.  One was
>> a thorn after 0.5 miles riding, and the other was a pinch flat after
>> running over a large, unseen object that caused me to crash down on my
>> rear wheel. For peace of mind it's good for the commuter and I don't
>> care about saving time on my 30 minute (each way) commute and extra
>> work means more exercise, which I need! Maybe I should be running some
>> armored tank tires, just in case :).
>> For brevets, the PariMoto made a huge difference in terms of perceived
>> speed and comfort, and I've never flatted those, but it's probably
>> just luck.
>> The Hutchinsons are good, but I think there are nice wider options.
>> The Soma B-line is probably an economical step up in speed as well as
>> the Lierre or the new Compass offering.
>> If I were going to ride 38s on brevets, then I would probably go with
>> the (not-extra light) Lierre or Compass offering. Bubba promises they
>> are almost as good as the Hetre :).
>> Toshi
>> --
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> --
> Keep the metal side up and the rubber side down!
> --
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[RBW] Mini Tire Report: Clément MSO 700x40C oh AHH

2014-03-18 Thread Chris Chen
So I picked up a pair of Clément MSO 700x40C tires today to try em out.

Verdict: They measure to 38mm on my 700 dyads, they look delightfully
aggressive, and they fit under P45s on my 57cm Homer.

Inflated to 40psi they feel comfy, I think when they get down to 35 they'll
feel great (I weigh 145 lbs).

The sidewall feels pretty supple, I got the 120tpi version, and they look
great, and by great, I mean


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[RBW] Nanoreview, Barlow Pass 700x38C on Dyad

2014-03-19 Thread Chris Chen
Measures out to 34mm right now, but that might change.

I'm gonna go out for a ride.

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Re: [RBW] Nanoreview, Barlow Pass 700x38C on Dyad

2014-03-20 Thread Chris Chen
They've grown to 35mm. These dyads are 24mm wide.

This is exciting, we can track the widths of these tires as the days go by,
so when someone buys this mailing list in 10 years they'll find a door
frame with pencil marks with markings, "3/19/2014, 4/19/2014..."

On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 9:56 PM, Jim Bronson  wrote:

> Only 34?  That's a disappointment.
> On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 8:01 PM, Chris Chen  wrote:
>> Measures out to 34mm right now, but that might change.
>> I'm gonna go out for a ride.
>> --
>> "I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah
>> --
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> --
> Keep the metal side up and the rubber side down!
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Re: [RBW] Nanoreview, Barlow Pass 700x38C on Dyad

2014-03-20 Thread Chris Chen
The funny (ha ha) thing about it is the pasela TG 700x35C tires measured
exactly, so they're wider out the gate than the barlow pass tires. Of
course, the tourguard liner makes the tire less flexible.

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 12:41 AM, Chris Chen  wrote:

> They've grown to 35mm. These dyads are 24mm wide.
> This is exciting, we can track the widths of these tires as the days go
> by, so when someone buys this mailing list in 10 years they'll find a door
> frame with pencil marks with markings, "3/19/2014, 4/19/2014..."
> On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 9:56 PM, Jim Bronson wrote:
>> Only 34?  That's a disappointment.
>> On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 8:01 PM, Chris Chen  wrote:
>>> Measures out to 34mm right now, but that might change.
>>> I'm gonna go out for a ride.
>>> --
>>> "I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah
>>> --
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>> --
>> Keep the metal side up and the rubber side down!
>> --
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> --
> "I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah

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Re: [RBW] Re: Nanoreview, Barlow Pass 700x38C on Dyad

2014-03-20 Thread Chris Chen
For what it's worth they do feel like butter. Delicious, low carb butter.

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 7:58 AM, Jan Heine  wrote:

> It's amazing how much of tire making remains a black art. The
> manufacturers really don't know exactly how wide the tire will be when it
> comes out of the mold. However, the size needs to be engraved in the mold
> before the first tire is made... So the Barlow Pass measures about 36-37
> mm, depending on your rim width, after it has stretched some.
> Since so many riders try to cram the largest tire possible into their
> frames, we also need to err on the side of caution when giving tire widths.
> If our 38 measured 39 mm, we'd get lots of returns: "Doesn't fit my bike."
> It also seems that everybody measures tire width differently. If you
> simply squeeze a caliper closed until you touch the tire sidewalls, you
> compress the tire. With supple sidewalls, you easily get a millimeters less
> than the actual width. The most accurate way to measure is by iteratively
> closing the calipers, 1 mm at a time. Start with 38 mm, see whether it
> rattles when you wiggle it. If it does, go to 37 mm, and so on. The last
> measurement where the caliper has some "play" is the tire width. If you
> compress the tire as you measure, you might find that a tire that should
> fit inside your frame does rub. (Ideally, you'll have so much clearance
> that two millimeters don't make a difference.)
> I no longer worry about a millimeter or two in width, but focus on the
> ride. I find that a great 30 mm tire rides so much more comfortably than a
> mediocre 35 mm tire. Width really matters only when comparing two otherwise
> identical tires.
> Jan Heine
> Compass Bicycles
> Follow our blog at
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Re: [RBW] Re: Leaping onto an Atlantis

2014-03-20 Thread Chris Chen
I guess it comes down to,

$4k on an Atlantis or a bike of such quality is not a waste of money,
because you'll have a big smile every time you ride it.

But at the same time you don't *need* to spend $4k to have fun on a
bicycle, obviously.

There are plenty of folks that ride mountain bike conversions and do all
kinds of crazy stuff.

If you have the extra money get the bike, and if you don't have the money,
well, start saving! :)


On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 3:04 PM, Deacon Patrick  wrote:

> Och! Emily! You know you want to buy it ... after all you wrote the Riv
> fan club to ask if you should. Grin. Didja think we'd talk you out of it?
> Of course you should buy it. But it is hard to take that leap. I live in
> Colorado, bought my Hunqapillar without a test ride, site unseen save the
> internet. Before I got it, I hadn't ridden a bike more than a few miles in
> over ten years because of a medical issue. I thought I might be able to
> ride it, but never did I dream riding it would help me feel better and
> recover. Compared with the other test bikes (which overloaded my brain
> after 3 miles), I can ride my Rivendell however far I want, fully loaded,
> and feel better at the end than I did starting out. With your Atlantis you
> will have a go anywhere, do anything bike for roads paved, roads dirt,
> trails, bikepacking, touring, whatever you want to ride with wild abandon.
> Go for it!
> With abandon,
> Patrick
> On Thursday, March 20, 2014 8:33:29 AM UTC-6, Emily Hutchinson wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to talk myself into or out of a really pretty new Atlantis
>> with all it's parts. It would be the smaller frame because I'm short and
>> average weight 130. The price tag is somewhere around 4000 all said and
>> done and I feel stuck. My gut is pushing me in both directions because I've
>> never ridden an Atlantis. I'm also out of country and can't just go find
>> one to try. I love touring and I'd love to do some long international and
>> national tours and live in Colorado with hills. Okay thanks.Someone help
>> tip me! Is it irresponsible to spend this much money?
>  --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Riv Chica Warrior Custom at RivHQ/BBH this Saturday

2014-03-21 Thread Chris Chen
Or the other way. Down.
On Mar 21, 2014 1:18 PM, "Bill Lindsay"  wrote:

> When Manny says "flat-ish", I think:
> On Sunday, March 16, 2014 9:51:21 AM UTC-7, Manuel Acosta wrote:
>>> I know a route that is flatish, on a bike trail for most of it.
>> But it requires a creek crossing and carrying your bike up some stairs.
>> Maybe a walk up a hill. But it ends with an awesome rope swing!
>> Here's the route. Short and sweet.
>> Grant has a route he does before/after work. I vaguely know what that is.
>> Equally short with some climbs, walking and mellow single tracks.
>> Vague route:
>> Either is good. The Warhorse looks good btw. Excited to see you ride it.
>>  --
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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Chica Warrior Ride. Tomorrow! (3/22)

2014-03-21 Thread Chris Chen
He's lying, you're all going to hug your loved ones REALLY HARD when you
get home.

But have a great time anyway



On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 4:12 PM, Manuel Acosta  wrote:

> Just got off the phone with the one and only RCW directly from her
> temporary outpost at Riv BBH.
> Confirmed ride tomorrow. 3/22
> Meet at Riv HQ at 11ish for a mellow ramble abouts.
> Proposed route involved some short city riding, mellow bike path riding,
> then some creek crossing, stairs and rope swing action.
> Making coffee on this ride will be a must so bring your preferred method
> of coffee brewing.
> Pretty mellow ride by "mannybiking" standards. Apparently I have a
> reputation for "underestimating the grueling factor".
> Far from grueling. Super mellow and chill.
> Hope to see ya'll there!
> Manny " I plan mellow rides!" Acosta
>  --
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[RBW] Hilsen v3

2014-03-23 Thread Chris Chen
I switched from Noodles to Albatrosses a few months ago, but I never really
got used to how upright the bars were; I moved the stem as low as it would
go and it got better but I wondered if there was a better, "middle" way.

So here's the third iteration of the Hilsen cockpit, etc:

I've gone for the huge basket too, and upgraded from the 32R to 33R so I
could move the fenders up for the Clement MSOs.

With a nod to adventure, I think I'll call it my GTFO Bike.


"I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah

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Re: [RBW] Re: need club name

2014-03-24 Thread Chris Chen
Skagit Socialist Syclist Syndicate, Seriously

On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 8:38 AM, Clayton  wrote:

> Meandonneurs... Fantastic word. I also really like mountonneurs. Nice job,
> Mr. Wordsmith. I wonder how many embroidered patches and pins could be
> sold... H.
> On Sunday, March 23, 2014 8:44:01 AM UTC-7, Deacon Patrick wrote:
>> I love the socialist pun but well understand why you'd keep looking. I
>> wouldn't joint a group with that name because of all the inherent harm to
>> humanity socialism causes.
>> Bell n' Ham Grinders (A bell shaped like your local mountain getting rug
>> by a pig).
>> Garvelly Gravel Grinders
>> I don't know if such a wandering randonneur word exists, but what about:
>> Meandonneurs
>> Wandonneurs
>> Vagabonneurs
>> Mountonneurs
>> With abandon,
>> Patrick
>> On Saturday, March 22, 2014 9:08:29 PM UTC-6, bo richardson wrote:
>>> three or four of us, so far, ride together on weekends
>>> we go from bellingham to edison for lunch and then up
>>> colony mountain and sometimes garvelly road and around
>>> lake samish and back to bellingham
>>>  45 lovely miles
>>> we are sort of a club and need a name
>>> we are social and not competetive
>>> colony mt is so called because there was a utopian community
>>> there in the early twentieth century
>>> supported by socialist labor unions and such
>>> our best name so far is
>>> colony mtn socialists
>>> or gravelly road grinders
>>> we are not randonneurs
>>> we are pass hunters because we have to go up the hill
>>> to get home, otherwise flat is nice
>>> is there a french or german bicyclist category which
>>> would describe pleasure riders who couldnt compete
>>> and dont
>>> Radler?
>>> self deprecating but not self loathing is the proper tone here
>>> FWIW we have a 68cm atlantis
>>> a 54 rambouillet
>>> a 54 miyata 1000
>>> and a 53.5atlantis so we are motley as well as
>>> involuntarily uncompetetive
>>> thanks
>>  --
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Re: [RBW] Hilsen v3

2014-03-24 Thread Chris Chen
It's the Ur-Edelux on a B&M wire mount, purchased on clearance from Compass
Cycles, Ltd.

Loving the Albastaches so far.

Brencho, I found myself hanging out at the curves at the front of the
albatross bars often enough to notice now the curve in doesn't feel too
good after a few miles. The albastaches feel super secure in the crook.


On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 9:59 PM, Bruce Smitham  wrote:

> Your set up looks really nice. I have a similar set up on my new Sam
> Hillborne but a medium basket. I currently have noodles (I'm liking them
> the more I ride on them) but just purchased Albastache to try them out. I
> was curious if that light is a Supernova and if so how you like it? Im
> debating between it and the Luxos at Riv.
> Cheers,
> Bruce in San Diego
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: MId-Weekend Update: SoCal Riders March Meander

2014-03-24 Thread Chris Chen
Sounds epic. Thanks gents.


On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Coconutbill  wrote:

> Spring Break free'd up my schedule, and seemingly did the same for all the
>> college kids hoping to camp in Joshua Tree. All campsites were full.Doh!
> Hugh, Homer, MB-1, and me, took a motel in the desert, deciding that the
> BLM option was kind of bleak. after a good night rest we drove to Redlands,
> got connected with Smitty and David, and Arlo, ate some burritos and stuff,
> and rode up to Angeles Oaks. Drivetrain issues and tire rubbing seemed to
> appear out of the blue, but fortunately it was an unracing brigade and with
> a little wrenching we got things back on track... the type of thing that
> makes you closer to your bike, and thankful to have patient comrades.
> Here's a few of my pictures:
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: need club name

2014-03-24 Thread Chris Chen
or the Whatcom Wheelie Wamblers

On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 9:57 AM, Chris Chen  wrote:

> Skagit Socialist Syclist Syndicate, Seriously
> On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 8:38 AM, Clayton  wrote:
>> Meandonneurs... Fantastic word. I also really like mountonneurs. Nice
>> job, Mr. Wordsmith. I wonder how many embroidered patches and pins could be
>> sold... H.
>> On Sunday, March 23, 2014 8:44:01 AM UTC-7, Deacon Patrick wrote:
>>> I love the socialist pun but well understand why you'd keep looking. I
>>> wouldn't joint a group with that name because of all the inherent harm to
>>> humanity socialism causes.
>>> Bell n' Ham Grinders (A bell shaped like your local mountain getting rug
>>> by a pig).
>>> Garvelly Gravel Grinders
>>> I don't know if such a wandering randonneur word exists, but what about:
>>> Meandonneurs
>>> Wandonneurs
>>> Vagabonneurs
>>> Mountonneurs
>>> With abandon,
>>> Patrick
>>> On Saturday, March 22, 2014 9:08:29 PM UTC-6, bo richardson wrote:
>>>> three or four of us, so far, ride together on weekends
>>>> we go from bellingham to edison for lunch and then up
>>>> colony mountain and sometimes garvelly road and around
>>>> lake samish and back to bellingham
>>>>  45 lovely miles
>>>> we are sort of a club and need a name
>>>> we are social and not competetive
>>>> colony mt is so called because there was a utopian community
>>>> there in the early twentieth century
>>>> supported by socialist labor unions and such
>>>> our best name so far is
>>>> colony mtn socialists
>>>> or gravelly road grinders
>>>> we are not randonneurs
>>>> we are pass hunters because we have to go up the hill
>>>> to get home, otherwise flat is nice
>>>> is there a french or german bicyclist category which
>>>> would describe pleasure riders who couldnt compete
>>>> and dont
>>>> Radler?
>>>> self deprecating but not self loathing is the proper tone here
>>>> FWIW we have a 68cm atlantis
>>>> a 54 rambouillet
>>>> a 54 miyata 1000
>>>> and a 53.5atlantis so we are motley as well as
>>>> involuntarily uncompetetive
>>>> thanks
>>>  --
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> --
> "I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah

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Re: [RBW] WTB twin leg kickstand

2014-03-25 Thread Chris Chen
I think he was asking because it may be too short for you now :)

On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 6:53 PM,  wrote:

> I can cut it.
> Fair winds,
> Captain Conway Bennett
> On Mar 25, 2014, at 8:46 PM, Peter Morgano 
> wrote:
> does it need to be uncut?
> On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 9:19 PM, Conway Bennett <
>> wrote:
>> I am looking to try out a kickstand so if someone isn't using a twin leg
>> kickstand and wants to unload it for cheap let me know.  Thanks in advance!
>> Fair winds,
>> Captain Conway
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Re: [RBW] Re: Not all Hilsens are created equal...BG RnR clearance fail

2014-03-26 Thread Chris Chen
I've become a big fan of the MSOs. Measured 38 when I put them on, nice
cushy ride, but pretty fast, actually very fast.

Pardon me while I make monster truck noises riding around


On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 10:14 PM, grant  wrote:

> At some point in our evolution/aging we started putting kixtand plates on
> all-but-the-Roadeo. You got one PKP, is all. The AHH generally clears a
> listed 40 (L40) with a fender, and for years I rode LISTED 47s (L47). It's
> a rare tire that measures up to its listing, and rim width affect it a
> little, but I buhlieve todos de los Homeros will take most of the
> L40s,,,which is pretty remarkable for such a roadish bike. Whatever tire
> any given frame maxes out at, there seems to be a primal urge to shoe it
> with a tire that simply exceeds this capacity. We do it here, too. There's
> a Cheviot here with a L45 knobby, and we've put  an L50 no fender on a
> Betty. Fenders and fender skills also affect tire clearance.
> On Wednesday, March 26, 2014 6:23:39 PM UTC-7, jinxed wrote:
>> Wellsometimes the best laid plans are just to no avail.
>> Out of completely serendipitous luck the timing of my "AR trade for
>> Hilsen" offer hooked me up with the original AR owner into a 3 way
>> transaction with a 57 hilsen sale that popped up the same day. Trade went
>> off smooth and with a couple confirmed Hilsen / RnR combos on the board I
>> ordered the tires too. I finally had time tonight to get one mounted on the
>> rear wheel and stick it in the frameunfortunately THIS was the 
>> scene. Basically
>> touching both chain stays. This Hilsen is a waterford built model with a
>> brazed in chainstay bridge as opposed to a kickstand plate. Curious if that
>> variation has any affect on clearance, or if some have crimped stays, or if
>> size is a factor?
>> Looks like I have 2 options:
>> Somewhat risky: crimp the stays. (I DO have some experience with this,
>> though with pre production frames.)
>> Safe: give up on a voluminous knobby tire (Not the end of the world as I
>> have been curious about the C-lines, however I took the fat paselas off my
>> old Hilsen in search for a more aggressive tire...)
>> I was so excited when I opened the box with the BGs...they are exactly
>> what I had been hoping for in a tire. Sigh. I suppose I could always run
>> them on my 29er.
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Re: [RBW] Re: Can i ride in hiking boots?

2014-03-27 Thread Chris Chen
Mr Chukka here.

I'm pretty you could ride in as heavy a boot as you wanted, as long as you
were comfortable with how the tread of the boot matches with the platform
of the pedal. While I'm not always happy with the flat soles of the Chukkas
(when pushing up muddy slopes for instance), they give a nice flat meaty
surface for the spikes on the grip kings or VP-1s to sink into.

I've also noticed that generally, you do *so little* with your feet while
riding that what you're wearing doesn't really matter, or that you'll not
notice a pebble in your shoe for miles and miles until you get off and
actually walk around.


On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 8:21 AM, Coconutbill  wrote:

> the Redwings have a fairly smooth sole, but it's a good ole vibram sole,
>> nonetheless.  They are pretty darn good for bike adventuring - and a
>> significantly better option for pushing a bike up a hill than my old
>> sneakers.  I've also used Merrell Moab ventilators, which are OK, but
>> could use a firmer sole in my opinion.
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Re: [RBW] Re: From Noodles to Albatross ~ Stem length?

2014-03-30 Thread Chris Chen
I had 10cm for my Noodles, went to 12cm for my Albas, and went back to 8cm
for the 'staches. I think those are the standard build kit lengths, and
they seemed to work for me.


On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 5:02 PM, Dave Johnston  wrote:

> I went from 8cm to 12cm and that was too much. I think I'll go to 10cm. It
> seems when I want to be upright I want to be really upright.
> -Dave
> On Sunday, March 30, 2014 1:05:25 PM UTC-4, rcnute wrote:
>> I went two cm longer and lowered the stem a touch to compensate for the
>> upsweep.
>> Ryan
>> On Sunday, March 30, 2014 9:25:39 AM UTC-7, Eric wrote:
>>> Hey there!
>>> I'm thinking of throwing some Albatross bars on the Atlantis. With that
>>> being said should I use the same stem that I'm running with the current
>>> set-up, using Noodle bars, or go one cm longer?
>>> Any advice from the Noodles-to-Albatross conversion crowd would be
>>> greatly appreciated, thanks!
>>>  --
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Re: [RBW] Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Almost Blue

2014-03-30 Thread Chris Chen
Absolutely loved the story. Sounds like when you change out the stem you'll
be in hog heaven.

On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 10:50 AM, Roger  wrote:

> I've been a Rivendell member since 1997. I've outfitted my bikes in
> Rivendell-inspired ways with many Riv-bought parts, and during the time
> that Rivendell frames only came out at a trickle and there was a year long
> waiting list for the Longlow I wanted in 1999, I even used Riv specs as
> possible on my Mercians. But I've never actually had a Rivendell frame
> until now.
> On Friday I took out for a first ride the Sam Hillborne 62cm in Sage Green
> that I picked up recently. I built it up with parts on hand as possible,
> and it came out as Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Almost
> Blue.
> Something Old
> The first talk I had with Grant in 1997 was about how I just couldn't
> relate to index shifting and 8 speeds - and I was indignant that there was
> 9 and rumors of 10 speeds about to further complicate my life. He suggested
> a Phil 7 speed, 135 oln hub for the bike I had then. I've built that hub as
> both a 26" and 700c wheel for a few different bikes over the years. It
> still rolls very smoothly and, a new 13-28 freewheel cluster, I'm glad to
> bring that first bond with Rivendell on board this bike.
> Something New
> I've been told that derailers have improved in the last twenty years, so
> have current models of Deore rear and CX-70 front derailers. Sam also has
> the long reach Tektro calipers that made him possible as a non-cantilever
> bike (not that I wouldn't have preferred him as a cantilever...). I also am
> so far liking the new Barlow tires.
> Something Borrowed
> I had intended and still may someday use a Sugino AT crank I had
> squirreled away, but it turns out a 107mm bottom bracket comes with the
> Hillborne. In order to streamline things and utilize this bottom bracket
> already in there, I borrowed an old Ritchey Logic crank from the Vigorelli
> , and cleaned up 46 and 34 tooth rings for it. Fits perfectly! And will
> probably stay until I need some lower gears for a camping trip.
> Almost Blue
> Yep, it's just got a nice ring in it to say almost blue. Also, the color
> seems equally greenish-blue as bluish-green to me. I'll call it Almost Blue.
> I've always liked Moustache Bars and wanted to start off this bike with
> this maligned and recently abandoned bar. I've found over the years that
> when I'm tinkering with bikes, they tend to shed barends, noodles, and
> especially albatrosses, in favor of Moustache Bars and DT shifters.
> Unfortunately, Sam doesn't support downtubers, so we'll see how that works
> out.
> First ride was 15 miles of positive. I need the bars a little
> higher/closer than the stem on hand allows, and I'm not sure about the
> plethora of cables to reach through to get to the front bag (even though I
> like the non-aero Superbe levers otherwise). I also need to get that saddle
> back a little farther.
> Good Times!
> Photos of Almost Blue Sam Sitting on the Dock of the 
> Bay:
> Roger
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Re: [RBW] Re: FS 50 cm Silver Quickbeam -$1500

2014-03-31 Thread Chris Chen
Oh man. Manny Acosta MS, his rides are gonna get graduate level yo
On Mar 31, 2014 6:21 PM, "Manuel Acosta" 

> Sorry folks,
> Just put down payment for my first round of master's classes.
> New bike isn't in the cards for me this time around..
> Good luck to the seller and congrats on the future buyer.
> Manny
> On Monday, March 31, 2014 3:09:06 PM UTC-7, djbardwil wrote:
>> Attention's your chance!  I can no longer feel guilty about
>> buying that last 50cm Quickbeam on eBay in February ahead of you!!
>> This one is very nice and in your area !
>> On Monday, March 31, 2014 10:56:30 AM UTC-4, iamkeith wrote:
>>> I call dibs for Manny.  But im traveling and cant figure out how to pm
>>> him on my cell phone.  Anyone else...
>>  --
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Re: [RBW] Re: New Edeluxe Light Source - LENR

2014-04-01 Thread Chris Chen
Well, then you drink the kool-aid inside the power unit.

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 11:21 AM, Ginz  wrote:

> I'm not sure this things is such a great idea.  What happens when you are
> on that ride on the 364th day of year 36, it's raining and dark and you
> light goes out?
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Re: [RBW] Re: Keven/Vince style thumbshifters

2014-04-02 Thread Chris Chen

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 12:47 AM, Coconutbill  wrote:

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Re: [RBW] Re: Introduction and Sam Hillborne / AHH Sizing Advice

2014-04-02 Thread Chris Chen
Hello from the Portland Chapter of Cockpit Changers Anonymous.

Hi I'm Chris and I'm a Cockpit Changer.

I've been with the same cockpit for two weeks now (waits for applause)

Avery, it does seem that the Albas are pretty high up and close in; Before
trying other bars or bikes I'd definitely see about moving them a bit down
and out, and maybe tilting them a bit forward. When I had them tilted back
and high I felt like my quads were doing all the work and I fatigued
easily, even if for short distances it was, well, it was great fun! Also,
another list member and Portland riding buddy* once remarked that he never
got the hang of Albas and the B17, and rides on a B67 saddle, so your
mileage may vary.

But to echo what others on this list have said, get a different stem and
maybe try Noodles, or the Albastache if you're so inclined. Sometimes it's
nice to feel "on top" of the bike which I think Albatrosses are good at,
and sometimes it feels nice to feel "in" the bike which is what Noodles and
Albastaches can get you.

Just my two cents. (geez, more like two hundred dollars)


*I never drop names, Zack

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 10:22 AM, Dan McNamara  wrote:

> The 56 Sam has a pretty long theoretical TT - 59cm - actually the same
> listed TT as a 61 AHH. Going to a 63 AHH with an 88 PBH might be tough as
> the listed standover is 88.8, Not sure what tires that SO was measured with.
> Maybe a longer stem as a first stop. A 12cm might just do the trick. Or
> switching out the Albas for drops or the albastache bars.
> I think that bike looks pretty sharp and see no problems with the amount
> of seat post.
> Good luck dialing things in or with a new bike.
> Dan
> Marin, CA
> On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 9:00 AM, Joe Bernard  wrote:
>> Of course, maybe Avery is just ready for a new Riv. I've been through
>> five of their wonderful bicycles and am currently "between Rivs", so I
>> certainly understand this process. Hey Avery, if you really want a new
>> Hilsen, *buy one!*
>> Joe "a sage green Sam would be nice" Bernard
>> Vallejo, CA.
>> On Wednesday, April 2, 2014 8:35:03 AM UTC-7, hangtownmatt wrote:
>>> Avery,
>>> My PBH is 91.5 and I ride a 60cm Hillborne.  I was fitted by Riv
>>> onsite.  In all honesty I feel the frame is a touch too large, but I'm one
>>> of those long legged short torso kind'a guys; so it's not all about PBH.
>>> But regardless, I do not think, with a PBH of 88, you would've been happy
>>> on a 60cm Sam Hillborne.  So I think you made the right choice at the time,
>>> if that makes you feel any better.
>>> If you feel the bike is too small I'd suggest replacing your Albatross
>>> bars with either Noodles or the new Albastache.  Either of those should
>>> open things up for you.  And in regards to performance I'd start with new
>>> tires.  If that doesn't improve things enough than a new wheelset.  And if
>>> after all that, you still are not happy, than purchase the appropriate size
>>> Homer frameset and transfer the new wheel set and handlebars of your
>>> choice.
>>> Matt
>>> On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 8:21:33 AM UTC-7, Avery Wilson wrote:

 Hello Group!

 My name is Avery Wilson. I've chimed in on a few discussions over the
 past year, but I've been reading the group pretty consistently for a year
 or so.

  I currently have a 56cm Sam Hillborne (one of the blue headtube web
 specials from last year).

 See a pic here .

 I've been riding the bike since early last summer. I MOSTLY love it!  I
 love the comfort, the laid back geometry, the high bars, the aesthetics,
 etc. etc.  However, I've been wondering if its too small for me.  My PBH of
 88 put me right in between the 56 and the 60cm, and as you can see from the
 picture, I've got an "immodest" amount of seatpost showing. :)

 If I replace it (advice solicited here!), I've been thinking of getting
 an AHH, and effectively "combine" my Sam and another more roadish (Velo
 Orange Randonneur that's too small for me as well) into one bike to rule
 them all. The Homer seems more suited to the type of riding I do anyway -
 all day rambles, quicker short road rides, occasional gravel, not much dirt
 (I've got a sweet 29er for that), occasional S24O, but no real touring.
  Double top tube Sam may be overkill anyway!

 It seems I would be in between a 61cm and a 63cm on the Hilsen if you
 use the Saddle Height - 15-17cm method.  Does anyone with a similar PBH
 have any experience with 61-63cm AHH bikes?  I feel like the 61 would be
 great, but I want to avoid chickening out and getting another too-small
 bike again, thus I consider the 63...

 General comments, questions, and observations are welcome!

 Avery "first-time-new-topic-poster" Wilson

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Re: [RBW] Re: Nanoreview, Barlow Pass 700x38C on Dyad

2014-04-02 Thread Chris Chen
Followup, I followed Rob's pressure seating technique and they have,
indeed, grown to nearly the book size, coming up at 37mm and change. As I
may have mentioned before, I'm not miffed or disappointed necessarily, and
now that I know it's a bit of a black art it makes total sense. I should
also mention that they ride great and look spiffy.

On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 4:46 PM, rperks  wrote:

> Chris,
> I am not sure how much these have plumped up for you since install,
> hopefully a bit more.  One thing I have done out of habit is inflate them
> up to about 100PSI or so and let it sit over night.  This works 90% or more
> of the stretch in and also seats the rim tape nicely on fresh builds.  We
> ran into similar feedback on the C-Lines and as with Jan's mentioned black
> art to the making process, there is even a mm or so of variation throughout
> the tire run.  So if a wide set ends up on some A23 rims they met be the
> full 38mm while a narrow set on open pro rims may measure 35-36mm
> Rob
> On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 6:01:06 PM UTC-7, Christopher Chen wrote:
>> Measures out to 34mm right now, but that might change.
>> I'm gonna go out for a ride.
>> --
>> "I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah
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Re: [RBW] Re: Nanoreview, Barlow Pass 700x38C on Dyad

2014-04-02 Thread Chris Chen
And by spiffy I mean

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Chris Chen  wrote:

> Followup, I followed Rob's pressure seating technique and they have,
> indeed, grown to nearly the book size, coming up at 37mm and change. As I
> may have mentioned before, I'm not miffed or disappointed necessarily, and
> now that I know it's a bit of a black art it makes total sense. I should
> also mention that they ride great and look spiffy.
> On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 4:46 PM, rperks  wrote:
>> Chris,
>> I am not sure how much these have plumped up for you since install,
>> hopefully a bit more.  One thing I have done out of habit is inflate them
>> up to about 100PSI or so and let it sit over night.  This works 90% or more
>> of the stretch in and also seats the rim tape nicely on fresh builds.  We
>> ran into similar feedback on the C-Lines and as with Jan's mentioned black
>> art to the making process, there is even a mm or so of variation throughout
>> the tire run.  So if a wide set ends up on some A23 rims they met be the
>> full 38mm while a narrow set on open pro rims may measure 35-36mm
>> Rob
>> On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 6:01:06 PM UTC-7, Christopher Chen wrote:
>>> Measures out to 34mm right now, but that might change.
>>> I'm gonna go out for a ride.
>>> --
>>> "I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah
>>  --
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> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Barlow Pass - using it, liking it

2014-04-02 Thread Chris Chen
Dennis: Sorry to hear your were laid up. Good to hear you're out and about

Lovely bike as always

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Dennis Hogan  wrote:

> Hi All,
> I just switched out my last favorite rubber: Continental Cyclecross Speed
> 700-42C's that I bot from Riv last year --- great ride and good for both
> smooth and gravel as well as mud and freezing surfaces (actually measured
> 38mm on Mavic A319 rims at approx 60 lbs pressure).
> I now am running the Compass Barlow Pass 700-38 extralight tan sidewalls.
> They measure 37.7mm at 45 lbs on the front and 37.8 at 55 lbs on the rear -
> on Mavic A319 wheels ( awesomely built by Jude at Sugar Wheelworks in PDX).
> Have only run errands around town but they feel great - cushy, track
> beautifully (easy no hands riding) and seem to grip well in the usual PDX
> wet.
> Have just got out of the hosp after a bout with pneumonia so I haven't
> been able to do any long rides but will report back when I put on some
> miles.
> Here are some pics:
> Homer with Barlows 
> (set)
> Regards
> DennisAHH in PDX
> On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 10:03:42 PM UTC-7, James Warren wrote:
>> They roll very smoothly. The bike feels more efficient than it does with
>> other similarly wide tires, while the 37 mm width gives so much confidence
>> over bumps in the road. They felt very smooth on the fire road as well.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Mike On A Bike
>> Sent: Apr 1, 2014 9:22 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [RBW] Re: Barlow Pass - using it, liking it
>> Could you describe why you love them?
>> On Sunday, March 30, 2014 10:24:44 PM UTC-4, frank_a wrote:
>>> Also using it, and loving it!
>>> - Frank
>>> On Sunday, March 30, 2014 9:20:40 PM UTC-4, James Warren wrote:

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Re: [RBW] Re: Introduction and Sam Hillborne / AHH Sizing Advice

2014-04-02 Thread Chris Chen
Get you a good pair of housing cutters :)

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 1:24 PM, Avery E Wilson  wrote:

> Thanks for all the replies and the multiple welcomes to the group, kind
> gentlemen.
> A few things about myself that would make the 56 Sam vs 61 Hilsen debate
> clearer:
> My PBH is 88, but my overall height is about 5'10", so I've got the legs
> of a six-footer, but the torso of a shorter man apparently.
> I weigh an even 200, but with not a whole lot of fat, so I'm not ever
> going to lose more than 10 or 15 pounds, max.
> I occasionally, begrudgingly pull a trailer with 2 kids. (I love my
> daughters, but pulling a trailer makes cycling less than fun)
> I want to S240 more than I do, with mixed pavement rides. Think gravel,
> fire/logging roads through the state forests here in Indiana.
> My favorite rides are all day in southern Indiana "meandonneuring" among
> the hardwood forests and hills and forgotten roads.
> The above-listed points may have pigeon-holed me for the Sam I already own!
> I have a few things to do over the weekend apparently :)  I will swap my
> stem out for the 12cm Technomic Deluxe that I already have.  Then I'll
> build up a set of Noodles that I also already have with the 10cm Tallux
> stem that's currently on my A-bars.
> I'll try out both setups for awhile, one after the other.
> I am going to need a bulk box of shift/brake cables if I keep changing
> cockpits like this!  Or has anyone used those DaVinci cable disconnects for
> making cockpit swaps quick and relatively painless?
> As far as wheels, I looked up rim weights on Peter White's website..
> apparently the difference between Dyad rims and Synergies is negligible. As
> in, less than 10 grams.  I had assumed the Dyad's would have been much
> heavier.
> Question on wheels - I have a set of excellent roadie wheels, but they are
> spaced 130mm at the rear.  They're currently on the VO and shod with some
> Vittoria 32mm tires.  Would it be ok to swap these over to the Sam for at
> least just a short ride?  Throw some extra washers or locknuts on the axle
> of the road wheels and have less axle in the dropouts?
> I'm thinking of ordering a set of the new Compass Barlow Pass 700x38
> tires.  I don't want to open up the Riv vs Compass tire philosophy debate,
> but I will say this: The Hilsens that I rode that I loved the ride on had
> Jack Brown Greens on one and Pacenti Pari-Motos on the other.  Not
> flat-protected tires that I've been riding on the Hillborne. So there's
> that.
> I suppose the goal I'm going for is to capture for my Hillborne whatever
> it was that I loved about the ride and responsiveness of the couple Hilsens
> I've ridden.  Project Hilsen-ify the Hillborne?
> Tires and Bar tape are cheaper than new bikes...
> Avery
> On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 2:20 PM, Chris Chen  wrote:
>> Hello from the Portland Chapter of Cockpit Changers Anonymous.
>> Hi I'm Chris and I'm a Cockpit Changer.
>> I've been with the same cockpit for two weeks now (waits for applause)
>> Avery, it does seem that the Albas are pretty high up and close in;
>> Before trying other bars or bikes I'd definitely see about moving them a
>> bit down and out, and maybe tilting them a bit forward. When I had them
>> tilted back and high I felt like my quads were doing all the work and I
>> fatigued easily, even if for short distances it was, well, it was great
>> fun! Also, another list member and Portland riding buddy* once remarked
>> that he never got the hang of Albas and the B17, and rides on a B67 saddle,
>> so your mileage may vary.
>> But to echo what others on this list have said, get a different stem and
>> maybe try Noodles, or the Albastache if you're so inclined. Sometimes it's
>> nice to feel "on top" of the bike which I think Albatrosses are good at,
>> and sometimes it feels nice to feel "in" the bike which is what Noodles and
>> Albastaches can get you.
>> Just my two cents. (geez, more like two hundred dollars)
>> cc
>> *I never drop names, Zack
>>  On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 10:22 AM, Dan McNamara wrote:
>>> The 56 Sam has a pretty long theoretical TT - 59cm - actually the same
>>> listed TT as a 61 AHH. Going to a 63 AHH with an 88 PBH might be tough as
>>> the listed standover is 88.8, Not sure what tires that SO was measured with.
>>> Maybe a longer stem as a first stop. A 12cm might just do the trick. Or
>>> switching out the Al

Re: [RBW] Quickbeam water bottle braze-on disappearance act

2014-04-02 Thread Chris Chen
Fender washer? Er, those expandable plastic washers that look like small
toggle bolts for attaching elements to body panels?

Actual toggle bolts, or...what about drywall anchors? :)


On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 4:17 PM, jandrews_nyc wrote:

> Somehow the braze-on for a water bottle on a friend's Quickbeam was ripped
> off leaving only a sad hole for rain to get into. See Above:
> Is this something any competent frame builder can repair?
> Has anyone figured out any hacks to fix this without going to a frame
> builder?
> Thanks
> Jason
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Re: [RBW] Re: Introduction and Sam Hillborne / AHH Sizing Advice

2014-04-02 Thread Chris Chen
Quick! Bike nerds! ID the production date by the lack of a top eyelet on
the fork dropout! :)

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 4:53 PM, Peter Morgano wrote:

> Saw this on the bay today. Good price if the size is right for you.
> On Apr 2, 2014 5:25 PM, "Avery E Wilson"  wrote:
>> I actually have two sets of silver bar ends already :)
>> One of the Albas and another set on the noodles that are currently on the
>> VO.
>> So, cockpit swaps may be easier than feared. :)
>> On Apr 2, 2014 5:19 PM, "Shoji Takahashi" 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Avery,
>>> Welcome! I'm a cockpit changer myself. (Currently setting up moustache
>>> to go along with my Noodles + bullmoose cockpits.)
>>> Since you're running bar-ends, take a look at this blog post.
>>> It details how to swap the bar ends, shifters, etc., from one bar to
>>> another. You won't need to worry about cables, etc., if you go from albas
>>> to Noodles (and back/forth). You might want to reconsider how you wrap your
>>> shift cables in order to minimize the work.
>>> For the caliper brakes: If you happen to mangle the brake cables, you
>>> could always move the rear brake cable to the front (cutting off the
>>> mangled part). It's probably a good idea to check the brake cable to make
>>> sure it's intact and otherwise fine before re-using it for the front brake
>>> cable. The worst you're out is a new brake cable ($4 on Riv).
>>> Have fun! It's great to have different cockpit set ups-- it's N+1+
>>> shoji
>>> On Wednesday, April 2, 2014 4:24:33 PM UTC-4, Avery Wilson wrote:

 Thanks for all the replies and the multiple welcomes to the group, kind

 A few things about myself that would make the 56 Sam vs 61 Hilsen
 debate clearer:

 My PBH is 88, but my overall height is about 5'10", so I've got the
 legs of a six-footer, but the torso of a shorter man apparently.
 I weigh an even 200, but with not a whole lot of fat, so I'm not ever
 going to lose more than 10 or 15 pounds, max.
 I occasionally, begrudgingly pull a trailer with 2 kids. (I love my
 daughters, but pulling a trailer makes cycling less than fun)
 I want to S240 more than I do, with mixed pavement rides. Think gravel,
 fire/logging roads through the state forests here in Indiana.
 My favorite rides are all day in southern Indiana "meandonneuring"
 among the hardwood forests and hills and forgotten roads.

 The above-listed points may have pigeon-holed me for the Sam I already

 I have a few things to do over the weekend apparently :)  I will swap
 my stem out for the 12cm Technomic Deluxe that I already have.  Then I'll
 build up a set of Noodles that I also already have with the 10cm Tallux
 stem that's currently on my A-bars.

 I'll try out both setups for awhile, one after the other.

 I am going to need a bulk box of shift/brake cables if I keep changing
 cockpits like this!  Or has anyone used those DaVinci cable disconnects for
 making cockpit swaps quick and relatively painless?

 As far as wheels, I looked up rim weights on Peter White's website..
 apparently the difference between Dyad rims and Synergies is negligible. As
 in, less than 10 grams.  I had assumed the Dyad's would have been much

 Question on wheels - I have a set of excellent roadie wheels, but they
 are spaced 130mm at the rear.  They're currently on the VO and shod with
 some Vittoria 32mm tires.  Would it be ok to swap these over to the Sam for
 at least just a short ride?  Throw some extra washers or locknuts on the
 axle of the road wheels and have less axle in the dropouts?

 I'm thinking of ordering a set of the new Compass Barlow Pass 700x38
 tires.  I don't want to open up the Riv vs Compass tire philosophy debate,
 but I will say this: The Hilsens that I rode that I loved the ride on had
 Jack Brown Greens on one and Pacenti Pari-Motos on the other.  Not
 flat-protected tires that I've been riding on the Hillborne. So there's

 I suppose the goal I'm going for is to capture for my Hillborne
 whatever it was that I loved about the ride and responsiveness of the
 couple Hilsens I've ridden.  Project Hilsen-ify the Hillborne?

 Tires and Bar tape are cheaper than new bikes...


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Re: [RBW] Homer Hilsen on eBay ~ but FYI...

2014-04-03 Thread Chris Chen
Three's Toyo, Two's Waterford, One's a Fake Rolex

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 11:39 AM, Eric  wrote:

> Good looking Homer on eBay but I didn't see 3 water bottle mounts so I
> emailed the seller and he confirmed that it only has 2. Just looking to
> pass along the info to any interested party.
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Re: [RBW] Re: Ideal AHH Wheelset

2014-04-03 Thread Chris Chen
Small potatoes.

I run dyads and have a schmidt on the front wheel; I think they're
excellent bulletproof rims. And you can always turn off your light if you
want :)

I went on a slightly longer ride on the barlow pass tires, and oh my, they


On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:

> I encourage you to try it out.  I predict that you will lose nothing in
> perceptible performance, and gain the huge benefit of dynamo lighting.
> On Thursday, April 3, 2014 12:18:35 PM UTC-7, Michael Fleischman wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> My name is Michael and I am new to the group and from Indianapolis.
>> I recently bought an A Homer Hilsen from Dick at the Country Bike Shop in
>> Ohio.  I am considering switching over my custom wheelset from my touring
>> ride to the AHH.  My custom wheelset is a Phil Wood Cassette hub laced to a
>> Mavic a719 rim and up front I have a Schmidt SON hub laced to a Mavic
>> a719.  The AHH came with a stock wheelset - Shimano LX hubs.  I think I
>> want to have dynamo lighting on the AHH and want to have my Phil Hub on
>> back, but want to run this change past the bunch.
>> Will I be giving anything up (speed, handling, feel, ect) by switching
>> out the current wheel set?  Is the Mavic a719 too much of a touring rim for
>> the AHH?  The bike came with Jack Browns and I think I will switch those
>> over to my custom wheelset on the AHH if I do make the swap.
>> Thoughts?
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Re: [RBW] Re: Ideal AHH Wheelset

2014-04-04 Thread Chris Chen
Oh yeah those were great too, but I didn't take them off the paved stuff
too much. Very plush, pretty fast!

I'm fickle these days with components so you probably shouldn't depend on
me for much of anything regarding deep and thoughtful feedback.

o shiny

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 8:13 PM, Matt Lynch  wrote:

> Chris - I can't keep up.  Didn't you just put on a pair of Clement MSO's
> ?  I was looking forward to a report.
> Matt
> On Thursday, April 3, 2014 1:18:00 PM UTC-7, Christopher Chen wrote:
>> I went on a slightly longer ride on the barlow pass tires, and oh my,
>> they sing!
>>  --
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Re: [RBW] Re: FS: B68 Saddle, Tires: 700 and 26 Dureme

2014-04-06 Thread Chris Chen

On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 8:30 AM, Deacon Patrick  wrote:

> Everything's sold. New Cockpit funded, plus an Easter bike for my 4-year
> old who has graduated from her push/balance bike. Thanks, guys!
> With abandon,
> Patrick
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Re: [RBW] What's involved switching to road levers?

2014-04-06 Thread Chris Chen
The cable ends are different between road and mountain levers, so you'll
need a new set of cables.

Otherwise, you should be good.

Good luck!


On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 12:23 PM, Deacon Patrick  wrote:

> I am assessing if this is a job I can do or if I need to take it to my
> LBS. I will be switching from mountain brake levers to road non-aero levers
> for my albastache bars. I'm good for swapping everything else, but don't
> know what's involved with the levers. Do I need to change cable? Can I just
> pop the cable out one and into the other? Or do I have to cut and replace
> bits?
> With abandon,
> Patrick
> * *
> * *
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Re: [RBW] What's involved switching to road levers?

2014-04-06 Thread Chris Chen
Yeah, the cables afaik are the same diameter so you can reuse your brake
housing if it's long enough, and if you're using non-aero road levers you
might have enough. The road cable end looks like a bullet, whereas the
mountain cable end looks like a lollipop.



On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 12:56 PM, Deacon Patrick  wrote:

> Thanks, Chris. So no cutting except at the raw, brake end? And I just
> thread the cable through the cable housing and connect it at the brake end?
> With abandon,
> Patrick
> On Sunday, April 6, 2014 1:31:18 PM UTC-6, Christopher Chen wrote:
>> The cable ends are different between road and mountain levers, so you'll
>> need a new set of cables.
>> Otherwise, you should be good.
>> Good luck!
>> cc
>> On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 12:23 PM, Deacon Patrick  wrote:
>>> I am assessing if this is a job I can do or if I need to take it to my
>>> LBS. I will be switching from mountain brake levers to road non-aero levers
>>> for my albastache bars. I'm good for swapping everything else, but don't
>>> know what's involved with the levers. Do I need to change cable? Can I just
>>> pop the cable out one and into the other? Or do I have to cut and replace
>>> bits?
>>> With abandon,
>>> Patrick
>>> * *
>>> * *
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Re: [RBW] What's involved switching to road levers?

2014-04-06 Thread Chris Chen

On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 1:37 PM, Deacon Patrick  wrote:

> Who decided mountain cable would be different from road cable and where do
> they live so I can TP their house? Sardonic grin.
> With abandon,
> Patrick
> On Sunday, April 6, 2014 2:17:36 PM UTC-6, Christopher Chen wrote:
>> Yeah, the cables afaik are the same diameter so you can reuse your brake
>> housing if it's long enough, and if you're using non-aero road levers you
>> might have enough. The road cable end looks like a bullet, whereas the
>> mountain cable end looks like a lollipop.
>> :)
>> cc
>> On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 12:56 PM, Deacon Patrick  wrote:
>>> Thanks, Chris. So no cutting except at the raw, brake end? And I just
>>> thread the cable through the cable housing and connect it at the brake end?
>>> With abandon,
>>> Patrick
>>> On Sunday, April 6, 2014 1:31:18 PM UTC-6, Christopher Chen wrote:
 The cable ends are different between road and mountain levers, so
 you'll need a new set of cables.

 Otherwise, you should be good.

 Good luck!


 On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 12:23 PM, Deacon Patrick wrote:

> I am assessing if this is a job I can do or if I need to take it to my
> LBS. I will be switching from mountain brake levers to road non-aero 
> levers
> for my albastache bars. I'm good for swapping everything else, but don't
> know what's involved with the levers. Do I need to change cable? Can I 
> just
> pop the cable out one and into the other? Or do I have to cut and replace
> bits?
> With abandon,
> Patrick
> * *
> * *
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Re: [RBW] Re: What's involved switching to road levers?

2014-04-06 Thread Chris Chen
So if I were me (which I am!) I'd keep cable housing with each set of bars,
so all I'd need to do to swap over would be to re-run the brake and shift
cables. If I left enough cable at the end, I could switch a few times
before replacing cable.

However, I'm kind of a worrywort so I replace my cables more often than
probably required.

On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 1:53 PM, Deacon Patrick  wrote:

> What if I also install cable splitters near the cockpit so future changes
> are less involved? What splitters do you recommend? Does this in any way
> endanger brake connection?
> With abandon,
> Patrick
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Re: [RBW] Sam Hillborne Frame Fitment Update

2014-04-06 Thread Chris Chen
Great report! Glad to hear you found a happy medium :)

On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 6:35 PM, Avery Wilson  wrote:

> So I took some advice from you guys on this list and decided to tinker
> with the Sam Hillborne over the weekend.. and ride as well!
> I took off the Albatross bars, along with their 10cm Tallux Stem and
> swapped in a pair of 46cm Noodles that I already had built up as a complete
> cockpit with a DirtDrop stem.  Took it out for a ride on Saturday, just 5
> or 6 miles, and had just loved it. First time I'd felt good on drops. Ever.
> I didn't want to get too excited, so I took it for a much longer ride
> today - 30-35 miles perhaps, broken up into two parts, before and after
> church.  The bike is completely transformed!  I just felt faster, quicker,
> more in control.. it was great.  How does a bike feel more responsive at
> the pedals based on cockpit alone?
> So I know that the DirtDrop stem seems real short, and it looks a little
> funny, but I've come to realize that I have the PBH (88) of a man 6' or
> taller. Trouble is, I'm only 5'10", so those inches had to come from my
> torso.  So, my tall seatpost and short dirtdrop stemmed Noodle cockpit just
> seem to work really well for me.  If I get tired of the slightly weird look
> of the dirtdrop, and want to rewrap the bars sometime, I'll get a 7cm
> Tallux. Or something. Or just be happy :)
> Also I inflated the Resist Nomad 700x45c tires up to 50psi rear 40psi
> front, and that make the bike feel quite a bit quicker. They were at 40/30
> previously.  Now I'm awaiting my 700x38 Barlow Pass tires to show up from
> Compass sometime this week and hopefully take the feel from the tires to
> the next level.. :)
> I think the ills I felt toward my bike earlier this week are fading away..
> cockpit swap, and next a tire swap will do it!
> Link to photo below of current setup.
> Current Bike Setup
> Here's a picture from the ride today, with fellow list member and new Riv
> A. Homer Hilsen owner Michael Fleischmann!
> Ride 
> Photo.
> I still find it amazing that these bikes are at home on singletrack, dirt,
> and gravel as much as they are on a smooth road. Love it.
> Avery in Indianapolis
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Re: [RBW] Re: What's involved switching to road levers?

2014-04-07 Thread Chris Chen
I have very similar ones (the royal gran compe) and regular ferrules work
just fine. Mine are the wheels mfg. brass ones.

On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 6:47 AM, Deacon Patrick  wrote:

> Dia-Compe is stamped into the lever and each side of the gum hood. Glad to
> hear the ferrules will work.
> With abandon,
> Patrick
> On Monday, April 7, 2014 7:44:05 AM UTC-6, Takashi wrote:
>> Oh, they are not Dia-Compe.
>> It seems that they don't require special ferrules, but I am not sure.
>> Sorry.
>> Takashi
>> 2014年4月7日月曜日 22時02分49秒 UTC+9 Deacon Patrick:
>>> I am unsure, Takashi. Here are photos:
>>> On Monday, April 7, 2014 2:28:16 AM UTC-6, Takashi wrote:


 Are you going to use Dia-Compe levers?
 Dia-Compe 204 levers require special shaped ferrules, which look like

 Or you can buy this adjuster and use it on 204 levers:

 If you buy Gran Compe 202 levers, they are equipped with above
 adjusters, so you don't need to buy additional parts.

 Good luck!


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Re: [RBW] Nitto Big Front Rack~ Installing without P-Clamps?

2014-04-07 Thread Chris Chen
The answer is yes.

On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 9:35 AM, Eric  wrote:

> I want to install my Nitto Big Front Rack to my Atlantis but I'd like to
> avoid using P-Clamps.
> My fork has mid-fork eyelets so could I use a strut from the eyelets &
> secure them to a Nitto rack nut?
> Sort of like this:
> Any suggestions? Thanks
> --
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Re: [RBW] WTB: Nitto Big Front Rack

2014-04-07 Thread Chris Chen
I am so proud of you.

On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Zack  wrote:

> The big one.
> I also have a Nitto Mini Front rack, and the platrack/slickersack combo,
> open to some sort of trade if that floats your boat.
> let me know.
>  --
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Re: [RBW] Re: WTB: Nitto Big Front Rack

2014-04-07 Thread Chris Chen

On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 12:19 PM, Zack  wrote:

> i learned it from you, chris.  i learned it from watching you.
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Sam Hillborne Frame Fitment Update

2014-04-07 Thread Chris Chen
search for "berto tire pressure" and you'll find plenty of graphs,
articles, etc.

On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 1:27 PM, Avery E Wilson  wrote:

> Yep, Capt. Conway -
> I'm about an inch shorter than you with the same PBH, and I'm running the
> 8cm dirt drop stem, so just a bit less reach than yours. I suppose it
> stands to reason that it would work!
> Our bikes are almost identical in terms of cockpit, reach, even parts!
> I did just receive the 700x38 Barlow Pass tires today. I'll mount then
> tomorrow and hopefully ride soon! That should give me the remaining tad bit
> of satisfaction I'm seeking from my bike.. (if they're as good as people
> say they are).
> Quick tire question - I got the standard casing, not the extra light,
> because I weigh 200, so combined weight is about 235-250 or so. Good move?
> Also what should tire pressure be?
> Thanks,
> Avery in Indy
> On Apr 7, 2014 9:52 AM, "Shoji Takahashi" 
> wrote:
>> Hi Avery,
>> Looks great, feels great... enjoy the ride! Looks like nice trails to
>> explore.
>> Happy spring!
>> shoji
>> On Sunday, April 6, 2014 9:35:03 PM UTC-4, Avery Wilson wrote:
>>> So I took some advice from you guys on this list and decided to tinker
>>> with the Sam Hillborne over the weekend.. and ride as well!
>>> I took off the Albatross bars, along with their 10cm Tallux Stem and
>>> swapped in a pair of 46cm Noodles that I already had built up as a complete
>>> cockpit with a DirtDrop stem.  Took it out for a ride on Saturday, just 5
>>> or 6 miles, and had just loved it. First time I'd felt good on drops. Ever.
>>> I didn't want to get too excited, so I took it for a much longer ride
>>> today - 30-35 miles perhaps, broken up into two parts, before and after
>>> church.  The bike is completely transformed!  I just felt faster, quicker,
>>> more in control.. it was great.  How does a bike feel more responsive at
>>> the pedals based on cockpit alone?
>>> So I know that the DirtDrop stem seems real short, and it looks a little
>>> funny, but I've come to realize that I have the PBH (88) of a man 6' or
>>> taller. Trouble is, I'm only 5'10", so those inches had to come from my
>>> torso.  So, my tall seatpost and short dirtdrop stemmed Noodle cockpit just
>>> seem to work really well for me.  If I get tired of the slightly weird look
>>> of the dirtdrop, and want to rewrap the bars sometime, I'll get a 7cm
>>> Tallux. Or something. Or just be happy :)
>>> Also I inflated the Resist Nomad 700x45c tires up to 50psi rear 40psi
>>> front, and that make the bike feel quite a bit quicker. They were at 40/30
>>> previously.  Now I'm awaiting my 700x38 Barlow Pass tires to show up from
>>> Compass sometime this week and hopefully take the feel from the tires to
>>> the next level.. :)
>>> I think the ills I felt toward my bike earlier this week are fading
>>> away.. cockpit swap, and next a tire swap will do it!
>>> Link to photo below of current setup.
>>> Current Bike Setup
>>> Here's a picture from the ride today, with fellow list member and new
>>> Riv A. Homer Hilsen owner Michael Fleischmann!
>>> Ride 
>>> Photo.
>>> I still find it amazing that these bikes are at home on singletrack,
>>> dirt, and gravel as much as they are on a smooth road. Love it.
>>> Avery in Indianapolis
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Re: [RBW] Re: Does anyone use fenders off road?

2014-04-08 Thread Chris Chen
I never take the fenders off my Hilsen, and I've been on all kinds of
stuff. The only thing that seems to choke 'em up is snow, but for the most
part I've been pretty lucky with the P45 longboards.


On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 9:12 PM, rob markwardt  wrote:

> I do on my RockCombo.  I don't get too crazy though and there's loads of
> clearance (700c fenders over 26" tires).  Previous owner did a great job
> installing them...solid with no rattles.
> On Monday, April 7, 2014 11:08:14 AM UTC-7, Nanga Parbat wrote:
>> Hello RBW OB,
>> I'm using a late 80's / early 90's Specialized mountain bike with Velo
>> Orange steel fenders, that were on the bike. Even with the leather washers
>> the fenders still rattle on trails. Is anyone using fenders for moderate
>> off roading? Should I try the SKS fenders?
>> Cheers,
>> Scott
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Re: [RBW] Re: Does anyone use fenders off road?

2014-04-09 Thread Chris Chen
I've been able to eliminate SKS crk with the following:

Destress the stays as much as possible to reduce strain on the fender.
Make sure to use those dorky plastic stay ends--they keep the stay from
rubbing on the fender and making noise.

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Ron Mc  wrote:

> my daughters SKS fenders creek everywhere - bumps not required.  As I
> mentioned above, tire completely eliminate ping of aluminum fenders -
> nothing but dust goes in.
> On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 12:39:21 PM UTC-5, Anton Tutter wrote:
>> I've been riding aluminum fenders on all sorts of dirt and gravel, and
>> haven't had a problem [yet].
>> I agree with a previous poster that the sound of little pebbles pinging
>> as they ricochet off the underside of the fender can get annoying to some,
>> and plastic fenders would mute that noise a little, but it doesn't really
>> bother me.
>> As for mud caking up, I think it has something to do with clearance, and
>> as long as I have a 2cm gap between the tire and the fender, I don't have
>> issues. On bikes with a really tight gap between the tire and fender (like
>> less than 10mm), I get stuff jammed up there sometimes.
>> Anton
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[RBW] Bay Area Overnight, May 16, 17, 18?

2014-04-09 Thread Chris Chen
Gonna be around. Anyone up for a quick overnight one of those nights?


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Re: [RBW] Re: Rambouillet conundrum

2014-04-09 Thread Chris Chen
I find that the load and torque vector on a single legged kickstand causes
the bolt to come loose over time, whereas the bolt has never come loose on
my double legger. YMMV I guess

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 8:59 PM, Kelly  wrote:

> My 68cm RAM is my go fast bike.   I'm 235 and usually in the 225 weight
> class.   The bike comes in at about 25lbs with everything on it, and feel
> great to me.May not be for everyone but it feel quick and nimble and
> actually rides very well.I am in the wonderful position of being a
> perfect fit for Grants system.  I run my bars about seat height, and at
> 6'5" the larger 67 AHH / 68 RAM / 64 Bomba give me three bikes that make me
> debate what to ride often.   They each have specialities.. but overlap
> enough on meandering that sometimes it's just which one has a big enough
> bag for the day .
> I run the Gran Boise 32 that measure about 30 on the Ram
> the 70x37 Panaracer on the AHH great tire fyi.. so freaking smooth.
> and the the 700x50 Supreme and Big Apple on the Bomba.. I think I like the
> ride of the old style big apple better. .. but the supreme took me through
> alaska and many tours including goat head country with maybe 3 flats over
> the last 4 years.
> the AHH is my go to this week..  the only thing I miss on my ram is a
> kickstand... I mean I really really really really really miss my
> kickstand..   did I mention that it needs a kickstand..
> Did I mention I don't get many miles out of kickstands.. they get loosey
> goosey and bend and then  useless... and I despise the two legged stands as
> I break them and they fall over more on me than a single.
> Oh I'm sorry I have a Blue Ram instead of an Orange one..
> Night folks.
> Kelly
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Re: [RBW] Re: What's involved switching to road levers?

2014-04-11 Thread Chris Chen
Yup I'm right there with you. It makes the bike *more* fun. Who would have

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 2:30 PM, Deacon Patrick  wrote:

> Here are the Albastache's in all their glory.
> I am LOVING them so far. Did a 4 hour ride this morning. They climb
> beautifully, descend stunningly. The bike vanishes, or I meld into one with
> it, even more than before. Delicious riding!
> With abandon,
> Patrick
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Re: [RBW] Re: Bay Area Overnight, May 16, 17, 18?

2014-04-11 Thread Chris Chen
Let's do it. I fly out Sunday evening so I'm best with a F-Sat or Sat-Sun

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 3:33 PM, <> wrote:

> That'll be a great grad present to yourself!
> On Friday, April 11, 2014 12:06:14 AM UTC-7, Coconutbill wrote:
>> I graduate on the 15th... I'll try to be there !
>>  --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Now Available: 650B Dyad/Aeroheat in 32h and 36h

2014-04-11 Thread Chris Chen

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 7:15 PM, Coconutbill  wrote:

> Ah, wish that I'd seen this when building my velocity synergy 650b dyno
>> wheel... ... ..
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[RBW] "Enjoy"

2014-04-11 Thread Chris Chen
A lot has been written about differing personalities and philosophies,
sometimes it's about trail or tube thickness, sometimes it's about
suppleness, or what have you, but I was doing some drivetrain cleaning and
I was wondering about the whole greasing square taper vs dry fitting, and
of course I was searching the Internet, where I came across this post from

But the point of the matter isn't the technical debate between greasing or
not greasing (for the record I put a tiny bit of grease on the taper, like
I was applying ointment), but one of the last phrases in the post:

<<...put them back on, and enjoy them some more.>>

I was struck by the poetry of this statement. I guess that's the point of
this whole exercise. We enjoy our bicycles; They give us joy. The joy of
movement and flying, the joy of conquering a climb, the joy of a quiet
vista with no one in sight. And the joy of riding with cherished friends.

So anyway, while I'm waiting the next two hours for the boeshield to dry on
my chain, I'd to wish everyone joy.

...and enjoy them some more.



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[RBW] Mason Hill to Mason Hill Ride Report

2014-04-13 Thread Chris Chen
It all started with this picture:

Leaf Slayer exposes the little known Mason Hill Park nestled on the
Tualatin Valley side of the West Hills.

I decide to take a quiet solo trip out there to clear my head. Turns out
Zack wants to clear his head too so we head out from Portland around 1pm.

We amble up to the Leif Ericsson trailhead, taking a nice detour because
the Thurman St bridge over Balch Creek is closed. First dirt. Slow going up
that steep climb to Leif Ericsson. Once we're on the trail the pace picks
up and the going is easy, the road is as supple as my tires and we make
good time. Zack does some explaining. There's some gesticulating of hands
and big ideas get bandied about. The trail is gorgeous today. It feels like
the cathedral of trees as we round past Saltzman and keep heading to the

At the north terminal of Leif Ericsson we cross the road and jump on the
first firelane we see, which I think is 10. We hit a soft patch of mud and
we immediately stop, we walk on for a few meters and jump on, enjoying a
soft and technical steep descent which as me wondering exactly what kind of
fire apparatus they think they can drive up this thing. It's great fun, I
only fall down once, and I think we have some awesome pictures. We also
have no intention of climbing back up this thing so we're in good spirits.

At this point it's pretty obvious the firelanes are for descents only so
our only course is to continue down through Linnton and buzz down Hwy 30 to
Logie Trail Rd. The riding is pretty easy, the shoulders are wide mostly,
and the views are great. Mental note to go back later in the season and
load up with produce from Sauvie Island.

The climb up Logie Trail is beautiful, quiet, and grueling. The hairpins
kept on coming but it was an honest climb; There were no false summits and
the shade was welcome on a warm day. Breaks were had. My bike fell over
while I was taking pictures and resembled a dead bug.

We went north on Skyline Blvd for about a mile before taking Johnson down
into the Tualatin Valley. The descent was gorgeous, I saw Zack pump his
fist at least once. We would have missed Mason Hill Park entirely if Zack
hadn't stopped to check something.

The park is pretty cute; There's one vault toilet, no water, but an sweet
covered picnic area and some super burly tables in the middle Zack noted we
could use for bike mechanical duties. Chatter was had, snacks were eaten,
pictures were taken.

We made the gradual climb back to Skyline on Johnson, then enjoyed the
rollers on Skyline to Plainview at the intersection of Corneilus Pass and
Skyline. We fueled up at Plainview Grocery and Auto Parts. The climb back
up from Cornelius pass on Skyline was only second to Logie Trail in
intensity, but after that we enjoyed rolling countryside albeit increasing
traffic. We took a breather at Skyline Cemetery at the same spot we rested

After this stop we made good time to Cornell, then enjoyed the awesome
descent down past the Audubon Society, past Upper Macleay Park, then took
the gorgeous side paths to avoid taking the tunnels. We jumped off Cornell
right at Pettygrove and bombed down that hill too.

This was a gorgeous ride. I would do it again.

Pictures proved something:


"I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah

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Re: [RBW] Re: Mason Hill to Mason Hill Ride Report

2014-04-13 Thread Chris Chen
No GPS tracking except what Google slurps while I'm not lookin.

You'll just have to come up and shred with us.


On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 9:12 AM, hsmitham  wrote:

> Chris,
> Great ride report, the B&W pics were cool. Next time I expect a GPS route
> detail to go along with those non color images to keep it 21st century.
> ~Hugh
> On Sunday, April 13, 2014 1:50:27 AM UTC-7, Christopher Chen wrote:
>> It all started with this picture:
>> Leaf Slayer exposes the little known Mason Hill Park nestled on the
>> Tualatin Valley side of the West Hills.
>> I decide to take a quiet solo trip out there to clear my head. Turns out
>> Zack wants to clear his head too so we head out from Portland around 1pm.
>> We amble up to the Leif Ericsson trailhead, taking a nice detour because
>> the Thurman St bridge over Balch Creek is closed. First dirt. Slow going up
>> that steep climb to Leif Ericsson. Once we're on the trail the pace picks
>> up and the going is easy, the road is as supple as my tires and we make
>> good time. Zack does some explaining. There's some gesticulating of hands
>> and big ideas get bandied about. The trail is gorgeous today. It feels like
>> the cathedral of trees as we round past Saltzman and keep heading to the
>> terminus.
>> At the north terminal of Leif Ericsson we cross the road and jump on the
>> first firelane we see, which I think is 10. We hit a soft patch of mud and
>> we immediately stop, we walk on for a few meters and jump on, enjoying a
>> soft and technical steep descent which as me wondering exactly what kind of
>> fire apparatus they think they can drive up this thing. It's great fun, I
>> only fall down once, and I think we have some awesome pictures. We also
>> have no intention of climbing back up this thing so we're in good spirits.
>> At this point it's pretty obvious the firelanes are for descents only so
>> our only course is to continue down through Linnton and buzz down Hwy 30 to
>> Logie Trail Rd. The riding is pretty easy, the shoulders are wide mostly,
>> and the views are great. Mental note to go back later in the season and
>> load up with produce from Sauvie Island.
>> The climb up Logie Trail is beautiful, quiet, and grueling. The hairpins
>> kept on coming but it was an honest climb; There were no false summits and
>> the shade was welcome on a warm day. Breaks were had. My bike fell over
>> while I was taking pictures and resembled a dead bug.
>> We went north on Skyline Blvd for about a mile before taking Johnson down
>> into the Tualatin Valley. The descent was gorgeous, I saw Zack pump his
>> fist at least once. We would have missed Mason Hill Park entirely if Zack
>> hadn't stopped to check something.
>> The park is pretty cute; There's one vault toilet, no water, but an sweet
>> covered picnic area and some super burly tables in the middle Zack noted we
>> could use for bike mechanical duties. Chatter was had, snacks were eaten,
>> pictures were taken.
>> We made the gradual climb back to Skyline on Johnson, then enjoyed the
>> rollers on Skyline to Plainview at the intersection of Corneilus Pass and
>> Skyline. We fueled up at Plainview Grocery and Auto Parts. The climb back
>> up from Cornelius pass on Skyline was only second to Logie Trail in
>> intensity, but after that we enjoyed rolling countryside albeit increasing
>> traffic. We took a breather at Skyline Cemetery at the same spot we rested
>> before:
>> After this stop we made good time to Cornell, then enjoyed the awesome
>> descent down past the Audubon Society, past Upper Macleay Park, then took
>> the gorgeous side paths to avoid taking the tunnels. We jumped off Cornell
>> right at Pettygrove and bombed down that hill too.
>> This was a gorgeous ride. I would do it again.
>> Pictures proved something:
>> cc
>> --
>> "I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah
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[RBW] Ride Report: The Hundred Mile Burger

2014-04-14 Thread Chris Chen
Or: How I fell in love with my bicycle again.

After the awesome ramble out to Mason Hill, I wasn't planning to do any
more riding this weekend, but a social engagement fell through so the first
thought I had was,

"eff it, I'm going to Crown Point."

I have evidence of this:

But really that was a straw man. I really wanted to go to Bonneville Lock &
Dam, and probably Cascade Locks, home of the Char Burger and The Bridge of
The Gods, roughly 50 miles distant.

I packed plenty of fruit and nuts and water, but forgot my maps, so I did
some psychic navigation to Troutdale and the Historic Columbia River
Highway. The Easterlies were strong today; I had to just pick a lower gear
and spin my way on the flats. It was not my favorite thing but the skies
were so blue and Mount Hood was so clear I nearly forgave the wind.

The highway leaves Troutdale and enters the Scenic Area proper after
crossing the Sandy River. I took Woodard Rd., which is one of the first
turns off the historic highway, which takes you up the bluff in a direct
fashion. It was a hoot to see cabbage fields I had last seen when I did my
birthday ride on New Year's Eve. Woodard is a pretty honest direct climb.
To stay on the ridge (or close to it) I needed to move over to Mershon,
which has a few pretty rollers. This dropped me back onto the historic
highway just outside the Town of Corbett. In short order I hit the main
vista spots, the Women's Forum, Crown Point (where I hung out at the picnic
area nobody ever seems to use), Multnomah Falls (which reminds me of
Disneyland more and more every time I visit), and the Bonneville Fish
Hatchery, where you can see GIANT STURGEON.

The last six miles of the ride to Cascade Locks was on the Trail portion of
the Historic Columbia River Highway, which I've come to like. Except for
the stairs. Oh god the stairs.

The first restaurant you reach when you get to Cascade Locks is the Char
Burger, which is currently undergoing renovations, so I ended up eating in
the smaller restaurant in the basement, which is less "guns on the wall"
and more "waterfront dining". Oh well. BURGERS WERE HAD. I use the plural
because I took the burger of a customer who left after ordering. MORE

I'd known that I wouldn't get back home before dark, so I was a little
apprehensive of riding on curvy country roads at night, but as it turned
out, this was the most magical part of the ride. By the time I'd reached
the touristy areas, almost all the cars were gone, and all I had to deal
with were clouds of Gnats. As the sun disappeared and the temperatures
started to fall, I found I had more energy. I've noticed this
before--riding gets easier when it's cooler.

So here's the magical part: All the small towns were really quiet, and way
more charming at night than during the day. By 10pm most all the businesses
are closed, and it's just so quiet. I heard frogs! I adjusted my dynamo
light to point a little higher and I was able to see far in the distance;
the stars were out and the moon was nearly full.

I returned back via Marine Drive, which is a road that is built atop a
flood control dike; It was a gorgeous night to return to Portland that way,
and the radar speed reader clocked me at 15mph, which I'll take any day.

Pictures prove something, but mostly that I'm thinking about planning more
rides that go late into the night.

~100mi, leave noon, return 11pm.

"I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah

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Re: [RBW] Re: Ride Report: The Hundred Mile Burger

2014-04-14 Thread Chris Chen
That's the magic, right? When it gets dark you don't think "oh shit, I have
two hours left before I go dark", you think, "well, the night is mine."

Not like batman, I mean, not unless you're into vigilante justice AND

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 9:03 AM, Jeremy Till  wrote:

> This is exactly the kind of ride I envisioned when I built up the dyno
> wheel for my LHT.  So far, it hasn't quite come to pass, but ride reports
> like this give me hope.
> On Monday, April 14, 2014 12:41:14 AM UTC-7, Christopher Chen wrote:
>> Or: How I fell in love with my bicycle again.
>> After the awesome ramble out to Mason Hill, I wasn't planning to do any
>> more riding this weekend, but a social engagement fell through so the first
>> thought I had was,
>> "eff it, I'm going to Crown Point."
>> I have evidence of this:
>> 455385037743988737
>> But really that was a straw man. I really wanted to go to Bonneville Lock
>> & Dam, and probably Cascade Locks, home of the Char Burger and The Bridge
>> of The Gods, roughly 50 miles distant.
>> I packed plenty of fruit and nuts and water, but forgot my maps, so I did
>> some psychic navigation to Troutdale and the Historic Columbia River
>> Highway. The Easterlies were strong today; I had to just pick a lower gear
>> and spin my way on the flats. It was not my favorite thing but the skies
>> were so blue and Mount Hood was so clear I nearly forgave the wind.
>> The highway leaves Troutdale and enters the Scenic Area proper after
>> crossing the Sandy River. I took Woodard Rd., which is one of the first
>> turns off the historic highway, which takes you up the bluff in a direct
>> fashion. It was a hoot to see cabbage fields I had last seen when I did my
>> birthday ride on New Year's Eve. Woodard is a pretty honest direct climb.
>> To stay on the ridge (or close to it) I needed to move over to Mershon,
>> which has a few pretty rollers. This dropped me back onto the historic
>> highway just outside the Town of Corbett. In short order I hit the main
>> vista spots, the Women's Forum, Crown Point (where I hung out at the picnic
>> area nobody ever seems to use), Multnomah Falls (which reminds me of
>> Disneyland more and more every time I visit), and the Bonneville Fish
>> Hatchery, where you can see GIANT STURGEON.
>> The last six miles of the ride to Cascade Locks was on the Trail portion
>> of the Historic Columbia River Highway, which I've come to like. Except for
>> the stairs. Oh god the stairs.
>> The first restaurant you reach when you get to Cascade Locks is the Char
>> Burger, which is currently undergoing renovations, so I ended up eating in
>> the smaller restaurant in the basement, which is less "guns on the wall"
>> and more "waterfront dining". Oh well. BURGERS WERE HAD. I use the plural
>> because I took the burger of a customer who left after ordering. MORE
>> I'd known that I wouldn't get back home before dark, so I was a little
>> apprehensive of riding on curvy country roads at night, but as it turned
>> out, this was the most magical part of the ride. By the time I'd reached
>> the touristy areas, almost all the cars were gone, and all I had to deal
>> with were clouds of Gnats. As the sun disappeared and the temperatures
>> started to fall, I found I had more energy. I've noticed this
>> before--riding gets easier when it's cooler.
>> So here's the magical part: All the small towns were really quiet, and
>> way more charming at night than during the day. By 10pm most all the
>> businesses are closed, and it's just so quiet. I heard frogs! I adjusted my
>> dynamo light to point a little higher and I was able to see far in the
>> distance; the stars were out and the moon was nearly full.
>> I returned back via Marine Drive, which is a road that is built atop a
>> flood control dike; It was a gorgeous night to return to Portland that way,
>> and the radar speed reader clocked me at 15mph, which I'll take any day.
>> Pictures prove something, but mostly that I'm thinking about planning
>> more rides that go late into the night.
>> ~100mi, leave noon, return 11pm.
>> --
>> "I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah
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Re: [RBW] Re: Ride Report: The Hundred Mile Burger

2014-04-14 Thread Chris Chen

You do what you do, right?


On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 10:41 AM, velomann  wrote:

> Chris,
> Great story. Totally worth it, I'm sure. Reminds me of the summer of '78.
> I was 18, just out of high school, working as a cook at Old Faithful Lodge
> in Yellowstone. Had a day off and a hankering for a buffalo burger and a
> piece of pie from the little cafe in West Yellowstone - 31 miles away. My
> bike at the time was a Montgomery Wards 10-speed and my riding duds Levis
> and a flannel shirt. Threw on a daypack and a water bottle and did the
> ride. Good burger and pie, for sure. And spectacular scenery along the
> Firehole and Madison Rivers. Mostly uphill on the way back including one
> pretty stiff climb up the Firehole Canyon, full stomach and heat of the
> day. I remember pulling into a picnic area along the river with about 10
> miles left and lying down on a table and falling asleep. My first long ride.
> Mike
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Re: [RBW] FS: Rare and out of production R-14 tombstone

2014-04-14 Thread Chris Chen
If we're playing this game I have some broken struts for a R-14 for sale,
$16.99 plus British Columbia GST for the hell of it. Also included is some
fender mud from an awesome ride. They have some nice vice grip marks on

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 3:30 PM, Curtis McKenzie  wrote:

> The best characteristic of the item is that it can fill so many needs for
> so many individuals.
> On Monday, April 14, 2014, Peter Morgano  wrote:
>> I bet it's laterally stiff
>> On Apr 14, 2014 6:00 PM, "Joe Bernard"  wrote:
>>> Does it plane?
>>> On Monday, April 14, 2014 2:55:28 PM UTC-7, Curtis wrote:
 Here is your opportunity to own the now hard to acquire R-14 tombstone.
 This item was expertly removed from the rack and is in like new condition.
 Asking only $12.42 which includes shipping and one meter of duct tape for
 easy installation.

 Curtis "hacksaw"McKenzie

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Re: [RBW] FS: Rare and out of production R-14 tombstone

2014-04-14 Thread Chris Chen
Note that they're marks from a literally evil grip, not a vise grip.

On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 3:35 PM, Chris Chen  wrote:

> If we're playing this game I have some broken struts for a R-14 for sale,
> $16.99 plus British Columbia GST for the hell of it. Also included is some
> fender mud from an awesome ride. They have some nice vice grip marks on
> them.
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 3:30 PM, Curtis McKenzie wrote:
>> The best characteristic of the item is that it can fill so many needs for
>> so many individuals.
>> On Monday, April 14, 2014, Peter Morgano  wrote:
>>> I bet it's laterally stiff
>>> On Apr 14, 2014 6:00 PM, "Joe Bernard"  wrote:
>>>> Does it plane?
>>>> On Monday, April 14, 2014 2:55:28 PM UTC-7, Curtis wrote:
>>>>> Here is your opportunity to own the now hard to acquire R-14
>>>>> tombstone. This item was expertly removed from the rack and is in like new
>>>>> condition. Asking only $12.42 which includes shipping and one meter of 
>>>>> duct
>>>>> tape for easy installation.
>>>>> Curtis "hacksaw"McKenzie
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Re: [RBW] Re: Ride Report: The Hundred Mile Burger

2014-04-16 Thread Chris Chen
I'm registered. :|

On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 9:48 AM, Lynne Fitz  wrote:

> absolutely!  Want to ride out to the coast and back on Saturday?
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: 7 speed cassette question

2014-04-16 Thread Chris Chen
BTW I got it from

On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 11:38 AM, Deacon Patrick  wrote:

> Following up on the "Chris Maneuver." On my wee hour ride today shifting
> remains wonderfully crisp. I did get a couple of skips in my smallest cog,
> but far, far fewer than before the mini-cog swap. The high gear is ridable
> now vs. unridable before, any only 3 skips in 5 miles (but all downhill, so
> it went buy fast). I'll perhaps play wight he limiter screws and see if
> it's just not quite over enough. But I'm not going to spend too much time
> on it since I'm shifting to a 9-speed cassette shortly.
> With abandon,
> Patrick
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Re: [RBW] Re: Rivendell: Normcore for Cyclists?

2014-04-16 Thread Chris Chen
I think it comes down to the intent, right?

Normcore sounds like people being jerks.

At it's worst, Rivendellianism resembles it, if you take the unracer thing
to mean antiracer. But it can also mean something else: have lots of bike


On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 12:55 PM, Garth  wrote:

>This is funny , wearing whatever clothes you want is now some kind of
> "movement" ?   Ahahahaha !The One of Infinite Means that dresses in
> whatever clothes they wish, BAM I AM :)
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Rivendell: Normcore for Cyclists?

2014-04-16 Thread Chris Chen
I will make a blanket statement I will regret making later:

fashionistas of any persuasion are fundamentally unhappy people

there I said it

On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Chris Chen  wrote:

> I think it comes down to the intent, right?
> Normcore sounds like people being jerks.
> At it's worst, Rivendellianism resembles it, if you take the unracer thing
> to mean antiracer. But it can also mean something else: have lots of bike
> fun.
> cc
> On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 12:55 PM, Garth  wrote:
>>This is funny , wearing whatever clothes you want is now some kind of
>> "movement" ?   Ahahahaha !The One of Infinite Means that dresses in
>> whatever clothes they wish, BAM I AM :)
>> --
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> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Rivendell: Normcore for Cyclists?

2014-04-16 Thread Chris Chen
gasp maybe I'm fundamentally unhappy

On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 1:20 PM, Norman Bone  wrote:

> Aren't you President of the Red Wing Chukka Club of Portland, OR?
> Hey man, I'm happy "... dressing like a mild-mannered mental patient or a
> bewildered Icelandic exchange student circa 1984". Don't hate me 'cause I'm
> beautiful.
> -Norm 'core' Bone in Portland, OR
>   --
>  *From:* Chris Chen 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 16, 2014 1:02 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [RBW] Re: Rivendell: Normcore for Cyclists?
> I will make a blanket statement I will regret making later:
> fashionistas of any persuasion are fundamentally unhappy people
> there I said it
> On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Chris Chen  wrote:
> I think it comes down to the intent, right?
> Normcore sounds like people being jerks.
> At it's worst, Rivendellianism resembles it, if you take the unracer thing
> to mean antiracer. But it can also mean something else: have lots of bike
> fun.
> cc
> On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 12:55 PM, Garth  wrote:
>This is funny , wearing whatever clothes you want is now some kind of
> "movement" ?   Ahahahaha !The One of Infinite Means that dresses in
> whatever clothes they wish, BAM I AM :)
>  --
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> --
> "I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah
> --
> "I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah
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Re: [RBW] Low trail, lightest tubing bikes really all that?

2014-04-16 Thread Chris Chen
Michael, have you searched the group archives for discussions regarding
this topic? It does get bandied about from time to time.


On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 11:08 PM, Michael  wrote:

> Anyone here own a low-trail/ lightest tubing bike?
> Like the Herses and Singers and the new MAP S&P, Boulder bikes, etc.?
> Do you find them really that much better performing (faster, flexier,
> planier, efficient) than your  "oversized" steel tubing bikes, as I have
> read about in reviews of them?
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Re: [RBW] Low trail, lightest tubing bikes really all that?

2014-04-17 Thread Chris Chen
That was an AWESOME explanation, Tim.

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 12:12 PM, Tim McNamara  wrote:

> On Thursday, April 17, 2014 2:08:22 AM UTC-4, Michael wrote:
> > Anyone here own a low-trail/ lightest tubing bike?
> > Like the Herses and Singers and the new MAP S&P, Boulder bikes, etc.?
> > Do you find them really that much better performing (faster, flexier,
> planier, efficient) than your  "oversized" steel tubing bikes, as I have
> read about in reviews of them?
> No.  I find many reports about wide tired, low trail, skinny tubed,
> flexible flyer bikes to be completely opposite of my cycling experiences
> for the past almost-50 years.
> My experience with wider/softer tires is that they are significantly
> slower and more work to ride.  My average speeds are measurably slower at
> the same level of perceived work.  I greatly prefer 700 x 25s to 28s, which
> for me seems to be the sweet spot, than 26" or 650B.  My fastest brevet was
> on my old race bike with 700 x 25s, over 40 minutes faster on a 200K than a
> different bike with 700 x 28s- and I finished a lot less fatigued.  I
> greatly prefer the handling feel of 55-60 mm trail bikes with those tires.
> My bike without fenders, lights, bar bag, etc., is easier to ride and
> faster than my bike with all that stuff.  Lighter is faster, except
> downhill.
> Stiffer frames are faster for me and in terms of road feel not much
> different.  Wheelbase and in particular chain stay length are bigger
> factors in comfort than supposed tubing flex (not much flex in a
> triangulated structure).  Tire pressure and width are the biggest factors
> in isolating the rider from small amplitude road bumps, which is one area
> where my experience lines up with the magazine articles.  Flexier frames
> are slower up hill, result in wonky handling when riding out of the saddle
> and result in auto-shifting and chain grind on the front derailleur which
> is annoying.
> My explanation for this is that I am 6'4" and 230 lbs (200-205 in my
> racing days).  Many of the folks doing those road tests and writing the
> articles are not bears on a bike like.  They are normal sized, strong
> riders who do benefit from those lighter frames- they don't flex them out
> as badly as someone my size does and so they don't run into the downsides
> as much.  650B x 42 at 40 psi is a different situation for them than for
> me; to avoid having spongy slow tires I have to pump them up enough where
> there's not much difference in comfort than with my 700 x 25s at 115 psi.
>  And those tires are heavier with typically thicker rubber and heavier
> fabric (there is a very good mechanical reason for wider tires using lower
> TPI count casings).
> OTOH, I find that using small rings (46 x 34 on my fastest bike) up front
> is a good idea- I don't race any more and don't need a 120" top gear.  I
> didn't even use the 53 x 11 when I *was* racing unless it was down hill and
> at that point we were going fast enough to coast at 50 mph.  Pedaling
> wasn't helpful.  A widish range set of chainrings and a tighter set of cogs
> in back is a good combination for me and I credit Grant and Jan with
> sticking that idea in my head.  It's helped a lot in making riding more
> fun.  All my bikes have relatively small big rings now.
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: Rivendell: Normcore for Cyclists?

2014-04-17 Thread Chris Chen
you're so normcore you don't even know it

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Mike Williams

> Hey Michael Williams, thats me!
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 17, 2014, at 12:39 PM, Evan  wrote:
> "It's conformity packaged as non-conformity wrapped up in bike shorts and
> goofy relics from Seinfeld." < This is what a fashion blogger named Michael
> Williams says about Normcore. It's a big yawn to me, and I agree with
> Liesl: not at all like Rivendell.
> Evan E.
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Re: [RBW] Re: Rivendell: Normcore for Cyclists?

2014-04-18 Thread Chris Chen
President's Choice Diet Cola

On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 8:38 AM, Zack  wrote:

> I would think Clearly Canadian or New York Seltzer
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Re: [RBW] Re: Low trail, lightest tubing bikes really all that?

2014-04-18 Thread Chris Chen

On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 9:16 AM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:

> Don't worry, Eric.  Any zealot from either camp can chirp in and tell me
> that I don't like one of my bikes, or can tell me that the reason I don't
> like one of my bikes is that I don't know any better, and that usually
> draws me in to a argument.  :-)
> On Friday, April 18, 2014 4:13:28 AM UTC-7, Eric Daume wrote:
>> Bill, don't you know you're supposed to be in one camp or the other? How
>> can we argue with viewpoints like this?
>>>  --
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[RBW] Ride Report: Portland-Ripplebrook-Portland 200k Fauxvet

2014-04-19 Thread Chris Chen
Pre-Script: Oliver leads a good ride. A damn good ride.

I had plans to ride the Three Capes 300k today, but logistics and group
cohesion issues forced us to re-evaluate. A plausible substitute was
chosen: an out and back to Ripplebrook on the Clackamas River in the Mount
Hood National Forest.

I met with Oliver in Sellwood for a quick pre-ride coffee and watched him
load up a bagel with cream cheese. He's very through about that sort of

We rode for the first 10-15 miles on the Springwater Corridor, an abandoned
SP branch line. Nice and smooth, gentle grades, we had expected a spring
storm to blow through but it was still dry as we rolled into Boring, the
terminus of the trail. We headed on gorgeous country roads (JANNY
PRINCIPLE) which provided some of the first real climbing of the day. Very
little traffic, and the smell of burn piles in the air.

We dropped into Estacada, our jumping off point to join the Clackamas
River. There was a big parade going on but we couldn't figure out what for.
We had snack and water time at a Shell station when the rain finally
started. Helmet and Saddle covers were applied and we headed on!

Oregon Highway 224 leaves down and follows the Clackamas River on into the
Mount Hood National Forest. We quickly move along the wide shoulder, slowly
getting soaked, before we take a Portland General Electric road, Faraday
Road. I think this road is part of the larger West Side Hydro Project, a
series of impounding dams and flumes for power generation. Whatever the
purpose, it's a well maintained and gorgeous route. You can hear and see
the fish ladder for much of the length, and it passes by a few different
kinds of dams (gravity, arch, etc.)

We re-join OR 224 and we enter the Mount Hood National Forest. At this
point, the river resumes a more wild appearance, with rapids and sandbars.
We notice quite a few river rafting tours happening. We are as soaked as
they are, but it doesn't matter.

The climb up to Ripplebrook is relatively humane, and the scenery is
absolutely gorgeous. On many rides, there are sections where I'm just so
damned happy to be alive and there at the moment that I need to shout, and
this was definitely the case here. Because of the rain, wispy low clouds
drifted along the walls of the canyon, and the same clouds accentuated the
depth distance of faraway hills and bluffs.

We arrive at Ripplebrook before you know it, and pause for pictures,
snacks, and water, in that order. Because of the humane climb, the descent
does require a fair amount of pedaling, but to take in the scenery a second
time was really a fantastic gift.

We had climbed out of the rain, and as we descended we ran right back into
it. We experience a fair amount of rain/dry/rain/dry as we return to
Estacada, and continue on, this time heading roughly along the Clackamas
River towards Oregon City. We take the old Barlow Road, which was a pioneer
route, as it winds and rolls along the Clackamas to the terminus, Oregon
City, "The End of The Oregon Trail", or "Where The Oregon Trail Goes to

The ride becomes decidedly urban at this point, but we get to fly along the
Trolley Trail, then down to the shore of the Willamette to take in the
sights next to the Milwaukie sewage treatment plant, before taking a detour
to the last control, Schmidt Burger.

The point I'd like to make is this is a gorgeous route. When I was heading
to Ripplebrook I felt like I was hundreds of miles away from home.

Definitely Recommended. And go when it's raining so traffic's quieter.


"I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah

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[RBW] Re: Ride Report: Portland-Ripplebrook-Portland 200k Fauxvet

2014-04-19 Thread Chris Chen
Oh yeah pictures prove something something

On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 11:44 PM, Chris Chen  wrote:

> Pre-Script: Oliver leads a good ride. A damn good ride.
> I had plans to ride the Three Capes 300k today, but logistics and group
> cohesion issues forced us to re-evaluate. A plausible substitute was
> chosen: an out and back to Ripplebrook on the Clackamas River in the Mount
> Hood National Forest.
> I met with Oliver in Sellwood for a quick pre-ride coffee and watched him
> load up a bagel with cream cheese. He's very through about that sort of
> thing.
> We rode for the first 10-15 miles on the Springwater Corridor, an
> abandoned SP branch line. Nice and smooth, gentle grades, we had expected a
> spring storm to blow through but it was still dry as we rolled into Boring,
> the terminus of the trail. We headed on gorgeous country roads (JANNY
> PRINCIPLE) which provided some of the first real climbing of the day. Very
> little traffic, and the smell of burn piles in the air.
> We dropped into Estacada, our jumping off point to join the Clackamas
> River. There was a big parade going on but we couldn't figure out what for.
> We had snack and water time at a Shell station when the rain finally
> started. Helmet and Saddle covers were applied and we headed on!
> Oregon Highway 224 leaves down and follows the Clackamas River on into the
> Mount Hood National Forest. We quickly move along the wide shoulder, slowly
> getting soaked, before we take a Portland General Electric road, Faraday
> Road. I think this road is part of the larger West Side Hydro Project, a
> series of impounding dams and flumes for power generation. Whatever the
> purpose, it's a well maintained and gorgeous route. You can hear and see
> the fish ladder for much of the length, and it passes by a few different
> kinds of dams (gravity, arch, etc.)
> We re-join OR 224 and we enter the Mount Hood National Forest. At this
> point, the river resumes a more wild appearance, with rapids and sandbars.
> We notice quite a few river rafting tours happening. We are as soaked as
> they are, but it doesn't matter.
> The climb up to Ripplebrook is relatively humane, and the scenery is
> absolutely gorgeous. On many rides, there are sections where I'm just so
> damned happy to be alive and there at the moment that I need to shout, and
> this was definitely the case here. Because of the rain, wispy low clouds
> drifted along the walls of the canyon, and the same clouds accentuated the
> depth distance of faraway hills and bluffs.
> We arrive at Ripplebrook before you know it, and pause for pictures,
> snacks, and water, in that order. Because of the humane climb, the descent
> does require a fair amount of pedaling, but to take in the scenery a second
> time was really a fantastic gift.
> We had climbed out of the rain, and as we descended we ran right back into
> it. We experience a fair amount of rain/dry/rain/dry as we return to
> Estacada, and continue on, this time heading roughly along the Clackamas
> River towards Oregon City. We take the old Barlow Road, which was a pioneer
> route, as it winds and rolls along the Clackamas to the terminus, Oregon
> City, "The End of The Oregon Trail", or "Where The Oregon Trail Goes to
> Die".
> The ride becomes decidedly urban at this point, but we get to fly along
> the Trolley Trail, then down to the shore of the Willamette to take in the
> sights next to the Milwaukie sewage treatment plant, before taking a detour
> to the last control, Schmidt Burger.
> The point I'd like to make is this is a gorgeous route. When I was heading
> to Ripplebrook I felt like I was hundreds of miles away from home.
> Definitely Recommended. And go when it's raining so traffic's quieter.
> cc
> Tired
> --
> "I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah

"I want the kind of six pack you can't drink." -- Micah

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