Re: [RBW] Re: PSA: New MKS Pretzel pedals coming out next month

2023-12-28 Thread Justin Kennedy
I just received two sets of these pedals from Japan (one in silver and one 
in black). Haven't put them on a bike yet but they're essentially MKS 
Monarch's with the Riv pedal wings 
 built in. Some 
minor differences but that's the gist of it. Looks like they're panda-able, 
too, same way the Monarchs can be switched out to mix and match colors. 
These were $50 (shipping included) from Amazon Japan but looks like the 
price has since gone up. Blue Lug is selling them, too, for just under $50 
but gotta pay that $$$ shipping. Anyone else tried them yet? 

On Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 11:33:58 AM UTC-4 Justin Kennedy wrote:

> It kind of looks like a mash-up of my two favorite MKS pedals, the Sneaker 
> Pedal and the Gamma/Monarch. I'm def curious about these. 
> On Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 10:48:58 AM UTC-4 JohnS wrote:
>> Must be a MKS thing, pretzel, taco... what's next the nacho pedals???
>> John
>> On Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 12:35:10 AM UTC-4 Luke Hendrickson 
>> wrote:
>>> I’ve seen it in-person and … I’ll pass. 
>>> On Monday, September 25, 2023 at 3:50:19 PM UTC-7 
>>> wrote:

 Thank you for your information. 

 Kim Hetzel.

 On Mon, Sep 25, 2023, 2:36 PM Bill Lindsay  wrote:

> "Curious as to whether or not they would accept the cage extension 
> that currently RBW sells."
> The Pretzel pedal has the cage extension BUILT IN.  You won't need the 
> cage extension with the Pretzel.  It's already in there.  
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Monday, September 25, 2023 at 9:45:51 AM UTC-7 
> wrote:
> I came across  these new MKS Pretzel pedals, while looking for 
> something else on the MKS website. They definitely look like they a twist 
> to them, like a pretzel.  Curious as to whether or not they would accept 
> the cage extension that currently RBW sells.  
> Kim Hetzel.
> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Re: New Bike Day—Retirement Bike

2023-12-28 Thread Roberta

John, I will measure when I get home tonight.  

What an interesting thought, Andy.   In fact, pre-Riv I didn’t even know 
you could change a stem or any other component, except for tires.

I took the pics after my ride on Sunday, which I started once the rain had 
stopped.  I've been on several short rides—less than 10 miles each so I’m 
still getting to know the bike.  Platypus wants to surge forward.  Betty 
seems more subdued.  What I'm really looking forward to longer rides and 
more adventures.  Great Dr. Seuss story.  I hadn't read that one before 
last night.

On Wednesday, December 27, 2023 at 11:33:11 AM UTC-5 Doug H. wrote:

> Fantastic bike Roberta! I love the personal touches you put on it to make 
> it your custom Rivendell. Don't you love it when a plan comes together.
> Doug
> On Wednesday, December 27, 2023 at 9:00:09 AM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding 
> Ding! wrote:
>> Yes, all of what Andy said. I have never said these words but I FEEL them 
>> after reading his post. What a lovely thought, that your bike is the 
>> culmination of all of your riding experiences. I’m going to think about 
>> this for awhile…
>> And, I also concur that the bike deserves a better moniker. I’ll also 
>> think on THAT.
>> L
>> On Dec 27, 2023, at 6:32 AM, ascpgh  wrote:
>> Fantastic Roberta!
>> A bike is the sum of its parts. More accurately, a sum of the stories of 
>> all the parts that they represent to you. It validates all of your past 
>> riding by developing preferences and aesthetics of parts you may not have 
>> been keenly aware of before 2017. Most production (boxed) bikes are 
>> specified for price point by choosing lower level parts for the bits most 
>> riders aren't familiar with or don't notice. Building a bike like yours is 
>> deeply rewarding and culminates all of your efforts, experiences and gained 
>> knowledge.
>> It's not a "retirement bike", it's a bike to provide for your "not 
>> working 8 hours of each day anymore bike". In that role your Betty Foy 
>> appears ready for all uses, your pictures even show a wet ground, 
>> validating fenders and flaps before you've even posted an initial ride 
>> report.
>> Makes me think of the Dr. Seuss classic, Oh, the Places You'll Go.
>> Andy Cheatham
>> Pittsburgh
>> On Monday, December 25, 2023 at 8:40:01 PM UTC-5 Roberta wrote:
>>> What’s old is new:  circa 2010 Betty Foy!
>>> Let me explain why this and not a custom I was hoping for.
>>> For the past nearly three years, I’ve been “next up” on Rivendell’s list 
>>> for a custom retirement bike, something I’ve wanted since I found Rivendell 
>>> in 2017.  I wanted something 1) like my 55cm Platypus, but shorter (I 
>>> didn’t say short, just short-*er*) specifically so I could take it on 
>>> the city bus bike rack and Amtrak, that 2) fits and rides like my 2019 54.5 
>>> Homer.
>>> During one of our many conversations, the ever so patient Vince 
>>> suggested a Betty Foy.  When I saw one posted on RBW’s Craigslist 
>>> thread, I drove to Brooklyn, test rode and brought it home, and thanked the 
>>> RBW poster.  I think this bike is from the first batch of Betty’s 
>>> because only one heart lug was (notice the past tense) filled in and the 
>>> seat tube is 58cm.  The color is not robin’s egg blue, but more of a 
>>> sage/teal, which I like more.
>>> It’s about as close to a custom as I think Grant would have built for 
>>> me—650b wheels, just under the Amtrak length limit by ½”, fits on our city 
>>> bus bike racks, rides great and no toe overlap.  Perhaps not a cushy as 
>>> my Platypus with its extra-long wheelbase, but if I’m on my Betty, I have 
>>> more options for mass transportation.  The only thing I wish it had was 
>>> an additional water bottle mount, but I remedied that with a water bottle 
>>> bag on the handlebar, big enough to hold a 40 oz Kleen Kanteen.
>>> 1X9 Drive train (38T Wolf Tooth in front with Microshift Aventex in 
>>> back), Albatross handlebar, brakes (Tektro R553)  and Gravel King Slick 
>>> tires are as I purchased the bike.
>>> I added “extras”—SKS fenders with custom mud flaps (made by a little 
>>> girl whose Dad is on the iBob board 
>>> ), red Ergon grips and Newbaum’s tape for pop of color, German mirrors, 
>>> Greenfield kickstand, 32 spoke Velocity A23 rims with tubeless setup, and 
>>> Dyno lighting SP hub with Edulux light on front and B&M Topline Plus light 
>>> in the back.  Bitex hub in the rear. Axiom rack.  Brooks B68 saddle in 
>>> honey, but I might try the newly re-issued B72 albeit in brown.
>>> Keystone Bike did amazing work with the extras, 
>>> and featured the bike on their IG page a few weeks ago. 
>>> .   If you’re ever 
>>> in Philadelphia, I highly recommend a stop at their shop.  They 
>>> understand Rivendells (and even 

[RBW] Re: "Grant hates toe clips."

2023-12-28 Thread Caroline Golum
I could never commit to full clips, and don't have a very "roadie" set-up 
on my bike, so for the last 10+ years I've done a combo of the MKS compact 
pedals and their half clips. I find it helpful when biking in heels, boots, 
flats, whatever, since I only ride in athletic shoes when I'm going a 
longer distance. 
[image: MKS Compact Road Bike Pedals 2colors][image: MKS Steel Deep Half 
Toe Clips – The Bikesmiths]
On Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 2:38:43 AM UTC-5 Philip Williamson wrote:

> I ride flats with pins.
> Fixed, technical singletrack, road, commuting. 
> I started with clips and plastic straps on mountain bike bear trap pedals, 
> then rode SPDs and then Eggbeaters. When my kid was little, I made 
> platforms for the eggbeaters by screwing cleats to platforms I cut out of 
> old skateboard decks so I could jump on the bike whenever my kid wanted to 
> go out for a ride. After riding on these platforms in all kinds of 
> conditions, like fixed gear singletrack, I realized I just needed platform 
> pedals, and I could retire the eggbeaters and the couture clip-in 
> platforms. 
> I try to cycle my shoes (mostly Chrome Kursks) from nice, to everyday, to 
> bike. 
> Philip
> Sonoma County, Cal. 
> On Sunday, December 24, 2023 at 5:44:43 PM UTC-8 Patrick Moore wrote:
>> First entry in new Blahg. And no, he doesn't; he reports someone's 
>> out-of-context judgment.
>> But I'm curious how many on this RBW list like and use retention and how 
>> many don't; and of the former, how many use toe clips and how many use 
>> clipless systems -- and what kind.
>> I'll start: I rode fast for years and thousands of miles in Keds with 
>> thick, soft soles and then rubber-soled lace ups of other sorts on 
>> un-clipped rat-trap pedals (and even rubber block pedals) until in about 
>> 1990 I got my first relatively expensive road bike (1989 Falcon, tout 531C 
>> with Sante group) and decided largely because of bike mag content that I'd 
>> better get with the retention program. I started with Bata Bikers and clips 
>> and straps, graduated to clips and straps and slotted cleats, then pretty 
>> quickly switched to the burgeoning varieties of clipless -- Sampson 
>> Stratics, Grafton "Erector Set" road and mtb pedals, Speedplay X1s and 
>> Frogs, Looks of various sorts, and finally SPDs, road and mtb (by "road" I 
>> mean the ones that came out for about 1 season long long ago with the mtb 
>> mechanism). 
>> A couple of years ago I tried platforms with spikes and no-retention 
>> shoes but after about a month of annoyance always shifting my foot to find 
>> the right position I gave up and went back to SPDs. I've got SPDs on all my 
>> bikes though I've got a very nice set of XC Pros + clips and straps + 
>> almost-as-new wood-soled Duegis with cleats that I'd like to try -- I found 
>> slotted cleats with semi-tight straps easier with a fixed drivetrain than 
>> Look Keos -- except that SPDs are so perfect.
>> So, I've round that having gotten used to retention I find it very hard 
>> to give it up. I daresay that this habituation is stronger since so much of 
>> my riding is on fixed drivetrains, but I'd still want at least clips and 
>> loose-ish straps with rubber soles for any freewheel drivetrain.
>> But again, SPDs just feel so perfect that I will probably just stay with 
>> them.
>> Best wishes to all for the Christmas season.
>> Patrick Moore, finishing up a late resume on Xmas eve in ABQ, NM.
>> -- 
>> Patrick Moore
>> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
>> ---
>> Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing 
>> services
>> ---
>> *When thou didst not, savage, k**now thine own meaning,*
>> *But wouldst gabble like a** thing most brutish,*
>> *I endowed thy purposes w**ith words that made them known.*

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[RBW] Re: "Grant hates toe clips."

2023-12-28 Thread Brian Turner
I only ride big, wide platforms with pins. I like the comfort and freedom 
of riding in whatever shoes I want. Makes it easier to just jump on the 
bike and go without having to think too much about wearing a special shoe 
or article of clothing. None of the riding I do would benefit from foot 
retention. That said, there are certain shoes I will wear for certain types 
of riding: around town or casual riding = vans or Blundstone boots. Rougher 
terrain or trail riding: Five Ten Freeriders. All-day rides: something with 
a stiffer shank, like a lightweight hiking shoe.

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[RBW] Will Cliffhangers leave me hanging?

2023-12-28 Thread Curtis McKenzie

Looking for some Cliffhanger wisdom.  It seems that I am having a good
amount of trouble mounting Schwalbe Marathons on my Cliffhangers.  So much
so that I worry about a tire change in the field, such as the Oregon
Outback, and been stranded.  I am now carrying a large screwdriver to get
the leverage  needed to mount the last bit of tire on the rim.  Have not
pinched more that two tubes in the last fifty years of flat fixing.
Yesterday, I pinched two and scratched the heck out of the rim.  Not to
mention bending the cool aluminum CyclePro tire levers that I have had
since high school.
Any advice would be appreciated.



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Re: [RBW] Will Cliffhangers leave me hanging?

2023-12-28 Thread Josiah Anderson
Hi Curtis,

With Cliffhangers (and most other tubeless compatible rims) you generally
need to pinch the beads together so that both sides sit in the well in the
center of the rim before you try to get the last bit of bead onto the rim.
Were you already doing that? I've never had issues with Cliffhangers using
that strategy.

Josiah Anderson
Missoula MT

Le jeu. 28 déc. 2023 à 8:46 AM, Curtis McKenzie  a
écrit :

> Hello,
> Looking for some Cliffhanger wisdom.  It seems that I am having a good
> amount of trouble mounting Schwalbe Marathons on my Cliffhangers.  So much
> so that I worry about a tire change in the field, such as the Oregon
> Outback, and been stranded.  I am now carrying a large screwdriver to get
> the leverage  needed to mount the last bit of tire on the rim.  Have not
> pinched more that two tubes in the last fifty years of flat fixing.
> Yesterday, I pinched two and scratched the heck out of the rim.  Not to
> mention bending the cool aluminum CyclePro tire levers that I have had
> since high school.
> Any advice would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Curtis
> --
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Re: [RBW] Will Cliffhangers leave me hanging?

2023-12-28 Thread Eric Daume
If your tires are narrow enough (less than 38mm or so) the Kool Stop tire
jack is great to lever that last section of bead on. I carry it with me on
bikes with difficult tire/rim combos.


On Thursday, December 28, 2023, Curtis McKenzie  wrote:

> Hello,
> Looking for some Cliffhanger wisdom.  It seems that I am having a good
> amount of trouble mounting Schwalbe Marathons on my Cliffhangers.  So much
> so that I worry about a tire change in the field, such as the Oregon
> Outback, and been stranded.  I am now carrying a large screwdriver to get
> the leverage  needed to mount the last bit of tire on the rim.  Have not
> pinched more that two tubes in the last fifty years of flat fixing.
> Yesterday, I pinched two and scratched the heck out of the rim.  Not to
> mention bending the cool aluminum CyclePro tire levers that I have had
> since high school.
> Any advice would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Curtis
> --
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[RBW] Re: Will Cliffhangers leave me hanging?

2023-12-28 Thread Joe Bernard
It's the Marathons leaving you hanging, I despise the damn things. Once you 
get them on they're practically impervious to flatting but you gotta get em 
on there first! 

On Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 8:46:32 AM UTC-8 Curtis wrote:

> Hello,
> Looking for some Cliffhanger wisdom.  It seems that I am having a good 
> amount of trouble mounting Schwalbe Marathons on my Cliffhangers.  So much 
> so that I worry about a tire change in the field, such as the Oregon 
> Outback, and been stranded.  I am now carrying a large screwdriver to get 
> the leverage  needed to mount the last bit of tire on the rim.  Have not 
> pinched more that two tubes in the last fifty years of flat fixing.  
> Yesterday, I pinched two and scratched the heck out of the rim.  Not to 
> mention bending the cool aluminum CyclePro tire levers that I have had 
> since high school.
> Any advice would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Curtis

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[RBW] Re: Will Cliffhangers leave me hanging?

2023-12-28 Thread Brian Turner
Marathons are like the anti-supple tire. Sure, they resist flats and are 
long-wearing... but they've always made every bike I've ever put them on 
feel like an unforgiving chunk of metal.


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[RBW] Re: FS: Sackville SaddleSack Small, olive

2023-12-28 Thread Joe Bernard

On Tuesday, December 26, 2023 at 10:29:11 PM UTC-8 Joe Bernard wrote:

> I'm overbagged again and seem determined to keep using huge ones. 
> Bought here this summer in VG condition, used maybe 5 whole times myself. 
> It's an interesting pale olive I hadn't seen before, there's almost a hint 
> if grey in it (but lots more green than the pics show, my phone always 
> washes out bag colors). 
> My vague recollection (I can't find the email) is I paid $130 shipped so 
> that's the price. 
> Thanks, 
> Joe Bernard
> joeremi62 gmail com
> [image: Screenshot_20231226_222521.jpg][image: 
> Screenshot_20231226_222530.jpg]

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[RBW] Re: Will Cliffhangers leave me hanging?

2023-12-28 Thread aeroperf
I’m with the others regarding the Marathons.  I’ve had trouble putting them 
on Atlas and Dyads, too.  I carry a couple of the plastic tire “irons”, but 
only when I have Marathons on.
To me, they also feel like I’m riding through mud.  But I wouldn’t have 
anything else for a tour.

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[RBW] Re: Will Cliffhangers leave me hanging?

2023-12-28 Thread Ed Carolipio
I've had similar problems with the Cliffhangers and other tubeless 
compatible rims. Two things I did to make life easier: (1) ensure the tire 
bead is in the center channel, as Josiah pointed out; and (2) use a thin 
plastic tubeless rim tape (Stan's, Velocity, Muc-Off) even when running 
tubes and limit it at one layer. Never use the cloth rim tape (like Velox) 
and avoid the rubber rim strips (like Ritchey).

You didn't mention if you had a wire bead or folding bead tires. Wire beads 
are hit-and-miss with different rims. I've found I have a lot less trouble 
with folding bead tires.

You also didn't mention which Marathons you're running. IMO the base 
Marathons are the ones folks abhor. I opt for the highest option Marathons, 
which used to be the Marathon Supremes but currently I think are Almotions, 
and always in a folding bead. It's a much more supple and lighter tire with 
similar flat performance and durability. I haven't had direct experince 
with the Mondials but people speak highly of those when touring off road.

--Ed Carolipio
Redondo Beach, CA

On Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 8:46:32 AM UTC-8 Curtis wrote:

> Hello,
> Looking for some Cliffhanger wisdom.  It seems that I am having a good 
> amount of trouble mounting Schwalbe Marathons on my Cliffhangers.  So much 
> so that I worry about a tire change in the field, such as the Oregon 
> Outback, and been stranded.  I am now carrying a large screwdriver to get 
> the leverage  needed to mount the last bit of tire on the rim.  Have not 
> pinched more that two tubes in the last fifty years of flat fixing.  
> Yesterday, I pinched two and scratched the heck out of the rim.  Not to 
> mention bending the cool aluminum CyclePro tire levers that I have had 
> since high school.
> Any advice would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Curtis

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Re: [RBW] Re: Will Cliffhangers leave me hanging?

2023-12-28 Thread Max Faingezicht
Marathon Supremes have been quite supple and easy to mount for meMaxOn Dec 28, 2023, at 3:24 PM, Ed Carolipio  wrote:I've had similar problems with the Cliffhangers and other tubeless compatible rims. Two things I did to make life easier: (1) ensure the tire bead is in the center channel, as Josiah pointed out; and (2) use a thin plastic tubeless rim tape (Stan's, Velocity, Muc-Off) even when running tubes and limit it at one layer. Never use the cloth rim tape (like Velox) and avoid the rubber rim strips (like Ritchey).You didn't mention if you had a wire bead or folding bead tires. Wire beads are hit-and-miss with different rims. I've found I have a lot less trouble with folding bead tires.You also didn't mention which Marathons you're running. IMO the base Marathons are the ones folks abhor. I opt for the highest option Marathons, which used to be the Marathon Supremes but currently I think are Almotions, and always in a folding bead. It's a much more supple and lighter tire with similar flat performance and durability. I haven't had direct experince with the Mondials but people speak highly of those when touring off road.--Ed CarolipioRedondo Beach, CAOn Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 8:46:32 AM UTC-8 Curtis wrote:Hello,Looking for some Cliffhanger wisdom.  It seems that I am having a good amount of trouble mounting Schwalbe Marathons on my Cliffhangers.  So much so that I worry about a tire change in the field, such as the Oregon Outback, and been stranded.  I am now carrying a large screwdriver to get the leverage  needed to mount the last bit of tire on the rim.  Have not pinched more that two tubes in the last fifty years of flat fixing.  Yesterday, I pinched two and scratched the heck out of the rim.  Not to mention bending the cool aluminum CyclePro tire levers that I have had since high school.Any advice would be appreciated.Thanks,Curtis

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[RBW] ISO discount luggage: Chichi saddlebag, 9 to 13 liters, and utilitarian handlebar bag at least 11" wide.

2023-12-28 Thread Patrick Moore
Seeking on lists before I buy new.

#1: I want to replace the perfectly usable and as-new Carradice Junior with
something that looks more upscale; a piece of purely vanity luggage. Black,
dark grey, dark blue, dark red, tan all good colors. Must be the transverse
saddle bag type, unless someone has something else about 10-12 liters that
fits directly to the saddle rails -- would prefer no bracket hardware.

Banana Sax too small, Happisack too big, but perhaps Rivendell had
something once with about 10-12 liters of displacement?

Acorn IME -- limited -- no more vanity-like than Carradice.

*Must be pretty close to new.*

Have various things to trade as well as liquid assets.

#2: A purely practical desire. I want a small bar bag that is still big
enough to hold a 10" long pump; so minimum width of 11".

No chichi required, just well made and not ugly: black preferred, zippers
fine, no hardware except straps for bar and head tube.

A well-used Rivendell EZPZ would be perfect.



Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing


*When thou didst not, savage, k**now thine own meaning,*

*But wouldst gabble like a** thing most brutish,*

*I endowed thy purposes w**ith words that made them known.*

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Re: [RBW] Re: Will Cliffhangers leave me hanging?

2023-12-28 Thread John Bokman
I have found the Marathon Supremes (700x35 and 700x38) to be great for 
urban riding/touring purposes. But, they are now sadly discontinued. The 
"replacement" is the Marathon "efficiency" which I can't quite get my head 
around...Another tire that I now enjoy for such purposes is the Panaracer 
Pasella Protite. Less expensive, great rolling, maybe not quite as 
flat-resistant, but so far so good (fingers crossed). I had used the 
original Pasellas, but found them to be flat-prone. The new ones seem to 
roll as well, but be much more flat-prone. Of course, I'm not riding on 
shoulders of highways where lots of tire and shrapnel conspire to deflate 

FWIW, have haven't had trouble mounting Schwalbes (Marathon Green Guard, 
Marathon Supreme, Marathon Mondial) on Velocity Dyads nor Quill. They were 
a bit tougher to mount on Sun Rims (CR 18, I believe?). I think the key is 
to get the tire beads well into the center of the wheel well before 
proceeding with mounting.

John, Portland OR

On Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 1:54:52 PM UTC-8 maxcr wrote:

> Marathon Supremes have been quite supple and easy to mount for me
> Max
> On Dec 28, 2023, at 3:24 PM, Ed Carolipio  wrote:
> I've had similar problems with the Cliffhangers and other tubeless 
> compatible rims. Two things I did to make life easier: (1) ensure the tire 
> bead is in the center channel, as Josiah pointed out; and (2) use a thin 
> plastic tubeless rim tape (Stan's, Velocity, Muc-Off) even when running 
> tubes and limit it at one layer. Never use the cloth rim tape (like Velox) 
> and avoid the rubber rim strips (like Ritchey).
> You didn't mention if you had a wire bead or folding bead tires. Wire 
> beads are hit-and-miss with different rims. I've found I have a lot less 
> trouble with folding bead tires.
> You also didn't mention which Marathons you're running. IMO the base 
> Marathons are the ones folks abhor. I opt for the highest option Marathons, 
> which used to be the Marathon Supremes but currently I think are Almotions, 
> and always in a folding bead. It's a much more supple and lighter tire with 
> similar flat performance and durability. I haven't had direct experince 
> with the Mondials but people speak highly of those when touring off road.
> --Ed Carolipio
> Redondo Beach, CA
> On Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 8:46:32 AM UTC-8 Curtis wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Looking for some Cliffhanger wisdom.  It seems that I am having a good 
>> amount of trouble mounting Schwalbe Marathons on my Cliffhangers.  So much 
>> so that I worry about a tire change in the field, such as the Oregon 
>> Outback, and been stranded.  I am now carrying a large screwdriver to get 
>> the leverage  needed to mount the last bit of tire on the rim.  Have not 
>> pinched more that two tubes in the last fifty years of flat fixing.  
>> Yesterday, I pinched two and scratched the heck out of the rim.  Not to 
>> mention bending the cool aluminum CyclePro tire levers that I have had 
>> since high school.
>> Any advice would be appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Curtis
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[RBW] Re: ISO discount luggage: Chichi saddlebag, 9 to 13 liters, and utilitarian handlebar bag at least 11" wide.

2023-12-28 Thread Patrick Moore
Someone just told me that a Korean company made bags "like Nigel Smythe"
ones -- that sounds like a Rivendell name? -- and sold them on ebay but I'm
utterly clueless here.

Does anyone know what the company might be?


On Thu, Dec 28, 2023 at 3:06 PM Patrick Moore  wrote:

> Seeking on lists before I buy new.
> #1: I want to replace the perfectly usable and as-new Carradice Junior
> with something that looks more upscale; a piece of purely vanity luggage.
> Black, dark grey, dark blue, dark red, tan all good colors. Must be the
> transverse saddle bag type, unless someone has something else about 10-12
> liters that fits directly to the saddle rails -- would prefer no bracket
> hardware.
> Banana Sax too small, Happisack too big, but perhaps Rivendell had
> something once with about 10-12 liters of displacement?
> Acorn IME -- limited -- no more vanity-like than Carradice.
> *Must be pretty close to new.*
> Have various things to trade as well as liquid assets.
> #2: A purely practical desire. I want a small bar bag that is still big
> enough to hold a 10" long pump; so minimum width of 11".
> No chichi required, just well made and not ugly: black preferred, zippers
> fine, no hardware except straps for bar and head tube.
> A well-used Rivendell EZPZ would be perfect.
> Thanks.
> --
> Patrick Moore
> Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum
> ---
> Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing
> services
> ---
> *When thou didst not, savage, k**now thine own meaning,*
> *But wouldst gabble like a** thing most brutish,*
> *I endowed thy purposes w**ith words that made them known.*


Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing


*When thou didst not, savage, k**now thine own meaning,*

*But wouldst gabble like a** thing most brutish,*

*I endowed thy purposes w**ith words that made them known.*

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Re: [RBW] Re: ISO discount luggage: Chichi saddlebag, 9 to 13 liters, and utilitarian handlebar bag at least 11" wide.

2023-12-28 Thread
Zimbale Bags. 

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Re: [RBW] Re: FS: Sackville SaddleSack Small, olive

2023-12-28 Thread Patrick Moore
Shoot, just realized very belatedly that the old Sackville Small would fit
into the size constraints I artificially set myself for a chichi Junior
replacement in the other thread. Oh well.

If this sales fall through or if anyone has another one, please get in

Patrick Moore, snoozing and loozing in ABQ, NM.

On Thu, Dec 28, 2023 at 12:20 PM Joe Bernard  wrote:

> Pending
> On Tuesday, December 26, 2023 at 10:29:11 PM UTC-8 Joe Bernard wrote:
>> I'm overbagged again and seem determined to keep using huge ones.
>> Bought here this summer in VG condition, used maybe 5 whole times myself.
>> It's an interesting pale olive I hadn't seen before, there's almost a hint
>> if grey in it (but lots more green than the pics show, my phone always
>> washes out bag colors).
>> My vague recollection (I can't find the email) is I paid $130 shipped so
>> that's the price.
>> Thanks,
>> Joe Bernard
>> joeremi62 gmail com
>> [image: Screenshot_20231226_222521.jpg][image:
>> Screenshot_20231226_222530.jpg]
> --
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Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing


*When thou didst not, savage, k**now thine own meaning,*

*But wouldst gabble like a** thing most brutish,*

*I endowed thy purposes w**ith words that made them known.*

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Re: [BOB] Re: [RBW] Re: ISO discount luggage: Chichi saddlebag, 9 to 13 liters, and utilitarian handlebar bag at least 11" wide.

2023-12-28 Thread Patrick Moore
Thank you!

On Thu, Dec 28, 2023 at 4:17 PM 

> Zimbale Bags.
> --
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> more options, group rules and how to contact the moderation team, visit
> this group at
> ---
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Patrick Moore
Alburquerque, Nuevo Mexico, Etats Unis d'Amerique, Orbis Terrarum

Executive resumes, LinkedIn profiles, bios, letters, and other writing


*When thou didst not, savage, k**now thine own meaning,*

*But wouldst gabble like a** thing most brutish,*

*I endowed thy purposes w**ith words that made them known.*

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Re: [BOB] Re: [RBW] Re: ISO discount luggage: Chichi saddlebag, 9 to 13 liters, and utilitarian handlebar bag at least 11" wide.

2023-12-28 Thread Patrick Moore
Re Zimbale bags: there is a nice 11 liter (IIRC) one available right now on
ebay for $89. It looks good in the photos  and I almost bought one, but
decided to research and came up with these:

Review: Zimbale bicycle saddlebags
by RAYMOND PARKER on MAY 26, 2011

*However you translate it, Korean manufacturer Zimbale have done their
homework. Here we look at three of their saddlebags.Though the company
begins by comparing itself to other leading brands like Carradice and
Ortlieb—a mistake in any business—these bags are not quite in the same
league as Carradice; neither the leather straps or canvas are of the same
quality …. close, but not quite.*

Saturday, November 10, 2012
Carradice vs. Zimbale saddlebag comparison

*[T]here are some strengths in the Carradice bag that stand out. Also, some
of the bling of the Zimbale seems only skin deep. The best example of this,
I think, are the humble buckles!Carradice buckle, simple, but carefully
engineered and wonderfully effective.Compare the two buckles above. The
Zimbale certainly looks nice, but look closely. The buckle has no roller.
It's just a very basic buckle. The Carradice buckle is a simple steel
device but that roller is very important, it makes operation much smoother
and relieves a lot of stress on the strap. finally, notice the thickness of
the leather straps, Zimbale's are paper thin.This is generally the
advantage that the Carradice bag holds: quality where it counts. These bags
are the results of many generations of English cycling experience. They are
simple, and they are built to last.Another example of this is found in the
quality of the leather. After only a couple of months of use the straps
holding the Zimbale to my B-17 show severe wear:This shot doesn't show it
well, but that strap is just about ready to let go! I installed zip ties to
support the bag, otherwise they would have broken in half! To be fair,
Carradice has brown leather straps that are also very thin, but at least
they lasted a couple of years on my Nelson! The white Carradice straps are
the way to go, they're very thick and last for years. i wonder what it is
about non-white leather that makes them so skinny?To sum up, these are both
above average bags. They seem to be fairly close in price too. It would be
a difficult choice to make. The Pendle is a very tough and reliable bag,
you can use it out of the box with no change for years of service. The
Zimbale offers some very nice features, especially the provision for
outside storage of gear which the Pendle doesn't have. Some of Zimbale's
materials are not up to the same standard or Carradice, but you can replace
some of those easily.*

Given that the only fault of the Carradice is that it's not "fancy" enough,
I'll keep looking.

Thanks, all.

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[RBW] Re: ISO discount luggage: Chichi saddlebag, 9 to 13 liters, and utilitarian handlebar bag at least 11" wide.

2023-12-28 Thread Patrick Moore
Thanks, all, I found a used but VG Sackville Small that measures about 13
liters and is just what I wanted.

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Re: [RBW] Re: Will Cliffhangers leave me hanging?

2023-12-28 Thread John Rinker
I haven't had any problems mounting tires, but I've got a pair of WTB Nanos 
that are clinging for dear life. They won't even let me push their bead 
from the rim. They truly love the Cliffhangers.

Cheers, John

On Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 5:03:37 PM UTC-8 

> Those tubless ready rims can be a pain. 
> When I am going on a multi day ride I bring this tire jack. 
> It only fits in large saddle bags but is worth the space.
> Kool Stop Tire Bead Jack With Handle (Black) - Dan's Comp ( 
> Second place is the picture attached . I don’t know where I bought it but 
> It has to be used with care as It will bend out of shape so you have to 
> back it up with your hand . 
> Third place 
> : Crankbrothers Dunarri Speedier Lever , Black : Cycling Tire 
> Repair Kits : Sports & Outdoors 
> *From:*  *On 
> Behalf Of *John Bokman
> *Sent:* Thursday, December 28, 2023 4:32 PM
> *To:* RBW Owners Bunch 
> *Subject:* Re: [RBW] Re: Will Cliffhangers leave me hanging?
> I have found the Marathon Supremes (700x35 and 700x38) to be great for 
> urban riding/touring purposes. But, they are now sadly discontinued. The 
> "replacement" is the Marathon "efficiency" which I can't quite get my head 
> around...Another tire that I now enjoy for such purposes is the Panaracer 
> Pasella Protite. Less expensive, great rolling, maybe not quite as 
> flat-resistant, but so far so good (fingers crossed). I had used the 
> original Pasellas, but found them to be flat-prone. The new ones seem to 
> roll as well, but be much more flat-prone. Of course, I'm not riding on 
> shoulders of highways where lots of tire and shrapnel conspire to deflate 
> tires.
> FWIW, have haven't had trouble mounting Schwalbes (Marathon Green Guard, 
> Marathon Supreme, Marathon Mondial) on Velocity Dyads nor Quill. They were 
> a bit tougher to mount on Sun Rims (CR 18, I believe?). I think the key is 
> to get the tire beads well into the center of the wheel well before 
> proceeding with mounting.
> John, Portland OR
> On Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 1:54:52 PM UTC-8 maxcr wrote:
> Marathon Supremes have been quite supple and easy to mount for me
> Max
> On Dec 28, 2023, at 3:24 PM, Ed Carolipio  wrote:
> I've had similar problems with the Cliffhangers and other tubeless 
> compatible rims. Two things I did to make life easier: (1) ensure the tire 
> bead is in the center channel, as Josiah pointed out; and (2) use a thin 
> plastic tubeless rim tape (Stan's, Velocity, Muc-Off) even when running 
> tubes and limit it at one layer. Never use the cloth rim tape (like Velox) 
> and avoid the rubber rim strips (like Ritchey).
> You didn't mention if you had a wire bead or folding bead tires. Wire 
> beads are hit-and-miss with different rims. I've found I have a lot less 
> trouble with folding bead tires.
> You also didn't mention which Marathons you're running. IMO the base 
> Marathons are the ones folks abhor. I opt for the highest option Marathons, 
> which used to be the Marathon Supremes but currently I think are Almotions, 
> and always in a folding bead. It's a much more supple and lighter tire with 
> similar flat performance and durability. I haven't had direct experince 
> with the Mondials but people speak highly of those when touring off road.
> --Ed Carolipio
> Redondo Beach, CA
> On Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 8:46:32 AM UTC-8 Curtis wrote:
> Hello,
> Looking for some Cliffhanger wisdom.  It seems that I am having a good 
> amount of trouble mounting Schwalbe Marathons on my Cliffhangers.  So much 
> so that I worry about a tire change in the field, such as the Oregon 
> Outback, and been stranded.  I am now carrying a large screwdriver to get 
> the leverage  needed to mount the last bit of tire on the rim.  Have not 
> pinched more that two tubes in the last fifty years of flat fixing.  
> Yesterday, I pinched two and scratched the heck out of the rim.  Not to 
> mention bending the cool aluminum CyclePro tire levers that I have had 

[RBW] Re: FS: Sackville SaddleSack Small, olive

2023-12-28 Thread Joe Bernard

On Tuesday, December 26, 2023 at 10:29:11 PM UTC-8 Joe Bernard wrote:

> I'm overbagged again and seem determined to keep using huge ones. 
> Bought here this summer in VG condition, used maybe 5 whole times myself. 
> It's an interesting pale olive I hadn't seen before, there's almost a hint 
> if grey in it (but lots more green than the pics show, my phone always 
> washes out bag colors). 
> My vague recollection (I can't find the email) is I paid $130 shipped so 
> that's the price. 
> Thanks, 
> Joe Bernard
> joeremi62 gmail com
> [image: Screenshot_20231226_222521.jpg][image: 
> Screenshot_20231226_222530.jpg]

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[RBW] 650 b touring tire recommendation

2023-12-28 Thread Bernard Duhon

Looking for a 650b touring tire.
Panaracer ss looks as good as I can get.

Maximum width is 38 mm rear 42 mm front.

I would love to find Marathon Supreme but they don't exist in that size.

Any suggestions?

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Re: [RBW] Re: Will Cliffhangers leave me hanging?

2023-12-28 Thread Piaw Na
Those Nanos are the most frustrating tires I've ever had to change out. It 
took me 2 days to get them off my son's Salsa Journeyman. Granted, those 
rims are the awful tubeless ready rims which contribute to the problem. I 
even had to rest my thumbs in between wheels!

I've had Marathons come on the bike and bent aluminum tire levers getting 
them off to fix them. Never again! My philosophy now is that I'd rather get 
flats more often and have them be easy to fix in the field than to have 
unflattable tires that also are unfixable in the field when they do flat.

On Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 5:28:46 PM UTC-8 John Rinker wrote:

> I haven't had any problems mounting tires, but I've got a pair of WTB 
> Nanos that are clinging for dear life. They won't even let me push their 
> bead from the rim. They truly love the Cliffhangers.
> Cheers, John
> On Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 5:03:37 PM UTC-8 
> wrote:
>> Those tubless ready rims can be a pain. 
>> When I am going on a multi day ride I bring this tire jack. 
>> It only fits in large saddle bags but is worth the space.
>> Kool Stop Tire Bead Jack With Handle (Black) - Dan's Comp ( 
>> Second place is the picture attached . I don’t know where I bought it but 
>> It has to be used with care as It will bend out of shape so you have to 
>> back it up with your hand . 
>> Third place 
>> : Crankbrothers Dunarri Speedier Lever , Black : Cycling Tire 
>> Repair Kits : Sports & Outdoors 
>> *From:*  *On 
>> Behalf Of *John Bokman
>> *Sent:* Thursday, December 28, 2023 4:32 PM
>> *To:* RBW Owners Bunch 
>> *Subject:* Re: [RBW] Re: Will Cliffhangers leave me hanging?
>> I have found the Marathon Supremes (700x35 and 700x38) to be great for 
>> urban riding/touring purposes. But, they are now sadly discontinued. The 
>> "replacement" is the Marathon "efficiency" which I can't quite get my head 
>> around...Another tire that I now enjoy for such purposes is the Panaracer 
>> Pasella Protite. Less expensive, great rolling, maybe not quite as 
>> flat-resistant, but so far so good (fingers crossed). I had used the 
>> original Pasellas, but found them to be flat-prone. The new ones seem to 
>> roll as well, but be much more flat-prone. Of course, I'm not riding on 
>> shoulders of highways where lots of tire and shrapnel conspire to deflate 
>> tires.
>> FWIW, have haven't had trouble mounting Schwalbes (Marathon Green Guard, 
>> Marathon Supreme, Marathon Mondial) on Velocity Dyads nor Quill. They were 
>> a bit tougher to mount on Sun Rims (CR 18, I believe?). I think the key is 
>> to get the tire beads well into the center of the wheel well before 
>> proceeding with mounting.
>> John, Portland OR
>> On Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 1:54:52 PM UTC-8 maxcr wrote:
>> Marathon Supremes have been quite supple and easy to mount for me
>> Max
>> On Dec 28, 2023, at 3:24 PM, Ed Carolipio  wrote:
>> I've had similar problems with the Cliffhangers and other tubeless 
>> compatible rims. Two things I did to make life easier: (1) ensure the tire 
>> bead is in the center channel, as Josiah pointed out; and (2) use a thin 
>> plastic tubeless rim tape (Stan's, Velocity, Muc-Off) even when running 
>> tubes and limit it at one layer. Never use the cloth rim tape (like Velox) 
>> and avoid the rubber rim strips (like Ritchey).
>> You didn't mention if you had a wire bead or folding bead tires. Wire 
>> beads are hit-and-miss with different rims. I've found I have a lot less 
>> trouble with folding bead tires.
>> You also didn't mention which Marathons you're running. IMO the base 
>> Marathons are the ones folks abhor. I opt for the highest option Marathons, 
>> which used to be the Marathon Supremes but currently I think are Almotions, 
>> and always in a folding bead. It's a much more supple and lighter tire with 
>> similar flat performance and durability. I haven't had direct experince 
>> with the Mondials but people speak highly of those when 

[RBW] Re: Why do some bikes just feel consistently faster?

2023-12-28 Thread Patrick Moore
Just looked at Cyclemeter: 15.17 mph just lollygagging and with clock
running over multiple stops; and a little boy messing around with a scooter
on the bike path stopped to yell, "You're going *fast!"* Well, not very,
but my usual clock running/many stops time is more like 12 mph.

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Re: [RBW] Re: New Bike Day—Retirement Bike

2023-12-28 Thread Pam Bikes
LOVE all the pictures!  I can't wait to see it in person in Philly at the 
Philly Bike Expo.  I hope you do come ride w/me again.  And we should go 
ride in MI w/Leah.  She makes it sound delightful.  

On Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 9:21:05 AM UTC-5 Roberta wrote:

> John, I will measure when I get home tonight.  
> What an interesting thought, Andy.   In fact, pre-Riv I didn’t even know 
> you could change a stem or any other component, except for tires.
> I took the pics after my ride on Sunday, which I started once the rain had 
> stopped.  I've been on several short rides—less than 10 miles each so I’m 
> still getting to know the bike.  Platypus wants to surge forward.  Betty 
> seems more subdued.  What I'm really looking forward to longer rides and 
> more adventures.  Great Dr. Seuss story.  I hadn't read that one before 
> last night.
> On Wednesday, December 27, 2023 at 11:33:11 AM UTC-5 Doug H. wrote:
>> Fantastic bike Roberta! I love the personal touches you put on it to make 
>> it your custom Rivendell. Don't you love it when a plan comes together.
>> Doug
>> On Wednesday, December 27, 2023 at 9:00:09 AM UTC-5 Bicycle Belle Ding 
>> Ding! wrote:
>>> Yes, all of what Andy said. I have never said these words but I FEEL 
>>> them after reading his post. What a lovely thought, that your bike is the 
>>> culmination of all of your riding experiences. I’m going to think about 
>>> this for awhile…
>>> And, I also concur that the bike deserves a better moniker. I’ll also 
>>> think on THAT.
>>> L
>>> On Dec 27, 2023, at 6:32 AM, ascpgh  wrote:
>>> Fantastic Roberta!
>>> A bike is the sum of its parts. More accurately, a sum of the stories of 
>>> all the parts that they represent to you. It validates all of your past 
>>> riding by developing preferences and aesthetics of parts you may not have 
>>> been keenly aware of before 2017. Most production (boxed) bikes are 
>>> specified for price point by choosing lower level parts for the bits most 
>>> riders aren't familiar with or don't notice. Building a bike like yours is 
>>> deeply rewarding and culminates all of your efforts, experiences and gained 
>>> knowledge.
>>> It's not a "retirement bike", it's a bike to provide for your "not 
>>> working 8 hours of each day anymore bike". In that role your Betty Foy 
>>> appears ready for all uses, your pictures even show a wet ground, 
>>> validating fenders and flaps before you've even posted an initial ride 
>>> report.
>>> Makes me think of the Dr. Seuss classic, Oh, the Places You'll Go.
>>> Andy Cheatham
>>> Pittsburgh
>>> On Monday, December 25, 2023 at 8:40:01 PM UTC-5 Roberta wrote:
 What’s old is new:  circa 2010 Betty Foy!

 Let me explain why this and not a custom I was hoping for.

 For the past nearly three years, I’ve been “next up” on Rivendell’s 
 list for a custom retirement bike, something I’ve wanted since I found 
 Rivendell in 2017.  I wanted something 1) like my 55cm Platypus, but 
 shorter (I didn’t say short, just short-*er*) specifically so I could 
 take it on the city bus bike rack and Amtrak, that 2) fits and rides like 
 my 2019 54.5 Homer.

 During one of our many conversations, the ever so patient Vince 
 suggested a Betty Foy.  When I saw one posted on RBW’s Craigslist 
 thread, I drove to Brooklyn, test rode and brought it home, and thanked 
 RBW poster.  I think this bike is from the first batch of Betty’s 
 because only one heart lug was (notice the past tense) filled in and the 
 seat tube is 58cm.  The color is not robin’s egg blue, but more of a 
 sage/teal, which I like more.

 It’s about as close to a custom as I think Grant would have built for 
 me—650b wheels, just under the Amtrak length limit by ½”, fits on our city 
 bus bike racks, rides great and no toe overlap.  Perhaps not a cushy 
 as my Platypus with its extra-long wheelbase, but if I’m on my Betty, I 
 have more options for mass transportation.  The only thing I wish it 
 had was an additional water bottle mount, but I remedied that with a water 
 bottle bag on the handlebar, big enough to hold a 40 oz Kleen Kanteen.

 1X9 Drive train (38T Wolf Tooth in front with Microshift Aventex in 
 back), Albatross handlebar, brakes (Tektro R553)  and Gravel King 
 Slick tires are as I purchased the bike.

 I added “extras”—SKS fenders with custom mud flaps (made by a little 
 girl whose Dad is on the iBob board 
 ), red Ergon grips and Newbaum’s tape for pop of color, German mirrors, 
 Greenfield kickstand, 32 spoke Velocity A23 rims with tubeless setup, and 
 Dyno lighting SP hub with Edulux light on front and B&M Topline Plus light 
 in the back.  Bitex hub in the rear. Axiom rack.  Brooks B68 saddle in 
 honey, b