[RBW] Caution: "Cuddle Bears"

2024-05-07 Thread Max S
Cuddle Bears is / are selling a Susie bike for a very good asking price, 
almost too good to be true. User has no prior posts, a few other details 
don't check out. Use caution. 

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[RBW] Re: FS: Chris King, Nitto, White Industries, Outer Shell

2024-05-07 Thread Michael Ullmer
White Industries cranks are gone.

Any takers on the Nitto Lugged Seatpost for $100 plus shipping?

On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 9:20:32 AM UTC-5 Michael Ullmer wrote:

> Last bump before these go to Ebay:
> 2) White Industries ENO 180mm Square Taper Crankset with 32mm Chainring - 
> $135
> 4) Nitto Lugged Seatpost 27.2 - $105
> On Friday, May 3, 2024 at 9:52:13 AM UTC-5 Michael Ullmer wrote:
>> Bump and price drop:
>> 2) White Industries ENO 180mm Square Taper Crankset with 32mm Chainring - 
>> $140
>> 4) Nitto Lugged Seatpost 27.2 - $110
>> On Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 9:57:28 PM UTC-5 ian m wrote:
>>> Yeah, I've been looking at a Stronglight Delta and not having seen one 
>>> on a bike or in person I'm a little worried it may be the worst looking 
>>> headset around
>>> On Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 10:11:05 PM UTC-4 Michael Ullmer wrote:
 I ended up going with an older Stronglight, this one:


 It brought down the shimmy's significantly and didn't affect the 
 handling too much either. Not as pretty though

 On Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 3:55:48 PM UTC-5 ian m wrote:

> What headset did you end up replacing the King with? I'm guessing from 
> the parts you're selling that you gravitate towards let's just say nice 
> and 
> I'd also like a  needle-bearing headset that fits that qualification

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Re: [RBW] Re: Lugged Roadini and Charlie H Gallup

2024-05-07 Thread Sarah Carlson
Valerie, I want to hear the answers to all the questions! You are one of 
the few people riding this rare unicorn bike I want to know all the 


On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 11:03:19 AM UTC-7 Valerie Yates wrote:

> Jason - - Hi! I am glad you agree. I was really surprised what an 
> improvment it was to remove that rack from it. I thought your review was 
> excellent overall. Very detailed and informative. I also agree re Hilborne. 
> That is better choice for carrying a load without impacting its 
> performance. I have not ridden a Homer.  
> Leah -- I will answer your questions in a separate thread. :)   
> On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 7:55:16 PM UTC-6 Jason Fuller wrote:
>> Good info Valerie!  As the reviewer you are noting, yep, I can totally 
>> see what you mean and I agree that what I was using it for wasn't quite 
>> right for what it was as a bike. My Hillborne is actually the perfect bike 
>> for what I was trying to do. 
>> I'd bet the production version of the CHG will be less wiggly too, just 
>> visually going by the diameter of the top tube. I am sure it's still got 
>> nice springy flex, though. Seems like it's basically a longer wheelbase 
>> Homer, which seems absolutely perfect for a certain someone who appears to 
>> already know this bike is perfect for their club ride needs. 
>> On Sunday 5 May 2024 at 16:33:07 UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
>>> Valerie, I would love to hear every single thing you say about this 
>>> bike. Do you have sweepy bars? Drop bars? Have you ridden it on a club 
>>> ride? Do you find it to be quick and lively? What was the reason you bought 
>>> your Charlie? 
>>> I don’t know why the lugged Roadini, either. Anyone know?
>>> Leah
>>> On May 5, 2024, at 7:00 PM, Valerie Yates  wrote:
>>> I just finished tweaking the set up on my 2022 Gallop demo - purple 
>>> with swoop tube, non-canti version. It rides like a dream. Super silky and 
>>> nimble. One mistake I had made was to install a heavy duty pannier rack on 
>>> it. It made the bike feel very noodley. I was tempted to sell it. I think 
>>> that's why this reviewer 
>>> complained about its flex. He shows it with the same rack I initially had 
>>> on it. 
>>> When I switched to a top rack, since it was only being used for my tail 
>>> light and lock, everything came together. Now, I love it for unloaded 
>>> riding on rough and hilly local roads. I have a huge smile whenever I am 
>>> riding it. So just chiming in with a note of caution in setting it up for 
>>> its intended purpose. It is not meant as a loaded touring bike and, even 
>>> without a load, a rack that is too stiff will impact its performance. 
>>>  Can't wait to see the set-ups on the production models. 
>>> On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 2:44:51 PM UTC-6 Johnny Alien wrote:
 I'm curious about the whole lugged Roadini thing now. The Susie I 
 understand because its a cost/time of manufacture thing but in the case of 
 the Roadini it basically is just upping the cost. Unless the feeling is 
 that a lugged model will just sell better regardless of a higher price.

 On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 3:35:27 PM UTC-4 Tim Bantham wrote:

> I saw the mention of the lugged Roadini. I am 99% certain I will order 
> one once they become available. 
> On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 3:17:24 PM UTC-4 Joe Bernard wrote:
>> "Your friend would be *more* thrilled if this bike was coming in July 
>> or something. Like, during riding season!"
>> I concede that this would be better!
>> On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 10:12:37 AM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>> wrote:
>>> Your friend would be *more* thrilled if this bike was coming in July 
>>> or something. Like, during riding season!
>>> On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 12:22:45 PM UTC-4 Joe Bernard wrote:

 My understanding (which may be wrong, my memory for stuff I read a 
 while ago seems to have left me as I recently approached my 62nd 
 is the CHG will also be lugged and probably not cheap. It will be 
 longer-stayed than the Roadini. It's coming September! I know at least 
 friend of ours who will be thrilled with this news. 

 Joe Bernard 

 On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 9:04:26 AM UTC-7 Doug H. wrote:

> Grant's most recent Blahg mentioned the frame schedule and the 
> upcoming *Lugged *Roadini. It seems the Charlie H Gallup may 
> replace the Roadini as the partially lugged more affordable road 
> bike. I 
> appreciate the cream colored head tubes and full lugs but I also 
> really 
> like my solid Mermaid Roadini so I don't feel like I'm missing out. 
> Wi

[RBW] Re: For Leah re my Gallop

2024-05-07 Thread Sarah Carlson
Thank you for this Valerie, your post made my morning!


On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 1:30:11 PM UTC-7 Valerie Yates wrote:

> Thanks for the kind words! I've been enjoying yours and Bill's and many 
> others' posts for years but I only rarely chime-in. 
> I have loved riding bikes since childhood, got my first drop-bars when I 
> was 8 (the Schwinn Bicentennial 10 speed), and yet my club riding phase was 
> also late (40-45) and very brief. I had just moved to Boulder, CO and the 
> club rides were a great way to get to know popular, local routes. But I am 
> introverted and group activities just aren't my scene. I have a few folks 
> with whom I like to ride and, whenever I can, I sign up for a trip with 
> HeartCycle.org. On the HC rides, everyone goes at their own pace. I enjoy 
> the random camaraderie that occurs during the ride without any expectation 
> of continuing to ride together. The club is based in Denver, started by 
> doctors, has long-standing members from across the US, and offers trips 
> across the US and Europe. Experienced riders, great routes, fully 
> supported, non-profit, and not fancy. They welcome new members if that ever 
> interests you or anyone else reading this. 
> My understanding of the Roadini is based on the website: 
> Roadini -  Functionally like a Roadeo, priced like a Clem.
> To me, the Roadeo feels absolutely plush, smooth, and elegant compared to 
> the too small, too stiff, carbon-framed, low-barred, skinny-tired road bike 
> I was persuaded to get when I moved to Boulder to fit in on rides with 
> various clubs. That bike is long gone. The shorter wheel-base, stiffer 
> tubing, and skinner tires of the Roadeo makes it much more taut and spare 
> feeling than the Gallop. For me, the Roadeo is the ultimate, classic road 
> bike for challenging myself on paved rides -- whether going fast or 
> climbing on my own or riding with faster friends.   
> The long-length, fat-swoop tubing, and fatter-tire capability of the 
> Gallop seems more like a lightweight, road-oriented Susie, to me. Less 
> concern about potholes and road texture than on the Roadeo and more 
> playful, all-day comfort. Since I haven't actually tried it on the rides I 
> do with the Roadeo, I can't say for sure how it compares. Its performance 
> could surprise me. In any event, I think the Gallop will be really fun and 
> a great intro to drop bars coming from the the upright models you've been 
> riding. I am eager to read your ride reports. 
> On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 12:51:38 PM UTC-6 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
>> Valerie, well you’re an undiscovered treasure. I haven’t had the 
>> privilege to know you but just reading this reveals that you are a 
>> RivSister with a wealth of bike information and we NEED you here. Wow! It 
>> was oddly like reading a Bill Lindsey post with all the talk of 
>> incorporating a new bike into your collection and using it for certain 
>> subsets of rides. If you two don’t know each other I think you should get 
>> acquainted! 
>> Thanks for taking the time and offering your opinion about this bike. I 
>> really think it could be a good first road bike for me, and a good one to 
>> experiment with drops. I’m so late getting into serious riding (I found Riv 
>> at 31 and was raising little kids but now am 3 years from empty-nesting) 
>> and I feel so behind. Everyone else seems like they had their drop bar 
>> phase and club riding phase in their 20s and maybe 30s. I never rode a 
>> group ride until I was 41. It’s a lot, so I’m very appreciative when other 
>> people (especially women) will share what they know. It really, truly helps.
>> One question: Why do you think the Roadini is more like your Roadeo than 
>> your Gallop? What makes the Roadini and the Gallop different, do you think?
>> Thanks again for this thread!
>> Leah
>> On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 2:13:15 PM UTC-4 Valerie Yates wrote:
>>> Following up on Leah's questions in a new thread (and in a new order).
>>> On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 5:33:07 PM UTC-6 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! 
>>> wrote:
>>> Valerie, I would love to hear every single thing you say about this 
>>> bike. Do you have sweepy bars? Drop bars? Have you ridden it on a club 
>>> ride? Do you find it to be quick and lively? What was the reason you bought 
>>> your Charlie? 
>>> *What was the reason you bought your Charlie?  *
>>> In general, I like to buy used/demo bikes to try them out and see how 
>>> they perform in the applicable subset of the variety of rides I like to do 
>>> - whether paved or dirt/gravel, steep hills or rolling flats, and whether 
>>> short rides, all day, or multi-day, loaded or supported, alone or with 
>>> people. Although many have overlapping capabilities, I tend to set them up 
>>> for specific types of rides, rather than being all-rounders. With a new 
>>> bike, I like to figure out if it fills an empty niche or if it excels 
>>> relative to an existing bike in 

[RBW] WTB: Hunqapillar 54 / 56 cm

2024-05-07 Thread Max S
Test-rode one over a decade ago at BBB, shoulda bought it then. Maybe 
someone's ready to pass theirs on to another good home?.. (Ideally just a 

- Max "coulda shoulda woulda try againa" in A2

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Re: [RBW] Re: Northern Hemisphere Spring 2024 Photos

2024-05-07 Thread Eric Marth
Nice photos, Nicholas! I rarely see an Appaloosa or Atlantis with drops, 
tell us how you like it! It looks like a nice setup all around
On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 5:07:49 AM UTC-4 Nicholas A wrote:

> Then, to demonstrate the fickle nature of Irish weather, the very next 
> morning on the other side of this hill still great to get out for a 
> solid 50kms. Once you get this bike rolling there's no stopping it, I 
> overtook a good few
> groups of roadies on the climbs which is very gratifying in a smug sort of 
> way.
> [image: IMG_8929.jpg]
> On Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 10:07:16 UTC+1 Nicholas A wrote:
>> [image: IMG_8915.jpg]
>> My Appaloosa in repose on an absolutely glorious Sunday in Dublin, this 
>> spot is a mere 7km from my house but about 300meters of climbing, I was 
>> sweatin'. Doing as much riding as possible on this bike in preparation for 
>> a long weekend in Wales coming up.

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[RBW] Re: Blue Lug Build Catalog

2024-05-07 Thread Eric Marth
Great point about size, Jason. It really helps to visualize the proportions 

On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 9:46:05 PM UTC-4 Jason Fuller wrote:

> There is truly no equal to Blue Lug. As Eric said, the combination of 
> perfectly curated builds combined with excellent photography and an eye for 
> getting the best angles. A lot of great shops out there, but BL are on 
> their own level. 
> I also really appreciate how they note the frame size for each build - I 
> think we all want to see what bikes look like in our size when being 
> inspired. 
> On Saturday 4 May 2024 at 14:54:26 UTC-7 r.ha...@live.com wrote:
>> I too have this bookmarked and my Clem L is heavily influenced by them. 
>> Also a great website to order from. Turnaround is super quick and you get a 
>> bunch of stickers
>> On Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 3:13:45 PM UTC-4 eric...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Oh yeah, this is a gallery I have bookmarked. So many great builds and 
>>> lots and lots of inspiration. They always nail it, great ideas abound! 
>>> On Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 10:27:09 AM UTC-4 drewfi...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
 Many of you may already be aware of this, but Blue Lug has a nice 
 catalog of all it's Riv Builds for customers. In the even you want some 
 inspiration for your next build, or just want to see some different takes 
 on each frame, have a look:


 If you click the dropdown in the top right corner and scroll down to 
 the Riv section you can even filter for specific models. Been super 
 as I accrue the things needed for my upcoming 56cm 2TT Sam I scored from 
 Abe on here.

 Hopefully helpful for folks looking to build out that next frame or 
 rebuild your old favorite!

 - Drew

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Re: [RBW] Re: Eric M.'s new video: Shop tour, favorite workshops, tool organization and my next bicycle build

2024-05-07 Thread Eric Marth
JohnS: I clicked the link and got a 404. Would love to see the Bolt, those 
are really sweet bikes. 

Steve: Thanks, bud! Rob Gassie removed the bottom bracket, he's the frame 
builder who stripped and painted the bike for me. He said he put the frame 
in his alignment table (really big fixture, lots of clamps, allowed for 
maximum torque) and was able to bust it loose. I don't know the origins of 
my Sam but there were many details about the build that leave me thinking 
it was not originally assembled very carefully. 

Roberta: Thank you for watching! Garden's looking even better now, just a 
few weeks later. Though I noticed yesterday a groundhog ate one of my 
coleus plants. 

George: Thank you thank you. The glasses are a P3 shape but I didn't think 
the lenses were particularly thick? I think of pop bottle glasses as having 
the effect of looking through the bottom of an old glass Coca-Cola 
bottle... I still wear glasses, wearing them right now. My hair's naturally 
pretty dark but I haven't had a haircut since Nov 2022 and I spend a lot of 
time in the sun so it's lighter from exposure.  

On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 8:05:51 PM UTC-4 george schick wrote:

> Eric - an excellent filming of your workshop and exterior plantings.  What 
> a nice place to live and do your work.  I was reminded, though, of a 
> similar but not quite as professional episode as this one from several 
> years ago where you were doing a rebuild of a mixte that your "partner's" 
> parents gave her - some Japanese manufacturer, I think.  I recognized that 
> the scenes of your shop are the same as your current video, but it's a 
> "different Eric Marth!"  Pop bottle glasses, dark hair, etc.  What happened?
> On Friday, May 3, 2024 at 10:00:47 AM UTC-5 eric...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Thanks everyone for watchin'! 
>> Marty: The Match Game was before my time but I certainly came up with Bob 
>> Barker. The $20 corded mic I bought just didn't seem right clipped to my 
>> shirt so I went for the long mic. 
>> Patrick: I appreciate the kind notes. Sorry about the SW gardening woes, 
>> I know nothing of gardening in that clime. I've had my own troubles here! I 
>> was in a different house about 10 years ago and the garden was a lot of 
>> work but it was abundant and without many difficulties. The soil and sun 
>> are different in this spot and growing has taken a lot of trial and error. 
>> I'm finally getting the hang of things. A groundhog just showed up on the 
>> scene, I saw them (unsure if it's a male or female) heartily eating some 
>> lettuce while sitting in the raised bed earlier this week! It's fenced off 
>> but they found a way in. I have to admit it was kind of cute, holding a 
>> huge piece of lettuce, but it still left me cursing. I'm glad you like the 
>> tools!
>> On Monday, April 29, 2024 at 3:12:05 PM UTC-4 Patrick Moore wrote:
>>> Oh, and I forwarded the video link to Jeremiah; he will appreciate it.

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[RBW] Re: FS: Get a grip! quality flat bar grips collection

2024-05-07 Thread eddietheflay

On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 11:06:51 AM UTC-7 eddietheflay wrote:

> Went back to drops on three bikes.
> What you see is what you get.
> Three sets of Wolftooh Mega Fat Paws. Two sets in used but unscathed 
> condition, one set has chunks cut out.
> One set of generic bolt-on silicone grips. Used but unscathed.
> One set of new in package grey Chunky ESI grips.
> $50 net to me gets them shipped to you.
> https://photos.app.goo.gl/PjbwEE4jhHtnqDiP8

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[RBW] Re: FS: 56cm (L) Susie/Wolbis Frame, Nitto/Riv lugged stem, Boscomoose bar

2024-05-07 Thread Jordan Rosenblum
I took those photos of the handlebar for a sale over a year ago. 

"Cuddle," did I sell the handlebar to you, or are you repurposing my 
photos? Buyers beware.


On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 1:30:16 PM UTC-7 Igor wrote:

> Cuddle Bears,
> I think folks here would like to know where the frame and parts are 
> located, and if local pickup is an option.
> On Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 10:34:55 PM UTC-4 cuddleb...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hey Folks,
>> Alright unfortunately I’m selling my 56cm (L) Susie/Wolbis Frame-set.  
>> Looking to upgrade from that Clem? This is the bike for you!
>> They discontinued the Susie because it was costing Riv too much to make. 
>> The newer ones will be lugged apparently and won’t be in for a while! These 
>> are cooler imo but I had to choose only one bike and this didn’t make the 
>> cut! Atlantis ftw.  Asking $1150 + shipping.
>> Nitto/Riv lugged stem. 95 length.  Great shape. $140 including shipping
>> Boscomoose bar for sale. It's the TIG version, 58mm. In excellent 
>> condition. asking $165 + shipping
>> You can send a PM
>> Thanks!
>> Cuddle Bears

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[RBW] Re: FS: 56cm (L) Susie/Wolbis Frame, Nitto/Riv lugged stem, Boscomoose bar

2024-05-07 Thread Doug H.
I'd like to hear from "Cuddle Bears" in response to Jordan's question. And, 
yes, buyer beware.

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 10:40:15 AM UTC-4 Jordan R. wrote:

> I took those photos of the handlebar for a sale over a year ago. 
> "Cuddle," did I sell the handlebar to you, or are you repurposing my 
> photos? Buyers beware.
> Jordan
> On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 1:30:16 PM UTC-7 Igor wrote:
>> Cuddle Bears,
>> I think folks here would like to know where the frame and parts are 
>> located, and if local pickup is an option.
>> On Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 10:34:55 PM UTC-4 cuddleb...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hey Folks,
>>> Alright unfortunately I’m selling my 56cm (L) Susie/Wolbis Frame-set.  
>>> Looking to upgrade from that Clem? This is the bike for you!
>>> They discontinued the Susie because it was costing Riv too much to make. 
>>> The newer ones will be lugged apparently and won’t be in for a while! These 
>>> are cooler imo but I had to choose only one bike and this didn’t make the 
>>> cut! Atlantis ftw.  Asking $1150 + shipping.
>>> Nitto/Riv lugged stem. 95 length.  Great shape. $140 including shipping
>>> Boscomoose bar for sale. It's the TIG version, 58mm. In excellent 
>>> condition. asking $165 + shipping
>>> You can send a PM
>>> Thanks!
>>> Cuddle Bears

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[RBW] Re: FS: 56cm (L) Susie/Wolbis Frame, Nitto/Riv lugged stem, Boscomoose bar

2024-05-07 Thread Hoch in ut
I emailed this seller on May 4th and have not seen a response. If I hear 
back, I’ll post updates. Hoping the person is not a scammer but just 
someone that infrequently checks emails. 

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 8:40:15 AM UTC-6 Jordan R. wrote:

> I took those photos of the handlebar for a sale over a year ago. 
> "Cuddle," did I sell the handlebar to you, or are you repurposing my 
> photos? Buyers beware.
> Jordan
> On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 1:30:16 PM UTC-7 Igor wrote:
>> Cuddle Bears,
>> I think folks here would like to know where the frame and parts are 
>> located, and if local pickup is an option.
>> On Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 10:34:55 PM UTC-4 cuddleb...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hey Folks,
>>> Alright unfortunately I’m selling my 56cm (L) Susie/Wolbis Frame-set.  
>>> Looking to upgrade from that Clem? This is the bike for you!
>>> They discontinued the Susie because it was costing Riv too much to make. 
>>> The newer ones will be lugged apparently and won’t be in for a while! These 
>>> are cooler imo but I had to choose only one bike and this didn’t make the 
>>> cut! Atlantis ftw.  Asking $1150 + shipping.
>>> Nitto/Riv lugged stem. 95 length.  Great shape. $140 including shipping
>>> Boscomoose bar for sale. It's the TIG version, 58mm. In excellent 
>>> condition. asking $165 + shipping
>>> You can send a PM
>>> Thanks!
>>> Cuddle Bears

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Re: [RBW] Re: Northern Hemisphere Spring 2024 Photos

2024-05-07 Thread Nicholas A
Thanks Eric! I really like the setup with drops, when I got the bike 
originally I had Albatross bars on it which are dandy but I missed all the 
hand positions you get with drops.
Took some advice from Roman at Riv and went with a 5cm Tallux and 48cm 
Noodles. I think I have it pretty much dialled in the way I want it now 
(famous last words). I'm going
to have a few long days on it in a row in two weeks so that will be the 
real test of it.

On Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 14:33:07 UTC+1 eric...@gmail.com wrote:

> Nice photos, Nicholas! I rarely see an Appaloosa or Atlantis with drops, 
> tell us how you like it! It looks like a nice setup all around
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 5:07:49 AM UTC-4 Nicholas A wrote:
>> Then, to demonstrate the fickle nature of Irish weather, the very next 
>> morning on the other side of this hill still great to get out for a 
>> solid 50kms. Once you get this bike rolling there's no stopping it, I 
>> overtook a good few
>> groups of roadies on the climbs which is very gratifying in a smug sort 
>> of way.
>> [image: IMG_8929.jpg]
>> On Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 10:07:16 UTC+1 Nicholas A wrote:
>>> [image: IMG_8915.jpg]
>>> My Appaloosa in repose on an absolutely glorious Sunday in Dublin, this 
>>> spot is a mere 7km from my house but about 300meters of climbing, I was 
>>> sweatin'. Doing as much riding as possible on this bike in preparation for 
>>> a long weekend in Wales coming up.

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Re: [RBW] Caution: "Cuddle Bears"

2024-05-07 Thread Cuddle Bear
This is very wrong. I sent you some more helpful info via email.

Cuddle Bears

On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 5:04 AM Max S  wrote:

> Cuddle Bears is / are selling a Susie bike for a very good asking price,
> almost too good to be true. User has no prior posts, a few other details
> don't check out. Use caution.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/816c2675-1770-48cd-a17e-ad0e1bcecf95n%40googlegroups.com
> .

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[RBW] Re: Caution: "Cuddle Bears"

2024-05-07 Thread Cyclofiend Jim
Max - 
I realize you have been in this group for a while, but unless you have 
something concrete to offer, I'd ask that you refrain from posting 
commentary like this. It's exceedingly vague. If you are an injured party 
in a specific transaction, that's different. But it did not seem that way 
from this post. 

If I understand the issue - a seller repurposed a photograph of a pair of 
handlebars. That seems to be the one issue at this point. 

As I said in a separate thread - if you have specific _experience_ with a 
seller, you are welcome to email the admin - that would be me - with 

Most of the recent scam attempts - and there are very few here - are via a 
DM from someone who has not taken the time to post anything. In this case, 
while I certainly encourage caution on any transaction, let's dial things 
back a notch, OK?

Jim / list admin

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 5:04:46 AM UTC-7 Max S wrote:

> Cuddle Bears is / are selling a Susie bike for a very good asking price, 
> almost too good to be true. User has no prior posts, a few other details 
> don't check out. Use caution. 

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Re: [RBW] Re: FS: 56cm (L) Susie/Wolbis Frame, Nitto/Riv lugged stem, Boscomoose bar

2024-05-07 Thread Cuddle Bear
It's false.. If i had to share any personal info it's not going to be on
this thread. I feel attacked already, Well no bad intention. That's why I
stated PM at the bottom of my post if there is anything you personally need
to know.

This is not a personal email " Mr&Mrs Kirk "

Note: I will only share personal info with an interested buyer only.

Cuddle Bear

On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 8:03 AM Doug H.  wrote:

> I'd like to hear from "Cuddle Bears" in response to Jordan's question.
> And, yes, buyer beware.
> Doug
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 10:40:15 AM UTC-4 Jordan R. wrote:
>> I took those photos of the handlebar for a sale over a year ago.
>> "Cuddle," did I sell the handlebar to you, or are you repurposing my
>> photos? Buyers beware.
>> Jordan
>> On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 1:30:16 PM UTC-7 Igor wrote:
>>> Cuddle Bears,
>>> I think folks here would like to know where the frame and parts are
>>> located, and if local pickup is an option.
>>> On Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 10:34:55 PM UTC-4 cuddleb...@gmail.com
>>> wrote:
 Hey Folks,

 Alright unfortunately I’m selling my 56cm (L) Susie/Wolbis Frame-set.
 Looking to upgrade from that Clem? This is the bike for you!

 They discontinued the Susie because it was costing Riv too much to
 make. The newer ones will be lugged apparently and won’t be in for a while!
 These are cooler imo but I had to choose only one bike and this didn’t make
 the cut! Atlantis ftw.  Asking $1150 + shipping.

 Nitto/Riv lugged stem. 95 length.  Great shape. $140 including shipping

 Boscomoose bar for sale. It's the TIG version, 58mm. In excellent
 condition. asking $165 + shipping

 You can send a PM

 Cuddle Bears

>>> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/3defb948-03c0-4b01-9135-3465ebdf2c93n%40googlegroups.com
> .

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[RBW] Re: Caution: "Cuddle Bears"

2024-05-07 Thread Cyclofiend Jim
If you are worried that the poster does not have possession of a specific 
item, it's pretty simple to ask for verification with an updated image. 

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 8:40:20 AM UTC-7 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:

> Max - 
> I realize you have been in this group for a while, but unless you have 
> something concrete to offer, I'd ask that you refrain from posting 
> commentary like this. It's exceedingly vague. If you are an injured party 
> in a specific transaction, that's different. But it did not seem that way 
> from this post. 
> If I understand the issue - a seller repurposed a photograph of a pair of 
> handlebars. That seems to be the one issue at this point. 
> As I said in a separate thread - if you have specific _experience_ with a 
> seller, you are welcome to email the admin - that would be me - with 
> information.
> Most of the recent scam attempts - and there are very few here - are via a 
> DM from someone who has not taken the time to post anything. In this case, 
> while I certainly encourage caution on any transaction, let's dial things 
> back a notch, OK?
> Jim / list admin
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 5:04:46 AM UTC-7 Max S wrote:
>> Cuddle Bears is / are selling a Susie bike for a very good asking price, 
>> almost too good to be true. User has no prior posts, a few other details 
>> don't check out. Use caution. 

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Re: [RBW] Re: FS: 56cm (L) Susie/Wolbis Frame, Nitto/Riv lugged stem, Boscomoose bar

2024-05-07 Thread Ian A
Cuddle Bear,

Keeping your identity offline makes a lot of sense in this day and age, but 
people are wary only because of some recent activity on the list which has 
been fraudulent.  List members just want and need confirmation it's all 
above board, so please don't feel attacked. A location is a good thing to 
note in case there are interested parties local to yourself.  Sometimes 
list members will facilitate purchases and shipping between themselves too.

An orange Susie is a very desirable frame. Did you ever build it up? Some 
photos of it as it was built up are always appreciated. As are photos of 
your Atlantis even if it isn't for sale - remember we are prone to nerding 
out over bikes on this list!

Good luck with the sale.

IanA Kitimat BC

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 8:41:02 AM UTC-7 cuddleb...@gmail.com wrote:

> It's false.. If i had to share any personal info it's not going to be on 
> this thread. I feel attacked already, Well no bad intention. That's why I 
> stated PM at the bottom of my post if there is anything you personally need 
> to know.
> This is not a personal email " Mr&Mrs Kirk "
> Note: I will only share personal info with an interested buyer only. 
> Thanks!
> Cuddle Bear
> On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 8:03 AM Doug H.  wrote:
>> I'd like to hear from "Cuddle Bears" in response to Jordan's question. 
>> And, yes, buyer beware.
>> Doug
>> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 10:40:15 AM UTC-4 Jordan R. wrote:
>>> I took those photos of the handlebar for a sale over a year ago. 
>>> "Cuddle," did I sell the handlebar to you, or are you repurposing my 
>>> photos? Buyers beware.
>>> Jordan
>>> On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 1:30:16 PM UTC-7 Igor wrote:
 Cuddle Bears,
 I think folks here would like to know where the frame and parts are 
 located, and if local pickup is an option.

 On Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 10:34:55 PM UTC-4 cuddleb...@gmail.com 

> Hey Folks,
> Alright unfortunately I’m selling my 56cm (L) Susie/Wolbis Frame-set.  
> Looking to upgrade from that Clem? This is the bike for you!
> They discontinued the Susie because it was costing Riv too much to 
> make. The newer ones will be lugged apparently and won’t be in for a 
> while! 
> These are cooler imo but I had to choose only one bike and this didn’t 
> make 
> the cut! Atlantis ftw.  Asking $1150 + shipping.
> Nitto/Riv lugged stem. 95 length.  Great shape. $140 including shipping
> Boscomoose bar for sale. It's the TIG version, 58mm. In excellent 
> condition. asking $165 + shipping
> You can send a PM
> Thanks!
> Cuddle Bears
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/3defb948-03c0-4b01-9135-3465ebdf2c93n%40googlegroups.com
>> .

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[RBW] Re: Caution: "Cuddle Bears"

2024-05-07 Thread Joe Bernard
My concern is FS posts from folks with no history of posting here. My 
advice to all is skip it. 

Joe "been around a while" Bernard 
Clearlake CA 

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 8:44:42 AM UTC-7 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:

> If you are worried that the poster does not have possession of a specific 
> item, it's pretty simple to ask for verification with an updated image. 
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 8:40:20 AM UTC-7 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
>> Max - 
>> I realize you have been in this group for a while, but unless you have 
>> something concrete to offer, I'd ask that you refrain from posting 
>> commentary like this. It's exceedingly vague. If you are an injured party 
>> in a specific transaction, that's different. But it did not seem that way 
>> from this post. 
>> If I understand the issue - a seller repurposed a photograph of a pair of 
>> handlebars. That seems to be the one issue at this point. 
>> As I said in a separate thread - if you have specific _experience_ with a 
>> seller, you are welcome to email the admin - that would be me - with 
>> information.
>> Most of the recent scam attempts - and there are very few here - are via 
>> a DM from someone who has not taken the time to post anything. In this 
>> case, while I certainly encourage caution on any transaction, let's dial 
>> things back a notch, OK?
>> Jim / list admin
>> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 5:04:46 AM UTC-7 Max S wrote:
>>> Cuddle Bears is / are selling a Susie bike for a very good asking price, 
>>> almost too good to be true. User has no prior posts, a few other details 
>>> don't check out. Use caution. 

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[RBW] Re: WTB: Hunqapillar 54 / 56 cm

2024-05-07 Thread Johnny Burrell
Good luck Max. I was on the same quest when an amazing person from this 
group, Matthew Williams, saw one and let me know about it. I posted here 
every ~6 months letting folks know I was still looking and it took a few 
years to find one in my size, but it did happen eventually. It's a cool 
bike, for sure.

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 5:44:41 AM UTC-7 Max S wrote:

> Test-rode one over a decade ago at BBB, shoulda bought it then. Maybe 
> someone's ready to pass theirs on to another good home?.. (Ideally just a 
> frameset)
> - Max "coulda shoulda woulda try againa" in A2

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Re: [RBW] Re: FS: 58cm Appaloosa Double Top Tube Disc Brake

2024-05-07 Thread Johnny Burrell
If you sold it parted out, I'd love to have the Mark's front rack.

On Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 9:18:19 AM UTC-7 eric swain wrote:

> Sold. 
> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 10:59:51 AM UTC-7 eric swain wrote:
>> Bump. 
>> I'd also part it out. Frame/fork/headset/seat post/front rack/stem $1000. 
>> On Monday, April 8, 2024 at 4:38:40 PM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:
>>> Nice. I find disc-brake retro-equipped Rivendells rather interesting; I 
>>> know another person retrofitted them to a very nice Atlantis.
>>> Who else has done this, and why?
>>> Me, I like discs for dirt riding tho' they don't add anything for my 
>>> pavement riding.
>>> On Mon, Apr 8, 2024 at 4:56 PM eric swain  wrote:
 And here is a full list of parts.

 Frame & fork: 58cm Joe Appaloosa with double top tubes AND disc brake 
 tabs added by Walt Works.
 Headset: Tange Levin CDS
 Stem:  Crust/Nitto, 31.8mm, 75mm, silver 
 Handlebars: Tumbleweed Persuader, steel, cut to 760mm 
 Grips: DMR Deathgrip
 Brake levers: Shimano BL-M600
 Brakes: Paul Klampers, long pull, Paul brake adapters. Avid Clean Sweep 
 G2 160mm Rotors
 Shifters: Shimano XT SL-M750
 Rear Derailleur: Shimano Deore RD-M591
 Front Derailleur: Shimano Deore XT Triple
 Cassette: Sram PG-950 9 speed, 11-34
 Chain: Sram PC-951
 Cranks: Shimano Deore FC-MT60, 175mm, 110/74 bcd, Shimano chain rings 
 46t/30t(46 mounted in the middle position, 30 in the small ring position)
 Bottom Bracket: Shimano UN55 68 x 118mm
 Pedals: No pedals, I'm keeping the Speedplay platforms currently 
 Hubs: Profile Racing Elite 6 bolt disc, 32h, black, QR, HG 11 speed 
 road freehub body, Shimano XT skewers. I'll also include the end caps and 
 hardware to convert hubs to bolt on.
 Rims: Sun Ringle Rhyno Lites, 32h, black with machined sidewalls
 Spokes/nipples, DT Swiss Competition, black, DT Swiss silver brass 
 Tires: Schwalbe Marathon 700 x 50, regular inner tubes
 Seat Post: Thomson Elite, silver. I'll include the Nitto post as well.
 Saddle: Brooks Cambium C17
 Front rack: Nitto Mark's Rack, silver with Wald 137 Basket
 Fenders: Planet Bike Cascadia 29 x 65mm, Black

 On Monday, April 8, 2024 at 3:55:05 PM UTC-7 eric swain wrote:

> Hey folks,
> Some of you may remember I tried selling my Appaloosa back in 2020. 
> Well at that time I decided to keep it, change a few parts, and have 
> really 
> enjoyed it since then. Fun bike to ride, great set up for commuting, 
> running errands, dawdling around the neighborhood, and general bicycle 
> shenanigans. Fast forward to present times: my quiver has grown to a 
> ridiculous amount of bikes, my personal riding focus has shifted, I have 
> a 
> new bike on the way, and I may be moving soon. I do not have room for 
> every 
> bike and with a potential move I need scale back on large items, like 
> bikes. So this one is back up for sale! 
> I am asking $2000 as pictured(minus pedals). Including the Outershell 
> Wald 137 basket bag, Makeshifter Snackhole stem bag, Zefal frame pump, 
> Paul 
> Gino light mount, and King cages. Bike is located in Portland OR. Test 
> rides are welcome. Boxing and shipping is no problem. Here is a link to 
> more pics and the geo.
> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/119mQzJCLMtSAMxge007HSiDUI9lv76W4?usp=sharing
> Thanks,
> Eric
> -- 
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>>> -- 
>>> Patrick Moore
>>> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
>>> ---
>>> Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing 
>>> services
>>> ---
>>> *When thou didst not, savage, k**now thine own meaning,*
>>> *But wouldst gabble like a** thing most brutish,*
>>> *I endowed thy purposes w**ith words that made them known.*

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Re: [RBW] Re: Northern Hemisphere Spring 2024 Photos

2024-05-07 Thread John Bokman
Nice shots. Please present us with some pictures of your trip riding in 

Portland, OR

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 2:07:16 AM UTC-7 Nicholas A wrote:

> [image: IMG_8915.jpg]
> My Appaloosa in repose on an absolutely glorious Sunday in Dublin, this 
> spot is a mere 7km from my house but about 300meters of climbing, I was 
> sweatin'. Doing as much riding as possible on this bike in preparation for 
> a long weekend in Wales coming up.

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[RBW] Re: 5 Boro Bike Tour (was NYC Riv Ride?)

2024-05-07 Thread Michael Morrissey
Hi Mike!

What did you think of the Five Boro Bike Tour? Did you have fun? 

This was my first time on the ride and I had a great time. For me, I’ve 
biked a lot in NYC and a lot of the streets are very familiar. But, I would 
highly recommend it to anyone visiting New York! We did the ride with 
plenty of stops and at a slow pace, finishing in 5 hours.

I was there on my Appaloosa and saw a few other Rivendells: 
Pretty sure I saw a blue Rambouillet first thing in the morning in wave 1.
Pretty sure I saw an Atlantis first thing in the morning in wave 1.
Was passed by a woman on a grey Clem Smith! 
Saw a Bleriot at the finish fest!

Unfortunately it was way too crowded and I was too busy hanging out with my 
wife that I didn’t get to say hi to any Rivendell owners. 

I loved that it was a mix of people and bikes. I saw a few people riding 
department store bikes like Huffys and Nexts but also Moots and Gary 
Fishers. I didn’t take any pictures because I was too busy enjoying the 
ride and trying to stay warm (I underestimated how cold and rainy it would 


On Sunday, April 14, 2024 at 2:36:58 AM UTC-4 bcu...@cullensfoods.com wrote:

> Pam you made riding from the airport sound so simple, I had to streetview 
> it. Now I have to try it! 
> The tour is on my bucket list as well. 
> Ben from Guelph
> On Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 10:18:47 PM UTC-4 Pam Bikes wrote:
>> NYC is great to ride.  I just got back from being there 9 days.  Here are 
>> my routes .  I flew into 
>> LGA and unboxed my bike in baggage claim and rode from there.  Exit 
>> Terminal B and turn L down the sidewalk towards the parking deck and then 
>> cross the street to 96th.  I rode through Queens across the Queensborogh 
>> Bridge to Manhattan.  I didn't go to the Bronx or Staten Island but I rode 
>> the other 3 boroughs solo.  Have a blast!   Photo is at Central Park.  
>> [image: 
>> centralpark1.jpg]
>> On Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 10:48:54 AM UTC-4 Brady Smith wrote:
>>> I used to live in Fort Lee, and it was the prospect of commuting across 
>>> the GWB down to Chelsea and back each day that got me into cycling. 
>>> We moved to Utah mid-pandemic and went back to NYC for the first time 
>>> last week. I rented a road bike from Bicycle Habitat and did the classic 
>>> Bear Mountain route. It was all great, but I'd forgotten how much I loved 
>>> exploring Manhattan on a bike. I never did the Five Boro tour, but it looks 
>>> like a blast. 
>>> Have fun!
>>> Brady in SLC
>>> On Monday, April 8, 2024 at 11:51:14 AM UTC-6 Michael Morrissey wrote:

 My wife and I signed up for the tour and will be there! We even payed 
 an extra cost to be in the first wave of riders. I'll be riding my mustard 
 colored Appaloosa (I might even rock my tweed saddlebag) and my wife will 
 be on her extra-small orange Salsa Vaya. I'll be on the lookout for other 
 Rivendell riders other than my main man, Eben Weiss: 

 Say hi if you see us! 


 On Monday, January 8, 2024 at 10:05:33 PM UTC-5 velomann wrote:

> The 5 Boro Bike Tour in NYC has been on my bucket list for years, and 
> I decided this year is the year. First Sunday of May (5/5 this year).
> https://www.bike.nyc/events/td-five-boro-bike-tour/
> Registration opened this week, and I signed up.
> I've got my lodging and flight booked as well.
> This will be my first trip to NYC since I was a kid, 50 years ago. I 
> won't be bringing my Riv (Bringing the Ritchey Breakaway), but I'll be 
> there for a week, staying in midtown not far from ride start. 
> I'd love to meet up with others while I'm there, get recommendations 
> on where to ride, cheap food, coffee, bike shops, etc.
> Anyone else here doing the ride?
> Mike M

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[RBW] Re: FS: Brand new Deore derailleurs in box, front and rear

2024-05-07 Thread Robert Calton
Listed on eBay/Facebook now. 

Dropping the price for this group only to *$70 shipped* *for both.*

On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 5:06:05 PM UTC-4 Robert Calton wrote:

> Another image
> [image: Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 4.54.25 PM.png]
> On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 5:04:20 PM UTC-4 Robert Calton wrote:
>> Decided to go a different route for this Homer build, so these new parts 
>> are catch and release. Hoping to keep them in the community before I eBay 
>> them :) 
>> M591 SGS Rear: $50
>> M510 Front: $30
>> *Both: $75 shipped. [image: Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 4.54.09 PM.png]*

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Re: [RBW] Re: Eric M.'s new video: Shop tour, favorite workshops, tool organization and my next bicycle build

2024-05-07 Thread JohnS
Sorry about that Eric, please try this one...


On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 9:47:48 AM UTC-4 eric...@gmail.com wrote:

> JohnS: I clicked the link and got a 404. Would love to see the Bolt, those 
> are really sweet bikes. 
> Steve: Thanks, bud! Rob Gassie removed the bottom bracket, he's the frame 
> builder who stripped and painted the bike for me. He said he put the frame 
> in his alignment table (really big fixture, lots of clamps, allowed for 
> maximum torque) and was able to bust it loose. I don't know the origins of 
> my Sam but there were many details about the build that leave me thinking 
> it was not originally assembled very carefully. 
> Roberta: Thank you for watching! Garden's looking even better now, just a 
> few weeks later. Though I noticed yesterday a groundhog ate one of my 
> coleus plants. 
> George: Thank you thank you. The glasses are a P3 shape but I didn't think 
> the lenses were particularly thick? I think of pop bottle glasses as having 
> the effect of looking through the bottom of an old glass Coca-Cola 
> bottle... I still wear glasses, wearing them right now. My hair's naturally 
> pretty dark but I haven't had a haircut since Nov 2022 and I spend a lot of 
> time in the sun so it's lighter from exposure.  
> On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 8:05:51 PM UTC-4 george schick wrote:
>> Eric - an excellent filming of your workshop and exterior plantings.  
>> What a nice place to live and do your work.  I was reminded, though, of a 
>> similar but not quite as professional episode as this one from several 
>> years ago where you were doing a rebuild of a mixte that your "partner's" 
>> parents gave her - some Japanese manufacturer, I think.  I recognized that 
>> the scenes of your shop are the same as your current video, but it's a 
>> "different Eric Marth!"  Pop bottle glasses, dark hair, etc.  What happened?
>> On Friday, May 3, 2024 at 10:00:47 AM UTC-5 eric...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Thanks everyone for watchin'! 
>>> Marty: The Match Game was before my time but I certainly came up with 
>>> Bob Barker. The $20 corded mic I bought just didn't seem right clipped to 
>>> my shirt so I went for the long mic. 
>>> Patrick: I appreciate the kind notes. Sorry about the SW gardening woes, 
>>> I know nothing of gardening in that clime. I've had my own troubles here! I 
>>> was in a different house about 10 years ago and the garden was a lot of 
>>> work but it was abundant and without many difficulties. The soil and sun 
>>> are different in this spot and growing has taken a lot of trial and error. 
>>> I'm finally getting the hang of things. A groundhog just showed up on the 
>>> scene, I saw them (unsure if it's a male or female) heartily eating some 
>>> lettuce while sitting in the raised bed earlier this week! It's fenced off 
>>> but they found a way in. I have to admit it was kind of cute, holding a 
>>> huge piece of lettuce, but it still left me cursing. I'm glad you like the 
>>> tools!
>>> On Monday, April 29, 2024 at 3:12:05 PM UTC-4 Patrick Moore wrote:
 Oh, and I forwarded the video link to Jeremiah; he will appreciate it.


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[RBW] Re: Caution: "Cuddle Bears"

2024-05-07 Thread Bill Lindsay
There are also ways to include a proxy service in between.  These can be 
informal or professional.  You just agree on a third party that both sides 
decide to trust.  For example, if I wanted to buy a bike from Seller X, I 
could nominate Joe Bernard as my proxy.  I give Joe Bernard my money, and 
Joe Bernard tells Seller X to ship the bike to him because he's got my 
money.  When Joe Bernard receives the bike, he can give Seller X my money.  

If Seller X refuses to trust both me and Joe Bernard, then by all means 
sell your bike on eBay or similar.  Professional proxy services would take 
a cut.  Joe Bernard would work out some gentleman's karmic equity betwixt 
us if we did such a thing.  

For truly long-term posters, I would even venture that you could parlay 
your status on this board to serve as your own proxy service.  If I wanted 
a bike from a first-time poster, I'd tell them "I like your price, and I'll 
pay it AFTER I receive your bike". I'm not going to trash my status in this 
group by stealing one bike.  If the seller likes the idea of selling their 
bike to somebody who knows what they are doing, they should be happy to 
give me their bike and trust I'll pay for it after I receive it. 

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 9:04:53 AM UTC-7 Joe Bernard wrote:

> My concern is FS posts from folks with no history of posting here. My 
> advice to all is skip it. 
> Joe "been around a while" Bernard 
> Clearlake CA 
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 8:44:42 AM UTC-7 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
>> If you are worried that the poster does not have possession of a specific 
>> item, it's pretty simple to ask for verification with an updated image. 
>> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 8:40:20 AM UTC-7 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
>>> Max - 
>>> I realize you have been in this group for a while, but unless you have 
>>> something concrete to offer, I'd ask that you refrain from posting 
>>> commentary like this. It's exceedingly vague. If you are an injured party 
>>> in a specific transaction, that's different. But it did not seem that way 
>>> from this post. 
>>> If I understand the issue - a seller repurposed a photograph of a pair 
>>> of handlebars. That seems to be the one issue at this point. 
>>> As I said in a separate thread - if you have specific _experience_ with 
>>> a seller, you are welcome to email the admin - that would be me - with 
>>> information.
>>> Most of the recent scam attempts - and there are very few here - are via 
>>> a DM from someone who has not taken the time to post anything. In this 
>>> case, while I certainly encourage caution on any transaction, let's dial 
>>> things back a notch, OK?
>>> Jim / list admin
>>> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 5:04:46 AM UTC-7 Max S wrote:
 Cuddle Bears is / are selling a Susie bike for a very good asking 
 price, almost too good to be true. User has no prior posts, a few other 
 details don't check out. Use caution. 

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Owners Bunch" group.
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[RBW] Re: Caution: "Cuddle Bears"

2024-05-07 Thread Al in SF
Until augmented reality gets good enough within the next 5 years, I urge 
people to jump on a video call with an unknown seller for any big ticket 

If a seller is unwilling to do that for a bike frame, that's a red flag for 

Al in SF

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 10:42:39 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> There are also ways to include a proxy service in between.  These can be 
> informal or professional.  You just agree on a third party that both sides 
> decide to trust.  For example, if I wanted to buy a bike from Seller X, I 
> could nominate Joe Bernard as my proxy.  I give Joe Bernard my money, and 
> Joe Bernard tells Seller X to ship the bike to him because he's got my 
> money.  When Joe Bernard receives the bike, he can give Seller X my money.  
> If Seller X refuses to trust both me and Joe Bernard, then by all means 
> sell your bike on eBay or similar.  Professional proxy services would take 
> a cut.  Joe Bernard would work out some gentleman's karmic equity betwixt 
> us if we did such a thing.  
> For truly long-term posters, I would even venture that you could parlay 
> your status on this board to serve as your own proxy service.  If I wanted 
> a bike from a first-time poster, I'd tell them "I like your price, and I'll 
> pay it AFTER I receive your bike". I'm not going to trash my status in this 
> group by stealing one bike.  If the seller likes the idea of selling their 
> bike to somebody who knows what they are doing, they should be happy to 
> give me their bike and trust I'll pay for it after I receive it. 
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 9:04:53 AM UTC-7 Joe Bernard wrote:
>> My concern is FS posts from folks with no history of posting here. My 
>> advice to all is skip it. 
>> Joe "been around a while" Bernard 
>> Clearlake CA 
>> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 8:44:42 AM UTC-7 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
>>> If you are worried that the poster does not have possession of a 
>>> specific item, it's pretty simple to ask for verification with an updated 
>>> image. 
>>> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 8:40:20 AM UTC-7 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
 Max - 
 I realize you have been in this group for a while, but unless you have 
 something concrete to offer, I'd ask that you refrain from posting 
 commentary like this. It's exceedingly vague. If you are an injured party 
 in a specific transaction, that's different. But it did not seem that way 
 from this post. 

 If I understand the issue - a seller repurposed a photograph of a pair 
 of handlebars. That seems to be the one issue at this point. 

 As I said in a separate thread - if you have specific _experience_ with 
 a seller, you are welcome to email the admin - that would be me - with 

 Most of the recent scam attempts - and there are very few here - are 
 via a DM from someone who has not taken the time to post anything. In this 
 case, while I certainly encourage caution on any transaction, let's dial 
 things back a notch, OK?

 Jim / list admin

 On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 5:04:46 AM UTC-7 Max S wrote:

> Cuddle Bears is / are selling a Susie bike for a very good asking 
> price, almost too good to be true. User has no prior posts, a few other 
> details don't check out. Use caution. 

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Owners Bunch" group.
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Re: [RBW] Re: FS: 56cm (L) Susie/Wolbis Frame, Nitto/Riv lugged stem, Boscomoose bar

2024-05-07 Thread Igor
Hey folks,

The world is smaller than it used to be. I will not spend the time to 
provide you proof other to say that cuddlebears1...@gmail.com is not the 
individual they claim to be or possess the items they claim to. They're a 
scammer using photos from the internet. You've been warned.

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 12:02:01 PM UTC-4 Ian A wrote:

> Cuddle Bear,
> Keeping your identity offline makes a lot of sense in this day and age, 
> but people are wary only because of some recent activity on the list which 
> has been fraudulent.  List members just want and need confirmation it's all 
> above board, so please don't feel attacked. A location is a good thing to 
> note in case there are interested parties local to yourself.  Sometimes 
> list members will facilitate purchases and shipping between themselves too.
> An orange Susie is a very desirable frame. Did you ever build it up? Some 
> photos of it as it was built up are always appreciated. As are photos of 
> your Atlantis even if it isn't for sale - remember we are prone to nerding 
> out over bikes on this list!
> Good luck with the sale.
> IanA Kitimat BC
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 8:41:02 AM UTC-7 cuddleb...@gmail.com wrote:
>> It's false.. If i had to share any personal info it's not going to be on 
>> this thread. I feel attacked already, Well no bad intention. That's why I 
>> stated PM at the bottom of my post if there is anything you personally need 
>> to know.
>> This is not a personal email " Mr&Mrs Kirk "
>> Note: I will only share personal info with an interested buyer only. 
>> Thanks!
>> Cuddle Bear
>> On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 8:03 AM Doug H.  wrote:
>>> I'd like to hear from "Cuddle Bears" in response to Jordan's question. 
>>> And, yes, buyer beware.
>>> Doug
>>> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 10:40:15 AM UTC-4 Jordan R. wrote:
 I took those photos of the handlebar for a sale over a year ago. 

 "Cuddle," did I sell the handlebar to you, or are you repurposing my 
 photos? Buyers beware.


 On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 1:30:16 PM UTC-7 Igor wrote:

> Cuddle Bears,
> I think folks here would like to know where the frame and parts are 
> located, and if local pickup is an option.
> On Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 10:34:55 PM UTC-4 cuddleb...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Hey Folks,
>> Alright unfortunately I’m selling my 56cm (L) Susie/Wolbis 
>> Frame-set.  Looking to upgrade from that Clem? This is the bike for you!
>> They discontinued the Susie because it was costing Riv too much to 
>> make. The newer ones will be lugged apparently and won’t be in for a 
>> while! 
>> These are cooler imo but I had to choose only one bike and this didn’t 
>> make 
>> the cut! Atlantis ftw.  Asking $1150 + shipping.
>> Nitto/Riv lugged stem. 95 length.  Great shape. $140 including 
>> shipping
>> Boscomoose bar for sale. It's the TIG version, 58mm. In excellent 
>> condition. asking $165 + shipping
>> You can send a PM
>> Thanks!
>> Cuddle Bears
> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
>>> an email to rbw-owners-bun...@googlegroups.com.
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/3defb948-03c0-4b01-9135-3465ebdf2c93n%40googlegroups.com
>>> .

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[RBW] Re: Caution: "Cuddle Bears"

2024-05-07 Thread Julian Westerhout

On Cuddle Bears' FS post thread they decline to reveal their location, say 
they won't reveal their name, and don't address their use of someone else's 
photos in their FS thread.  That thread also marks the first post by Cuddle 
Bears (perhaps they are a regular poster under another name, but that in 
and of itself is more than a bit peculiar...) -- those are all red flags 
for me.  I think Max has a point -- Caveat Emptor. Be warned. FWIW, I'd not 
trust Cuddle Bears given the history of scammers -- this is a community -- 
new identities shrouded making an FS post shrouded in secrecy are not ideal 
ways to be a good member of the community. 


Julian Westerhout 

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 10:40:20 AM UTC-5 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:

> Max - 
> I realize you have been in this group for a while, but unless you have 
> something concrete to offer, I'd ask that you refrain from posting 
> commentary like this. It's exceedingly vague. If you are an injured party 
> in a specific transaction, that's different. But it did not seem that way 
> from this post. 
> If I understand the issue - a seller repurposed a photograph of a pair of 
> handlebars. That seems to be the one issue at this point. 
> As I said in a separate thread - if you have specific _experience_ with a 
> seller, you are welcome to email the admin - that would be me - with 
> information.
> Most of the recent scam attempts - and there are very few here - are via a 
> DM from someone who has not taken the time to post anything. In this case, 
> while I certainly encourage caution on any transaction, let's dial things 
> back a notch, OK?
> Jim / list admin
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 5:04:46 AM UTC-7 Max S wrote:
>> Cuddle Bears is / are selling a Susie bike for a very good asking price, 
>> almost too good to be true. User has no prior posts, a few other details 
>> don't check out. Use caution. 

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Owners Bunch" group.
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to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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Re: [RBW] Clean AND Buttery Shifting?

2024-05-07 Thread J J
I love this solution, and the story of what inspired it. I would run (or 
ride) in the opposite direction from any snake, much less touch it, but 
that sure is a beautiful creature.Thanks for the update and photos!


On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 2:37:34 PM UTC-4 John Rinker wrote:

> Solutions to problems often come from the strangest places; in this case, 
> from the back of a Sonoran gopher snake. Biomimicry, I believe it's called. 
> The puzzle of why my Hunq shifting is so much smoother than my Atlantis 
> has been filed away into 'things to subconsciously ponder' for quite some 
> time now.
> I've been riding in the Sonoran desert a great deal over the past month, 
> and the other day I came across another beautiful Sonoran gopher snake. 
> This species is harmless (unless you're a gopher) and very docile. While I 
> generally don't like to touch wildlife as it must stress them out, I made 
> an exception on this day after Sonya (the snake) and I sat together under a 
> palo verde tree for some time together. When it was time for her to slither 
> away, I gently touched her back and let her skin slide under my fingertips: 
> very smooth and surprisingly dry. And so slippery! 
> [image: IMG_3142.jpeg]
> I'm not completely sure why shifting popped into my head, but at that 
> moment I realized the solution to the puzzle: snakeskin-lined derailleur 
> cables! Faux snakeskin, of course!
> A closer inspection of the cable routing on my Atlantis revealed that the 
> primary difference between it and the Hunq is the absence of a plastic 
> cable guide on the bottom bracket shell; on the Toyo Atlantis there are two 
> steel fins between which the cable runs. 
> So, taking a cue from Sonya's scaly back, I cut two plastic strips from a 
> milk jug, placed them between the fins and under the cable, and voila! 
> Buttery smooth shifting just like my Hunq.
> While not necessarily an elegant solution, it certainly puts the 'fun' in 
> functional!
> [image: IMG_3266.JPG]
> Cheers, John
> On Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 12:49:05 PM UTC-7 John Rinker wrote:
>> Hey Brian. Both are Deore of the same vintage (ie. newish).
>> Thanks, Laing. I'll give that a try. Always fun to experiment!
>> Cheers, John
>> On Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 10:44:04 AM UTC-7 bmfo...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> What are the two derailleurs on the bikes? The strength of the 
>>> derailleur spring also plays a part in how much force is needed to move the 
>>> shift lever. Same would go for the condition of the derailleur's pivots.
>>> Brian
>>> On Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 12:40:55 PM UTC-5 lconley wrote:
 I have had multiple sets of Silver1 and Silver2 shifters. There can be 
 a lot of difference between "identical" shifters.

 You can try swapping shifters between bicycles and see if the feel 
 follows the shifter or stays with the bike.


 On Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 12:29:55 PM UTC-4 John Rinker wrote:

> Thank you Piaw. This sounds like a fine option for the future when 
> cables need replacing. Right now everything is pretty new and in great 
> shape.
> I guess my question in this regard is more about why the shifting 
> would be different given that all the variables appear to be identical. 
> I'd 
> love to replicate the way my Hunq shifts in my Atlantis, and so am 
> curious 
> as to which variables I might be overlooking. 
> Cheers, John
> On Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 8:16:05 AM UTC-7 pi...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Consider the Shimano OT-SP41 coated shift cables: 
>> https://amzn.to/463eUM8
>> I haven't needed them yet, but I did try the brake cable version and 
>> it's very impressive.
>> On Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 6:28:07 PM UTC-7 John Rinker wrote:
>>> Thanks, Eliot. Yes, cable housings are filed and run in very smooth 
>>> curves with no bends. I'll try easing off on the binding. 
>>> Cheers,
>>> John
>>> On Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 5:35:58 PM UTC-7 eliot...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
 Also, did you file your cut housing ends?

 On Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 5:34 PM Eliot Balogh  

> Hey John,
> It’s a little hard to tell over the internet but based on your 
> description, a few thoughts come to mind. Are your cable runs clean 
> with 
> easy bends ? Is your housing contaminated ? Can you ease off the 
> binding 
> bolt on your shifter ?
> I have always avoided lubing my cables out of fear of attracting 
> dirt. 
> Eliot 
> On Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 3:15 PM John Rinker  
> wrote:
>> Both my Hunqapillar and Atlantis shift cleanly and, given the 
>> state of the rider on a given day, precisely. 

[RBW] Re: Caution: "Cuddle Bears"

2024-05-07 Thread Cyclofiend Jim
If you saw my post on the recent (now-locked) Hilsen-for-sale thread, it's 
clear that "Caveat Emptor" is an approach I endorse. 
That has never _not_ been the case in this group and on the internet. 

However, assuming ill-will just because someone didn't want to reveal their 
exact location feels a bit judgmental. 

Bear in mind that new members are moderated, and it could be a day or so 
until a response is released from the queue. In this case, it took a few 
hours before I saw and did so, and there were all manner of insinuations 
fairly quickly. 

Hence my encouragement to dial things back a bit. 

The folks replied to my direct email query in a timely manner and with a 
fair amount of detail. I would probably converse with them a bit more 
before sending off a check in that amount, certainly. But unless you had a 
specific interaction with them that is cause for general concern, I'm not 
seeing a reason to engage. 

Anything that's for sale on this list - from the lowliest worn-out cycling 
cap to a full new bike build - should be confirmed before you send any 

And as I feel like I've written more than a few times times in the past 
couple days - if you are having questionable interactions or 
communications, feel free to loop me in. 


On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 11:50:46 AM UTC-7 weste...@gmail.com wrote:

> Jim, 
> On Cuddle Bears' FS post thread they decline to reveal their location, say 
> they won't reveal their name, and don't address their use of someone else's 
> photos in their FS thread.  That thread also marks the first post by Cuddle 
> Bears (perhaps they are a regular poster under another name, but that in 
> and of itself is more than a bit peculiar...) -- those are all red flags 
> for me.  I think Max has a point -- Caveat Emptor. Be warned. FWIW, I'd not 
> trust Cuddle Bears given the history of scammers -- this is a community -- 
> new identities shrouded making an FS post shrouded in secrecy are not ideal 
> ways to be a good member of the community. 
> Regards, 
> Julian Westerhout 
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 10:40:20 AM UTC-5 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
>> Max - 
>> I realize you have been in this group for a while, but unless you have 
>> something concrete to offer, I'd ask that you refrain from posting 
>> commentary like this. It's exceedingly vague. If you are an injured party 
>> in a specific transaction, that's different. But it did not seem that way 
>> from this post. 
>> If I understand the issue - a seller repurposed a photograph of a pair of 
>> handlebars. That seems to be the one issue at this point. 
>> As I said in a separate thread - if you have specific _experience_ with a 
>> seller, you are welcome to email the admin - that would be me - with 
>> information.
>> Most of the recent scam attempts - and there are very few here - are via 
>> a DM from someone who has not taken the time to post anything. In this 
>> case, while I certainly encourage caution on any transaction, let's dial 
>> things back a notch, OK?
>> Jim / list admin
>> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 5:04:46 AM UTC-7 Max S wrote:
>>> Cuddle Bears is / are selling a Susie bike for a very good asking price, 
>>> almost too good to be true. User has no prior posts, a few other details 
>>> don't check out. Use caution. 

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Owners Bunch" group.
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[RBW] Re: Parts for Sale

2024-05-07 Thread Doug H.
Hi all,
The pedals are sold. If you need a nice front wheel I have it boxed up and 
ready to ship. Remaining items:

   1. Velocity-built Dyad front wheel 36 spokes. Shimano 105 hub. Spins 
   true with very few miles. I replaced it with a dynamo wheel. Silver rim and 
   black hub. $140 shipped
   2. Shimano SPD SL clipless pedals with very little use $30 shipped
   3. Garbaruk 40 tooth chainring cinch fit (RaceFace). Less than 200 miles 
   on it. Very little signs of use. 2.4 mm offset $40 shipped

Parts for Sale 


On Monday, April 29, 2024 at 9:54:44 PM UTC-4 Doug H. wrote:

> The Brooks saddle is sold. Remaining items: 
>1. Velocity-built Dyad front wheel 36 spokes. Shimano 105 hub. Spins 
>true with very few miles. I replaced it with a dynamo wheel. Silver rim 
> and 
>black hub. $140 shipped
>1. Shimano SPD SL clipless pedals with very little use $35 shipped
>2. Garbaruk 40 tooth chainring cinch fit (RaceFace). Less than 200 
>miles on it. Very little signs of use. 2.4 mm offset $40 shipped
>3. MKS Sylvan Touring pedals like new $30 shipped
> Link to photos:  Parts for Sale 
> Doug
> On Monday, April 29, 2024 at 10:28:16 AM UTC-4 Doug H. wrote:
>> The VO Happy Stem is sold. All other parts available. Feel free to make 
>> an offer.
>> Doug
>> On Friday, April 26, 2024 at 3:21:53 PM UTC-4 Nick A. wrote:
>>> PM sent!
>>> Nick in Falls Church VA
>>> On Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 11:48:40 AM UTC-4 John Rinker wrote:
 Thank you Doug. I'll let this beauty go to someone else the group. Good 
 luck with your sale!

 Cheers, John

 On Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 7:38:54 AM UTC-7 Doug H. wrote:

> John,
> I will attach the saddle photos to this reply.
> [image: IMG_0655.JPG][image: IMG_0653.JPG][image: IMG_0652.JPG]
> On Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 10:33:34 AM UTC-4 John Rinker wrote:
>> Hey Doug,
>> I may be interested in the B17 saddle, but the link to your pics 
>> doesn't seem to work for me.
>> Cheers, John
>> On Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 3:35:22 PM UTC-7 Doug H. wrote:
>>> I have some parts that I've accumulated the past couple of years 
>>> that I need to sell to clear some space in my work are.
>>>1. Velocity-built Dyad front wheel 36 spokes. Shimano 105 hub. 
>>>Spins true with very few miles. I replaced it with a dynamo wheel. 
>>> Silver 
>>>rim and black hub. $140 shipped
>>>2. Velo Orange Happy Stem: 110 mm 31.8 clamp silver $35 shipped
>>>3. Shimano SPD SL clipless pedals with very little use $40 
>>>4. Garbaruk 40 tooth chainring cinch fit (RaceFace). Less than 
>>>200 miles on it. Very little signs of use. 2.5 mm offset $45 shipped
>>>5. MKS Sylvan Touring pedals like new $40 shipped
>>>6. Brooks B17 narrow saddle with little use and treated $65 
>>> Photos in this link Parts for Sale 
>>> Doug
>>> Athens, Ga

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[RBW] Kerfuffle of the week - Scam posts and what to do...

2024-05-07 Thread Cyclofiend Jim
Hey all - 

I just removed another person who listed an item and appears to have been 
harvesting internet images and presenting them as their own. That's not OK. 

This has happened pretty infrequently on this group, and it always a minor 
PITA to deal with. 

All of which has me wanting to tighten down the listing of for sale items 
for new members. These problems always stem from some "enterprising" 
individual who joins the group and tries to post a for sale item 
immediately. I can count on one han d the times that some "known" group 
member acted inappropriately in a transaction.

The way in which we've avoided this in the past is by asking folks to 
engage on the list first, and use it as a way to rehome items second. I'm 
going to be a lot more rigid about that now. 

I'll update the list info to reflect this in stronger language, but if your 
first post is a For Sale item, I won't be passing it through the queue. If 
you would like to offer items to other members, please engage with the 
community for a while (purposefully vague...) and demonstrate that you 
aren't hear just to cash in. 

So - deep breath everyone. 

Thanks to those who shared more than just conjecture. That clarified the 
issue in this case. 

As for potential or new members who just want to sell gear and not be part 
of this community - there's ebay or other marketplaces which protect you 
and the buyer, as well as more transactionally focused groups. Please use 

Other than that, we're coming into riding season. Go get some miles in.

Jim / List-admin

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[RBW] List Admin Message: Kerfuffle of the week and what to do about scammy folks

2024-05-07 Thread Cyclofiend Jim
Hey all - 

I just removed another person who listed an item and appears to have been 
harvesting internet images and presenting them as their own. That's not OK. 

This has happened pretty infrequently on this group, and it always a minor 
PITA to deal with. 

All of which has me wanting to tighten down the listing of for sale items 
for new members. These problems always stem from some "enterprising" 
individual who joins the group and tries to post a for sale item 
immediately. I can count on one hand the times that some "known" group 
member acted inappropriately in a transaction.

The way in which we've avoided this in the past is by asking folks to 
engage on the list first, and use it as a way to rehome items second. I'm 
going to be a lot more rigid about that now. 

I'll update the list info to reflect this in stronger language, but if your 
first post is a For Sale item, I won't be passing it through the queue. If 
you would like to offer items to other members, please engage with the 
community for a while (purposefully vague...) and demonstrate that you 
aren't simply here to cash in. 

So - deep breath everyone. 

Thanks to those who shared more than just conjecture. That clarified the 
issue in this case. That's important data. 

As for potential or new members who just want to sell gear and not be part 
of this community - there's ebay or other marketplaces which protect you 
and the buyer, as well as more transactionally focused groups. Please use 

Other than that, we're coming into riding season. Go get some miles in.

Jim / List-admin

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[RBW] Re: List Admin Message: Kerfuffle of the week and what to do about scammy folks

2024-05-07 Thread John Rinker
Hey Jim,

Your thoughts on this matter make perfect sense to me. Thank you very much 
for all you do to make our community a fun and informative place to be.

Cheers, John

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 12:46:25 PM UTC-7 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:

> Hey all - 
> I just removed another person who listed an item and appears to have been 
> harvesting internet images and presenting them as their own. That's not OK. 
> This has happened pretty infrequently on this group, and it always a minor 
> PITA to deal with. 
> All of which has me wanting to tighten down the listing of for sale items 
> for new members. These problems always stem from some "enterprising" 
> individual who joins the group and tries to post a for sale item 
> immediately. I can count on one hand the times that some "known" group 
> member acted inappropriately in a transaction.
> The way in which we've avoided this in the past is by asking folks to 
> engage on the list first, and use it as a way to rehome items second. I'm 
> going to be a lot more rigid about that now. 
> I'll update the list info to reflect this in stronger language, but if 
> your first post is a For Sale item, I won't be passing it through the 
> queue. If you would like to offer items to other members, please engage 
> with the community for a while (purposefully vague...) and demonstrate that 
> you aren't simply here to cash in. 
> So - deep breath everyone. 
> Thanks to those who shared more than just conjecture. That clarified the 
> issue in this case. That's important data. 
> As for potential or new members who just want to sell gear and not be part 
> of this community - there's ebay or other marketplaces which protect you 
> and the buyer, as well as more transactionally focused groups. Please use 
> those. 
> Other than that, we're coming into riding season. Go get some miles in.
> Jim / List-admin

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[RBW] Re: List Admin Message: Kerfuffle of the week and what to do about scammy folks

2024-05-07 Thread Hoch in ut
Would it be possible to list the names of the scammers somewhere? Just for 
those initiated contact by a private message prior to the ban. 
On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 1:46:25 PM UTC-6 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:

> Hey all - 
> I just removed another person who listed an item and appears to have been 
> harvesting internet images and presenting them as their own. That's not OK. 
> This has happened pretty infrequently on this group, and it always a minor 
> PITA to deal with. 
> All of which has me wanting to tighten down the listing of for sale items 
> for new members. These problems always stem from some "enterprising" 
> individual who joins the group and tries to post a for sale item 
> immediately. I can count on one hand the times that some "known" group 
> member acted inappropriately in a transaction.
> The way in which we've avoided this in the past is by asking folks to 
> engage on the list first, and use it as a way to rehome items second. I'm 
> going to be a lot more rigid about that now. 
> I'll update the list info to reflect this in stronger language, but if 
> your first post is a For Sale item, I won't be passing it through the 
> queue. If you would like to offer items to other members, please engage 
> with the community for a while (purposefully vague...) and demonstrate that 
> you aren't simply here to cash in. 
> So - deep breath everyone. 
> Thanks to those who shared more than just conjecture. That clarified the 
> issue in this case. That's important data. 
> As for potential or new members who just want to sell gear and not be part 
> of this community - there's ebay or other marketplaces which protect you 
> and the buyer, as well as more transactionally focused groups. Please use 
> those. 
> Other than that, we're coming into riding season. Go get some miles in.
> Jim / List-admin

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[RBW] Re: List Admin Message: Kerfuffle of the week and what to do about scammy folks

2024-05-07 Thread Igor
Thanks for taking care of this, Jim!

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 3:56:20 PM UTC-4 Hoch in ut wrote:

> Would it be possible to list the names of the scammers somewhere? Just for 
> those initiated contact by a private message prior to the ban. 
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 1:46:25 PM UTC-6 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
>> Hey all - 
>> I just removed another person who listed an item and appears to have been 
>> harvesting internet images and presenting them as their own. That's not OK. 
>> This has happened pretty infrequently on this group, and it always a 
>> minor PITA to deal with. 
>> All of which has me wanting to tighten down the listing of for sale items 
>> for new members. These problems always stem from some "enterprising" 
>> individual who joins the group and tries to post a for sale item 
>> immediately. I can count on one hand the times that some "known" group 
>> member acted inappropriately in a transaction.
>> The way in which we've avoided this in the past is by asking folks to 
>> engage on the list first, and use it as a way to rehome items second. I'm 
>> going to be a lot more rigid about that now. 
>> I'll update the list info to reflect this in stronger language, but if 
>> your first post is a For Sale item, I won't be passing it through the 
>> queue. If you would like to offer items to other members, please engage 
>> with the community for a while (purposefully vague...) and demonstrate that 
>> you aren't simply here to cash in. 
>> So - deep breath everyone. 
>> Thanks to those who shared more than just conjecture. That clarified the 
>> issue in this case. That's important data. 
>> As for potential or new members who just want to sell gear and not be 
>> part of this community - there's ebay or other marketplaces which protect 
>> you and the buyer, as well as more transactionally focused groups. Please 
>> use those. 
>> Other than that, we're coming into riding season. Go get some miles in.
>> Jim / List-admin

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RE: [RBW] Re: List Admin Message: Kerfuffle of the week and what to do about scammy folks

2024-05-07 Thread Bernard Duhon

Great Job!

Yours sincerely,

Bernard F. Duhon
From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com  On 
Behalf Of Igor
Sent: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 2:57 PM
To: RBW Owners Bunch 
Subject: [RBW] Re: List Admin Message: Kerfuffle of the week and what to do 
about scammy folks

Thanks for taking care of this, Jim!
On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 3:56:20 PM UTC-4 Hoch in ut wrote:
Would it be possible to list the names of the scammers somewhere? Just for 
those initiated contact by a private message prior to the ban.
On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 1:46:25 PM UTC-6 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
Hey all -

I just removed another person who listed an item and appears to have been 
harvesting internet images and presenting them as their own. That's not OK.

This has happened pretty infrequently on this group, and it always a minor PITA 
to deal with.

All of which has me wanting to tighten down the listing of for sale items for 
new members. These problems always stem from some "enterprising" individual who 
joins the group and tries to post a for sale item immediately. I can count on 
one hand the times that some "known" group member acted inappropriately in a 

The way in which we've avoided this in the past is by asking folks to engage on 
the list first, and use it as a way to rehome items second. I'm going to be a 
lot more rigid about that now.

I'll update the list info to reflect this in stronger language, but if your 
first post is a For Sale item, I won't be passing it through the queue. If you 
would like to offer items to other members, please engage with the community 
for a while (purposefully vague...) and demonstrate that you aren't simply here 
to cash in.

So - deep breath everyone.

Thanks to those who shared more than just conjecture. That clarified the issue 
in this case. That's important data.

As for potential or new members who just want to sell gear and not be part of 
this community - there's ebay or other marketplaces which protect you and the 
buyer, as well as more transactionally focused groups. Please use those.

Other than that, we're coming into riding season. Go get some miles in.

Jim / List-admin
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Re: [RBW] Re: Another Brevet Report: The Antelope Island 300k

2024-05-07 Thread Patch T
Great effort and great report! You really persevered through some hard 
stuff. Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

Patch in Oakland

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Re: [RBW] List Admin Message: Kerfuffle of the week and what to do about scammy folks

2024-05-07 Thread Matthew Williams
> On May 7, 2024, at 2:56 PM, Hoch in ut wrote:
> Would it be possible to list the names of the scammers somewhere? J

A quick Google of “cuddlebear1808” yielded this:


Thanks for keeping our community safe and scammer-free, Jim. We appreciate you.

> On May 7, 2024, at 2:56 PM, Hoch in ut wrote:
> Would it be possible to list the names of the scammers somewhere? Just for 
> those initiated contact by a private message prior to the ban. 
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 1:46:25 PM UTC-6 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
>> Hey all - 
>> I just removed another person who listed an item and appears to have been 
>> harvesting internet images and presenting them as their own. That's not OK. 
>> This has happened pretty infrequently on this group, and it always a minor 
>> PITA to deal with. 
>> All of which has me wanting to tighten down the listing of for sale items 
>> for new members. These problems always stem from some "enterprising" 
>> individual who joins the group and tries to post a for sale item 
>> immediately. I can count on one hand the times that some "known" group 
>> member acted inappropriately in a transaction.
>> The way in which we've avoided this in the past is by asking folks to engage 
>> on the list first, and use it as a way to rehome items second. I'm going to 
>> be a lot more rigid about that now. 
>> I'll update the list info to reflect this in stronger language, but if your 
>> first post is a For Sale item, I won't be passing it through the queue. If 
>> you would like to offer items to other members, please engage with the 
>> community for a while (purposefully vague...) and demonstrate that you 
>> aren't simply here to cash in. 
>> So - deep breath everyone. 
>> Thanks to those who shared more than just conjecture. That clarified the 
>> issue in this case. That's important data. 
>> As for potential or new members who just want to sell gear and not be part 
>> of this community - there's ebay or other marketplaces which protect you and 
>> the buyer, as well as more transactionally focused groups. Please use those. 
>> Other than that, we're coming into riding season. Go get some miles in.
>> Jim / List-admin
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com 
> .
> To view this discussion on the web visit 
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/75a4e20a-290f-4933-8f50-b3076b2e1850n%40googlegroups.com
> .

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[RBW] Re: List Admin Message: Kerfuffle of the week and what to do about scammy folks

2024-05-07 Thread Cyclofiend Jim
I would say if anyone DM'd you and they are not members of this group, that 
would be suspect. 


On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 12:56:20 PM UTC-7 Hoch in ut wrote:

> Would it be possible to list the names of the scammers somewhere? Just for 
> those initiated contact by a private message prior to the ban. 
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 1:46:25 PM UTC-6 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
>> Hey all - 
>> I just removed another person who listed an item and appears to have been 
>> harvesting internet images and presenting them as their own. That's not OK. 
>> This has happened pretty infrequently on this group, and it always a 
>> minor PITA to deal with. 
>> All of which has me wanting to tighten down the listing of for sale items 
>> for new members. These problems always stem from some "enterprising" 
>> individual who joins the group and tries to post a for sale item 
>> immediately. I can count on one hand the times that some "known" group 
>> member acted inappropriately in a transaction.
>> The way in which we've avoided this in the past is by asking folks to 
>> engage on the list first, and use it as a way to rehome items second. I'm 
>> going to be a lot more rigid about that now. 
>> I'll update the list info to reflect this in stronger language, but if 
>> your first post is a For Sale item, I won't be passing it through the 
>> queue. If you would like to offer items to other members, please engage 
>> with the community for a while (purposefully vague...) and demonstrate that 
>> you aren't simply here to cash in. 
>> So - deep breath everyone. 
>> Thanks to those who shared more than just conjecture. That clarified the 
>> issue in this case. That's important data. 
>> As for potential or new members who just want to sell gear and not be 
>> part of this community - there's ebay or other marketplaces which protect 
>> you and the buyer, as well as more transactionally focused groups. Please 
>> use those. 
>> Other than that, we're coming into riding season. Go get some miles in.
>> Jim / List-admin

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[RBW] Re: List Admin Message: Kerfuffle of the week and what to do about scammy folks

2024-05-07 Thread Cyclofiend Jim
I would say a good rule of thumb:
- An offer which begins as a DM
- The offer comes from someone who has no posts in the group
= "Run Away!"

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 12:56:20 PM UTC-7 Hoch in ut wrote:

> Would it be possible to list the names of the scammers somewhere? Just for 
> those initiated contact by a private message prior to the ban. 
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 1:46:25 PM UTC-6 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
>> Hey all - 
>> I just removed another person who listed an item and appears to have been 
>> harvesting internet images and presenting them as their own. That's not OK. 
>> This has happened pretty infrequently on this group, and it always a 
>> minor PITA to deal with. 
>> All of which has me wanting to tighten down the listing of for sale items 
>> for new members. These problems always stem from some "enterprising" 
>> individual who joins the group and tries to post a for sale item 
>> immediately. I can count on one hand the times that some "known" group 
>> member acted inappropriately in a transaction.
>> The way in which we've avoided this in the past is by asking folks to 
>> engage on the list first, and use it as a way to rehome items second. I'm 
>> going to be a lot more rigid about that now. 
>> I'll update the list info to reflect this in stronger language, but if 
>> your first post is a For Sale item, I won't be passing it through the 
>> queue. If you would like to offer items to other members, please engage 
>> with the community for a while (purposefully vague...) and demonstrate that 
>> you aren't simply here to cash in. 
>> So - deep breath everyone. 
>> Thanks to those who shared more than just conjecture. That clarified the 
>> issue in this case. That's important data. 
>> As for potential or new members who just want to sell gear and not be 
>> part of this community - there's ebay or other marketplaces which protect 
>> you and the buyer, as well as more transactionally focused groups. Please 
>> use those. 
>> Other than that, we're coming into riding season. Go get some miles in.
>> Jim / List-admin

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Re: [RBW] WTB: Hunqapillar 54 / 56 cm

2024-05-07 Thread Matthew Williams
Irving P, please pick up the white courtesy phone!

> On May 7, 2024, at 7:44 AM, Max S  wrote:
> Test-rode one over a decade ago at BBB, shoulda bought it then. Maybe 
> someone's ready to pass theirs on to another good home?.. (Ideally just a 
> frameset)
> - Max "coulda shoulda woulda try againa" in A2
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com 
> .
> To view this discussion on the web visit 
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/f6a062c3-605a-429a-909f-ffcc9e7db5c3n%40googlegroups.com
> .

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[RBW] Re: WTB: Hunqapillar 54 / 56 cm

2024-05-07 Thread J J
Hey Johnny, do you have any pics of your Hunq to share? Would love to see 
some. (I hope this message is on this thread...?)

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 12:11:28 PM UTC-4 johnny@gmail.com wrote:

> Good luck Max. I was on the same quest when an amazing person from this 
> group, Matthew Williams, saw one and let me know about it. I posted here 
> every ~6 months letting folks know I was still looking and it took a few 
> years to find one in my size, but it did happen eventually. It's a cool 
> bike, for sure.
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 5:44:41 AM UTC-7 Max S wrote:
>> Test-rode one over a decade ago at BBB, shoulda bought it then. Maybe 
>> someone's ready to pass theirs on to another good home?.. (Ideally just a 
>> frameset)
>> - Max "coulda shoulda woulda try againa" in A2

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[RBW] Re: FS: Giles Berthoud Aravis

2024-05-07 Thread Ryan Frahm
Bump. $275 +shipping

On Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 10:54:34 AM UTC-7 Ryan Frahm wrote:

> I splurged and bought this saddle after having some very good experiences 
> with the Aspen some years back. Unfortunately, it isn’t working for me and 
> the bike I am riding now. I put right at 100 miles in a few rides and took 
> it off. The cover is from RandiJo and is brand new.  I waited for the cover 
> before deciding to sell this. 
> Asking $290 +shipping. Thanks for looking!

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[RBW] Re: Another Brevet Report: The Antelope Island 300k

2024-05-07 Thread RichS
Brady, I admire your fortitude. That's a ride to remember. Thank you for 
sharing your story and the photos.

Rich in ATL

On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 11:17:58 PM UTC-4 Brady Smith wrote:

> A few weeks ago I wrote about my first brevet of the season, in which good 
> training and great conditions produced a 200k for the ages, at least for 
> me. 
> Yesterday's ride was a challenge of a different sort. 
> The real Antelope Island 300k sets off this coming Saturday. I decided to 
> pre-ride the course because I'll be in Washington DC with 80 8th graders 
> this coming weekend, an endurance test, to be sure, but of a somewhat 
> different kind. 
> We've had beautiful weather this week in the Salt Lake Valley, but it's 
> been, quite literally, the calm before the storm. As I did some final 
> planning on Friday, I started noticing winter weather advisories for the 
> Wasatch mountains Sunday into Monday. At first I didn't make much of it, 
> since I was planning on riding on Saturday, and since winter weather can 
> happen all the way through May in this part of the country. But then I 
> remembered what always happens when big storms roll through the valley--big 
> winds come along with them. 
> I noticed almost as soon as I started up Emigration Canyon alongside our 
> RBA, who graciously volunteered to accompany me for the first twenty miles 
> or so of the ride--a gusty, noticeable breeze from the east, the opposite 
> direction that winds usually blow in these parts. It calmed a bit as we got 
> to the middle of the canyon--a 7 mile climb or so--and then disappeared as 
> we made our way up towards Big Mountain Pass, a 7400 foot summit that marks 
> the end of the first big ascent on the route. 
> Ken, our RBA, had wondered aloud about continuing on, but decided against 
> it due to family obligations. He did not miss the fast descent that usually 
> greets riders on the east side of Big Mountain Pass, because, as we had 
> suspected, it had not yet been cleared by the UDOT, probably because, like 
> us, they could read the forecast, and saw that a foot or two of snow was 
> due to fall over the mountains in the coming days. It was not completely 
> covered in snow, but there were five or six significant snowdrifts impeding 
> progress down the mountain. A ten minute descent turned into thirty minutes 
> of intermittent riding and hiking. 
> It didn't seem to be a particularly big deal at that point, and the next 
> 35 miles or so were nothing short of serene. From the base of Big Mountain 
> one continues past East Canyon reservoir and along the vast expanse of the 
> Morgan Valley, a 30 mile downhill section, at which point the 20 mile, 3400 
> foot ascent that greets riders at the start of this route seems to be 
> redeemed. I blew through this section, finding myself in Mountain Green 
> well before lunch, and then up and over Trapper's Loop Road, the second big 
> climb of the route, in fairly swift time. 
> After meandering through the upper Ogden Valley, I came across, around 
> mile 80, what I hoped was the last big test of this ride--the North Ogden 
> Divide. You can see it clearly as you approach the backside of the Wasatch 
> Mountains, a tiny line etched precariously in the mountainside, only 2 
> miles long from where the climb really starts to the top of the mountain, 
> but a 2 miles that proceeds upwards at a steady 10%. It's also narrow, and 
> presaged by a sign saying something to the effect of "Steep grades and 
> sharp curves. Not Recommended for Cyclists." (As if in penance, there is a 
> "Share the Road" sign immediately after, but based on the angry shouts of 
> one pickup driver heading down the mountain opposite, not one motorists pay 
> much attention to.) 
> I shifted immediately into my 30-32 low gear and started upwards, one eye 
> on the road ahead, another in my mirror, making sure that the occasional 
> vehicle coming up behind me looked like it was going to give me adequate 
> space. It's fair to say that this was the hardest climb I've ever 
> completed, at least when accounting for the fact that I'd already done 80 
> miles and 6000 feet of elevation at this point in the ride. It was 
> borderline nauseating making my way up the mountainside, the stress of the 
> ascent only partially atoned for by the stunning views of the valley off to 
> the south. When there was space I occasionally started zig-zagging up the 
> mountain, trying to relieve some of the strain on my legs and lungs, then 
> getting over when traffic appeared in my mirror behind me. At long last, I 
> made it to the top. 
> The descent was exhilarating. The speed limit is 30 mph, but I had to lean 
> on my brakes to stay at 35mph, and the cars lined up behind me seem to have 
> no problem waiting to pass until we got to the bottom. In my head, the 
> worst of it was over. I'd done almost 7000 feet of climbing in 80 miles. 
> After 8 hours in the mountains, I was back in the Salt

[RBW] Re: Parts for Sale

2024-05-07 Thread Doug H.
I apologize for not listing the wheel size. It is a 700c Velocity Dyad 
front wheel with 36 spokes. Silver rim with a black Shimano 105 hub. It was 
on a Roadini but has very few miles on it.

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 3:36:19 PM UTC-4 Doug H. wrote:

> Hi all,
> The pedals are sold. If you need a nice front wheel I have it boxed up and 
> ready to ship. Remaining items:
>1. Velocity-built Dyad front wheel 36 spokes. Shimano 105 hub. Spins 
>true with very few miles. I replaced it with a dynamo wheel. Silver rim 
> and 
>black hub. $140 shipped
>1. Shimano SPD SL clipless pedals with very little use $30 shipped
>1. Garbaruk 40 tooth chainring cinch fit (RaceFace). Less than 200 
>miles on it. Very little signs of use. 2.4 mm offset $40 shipped
> Parts for Sale 
> Doug
> On Monday, April 29, 2024 at 9:54:44 PM UTC-4 Doug H. wrote:
>> The Brooks saddle is sold. Remaining items: 
>>1. Velocity-built Dyad front wheel 36 spokes. Shimano 105 hub. Spins 
>>true with very few miles. I replaced it with a dynamo wheel. Silver rim 
>> and 
>>black hub. $140 shipped
>>1. Shimano SPD SL clipless pedals with very little use $35 shipped
>>2. Garbaruk 40 tooth chainring cinch fit (RaceFace). Less than 200 
>>miles on it. Very little signs of use. 2.4 mm offset $40 shipped
>>3. MKS Sylvan Touring pedals like new $30 shipped
>> Link to photos:  Parts for Sale 
>> Doug
>> On Monday, April 29, 2024 at 10:28:16 AM UTC-4 Doug H. wrote:
>>> The VO Happy Stem is sold. All other parts available. Feel free to make 
>>> an offer.
>>> Doug
>>> On Friday, April 26, 2024 at 3:21:53 PM UTC-4 Nick A. wrote:
 PM sent!

 Nick in Falls Church VA

 On Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 11:48:40 AM UTC-4 John Rinker wrote:

> Thank you Doug. I'll let this beauty go to someone else the group. 
> Good luck with your sale!
> Cheers, John
> On Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 7:38:54 AM UTC-7 Doug H. wrote:
>> John,
>> I will attach the saddle photos to this reply.
>> [image: IMG_0655.JPG][image: IMG_0653.JPG][image: IMG_0652.JPG]
>> On Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 10:33:34 AM UTC-4 John Rinker wrote:
>>> Hey Doug,
>>> I may be interested in the B17 saddle, but the link to your pics 
>>> doesn't seem to work for me.
>>> Cheers, John
>>> On Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 3:35:22 PM UTC-7 Doug H. wrote:
 I have some parts that I've accumulated the past couple of years 
 that I need to sell to clear some space in my work are.

1. Velocity-built Dyad front wheel 36 spokes. Shimano 105 hub. 
Spins true with very few miles. I replaced it with a dynamo wheel. 
rim and black hub. $140 shipped
2. Velo Orange Happy Stem: 110 mm 31.8 clamp silver $35 shipped
3. Shimano SPD SL clipless pedals with very little use $40 
4. Garbaruk 40 tooth chainring cinch fit (RaceFace). Less than 
200 miles on it. Very little signs of use. 2.5 mm offset $45 shipped
5. MKS Sylvan Touring pedals like new $40 shipped
6. Brooks B17 narrow saddle with little use and treated $65 

 Photos in this link Parts for Sale 

 Athens, Ga


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[RBW] Re: WTB: Hunqapillar 54 / 56 cm

2024-05-07 Thread John M
I'm not Johnny but I used to have a 54 cm Hunqapillar in green and here's 
an assortment of pictures from tours in New Mexico and Colorado-- mostly 
the Great Divide Mountain  Bike route.  

Its a great bike!

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 2:57:16 PM UTC-6 J J wrote:

> Hey Johnny, do you have any pics of your Hunq to share? Would love to see 
> some. (I hope this message is on this thread...?)
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 12:11:28 PM UTC-4 johnny@gmail.com wrote:
>> Good luck Max. I was on the same quest when an amazing person from this 
>> group, Matthew Williams, saw one and let me know about it. I posted here 
>> every ~6 months letting folks know I was still looking and it took a few 
>> years to find one in my size, but it did happen eventually. It's a cool 
>> bike, for sure.
>> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 5:44:41 AM UTC-7 Max S wrote:
>>> Test-rode one over a decade ago at BBB, shoulda bought it then. Maybe 
>>> someone's ready to pass theirs on to another good home?.. (Ideally just a 
>>> frameset)
>>> - Max "coulda shoulda woulda try againa" in A2

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Re: [RBW] TPU inner tubes - Anyone using them?

2024-05-07 Thread Ted Durant
Update on my experience. I continue to like the ones that successfully 
inflated on my 700x32 tires. Yesterday I took out that bike for the first 
time in a couple of weeks and the tires were quite soft. So, the tubes 
don't retain air as well as butyl, but it's not worse enough to be a 
problem. And I did a pretty hard ride and was pleased with how fast it 
ended up being.

I also ordered some 650x48 tubes, but RH sent me 700x48. By the time they 
responded to my inquiry they were sold out of the 650's. Fortunately the 
next batch arrived pretty quickly and they promptly sent them to me. I 
mounted those today and once again needed 3 tubes to get 2 wheels done. 
These ones felt sturdier than the 700c skinny ones, but maybe it was just 
the extra width. Installation went fine, but as I inflated it the valve 
stem got sucked up into the rim. Weird! Deflated, checked for any snagging, 
and tried again, same result. Repeat, same result. So I decided to remove 
the tube and see what was going on. The tube came right out of the tire, 
minus the valve stem which this time stayed firmly put in the rim, fully 
detached from the tube.

RH still hasn't responded to my inquiry about the two 700c tubes that 
failed, which I sent back with the mis-shipped tubes. After this one, at 3 
out 9 tubes failing, I am well put off by these. I certainly wouldn't carry 
one as a spare ... I'd have to carry at least three to feel confident that 
in crappy field conditions and dead tired I'd be able to successfully 
install one. I also think that doing a patch in the field would be a roll 
of the dice - no way to be sure you could get the tube out without tearing 

I'm very interested to hear the experience of others. Could be user error. 
But I have over 50 years of wrenching experience, including 2 summers in a 
bike shop, so if these are beyond my skill level, it's pretty hard to see 
how these would be useful to anyone but a competitive rider with a budget 
(or product sponsorship) and highly skilled support.

Ted Durant
Milwaukee WI USA

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[RBW] Re: The 3x1 road bike. Anticipating some of your RoadUNO builds

2024-05-07 Thread Bill Lindsay
...and now, fully set up as a 3x8 with a different rear wheel.  I deployed 
a Rivendell endorsed "cheap RD", and an 8sp barcon.  Pics prove it:


Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 10:32:22 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> One more significant step to a fully equipped "sport tourer" is now in 
> place on my RoadTrio.  Soma recently had a tax-day 65% off sale on selected 
> items, and one of the items was skinny (41mm) Honjo smooth fenders.  I'm 
> used to paying $200 for Honjo fenders.  Soma had this model at $90 MSRP, 
> and so 65% off was $31.50, so it felt like stealing.  Anyway, I finished 
> the full-fender install last night.  The current tires on there are 27mm, 
> and I could go a tiny bit wider with 41mm fenders, but it'll be skinny 
> tires all the time.  
> Pics prove it:
> https://flickr.com/photos/45758191@N04/53692239929/in/dateposted/
> The next move is a rear rack, which I have picked out, but will have to 
> save up to order.  
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Sunday, April 28, 2024 at 6:10:28 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> The alternate configuration for this Romulus is going to be a re-think of 
>> a popular build configuration when I first got into cycling in the early 
>> 1980s: "sport tourer".  My first drop bar bike was. a 1983 Univega 
>> Sportour.  It had 28mm tires, a fairly wide range 2x6 drivetrain, and 
>> attach points for racks and/or fenders.  I've put skinny 27mm tires on the 
>> Romulus to accommodate full aluminum fenders, which I'll install this week. 
>>  I have a rear wheel built on the same rim that will take a 8/9/10 speed 
>> cassette.  I think I'm going to set that up with an 8sp 12-32.  Then add a 
>> single bar-con shifter and replace the tensioner with a rear derailleur and 
>> it's a light touring bike.  
>> For truly light loads the 3x1drivetrain will suffice, but with a 3x8 I'd 
>> be ready for anything (provided it's paved).  The trick in the setup will 
>> be to see how "quick change" I can make it.  There are a couple details in 
>> the set up that I believe could make it a ~5 minute switch.  We'll see how 
>> it shakes out.  I
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA
>> On Friday, April 26, 2024 at 11:26:36 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> Thanks to unintentional prodding from Leah, I've pressed my new-to-me 
>>> Romulus into service.  Some serindipitous objects in my parts inventory 
>>> enabled a build concept that is functionally similar to the forthcoming 
>>> RoadUNO.  It's got a single 18T freewheel, a Paul Melvin tensioner (from 
>>> Joe B), a triple crank with 46/36/24 rings and a single DT shifter for the 
>>> front derailleur.  This morning I "upgraded" the front derailleur to a 
>>> Campy Mirage, which qualifies this bike for my "Every Bike should have one 
>>> Campy Part" club:
>>> https://flickr.com/photos/45758191@N04/albums/72157719595208740/
>>> The other upgrade from this morning is I swapped out the front wheel to 
>>> a quick release front hub, rather than the bolt-on Phil track hub.  I will 
>>> likely rebuild that Phil front wheel with a dynamo hub.  Now the F+R hubs 
>>> are both black.  Also, I "downgraded" to much skinnier tires.  This 
>>> accomplishes two things: It allows wheel removal without deflation -AND- it 
>>> generates ample clearance for fenders.  The three gears are 35/53/68 inches 
>>> with these tires.  
>>> I'm becoming progressively more and more "SOLD" on the validity of 3x1 
>>> as a build concept.  It works.  I may end up doing my May 2024 monthly 
>>> Diablo summit on the RoadTrio.  
>>> Even though I'm not buying a RoadUNO, I'm excited to see who else gives 
>>> 3x1 a try with an open mind and concurs that it works for them.  
>>> Bill Lindsay
>>> El Cerrito, CA

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[RBW] Re: A. Homer Hilsen Photo Thread

2024-05-07 Thread Ethan K
silly typos. What I get for trying to squeeze in a post between clients!
*Fabs Abs

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 3:20:43 PM UTC-7 Ethan K wrote:

> Here's a couple of pics of Amelia Homer Hilsen, respendlant in Datsun 
> Butternut, accesorized with Ron's Bikes Abs Fabs bar bag.
> --Eitan (in Marina Del Rey)
> [image: Homer beach.jpeg]
> [image: homer 3:4.jpeg]
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 6:51:28 AM UTC-7 Paul in Dallas wrote:
>> I'll post for my good friend Luis as he rarely has time to read this list.
>> We regularly ride together, he on his Homer and me on my Sam.
>> He's had his Homer 4 or 5 years, I forget.
>> I do still remember how excited we both were when we unboxed the frame 
>> and began assembly in my driveway.
>> He often tells me it's his favorite bike and he's tweaked it to 
>> perfection or at least near perfection.
>> We are always tweaking our bikes trying different handlebars, shifters, 
>> grips, gearing combinations, etc, just because we can and enjoy doing so.
>> Here are a few of his pics.
>> Paul in Dallas on behalf of Luis Garcia 

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[RBW] Re: Fashion help wanted: ISO nice looking cycling gloves

2024-05-07 Thread Bill Lindsay
Thanks to this thread, I learned about HandUp for the first time from Tom. 
 Today, I ordered three pairs of short finger gloves and one pair of full 
finger gloves, got a free pair of socks for my first order and free 
shipping.  All around it'll be a fun package and I can throw out some 
tattered gloves with pride.  

BL in EC

On Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 7:11:10 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> OK, those handup gloves are pretty darn fun.  That may be the move.  
> BL in EC
> On Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 6:43:02 PM UTC-7 Tom M wrote:
>> If you find Cycology gloves too loud, you may not like these: 
>> https://handupgloves.com/collections/all-gloves.  Still, check out the 
>> Summer of Shreddy-Nine.
>> Tom in Alexandria, VA
>> On Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 9:34:45 PM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> I will check out those several suggestions.  Thanks!
>>> Pics will prove it if I buy a gaggle of gloves.
>>> BL in EC
>>> On Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 3:02:24 PM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:
 There's lots of good looking cycling clothing in 2024, in my opinion. 
  I find no trouble finding jerseys, bibs, shoes, socks and caps that are 
 interesting to look at and that I enjoy wearing. 

 Full finger gloves are cute and interesting for the most part.  My 
 secret weapon is gardening gloves from the fancy garden store come in a 
 of cute colors and are super affordable (by cycling standards) and durable 
 and fashionable.  

 The missing spot is short finger 'normal' cycling gloves.  Everything 
 is totally boring.  

 Last time around, I bought two pairs of boring Bongtrager gloves in 
 boring all black and a boring blue.  Those are on their last legs and so 
 I'm in the market to buy two or three pairs of the identical model of 
 gloves, in two (or three) interesting colors (or 'colorway').  

 The only interesting looking gloves are the bizarre graffiti looking 
 offerings from Cycology.  Those are too loud and too self-referential for 
 my tastes.  Even high end fashion brands like Rapha and Ostroy don't have 
 anything good.  

 Does anybody have a model of glove that comes in several good-looking 

 Bill Lindsay
 El Cerrito, CA


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Re: [RBW] TPU inner tubes - Anyone using them?

2024-05-07 Thread Bill Lindsay
I don't have a whole lot of reporting to do, but according to this thread, 
I installed two 650B x 48 Rene Herse tubes on my custom Falconer on April 
22.  I have not ridden that bike since that time.  Checking that bike right 
now, after two weeks, the tires are pretty firm.  I'd definitely ride it. 
 Finger gauge judges they're probably at like 25psi, and I would have 
pumped 48s up to maybe 30psi at install-time.  So, I'd consider that normal 
air retention and leagues better than latex, and on-par with butyl.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 4:02:38 PM UTC-7 Ted Durant wrote:

> Update on my experience. I continue to like the ones that successfully 
> inflated on my 700x32 tires. Yesterday I took out that bike for the first 
> time in a couple of weeks and the tires were quite soft. So, the tubes 
> don't retain air as well as butyl, but it's not worse enough to be a 
> problem. And I did a pretty hard ride and was pleased with how fast it 
> ended up being.
> I also ordered some 650x48 tubes, but RH sent me 700x48. By the time they 
> responded to my inquiry they were sold out of the 650's. Fortunately the 
> next batch arrived pretty quickly and they promptly sent them to me. I 
> mounted those today and once again needed 3 tubes to get 2 wheels done. 
> These ones felt sturdier than the 700c skinny ones, but maybe it was just 
> the extra width. Installation went fine, but as I inflated it the valve 
> stem got sucked up into the rim. Weird! Deflated, checked for any snagging, 
> and tried again, same result. Repeat, same result. So I decided to remove 
> the tube and see what was going on. The tube came right out of the tire, 
> minus the valve stem which this time stayed firmly put in the rim, fully 
> detached from the tube.
> RH still hasn't responded to my inquiry about the two 700c tubes that 
> failed, which I sent back with the mis-shipped tubes. After this one, at 3 
> out 9 tubes failing, I am well put off by these. I certainly wouldn't carry 
> one as a spare ... I'd have to carry at least three to feel confident that 
> in crappy field conditions and dead tired I'd be able to successfully 
> install one. I also think that doing a patch in the field would be a roll 
> of the dice - no way to be sure you could get the tube out without tearing 
> it. 
> I'm very interested to hear the experience of others. Could be user error. 
> But I have over 50 years of wrenching experience, including 2 summers in a 
> bike shop, so if these are beyond my skill level, it's pretty hard to see 
> how these would be useful to anyone but a competitive rider with a budget 
> (or product sponsorship) and highly skilled support.
> Ted Durant
> Milwaukee WI USA

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[RBW] WTB old riv frame for a 5'7" rider

2024-05-07 Thread Noah Swartz
My friend had a beautiful Bleriot that I helped them get as their first
wide tire bike. Last week they lent it to a friend to go for a ride, and
that friend promptly crashed it into a curb and buckled the frame. I'll
spare you the gory pics, but the bike is totaled.
They're sad, and I'm sad, and they don't have a lot of money to just buy a
new bike. I'd love to help them find a new frame to swap the parts over to,
and finding another old riv frame would definitely bring a smile to both of
our faces. I believe the frame was the 53 Bleriot, but I'm not 100% sure,
and it's a little hard to measure in its current state. Regardless they are
So if you have or see for sale a similar riv frame, please do get in touch.
I'm thinking anything with a single straight top tube, shorter chainstays,
650b wheels with rim brakes, etc. Maybe an old Atlantis, Sam, Saluki, or
Looking forward to your thoughts and insights,

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Re: [RBW] TPU inner tubes - Anyone using them?

2024-05-07 Thread Harry Travis
Ted:I am interested in all parts and the whole  of your report. Assuming you are saving a plausible 8 watts per pair of tires and riding hard or briskly, you would not be riding a lot faster, but you could enjoy the latex-tube feel and the ease you have when pushing hard and having a bit more.bicycle rolling resistance tested 4 or 5 them, including unmarked rebadges.Cost aside and despite what seems, post Covid experience,  an explosion in the market for tpu gloves, it is no surprise to me that the QC has not developed for the tube -stem interface with the new material. It is a trailing edge niche market, what with lower pressures permitting greater adoption of tubeless.  I doubt the number of engineers have been at work on the problem as have developed reliable attachment of tube and stem over more than a century and in hundreds of factories.On the attractiveness of the compact size for backup / spare. Yes, we've been there before with CO2 cartridges. How many are enough, three? Haha. And a back-up for the inflator? How burdensome, instead, is a mini-pump?TPU Inner Tubes Testbicyclerollingresistance.com--Harry P Travis17.4.1On May 7, 2024, at 4:02 PM, Ted Durant  wrote:Update on my experience. I continue to like the ones that successfully inflated on my 700x32 tires. Yesterday I took out that bike for the first time in a couple of weeks and the tires were quite soft. So, the tubes don't retain air as well as butyl, but it's not worse enough to be a problem. And I did a pretty hard ride and was pleased with how fast it ended up being.I also ordered some 650x48 tubes, but RH sent me 700x48. By the time they responded to my inquiry they were sold out of the 650's. Fortunately the next batch arrived pretty quickly and they promptly sent them to me. I mounted those today and once again needed 3 tubes to get 2 wheels done. These ones felt sturdier than the 700c skinny ones, but maybe it was just the extra width. Installation went fine, but as I inflated it the valve stem got sucked up into the rim. Weird! Deflated, checked for any snagging, and tried again, same result. Repeat, same result. So I decided to remove the tube and see what was going on. The tube came right out of the tire, minus the valve stem which this time stayed firmly put in the rim, fully detached from the tube.RH still hasn't responded to my inquiry about the two 700c tubes that failed, which I sent back with the mis-shipped tubes. After this one, at 3 out 9 tubes failing, I am well put off by these. I certainly wouldn't carry one as a spare ... I'd have to carry at least three to feel confident that in crappy field conditions and dead tired I'd be able to successfully install one. I also think that doing a patch in the field would be a roll of the dice - no way to be sure you could get the tube out without tearing it. I'm very interested to hear the experience of others. Could be user error. But I have over 50 years of wrenching experience, including 2 summers in a bike shop, so if these are beyond my skill level, it's pretty hard to see how these would be useful to anyone but a competitive rider with a budget (or product sponsorship) and highly skilled support.Ted DurantMilwaukee WI USA

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[RBW] Re: WTB: Hunqapillar 54 / 56 cm

2024-05-07 Thread J J
Thanks John and Johnny. Great to see the pics. 

John, some of those trails look pretty challenging, and like a blast. 

Johnny, I remember that salmon/pink/not sure what to call it Hunq from pics 
you posted a while back. It’s unforgettable for sure!

Thanks again. It’ll be nice to start a new “show us your Hunqapillar 
thread” soon. 

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 7:35:20 PM UTC-4 johnny@gmail.com wrote:

> Those are great John. Here's a quick pic of mine. That was earlier today, 
> when I had the albatross bars. I just switched to Nitto X Crumbworks KT 
> bar, which I have 1/2 installed
> [image: hunqapillar Medium.jpeg]
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 3:32:22 PM UTC-7 John M wrote:
>> I'm not Johnny but I used to have a 54 cm Hunqapillar in green and here's 
>> an assortment of pictures from tours in New Mexico and Colorado-- mostly 
>> the Great Divide Mountain  Bike route.  
>> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jT4glIHwK2Ox5C8Eigq2Gcxa08MT_ARE?usp=sharing
>> Its a great bike!
>> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 2:57:16 PM UTC-6 J J wrote:
>>> Hey Johnny, do you have any pics of your Hunq to share? Would love to 
>>> see some. (I hope this message is on this thread...?)
>>> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 12:11:28 PM UTC-4 johnny@gmail.com wrote:
 Good luck Max. I was on the same quest when an amazing person from this 
 group, Matthew Williams, saw one and let me know about it. I posted here 
 every ~6 months letting folks know I was still looking and it took a few 
 years to find one in my size, but it did happen eventually. It's a cool 
 bike, for sure.

 On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 5:44:41 AM UTC-7 Max S wrote:

> Test-rode one over a decade ago at BBB, shoulda bought it then. Maybe 
> someone's ready to pass theirs on to another good home?.. (Ideally just a 
> frameset)
> - Max "coulda shoulda woulda try againa" in A2

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[RBW] Re: FS: Sam Hillborne 51/52 (?)cm $1500

2024-05-07 Thread johnb

On Sunday, April 28, 2024 at 8:03:31 PM UTC-4 johnb wrote:

> Let’s drop this to $1500 +shipping. 
> On Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 8:39:08 AM UTC-4 johnb wrote:
>> This is a report of this (
>> https://groups.google.com/g/rbw-owners-bunch/c/ecnmO2IgLLw). New price 
>> same bike. I am vague on the size since there was a spirited discussion in 
>> the original posting.  
>> Measurement from center of BB to top of TT is 20". Center of BB to top of 
>> Seat Tube is 20.25". Same for TT. I apologize for the confusion. I bought 
>> the bike 3rd hand and never measured it. I just took the sellers word and 
>> quite honestly I could have just misremembered it.  I am 5'6"  with a 28" 
>> inseam. I have Compass 650Bx48 tires on the bike and I barely clear the TT.
>> Build includes:
>>- New Albion cranks 46/30
>>- Paul brake levers
>>- Tektro brakes
>>- Hand built (velocity/Velo Orange) wheels/Rene Herse 48 tires
>>- 9-speed cassette
>>- Acera derailleur 
>>- Cambium Special Edition C-17 with orange rivets
>>- Albatross handlebars 
>>- Paul thumbies 
>> Will be professionally packed by bike shop. 
>> Photos: https://share.icloud.com/photos/075HDkT5H9Rkyy65vqo4lel2w

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[RBW] Re: FS: Sam Hillborne 51cm $200/obo

2024-05-07 Thread johnb

On Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 11:14:21 AM UTC-4 johnb wrote:

> It is a blue-grey.
> On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 10:40:03 PM UTC-4 nca...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Aww, bummer :( Thanks for the info Johnny
>> On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 10:33:10 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote:
>>> I believe that is blue not sage. Blue was available as a 51 frame.
>>> On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 10:08:03 PM UTC-4 nca...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Doug, thanks again for some insight. It seems they didn't make a 51 
 in the 2009 sage frame runs, it went from 48 to 52 and that measurement 
 seems too big to be a 48. Unless they had sage frames in the 2017 run of 
 51's, that is, but I'm not sure when the color switch happened. 

 On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 9:32:56 PM UTC-4 Doug H. wrote:

> I'm thinking that this is a size 51 maybe since Riv uses the seat tube 
> measurement for the listed sizes.
> Doug
> On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 8:23:55 PM UTC-4 nca...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Thank you for those measurements. I'm trying to determine if this is 
>> indeed the 52cm frame, but alas this older geometry chart 
>>  doesn't 
>> show those two measurements you gave. I hate to trouble you further, but 
>> would it be possible to measure the top tube? That should determine 
>> definitively which it is, as that chart does have that measurement.
>> On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 8:02:29 PM UTC-4 johnb wrote:
>>> Measurement from center of BB to top of TT is 20". Center of BB to 
>>> top of Seat Tube is 20.25". Same for TT. I apologize for the confusion. 
>>> I 
>>> bought the bike 3rd hand and never measured it. I just took the sellers 
>>> word and quite honestly I could have just misremembered it.  I am 5'6" 
>>>  with a 28" inseam. I have Compass 650Bx48 tires on the bike and I 
>>> barely 
>>> clear the TT..
>>> I forgot the Crank Brothers Stamp pedals.
>>> On Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 11:50:22 AM UTC-4 nca...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
 Thanks Doug for the insight! I'll give Riv a call tomorrow and ask 
 them about the PBH range for the 52, though I suspect that would be my 
 in this model given the other geometry :) 

 On Sunday, April 14, 2024 at 1:53:36 PM UTC-4 Doug H. wrote:

> I see on Bike Insights that Rivendell made a size 52 in 2009. I 
> don't know how accurate those numbers are on that website though. If 
> the 
> numbers are accurate, they show a 57 effective top tube and 650b 
> wheels. 
> That is a nice looking build with nice parts.
> Doug
> On Sunday, April 14, 2024 at 2:39:03 AM UTC-4 nca...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Good evening John. I'm sorry to hear about your reasons for 
>> selling and hope all is well, but I am very interested in this 
>> lovely 
>> Hillborne. I just wanted to double-check the size on it before I 
>> commit. 
>> The listing says 53cm but I can't seem to find Rivendell's 
>> dimensions on a 
>> 53cm: on their site they have 51cm or 54cm. Could you please confirm 
>> if it 
>> is 54cm or indeed 53cm? I have a PBH of 83.8, which puts me in a 
>> 54cm, but 
>> I'm sure a 53 would be fine too.  
>> All the best,
>> Robert 
>> On Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 9:13:42 AM UTC-4 johnb wrote:
>>> Due to a progressive medical issue, my beloved Rivs have to go. 
>>> First up, a 53cm Sam Hillborne that includes:
>>>- New Albion cranks 46/30
>>>- Paul brake levers
>>>- Tektro brakes
>>>- Hand built (velocity/Velo Orange) wheels/Rene Herse 48 
>>>- 9-speed cassette
>>>- Acera derailleur 
>>>- Cambium Special Edition C-17 with orange rivets
>>>- Albatross handlebars 
>>>- Paul thumbies 
>>> Will be professionally packed by bike shop. Next up, 51cm 
>>> Atlantis
>>> Photos: 
>>> https://share.icloud.com/photos/075HDkT5H9Rkyy65vqo4lel2w

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[RBW] Re: WTB: Hunqapillar 54 / 56 cm

2024-05-07 Thread Hoch in ut
Fantastic pictures, John. Makes me miss my old 54 Hunq. 

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 4:32:22 PM UTC-6 John M wrote:

> I'm not Johnny but I used to have a 54 cm Hunqapillar in green and here's 
> an assortment of pictures from tours in New Mexico and Colorado-- mostly 
> the Great Divide Mountain  Bike route.  
> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jT4glIHwK2Ox5C8Eigq2Gcxa08MT_ARE?usp=sharing
> Its a great bike!
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 2:57:16 PM UTC-6 J J wrote:
>> Hey Johnny, do you have any pics of your Hunq to share? Would love to see 
>> some. (I hope this message is on this thread...?)
>> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 12:11:28 PM UTC-4 johnny@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Good luck Max. I was on the same quest when an amazing person from this 
>>> group, Matthew Williams, saw one and let me know about it. I posted here 
>>> every ~6 months letting folks know I was still looking and it took a few 
>>> years to find one in my size, but it did happen eventually. It's a cool 
>>> bike, for sure.
>>> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 5:44:41 AM UTC-7 Max S wrote:
 Test-rode one over a decade ago at BBB, shoulda bought it then. Maybe 
 someone's ready to pass theirs on to another good home?.. (Ideally just a 

 - Max "coulda shoulda woulda try againa" in A2


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[RBW] Re: The 3x1 road bike. Anticipating some of your RoadUNO builds

2024-05-07 Thread Drew Fitchette
Love how it’s turning out Bill! 
On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 7:05:20 PM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> ...and now, fully set up as a 3x8 with a different rear wheel.  I deployed 
> a Rivendell endorsed "cheap RD", and an 8sp barcon.  Pics prove it:
> https://flickr.com/photos/45758191@N04/53706446278/in/album-72177720310604809/
> https://flickr.com/photos/45758191@N04/53706670515/in/album-72177720310604809/
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 10:32:22 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> One more significant step to a fully equipped "sport tourer" is now in 
>> place on my RoadTrio.  Soma recently had a tax-day 65% off sale on selected 
>> items, and one of the items was skinny (41mm) Honjo smooth fenders.  I'm 
>> used to paying $200 for Honjo fenders.  Soma had this model at $90 MSRP, 
>> and so 65% off was $31.50, so it felt like stealing.  Anyway, I finished 
>> the full-fender install last night.  The current tires on there are 27mm, 
>> and I could go a tiny bit wider with 41mm fenders, but it'll be skinny 
>> tires all the time.  
>> Pics prove it:
>> https://flickr.com/photos/45758191@N04/53692239929/in/dateposted/
>> The next move is a rear rack, which I have picked out, but will have to 
>> save up to order.  
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA
>> On Sunday, April 28, 2024 at 6:10:28 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> The alternate configuration for this Romulus is going to be a re-think 
>>> of a popular build configuration when I first got into cycling in the early 
>>> 1980s: "sport tourer".  My first drop bar bike was. a 1983 Univega 
>>> Sportour.  It had 28mm tires, a fairly wide range 2x6 drivetrain, and 
>>> attach points for racks and/or fenders.  I've put skinny 27mm tires on the 
>>> Romulus to accommodate full aluminum fenders, which I'll install this week. 
>>>  I have a rear wheel built on the same rim that will take a 8/9/10 speed 
>>> cassette.  I think I'm going to set that up with an 8sp 12-32.  Then add a 
>>> single bar-con shifter and replace the tensioner with a rear derailleur and 
>>> it's a light touring bike.  
>>> For truly light loads the 3x1drivetrain will suffice, but with a 3x8 I'd 
>>> be ready for anything (provided it's paved).  The trick in the setup will 
>>> be to see how "quick change" I can make it.  There are a couple details in 
>>> the set up that I believe could make it a ~5 minute switch.  We'll see how 
>>> it shakes out.  I
>>> Bill Lindsay
>>> El Cerrito, CA
>>> On Friday, April 26, 2024 at 11:26:36 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:
 Thanks to unintentional prodding from Leah, I've pressed my new-to-me 
 Romulus into service.  Some serindipitous objects in my parts inventory 
 enabled a build concept that is functionally similar to the forthcoming 
 RoadUNO.  It's got a single 18T freewheel, a Paul Melvin tensioner (from 
 Joe B), a triple crank with 46/36/24 rings and a single DT shifter for the 
 front derailleur.  This morning I "upgraded" the front derailleur to a 
 Campy Mirage, which qualifies this bike for my "Every Bike should have one 
 Campy Part" club:


 The other upgrade from this morning is I swapped out the front wheel to 
 a quick release front hub, rather than the bolt-on Phil track hub.  I will 
 likely rebuild that Phil front wheel with a dynamo hub.  Now the F+R hubs 
 are both black.  Also, I "downgraded" to much skinnier tires.  This 
 accomplishes two things: It allows wheel removal without deflation -AND- 
 generates ample clearance for fenders.  The three gears are 35/53/68 
 with these tires.  

 I'm becoming progressively more and more "SOLD" on the validity of 3x1 
 as a build concept.  It works.  I may end up doing my May 2024 monthly 
 Diablo summit on the RoadTrio.  

 Even though I'm not buying a RoadUNO, I'm excited to see who else gives 
 3x1 a try with an open mind and concurs that it works for them.  

 Bill Lindsay
 El Cerrito, CA


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[RBW] Re: A. Homer Hilsen Photo Thread

2024-05-07 Thread jeffbog...@hotmail.com
Here is an admittedly "vanilla" picture of an excellent bike. This is my 
63cm N=2 (!) Toyo Homer that I just built up from a frameset this weekend. 
It arrived in immaculate condition - thanks for the careful packing Matt! 
I've had a 64cm Atlantis for a very long time, and decided I want to try 
being a 2-bike person, up from just one for the last decade or so. This 
will be my "roadie" and commuter, while the Atlantis will be a more trails 
and bike-packing ride with fat knobbies, etc. Still rebuilding the Atlantis 
and need a few parts to get it finished up. Thought I had an albastache but 
the seller hasn't contacted me since Saturday. 

Also need to add my $.02 to the trading/scammer conversation to say this: I 
have had nothing but excellent interactions with members of this group and 
this latest frame purchase was no exception. I bought the frame and brakes 
and it all arrived quickly and as advertised. The brakes were the nutted 
version, still in the box and I figured the seller just didn't know. Well, 
a few days later Matt writes to say he sent the wrong brakes by mistake and 
shipped me the proper brakes. Truly an excellent guy, thanks for looking.

On Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 18:06:03 UTC-5 eitanz...@gmail.com wrote:

> silly typos. What I get for trying to squeeze in a post between clients!
> *resplendent.
> *Fabs Abs
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 3:20:43 PM UTC-7 Ethan K wrote:
>> Here's a couple of pics of Amelia Homer Hilsen, respendlant in Datsun 
>> Butternut, accesorized with Ron's Bikes Abs Fabs bar bag.
>> --Eitan (in Marina Del Rey)
>> [image: Homer beach.jpeg]
>> [image: homer 3:4.jpeg]
>> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 6:51:28 AM UTC-7 Paul in Dallas wrote:
>>> I'll post for my good friend Luis as he rarely has time to read this 
>>> list.
>>> We regularly ride together, he on his Homer and me on my Sam.
>>> He's had his Homer 4 or 5 years, I forget.
>>> I do still remember how excited we both were when we unboxed the frame 
>>> and began assembly in my driveway.
>>> He often tells me it's his favorite bike and he's tweaked it to 
>>> perfection or at least near perfection.
>>> We are always tweaking our bikes trying different handlebars, shifters, 
>>> grips, gearing combinations, etc, just because we can and enjoy doing so.
>>> Here are a few of his pics.
>>> Paul in Dallas on behalf of Luis Garcia 

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[RBW] Re: Fashion help wanted: ISO nice looking cycling gloves

2024-05-07 Thread Bill Lindsay
also, the Riv gloves that I didn't like are sold and in/on the hands of 
their new owner.  

BL in EC

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 4:30:28 PM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> Thanks to this thread, I learned about HandUp for the first time from Tom. 
>  Today, I ordered three pairs of short finger gloves and one pair of full 
> finger gloves, got a free pair of socks for my first order and free 
> shipping.  All around it'll be a fun package and I can throw out some 
> tattered gloves with pride.  
> BL in EC
> On Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 7:11:10 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> OK, those handup gloves are pretty darn fun.  That may be the move.  
>> BL in EC
>> On Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 6:43:02 PM UTC-7 Tom M wrote:
>>> If you find Cycology gloves too loud, you may not like these: 
>>> https://handupgloves.com/collections/all-gloves.  Still, check out the 
>>> Summer of Shreddy-Nine.
>>> Tom in Alexandria, VA
>>> On Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 9:34:45 PM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:
 I will check out those several suggestions.  Thanks!

 Pics will prove it if I buy a gaggle of gloves.

 BL in EC

 On Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 3:02:24 PM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> There's lots of good looking cycling clothing in 2024, in my opinion. 
>  I find no trouble finding jerseys, bibs, shoes, socks and caps that are 
> interesting to look at and that I enjoy wearing. 
> Full finger gloves are cute and interesting for the most part.  My 
> secret weapon is gardening gloves from the fancy garden store come in a 
> ton 
> of cute colors and are super affordable (by cycling standards) and 
> durable 
> and fashionable.  
> The missing spot is short finger 'normal' cycling gloves.  Everything 
> is totally boring.  
> Last time around, I bought two pairs of boring Bongtrager gloves in 
> boring all black and a boring blue.  Those are on their last legs and so 
> I'm in the market to buy two or three pairs of the identical model of 
> gloves, in two (or three) interesting colors (or 'colorway').  
> The only interesting looking gloves are the bizarre graffiti looking 
> offerings from Cycology.  Those are too loud and too self-referential for 
> my tastes.  Even high end fashion brands like Rapha and Ostroy don't have 
> anything good.  
> Does anybody have a model of glove that comes in several good-looking 
> options?  
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA

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[RBW] Re: Blue Lug Build Catalog

2024-05-07 Thread Drew Fitchette
I just finished a 56cm 2TT Sam build, and the amount of blue lug influence 
Is borderline silly. Will post some photos to the SH thread when I’ve got 
some time to stop riding and take a nice snap or two. 

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 9:36:12 AM UTC-4 eric...@gmail.com wrote:

> Great point about size, Jason. It really helps to visualize the 
> proportions 
> On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 9:46:05 PM UTC-4 Jason Fuller wrote:
>> There is truly no equal to Blue Lug. As Eric said, the combination of 
>> perfectly curated builds combined with excellent photography and an eye for 
>> getting the best angles. A lot of great shops out there, but BL are on 
>> their own level. 
>> I also really appreciate how they note the frame size for each build - I 
>> think we all want to see what bikes look like in our size when being 
>> inspired. 
>> On Saturday 4 May 2024 at 14:54:26 UTC-7 r.ha...@live.com wrote:
>>> I too have this bookmarked and my Clem L is heavily influenced by them. 
>>> Also a great website to order from. Turnaround is super quick and you get a 
>>> bunch of stickers
>>> On Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 3:13:45 PM UTC-4 eric...@gmail.com wrote:
 Oh yeah, this is a gallery I have bookmarked. So many great builds and 
 lots and lots of inspiration. They always nail it, great ideas abound! 

 On Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 10:27:09 AM UTC-4 drewfi...@gmail.com 

> Many of you may already be aware of this, but Blue Lug has a nice 
> catalog of all it's Riv Builds for customers. In the even you want some 
> inspiration for your next build, or just want to see some different takes 
> on each frame, have a look:
> https://bluelug.com/bike-catalog/model/rivendell-bicycle-works/
> If you click the dropdown in the top right corner and scroll down to 
> the Riv section you can even filter for specific models. Been super 
> helpful 
> as I accrue the things needed for my upcoming 56cm 2TT Sam I scored from 
> Abe on here.
> Hopefully helpful for folks looking to build out that next frame or 
> rebuild your old favorite!
> - Drew

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[RBW] Re: The 3x1 road bike. Anticipating some of your RoadUNO builds

2024-05-07 Thread Bill Lindsay
I just gotta get that perfect (PERFECT!) rear rack...

BL in EC

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 6:10:11 PM UTC-7 Drew Fitchette wrote:

> Love how it’s turning out Bill! 
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 7:05:20 PM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> ...and now, fully set up as a 3x8 with a different rear wheel.  I 
>> deployed a Rivendell endorsed "cheap RD", and an 8sp barcon.  Pics prove it:
>> https://flickr.com/photos/45758191@N04/53706446278/in/album-72177720310604809/
>> https://flickr.com/photos/45758191@N04/53706670515/in/album-72177720310604809/
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA
>> On Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 10:32:22 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> One more significant step to a fully equipped "sport tourer" is now in 
>>> place on my RoadTrio.  Soma recently had a tax-day 65% off sale on selected 
>>> items, and one of the items was skinny (41mm) Honjo smooth fenders.  I'm 
>>> used to paying $200 for Honjo fenders.  Soma had this model at $90 MSRP, 
>>> and so 65% off was $31.50, so it felt like stealing.  Anyway, I finished 
>>> the full-fender install last night.  The current tires on there are 27mm, 
>>> and I could go a tiny bit wider with 41mm fenders, but it'll be skinny 
>>> tires all the time.  
>>> Pics prove it:
>>> https://flickr.com/photos/45758191@N04/53692239929/in/dateposted/
>>> The next move is a rear rack, which I have picked out, but will have to 
>>> save up to order.  
>>> Bill Lindsay
>>> El Cerrito, CA
>>> On Sunday, April 28, 2024 at 6:10:28 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:
 The alternate configuration for this Romulus is going to be a re-think 
 of a popular build configuration when I first got into cycling in the 
 1980s: "sport tourer".  My first drop bar bike was. a 1983 Univega 
 Sportour.  It had 28mm tires, a fairly wide range 2x6 drivetrain, and 
 attach points for racks and/or fenders.  I've put skinny 27mm tires on the 
 Romulus to accommodate full aluminum fenders, which I'll install this 
  I have a rear wheel built on the same rim that will take a 8/9/10 speed 
 cassette.  I think I'm going to set that up with an 8sp 12-32.  Then add a 
 single bar-con shifter and replace the tensioner with a rear derailleur 
 it's a light touring bike.  

 For truly light loads the 3x1drivetrain will suffice, but with a 3x8 
 I'd be ready for anything (provided it's paved).  The trick in the setup 
 will be to see how "quick change" I can make it.  There are a couple 
 details in the set up that I believe could make it a ~5 minute switch. 
  We'll see how it shakes out.  I

 Bill Lindsay
 El Cerrito, CA

 On Friday, April 26, 2024 at 11:26:36 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> Thanks to unintentional prodding from Leah, I've pressed my new-to-me 
> Romulus into service.  Some serindipitous objects in my parts inventory 
> enabled a build concept that is functionally similar to the forthcoming 
> RoadUNO.  It's got a single 18T freewheel, a Paul Melvin tensioner (from 
> Joe B), a triple crank with 46/36/24 rings and a single DT shifter for 
> the 
> front derailleur.  This morning I "upgraded" the front derailleur to a 
> Campy Mirage, which qualifies this bike for my "Every Bike should have 
> one 
> Campy Part" club:
> https://flickr.com/photos/45758191@N04/albums/72157719595208740/
> The other upgrade from this morning is I swapped out the front wheel 
> to a quick release front hub, rather than the bolt-on Phil track hub.  I 
> will likely rebuild that Phil front wheel with a dynamo hub.  Now the F+R 
> hubs are both black.  Also, I "downgraded" to much skinnier tires.  This 
> accomplishes two things: It allows wheel removal without deflation -AND- 
> it 
> generates ample clearance for fenders.  The three gears are 35/53/68 
> inches 
> with these tires.  
> I'm becoming progressively more and more "SOLD" on the validity of 3x1 
> as a build concept.  It works.  I may end up doing my May 2024 monthly 
> Diablo summit on the RoadTrio.  
> Even though I'm not buying a RoadUNO, I'm excited to see who else 
> gives 3x1 a try with an open mind and concurs that it works for them.  
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA

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Re: [RBW] TPU inner tubes - Anyone using them?

2024-05-07 Thread Steve
Ted,  in an attempt yo educate myself in installation of these tubes, may I 
ask did your RH tubes come packaged with an 'O' ring on the stem?  If so, 
did you install it inside or outside of the rim?  
Thanks,  Steve

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 7:02:38 PM UTC-4 Ted Durant wrote:

> Update on my experience. I continue to like the ones that successfully 
> inflated on my 700x32 tires. Yesterday I took out that bike for the first 
> time in a couple of weeks and the tires were quite soft. So, the tubes 
> don't retain air as well as butyl, but it's not worse enough to be a 
> problem. And I did a pretty hard ride and was pleased with how fast it 
> ended up being.
> I also ordered some 650x48 tubes, but RH sent me 700x48. By the time they 
> responded to my inquiry they were sold out of the 650's. Fortunately the 
> next batch arrived pretty quickly and they promptly sent them to me. I 
> mounted those today and once again needed 3 tubes to get 2 wheels done. 
> These ones felt sturdier than the 700c skinny ones, but maybe it was just 
> the extra width. Installation went fine, but as I inflated it the valve 
> stem got sucked up into the rim. Weird! Deflated, checked for any snagging, 
> and tried again, same result. Repeat, same result. So I decided to remove 
> the tube and see what was going on. The tube came right out of the tire, 
> minus the valve stem which this time stayed firmly put in the rim, fully 
> detached from the tube.
> RH still hasn't responded to my inquiry about the two 700c tubes that 
> failed, which I sent back with the mis-shipped tubes. After this one, at 3 
> out 9 tubes failing, I am well put off by these. I certainly wouldn't carry 
> one as a spare ... I'd have to carry at least three to feel confident that 
> in crappy field conditions and dead tired I'd be able to successfully 
> install one. I also think that doing a patch in the field would be a roll 
> of the dice - no way to be sure you could get the tube out without tearing 
> it. 
> I'm very interested to hear the experience of others. Could be user error. 
> But I have over 50 years of wrenching experience, including 2 summers in a 
> bike shop, so if these are beyond my skill level, it's pretty hard to see 
> how these would be useful to anyone but a competitive rider with a budget 
> (or product sponsorship) and highly skilled support.
> Ted Durant
> Milwaukee WI USA

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Re: [RBW] Re: FS: 58cm Appaloosa Double Top Tube Disc Brake

2024-05-07 Thread Eric Swain
Sorry, Johnny. Sold the bike as pictured. Those racks pop up on here every
now and then, be patient.

On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 9:20 AM Johnny Burrell 

> If you sold it parted out, I'd love to have the Mark's front rack.
> On Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 9:18:19 AM UTC-7 eric swain wrote:
>> Sold.
>> On Monday, April 22, 2024 at 10:59:51 AM UTC-7 eric swain wrote:
>>> Bump.
>>> I'd also part it out. Frame/fork/headset/seat post/front rack/stem
>>> $1000.
>>> On Monday, April 8, 2024 at 4:38:40 PM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:
 Nice. I find disc-brake retro-equipped Rivendells rather interesting; I
 know another person retrofitted them to a very nice Atlantis.

 Who else has done this, and why?

 Me, I like discs for dirt riding tho' they don't add anything for my
 pavement riding.

 On Mon, Apr 8, 2024 at 4:56 PM eric swain  wrote:

> And here is a full list of parts.
> Frame & fork: 58cm Joe Appaloosa with double top tubes AND disc brake
> tabs added by Walt Works.
> Headset: Tange Levin CDS
> Stem:  Crust/Nitto, 31.8mm, 75mm, silver
> Handlebars: Tumbleweed Persuader, steel, cut to 760mm
> Grips: DMR Deathgrip
> Brake levers: Shimano BL-M600
> Brakes: Paul Klampers, long pull, Paul brake adapters. Avid Clean
> Sweep G2 160mm Rotors
> Shifters: Shimano XT SL-M750
> Rear Derailleur: Shimano Deore RD-M591
> Front Derailleur: Shimano Deore XT Triple
> Cassette: Sram PG-950 9 speed, 11-34
> Chain: Sram PC-951
> Cranks: Shimano Deore FC-MT60, 175mm, 110/74 bcd, Shimano chain rings
> 46t/30t(46 mounted in the middle position, 30 in the small ring position)
> Bottom Bracket: Shimano UN55 68 x 118mm
> Pedals: No pedals, I'm keeping the Speedplay platforms currently
> installed.
> Hubs: Profile Racing Elite 6 bolt disc, 32h, black, QR, HG 11 speed
> road freehub body, Shimano XT skewers. I'll also include the end caps and
> hardware to convert hubs to bolt on.
> Rims: Sun Ringle Rhyno Lites, 32h, black with machined sidewalls
> Spokes/nipples, DT Swiss Competition, black, DT Swiss silver brass
> nipples
> Tires: Schwalbe Marathon 700 x 50, regular inner tubes
> Seat Post: Thomson Elite, silver. I'll include the Nitto post as well.
> Saddle: Brooks Cambium C17
> Front rack: Nitto Mark's Rack, silver with Wald 137 Basket
> Fenders: Planet Bike Cascadia 29 x 65mm, Black
> On Monday, April 8, 2024 at 3:55:05 PM UTC-7 eric swain wrote:
>> Hey folks,
>> Some of you may remember I tried selling my Appaloosa back in 2020.
>> Well at that time I decided to keep it, change a few parts, and have 
>> really
>> enjoyed it since then. Fun bike to ride, great set up for commuting,
>> running errands, dawdling around the neighborhood, and general bicycle
>> shenanigans. Fast forward to present times: my quiver has grown to a
>> ridiculous amount of bikes, my personal riding focus has shifted, I have 
>> a
>> new bike on the way, and I may be moving soon. I do not have room for 
>> every
>> bike and with a potential move I need scale back on large items, like
>> bikes. So this one is back up for sale!
>> I am asking $2000 as pictured(minus pedals). Including the Outershell
>> Wald 137 basket bag, Makeshifter Snackhole stem bag, Zefal frame pump, 
>> Paul
>> Gino light mount, and King cages. Bike is located in Portland OR. Test
>> rides are welcome. Boxing and shipping is no problem. Here is a link to
>> more pics and the geo.
>> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/119mQzJCLMtSAMxge007HSiDUI9lv76W4?usp=sharing
>> Thanks,
>> Eric
>> --
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> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/rbw-owners-bunch/ad91a613-8390-46df-b513-ce0e7305be34n%40googlegroups.com
> .


 Patrick Moore
 Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum


 Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing


 *When thou didst not, savage, k**now thine own meaning,*

 *But wouldst gabble like a** thing most brutish,*

 *I endowed thy purposes w**ith word

[RBW] Re: FS: Brand new Deore derailleurs in box, front and rear

2024-05-07 Thread Robert Calton
SOLD! Thanks all! Happy trails :)

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 1:38:18 PM UTC-4 Robert Calton wrote:

> Listed on eBay/Facebook now. 
> Dropping the price for this group only to *$70 shipped* *for both.*
> On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 5:06:05 PM UTC-4 Robert Calton wrote:
>> Another image
>> [image: Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 4.54.25 PM.png]
>> On Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 5:04:20 PM UTC-4 Robert Calton wrote:
>>> Decided to go a different route for this Homer build, so these new parts 
>>> are catch and release. Hoping to keep them in the community before I eBay 
>>> them :) 
>>> M591 SGS Rear: $50
>>> M510 Front: $30
>>> *Both: $75 shipped. [image: Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 4.54.09 PM.png]*

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[RBW] FS: Droptube Rivendell Custom 54cm

2024-05-07 Thread Joe Bernard
Divorce from reality forces sale, I've convinced myself I want a motorcycle 
again. Details and geometry in Craigslist ad, I need to take new pics with 
current drivetrain, will post that album soon. 


Joe Bernard 
joeremi62 gmail com

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[RBW] Re: FS: Droptube Rivendell Custom 54cm

2024-05-07 Thread Joe Bernard
$5k + shipping 

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 10:25:24 PM UTC-7 Joe Bernard wrote:

> Divorce from reality forces sale, I've convinced myself I want a 
> motorcycle again. Details and geometry in Craigslist ad, I need to take new 
> pics with current drivetrain, will post that album soon. 
> https://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/bik/d/clearlake-park-rivendell-custom-54cm/7744497816.html
> Joe Bernard 
> joeremi62 gmail com

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