[RBW] Re: What Do Riv Riders Enjoy As COFFEE !

2025-02-02 Thread Brian Turner
I organize the local Coffee Outside rides here in my town, so it gives me a 
great opportunity to try different methods of preparing coffee after riding 
somewhere on my bike to enjoy it with friends. My current favorite method 
is brewing a strong, concentrated batch with my Aeropress, and diluting it 
with hot water to make a larger amount that ends up tasting the way I like 
it. I prefer grinding whole beans right before brewing, but I'm not 
terribly picky about the brand. At home, I do a simple drip brew each 
morning, and I like a splash of skim milk in it. When I'm bike camping or 
doing coffee outsides, I prefer to pack a small container of Nestle Nidol 
(I know, not the most ethical company). I like it better than powdered milk 
because the fat content is higher, therefore it gives a better taste and is 
closer to the experience of adding real milk. I keep a container of it in 
my freezer and it lasts a long time.

Other methods I've employed for Coffee Outside or bike camping include; 
conical dripper, Bialetti Moka pot, and a little device made by Cafflano 
that combines a burr grinder and conical dripper into one portable package. 
It's hard to beat the brew from an Aeropress, though. One thing I cannot 
abide by is instant coffee packets... trust me, I've tried just about every 
one that has ever been recommended to me and I have yet to find one that 
doesn't have that weak "instant coffee" taste.

Lexington KY

On Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 9:33:08 AM UTC-5 Garth wrote:

> I remember when we used to have such discussions, so as I was making soome 
> this morning I was wondering just that. "What do Riv riders enjoy by way of 
> coffee ?" 
> I'm a tinker-er, I'm always trying various combinations of things. Coffee 
> lends itself to that wonderfully !
> This AM I made some using a classic aluminum Bialetti Moka pot and 
> preheated water. Bustello Espresso ground coffee, the one in the bright 
> yellow brick-like bags. Currently, I'm enjoying it with hot frothy milk. I 
> prepare the coffee, then in a pan I pour some whole milk and a heaping 
> spoonful of whole milk powder. Heat it gently while whisking it into a 
> frothy delight. When the coffee is done and settled a bit, I pour the 
> coffee into the milk as I whisk away. O M G . such sensory delight ! 
> You can't buy such goodness. (Sometimes I add a touch of honey, but not 
> always.)
> I've tried this half&half and pure cream but frankly I like whole milk 
> plus whole milk powder better. I enjoy many other coffees also, anything of 
> a dark roast. I prefer whole beans, but Bustello rather changed my mind 
> about pre-ground coffee as I seal it after each use with a locking 
> belt/strap. It tastes fine down to the bottom of the 10oz. bag, unlike some 
> whole bean coffee which do not(12-16oz. bags). I use an Orphan Espresso 
> Lido grinder, a most unexpected gift ! 
> I saw Aldi sells another brand(El-something) with similar themed packaging 
> as Bustello, and it's just as great. 
> What do you enjoy for coffee ? 

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Re: [RBW] 26 inch tire

2025-02-02 Thread Brian Turner
My current "sweet spot" tire on my 26" Atlantis is the RH Naches Pass 26 x 
1.8 - endurance casing. Mounted on Velocity Atlas rims (tubed), they 
measure between 41-42mm, so way less than the stated 1.8"
Like I mentioned earlier, I have run the 26 x 2.3 Humptulips (standard 
casing) on the same bike / rims, and they measure slightly over 50mm. I 
have plenty of clearance with those, too and my frame is a 54.5cm.

Lexington KY

On Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 8:37:39 AM UTC-5 Dorothy C wrote:

> Oops, 46mm is 1.8", somehow I thought it was 1.95. Still a nice tire
> On Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 5:34:45 AM UTC-8 Dorothy C wrote:
>> Agreed, Keith. I use the bike mostly on road, but my 2016 46cm Appaloosa 
>> has Surly Extra Terrestrial 26 x 46mm  aka 1.95" and I really like that 
>> tire and bike combo. The bike came to me as a complete, with Kenda 1.75" 
>> and I really disliked those tires.
>> On Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 11:10:48 PM UTC-8 iamkeith wrote:
>>> I wouldn't assume that a few more millimeters of tire is mecessarily 
>>> going to be an improvement.  At some point, a volume moves beyong "just 
>>> right" to "too much," and handling and ride quality begin to suffer.  It 
>>> can get bouncy, squirmy, vague, sit too high, and change the trail.  I've 
>>> done my own plundering with my 26" All Rounder (and XO-1, too), with tires 
>>> ranging from 1.5 to 2.4.  The most goldilox size Ive found is 1.95.  It 
>>> used to be a common size, back in the 80s, but now the Sim Works Homage is 
>>> the only one I know of.  Meanwhile, the rest of the industry keeps making 
>>> copy after copy of 2.1 or 2.3 tires.  I don't get it.  I still prefer a 
>>> more basic traead like on the original 1.75 Compass, which is the same as 
>>> Pasella, but it's not available.  
>>> On Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 5:22:47 PM UTC-7 
>>> ber...@bernardduhon.com wrote:
 I thought I had plunged the depths of 26” tires.

 I was wrong.

 Thanks to the  brain trust for all the recommendations


 Bernard ’




 *From:* rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com  *On 
 Behalf Of *Brian Turner
 *Sent:* Tuesday, January 28, 2025 5:00 AM
 *To:* rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
 *Cc:* rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* Re: [RBW] 26 inch tire


 The RH Humptulips Ridge knobby will come out to around 50mm. (I’ve used 
 this tire on my 26” Atlantis with Atlas rims)


 There’s also the RH Rat Trap Pass gravel slick.


 both of these come in a variety of casings.



 Lexington KY


 On Jan 27, 2025, at 9:52 PM, Bernard Duhon  


 I have a 26 inch Atlantis build. It's an older model and will take a 
 maximum of 47-48mm tire, actual measurement on a 17 inch rim.

 I have the 2 inch Marathon Supreme and Marathon which both fit (they 
 measure 47mm) . I would like a tire of a 47 mm actual measurement. Lighter 
 and more supple.I have the older  Gravel Kings 1.75 (they measure 41 
 ) and I'd like something closer to the two inch model.

 I see the panaracer 2.1 gavel king knobby .  Thay might fit.  But I 
 couldn’t find the weight.


 I am thinking the extra 5 mm of tire is worth it. 


 Any recommendations?



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Re: [RBW] What Do Riv Riders Enjoy As COFFEE !

2025-02-02 Thread Eric Daume
Tea.  Yorkshire gold, with a touch of honey and milk.


On Sunday, February 2, 2025, Garth  wrote:

> I remember when we used to have such discussions, so as I was making soome
> this morning I was wondering just that. "What do Riv riders enjoy by way of
> coffee ?"
> I'm a tinker-er, I'm always trying various combinations of things. Coffee
> lends itself to that wonderfully !
> This AM I made some using a classic aluminum Bialetti Moka pot and
> preheated water. Bustello Espresso ground coffee, the one in the bright
> yellow brick-like bags. Currently, I'm enjoying it with hot frothy milk. I
> prepare the coffee, then in a pan I pour some whole milk and a heaping
> spoonful of whole milk powder. Heat it gently while whisking it into a
> frothy delight. When the coffee is done and settled a bit, I pour the
> coffee into the milk as I whisk away. O M G . such sensory delight !
> You can't buy such goodness. (Sometimes I add a touch of honey, but not
> always.)
> I've tried this half&half and pure cream but frankly I like whole milk
> plus whole milk powder better. I enjoy many other coffees also, anything of
> a dark roast. I prefer whole beans, but Bustello rather changed my mind
> about pre-ground coffee as I seal it after each use with a locking
> belt/strap. It tastes fine down to the bottom of the 10oz. bag, unlike some
> whole bean coffee which do not(12-16oz. bags). I use an Orphan Espresso
> Lido grinder, a most unexpected gift !
> I saw Aldi sells another brand(El-something) with similar themed packaging
> as Bustello, and it's just as great.
> What do you enjoy for coffee ?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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> email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion visit https://groups.google.com/d/
> msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/f8cd275b-ed4e-4cd7-98a8-
> ea3b71c061abn%40googlegroups.com
> .

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[RBW] Re: Silver crankset weight

2025-02-02 Thread Bill Lindsay
I have weighed Silver 1 cranks in 173.  I have weighed Silver 3 cranks in 
173.  I have not weighed Silver 2 cranks

My Silver 1 left crank arm in 173mm weighed 267g
My Silver 3 left crank arm in 173mm weighed 201g
My Silver 1 right crank arm in 173mm with my own idiosyncratic 40/37/34 
rings installed weighed 484g
My Silver 3 right crank arm in 173mm with a chain guard, 38 ring and 26 
ring installed weighed 438g
My Silver 3 crank arms 173mm with no rings and no chainring bolts and no 
crank bolts weighed 460g

According to my notes, Rene Herse 171mm arms weigh 418g with no rings or 

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA 
On Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 2:26:00 PM UTC-7 Igor wrote:

> Has anyone here weighed the 170 variety and can tell me the weight? 
> Curious how they stack up against other cranks
> Thanks

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Re: [RBW] 26 inch tire

2025-02-02 Thread Dorothy C
Agreed, Keith. I use the bike mostly on road, but my 2016 46cm Appaloosa 
has Surly Extra Terrestrial 26 x 46mm  aka 1.95" and I really like that 
tire and bike combo. The bike came to me as a complete, with Kenda 1.75" 
and I really disliked those tires.

On Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 11:10:48 PM UTC-8 iamkeith wrote:

> I wouldn't assume that a few more millimeters of tire is mecessarily going 
> to be an improvement.  At some point, a volume moves beyong "just right" to 
> "too much," and handling and ride quality begin to suffer.  It can get 
> bouncy, squirmy, vague, sit too high, and change the trail.  I've done my 
> own plundering with my 26" All Rounder (and XO-1, too), with tires ranging 
> from 1.5 to 2.4.  The most goldilox size Ive found is 1.95.  It used to be 
> a common size, back in the 80s, but now the Sim Works Homage is the only 
> one I know of.  Meanwhile, the rest of the industry keeps making copy after 
> copy of 2.1 or 2.3 tires.  I don't get it.  I still prefer a more basic 
> traead like on the original 1.75 Compass, which is the same as Pasella, but 
> it's not available.  
> On Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 5:22:47 PM UTC-7 ber...@bernardduhon.com 
> wrote:
>> I thought I had plunged the depths of 26” tires.
>> I was wrong.
>> Thanks to the  brain trust for all the recommendations
>> Bernard ’
>> *From:* rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com  *On 
>> Behalf Of *Brian Turner
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 28, 2025 5:00 AM
>> *To:* rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
>> *Cc:* rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
>> *Subject:* Re: [RBW] 26 inch tire
>> The RH Humptulips Ridge knobby will come out to around 50mm. (I’ve used 
>> this tire on my 26” Atlantis with Atlas rims)
>> There’s also the RH Rat Trap Pass gravel slick.
>> both of these come in a variety of casings.
>> Brian
>> Lexington KY
>> On Jan 27, 2025, at 9:52 PM, Bernard Duhon  
>> wrote:
>> I have a 26 inch Atlantis build. It's an older model and will take a 
>> maximum of 47-48mm tire, actual measurement on a 17 inch rim.
>> I have the 2 inch Marathon Supreme and Marathon which both fit (they 
>> measure 47mm) . I would like a tire of a 47 mm actual measurement. Lighter 
>> and more supple.I have the older  Gravel Kings 1.75 (they measure 41 mm 
>> ) and I'd like something closer to the two inch model.
>> I see the panaracer 2.1 gavel king knobby .  Thay might fit.  But I 
>> couldn’t find the weight.
>> I am thinking the extra 5 mm of tire is worth it. 
>> Any recommendations?
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
>> To view this discussion visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/CH2PR17MB3720D12A94762A637752B174CDEF2%40CH2PR17MB3720.namprd17.prod.outlook.com
>> .
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
>> To view this discussion visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/ED63A42E-C805-4637-88D2-BF0E775C3DF1%40gmail.com
>> .

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Re: [RBW] 26 inch tire

2025-02-02 Thread Dorothy C
Oops, 46mm is 1.8", somehow I thought it was 1.95. Still a nice tire

On Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 5:34:45 AM UTC-8 Dorothy C wrote:

> Agreed, Keith. I use the bike mostly on road, but my 2016 46cm Appaloosa 
> has Surly Extra Terrestrial 26 x 46mm  aka 1.95" and I really like that 
> tire and bike combo. The bike came to me as a complete, with Kenda 1.75" 
> and I really disliked those tires.
> On Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 11:10:48 PM UTC-8 iamkeith wrote:
>> I wouldn't assume that a few more millimeters of tire is mecessarily 
>> going to be an improvement.  At some point, a volume moves beyong "just 
>> right" to "too much," and handling and ride quality begin to suffer.  It 
>> can get bouncy, squirmy, vague, sit too high, and change the trail.  I've 
>> done my own plundering with my 26" All Rounder (and XO-1, too), with tires 
>> ranging from 1.5 to 2.4.  The most goldilox size Ive found is 1.95.  It 
>> used to be a common size, back in the 80s, but now the Sim Works Homage is 
>> the only one I know of.  Meanwhile, the rest of the industry keeps making 
>> copy after copy of 2.1 or 2.3 tires.  I don't get it.  I still prefer a 
>> more basic traead like on the original 1.75 Compass, which is the same as 
>> Pasella, but it's not available.  
>> On Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 5:22:47 PM UTC-7 ber...@bernardduhon.com 
>> wrote:
>>> I thought I had plunged the depths of 26” tires.
>>> I was wrong.
>>> Thanks to the  brain trust for all the recommendations
>>> Bernard ’
>>> *From:* rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com  *On 
>>> Behalf Of *Brian Turner
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 28, 2025 5:00 AM
>>> *To:* rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
>>> *Cc:* rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
>>> *Subject:* Re: [RBW] 26 inch tire
>>> The RH Humptulips Ridge knobby will come out to around 50mm. (I’ve used 
>>> this tire on my 26” Atlantis with Atlas rims)
>>> There’s also the RH Rat Trap Pass gravel slick.
>>> both of these come in a variety of casings.
>>> Brian
>>> Lexington KY
>>> On Jan 27, 2025, at 9:52 PM, Bernard Duhon  
>>> wrote:
>>> I have a 26 inch Atlantis build. It's an older model and will take a 
>>> maximum of 47-48mm tire, actual measurement on a 17 inch rim.
>>> I have the 2 inch Marathon Supreme and Marathon which both fit (they 
>>> measure 47mm) . I would like a tire of a 47 mm actual measurement. Lighter 
>>> and more supple.I have the older  Gravel Kings 1.75 (they measure 41 mm 
>>> ) and I'd like something closer to the two inch model.
>>> I see the panaracer 2.1 gavel king knobby .  Thay might fit.  But I 
>>> couldn’t find the weight.
>>> I am thinking the extra 5 mm of tire is worth it. 
>>> Any recommendations?
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
>>> an email to rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
>>> To view this discussion visit 
>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/CH2PR17MB3720D12A94762A637752B174CDEF2%40CH2PR17MB3720.namprd17.prod.outlook.com
>>> .
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
>>> an email to rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
>>> To view this discussion visit 
>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/ED63A42E-C805-4637-88D2-BF0E775C3DF1%40gmail.com
>>> .

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Re: [RBW] Winter Photos 2024/2025

2025-02-02 Thread Jay Lonner
Brian I’m always interested in learning more about the pedigree of these bikes and the ways in which those of us who ride them influence one another. I’m intrigued by the custom bag you’ve snuck in behind the seatpost — as I recall it was Andy at Lord’s Luggage who made it for you. For the moment I’m digging the minimalist aesthetic of my Gus, but down the road I might be tempted to copy you.Jay LonnerBellingham, WASent from my Atari 400On Feb 1, 2025, at 6:51 PM, Brian Turner  wrote:Jay, you have the very Gus that inspired my own Gus build:On Feb 1, 2025, at 9:14 PM, Jason M  wrote:@Jay Lonner - your bike is a mess lol, and those rims, yikes 🤣  .  When you get home after a ride like that do you clean the drivetrain, the whole bike?  Just curious, as I would like to become more okay with letting my bike get like that.I baby my Riv; I know, it's a bike, it's meant to be ridden and get dirty.  I do ride in any conditions, but in the winter I mainly use my Salsa Fargo with fenders, disk brakes.  Happy to get the Riv dirty in the summer, on trails and such, but avoid wet and/or salty winter roads.On Sat, Feb 1, 2025 at 9:09 PM Jason M  wrote:Nice photos, Jason and Jay!I was out on my Fargo today, won't bother uploading another photo of it (non-Riv lol).  What caught me off guard was my, now, failed, trick to keep my hands warm with nitrile gloves (as the first layer, under thin gloves, with lobster mits on top).  On my last few rides this worked well down to -12C.  Today was very sunny, but apparently -9 and colder with a slight northerly wind.  After an hour my hands were very sweaty, and then because really cold.  I had to pull over and ditch the nitrile gloves.  Within a few minutes my hands were warm again.  Maybe it wasn't cold enough for them?On Sat, Feb 1, 2025 at 8:54 PM Jay Lonner  wrote:The Gus continues to delight. Jay LonnerBellingham, WASent from my Atari 400On Feb 1, 2025, at 5:50 PM, Jason Fuller  wrote:It snowed overnight at lower elevations (but not in the city) so I headed out for a ~42km ride into the valley where I knew I'd encounter snow - and there was the perfect amount!  It packed into the fenders pretty good, but the wheels kept spinning (noisily). I was glad to have the fenders though because it was slushy in the transition area. 

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Re: [RBW] Winter Photos 2024/2025

2025-02-02 Thread Jay Lonner
When I get home after a muddy ride I do… nothing. I figure the worst of it will wash off in the next downpour. GP has talked about taking inspiration from steel bikes that see decades of hard use in Africa and Asia, so I reckon my Gus can handle a little dirt. I’ll lube the chain before I take it out again, but that’s pretty much it.I’ll stipulate, though, that back home in the PNW we don’t use road salt. When I lived in Madison, WI for a time in the early oughts I trashed the brakes and drivetrain on an XO-1 during my first winter there. I then bought en El Cheepo bike of dubious French provenance from Goodwill and set it up as my winter commuter as a singlespeed with Nokian studded tires. If faced with those conditions again the Gus would stay in the garage. I may be cavalier about trail grime but I’m not a monster.Jay LonnerBellingham, WASent from my Atari 400On Feb 1, 2025, at 6:14 PM, Jason M  wrote:@Jay Lonner - your bike is a mess lol, and those rims, yikes 🤣  .  When you get home after a ride like that do you clean the drivetrain, the whole bike?  Just curious, as I would like to become more okay with letting my bike get like that.I baby my Riv; I know, it's a bike, it's meant to be ridden and get dirty.  I do ride in any conditions, but in the winter I mainly use my Salsa Fargo with fenders, disk brakes.  Happy to get the Riv dirty in the summer, on trails and such, but avoid wet and/or salty winter roads.On Sat, Feb 1, 2025 at 9:09 PM Jason M  wrote:Nice photos, Jason and Jay!I was out on my Fargo today, won't bother uploading another photo of it (non-Riv lol).  What caught me off guard was my, now, failed, trick to keep my hands warm with nitrile gloves (as the first layer, under thin gloves, with lobster mits on top).  On my last few rides this worked well down to -12C.  Today was very sunny, but apparently -9 and colder with a slight northerly wind.  After an hour my hands were very sweaty, and then because really cold.  I had to pull over and ditch the nitrile gloves.  Within a few minutes my hands were warm again.  Maybe it wasn't cold enough for them?On Sat, Feb 1, 2025 at 8:54 PM Jay Lonner  wrote:The Gus continues to delight. Jay LonnerBellingham, WASent from my Atari 400On Feb 1, 2025, at 5:50 PM, Jason Fuller  wrote:It snowed overnight at lower elevations (but not in the city) so I headed out for a ~42km ride into the valley where I knew I'd encounter snow - and there was the perfect amount!  It packed into the fenders pretty good, but the wheels kept spinning (noisily). I was glad to have the fenders though because it was slushy in the transition area. 

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Re: [RBW] What Do Riv Riders Enjoy As COFFEE !

2025-02-02 Thread Sally Bidleman
At home: Yerba mate (made famous by Argentinian soccer players!), passion
flavor preferred. Cold.

Out: Macchiato. Hot. Pelligrino chaser.

On Sun, Feb 2, 2025 at 11:55 AM Will Boericke  wrote:

> Home-roasted!  Whatever is in the $6ish/lb range at Bodhi Leaf.  I've been
> enjoying fruitier single-origins lately, anaerobic roast or otherwise.
> Currently it's Tanzanian Peaberry.  Brewed either in the Moccamaster or the
> Silvia.  Very occasionally the aeropress, though it's a PITA.
> Will, coffee nerd near Boston
> On Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 1:25:31 PM UTC-5 Drurad wrote:
>> Bonus points for homeroasters.  Beans from Sweet Maria's roasted on
>> Aillio Bullet.  Coffee outside with aeropress and atlantis.
>> [image: IMG_3709.jpg]
>> [image: IMG_4193.jpg]
>> On Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 9:47:12 AM UTC-8 Eric Daume wrote:
>>> Tea.  Yorkshire gold, with a touch of honey and milk.
>>> Eric
>>> On Sunday, February 2, 2025, Garth  wrote:
 I remember when we used to have such discussions, so as I was making
 soome this morning I was wondering just that. "What do Riv riders enjoy by
 way of coffee ?"

 I'm a tinker-er, I'm always trying various combinations of things.
 Coffee lends itself to that wonderfully !

 This AM I made some using a classic aluminum Bialetti Moka pot and
 preheated water. Bustello Espresso ground coffee, the one in the bright
 yellow brick-like bags. Currently, I'm enjoying it with hot frothy milk. I
 prepare the coffee, then in a pan I pour some whole milk and a heaping
 spoonful of whole milk powder. Heat it gently while whisking it into a
 frothy delight. When the coffee is done and settled a bit, I pour the
 coffee into the milk as I whisk away. O M G . such sensory delight !
 You can't buy such goodness. (Sometimes I add a touch of honey, but not

 I've tried this half&half and pure cream but frankly I like whole milk
 plus whole milk powder better. I enjoy many other coffees also, anything of
 a dark roast. I prefer whole beans, but Bustello rather changed my mind
 about pre-ground coffee as I seal it after each use with a locking
 belt/strap. It tastes fine down to the bottom of the 10oz. bag, unlike some
 whole bean coffee which do not(12-16oz. bags). I use an Orphan Espresso
 Lido grinder, a most unexpected gift !

 I saw Aldi sells another brand(El-something) with similar themed
 packaging as Bustello, and it's just as great.

 What do you enjoy for coffee ?


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Re: [RBW] What Do Riv Riders Enjoy As COFFEE !

2025-02-02 Thread Jim M.
Typically, a half liter of pour over in the morning, favoring medium to 
dark roasts. Lots of different roasters in SF Bay area, so I bounce around. 
Current favorite comes from an Oakland roaster whose grandfather grows 
coffee in Oaxaca. I've done pour over and French press in the wild but 
mostly do instant now. Medaglia d'Oro is inexpensive and does the job, for 
a pricier instant I like Mount Hagen. Depending on mood in the morning, I 
may use a Turkish maker, French press, steel Bialetti, or Flair hand pulled 
espresso maker.

walnut creek ca

On Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 1:44:07 PM UTC-8 dros...@gmail.com wrote:

> As with bicycles, I will gladly use almost anything. I will drink the 
> worst rot-gut black coffee with a smile on my face, but I do appreciate a 
> really good cup. 
> On Sun, Feb 2, 2025 at 9:33 AM Garth  wrote:
>> I remember when we used to have such discussions, so as I was making 
>> soome this morning I was wondering just that. "What do Riv riders enjoy by 
>> way of coffee ?" 
>> I'm a tinker-er, I'm always trying various combinations of things. Coffee 
>> lends itself to that wonderfully !
>> This AM I made some using a classic aluminum Bialetti Moka pot and 
>> preheated water. Bustello Espresso ground coffee, the one in the bright 
>> yellow brick-like bags. Currently, I'm enjoying it with hot frothy milk. I 
>> prepare the coffee, then in a pan I pour some whole milk and a heaping 
>> spoonful of whole milk powder. Heat it gently while whisking it into a 
>> frothy delight. When the coffee is done and settled a bit, I pour the 
>> coffee into the milk as I whisk away. O M G . such sensory delight ! 
>> You can't buy such goodness. (Sometimes I add a touch of honey, but not 
>> always.)
>> I've tried this half&half and pure cream but frankly I like whole milk 
>> plus whole milk powder better. I enjoy many other coffees also, anything of 
>> a dark roast. I prefer whole beans, but Bustello rather changed my mind 
>> about pre-ground coffee as I seal it after each use with a locking 
>> belt/strap. It tastes fine down to the bottom of the 10oz. bag, unlike some 
>> whole bean coffee which do not(12-16oz. bags). I use an Orphan Espresso 
>> Lido grinder, a most unexpected gift ! 
>> I saw Aldi sells another brand(El-something) with similar themed 
>> packaging as Bustello, and it's just as great. 
>> What do you enjoy for coffee ? 
>> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
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>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/f8cd275b-ed4e-4cd7-98a8-ea3b71c061abn%40googlegroups.com
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Re: [RBW] What Do Riv Riders Enjoy As COFFEE !

2025-02-02 Thread Will Boericke
Home-roasted!  Whatever is in the $6ish/lb range at Bodhi Leaf.  I've been 
enjoying fruitier single-origins lately, anaerobic roast or otherwise.  
Currently it's Tanzanian Peaberry.  Brewed either in the Moccamaster or the 
Silvia.  Very occasionally the aeropress, though it's a PITA.

Will, coffee nerd near Boston

On Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 1:25:31 PM UTC-5 Drurad wrote:

> Bonus points for homeroasters.  Beans from Sweet Maria's roasted on Aillio 
> Bullet.  Coffee outside with aeropress and atlantis.  
> [image: IMG_3709.jpg]
> [image: IMG_4193.jpg]
> On Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 9:47:12 AM UTC-8 Eric Daume wrote:
>> Tea.  Yorkshire gold, with a touch of honey and milk. 
>> Eric
>> On Sunday, February 2, 2025, Garth  wrote:
>>> I remember when we used to have such discussions, so as I was making 
>>> soome this morning I was wondering just that. "What do Riv riders enjoy by 
>>> way of coffee ?" 
>>> I'm a tinker-er, I'm always trying various combinations of things. 
>>> Coffee lends itself to that wonderfully !
>>> This AM I made some using a classic aluminum Bialetti Moka pot and 
>>> preheated water. Bustello Espresso ground coffee, the one in the bright 
>>> yellow brick-like bags. Currently, I'm enjoying it with hot frothy milk. I 
>>> prepare the coffee, then in a pan I pour some whole milk and a heaping 
>>> spoonful of whole milk powder. Heat it gently while whisking it into a 
>>> frothy delight. When the coffee is done and settled a bit, I pour the 
>>> coffee into the milk as I whisk away. O M G . such sensory delight ! 
>>> You can't buy such goodness. (Sometimes I add a touch of honey, but not 
>>> always.)
>>> I've tried this half&half and pure cream but frankly I like whole milk 
>>> plus whole milk powder better. I enjoy many other coffees also, anything of 
>>> a dark roast. I prefer whole beans, but Bustello rather changed my mind 
>>> about pre-ground coffee as I seal it after each use with a locking 
>>> belt/strap. It tastes fine down to the bottom of the 10oz. bag, unlike some 
>>> whole bean coffee which do not(12-16oz. bags). I use an Orphan Espresso 
>>> Lido grinder, a most unexpected gift ! 
>>> I saw Aldi sells another brand(El-something) with similar themed 
>>> packaging as Bustello, and it's just as great. 
>>> What do you enjoy for coffee ? 
>>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>>> email to rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
>>> To view this discussion visit 
>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/f8cd275b-ed4e-4cd7-98a8-ea3b71c061abn%40googlegroups.com
>>> .

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[RBW] Re: FS: Fjallraven/Specialized Anorak

2025-02-02 Thread Dave Grossman

On Friday, January 31, 2025 at 10:24:28 PM UTC-6 Dave Grossman wrote:

> I bought this last year to use for bikepacking but it has not left my 
> closet. A pretty cool short sleeve insulation piece.
> It's a size unisex XL. If you're a large like I am it fits well with 
> plenty of room for layers.
> Asking $90 shipped CONUS
> https://photos.app.goo.gl/y9vdt3mQWtn1DHnS8

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[RBW] Re: What Do Riv Riders Enjoy As COFFEE !

2025-02-02 Thread Matt C.
+1 on home roasting! I have been doing this for the last year or so now and 
can't/won't go back to buying roasted beans. I'm currently in the garage 
roasting a few lbs for the upcoming week. 

For brewing, I have been pretty dedicated to the aeropress lately. It seems 
no matter how long I leave it due to the distraction of my 4 children, the 
product is always good enough. Whereas a pour over takes so much more 
concentration which I seem to lack. I did my first bike packing race/event 
this year and brought instant so fully agree with what Jay mentioned. My 
last coffee ride I did cowboy coffee as I forgot filters for my pour over 
brewer. Turns out, it was still great. 

While on this topic of coffee and bikes, has anyone tried the Wacaco 
Nanopress? Been looking at this contraption for camping/bikepacking 
espresso and would like to hear someone's experience. Thanks. 

Matt Cook
Spanish Fort, AL
On Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 8:33:08 AM UTC-6 Garth wrote:

> I remember when we used to have such discussions, so as I was making soome 
> this morning I was wondering just that. "What do Riv riders enjoy by way of 
> coffee ?" 
> I'm a tinker-er, I'm always trying various combinations of things. Coffee 
> lends itself to that wonderfully !
> This AM I made some using a classic aluminum Bialetti Moka pot and 
> preheated water. Bustello Espresso ground coffee, the one in the bright 
> yellow brick-like bags. Currently, I'm enjoying it with hot frothy milk. I 
> prepare the coffee, then in a pan I pour some whole milk and a heaping 
> spoonful of whole milk powder. Heat it gently while whisking it into a 
> frothy delight. When the coffee is done and settled a bit, I pour the 
> coffee into the milk as I whisk away. O M G . such sensory delight ! 
> You can't buy such goodness. (Sometimes I add a touch of honey, but not 
> always.)
> I've tried this half&half and pure cream but frankly I like whole milk 
> plus whole milk powder better. I enjoy many other coffees also, anything of 
> a dark roast. I prefer whole beans, but Bustello rather changed my mind 
> about pre-ground coffee as I seal it after each use with a locking 
> belt/strap. It tastes fine down to the bottom of the 10oz. bag, unlike some 
> whole bean coffee which do not(12-16oz. bags). I use an Orphan Espresso 
> Lido grinder, a most unexpected gift ! 
> I saw Aldi sells another brand(El-something) with similar themed packaging 
> as Bustello, and it's just as great. 
> What do you enjoy for coffee ? 

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[RBW] Re: What Do Riv Riders Enjoy As COFFEE !

2025-02-02 Thread Bob
At home, by bike, or traveling by car, it's French press for me—glass Bodum 
pot at home, titanium Snow Peak pot while away. I'm partial these days to 
the Ethiopian (Sidamo) beans from my local roaster, and I grind them at 
brewing time. I take it black, brewed at a 1:14 ratio with some precision 
at home, eyeballed when I don't have a scale handy.

If I am without my implements, or have no place to brew and sip, I'll hunt 
down a place that knows how to make a good cappuccino or cortado, sometimes 
a pourover if there is a bean on offer that sounds interesting. I keep a 
list on my phone so I know where to go, and more importantly where *not* to 
go, and what I had that was good.


On Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 7:33:08 AM UTC-7 Garth wrote:

> I remember when we used to have such discussions, so as I was making soome 
> this morning I was wondering just that. "What do Riv riders enjoy by way of 
> coffee ?" 
> I'm a tinker-er, I'm always trying various combinations of things. Coffee 
> lends itself to that wonderfully !
> This AM I made some using a classic aluminum Bialetti Moka pot and 
> preheated water. Bustello Espresso ground coffee, the one in the bright 
> yellow brick-like bags. Currently, I'm enjoying it with hot frothy milk. I 
> prepare the coffee, then in a pan I pour some whole milk and a heaping 
> spoonful of whole milk powder. Heat it gently while whisking it into a 
> frothy delight. When the coffee is done and settled a bit, I pour the 
> coffee into the milk as I whisk away. O M G . such sensory delight ! 
> You can't buy such goodness. (Sometimes I add a touch of honey, but not 
> always.)
> I've tried this half&half and pure cream but frankly I like whole milk 
> plus whole milk powder better. I enjoy many other coffees also, anything of 
> a dark roast. I prefer whole beans, but Bustello rather changed my mind 
> about pre-ground coffee as I seal it after each use with a locking 
> belt/strap. It tastes fine down to the bottom of the 10oz. bag, unlike some 
> whole bean coffee which do not(12-16oz. bags). I use an Orphan Espresso 
> Lido grinder, a most unexpected gift ! 
> I saw Aldi sells another brand(El-something) with similar themed packaging 
> as Bustello, and it's just as great. 
> What do you enjoy for coffee ? 

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[RBW] Re: What Do Riv Riders Enjoy As COFFEE !

2025-02-02 Thread Andrew Scherer
Lots of local roasters in NY and a few places in Manhattan that stock fresh 
coffees from top roasters around the world. I enjoy a different coffee 
every week. I prefer washed light roasts. Ethiopian is a favorite but so 
many origins and processing methods are there to be enjoyed. I have many 
ways to brew...my daily go-to is Hario pourover. Then there's Espresso, 
Cloth drippers, vacuum/siphon, Aeropress, Moka pot, French press. I'm 
probably forgetting something. A good grinder matters more than the brewing 
method, I have a Baratza ESP which does a really good job across all 
methods and sidelined a Mazzer Super Jolly for espresso. My son is a 
high-end barista so I have someone to geek out with. 

Andy Scherer
Manhattan and Woodstock NY

On Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 8:33:15 PM UTC-5 Bob wrote:

> At home, by bike, or traveling by car, it's French press for me—glass 
> Bodum pot at home, titanium Snow Peak pot while away. I'm partial these 
> days to the Ethiopian (Sidamo) beans from my local roaster, and I grind 
> them at brewing time. I take it black, brewed at a 1:14 ratio with some 
> precision at home, eyeballed when I don't have a scale handy.
> If I am without my implements, or have no place to brew and sip, I'll hunt 
> down a place that knows how to make a good cappuccino or cortado, sometimes 
> a pourover if there is a bean on offer that sounds interesting. I keep a 
> list on my phone so I know where to go, and more importantly where *not* 
> to go, and what I had that was good.
> --
> Bob
> On Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 7:33:08 AM UTC-7 Garth wrote:
>> I remember when we used to have such discussions, so as I was making 
>> soome this morning I was wondering just that. "What do Riv riders enjoy by 
>> way of coffee ?" 
>> I'm a tinker-er, I'm always trying various combinations of things. Coffee 
>> lends itself to that wonderfully !
>> This AM I made some using a classic aluminum Bialetti Moka pot and 
>> preheated water. Bustello Espresso ground coffee, the one in the bright 
>> yellow brick-like bags. Currently, I'm enjoying it with hot frothy milk. I 
>> prepare the coffee, then in a pan I pour some whole milk and a heaping 
>> spoonful of whole milk powder. Heat it gently while whisking it into a 
>> frothy delight. When the coffee is done and settled a bit, I pour the 
>> coffee into the milk as I whisk away. O M G . such sensory delight ! 
>> You can't buy such goodness. (Sometimes I add a touch of honey, but not 
>> always.)
>> I've tried this half&half and pure cream but frankly I like whole milk 
>> plus whole milk powder better. I enjoy many other coffees also, anything of 
>> a dark roast. I prefer whole beans, but Bustello rather changed my mind 
>> about pre-ground coffee as I seal it after each use with a locking 
>> belt/strap. It tastes fine down to the bottom of the 10oz. bag, unlike some 
>> whole bean coffee which do not(12-16oz. bags). I use an Orphan Espresso 
>> Lido grinder, a most unexpected gift ! 
>> I saw Aldi sells another brand(El-something) with similar themed 
>> packaging as Bustello, and it's just as great. 
>> What do you enjoy for coffee ? 

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Re: [RBW] What Do Riv Riders Enjoy As COFFEE !

2025-02-02 Thread Laing Conley
Never touch the stuff. Don’t drink beer either. Both are just horrible and
bitter to me. Read once years ago that some people have extra bitter
sensors on their tongue. I guess it is another part of the human experience
that has just passed me by.

Delray Beach FL

On Sun, Feb 2, 2025 at 4:18 PM Sally Bidleman <3mun...@gmail.com> wrote:

> At home: Yerba mate (made famous by Argentinian soccer players!), passion
> flavor preferred. Cold.
> Out: Macchiato. Hot. Pelligrino chaser.
> On Sun, Feb 2, 2025 at 11:55 AM Will Boericke  wrote:
>> Home-roasted!  Whatever is in the $6ish/lb range at Bodhi Leaf.  I've
>> been enjoying fruitier single-origins lately, anaerobic roast or
>> otherwise.  Currently it's Tanzanian Peaberry.  Brewed either in the
>> Moccamaster or the Silvia.  Very occasionally the aeropress, though it's a
>> PITA.
>> Will, coffee nerd near Boston
>> On Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 1:25:31 PM UTC-5 Drurad wrote:
>>> Bonus points for homeroasters.  Beans from Sweet Maria's roasted on
>>> Aillio Bullet.  Coffee outside with aeropress and atlantis.
>>> [image: IMG_3709.jpg]
>>> [image: IMG_4193.jpg]
>>> On Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 9:47:12 AM UTC-8 Eric Daume wrote:
 Tea.  Yorkshire gold, with a touch of honey and milk.


 On Sunday, February 2, 2025, Garth  wrote:

> I remember when we used to have such discussions, so as I was making
> soome this morning I was wondering just that. "What do Riv riders enjoy by
> way of coffee ?"
> I'm a tinker-er, I'm always trying various combinations of things.
> Coffee lends itself to that wonderfully !
> This AM I made some using a classic aluminum Bialetti Moka pot and
> preheated water. Bustello Espresso ground coffee, the one in the bright
> yellow brick-like bags. Currently, I'm enjoying it with hot frothy milk. I
> prepare the coffee, then in a pan I pour some whole milk and a heaping
> spoonful of whole milk powder. Heat it gently while whisking it into a
> frothy delight. When the coffee is done and settled a bit, I pour the
> coffee into the milk as I whisk away. O M G . such sensory delight !
> You can't buy such goodness. (Sometimes I add a touch of honey, but not
> always.)
> I've tried this half&half and pure cream but frankly I like whole milk
> plus whole milk powder better. I enjoy many other coffees also, anything 
> of
> a dark roast. I prefer whole beans, but Bustello rather changed my mind
> about pre-ground coffee as I seal it after each use with a locking
> belt/strap. It tastes fine down to the bottom of the 10oz. bag, unlike 
> some
> whole bean coffee which do not(12-16oz. bags). I use an Orphan Espresso
> Lido grinder, a most unexpected gift !
> I saw Aldi sells another brand(El-something) with similar themed
> packaging as Bustello, and it's just as great.
> What do you enjoy for coffee ?
> --
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
 To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
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> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/f8cd275b-ed4e-4cd7-98a8-ea3b71c061abn%40googlegroups.com
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>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/2eca7dea-d5e1-48ca-ab19-bc89902d692dn%40googlegroups.com
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> --
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Re: [RBW] What Do Riv Riders Enjoy As COFFEE !

2025-02-02 Thread David Ross
As with bicycles, I will gladly use almost anything. I will drink the worst
rot-gut black coffee with a smile on my face, but I do appreciate a really
good cup.

On Sun, Feb 2, 2025 at 9:33 AM Garth  wrote:

> I remember when we used to have such discussions, so as I was making soome
> this morning I was wondering just that. "What do Riv riders enjoy by way of
> coffee ?"
> I'm a tinker-er, I'm always trying various combinations of things. Coffee
> lends itself to that wonderfully !
> This AM I made some using a classic aluminum Bialetti Moka pot and
> preheated water. Bustello Espresso ground coffee, the one in the bright
> yellow brick-like bags. Currently, I'm enjoying it with hot frothy milk. I
> prepare the coffee, then in a pan I pour some whole milk and a heaping
> spoonful of whole milk powder. Heat it gently while whisking it into a
> frothy delight. When the coffee is done and settled a bit, I pour the
> coffee into the milk as I whisk away. O M G . such sensory delight !
> You can't buy such goodness. (Sometimes I add a touch of honey, but not
> always.)
> I've tried this half&half and pure cream but frankly I like whole milk
> plus whole milk powder better. I enjoy many other coffees also, anything of
> a dark roast. I prefer whole beans, but Bustello rather changed my mind
> about pre-ground coffee as I seal it after each use with a locking
> belt/strap. It tastes fine down to the bottom of the 10oz. bag, unlike some
> whole bean coffee which do not(12-16oz. bags). I use an Orphan Espresso
> Lido grinder, a most unexpected gift !
> I saw Aldi sells another brand(El-something) with similar themed packaging
> as Bustello, and it's just as great.
> What do you enjoy for coffee ?
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/f8cd275b-ed4e-4cd7-98a8-ea3b71c061abn%40googlegroups.com
> .

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Re: [RBW] What Do Riv Riders Enjoy As COFFEE !

2025-02-02 Thread Jason Fuller
I make pour-over at home, the aeropress only gets used for camping or 
coffee outside.  Always black, and for beans I tend to like the fruity 
stuff so naturally gravitate to Ethiopian naturals, but there's a lot of 
fun stuff out there!  I enjoy trying new offerings from the most respected 
of local roasters.  I have only had a couple examples so far but 
co-ferments are pretty interesting and it's wild the flavours coming out of 

On Sunday, 2 February 2025 at 15:27:25 UTC-8 Jim M. wrote:

> Typically, a half liter of pour over in the morning, favoring medium to 
> dark roasts. Lots of different roasters in SF Bay area, so I bounce around. 
> Current favorite comes from an Oakland roaster whose grandfather grows 
> coffee in Oaxaca. I've done pour over and French press in the wild but 
> mostly do instant now. Medaglia d'Oro is inexpensive and does the job, for 
> a pricier instant I like Mount Hagen. Depending on mood in the morning, I 
> may use a Turkish maker, French press, steel Bialetti, or Flair hand pulled 
> espresso maker.
> jim
> walnut creek ca
> On Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 1:44:07 PM UTC-8 dros...@gmail.com wrote:
>> As with bicycles, I will gladly use almost anything. I will drink the 
>> worst rot-gut black coffee with a smile on my face, but I do appreciate a 
>> really good cup. 
>> On Sun, Feb 2, 2025 at 9:33 AM Garth  wrote:
>>> I remember when we used to have such discussions, so as I was making 
>>> soome this morning I was wondering just that. "What do Riv riders enjoy by 
>>> way of coffee ?" 
>>> I'm a tinker-er, I'm always trying various combinations of things. 
>>> Coffee lends itself to that wonderfully !
>>> This AM I made some using a classic aluminum Bialetti Moka pot and 
>>> preheated water. Bustello Espresso ground coffee, the one in the bright 
>>> yellow brick-like bags. Currently, I'm enjoying it with hot frothy milk. I 
>>> prepare the coffee, then in a pan I pour some whole milk and a heaping 
>>> spoonful of whole milk powder. Heat it gently while whisking it into a 
>>> frothy delight. When the coffee is done and settled a bit, I pour the 
>>> coffee into the milk as I whisk away. O M G . such sensory delight ! 
>>> You can't buy such goodness. (Sometimes I add a touch of honey, but not 
>>> always.)
>>> I've tried this half&half and pure cream but frankly I like whole milk 
>>> plus whole milk powder better. I enjoy many other coffees also, anything of 
>>> a dark roast. I prefer whole beans, but Bustello rather changed my mind 
>>> about pre-ground coffee as I seal it after each use with a locking 
>>> belt/strap. It tastes fine down to the bottom of the 10oz. bag, unlike some 
>>> whole bean coffee which do not(12-16oz. bags). I use an Orphan Espresso 
>>> Lido grinder, a most unexpected gift ! 
>>> I saw Aldi sells another brand(El-something) with similar themed 
>>> packaging as Bustello, and it's just as great. 
>>> What do you enjoy for coffee ? 
>>> -- 
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>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/f8cd275b-ed4e-4cd7-98a8-ea3b71c061abn%40googlegroups.com
>>> .

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[RBW] Re: What Do Riv Riders Enjoy As COFFEE !

2025-02-02 Thread John
I too like to tinker with my coffee setup, especially when I've got more 
time on weekends. I've got a Baratza Encore to grind whole beans that I 
usually put in a French press or AeroPress. My old electric kettle just 
died so I got a new adjustable temperature gooseneck, and I'm thinking 
that's going to motivate me to pull out my pour over setup that’s been 
sitting in a cupboard.

During the week I've got less time and have been making cold brew overnight 
in my French press, which makes a few days worth of coffee. And it's so 
smooth I just use preground medium roast from Trader Joe's. Just add water 
and microwave for a few minutes for a quick, cheap, delicious cup.

Using the same concentrate, sometimes I’ll mix up cold fashioneds, 
especially in the summer. It’s just an old fashioned made by substituting 
bourbon/brandy for cold brew concentrate. A little walnut bitters with a 
splash of maple of vanilla simple syrup and garnish with orange peel…tres 

John in Minneapolis

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[RBW] Re: What Do Riv Riders Enjoy As COFFEE !

2025-02-02 Thread Donzaemon
In terms of beans, I favor funk-forward natural process beans. I use a 
1Zpresso Q2 hand grinder and V60 with Cafec Abacca filters for my preferred 
setup. I also have a Kalita Wave 185 flat bottom dripper and a 2010 era 
Aeropress as alternates. Lately, I’ve been hooked on co-ferments and 
looking forward to my next order from Black & White Roasters:


On Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 8:23:05 PM UTC-8 John wrote:

> I too like to tinker with my coffee setup, especially when I've got more 
> time on weekends. I've got a Baratza Encore to grind whole beans that I 
> usually put in a French press or AeroPress. My old electric kettle just 
> died so I got a new adjustable temperature gooseneck, and I'm thinking 
> that's going to motivate me to pull out my pour over setup that’s been 
> sitting in a cupboard.
> During the week I've got less time and have been making cold brew 
> overnight in my French press, which makes a few days worth of coffee. And 
> it's so smooth I just use preground medium roast from Trader Joe's. Just 
> add water and microwave for a few minutes for a quick, cheap, delicious cup.
> Using the same concentrate, sometimes I’ll mix up cold fashioneds, 
> especially in the summer. It’s just an old fashioned made by substituting 
> bourbon/brandy for cold brew concentrate. A little walnut bitters with a 
> splash of maple of vanilla simple syrup and garnish with orange peel…tres 
> magnifique!
> John in Minneapolis

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[RBW] What Do Riv Riders Enjoy As COFFEE !

2025-02-02 Thread Garth
I remember when we used to have such discussions, so as I was making soome 
this morning I was wondering just that. "What do Riv riders enjoy by way of 
coffee ?" 

I'm a tinker-er, I'm always trying various combinations of things. Coffee 
lends itself to that wonderfully !

This AM I made some using a classic aluminum Bialetti Moka pot and 
preheated water. Bustello Espresso ground coffee, the one in the bright 
yellow brick-like bags. Currently, I'm enjoying it with hot frothy milk. I 
prepare the coffee, then in a pan I pour some whole milk and a heaping 
spoonful of whole milk powder. Heat it gently while whisking it into a 
frothy delight. When the coffee is done and settled a bit, I pour the 
coffee into the milk as I whisk away. O M G . such sensory delight ! 
You can't buy such goodness. (Sometimes I add a touch of honey, but not 

I've tried this half&half and pure cream but frankly I like whole milk plus 
whole milk powder better. I enjoy many other coffees also, anything of a 
dark roast. I prefer whole beans, but Bustello rather changed my mind about 
pre-ground coffee as I seal it after each use with a locking belt/strap. It 
tastes fine down to the bottom of the 10oz. bag, unlike some whole bean 
coffee which do not(12-16oz. bags). I use an Orphan Espresso Lido grinder, 
a most unexpected gift ! 

I saw Aldi sells another brand(El-something) with similar themed packaging 
as Bustello, and it's just as great. 

What do you enjoy for coffee ? 

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Re: [RBW] Re: What Do Riv Riders Enjoy As COFFEE !

2025-02-02 Thread Jay Lonner
I enjoy coffee black, and in large quantities. At home it’s pourover, when I’m traveling heavy it’s an Aeropress, when I’m traveling light (bikepacking) it’s instant. There comes a point when it’s just about getting something hot and caffeinated on board (also, being on the trail has a way of transforming marginal food into fine dining).Jay LonnerBellingham, WASent from my Atari 400On Feb 2, 2025, at 7:37 AM, Brian Turner  wrote:I organize the local Coffee Outside rides here in my town, so it gives me a great opportunity to try different methods of preparing coffee after riding somewhere on my bike to enjoy it with friends. My current favorite method is brewing a strong, concentrated batch with my Aeropress, and diluting it with hot water to make a larger amount that ends up tasting the way I like it. I prefer grinding whole beans right before brewing, but I'm not terribly picky about the brand. At home, I do a simple drip brew each morning, and I like a splash of skim milk in it. When I'm bike camping or doing coffee outsides, I prefer to pack a small container of Nestle Nidol (I know, not the most ethical company). I like it better than powdered milk because the fat content is higher, therefore it gives a better taste and is closer to the experience of adding real milk. I keep a container of it in my freezer and it lasts a long time.Other methods I've employed for Coffee Outside or bike camping include; conical dripper, Bialetti Moka pot, and a little device made by Cafflano that combines a burr grinder and conical dripper into one portable package. It's hard to beat the brew from an Aeropress, though. One thing I cannot abide by is instant coffee packets... trust me, I've tried just about every one that has ever been recommended to me and I have yet to find one that doesn't have that weak "instant coffee" taste.BrianLexington KYOn Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 9:33:08 AM UTC-5 Garth wrote:I remember when we used to have such discussions, so as I was making soome this morning I was wondering just that. "What do Riv riders enjoy by way of coffee ?" I'm a tinker-er, I'm always trying various combinations of things. Coffee lends itself to that wonderfully !This AM I made some using a classic aluminum Bialetti Moka pot and preheated water. Bustello Espresso ground coffee, the one in the bright yellow brick-like bags. Currently, I'm enjoying it with hot frothy milk. I prepare the coffee, then in a pan I pour some whole milk and a heaping spoonful of whole milk powder. Heat it gently while whisking it into a frothy delight. When the coffee is done and settled a bit, I pour the coffee into the milk as I whisk away. O M G . such sensory delight ! You can't buy such goodness. (Sometimes I add a touch of honey, but not always.)I've tried this half&half and pure cream but frankly I like whole milk plus whole milk powder better. I enjoy many other coffees also, anything of a dark roast. I prefer whole beans, but Bustello rather changed my mind about pre-ground coffee as I seal it after each use with a locking belt/strap. It tastes fine down to the bottom of the 10oz. bag, unlike some whole bean coffee which do not(12-16oz. bags). I use an Orphan Espresso Lido grinder, a most unexpected gift ! I saw Aldi sells another brand(El-something) with similar themed packaging as Bustello, and it's just as great. What do you enjoy for coffee ? 

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Re: [RBW] Silver crankset weight

2025-02-02 Thread wpm...@gmail.com
@ Keith, which Silver crankset weighs 1lb 11.5oz? (e.g., 42x28, 38x24, 
36x24, 34x24, etc.)

I've been searching in vein for the weight of my installed Silver1 42x28 
with 173mm arms (on my "fast" bike) and my Silver 38x24 with 178mm arms on 
my cargo bike -- absolute jewels of cranksets.  Sort of curious how much 
heavier they are compared to similar cranks by IRD, VO, and RH.  

Will M

On Friday, July 21, 2023 at 9:13:53 PM UTC-4 Keith Weaver wrote:

> I just pulled mine out of the box as I’m moving along with my Appaloosa 
> build. My scale says it’s 1 lb, 11.5 oz.
> Cheers,
> Keith
> On Tue, Jul 18, 2023 at 2:25 PM i  wrote:
>> Has anyone here weighed the 170 variety and can tell me the weight? 
>> Curious how they stack up against other cranks
>> Thanks
>> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Winter Photos 2024/2025

2025-02-02 Thread Brian Turner
Jay - yes, Andy made that custom bag for me after also making a prototype. The 
2nd version got the design nailed down. He probably still has the templates for 
it, because we anticipated other Riv owners might want these bags for their 
long wheelbase bikes. Clems and Susies would make great candidates.

Lexington KY 

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