[RBW] Re: DC Riv Dealer Figures Visually in TV Piece

2024-05-19 Thread Pat Smith
This is awesome, been meaning to get over to Happy Go. I'm all in on the CT 
Ave bike lanes, obviously, but calling it "suburban" is a bit of a 
misnomer, it's entirely within DC city limits!
Patrick in Petworth

On Friday, May 17, 2024 at 1:33:03 PM UTC-4 ian m wrote:

> I was in DC the weekend after the Nat'l bike summit, which my wife 
> attended, and we rode the Capital Crescent to Rock Creek with a dedicated 
> stop at Happy Go. The owner (whose name I can't recall) was incredibly 
> friendly and we chatted about infrastructure and how obnoxious it is that 
> wealthy residents oppose traffic calming or more livable streets when it 
> would interrupt their god-given right to park in front of Starbucks. Hoping 
> the improvements move forward! Also what a great shop
> On Friday, May 17, 2024 at 10:22:51 AM UTC-4 Steven Seelig wrote:
>> Here in suburban DC we have been battling to get a bike lane put in on 
>> our main commuter route.  The Mayor was all in until about a month ago, so 
>> now the City Council is standing up to her.  Basically, it would head from 
>> the top of DC downtown as a protected lane and would be huge win.
>> I do local advocacy and the TV reporter (yes, a cyclist) reached out to 
>> me, I said meet me at our LBS Riv dealer, Happy Go.  I am off my bike for a 
>> week or so, so my Platty did not make an appearance, but Happy Go did.  And 
>> that is my head talking in favor.
>> Link to story 
>> Steve Seelig

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[RBW] Gearing question -

2024-05-19 Thread Stephen Durfee
Another list member recently asked a question "Which Front Derailleur 
option is best for a 38/24 front, 11-36 rear". At the time, I commented 
that my AR has a 38/24 front, that I often spin out on level ground and can 
only coast down hills, and that I have been planning to remove the chain 
guard and swap in a 46T front ring, to turn my double into a triple. But 
then I got to wondering, would I actually be better off making a switch in 
the back...

My 26" rear wheel is built around a Bullseye hub, with a 14-34 freewheel. 
The front wheel is brand new - a Rich-built dynamo with a Shimano hub. 

My questionwould I be better off making a change in the front, going 
with a triple and the current rear wheel? Or, should I upgrade to a new 
rear wheel, with a hub cassette at 11-36? Here is my stab at basic math, 
which may or may not provide useful information
My current "big gear"  38÷14 = 2.71
with the added triple,   46÷14 = 3.28
with a new cassette and existing chainrings 38 ÷ 11= 3.45

I understand, of course, a new rear wheel would be a more expensive 
solution. My existing FD is a Shimano 105. I think it could handle the 
triple, but I haven't yet put it to the test.   Are there other factors to 

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Re: [RBW] Northern Hemisphere Spring 2024 Photos

2024-05-19 Thread RichS
John, nice photograph and good advice from the other John. You're living 
the dream.

Rich in (dirtless) ATL

On Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 6:59:42 PM UTC-4 John Rinker wrote:

> 'Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt." 
> -John Muir
> [image: IMG_3386.jpeg]
> Cheers, John
> On Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 7:40:46 AM UTC-7 Ted Durant wrote:
>> On May 18, 2024, at 9:24 AM, Eric Marth  wrote:
>> WLS — Connecticut has it goin' on! 
>> Yeah, between the Nutmeg rides and the Cub House rides, I’m a bit 
>> envious. I need to time my LA and New England visits a little better.
>> Ted Durant
>> Milwaukee WI USA

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[RBW] Re: DC Riv Dealer Figures Visually in TV Piece

2024-05-19 Thread 'Steven Seelig' via RBW Owners Bunch
Ben Boerum is the owner.  Suburban is the mindset of the opponents and 
those who use CT Ave as a commuter route.  If I said it, it was ironic.

Steve Seelig

On Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 3:18:42 AM UTC-4 pbsm...@gmail.com wrote:

> This is awesome, been meaning to get over to Happy Go. I'm all in on the 
> CT Ave bike lanes, obviously, but calling it "suburban" is a bit of a 
> misnomer, it's entirely within DC city limits!
> Patrick in Petworth
> On Friday, May 17, 2024 at 1:33:03 PM UTC-4 ian m wrote:
>> I was in DC the weekend after the Nat'l bike summit, which my wife 
>> attended, and we rode the Capital Crescent to Rock Creek with a dedicated 
>> stop at Happy Go. The owner (whose name I can't recall) was incredibly 
>> friendly and we chatted about infrastructure and how obnoxious it is that 
>> wealthy residents oppose traffic calming or more livable streets when it 
>> would interrupt their god-given right to park in front of Starbucks. Hoping 
>> the improvements move forward! Also what a great shop
>> On Friday, May 17, 2024 at 10:22:51 AM UTC-4 Steven Seelig wrote:
>>> Here in suburban DC we have been battling to get a bike lane put in on 
>>> our main commuter route.  The Mayor was all in until about a month ago, so 
>>> now the City Council is standing up to her.  Basically, it would head from 
>>> the top of DC downtown as a protected lane and would be huge win.
>>> I do local advocacy and the TV reporter (yes, a cyclist) reached out to 
>>> me, I said meet me at our LBS Riv dealer, Happy Go.  I am off my bike for a 
>>> week or so, so my Platty did not make an appearance, but Happy Go did.  And 
>>> that is my head talking in favor.
>>> Link to story 
>>> Steve Seelig

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[RBW] Re: Gearing question -

2024-05-19 Thread Ian A
If you change the rear to a cassette hub, you will likely need to re-space 
the drop outs. I'm guessing your current freewheel hub is 126mm. 
Spacing.out to 130mm would be okay.

My opinion would be just to change the chainrings to give the higher gear. 
The older 5 ans 6 speed wide range freewheels lend themselves well to 
half-step gearing. If you have a triple crank maybe a 44/48 or 42/46 with a 
granny gear of 28. 

If you are just commuting and running around with bike (vs touring or 
randomneuring), I would be inclined to just put on bigger chainrings. 
Cheaper, easier, better!  My 26" wheel commuter had a 14-28 6 speed 
freewheel and I paired it with a 53/42 double and it was great like that.  
I do enjoy mashing up hills on my commuter though. I consider it anaerobic 
training. Because the bike sees so much winter use, I decided to make it a 
single speed and like it even better now, but the above gearing worked well 
for me.

IanA Alberta Canada

On Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 8:20:49 AM UTC-7 Stephen Durfee wrote:

> Another list member recently asked a question "Which Front Derailleur 
> option is best for a 38/24 front, 11-36 rear". At the time, I commented 
> that my AR has a 38/24 front, that I often spin out on level ground and can 
> only coast down hills, and that I have been planning to remove the chain 
> guard and swap in a 46T front ring, to turn my double into a triple. But 
> then I got to wondering, would I actually be better off making a switch in 
> the back...
> My 26" rear wheel is built around a Bullseye hub, with a 14-34 freewheel. 
> The front wheel is brand new - a Rich-built dynamo with a Shimano hub. 
> My questionwould I be better off making a change in the front, going 
> with a triple and the current rear wheel? Or, should I upgrade to a new 
> rear wheel, with a hub cassette at 11-36? Here is my stab at basic math, 
> which may or may not provide useful information
> My current "big gear"  38÷14 = 2.71
> with the added triple,   46÷14 = 3.28
> with a new cassette and existing chainrings 38 ÷ 11= 3.45
> I understand, of course, a new rear wheel would be a more expensive 
> solution. My existing FD is a Shimano 105. I think it could handle the 
> triple, but I haven't yet put it to the test.   Are there other factors to 
> consider? 

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[RBW] Re: Adventures in (Re) building my Saluki

2024-05-19 Thread RichS
Michael, that's a good looking Saluki. Sorry for the travails you had to 
work through to get it road ready but I bet most of us have been down that 
path with our bikes or other things (cars?). Since I'm not far from you in 
age I'm with you in spirit on minimizing acquisitions. I too look at items 
like my dress shoes and think probably the last ones I'll ever need. Have 
fun on the Saluki!

Jock: two thumbs up on your Saluki:-)

Rich in ATL

On Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 4:25:30 PM UTC-4 mhec...@gmail.com wrote:

> Well Bill, you are probably right but  I turn 80 this year and find 
> that every day I have less and less urge to buy anything (excluding red 
> meat & red wine).  Most of my tool budget, such as it it, goes into wood 
> working tools.  This rebuild included only one new item - a brake cable.  I 
> did decide to buy a new front rack but haven't actually done it.  Every 
> time I buy something I ask myself three questions - Is this the last time 
> I'll make this purchase, e.g. shoes, car, cassette...; where am I going to 
> store this item when it's not in use but still findable if I want it;  how 
> am I going to get rid of it, when I have to?
> Alas, both of my children, despite being quite well off, are minamailist. 
>  Small houses, small cars... so not interested in my stuff.
> BTW,  About the same time I bought the Saluki frame, 20 years ago, from 
> someone on this list, I also bought a blue Specialized Sequoia frame, also 
> on this list, which my wife rode for many years until I bought her the last 
> Betty Foy, which she now rides.  The Sequoia hung in the basement for a few 
> years, then got converted to 650B and given to my son-in -law.  This year 
> he bought his "dream bike" and gave the Sequoia to our grandson.  That's a 
> pretty good run even for a steel frame.
> Michael
> On Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 12:18:07 PM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> Michael
>> I'm not picking on you, but I strongly believe that anybody with the 
>> mechanical confidence to build a bike from the frame up should own a proper 
>> small tap-handle ($10), plus an M5x0.8mm tap ($5), an M6x1.0mm tap ($6), 
>> and a M10x1.0mm tap ($8).  That tiny tool kit would have saved you two 
>> trips and would get re-used innumerable times.  My recommendation to 
>> anybody who puts wrenches on bicycles to go buy those items today.  There 
>> are exactly three good reasons not to do that...
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA
>> On Friday, May 17, 2024 at 5:50:41 PM UTC-7 mhec...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> You may remember my previous post after retrieving my Saluki ( Serial 
>>> #007) from the powder coating shop in White River Jct Vt.   I thought the 
>>> rebuild would be simple and straight forward.  What could go wrong?!!
>>> First, I discovered that the threads in the BB shell needed to be 
>>> re-chased.  This required 25 miles of driving (rt) to the Village Bicycle 
>>> Shop in Richmond, Vt.  Home again things went well until I tried to. 
>>> remount the rear fender.  Now realizing that all the eyelits also needed to 
>>> be re-chased .  Another 25 miles of driving, only to discover  that a 
>>> family emergency  had lead to an unscheduled closing.  Tried again the next 
>>> day..  Along the way I recognized that the stem would not tighten down.  I 
>>> figured out that the wedge shaped nut was disconnected from the long stem 
>>> bolt, and jammed in the head tube..  This required removing the stem, HB, 
>>> brakes,  fenders and fork in order drive the now deformed nut out of the 
>>> head tube.  Had another in my spare parts bin.   OK.  Now with everything 
>>> (almost) tightened down, I set out on a shakedown  ride. 
>>> What a joy!  I didn't buy any new parts for this rebuild but am still 
>>> leaning toward a new front rack.  Contrary to GPs opinions I really 
>>> appreciate hi end Paul's breaks, TA rings, and Campy derailleurs and smooth 
>>> shifting..  I rode along grooving on the sweet, neutral handling of the 
>>> Saluki; the easy & comfy rolling of the PariMoto 45 mm tires.  No break 
>>> squeak from my Pauls Neo Retros.  Then, about 6 miles from home all hell 
>>> broke loose! 
>>> Actually what broke was one tiny bolt holding the rear deraileur cage 
>>> together.  That left me  without a pulley or functioning rear derailer. 
>>>  Fortunately I was uphill from home so could coast  half the way home, 
>>> where I discovered the remaining half of the deraileur (Campy Centaur) was 
>>> wedged  between cogs in the cassette.  It turned out I had another Campy 
>>> Centaur deraileur to use. Yea.
>>> To deliver the coup, either in the process of wedging itself or my 
>>> effort to free the derairller managed to damage the threads in the dropout 
>>> and neither derailleur would rethread into the frame..  Another trip to a 
>>> bike shop.
>>> It turned out that the replacement derailleur also had a broken part, 
>>> which is probably why it was in a box of rando

[RBW] Re: FS: TA Carmina Crankset & Spider - 110mm bcd/165mm/Black

2024-05-19 Thread Johnny Alien
Feel free to make an offer. I think this whole set would sell for about 
$450 new. Just need to get it moved on to someone that can use it!

On Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 5:42:32 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:

> I was holding on to this crankset but don't think I am going to need it. 
> TA Carmina 165mm arms with a 110mm spider. Killer crankset that looks 
> great, is pretty light but still string, and is super flexible. You can 
> change the spider to make it work with different size rings as well as run 
> it single, double, or triple. The spider that comes with it will work for 
> 1x or 2x. No chainrings included. Its in excellent condition with only a 
> small ding on the left side crank arm that is minor and hard to see without 
> looking. $200 shipped
>  This requires an ISO BB. I happen to have a great condition very low 
> mileage TA Axix bottom bracket that works perfect for this. Its 107mm wide 
> so it will work on a 135 rear spaced Riv if you run it 1x (and probably 2x 
> not sure but for sure not as a triple. For that you would want a wider BB. 
> The 107 would work in any configuration for a 130mm rear spacing. $70 
> shipped or $40 shipped if you are getting the crank/spider.

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Re: [RBW] Re: TRP RRL vs Shimano Tiagra

2024-05-19 Thread Nick Payne
I have both Shimano and TRP RRL levers and prefer the TRP. For me the 
Shimano levers are a bit small, and I also frequently ride with the end of 
the hood in the middle of my palm, and prefer the more rounded shape of the 
TRP to the pointy Shimano hoods.

I take a 9½ or 10 in EU glove sizes, which is between L and XL US size.

Nick Payne

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[RBW] Re: Gearing question -

2024-05-19 Thread Garth
A 24/36/46 triple will shift beautifully, and the 105 double, as long as 
it's not one of the oddball current types, should work just fine. I've used 
my 105 FD-5500 from 1999 on rings with 26/44/48 and 24/36/50. 

I'm not a fan of adding more cogs(and the hub required) in the rear if the 
desired gearing variety can be done with a double or triple. I think 5-7sp 
FW's and hubs are terrific and highly versatile,.  I've even purchased more 
NOS FW vintage hubs(Suntour XC Pro and Specialized)  as I have a number of 
NOS 13-32 FW's, plus 14-34's(14/16/18/21/24/28/34) and 13-28's are still 
available as they have been for years. Try to find a 7sp cassette with 
those cogs, you won't. Try to find one of those, plus a 12t cog for 8 
speeds, you won't. Sure you can go the Aliexpress route and make your own 
cassettes, which is fine if you already have the freehubs, but if don't 
already have the hubs , why bother ? Keep it simple. 

On Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 11:51:56 AM UTC-4 Ian A wrote:

> If you change the rear to a cassette hub, you will likely need to re-space 
> the drop outs. I'm guessing your current freewheel hub is 126mm. 
> Spacing.out to 130mm would be okay.
> My opinion would be just to change the chainrings to give the higher gear. 
> The older 5 ans 6 speed wide range freewheels lend themselves well to 
> half-step gearing. If you have a triple crank maybe a 44/48 or 42/46 with a 
> granny gear of 28. 
> If you are just commuting and running around with bike (vs touring or 
> randomneuring), I would be inclined to just put on bigger chainrings. 
> Cheaper, easier, better!  My 26" wheel commuter had a 14-28 6 speed 
> freewheel and I paired it with a 53/42 double and it was great like that.  
> I do enjoy mashing up hills on my commuter though. I consider it anaerobic 
> training. Because the bike sees so much winter use, I decided to make it a 
> single speed and like it even better now, but the above gearing worked well 
> for me.
> IanA Alberta Canada
> On Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 8:20:49 AM UTC-7 Stephen Durfee wrote:
>> Another list member recently asked a question "Which Front Derailleur 
>> option is best for a 38/24 front, 11-36 rear". At the time, I commented 
>> that my AR has a 38/24 front, that I often spin out on level ground and can 
>> only coast down hills, and that I have been planning to remove the chain 
>> guard and swap in a 46T front ring, to turn my double into a triple. But 
>> then I got to wondering, would I actually be better off making a switch in 
>> the back...
>> My 26" rear wheel is built around a Bullseye hub, with a 14-34 freewheel. 
>> The front wheel is brand new - a Rich-built dynamo with a Shimano hub. 
>> My questionwould I be better off making a change in the front, going 
>> with a triple and the current rear wheel? Or, should I upgrade to a new 
>> rear wheel, with a hub cassette at 11-36? Here is my stab at basic math, 
>> which may or may not provide useful information
>> My current "big gear"  38÷14 = 2.71
>> with the added triple,   46÷14 = 3.28
>> with a new cassette and existing chainrings 38 ÷ 11= 3.45
>> I understand, of course, a new rear wheel would be a more expensive 
>> solution. My existing FD is a Shimano 105. I think it could handle the 
>> triple, but I haven't yet put it to the test.   Are there other factors to 
>> consider? 

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Re: [RBW] Re: FS: Craigslist, etc 2024

2024-05-19 Thread R Olson

FYI - just posted 3 bikes to CL.  Keep in mind this is CL pricing.  Open to 
offers from RBWer's.  Looking for local sale in Denver or nearby.  PM me if 
you want more info on any of these. 

61cm Roadini

61cm Roadeo

XL Crust Nor'easter


Ryan in Denver, CO

On Monday, May 13, 2024 at 2:33:25 PM UTC-6 Mike Packard wrote:

> Rambo in Round Rock 
> https://austin.craigslist.org/bik/d/round-rock-rivendell-rambouillet-58cm/7746450817.html
> On Sunday, May 12, 2024 at 8:44:13 PM UTC-5 jamin orrall wrote:
>> wowza, so cool.
>> On Sunday, May 12, 2024 at 4:37:35 PM UTC-7 Paul Richardson wrote:
>>> this may predate Grant, i'm not sure, but here ya go--
>>> <
>>> https://washingtondc.craigslist.org/doc/bik/d/washington-vintage-1985-bridgestone-mb/7746151757.html
>>> >
>>> Vintage 1985 Bridgestone MB-2 - Substantial all terrain bike (made in 
>>> Japan).
>>> The bike is in excellent condition, fully tuned-up and ready to ride. 
>>> All the parts/components are stock except for the tires.
>>> [image: Screen Shot 2024-05-12 at 7.35.45 PM.png]

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[RBW] Re: FS 48 Sam Hillborne $2400 OBO plus shipping

2024-05-19 Thread Jonathan D.
Bump and dropped to $2400

On Wednesday, May 15, 2024 at 10:14:52 AM UTC-7 Jonathan D. wrote:

> BUMP with price reduction and a couple new photos. $2600 plus shipping. 
> Standover is 28.5 inches. This is as small as I think Riv's are made.
> On Monday, May 13, 2024 at 3:06:15 PM UTC-7 Jonathan D. wrote:
>> I am selling for my ex-wife a 48 mm Sam Hillborne. I purchased the frame 
>> and built it up at a local shop. The bike has hardly been ridden since It 
>> was built up. I am happy to share details and take any additional photos. I 
>> plan to keep the rack and can include the basket if it fits in the box. 
>> Rich built wheels and dynamo hub but don't currently have a light on it. I 
>> can see if I have one to include. Bike is in PDX.
>> https://www.icloud.com/sharedalbum/#B0Z5aVbMKvfjLe

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[RBW] Re: FS: Giles Berthoud Aravis

2024-05-19 Thread Ryan Frahm
Still available. 
On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 2:20:07 PM UTC-7 Ryan Frahm wrote:

> Bump. $275 +shipping
> On Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 10:54:34 AM UTC-7 Ryan Frahm wrote:
>> I splurged and bought this saddle after having some very good experiences 
>> with the Aspen some years back. Unfortunately, it isn’t working for me and 
>> the bike I am riding now. I put right at 100 miles in a few rides and took 
>> it off. The cover is from RandiJo and is brand new.  I waited for the cover 
>> before deciding to sell this. 
>> Asking $290 +shipping. Thanks for looking!

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Re: [RBW] Gearing question -

2024-05-19 Thread Patrick Moore
If your current cogset is a freewheel it probably has no more than 7 cogs
which limits the number of different gears.

How many gears you need depends on your own preferences: how high a high --
you've said you want a higher one and yes, 70" is pretty low; how low a low
-- with the 24/34 I assume you want to keep a similar low gear of <20"; and
how close you want the gaps between gears.

The possibilities also depend on how often you shift between chainrings and
how much you like quick, smooth shifts.

The easiest option would be to swap the 38 for a 46 which would give a
still pretty low 85" gear, assuming a more or less 26" tall wheel. The gap
between this and the 24 is pretty big but it has been done, and it would be
more doable if you don't use the 24 very much.

The next option is a triple with 46/36/24 which is pretty typical 7 speed
triple chainring, tho' still on the low side with 26" wheels. Or -- my
preference were I to use a triple with 5, 6, or 7 sp fw -- would be
something like a 46/42/24 halfstep plus granny for closer ratios with
higher top and same low.

But my overall preference would be to go whole hog and swap the hub for a
modern cassette hub with 10 or 11 gears; yes, you'd probably have to spread
the rear but it's not hard to spread a 126 mm OL rear to 130; in fact, I've
often used 130 hubs in 126 steel frames, tho' it's a pain. With 3 or 4 more
cogs you can (1) mix and match much more easily, (2) get a much higher top
gear with the same 38 t ring, (3) get a similar or even lower low, and (4)
get closer intermediate gears, *and* (5) do this without adding another

I personally like "1X + granny" using 10 sp cassettes (might one day try
11) with something like a (note: this is for 700C wheels with fat tires, so
about 29" tall, 3" taller than 559 wheels) 44/28 and a 14-28 10 sp (easy to
customize cogs with a freehub) giving a high of ~90" and a low about 29",
but with very close intermediate gears. Abandon 1-cog differences in the
cruising gears and you can get just about any reasonable high and
reasonable low with this sort of setup.

Patrick Moore, who has owned umpteen gadzillion 26" wheel road,
all-rounder, and mountain bikes each with customized gearing. (My 2 current
26-ers are road bikes -- 29" for off road -- one fixed or with 2-speed IGH
fixed hubs, 76" and either 68", 66", or 57" depending on hub) and the other
with 3 speed fixed: 72", 65", 54" or 3 speed fw: 75", 65", 56"; 24.5" 559
 X 28mm  and 25.6" 559 X 42 mm wheels respectively, but I've used singles,
doubles, and triples on various 26" wheel bikes.)

On Sun, May 19, 2024 at 9:20 AM Stephen Durfee  wrote:

> Another list member recently asked a question "Which Front Derailleur
> option is best for a 38/24 front, 11-36 rear". At the time, I commented
> that my AR has a 38/24 front, that I often spin out on level ground and can
> only coast down hills, and that I have been planning to remove the chain
> guard and swap in a 46T front ring, to turn my double into a triple. But
> then I got to wondering, would I actually be better off making a switch in
> the back...
> My 26" rear wheel is built around a Bullseye hub, with a 14-34 freewheel.
> The front wheel is brand new - a Rich-built dynamo with a Shimano hub.
> My questionwould I be better off making a change in the front, going
> with a triple and the current rear wheel? Or, should I upgrade to a new
> rear wheel, with a hub cassette at 11-36? Here is my stab at basic math,
> which may or may not provide useful information
> My current "big gear"  38÷14 = 2.71
> with the added triple,   46÷14 = 3.28
> with a new cassette and existing chainrings 38 ÷ 11= 3.45
> I understand, of course, a new rear wheel would be a more expensive
> solution. My existing FD is a Shimano 105. I think it could handle the
> triple, but I haven't yet put it to the test.   Are there other factors to
> consider?
> --
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Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing


*When thou didst not, savage, k**now thine own meaning,*

*But wouldst gabble like a** thing most brutish,*

*I endowed thy purposes w**ith words that made t

Re: [RBW] Gearing question -

2024-05-19 Thread Patrick Moore
Even quads! -- very briefly; Mountain Tamer Quad. Too finicky, IME.

On Sun, May 19, 2024 at 2:58 PM Patrick Moore  wrote:

> ... , but I've used singles, doubles, and triples on various 26" wheel
> bikes.)

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[RBW] Re: FS: TA Carmina Crankset & Spider - 110mm bcd/165mm/Black

2024-05-19 Thread Johnny Alien

On Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 12:19:40 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:

> Feel free to make an offer. I think this whole set would sell for about 
> $450 new. Just need to get it moved on to someone that can use it!
> On Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 5:42:32 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:
>> I was holding on to this crankset but don't think I am going to need it. 
>> TA Carmina 165mm arms with a 110mm spider. Killer crankset that looks 
>> great, is pretty light but still string, and is super flexible. You can 
>> change the spider to make it work with different size rings as well as run 
>> it single, double, or triple. The spider that comes with it will work for 
>> 1x or 2x. No chainrings included. Its in excellent condition with only a 
>> small ding on the left side crank arm that is minor and hard to see without 
>> looking. $200 shipped
>>  This requires an ISO BB. I happen to have a great condition very low 
>> mileage TA Axix bottom bracket that works perfect for this. Its 107mm wide 
>> so it will work on a 135 rear spaced Riv if you run it 1x (and probably 2x 
>> not sure but for sure not as a triple. For that you would want a wider BB. 
>> The 107 would work in any configuration for a 130mm rear spacing. $70 
>> shipped or $40 shipped if you are getting the crank/spider.

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[RBW] Re: Goals for 2024 (will they be S.M.A.R.T. ?)

2024-05-19 Thread Bill Lindsay
One of my 2024 goals is knocked down.  I stated the goal:

Summit Mount Diablo 5 times on 5 different bikes

I did my fifth summit of Diablo today on my fifth different bike.  Pics 
prove it:


Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Friday, January 5, 2024 at 6:48:14 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> Often we do a goals thread, and there seems to me that there's a schism on 
> how to approach goals.  Some folks have very specific goals: i.e. "average 
> 10 miles a day over the year".  Others enjoy eschewing the specificity: 
> i.e. "have more fun on the bike".
> I'm a devotee of S.M.A.R.T. goals, which are (S)simple, (M)easurable, 
> (A)chievable, (R)relevant, (T)imply.  The notion of the S.M.A.R.T. goal has 
> improved my life in several ways and maybe in a way has saved my life. I'm 
> a compulsive person and I'm a numbers guy. I'm going to be compulsive about 
> *something 
> , *so if that something can be achievable and healthy, then that's a good 
> thing.  I've gotten into the habit of setting up tons of tiny S.M.A.R.T. 
> goals, and it sets me up to have a regular pattern of taking W's.  
> My big picture goals for 2024 include:
> 10,000km ridden
> Summit Mount Diablo 5 times on 5 different bikes
> Put myself in the position to attempt my first 400k brevet
> Complete the Marin Mountains 200k brevet
> Complete 25% of every city in Contra Costa County on Wandrer
> Complete 25% of Marin County on Wandrer
> Ride 55 miles on my 55th birthday and kick off riding my age on my 
> birthday as a regular event
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA

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[RBW] Re: FS: 62cm Atlantis 2022 MIT frame + fork/headset/bb $1,250 + shipping

2024-05-19 Thread larson....@gmail.com

Hey Jay,
Did you get this sold?
Randy in WI
On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 10:50:45 AM UTC-5 Jay Bird wrote:

> In good condition and rides great. Has some scratches from normal use (see 
> photos), no dents. 
> Bought it late summer of 2022 and ended up riding my Clem L more often, so 
> am just going to stick with that and clear up the garage. 
> BB and headset included. $1,250 plus shipping. Located in Tucson, AZ. 

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Re: [RBW] The Cub House's Los Angeles Invitational Ride - May 18

2024-05-19 Thread Ted Durant
On May 19, 2024, at 7:29 PM, Neale S.  wrote:
> I had a blast! Did the triple scoop and it was a beast, took me all day. The 
> aid station at the top of the single scoop was a mountaintop party. I saw 
> Armand and a few other Riv riders. Lots of other cool bikes, and plenty of 
> good vibes. 

Wow, I had no idea there were trails connecting Mt Wilson and Glendora. That 
looks like an amazing (ly difficult) ride!

Ted Durant
Milwaukee, WI USA

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[RBW] ORtlieb backroller panniers & carryon.

2024-05-19 Thread Bernard Duhon
Would any of you share your experience in using an Ortlieb backroller panniers 
as airline  carry on luggage,.

That is of course without getting kicked out by TSA.



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[RBW] Re: SOLD: Heron Road frame & fork, 60 cm; $600 + shipping

2024-05-19 Thread Tom Goodmann

On Friday, May 17, 2024 at 12:20:36 PM UTC-4 Tom Goodmann wrote:

One last effort to sell this never-built 60 cm Heron Road frame and fork 
only. As all will know, these bikes were designed by Grant at Rivendell as 
a collaboration with Rona Components, then owned by Ted Durant. and produced at 
Waterford. This beautiful blue-green road frame bears serial number B00055, 
and was built in February 2000 with Reynolds 531 tubing. (For further 
information, all of the original Heron web pages are still accessible: 
Designed for then-available short reach brakes, and 28mm tires with fenders 
(RH Chinook Pass); 30mm tires will also fit, depending on actual dimensions 
and rims. For wider tires, some riders have happily converted these to 650b 
using long reach brakes that were not available when the frame was made; 
Tektro 559s, as usual, or similar.
  The frame bears only the slightest mark on the inside of one rear 
dropout, probably a sign of having been fitted with a wheel at some point; 
it is otherwise pristine with all decals and the Heron head badge in 
perfect condition. I'm asking $600, plus shipping and insurance. 
  I'm selling because I am moving. (Meanwhile a local friend has sold 
me a beautiful custom Riv road bike, made by Curt Goodrich for Douglas 
Brooks. So, n-1; n+1 = 0, at least for now).

Photos here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/132838700@N02/ Questions are 
welcome; thanks for reading.  


P.S. Coming soon: XO-3 with S&S couplers, size 59.

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Re: [RBW] Re: Goals for 2024 (will they be S.M.A.R.T. ?)

2024-05-19 Thread Jason Noonievut
Great job!What are you doing to celebrate?On May 19, 2024, at 7:45 PM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:One of my 2024 goals is knocked down.  I stated the goal:Summit Mount Diablo 5 times on 5 different bikesI did my fifth summit of Diablo today on my fifth different bike.  Pics prove it:https://flickr.com/photos/45758191@N04/albums/72177720313832831/Bill LindsayEl Cerrito, CAOn Friday, January 5, 2024 at 6:48:14 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:Often we do a goals thread, and there seems to me that there's a schism on how to approach goals.  Some folks have very specific goals: i.e. "average 10 miles a day over the year".  Others enjoy eschewing the specificity: i.e. "have more fun on the bike".I'm a devotee of S.M.A.R.T. goals, which are (S)simple, (M)easurable, (A)chievable, (R)relevant, (T)imply.  The notion of the S.M.A.R.T. goal has improved my life in several ways and maybe in a way has saved my life. I'm a compulsive person and I'm a numbers guy. I'm going to be compulsive about something , so if that something can be achievable and healthy, then that's a good thing.  I've gotten into the habit of setting up tons of tiny S.M.A.R.T. goals, and it sets me up to have a regular pattern of taking W's.  My big picture goals for 2024 include:10,000km riddenSummit Mount Diablo 5 times on 5 different bikesPut myself in the position to attempt my first 400k brevetComplete the Marin Mountains 200k brevetComplete 25% of every city in Contra Costa County on WandrerComplete 25% of Marin County on WandrerRide 55 miles on my 55th birthday and kick off riding my age on my birthday as a regular eventBill LindsayEl Cerrito, CA

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Re: [RBW] Re: Goals for 2024 (will they be S.M.A.R.T. ?)

2024-05-19 Thread Bill Lindsay
A whisky and go to bed early!

BL in EC

On Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 7:00:44 PM UTC-7 Jay wrote:

> Great job!
> What are you doing to celebrate?
> On May 19, 2024, at 7:45 PM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:
> One of my 2024 goals is knocked down.  I stated the goal:
> Summit Mount Diablo 5 times on 5 different bikes
> I did my fifth summit of Diablo today on my fifth different bike.  Pics 
> prove it:
> https://flickr.com/photos/45758191@N04/albums/72177720313832831/
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Friday, January 5, 2024 at 6:48:14 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> Often we do a goals thread, and there seems to me that there's a schism 
>> on how to approach goals.  Some folks have very specific goals: i.e. 
>> "average 10 miles a day over the year".  Others enjoy eschewing the 
>> specificity: i.e. "have more fun on the bike".
>> I'm a devotee of S.M.A.R.T. goals, which are (S)simple, (M)easurable, 
>> (A)chievable, (R)relevant, (T)imply.  The notion of the S.M.A.R.T. goal has 
>> improved my life in several ways and maybe in a way has saved my life. I'm 
>> a compulsive person and I'm a numbers guy. I'm going to be compulsive about 
>> *something 
>> , *so if that something can be achievable and healthy, then that's a 
>> good thing.  I've gotten into the habit of setting up tons of tiny 
>> S.M.A.R.T. goals, and it sets me up to have a regular pattern of taking 
>> W's.  
>> My big picture goals for 2024 include:
>> 10,000km ridden
>> Summit Mount Diablo 5 times on 5 different bikes
>> Put myself in the position to attempt my first 400k brevet
>> Complete the Marin Mountains 200k brevet
>> Complete 25% of every city in Contra Costa County on Wandrer
>> Complete 25% of Marin County on Wandrer
>> Ride 55 miles on my 55th birthday and kick off riding my age on my 
>> birthday as a regular event
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA
> -- 
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[RBW] Re: FS: 55 Platypus in Mermaid

2024-05-19 Thread Kim H.
Location ?

On Sunday, May 19, 2024 at 7:39:07 PM UTC-7 kelm...@gmail.com wrote:

> Shimano ders, Paul brakes, WI bb, Silver crank, Boscomoose bar, Nitto 
> post, Riv-built wheels (WI hubs/Quill rims), etc.
> The bike has been ridden three times. $2500 obo. Includes  extras.
> Thanks!
> [image: Platy.jpg]

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[RBW] Re: FS: Salsa Casseroll Canti front rack

2024-05-19 Thread Todd G

On Sunday, May 12, 2024 at 9:53:29 PM UTC-7 Todd G wrote:

> Rack is still available
> On Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 10:00:17 AM UTC-7 Todd G wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I purchased this Salsa Casseroll canti front rack here about 2 weeks ago, 
>> but have since decided to run a different front rack.
>> Link to photos  - $80 
>> shipped, or $65 picked up in Sacramento, CA
>> Please feel free to reach out with any questions. 
>> Thanks!

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