[RBW] Re: WTB: 66 or 68cm Quickbeam frame set

2020-04-13 Thread Birdman
I'm curious too, Kai.
Grisly pictures as requested...

[image: Unknown-1 2.jpeg]

[image: Unknown-2.jpeg]

[image: Unknown 3.jpeg]

On Monday, April 13, 2020 at 7:20:57 AM UTC-7, Rob Kristoff wrote:
> Hi Kai,
> I'm confused why a cracked bb shell on a qb would be a goner? Did they go 
> away from lugs in models I havent seen? Seems like a pretty simple lugged 
> fix if one could get a replacement bb lug. 
> The qb is a decent quality frame isnt it? Seems worth the investment. 
> (unless OP can find replacement frame for le$$)
> Just curious.
> Rob
> Danvers, MA

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Re: [RBW] WTB: 66 or 68cm Quickbeam frame set

2020-04-14 Thread Birdman
Update: Will found a replacement BB shell and Quickbeam decals at Riv HQ 
and they're on their way. I'm in touch with a frame builder friend in town, 
who may take on the project. I don't have any details on the work involved, 
but like James has said above, it does sound like a big job. I hope he'll 
take it on. I think the QB is worth it, especially since a 66cm is so hard 
to come by, as long as the cost doesn't go beyond the cost of a replacement 
frame set. I'll update the post as I learn more.

In the meantime, James, I'm also curious to know more.


On Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 11:25:39 AM UTC-7, Rob Kristoff wrote:
> James, is it because in this case the tubes under the lugs are damaged? So 
> you'd have to replace them? 
> I'd always heard from Riv etc how repairable lugged steel is, but just 
> realized how that always assumes the lug itself hasn't broken.
> Best, Rob

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Re: [RBW] WTB: 66 or 68cm Quickbeam frame set

2020-04-14 Thread Birdman
And here's a look inside. I bet you can guess where the crack runs:

[image: Unknown-3.jpeg]

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Re: [RBW] WTB: 66 or 68cm Quickbeam frame set

2020-04-15 Thread Birdman
Thanks, Jonathan. David was helpful. He says the job is over his head, but 
put me in touch with another local shop. They quoted $800-1000 in labor, 
plus paint stripping and paint! Yikes...

I'm bringing the frame to my frame builder friend on Friday for him to take 
a look. To James' point above, this is clearly a big job!


On Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 5:22:41 PM UTC-7, Jonathan D. wrote:
> David Feldman did a repair for me before and a great job.  He is in 
> Vancouver and was the Rivelo mechanic as well.  

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Re: [RBW] WTB: 66 or 68cm Quickbeam frame set

2020-04-15 Thread Birdman
Thanks Kurt and Julian, I’m meeting with Bob on Friday.

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Re: [RBW] WTB: 66 or 68cm Quickbeam frame set

2020-04-16 Thread Birdman
Thanks for the good points and resources above.

The 66cm Quickbeam is a rare bird indeed. This particular one has been well 
cared for and seems to have relatively few miles, considering it's age. 
Like many here, I have several Rivs and other bicycles; the Quickbeam is my 
favorite ride. On top of that, after many years of reading the Reader and 
drooling over the website, the Quickbeam (an orange 64), bought new in 
2010, was my first Rivendell, so there is a great deal of sentimental value 
involved. If I can get the BB shell replaced with fresh paint and new QB 
decals for around $1000 total, I may go for it. There isn't anything on the 
market today that can replace it and my Bantam custom (someday) will not be 
a SS.

I'm thinking pink, like Mark's custom...


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Re: [RBW] WTB: 66 or 68cm Quickbeam frame set

2020-04-17 Thread Birdman
Beam on, Reid!

I just got back from Bob of Bantam Cycles. (Full disclosure: he's a 
friend.) He can replace the BB shell, but it would be laborious and for a 
non-friend, the $800-1000 labor estimate from Ti Cycles is in the ballpark. 
He'd cut me a deal, but here's the rub: this frame is brazed with bronze, 
not silver, so heating the lug to a temperature where the BB shell could be 
pulled will almost certainly weaken the connecting tubes. As a big and tall 
rider, I'm not interested in doing anything that will compromise frame 
strength. Instead, I'll be putting $ down on a custom Bantam.

In the meantime, if anyone has a 66cm Quickbeam they'd be willing to part 
with, let me know, but I'm also recognizing that it may just be time to say 

Thanks y'all,

Isaac in Portland OR

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[RBW] WTB: Riv Reader #34

2020-04-18 Thread Birdman
Well, I figure this is safe company in which to reveal the depths of my Riv 
fanboy and obsessive tendencies...

Thanks in no small part to members of this list, I've managed to put 
together a nearly complete set of Bridgestone Bicycle Catalogues, BOB 
Gazzettes, Rivendell Catalogues, and Rivendell Readers. The only thing I'm 
missing is Riv Reader issue 34.  

If you have a copy of #34 you'd be willing to pass along, please let me 
know. I'm happy to pay you or make a donation to a local nonprofit in your 
town or mine.


Isaac in Portland OR

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[RBW] FOUND: Riv Reader #34

2020-04-19 Thread Birdman
Found! Thanks all

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Re: [RBW] PSA: 68 AHH on Seattle CL

2020-05-01 Thread Birdman
I’d be all over this, but it feels too risky to buy out of state through CL. 
Anybody on the list that can verify this bike/seller?

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Re: [RBW] PSA: 68 AHH on Seattle CL

2020-05-01 Thread Birdman
Well, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I believe that frame is way too big 
for me anyway.

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Re: [RBW] PSA: 68 AHH on Seattle CL

2020-05-01 Thread Birdman
Thanks JAS, but after looking at AHH sizing charts, I’ve realized that it’s too 
big for me. I really appreciate the offer, though.

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[RBW] Re: FS. Rivendell Hats, Paul Neo Retro, Tires and misc

2020-05-06 Thread Birdman
Hey Jonathan,
I sent you a PM about the Pauls. I'll take em if you've still got em.

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[RBW] Quickbeam Custom Paint Color Help

2020-06-13 Thread Birdman
Hey Bunch,

The bottom bracket shell replacement on my Quickbeam is going well and it will 
be headed to wet paint at Black Magic Paint next week. I could use some advice.

For a while I had planned on going with a version of Mark’s custom pink. Next I 
was convinced that it should be a PurpleRiv purple. Then I settled on a very 
slightly metallic British Racing Green, as an homage to the original QB green 
and the to Ents the world over. 

Now that the time has come, I’m not so sure anymore. Also, I’m slightly color 
blind, so colors are not my strong suit.

Design constraints:
1. I can go with a single coat, or add a 2nd color for the head tube.
2. It will sport the original decals and head badge (gold with cream).
3. I want it to be a color that’s in keeping with the Riv aesthetic and color 

Any thoughts or recommendations?

Isaac in Portland OR

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[RBW] Quickbeam Custom Paint Color Help

2020-06-13 Thread Birdman
Thanks for chiming in y’all. I’m enjoying imagining all of your suggestions. 
I’m strongly leaning green without a cream head tube at this point.

Joe, thanks for sharing your paint selection process. I absolutely love how 
your custom came out! It reminds me of one of the old Bombadil color schemes. 
Or am I thinking Hunq?


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[RBW] Re: Quickbeam Custom Paint Color Help

2020-06-14 Thread Birdman
Thanks all for being such a great sounding board! 

I reached out to the painters about British Racing Green options (single color 
paint job - no cream head tube). I’m open to a subtle metallic version. I also 
asked for a quote on gold lug lining. More soon.

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[RBW] FS: 66cm Blue Rambouillet - Complete

2020-07-14 Thread Birdman
Attn: tall riders! I’m reluctantly offering a rare, blue 66cm Rambouillet for 
sale. It comes complete (I’m not interested in parting out), as seen in the 
photos, except I’m keeping the pedals. It’s a classic build with noodles, cross 
levers, 120mm stem, and 32mm Paselas on Araya rims. 

Photos here: https://flickr.com/photos/38306928@N00/sets/72157715097136002

This bike was clearly well cared for by the previous owner and seems to have 
few miles. I’ve certainly ridden it sparingly and have always kept it garaged. 
There are a few spots where touch up paint has been applied, but overall it 
presents as a beautiful bicycle in fabulous condition, especially given its 
age. Plenty of life left on the rims. No issues.

These 66cm Rams are rare. They only show up intermittently in frame charts of 
that time period and I suspect that relatively few were made. I’ll include a 
Rambouillet booklet with the sale.

I’m asking $1300 plus packing/shipping via Bike Flights CONUS. PayPal F&F 

Please reach out with questions,

Isaac in Portland, OR

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[RBW] Re: FS: 66cm Blue Rambouillet - Complete

2020-07-16 Thread Birdman
The Ram is SOLD. Thanks for the interest 

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[RBW] FS: Paul Canti Levers New in Box

2021-10-24 Thread Birdman
Hi bunch, 

I have a pair of Paul Canti Levers in silver for sale. These are new and in 
the unopened box. 

I purchased these from an online retailer a few weeks ago for a project 
that fell through. It's too late to return them, so I'm offering them to 
the group.

I'm asking $140 Shipped CONUS (that's net to me)

Send me a PM if you're interested and I can send you some photos.



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[RBW] Re: FS: Paul Canti Levers New in Box

2021-10-24 Thread Birdman
SOLD. Thanks all

On Sunday, October 24, 2021 at 5:27:20 PM UTC-7 Birdman wrote:

> Hi bunch, 
> I have a pair of Paul Canti Levers in silver for sale. These are new and 
> in the unopened box. 
> I purchased these from an online retailer a few weeks ago for a project 
> that fell through. It's too late to return them, so I'm offering them to 
> the group.
> I'm asking $140 Shipped CONUS (that's net to me)
> Send me a PM if you're interested and I can send you some photos.
> Cheers,
> Isaac

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Re: [RBW] Recommendations/WTB: smallish saddlebag

2020-07-25 Thread Birdman
I’ve been far down the saddle bag rabbit hole and have settled on the Acorn 
Medium Saddle Bag as the favorite for my needs. It has plenty of space with an 
expandable collar and drawstring, D rings for lashing a wet rain jacket or 
other items, exterior zipper pockets, and an internal dowel for stability. 
Also, there is no thigh rub due to the shape. Highly recommended. 

Isaac in Portland OR

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[RBW] Re: The Quickbeam Rides Again!

2020-08-02 Thread Birdman
Sure, I can snap BB photo. The only surprise is that once the paint was 
stripped, the frame builder found several gaps in various lugs where the 
bronze had not properly penetrated when it was originally built, he got all 
of those fixed up. His approach to the BB shell was to saw the old shell 
into four separate pieces and then remove each piece from the corresponding 
tube. This allowed him to remove the old shell without overheating any of 
the tubes. He said it was less of a pain than he had expected, because with 
the poor welds, the BB shell pieces came off pretty easily. 

On Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 2:46:16 PM UTC-7 Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY wrote:

> Dreamy... 
> I've got a couple jealous 68's that are glad to be a few steps back from 
> the scrap yard. Can we get a close-up of the new bottom bracket? Any 
> surprises? Was it easier/harder than the builder expected? Thanks for doing 
> this
> -Kai

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[RBW] The Quickbeam Rides Again!

2020-08-02 Thread Birdman
Thanks y’all. Ryan, the BRG is stunning in person. Depending on the light, it 
ranges from a very dark green to a shimmery metallic. 


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Re: [RBW] The Quickbeam Rides Again!

2020-08-03 Thread Birdman
There are stories, but it’s hard to know. Single speed frames have to contend 
with a lot of forces, especially around the bottom bracket, and I would imagine 
that larger riders on the larger frames could exasperate the situation. On the 
other hand, my frame did have some manufacturing flaws...

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Re: [RBW] The Quickbeam Rides Again!

2020-08-03 Thread Birdman
There are stories, but it’s hard to know. On the one hand, single speed frames 
have to contend with a lot of forces, especially around the bottom bracket, and 
I would imagine that larger riders on the larger frames could exacerbate the 
situation. On the other hand, my frame did have some manufacturing flaws, 
though it could have been the exception. Hard to say.

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[RBW] New Frame Day

2020-08-04 Thread Birdman
Congrats, those are both beautiful bikes!

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[RBW] Re: handlebar/stem bags - what do people like?

2018-10-03 Thread Birdman
I just got a Pedal Bikes Shoot Film stem mount camera bag from Rivelo/Randi Jo. 
It’s an excellent size with decent padding, waterproof fabric, and a rolltop 
design. I use it with a rangefinder, but it fits my FM2, Olympus OM1, and Nikon 
F3 with pancake 50mm. Highly recommended! You can find it on Rivelo’s website.
Isaac in PDX

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Re: [RBW] Re: FS: 2014 Atlantis 56cm demo

2018-10-24 Thread Birdman
I have a 65cm Atlantis from that 2017 period. It has the longer, but not as 
long as MIT, chainstays and a longer overall wheelbase than the Toyo frames. I 
LOVE it.

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[RBW] Re: Hunqabeam Quickapillar Frame Finished!

2018-04-12 Thread Birdman
Absolutely gorgeous, Patrick.  I'm looking forward to following the build 
and the first ride report.

"Shadowfax, show me the meaning of haste!"


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[RBW] PSA: Bleriot 59cm 650b in Portland OR

2018-04-19 Thread Birdman
This popped up during my regular craigslist Riv search:


No connection to the seller/sale


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[RBW] Re: FS - Orange Quickbeam complete - 64 c-to-c

2018-04-23 Thread Birdman
PM Sent

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[RBW] Re: FS - Orange Quickbeam complete - 64 c-to-c

2018-04-27 Thread Birdman
I am so excited about this bike. I love my Atlantis, but the Quickbeam is my 
favorite everyday bike!

I’ll be putting a gorgeous green 68cm Quickbeam (complete) up for sale this 


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[RBW] FS: 68cm Green Quickbeam Complete

2018-04-28 Thread Birdman

Hi all,

I am selling this gem of a bike that will make some tall rider very happy.  
The Quickbeam is a fabulous bicycle and my favorite everyday riding Riv.  
My only reason for selling it is that I was cursed with long legs and a 
short torso, so I just bought a 66cm Quickbeam for a better overall fit.  
For reference, I have a 95pbh and the saddle height you see is set at a 
hair above 84cm.  

The bike comes as you see it, except I am keeping the bell and the pedals.  
I will also switch out the seat post that you see in the photos for a 
single bolt Nitto Crystal Fellow. There are no surprises under the tape on 
the top tube.  That's just there to protect the tube from swinging 
handlebars and scratches from the brake cable.  The frame has several small 
chips that are sealed with clear nail polish, but overall it's in stunning 
condition given it's age.  More photos here:


Parts rundown:

Suzue Pro Max track hubs with front and rear quick releases laced to 
polished CR-18s; wheels were handbuilt by Stoic Wheels in Portland
Sugino 175mm cranks with the stock Quickbeam 40T and 32T rings
White Industries Dos Eno 16-18 freewheel
Brooks Honey B-17 Special
Nitto Crystal Fellow seat post
Nitto Tallux stem 80mm
Noodle bars 44cm with shellaced cloth tape
Shimano levers
Tektro cantilever brakes
John's Irish Strap
Wald 137 Basket
Nitto M12 Rack
Pasela Paneracer  700x38
SKS P-50 Fenders
King Iris bottle cage

$1350 plus shipping via Bike Flights

Feel free to reach out with questions or for more photos.

Isaac in Portland OR

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[RBW] Re: FS: 68cm Green Quickbeam Complete

2018-04-28 Thread Birdman
oh and it comes with Nitto bar plugs too...

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[RBW] FS: 68cm Green Quickbeam Complete

2018-04-28 Thread Birdman

Hi all,

I am selling this gem of a bike that will make some tall rider very happy.  
The Quickbeam is a fabulous bicycle and my favorite everyday riding Riv.  
My only reason for selling it is that I was cursed with long legs and a 
short torso, so I just bought a 66cm Quickbeam for a better overall fit.  
For reference, I have a 95pbh and the saddle height you see is set at a 
hair above 84cm.  

The bike comes as you see it, except I am keeping the bell and the pedals.  
I will also switch out the seat post that you see in the photos for a 
single bolt Nitto Crystal Fellow. There are no surprises under the tape on 
the top tube.  That's just there to protect the tube from swinging 
handlebars and scratches from the brake cable.  The frame has several small 
chips that are sealed with clear nail polish, but overall it's in stunning 
condition given it's age.  More photos here:


Parts rundown:

   - Suzue Pro Max track hubs with front and rear quick releases laced to 
   polished CR-18s; wheels were handbuilt by Stoic Wheels in Portland
   - Sugino 175mm cranks with the stock Quickbeam 40T and 32T rings
   - White Industries Dos Eno 16-18 freewheel
   - Brooks Honey B-17 Special
   - Nitto Crystal Fellow seat post
   - Nitto Tallux stem 80mm
   - Noodle bars 44cm with shellaced cloth tape
   - Nitto bar plugs
   - Shimano levers
   - Tektro cantilever brakes
   - John's Irish Strap
   - Wald 137 Basket
   - Nitto M12 Rack
   - Pasela Paneracer  700x38
   - SKS P-50 Fenders
   - King Iris bottle cage

$1350 plus shipping via Bike Flights

Feel free to reach out with questions or for more photos.

Isaac in Portland OR

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[RBW] WTB: VP-001 Thin Gripster pedals in Silver or Grey

2018-04-29 Thread Birdman
Anyone have a pair in good shape they'd be willing to part with?



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[RBW] Re: FS: 68cm Green Quickbeam Complete

2018-04-29 Thread Birdman
This hasty Ent is *SOLD* and will be headed to the land down under.  Thanks 
for reaching out, Ryan. 


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[RBW] Re: WTB: VP-001 Thin Gripster pedals in Silver or Grey

2018-04-30 Thread Birdman
Pedals found. thanks all!

Isaac in PDX

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[RBW] Re: FS: 68cm Green Quickbeam Complete

2018-04-30 Thread Birdman
Sorry Al, I wish I had thought to reach out to you directly. If it’s any 
consolation, it’s off to a good home.


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[RBW] Re: Your favorite Rivendell?

2018-05-02 Thread Birdman
I have an Atlantis and have had three(!) Quickbeams (the latest one arriving 
from Ty in a few days). I absolutely love my Atlantis, but the Quickbeam is my 
favorite Riv.

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Re: [RBW] Rivendell Reader PDF Archives

2018-05-07 Thread Birdman
What a gift to the community, y’all. Thank you so much!


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[RBW] Rivendell Reader PDF Archives

2018-05-13 Thread Birdman
+1 for a coffee table book and a plug for Stumptown Printers to be involved in 
the project. Super talented folks and Eric is a big Rivendell fan.

Isaac in pdx

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Re: [RBW] Traditional Cycling Shoes Makers?

2018-05-14 Thread Birdman
I have a pair of Dromartis and love them! Unfortunately, I slipped on my back 
steps and fractured a rib and a vertebrae while wearing them and haven’t worn 
them since. They are fantastic shoes, though—stiff soles, high quality leather, 
and easily conform to my feet. I just have to much of a negative personal 
association at this point. Highly recommended.


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[RBW] Quickbeam: favorite tires?

2018-05-18 Thread Birdman
In a recent thread, Wally and others were singing the praises of Jack Browns on 
their Quickbeams. I have always run Paselas on mine, starting with 32s, then 
38s, and now the 35s that came on a new to me QB. Paselas do the job for my 
urban, commute oriented riding, and I feel strangely loyal/nostalgic about 
them, but they’re not blowing my mind. So what do you all like in a 32-38mm 
tire on a Quickbeam, or on any bike for mostly urban rides?

Isaac in Pdx

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[RBW] Re: Quickbeam: favorite tires?

2018-05-18 Thread Birdman
Thanks guys. I definitely need to run fenders much of the year in PDX and I 
have. A set of SKS p50s that will do the trick with 38mm tires. I’m intrigued 
by the Gravel Kings.

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[RBW] Re: Quickbeam: favorite tires?

2018-05-19 Thread Birdman
Thanks all, I have a feeling that this thread and your recommendations will 
be a useful resource to many over the years.  I'm certainly benefiting.

Keep 'em coming,


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Re: [RBW] Re: Eat Bacon Don't Jog--Goal set, goal met

2018-05-23 Thread Birdman
I was so inspired by this thread that I bought the EBDJ book in March and did 
my research. I’ve lost 30lbs since April 4 and more importantly I’m feeling 
great. Thanks y’all for the inspiration!

Rip City

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[RBW] Coffee Making Question

2018-05-25 Thread Birdman
I bought an aeropress a few years ago for bike camping and it quickly became my 
everyday coffeemaker. It makes a truly excellent cup of coffee with plenty of 
tips and resources on the internets (including aeropress competitions). It’s 
also fairly compact, very easy to clean, and you can carry a bag of 
grounds/beans in the handle. The only downside is that it makes one delicious 
cup at a time. Highly recommended.


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[RBW] Coffee Making Question

2018-05-25 Thread Birdman
...in fact, I’m enjoying a mug of bulletproof aeropress coffee right now

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[RBW] Re: Keto next week: how do i not bonk?

2018-05-25 Thread Birdman
I’ll be interested in seeing what others recommend. I’ve only done one sub24o 
on Keto, but my favorite item was summer sausage.


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[RBW] WTB: 32F front rack with light tab

2018-05-29 Thread Birdman
I’m looking for the old style 32F front rack that was a front light tab. Let me 
know if you have one in good shape that you’d be willing to part with.


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[RBW] WTB: Mark's Hub Area Rack, hoopless

2018-06-03 Thread Birdman
Any luck, Sean?

I hope you don’t mind the hop-on, but I’m looking for the hub area racks WITH 
hoop. (This will save another WTB thread.)

Good luck,


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Re: [RBW] WTB: Mark's Hub Area Rack, hoopless

2018-06-03 Thread Birdman
Thanks, Sean!

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[RBW] Re: Climbing technique tips?

2018-06-09 Thread Birdman
Thanks, Ron, I’ll work on that. I’ve been relaxing my grip/arms, but have still 
been putting weight on the bars and haven’t necessarily focused on activating 
my core.

Btw, Trail is 69mm not 67cm!

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[RBW] Climbing technique tips?

2018-06-09 Thread Birdman
Thanks all, super useful.

Joe, that was my take away from my last sub24O. On tour or when otherwise 
loaded, the basket will be for a wind breaker, snack, etc., basically a couple 
of light  items I want within reach. I have a large Saddlesack and panniers for 
the front rack for the rest of the gear. Basket is loaded around town.

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[RBW] Climbing technique tips?

2018-06-10 Thread Birdman
It sure does, Patrick. I love knowing that there’s so much wisdom, experience, 
and good will to go around here.

Thanks for chiming in y’all. I’ll put your tips to good use and look forward to 
experimenting with weight distribution on my next big trip.



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[RBW] WTB: Hub Area Racks with hoop

2018-06-11 Thread Birdman
I’m looking for a hub area rack with hoop. Please let me know if you have one 
you’d be willing to sell of trade.



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[RBW] WTB: Hub Area Racks with hoop

2018-06-26 Thread Birdman
Trying one last time, just in case. Then I’ll let this thread die.

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[RBW] FS: Albatross Cockpit w/ Paul Levers, Silver Shifters

2018-06-30 Thread Birdman

Hi all,

I’m parting with this gorgeous, gently used Albatross Cockpit. I could part it 
out, but it’s so beautiful that I’d like to try to sell it complete first. 

Heat treated Albatross Bars
120mm Deluxe stem
Paul Canti Levera
Silver Shifters (including pieces to convert to DT shifters)
Amber shellacked cork grips and yellow cloth tape

This cockpit was on a 65cm Atlantis for about a month’s worth of use before I 
switched back to noodles. There should be plenty of length in cable housing for 
most bikes. A couple of marks here and there but in very nice shape overall.

I’m asking $250 plus shipping 

pics are here: https://flickr.com/photos/38306928@N00/sets/72157696883812751



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[RBW] Re: FS: Albatross Cockpit w/ Paul Levers, Silver Shifters

2018-06-30 Thread Birdman
Cockpit is SOLD. 

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[RBW] WTB 60 Quickbeam or SimpleOne

2017-12-21 Thread Birdman
There’s a 60cm simpleone for sale on Portland craigslist:


I have no relationship with the seller, just a PSA

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[RBW] Re: WTB 60 Quickbeam or SimpleOne

2017-12-22 Thread Birdman
There's a mobile bike mechanic in Portland who will pick up your bike, pack 
it, and drop it off with fedex for bikeflights shipping...all for $80.  I 
shipped a frame through him and he packed it very well.  Service is booked 
online at www.Velofix.com.  Combined with shipping costs, it gets pretty 
expensive, but it may be worth it...

On Friday, December 22, 2017 at 9:50:11 AM UTC-8, Ken Yokanovich wrote:
> Wow, that's a nice looking bike and a very attractive price. I'd be 
> tempted if I hadn't managed to score one of the pending FJ's.  I wonder if 
> the seller and/or Rivelo might work for shipping?

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[RBW] 33R quick measurement help?

2017-12-22 Thread Birdman
Hey bunch,

I’m wondering if someone with a 33R large rear rack would be willing to take a 
quick measurement. With the rack level on the bike, what is the vertical 
distance from the bolt attachment on the bottom to the rack platform on top?

Many thanks,


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[RBW] Re: 33R quick measurement help?

2017-12-22 Thread Birdman
Thanks so much!

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[RBW] Re: WTB 60 Quickbeam or SimpleOne

2017-12-22 Thread Birdman
Congrats! Very cool bike at a great price

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Re: [RBW] Single speed handlebar recommendations

2018-01-06 Thread Birdman
I'm on my second Quickbeam and although I have tried a few upright bars, I 
always come back to the wide Noodles. I love the comfortable, flat ramps 
and multiple hand positions.  I *especially* like the leverage I get when 
climbing out of the saddle with hands on the hoods, which I find I do quite 
often on SS bikes.  Whenever I switched to more upright bars, I immediately 
missed that sense of leverage/comfort when standing up to climb. 



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[RBW] FS: Carradice Kendal Panniers - Olive

2018-01-06 Thread Birdman
These have been great panniers.  I really like the design.  They don't work 
with my current set-up, though, so I'm letting them go.  Used, but in great 
shape.  See photos and let me know if you have any questions: 


$75 shipped CONUS


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[RBW] Re: FS: Carradice Kendal Panniers - Olive

2018-01-06 Thread Birdman
Panniers are SOLD.

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[RBW] Frame Pump for a 59-60cm gap?

2018-01-20 Thread Birdman
Hey bunch,

I'm building up a 65cm Atlantis and my trusty Zefal hpx #4 is a couple of 
cm short under the top tupe where the pump peg is.  Does anyone know of a 
slightly longer frame pump or have a good work around?  I sent Mark an 
email, but in the meantime I thought I'd consult the group.



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[RBW] Re: Frame Pump for a 59-60cm gap?

2018-01-20 Thread Birdman
Thanks, Stuart.  Spendy is right!

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[RBW] FS: Pair of Paul Neo Retro brakes $90 shipped

2018-01-21 Thread Birdman

Hey bunch,

I’m letting this pair of used Paul Neo Retro cantilever brakes go. They are in 
great shape and complete, except for one missing mounting bolt for the canti 
bosses. Includes a set of new Koop Stop pads that came with brakes when 
purchased.  Everything you see here:


$90 shipped conus 



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[RBW] FS: Pair of Paul Neo Retro brakes $90 shipped

2018-01-21 Thread Birdman
I forgot to add, they do not come with cable hangers, only what is pictured.

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[RBW] Re: FS: Pair of Paul Neo Retro brakes $90 shipped

2018-01-21 Thread Birdman
SOLD - thanks for the interest

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[RBW] Re: Frame Pump for a 59-60cm gap?

2018-01-22 Thread Birdman
Snagged a XL Topeak Road Master Blaster on ebay for $20.  Someday a Silca...

Thanks y'all

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[RBW] Re: Suntour Power Thumb Shifters

2018-01-25 Thread Birdman
Nice!  I just bought a great set from Ant's back stock for the Atlantis 
build.  Can't wait to roll with 'em.

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[RBW] 65cm Atlantis Double TT Slow-build pics

2018-01-26 Thread Birdman
Hey bunch,

After many months of accumulating parts, not to mention waiting on the 
frame, I've finally started building up the new ATL.  I've been dreaming 
about this bike for about 16 years, so it's incredibly gratifying to see it 
coming together.  I'll be building it up over the next week or so and will 
document here:


So. stoked.  Thanks for letting me share with y'all.


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[RBW] Re: 65cm Atlantis Double TT Slow-build pics

2018-01-26 Thread Birdman
I agree about the double TT. A stout set of wheels should be done mid-week. 

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[RBW] Re: 65cm Atlantis Double TT Slow-build pics

2018-01-27 Thread Birdman
Thanks! Just installed the front rack and Edelux today. I’m going to regret 
installing the racks before finishing the brakes and installing fenders, but I 
couldn’t help tinkering while waiting on the wheelset.

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[RBW] FS: Sylvan Touring "Next" Pedals - MKS -

2018-01-28 Thread Birdman
Hi all, 

I've got a great pair of MKS Sylvan Touring Next Pedals for sale.  These 
are an upgraded version of the classic MKS touring rat trap pedals, but 
with super smooth sealed cartridge bearings.  $50 shipped (Paypal no 

Pics here: https://www.instagram.com/isaacenloe/



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[RBW] Re: FS: Sylvan Touring "Next" Pedals - MKS -

2018-01-28 Thread Birdman
Oh, and they have a couple of road rash scrapes, but less than 50 miles on 

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[RBW] Re: FS: Sylvan Touring "Next" Pedals - MKS -

2018-01-28 Thread Birdman
SOLD - thanks yall

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[RBW] Re: FS: Sylvan Touring "Next" Pedals - MKS -

2018-01-28 Thread Birdman
They have the same platform length as the old school Sylvan Touring pedals. The 
bearings are noticeably smoother and won’t require the regular re-packing that 
my old rat cage pedals needed to stay creak-free. The polished finish is also 
very nice. Basically, they fixed everything about the originals that bugged me 
years back. Unfortunately, I’ve developed some foot issues and need more 
support, otherwise I’d be rocking those gorgeous things on all of my bicycles. 

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Re: [RBW] Re: Are you using your real name on here?

2018-01-31 Thread Birdman
I have a handle because it’s fun and it’s a bike related nickname (a buddy 
returned from a S24O to find that in every pic he took of me, I was flashing a 
stealthy “bird”). That said, I sign off with my real name most of the time.


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[RBW] WTB: Banana Sax Dark Brown

2018-01-31 Thread Birdman
Long shot. Would love to buy a dark brown banana sax. Anyone?


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[RBW] FS: new derailleurs and sackville mudflaps

2018-02-01 Thread Birdman
Hey bunch,

Making some last minute changes in the Atlantis build. My loss is your 
potential gain.

All items are new, but without original packaging.

Deore m591 rear derailleur unused $30 shipped

IRD Alpina-d triple front derailleur with clamp unused $40 shipped

Pair of unused grey sackville mudflaps $30 shipped

Pics here: https://www.instagram.com/isaacenloe/


Isaac in PDX 

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[RBW] FS: new derailleurs and sackville mudflaps

2018-02-02 Thread Birdman

All are SOLD



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[RBW] ISO: leather bar tape scraps

2018-02-15 Thread Birdman
Hey bunch,

Does anyone have scraps of unused honey leather bar tape that they’d be willing 
to part with?  I need two lengths that are long enough to fit around a downtube 
and a top tube. 



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[RBW] Re: New Bike Day!

2018-02-17 Thread Birdman
Exactly, Doug. The dreaming and building was fun, but it’s high time this moved 
from object of desire to tool for fun!

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[RBW] Re: New Bike Day!

2018-02-17 Thread Birdman
Thanks! Yeah, the Silca was the only frame pump I could find that was long 

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2018-02-18 Thread Birdman
What a striking looking bike!  Great build and I really like that color.


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[RBW] Re: WTB: Rivendell Poster

2018-02-19 Thread Birdman
FOUND. Thanks all.

Agreed, it really is beautiful.

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[RBW] Re: Quickbeam Racking

2018-02-19 Thread Birdman
Congrats! I use the M12 and a medium Wald on my green Quickbeam and it 
works well.  The brakes aren't Pauls, however.


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Re: [RBW] Re: Riv request for store credits

2018-02-21 Thread Birdman
Bought the creditand a bunch of other stuff.  More than happy to help 
my favorite company.

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[RBW] FS: B67, Randi Jo cover, silver Zefal hpx, BB...

2018-03-04 Thread Birdman
Hey bunch,

Cleaned out the garage this weekend and found some goodies:

-B67 Honey with less than 50miles; $80
-Gorgeous Randi Jo Fab waxed canvas saddle cover for B67; less than 
20miles; this is an amazing little piece of gear $30

(Saddle and cover for $100)

-Zefal classic silver hpx; Size 4: 52-57cm; $25
-110mm Shimano BB; mounted but never ridden; it turned out that I needed a 
113mm; $15
-Topeak Master Blaster frame pump; new in box; It's the big one: "59-64cm 
frames" $15

Buyer pays shipping.

Click here for photos: 



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[RBW] Atlantis maiden voyage

2018-03-04 Thread Birdman
Congratulations and great build! The Atlantis is such an amazing ride. Is that 
a 64? 


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[RBW] FS: B67, Randi Jo cover, silver Zefal hpx, BB...

2018-03-04 Thread Birdman

Topeak has sold

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[RBW] FS: B67, Randi Jo cover, silver Zefal hpx, BB...

2018-03-06 Thread Birdman
Zefal is sold as well. 

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[RBW] WTT: 68cm Quickbeam for 66cm Quickbeam

2018-03-10 Thread Birdman
I have a gorgeous green 68cm Quickbeam that I bought on the list.  I love 
it dearly and I'm making it work, but it feels just slightly too big for 
me.  Anyone have 66cm Quickbeam and wishes it were 68cm?  If so, let's chat.

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[RBW] WTB: Tallux stem 80mm 26.0

2018-03-17 Thread Birdman
Hey bunch, 
Anyone have an 80mm Tallux 26.0 stem in decent shape kicking around?
Isaac in Portland

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[RBW] Re: WTB: Tallux stem 80mm 26.0

2018-03-17 Thread Birdman
Never mind...Tried a 90mm and it fits great.  Thanks anyways and have a 
great weekend

On Saturday, March 17, 2018 at 12:01:49 PM UTC-7, Birdman wrote:
> Hey bunch, 
> Anyone have an 80mm Tallux 26.0 stem in decent shape kicking around?
> Thanks
> Isaac in Portland

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