Re: [RBW] Re: A Homer Hill build....

2023-12-03 Thread Sarah Carlson
All these responses have given me so much to think about, I appreciate all 
the help. Thank you!

On Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 7:01:05 PM UTC-8 Joe Bernard wrote:

> My low on a 650B bike in Lake County, CA., is 26 x 50. It's useful! 
> On Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 1:25:54 PM UTC-8 wrote:
>> The Greater Bay Area is full of 13-24% grades (which is where Sarah 
>> lives). Visitors from other areas (including places like Colorado) 
>> frequently drop their jaws when they see what the local touring clubs ride 
>> as a matter of course. A 24x36 drivetrain isn't too low a gear here, 
>> especially if you're carrying a load. On my triplet, I had a 24x36 and 
>> still couldn't climb anything over a 12% grade when carrying panniers. On 
>> my single bike I have a 40x51, and just manage to make it up a 30% grade, 
>> which required shifting my weight between the rear and front wheels in 
>> order to keep both wheels on the ground while grinding away. Here in the 
>> greater San Francisco Bay Area, your bike can never be too light, you can 
>> never be too wealthy, and you can never have gears too low!
>> On Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 1:13 PM Greg J  wrote:
>>> @Sarah - maybe the easiest thing is to go on a ride with some local list 
>>> members who can give you some ideas while you're actually riding on these 
>>> roads.  
>>> For example, have you ridden a 24T granny on the road---and if so, with 
>>> what rear cog?  A 24 is really very low for the road (but not for dirt), 
>>> and a 24T - 32 in the back may be too low to be useful.  A 26 or even a 28 
>>> may be a better granny depending on your cassette range.  But as mentioned 
>>> already, only you know what works for you.
>>> Greg

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Re: [RBW] Re: NBOD: New Bike Ordered Day! The mythical canti-Roa!

2023-12-03 Thread Sarah Carlson
I love seeing someone else's bike dream fulfilled! Congratulations on your 
new bike day and what color did you paint your bike??! (I promise 
you all your RivSisters want to know...) 

On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:19:18 PM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> Since starting this thread, I did spring for a fancy new wheel set that 
> I'm pretty excited about.  I like the people and products at HED, and I 
> appreciate their vestigial commitment to rim brakes.  They offer a premier 
> rim treatment called RA black.  The rim is machined rough, and then hard 
> anodized to give a super high friction braking surface.  It's supposed to 
> be premier braking, and I'm excited to try it out.  
> Mocking up the weights of things, I may be able to pull in a full build at 
> 18.5 pounds without rack and fenders, and maybe (just maybe) at 19.99lbs 
> with rack and fenders.  We'll see how it turns out...  it will not be red. 
> BL in EC
> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:23:07 AM UTC-8 Ryan wrote:
>> Can hardly wait to see it built up! Long wait but worth it I'm sure 
>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:57:15 AM UTC-6 George Schick wrote:
>>> You gonna stick with the default red/white Roadeo color scheme or choose 
>>> something else?
>>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:45:33 AM UTC-6 Bill Lindsay wrote:
 ...and 20 months later, it has arrived!  Rivendell received my 
 Cantilever Roadeo from Nobilette this week, and it's off to paint.  I paid 
 them a visit and gave it a look over.  It looks very nice and I'm eager to 
 see it painted, and built up.  

 On my visit I had a very nice chat with Grant about various things, and 
 a few of the familiar old faces were there, so it was a pleasant visit all 

 Bill Lindsay
 El Cerrito, CA

 On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 11:15:17 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> John
> I will definitely run my current Roadeo wheelsets.  27mm tubulars.  
> Rene Herse Stampede Pass (622-32) and Bon Jon Pass (622-35).  For kicks 
> I'll probably check how Barlow Passes look on the bike (622-38).  
> I don't plan on using fenders.  I plan on being able to use fenders.  
> I don't have a width or model in mind at the moment.  
> I am considering using Rene Herse Cantilevers.  Those brakes are super 
> light, super minimalist, and very not-adjustable.  My opinion is that 
> they 
> can only work great when a master builder builds the frame and fork with 
> those brakes in mind.  Weigle and Nobilette are the two who I'd trust to 
> execute that, because both have done it dozens of times.  
> I expect to take delivery about a year from now.  Nobilette's queue is 
> indeed deep, and it contains other Roadeos, Riv customs, and Nobilettes.  
> I'm happy that Nobilette has the steady work, and hope he is charging 
> what 
> he needs to keep the lights on.  I was happy to pay the price I've paid.  
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 9:41:52 AM UTC-7 John Hawrylak wrote:
>> Bill
>> The canti-roadeo sounds great and I wish you the best of luck with 
>> it.  The rear brake bridge is smart idea for canti's or CPs.  Well worth 
>> the cost to eliminates the cable hanger and all of it's problems.   I'd 
>> vote for red with cream head tube, just think a darker main color looks 
>> best.
>> 4 questions
>> What size tire will you use??
>> Sounds like you plan on using fenders.   What width are you planning 
>> on??
>> What brakes do you plan on using??
>> What is the lead time??   I thought the last Blaugh talked about 
>> closing the custom order book for a time and then starting again 
>> something 
>> like 1 year later
>> John Hawrylak
>> Woodstown NJ
>> On Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 6:12:10 PM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> Toshi and Matt asked whether my new frameset will be a Roadeo or a 
>>> Rivendell Custom
>>> Yes, it's a Roadeo.  It is priced like a Roadeo, will have Roadeo 
>>> graphics, and is not a custom.  I went to, put a 59cm 
>>> Roadeo in my cart and paid for it.  Over email with Mark A, I specified 
>>> a 
>>> bunch of details.  They included:
>>> -threadless steerer (threaded and threadless are no-cost options)
>>> -DT shifter bosses (shifter bosses or braze on cable stops are 
>>> no-cost options)
>>> -canti-posts (this is an option, and I don't know if there will be 
>>> an upcharge)
>>> -a Legolas fork crown instead of a Roadeo crown.  Holds the fork 
>>> blades a tiny bit wider for easier canti-post placement.  Will not 
>>> change 
>>> the A-C fork length
>>> -I will be using cantilever brakes, so I wanted a brazed on rear 
>>> h

Re: [RBW] Re: NBOD: New Bike Ordered Day! The mythical canti-Roa!

2023-12-03 Thread Bill Lindsay
I absolutely will be hoping for RivSister approval of my color way.  In my 
convo with Grant, he asked to photograph a number of the projects I've been 
working on or recently completed, like he may Blagh about it, and since 
this Canti-Roa is a relatively unique thing, I was going to give them first 
shot at the actual reveal.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, Ca

On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 5:17:12 AM UTC-8 wrote:

> I love seeing someone else's bike dream fulfilled! Congratulations on your 
> new bike day and what color did you paint your bike??! (I promise 
> you all your RivSisters want to know...) 
> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:19:18 PM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> Since starting this thread, I did spring for a fancy new wheel set that 
>> I'm pretty excited about.  I like the people and products at HED, and I 
>> appreciate their vestigial commitment to rim brakes.  They offer a premier 
>> rim treatment called RA black.  The rim is machined rough, and then hard 
>> anodized to give a super high friction braking surface.  It's supposed to 
>> be premier braking, and I'm excited to try it out.  
>> Mocking up the weights of things, I may be able to pull in a full build 
>> at 18.5 pounds without rack and fenders, and maybe (just maybe) at 19.99lbs 
>> with rack and fenders.  We'll see how it turns out...  it will not be red. 
>> BL in EC
>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:23:07 AM UTC-8 Ryan wrote:
>>> Can hardly wait to see it built up! Long wait but worth it I'm sure 
>>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:57:15 AM UTC-6 George Schick wrote:
 You gonna stick with the default red/white Roadeo color scheme or 
 choose something else?

 On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:45:33 AM UTC-6 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> ...and 20 months later, it has arrived!  Rivendell received my 
> Cantilever Roadeo from Nobilette this week, and it's off to paint.  I 
> paid 
> them a visit and gave it a look over.  It looks very nice and I'm eager 
> to 
> see it painted, and built up.  
> On my visit I had a very nice chat with Grant about various things, 
> and a few of the familiar old faces were there, so it was a pleasant 
> visit 
> all around.  
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 11:15:17 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> John
>> I will definitely run my current Roadeo wheelsets.  27mm tubulars.  
>> Rene Herse Stampede Pass (622-32) and Bon Jon Pass (622-35).  For kicks 
>> I'll probably check how Barlow Passes look on the bike (622-38).  
>> I don't plan on using fenders.  I plan on being able to use fenders.  
>> I don't have a width or model in mind at the moment.  
>> I am considering using Rene Herse Cantilevers.  Those brakes are 
>> super light, super minimalist, and very not-adjustable.  My opinion is 
>> that 
>> they can only work great when a master builder builds the frame and fork 
>> with those brakes in mind.  Weigle and Nobilette are the two who I'd 
>> trust 
>> to execute that, because both have done it dozens of times.  
>> I expect to take delivery about a year from now.  Nobilette's queue 
>> is indeed deep, and it contains other Roadeos, Riv customs, and 
>> Nobilettes.  I'm happy that Nobilette has the steady work, and hope he 
>> is 
>> charging what he needs to keep the lights on.  I was happy to pay the 
>> price 
>> I've paid.  
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA
>> On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 9:41:52 AM UTC-7 John Hawrylak wrote:
>>> Bill
>>> The canti-roadeo sounds great and I wish you the best of luck with 
>>> it.  The rear brake bridge is smart idea for canti's or CPs.  Well 
>>> worth 
>>> the cost to eliminates the cable hanger and all of it's problems.   I'd 
>>> vote for red with cream head tube, just think a darker main color looks 
>>> best.
>>> 4 questions
>>> What size tire will you use??
>>> Sounds like you plan on using fenders.   What width are you planning 
>>> on??
>>> What brakes do you plan on using??
>>> What is the lead time??   I thought the last Blaugh talked about 
>>> closing the custom order book for a time and then starting again 
>>> something 
>>> like 1 year later
>>> John Hawrylak
>>> Woodstown NJ
>>> On Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 6:12:10 PM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:
 Toshi and Matt asked whether my new frameset will be a Roadeo or a 
 Rivendell Custom

 Yes, it's a Roadeo.  It is priced like a Roadeo, will have Roadeo 
 graphics, and is not a custom.  I went to, put a 59cm 
 Roadeo in my cart and paid for it.  Over email with Mark A, I 

Re: [RBW] Re: NBOD: New Bike Ordered Day! The mythical canti-Roa!

2023-12-03 Thread Bill Lindsay
Here is the Flickr album where I will post my photos.

There are several shots of the raw frame set in there now.  

BL in EC

On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 7:13:08 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> I absolutely will be hoping for RivSister approval of my color way.  In my 
> convo with Grant, he asked to photograph a number of the projects I've been 
> working on or recently completed, like he may Blagh about it, and since 
> this Canti-Roa is a relatively unique thing, I was going to give them first 
> shot at the actual reveal.  
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, Ca
> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 5:17:12 AM UTC-8 
> wrote:
>> I love seeing someone else's bike dream fulfilled! Congratulations on 
>> your new bike day and what color did you paint your bike??! (I 
>> promise you all your RivSisters want to know...) 
>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:19:18 PM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> Since starting this thread, I did spring for a fancy new wheel set that 
>>> I'm pretty excited about.  I like the people and products at HED, and I 
>>> appreciate their vestigial commitment to rim brakes.  They offer a premier 
>>> rim treatment called RA black.  The rim is machined rough, and then hard 
>>> anodized to give a super high friction braking surface.  It's supposed to 
>>> be premier braking, and I'm excited to try it out.  
>>> Mocking up the weights of things, I may be able to pull in a full build 
>>> at 18.5 pounds without rack and fenders, and maybe (just maybe) at 19.99lbs 
>>> with rack and fenders.  We'll see how it turns out...  it will not be red. 
>>> BL in EC
>>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:23:07 AM UTC-8 Ryan wrote:
 Can hardly wait to see it built up! Long wait but worth it I'm sure 

 On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:57:15 AM UTC-6 George Schick wrote:

> You gonna stick with the default red/white Roadeo color scheme or 
> choose something else?
> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:45:33 AM UTC-6 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> ...and 20 months later, it has arrived!  Rivendell received my 
>> Cantilever Roadeo from Nobilette this week, and it's off to paint.  I 
>> paid 
>> them a visit and gave it a look over.  It looks very nice and I'm eager 
>> to 
>> see it painted, and built up.  
>> On my visit I had a very nice chat with Grant about various things, 
>> and a few of the familiar old faces were there, so it was a pleasant 
>> visit 
>> all around.  
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA
>> On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 11:15:17 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> John
>>> I will definitely run my current Roadeo wheelsets.  27mm tubulars.  
>>> Rene Herse Stampede Pass (622-32) and Bon Jon Pass (622-35).  For kicks 
>>> I'll probably check how Barlow Passes look on the bike (622-38).  
>>> I don't plan on using fenders.  I plan on being able to use 
>>> fenders.  I don't have a width or model in mind at the moment.  
>>> I am considering using Rene Herse Cantilevers.  Those brakes are 
>>> super light, super minimalist, and very not-adjustable.  My opinion is 
>>> that 
>>> they can only work great when a master builder builds the frame and 
>>> fork 
>>> with those brakes in mind.  Weigle and Nobilette are the two who I'd 
>>> trust 
>>> to execute that, because both have done it dozens of times.  
>>> I expect to take delivery about a year from now.  Nobilette's queue 
>>> is indeed deep, and it contains other Roadeos, Riv customs, and 
>>> Nobilettes.  I'm happy that Nobilette has the steady work, and hope he 
>>> is 
>>> charging what he needs to keep the lights on.  I was happy to pay the 
>>> price 
>>> I've paid.  
>>> Bill Lindsay
>>> El Cerrito, CA
>>> On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 9:41:52 AM UTC-7 John Hawrylak wrote:

 The canti-roadeo sounds great and I wish you the best of luck with 
 it.  The rear brake bridge is smart idea for canti's or CPs.  Well 
 the cost to eliminates the cable hanger and all of it's problems.   
 vote for red with cream head tube, just think a darker main color 

 4 questions
 What size tire will you use??
 Sounds like you plan on using fenders.   What width are you 
 planning on??
 What brakes do you plan on using??
 What is the lead time??   I thought the last Blaugh talked about 
 closing the custom order book for a time and then starting again 
 like 1 year later

 John Hawrylak
 Woodstown NJ

 On Tue

[RBW] Re: NBOD: New Bike Ordered Day! The mythical canti-Roa!

2023-12-03 Thread Nikko Mendoza
The seat stay bridge. The dropouts. 🤌 Pretty rad. I can't wait to hear ride comparisons between this and the Legolas. Admittedly, I've been mentally dithering on re-raking my Legolas fork to make it chill out just a little bit and be possibly make it ride more like your canti-roadeo... but I wouldn't want to risk it's beautiful paint job in the process.  You have a brake choice in mind already? Sent from my iPhoneOn Dec 3, 2023, at 8:06 AM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:Here is the Flickr album where I will post my photos. are several shots of the raw frame set in there now.  BL in ECOn Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 7:13:08 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:I absolutely will be hoping for RivSister approval of my color way.  In my convo with Grant, he asked to photograph a number of the projects I've been working on or recently completed, like he may Blagh about it, and since this Canti-Roa is a relatively unique thing, I was going to give them first shot at the actual reveal.  Bill LindsayEl Cerrito, CaOn Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 5:17:12 AM UTC-8 wrote:I love seeing someone else's bike dream fulfilled! Congratulations on your new bike day and what color did you paint your bike??! (I promise you all your RivSisters want to know...) On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:19:18 PM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:Since starting this thread, I did spring for a fancy new wheel set that I'm pretty excited about.  I like the people and products at HED, and I appreciate their vestigial commitment to rim brakes.  They offer a premier rim treatment called RA black.  The rim is machined rough, and then hard anodized to give a super high friction braking surface.  It's supposed to be premier braking, and I'm excited to try it out.  Mocking up the weights of things, I may be able to pull in a full build at 18.5 pounds without rack and fenders, and maybe (just maybe) at 19.99lbs with rack and fenders.  We'll see how it turns out...  it will not be red. BL in ECOn Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:23:07 AM UTC-8 Ryan wrote:Can hardly wait to see it built up! Long wait but worth it I'm sure On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:57:15 AM UTC-6 George Schick wrote:You gonna stick with the default red/white Roadeo color scheme or choose something else?On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:45:33 AM UTC-6 Bill Lindsay wrote:...and 20 months later, it has arrived!  Rivendell received my Cantilever Roadeo from Nobilette this week, and it's off to paint.  I paid them a visit and gave it a look over.  It looks very nice and I'm eager to see it painted, and built up.  On my visit I had a very nice chat with Grant about various things, and a few of the familiar old faces were there, so it was a pleasant visit all around.  Bill LindsayEl Cerrito, CAOn Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 11:15:17 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:JohnI will definitely run my current Roadeo wheelsets.  27mm tubulars.  Rene Herse Stampede Pass (622-32) and Bon Jon Pass (622-35).  For kicks I'll probably check how Barlow Passes look on the bike (622-38).  I don't plan on using fenders.  I plan on being able to use fenders.  I don't have a width or model in mind at the moment.  I am considering using Rene Herse Cantilevers.  Those brakes are super light, super minimalist, and very not-adjustable.  My opinion is that they can only work great when a master builder builds the frame and fork with those brakes in mind.  Weigle and Nobilette are the two who I'd trust to execute that, because both have done it dozens of times.  I expect to take delivery about a year from now.  Nobilette's queue is indeed deep, and it contains other Roadeos, Riv customs, and Nobilettes.  I'm happy that Nobilette has the steady work, and hope he is charging what he needs to keep the lights on.  I was happy to pay the price I've paid.  Bill LindsayEl Cerrito, CAOn Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 9:41:52 AM UTC-7 John Hawrylak wrote:BillThe canti-roadeo sounds great and I wish you the best of luck with it.  The rear brake bridge is smart idea for canti's or CPs.  Well worth the cost to eliminates the cable hanger and all of it's problems.   I'd vote for red with cream head tube, just think a darker main color looks best.4 questionsWhat size tire will you use??Sounds like you plan on using fenders.   What width are you planning on??What brakes do you plan on using??What is the lead time??   I thought the last Blaugh talked about closing the custom order book for a time and then starting again something like 1 year laterJohn HawrylakWoodstown NJOn Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 6:12:10 PM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:Toshi and Matt asked whether my new frameset will be a Roadeo or a Rivendell CustomYes, it's a Roadeo.  It is priced like a Roadeo, will have Roadeo graphics, and is not a custom.  I went to, put a 59cm Roadeo in my cart and paid for it.  Over email with Mark A, I specified a bunch of details.  They included:-thread

Re: [RBW] Re: NBOD: New Bike Ordered Day! The mythical canti-Roa!

2023-12-03 Thread Ryan
Brake choice is rh even the raw frame is elegant
You can see nobilettes fine craftsmanship on display.

On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 10:15:50 AM UTC-6 Nikko in Oakland wrote:

> The seat stay bridge. The dropouts. 🤌 Pretty rad. I can't wait to hear 
> ride comparisons between this and the Legolas. Admittedly, I've been 
> mentally dithering on re-raking my Legolas fork to make it chill out just a 
> little bit and be possibly make it ride more like your canti-roadeo... but 
> I wouldn't want to risk it's beautiful paint job in the process.  
> You have a brake choice in mind already? 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 3, 2023, at 8:06 AM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:
> Here is the Flickr album where I will post my photos.  
> There are several shots of the raw frame set in there now.  
> BL in EC
> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 7:13:08 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> I absolutely will be hoping for RivSister approval of my color way.  In 
>> my convo with Grant, he asked to photograph a number of the projects I've 
>> been working on or recently completed, like he may Blagh about it, and 
>> since this Canti-Roa is a relatively unique thing, I was going to give them 
>> first shot at the actual reveal.  
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, Ca
>> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 5:17:12 AM UTC-8 
>> wrote:
>>> I love seeing someone else's bike dream fulfilled! Congratulations on 
>>> your new bike day and what color did you paint your bike??! (I 
>>> promise you all your RivSisters want to know...) 
>>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:19:18 PM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
 Since starting this thread, I did spring for a fancy new wheel set that 
 I'm pretty excited about.  I like the people and products at HED, and I 
 appreciate their vestigial commitment to rim brakes.  They offer a premier 
 rim treatment called RA black.  The rim is machined rough, and then hard 
 anodized to give a super high friction braking surface.  It's supposed to 
 be premier braking, and I'm excited to try it out.  

 Mocking up the weights of things, I may be able to pull in a full build 
 at 18.5 pounds without rack and fenders, and maybe (just maybe) at 
 with rack and fenders.  We'll see how it turns out...  it will not be red. 

 BL in EC

 On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:23:07 AM UTC-8 Ryan wrote:

> Can hardly wait to see it built up! Long wait but worth it I'm sure 
> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:57:15 AM UTC-6 George Schick wrote:
>> You gonna stick with the default red/white Roadeo color scheme or 
>> choose something else?
>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:45:33 AM UTC-6 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> ...and 20 months later, it has arrived!  Rivendell received my 
>>> Cantilever Roadeo from Nobilette this week, and it's off to paint.  I 
>>> paid 
>>> them a visit and gave it a look over.  It looks very nice and I'm eager 
>>> to 
>>> see it painted, and built up.  
>>> On my visit I had a very nice chat with Grant about various things, 
>>> and a few of the familiar old faces were there, so it was a pleasant 
>>> visit 
>>> all around.  
>>> Bill Lindsay
>>> El Cerrito, CA
>>> On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 11:15:17 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:

 I will definitely run my current Roadeo wheelsets.  27mm tubulars.  
 Rene Herse Stampede Pass (622-32) and Bon Jon Pass (622-35).  For 
 I'll probably check how Barlow Passes look on the bike (622-38).  

 I don't plan on using fenders.  I plan on being able to use 
 fenders.  I don't have a width or model in mind at the moment.  

 I am considering using Rene Herse Cantilevers.  Those brakes are 
 super light, super minimalist, and very not-adjustable.  My opinion is 
 they can only work great when a master builder builds the frame and 
 with those brakes in mind.  Weigle and Nobilette are the two who I'd 
 to execute that, because both have done it dozens of times.  

 I expect to take delivery about a year from now.  Nobilette's queue 
 is indeed deep, and it contains other Roadeos, Riv customs, and 
 Nobilettes.  I'm happy that Nobilette has the steady work, and hope he 
 charging what he needs to keep the lights on.  I was happy to pay the 
 I've paid.  

 Bill Lindsay
 El Cerrito, CA

 On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 9:41:52 AM UTC-7 John Hawrylak wrote:

> Bill
> The canti-roadeo sounds great and I w

Re: [RBW] Re: NBOD: New Bike Ordered Day! The mythical canti-Roa!

2023-12-03 Thread Ryan
My bad...rh was a choice but maybe Bill changed his mind

Pure fantasy...some Bruce Gordon ming the merciless cactus
Would be cool looking

On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 10:53:42 AM UTC-6 Ryan wrote:

> Brake choice is rh even the raw frame is elegant
> You can see nobilettes fine craftsmanship on display.
> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 10:15:50 AM UTC-6 Nikko in Oakland wrote:
>> The seat stay bridge. The dropouts. 🤌 Pretty rad. I can't wait to hear 
>> ride comparisons between this and the Legolas. Admittedly, I've been 
>> mentally dithering on re-raking my Legolas fork to make it chill out just a 
>> little bit and be possibly make it ride more like your canti-roadeo... but 
>> I wouldn't want to risk it's beautiful paint job in the process.  
>> You have a brake choice in mind already? 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 3, 2023, at 8:06 AM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:
>> Here is the Flickr album where I will post my photos.  
>> There are several shots of the raw frame set in there now.  
>> BL in EC
>> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 7:13:08 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> I absolutely will be hoping for RivSister approval of my color way.  In 
>>> my convo with Grant, he asked to photograph a number of the projects I've 
>>> been working on or recently completed, like he may Blagh about it, and 
>>> since this Canti-Roa is a relatively unique thing, I was going to give them 
>>> first shot at the actual reveal.  
>>> Bill Lindsay
>>> El Cerrito, Ca
>>> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 5:17:12 AM UTC-8 
>>> wrote:
 I love seeing someone else's bike dream fulfilled! Congratulations on 
 your new bike day and what color did you paint your bike??! (I 
 promise you all your RivSisters want to know...) 

 On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:19:18 PM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> Since starting this thread, I did spring for a fancy new wheel set 
> that I'm pretty excited about.  I like the people and products at HED, 
> and 
> I appreciate their vestigial commitment to rim brakes.  They offer a 
> premier rim treatment called RA black.  The rim is machined rough, and 
> then 
> hard anodized to give a super high friction braking surface.  It's 
> supposed 
> to be premier braking, and I'm excited to try it out.  
> Mocking up the weights of things, I may be able to pull in a full 
> build at 18.5 pounds without rack and fenders, and maybe (just maybe) at 
> 19.99lbs with rack and fenders.  We'll see how it turns out...  it will 
> not 
> be red. 
> BL in EC
> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:23:07 AM UTC-8 Ryan wrote:
>> Can hardly wait to see it built up! Long wait but worth it I'm sure 
>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:57:15 AM UTC-6 George Schick wrote:
>>> You gonna stick with the default red/white Roadeo color scheme or 
>>> choose something else?
>>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:45:33 AM UTC-6 Bill Lindsay wrote:
 ...and 20 months later, it has arrived!  Rivendell received my 
 Cantilever Roadeo from Nobilette this week, and it's off to paint.  I 
 them a visit and gave it a look over.  It looks very nice and I'm 
 eager to 
 see it painted, and built up.  

 On my visit I had a very nice chat with Grant about various things, 
 and a few of the familiar old faces were there, so it was a pleasant 
 all around.  

 Bill Lindsay
 El Cerrito, CA

 On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 11:15:17 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> John
> I will definitely run my current Roadeo wheelsets.  27mm 
> tubulars.  Rene Herse Stampede Pass (622-32) and Bon Jon Pass 
> (622-35).  
> For kicks I'll probably check how Barlow Passes look on the bike 
> (622-38).  
> I don't plan on using fenders.  I plan on being able to use 
> fenders.  I don't have a width or model in mind at the moment.  
> I am considering using Rene Herse Cantilevers.  Those brakes are 
> super light, super minimalist, and very not-adjustable.  My opinion 
> is that 
> they can only work great when a master builder builds the frame and 
> fork 
> with those brakes in mind.  Weigle and Nobilette are the two who I'd 
> trust 
> to execute that, because both have done it dozens of times.  
> I expect to take delivery about a year from now.  Nobilette's 
> queue is indeed deep, and it contains other Roadeos, Riv customs, and 
> Nobilettes.  I'm happy that Nobilette has the steady work, and hope 

Re: [RBW] Re: FS: Homer headbadge

2023-12-03 Thread Eric Marth
I think the Homer badges are pretty sweet. The one on Paul R's bike is 
weathered, patinated and brassy. It looks beautiful. I'm not sure if 
they're still made with same metals (doesn't look like it to my eye). 

On Friday, December 1, 2023 at 8:32:10 PM UTC-5 ian m wrote:

> LOVE the Saluki, Hunq, Cheviot, Appaloosa headbadges. Clem and Rosco are 
> fun. Hard to get excited about the Homer, I get it
> On Friday, December 1, 2023 at 6:58:18 PM UTC-5 Sky Coulter wrote:
>> The hunqapillar headbadge will always be the best.
>> On Dec 1, 2023, at 3:36 PM, Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY  
>> wrote:
>> Science fact-
>> There’s no finer headbadge in the universe than that of thee Rosco Bubbe.
>> -Kai
>> On Friday, December 1, 2023 at 5:24:44 PM UTC-5 Paul M wrote:
>>> With the green twin top tube Rosco, it was that I just didn't like the 
>>> rocket ship head badge. With the Homer, I like the head badge design but 
>>> not the dark blue border. However, I did leave the head badge on my Wolbis.
>>> On Friday, 1 December 2023 at 09:39:25 UTC-8 wrote:
 lol.  As soon as I saw this, I knew you had to be the guy who removed 
 the head badge on what is now my Green Rosco.
 On Friday, December 1, 2023 at 10:51:52 AM UTC-6 Paul M wrote:

> Sold. Thanks!
> On Friday, 1 December 2023 at 05:34:25 UTC-8 Paul M wrote:
>> Just removed this head badge from my new A. Homer Hilsen frameset. I 
>> like the look of the plain cream-colored head tube contrasting with the 
>> mustard frame. Perfect condition. Amazing what you can do with nylon 
>> tire 
>> irons. $35/shipped. Email me directly. Thanks, Paul in rainy Eugene 
>> Oregon.
> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> .

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW 
Owners Bunch" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
To view this discussion on the web visit

Re: [RBW] Re: NBOD: New Bike Ordered Day! The mythical canti-Roa!

2023-12-03 Thread 'John Hawrylak, Woodstown NJ' via RBW Owners Bunch

Nice photos of the frame.  The fork rake looks very nice.  A few questions 
after reading all the posts:

How much fork rake do you have??

How much BBD do you have??  Earlier you mentioned Grant used some extra 
BBD, based on his Roadeo?I thought 80mm was RBW standard BBD for 700C 

Did you get extra BBD to compensate for larger tires than say 700x32, e.g., 
increase the BBD so tires wider than 700x28/32 gives the same BBH as 
narrower tires??   

What was the main consideration for the canti's??   Obtain unrestricted 
tire clearance or something else??   

The fork crown looks very wide.  You mentioned it was not the standard RBW 
crown.   Do you know the inside width???

John Hawrylak
Woodstown NJ

On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 11:06:19 AM UTC-5 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> Here is the Flickr album where I will post my photos.  
> There are several shots of the raw frame set in there now.  
> BL in EC
> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 7:13:08 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> I absolutely will be hoping for RivSister approval of my color way.  In 
>> my convo with Grant, he asked to photograph a number of the projects I've 
>> been working on or recently completed, like he may Blagh about it, and 
>> since this Canti-Roa is a relatively unique thing, I was going to give them 
>> first shot at the actual reveal.  
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, Ca
>> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 5:17:12 AM UTC-8 
>> wrote:
>>> I love seeing someone else's bike dream fulfilled! Congratulations on 
>>> your new bike day and what color did you paint your bike??! (I 
>>> promise you all your RivSisters want to know...) 
>>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:19:18 PM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
 Since starting this thread, I did spring for a fancy new wheel set that 
 I'm pretty excited about.  I like the people and products at HED, and I 
 appreciate their vestigial commitment to rim brakes.  They offer a premier 
 rim treatment called RA black.  The rim is machined rough, and then hard 
 anodized to give a super high friction braking surface.  It's supposed to 
 be premier braking, and I'm excited to try it out.  

 Mocking up the weights of things, I may be able to pull in a full build 
 at 18.5 pounds without rack and fenders, and maybe (just maybe) at 
 with rack and fenders.  We'll see how it turns out...  it will not be red. 

 BL in EC

 On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:23:07 AM UTC-8 Ryan wrote:

> Can hardly wait to see it built up! Long wait but worth it I'm sure 
> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:57:15 AM UTC-6 George Schick wrote:
>> You gonna stick with the default red/white Roadeo color scheme or 
>> choose something else?
>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:45:33 AM UTC-6 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> ...and 20 months later, it has arrived!  Rivendell received my 
>>> Cantilever Roadeo from Nobilette this week, and it's off to paint.  I 
>>> paid 
>>> them a visit and gave it a look over.  It looks very nice and I'm eager 
>>> to 
>>> see it painted, and built up.  
>>> On my visit I had a very nice chat with Grant about various things, 
>>> and a few of the familiar old faces were there, so it was a pleasant 
>>> visit 
>>> all around.  
>>> Bill Lindsay
>>> El Cerrito, CA
>>> On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 11:15:17 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:

 I will definitely run my current Roadeo wheelsets.  27mm tubulars.  
 Rene Herse Stampede Pass (622-32) and Bon Jon Pass (622-35).  For 
 I'll probably check how Barlow Passes look on the bike (622-38).  

 I don't plan on using fenders.  I plan on being able to use 
 fenders.  I don't have a width or model in mind at the moment.  

 I am considering using Rene Herse Cantilevers.  Those brakes are 
 super light, super minimalist, and very not-adjustable.  My opinion is 
 they can only work great when a master builder builds the frame and 
 with those brakes in mind.  Weigle and Nobilette are the two who I'd 
 to execute that, because both have done it dozens of times.  

 I expect to take delivery about a year from now.  Nobilette's queue 
 is indeed deep, and it contains other Roadeos, Riv customs, and 
 Nobilettes.  I'm happy that Nobilette has the steady work, and hope he 
 charging what he needs to keep the lights on.  I was happy to pay the 
 I've paid.  

 Bill Lindsay
 El Cerrito, CA

 On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 9:41:52 A

Re: [RBW] Gunnar Crosshairs

2023-12-03 Thread Andrew Turner
Miraculously I found it second-hand on eBay. The seller accepted my offer 
for just the frameset and it's been hands-down my favorite bike to ride. 
I'll share a separate post with all the details later next week when it's 
more dialed. 

On Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 11:55:24 PM UTC-6 Kieran J wrote:

> I love that Waterford. My size too! Did you have it made or found it 
> second-hand? Do you happen to know the stack/reach on it?
> KJ
> On Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 9:25:08 AM UTC-8 
> wrote:
>> Holy smokes, looks like we found similar Waterfords around the same time. 
>> Similar frame color too! Now I feel vindicated for this morning's purchase 
>> of blue cotton tape to pair with that graphite/champaign color. Looks 
>> sharp!  
>> [image: Image_20231129_112313 (1).jpeg]
>> On Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 6:46:35 PM UTC-6 exliontamer wrote:
>>> I have a 46/30  with an 11-28 cassette. The brakes are Shimano CX-50s 
>>> which I've always had good luck with. I snapped a photo but these are 
>>> measured 38s. The chain stays are the only section that's remotely tight. 
>>> Maybe room for a 40 or 42? Either way, I usually prefer 32-38 for road so 
>>> this is perfect for my purposes. [image: IMG_5104.jpg]
>>> On Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 1:35:44 PM UTC-6 Eric Daume wrote:
 Having owned both a Crosshairs and a Roadini, I think you made the good 
 choice. Enjoy it!


 On Tuesday, November 28, 2023, exliontamer  wrote:

> Got this built up & just wanted to share. I was looking for a Roadini 
> but this happened to pop up in my size & the price was too good to 
> resist. 
> Can't speak highly enough about it. Wish I liked the Gunnar "Star Wars" 
> logo more but that's my only complaint. Very happy to have a tiny piece 
> of 
> Waterford history. 
> [image: IMG_5103.jpg]
> -- 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
 To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
> an email to

> To view this discussion on the web visit 
> .

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW 
Owners Bunch" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
To view this discussion on the web visit

Re: [RBW] Re: FS: Homer headbadge

2023-12-03 Thread 'Daniel' via RBW Owners Bunch
I agree with Sky. The Hunq badge is the best. 

On Friday, December 1, 2023 at 6:58:18 PM UTC-5 Sky Coulter wrote:

> The hunqapillar headbadge will always be the best.
> On Dec 1, 2023, at 3:36 PM, Kainalu V. -Brooklyn NY  
> wrote:
> Science fact-
> There’s no finer headbadge in the universe than that of thee Rosco Bubbe.
> -Kai
> On Friday, December 1, 2023 at 5:24:44 PM UTC-5 Paul M wrote:
>> With the green twin top tube Rosco, it was that I just didn't like the 
>> rocket ship head badge. With the Homer, I like the head badge design but 
>> not the dark blue border. However, I did leave the head badge on my Wolbis.
>> On Friday, 1 December 2023 at 09:39:25 UTC-8 wrote:
>>> lol.  As soon as I saw this, I knew you had to be the guy who removed 
>>> the head badge on what is now my Green Rosco.
>>> On Friday, December 1, 2023 at 10:51:52 AM UTC-6 Paul M wrote:
 Sold. Thanks!

 On Friday, 1 December 2023 at 05:34:25 UTC-8 Paul M wrote:

> Just removed this head badge from my new A. Homer Hilsen frameset. I 
> like the look of the plain cream-colored head tube contrasting with the 
> mustard frame. Perfect condition. Amazing what you can do with nylon tire 
> irons. $35/shipped. Email me directly. Thanks, Paul in rainy Eugene 
> Oregon.

> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "RBW Owners Bunch" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to
> To view this discussion on the web visit 
> .

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW 
Owners Bunch" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
To view this discussion on the web visit

Re: [RBW] Re: NBOD: New Bike Ordered Day! The mythical canti-Roa!

2023-12-03 Thread P W
The perfect bike!P. W.~(917) 514-2207~On Dec 3, 2023, at 8:06 AM, Bill Lindsay  wrote:Here is the Flickr album where I will post my photos. are several shots of the raw frame set in there now.  BL in ECOn Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 7:13:08 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:I absolutely will be hoping for RivSister approval of my color way.  In my convo with Grant, he asked to photograph a number of the projects I've been working on or recently completed, like he may Blagh about it, and since this Canti-Roa is a relatively unique thing, I was going to give them first shot at the actual reveal.  Bill LindsayEl Cerrito, CaOn Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 5:17:12 AM UTC-8 wrote:I love seeing someone else's bike dream fulfilled! Congratulations on your new bike day and what color did you paint your bike??! (I promise you all your RivSisters want to know...) On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:19:18 PM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:Since starting this thread, I did spring for a fancy new wheel set that I'm pretty excited about.  I like the people and products at HED, and I appreciate their vestigial commitment to rim brakes.  They offer a premier rim treatment called RA black.  The rim is machined rough, and then hard anodized to give a super high friction braking surface.  It's supposed to be premier braking, and I'm excited to try it out.  Mocking up the weights of things, I may be able to pull in a full build at 18.5 pounds without rack and fenders, and maybe (just maybe) at 19.99lbs with rack and fenders.  We'll see how it turns out...  it will not be red. BL in ECOn Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:23:07 AM UTC-8 Ryan wrote:Can hardly wait to see it built up! Long wait but worth it I'm sure On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:57:15 AM UTC-6 George Schick wrote:You gonna stick with the default red/white Roadeo color scheme or choose something else?On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:45:33 AM UTC-6 Bill Lindsay wrote:...and 20 months later, it has arrived!  Rivendell received my Cantilever Roadeo from Nobilette this week, and it's off to paint.  I paid them a visit and gave it a look over.  It looks very nice and I'm eager to see it painted, and built up.  On my visit I had a very nice chat with Grant about various things, and a few of the familiar old faces were there, so it was a pleasant visit all around.  Bill LindsayEl Cerrito, CAOn Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 11:15:17 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:JohnI will definitely run my current Roadeo wheelsets.  27mm tubulars.  Rene Herse Stampede Pass (622-32) and Bon Jon Pass (622-35).  For kicks I'll probably check how Barlow Passes look on the bike (622-38).  I don't plan on using fenders.  I plan on being able to use fenders.  I don't have a width or model in mind at the moment.  I am considering using Rene Herse Cantilevers.  Those brakes are super light, super minimalist, and very not-adjustable.  My opinion is that they can only work great when a master builder builds the frame and fork with those brakes in mind.  Weigle and Nobilette are the two who I'd trust to execute that, because both have done it dozens of times.  I expect to take delivery about a year from now.  Nobilette's queue is indeed deep, and it contains other Roadeos, Riv customs, and Nobilettes.  I'm happy that Nobilette has the steady work, and hope he is charging what he needs to keep the lights on.  I was happy to pay the price I've paid.  Bill LindsayEl Cerrito, CAOn Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 9:41:52 AM UTC-7 John Hawrylak wrote:BillThe canti-roadeo sounds great and I wish you the best of luck with it.  The rear brake bridge is smart idea for canti's or CPs.  Well worth the cost to eliminates the cable hanger and all of it's problems.   I'd vote for red with cream head tube, just think a darker main color looks best.4 questionsWhat size tire will you use??Sounds like you plan on using fenders.   What width are you planning on??What brakes do you plan on using??What is the lead time??   I thought the last Blaugh talked about closing the custom order book for a time and then starting again something like 1 year laterJohn HawrylakWoodstown NJOn Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 6:12:10 PM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:Toshi and Matt asked whether my new frameset will be a Roadeo or a Rivendell CustomYes, it's a Roadeo.  It is priced like a Roadeo, will have Roadeo graphics, and is not a custom.  I went to, put a 59cm Roadeo in my cart and paid for it.  Over email with Mark A, I specified a bunch of details.  They included:-threadless steerer (threaded and threadless are no-cost options)-DT shifter bosses (shifter bosses or braze on cable stops are no-cost options)-canti-posts (this is an option, and I don't know if there will be an upcharge)-a Legolas fork crown instead of a Roadeo crown.  Holds the fork blades a tiny bit wider for easier canti-post placement.  Will not change the A-C fork length-I wi

Re: [RBW] Re: Best way to arrange 2-cog manual shifting for "single speed" disc braked bicycle

2023-12-03 Thread Patrick Moore
Procrastination is what I do best.

BUT!!! What about that 2020 IGH Matthews? I finally happened. Slowly but
eventually ...

Re: LIbertas: My brother owes me some $$ to be repayed in kind; he has all
sorts of kind including bike stuff that he picks up dirt cheap because he
likes (very intelligent) scavenging, which I hate doing. One option is to
build up the frame at least at first as a scavenge beater with parts I can
find cheap; I want to try tubulars before I die and old fw tubular
wheelsets often turn up cheap. The frame has an old steel Campy hs,  I've
got cranks, probably bb, certainly pedals, chains galore, brakes and levers
galore, saddles,derailleurs; even I think a black Logic 27.2 sp -- not sure
what the frame takes; would need a freewheel if fw hub, otherwise build it
(really, I need to get down to build my 2nd wheel ever) up with that S3X
hub for use with either fixed cog or fw. I think that I even have a stem,
but I'd need a bar. This build would be what my aunt once facetiously and
disparagingly described, referring to someone's furniture, as "early
available." This option has the advantage that I would feel comfortable
building up the frame as-is, with tt dent and broken tt housing guide and
wonderfully scuffed paint.

Or I could indulge my perfectionist compulsion and procrastinate until I
collect "nice" parts, either for a period-correct retro build (unlikely) or
a bastardized (but *nice* bastardized) mix 'n' match -- S3X with
Stellacooms and Xpedo ti pedals?

Really, the Libertas would be higher on my list if (a) I didn't already
have 3 bikes that ride so nicely on pavement and dirt, at least firm dirt,
and (b) the nearby offroad wasn't so sandy.

As things stand, the Libertas frameset is employed as an anchor or backdrop
for daydreams about different possible builds.

On Sat, Dec 2, 2023 at 9:09 PM Bill Lindsay  wrote:

> " I still haven't heard from the local builder"
> You can defer actual action FOREVER with that disclaimer...  maybe that'll
> force you to think about "That Libertas".
> BL in EC
> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 5:56:33 PM UTC-8 Patrick Moore wrote:
>> Thanks -- yes, I've noticed that Surly fixed cogs are thicker in the
>> center than at the teeth. Will have to remove Monocog wheel and investigate
>> the freehub to verify the space available.
>> I'd read the BSNYC blog and noted the QR used with the "rocker" dropouts;
>> his description actually tempted me to reconsider a 2X2 with equal teeth
>> sums, say
>> 32/15 and 30/17 which would give me the current 65" and a 54" deep sand
>> or long hill gear.
>> We'll see. I still haven't heard from the local builder.
>> On Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 9:20 AM Wesley  wrote:
>>> Hey Patrick,
>>> Maybe you've already completed your two-speed conversion, but if not,
>>> there is some useful info in yesterday's Bikesnob blog:
>>> The key message is that the Surly single-speed cogs are thicker at the
>>> base so you could use one for your second cog without needing a spacer. It
>>> should allow the lockring to fit.
>>> -Wes
>>> On Sunday, October 29, 2023 at 12:42:39 PM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:
 Excellent! Thank you! So there is serendipity in that the lockring
 threads match standard fw threads. Very good to know.

 Now I can simply overhaul that cheap ss freehub -- Redline? -- and
 don't have to spend $$$ for a DOS; *also* I can use the current 32 t
 ring with an outer, screw-on 15 t cog for a 65" cruising gear and buy a
 splined ss 17 or perhaps even 18 t cog for a 57" or even 54" sand bogging
 gear -- if, that is, a QR disc rear wheel allows this.

 On Sun, Oct 29, 2023 at 9:49 AM Wesley  wrote:

> Hi Patrick!
> I don't remember the hub, and I searched my email for hubs I bought in
> 2009 – I was only able to find the one I built into the front wheel.
> However! This exercise show something loose in my head and I now recall 
> how
> I made the monocog into a two-speed (before whatever I did to add a third
> cog). I replaced the locking by a fixed-gear cog. Here's a text diagram:
> Your current setup has: spokes - spacer - splined cog - lockring
> Change it to: spokes - splined cog - spacer - threaded cog
> I hope this helps!
> -Wes
> On Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 9:51:46 PM UTC-7 Patrick Moore wrote:
>> Do you recall the hub you used with the unicycle rim? I seem to
>> recall BMX freehubs that had room for 2 cogs.
>> On Sat, Oct 28, 2023 at 9:16 PM Wesley  wrote:
>>> Yeah, it looks marginal to get a second cog in there with a narrower
>>> spacer. According to Sheldon Brown, 9-speed cogs want a 2.54 mm spacer
>>> between the cogs:
>>> I now remember that my monocog became a three speed after I built it
>>> a pair 

Re: [RBW] Re: NBOD: New Bike Ordered Day! The mythical canti-Roa!

2023-12-03 Thread Eamon Nordquist
Damn, Bill! That's going to be a dream bike. Maybe you've already covered 
this and I missed it, but I'm curious whether you went with a  threaded or 
threadless fork?

On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 8:06:19 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> Here is the Flickr album where I will post my photos.  
> There are several shots of the raw frame set in there now.  
> BL in EC
> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 7:13:08 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> I absolutely will be hoping for RivSister approval of my color way.  In 
>> my convo with Grant, he asked to photograph a number of the projects I've 
>> been working on or recently completed, like he may Blagh about it, and 
>> since this Canti-Roa is a relatively unique thing, I was going to give them 
>> first shot at the actual reveal.  
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, Ca
>> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 5:17:12 AM UTC-8 
>> wrote:
>>> I love seeing someone else's bike dream fulfilled! Congratulations on 
>>> your new bike day and what color did you paint your bike??! (I 
>>> promise you all your RivSisters want to know...) 
>>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:19:18 PM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
 Since starting this thread, I did spring for a fancy new wheel set that 
 I'm pretty excited about.  I like the people and products at HED, and I 
 appreciate their vestigial commitment to rim brakes.  They offer a premier 
 rim treatment called RA black.  The rim is machined rough, and then hard 
 anodized to give a super high friction braking surface.  It's supposed to 
 be premier braking, and I'm excited to try it out.  

 Mocking up the weights of things, I may be able to pull in a full build 
 at 18.5 pounds without rack and fenders, and maybe (just maybe) at 
 with rack and fenders.  We'll see how it turns out...  it will not be red. 

 BL in EC

 On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:23:07 AM UTC-8 Ryan wrote:

> Can hardly wait to see it built up! Long wait but worth it I'm sure 
> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:57:15 AM UTC-6 George Schick wrote:
>> You gonna stick with the default red/white Roadeo color scheme or 
>> choose something else?
>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:45:33 AM UTC-6 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> ...and 20 months later, it has arrived!  Rivendell received my 
>>> Cantilever Roadeo from Nobilette this week, and it's off to paint.  I 
>>> paid 
>>> them a visit and gave it a look over.  It looks very nice and I'm eager 
>>> to 
>>> see it painted, and built up.  
>>> On my visit I had a very nice chat with Grant about various things, 
>>> and a few of the familiar old faces were there, so it was a pleasant 
>>> visit 
>>> all around.  
>>> Bill Lindsay
>>> El Cerrito, CA
>>> On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 11:15:17 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:

 I will definitely run my current Roadeo wheelsets.  27mm tubulars.  
 Rene Herse Stampede Pass (622-32) and Bon Jon Pass (622-35).  For 
 I'll probably check how Barlow Passes look on the bike (622-38).  

 I don't plan on using fenders.  I plan on being able to use 
 fenders.  I don't have a width or model in mind at the moment.  

 I am considering using Rene Herse Cantilevers.  Those brakes are 
 super light, super minimalist, and very not-adjustable.  My opinion is 
 they can only work great when a master builder builds the frame and 
 with those brakes in mind.  Weigle and Nobilette are the two who I'd 
 to execute that, because both have done it dozens of times.  

 I expect to take delivery about a year from now.  Nobilette's queue 
 is indeed deep, and it contains other Roadeos, Riv customs, and 
 Nobilettes.  I'm happy that Nobilette has the steady work, and hope he 
 charging what he needs to keep the lights on.  I was happy to pay the 
 I've paid.  

 Bill Lindsay
 El Cerrito, CA

 On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 9:41:52 AM UTC-7 John Hawrylak wrote:

> Bill
> The canti-roadeo sounds great and I wish you the best of luck with 
> it.  The rear brake bridge is smart idea for canti's or CPs.  Well 
> worth 
> the cost to eliminates the cable hanger and all of it's problems.   
> I'd 
> vote for red with cream head tube, just think a darker main color 
> looks 
> best.
> 4 questions
> What size tire will you use??
> Sounds like you plan on u

Re: [RBW] Re: NBOD: New Bike Ordered Day! The mythical canti-Roa!

2023-12-03 Thread Bill Lindsay

John H asked questions:

How much fork rake do you have??  As much as a Roadeo has

How much BBD do you have??  Earlier you mentioned Grant used some extra 
BBD, based on his Roadeo?It's not 80, because the Roadeo isn't intended 
for 40+ mm tires.  It's a little less than 80.  If you seek out the 
geo-chart on the wayback machine you'll find it I'm sure.  

Did you get extra BBD to compensate for larger tires than say 700x32, e.g., 
increase the BBD so tires wider than 700x28/32 gives the same BBH as 
narrower tires??   No I did not.  It's still a Roadeo, not a custom

What was the main consideration for the canti's??   Obtain unrestricted 
tire clearance or something else??   There was no main consideration, just 
a bunch of little ones.  

The fork crown looks very wide.  You mentioned it was not the standard RBW 
crown.   Do you know the inside width???  It's a Legolas crown.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 9:18:24 AM UTC-8 John Hawrylak, Woodstown NJ 

> Bill
> Nice photos of the frame.  The fork rake looks very nice.  A few questions 
> after reading all the posts:
> How much fork rake do you have??
> How much BBD do you have??  Earlier you mentioned Grant used some extra 
> BBD, based on his Roadeo?I thought 80mm was RBW standard BBD for 700C 
> wheels.
> Did you get extra BBD to compensate for larger tires than say 700x32, 
> e.g., increase the BBD so tires wider than 700x28/32 gives the same BBH as 
> narrower tires??   
> What was the main consideration for the canti's??   Obtain unrestricted 
> tire clearance or something else??   
> The fork crown looks very wide.  You mentioned it was not the standard RBW 
> crown.   Do you know the inside width???
> John Hawrylak
> Woodstown NJ
> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 11:06:19 AM UTC-5 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> Here is the Flickr album where I will post my photos.  
>> There are several shots of the raw frame set in there now.  
>> BL in EC
>> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 7:13:08 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> I absolutely will be hoping for RivSister approval of my color way.  In 
>>> my convo with Grant, he asked to photograph a number of the projects I've 
>>> been working on or recently completed, like he may Blagh about it, and 
>>> since this Canti-Roa is a relatively unique thing, I was going to give them 
>>> first shot at the actual reveal.  
>>> Bill Lindsay
>>> El Cerrito, Ca
>>> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 5:17:12 AM UTC-8 
>>> wrote:
 I love seeing someone else's bike dream fulfilled! Congratulations on 
 your new bike day and what color did you paint your bike??! (I 
 promise you all your RivSisters want to know...) 

 On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:19:18 PM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> Since starting this thread, I did spring for a fancy new wheel set 
> that I'm pretty excited about.  I like the people and products at HED, 
> and 
> I appreciate their vestigial commitment to rim brakes.  They offer a 
> premier rim treatment called RA black.  The rim is machined rough, and 
> then 
> hard anodized to give a super high friction braking surface.  It's 
> supposed 
> to be premier braking, and I'm excited to try it out.  
> Mocking up the weights of things, I may be able to pull in a full 
> build at 18.5 pounds without rack and fenders, and maybe (just maybe) at 
> 19.99lbs with rack and fenders.  We'll see how it turns out...  it will 
> not 
> be red. 
> BL in EC
> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:23:07 AM UTC-8 Ryan wrote:
>> Can hardly wait to see it built up! Long wait but worth it I'm sure 
>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:57:15 AM UTC-6 George Schick wrote:
>>> You gonna stick with the default red/white Roadeo color scheme or 
>>> choose something else?
>>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:45:33 AM UTC-6 Bill Lindsay wrote:
 ...and 20 months later, it has arrived!  Rivendell received my 
 Cantilever Roadeo from Nobilette this week, and it's off to paint.  I 
 them a visit and gave it a look over.  It looks very nice and I'm 
 eager to 
 see it painted, and built up.  

 On my visit I had a very nice chat with Grant about various things, 
 and a few of the familiar old faces were there, so it was a pleasant 
 all around.  

 Bill Lindsay
 El Cerrito, CA

 On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 11:15:17 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> John
> I will definitely run my current Roadeo wheelsets.  27mm 
> tubulars.  Rene Herse Stampede Pass (622-32) and Bon Jon Pass 
> (622-35).  

Re: [RBW] Re: NBOD: New Bike Ordered Day! The mythical canti-Roa!

2023-12-03 Thread Bill Lindsay
It's threadless.  

Bill Lindsay
El Cerrito, CA

On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 12:31:27 PM UTC-8 Eamon Nordquist wrote:

> Damn, Bill! That's going to be a dream bike. Maybe you've already covered 
> this and I missed it, but I'm curious whether you went with a  threaded or 
> threadless fork?
> Eamon
> Seattle
> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 8:06:19 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> Here is the Flickr album where I will post my photos.  
>> There are several shots of the raw frame set in there now.  
>> BL in EC
>> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 7:13:08 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> I absolutely will be hoping for RivSister approval of my color way.  In 
>>> my convo with Grant, he asked to photograph a number of the projects I've 
>>> been working on or recently completed, like he may Blagh about it, and 
>>> since this Canti-Roa is a relatively unique thing, I was going to give them 
>>> first shot at the actual reveal.  
>>> Bill Lindsay
>>> El Cerrito, Ca
>>> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 5:17:12 AM UTC-8 
>>> wrote:
 I love seeing someone else's bike dream fulfilled! Congratulations on 
 your new bike day and what color did you paint your bike??! (I 
 promise you all your RivSisters want to know...) 

 On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:19:18 PM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> Since starting this thread, I did spring for a fancy new wheel set 
> that I'm pretty excited about.  I like the people and products at HED, 
> and 
> I appreciate their vestigial commitment to rim brakes.  They offer a 
> premier rim treatment called RA black.  The rim is machined rough, and 
> then 
> hard anodized to give a super high friction braking surface.  It's 
> supposed 
> to be premier braking, and I'm excited to try it out.  
> Mocking up the weights of things, I may be able to pull in a full 
> build at 18.5 pounds without rack and fenders, and maybe (just maybe) at 
> 19.99lbs with rack and fenders.  We'll see how it turns out...  it will 
> not 
> be red. 
> BL in EC
> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:23:07 AM UTC-8 Ryan wrote:
>> Can hardly wait to see it built up! Long wait but worth it I'm sure 
>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:57:15 AM UTC-6 George Schick wrote:
>>> You gonna stick with the default red/white Roadeo color scheme or 
>>> choose something else?
>>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:45:33 AM UTC-6 Bill Lindsay wrote:
 ...and 20 months later, it has arrived!  Rivendell received my 
 Cantilever Roadeo from Nobilette this week, and it's off to paint.  I 
 them a visit and gave it a look over.  It looks very nice and I'm 
 eager to 
 see it painted, and built up.  

 On my visit I had a very nice chat with Grant about various things, 
 and a few of the familiar old faces were there, so it was a pleasant 
 all around.  

 Bill Lindsay
 El Cerrito, CA

 On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 11:15:17 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> John
> I will definitely run my current Roadeo wheelsets.  27mm 
> tubulars.  Rene Herse Stampede Pass (622-32) and Bon Jon Pass 
> (622-35).  
> For kicks I'll probably check how Barlow Passes look on the bike 
> (622-38).  
> I don't plan on using fenders.  I plan on being able to use 
> fenders.  I don't have a width or model in mind at the moment.  
> I am considering using Rene Herse Cantilevers.  Those brakes are 
> super light, super minimalist, and very not-adjustable.  My opinion 
> is that 
> they can only work great when a master builder builds the frame and 
> fork 
> with those brakes in mind.  Weigle and Nobilette are the two who I'd 
> trust 
> to execute that, because both have done it dozens of times.  
> I expect to take delivery about a year from now.  Nobilette's 
> queue is indeed deep, and it contains other Roadeos, Riv customs, and 
> Nobilettes.  I'm happy that Nobilette has the steady work, and hope 
> he is 
> charging what he needs to keep the lights on.  I was happy to pay the 
> price 
> I've paid.  
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 9:41:52 AM UTC-7 John Hawrylak 
> wrote:
>> Bill
>> The canti-roadeo sounds great and I wish you the best of luck 
>> with it.  The rear brake bridge is smart idea for canti's or CPs.  
>> Well 
>> worth the cos

Re: [RBW] Re: NBOD: New Bike Ordered Day! The mythical canti-Roa!

2023-12-03 Thread JohnS
Hello Bill,

The frame and fork look great! Love being able to see the craftmanship of 
the lugs and welds with out the paint in the way. It should be wonderful to 
ride once it's done. As for "lawyer lips", I have to agree that they are 
not my favorite. Lately my wife and I have been getting out for rides on 
our 33 year old, custom built Rodriguez tandem, so pre-LL fork drop outs. 
Just makes it so much easier to remove and install the front wheel. Hard to 
believe that was the standard for so many years (I know why they are there, 
no need for anyone to lecture the benefits of them).


On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 3:56:38 PM UTC-5 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> It's threadless.  
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 12:31:27 PM UTC-8 Eamon Nordquist wrote:
>> Damn, Bill! That's going to be a dream bike. Maybe you've already covered 
>> this and I missed it, but I'm curious whether you went with a  threaded or 
>> threadless fork?
>> Eamon
>> Seattle
>> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 8:06:19 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> Here is the Flickr album where I will post my photos.  
>>> There are several shots of the raw frame set in there now.  
>>> BL in EC
>>> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 7:13:08 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
 I absolutely will be hoping for RivSister approval of my color way.  In 
 my convo with Grant, he asked to photograph a number of the projects I've 
 been working on or recently completed, like he may Blagh about it, and 
 since this Canti-Roa is a relatively unique thing, I was going to give 
 first shot at the actual reveal.  

 Bill Lindsay
 El Cerrito, Ca

 On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 5:17:12 AM UTC-8 

> I love seeing someone else's bike dream fulfilled! Congratulations on 
> your new bike day and what color did you paint your bike??! (I 
> promise you all your RivSisters want to know...) 
> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:19:18 PM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> Since starting this thread, I did spring for a fancy new wheel set 
>> that I'm pretty excited about.  I like the people and products at HED, 
>> and 
>> I appreciate their vestigial commitment to rim brakes.  They offer a 
>> premier rim treatment called RA black.  The rim is machined rough, and 
>> then 
>> hard anodized to give a super high friction braking surface.  It's 
>> supposed 
>> to be premier braking, and I'm excited to try it out.  
>> Mocking up the weights of things, I may be able to pull in a full 
>> build at 18.5 pounds without rack and fenders, and maybe (just maybe) at 
>> 19.99lbs with rack and fenders.  We'll see how it turns out...  it will 
>> not 
>> be red. 
>> BL in EC
>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:23:07 AM UTC-8 Ryan wrote:
>>> Can hardly wait to see it built up! Long wait but worth it I'm sure 
>>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:57:15 AM UTC-6 George Schick 
>>> wrote:
 You gonna stick with the default red/white Roadeo color scheme or 
 choose something else?

 On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:45:33 AM UTC-6 Bill Lindsay 

> ...and 20 months later, it has arrived!  Rivendell received my 
> Cantilever Roadeo from Nobilette this week, and it's off to paint.  I 
> paid 
> them a visit and gave it a look over.  It looks very nice and I'm 
> eager to 
> see it painted, and built up.  
> On my visit I had a very nice chat with Grant about various 
> things, and a few of the familiar old faces were there, so it was a 
> pleasant visit all around.  
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, CA
> On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 11:15:17 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay 
> wrote:
>> John
>> I will definitely run my current Roadeo wheelsets.  27mm 
>> tubulars.  Rene Herse Stampede Pass (622-32) and Bon Jon Pass 
>> (622-35).  
>> For kicks I'll probably check how Barlow Passes look on the bike 
>> (622-38).  
>> I don't plan on using fenders.  I plan on being able to use 
>> fenders.  I don't have a width or model in mind at the moment.  
>> I am considering using Rene Herse Cantilevers.  Those brakes are 
>> super light, super minimalist, and very not-adjustable.  My opinion 
>> is that 
>> they can only work great when a master builder builds the frame and 
>> fork 
>> with those brakes in mind.  Weigle and Nobilette are the two who I'd 
>> trust 
>> to execute that, becaus

[RBW] Silver (mostly) parts FS ~ Paul mini-motos, Crust bars, Suntour XC Pro, Sram 11, more stuff

2023-12-03 Thread Brent Knepper

Hi pals, bought winter tires for the car so time to go a-scroungin :)


-Crust towel rack 645mm wide, earlier gen with the deeper drops $100


-2x (aka 1 bike’s worth, 2brakes2stop2wheels) Paul Minimotos NIB $275 pair 
$137.69 each

Brake levers:

-Fake TRP levers- got them in a Analogue Cycles sale $10


-Sugino AT 170 triple 46/36/26 rings, end caps, and tange 136mm bb (yep 
136, wide boi)$50

-Shimano STX FC-MC43 94bcd double not triple 170 crankset $20

-Suntour XC Pro 175 microdrive 42/32/20 crankset $100

-Shimano Deore FT-MT60 46/36/24 crankset with UN55 127.5mm bb $20


-Sram NX 11 speed rear derailleur, take off from a surly $20

-Suntour Mountech 28.6 triple bottom pull front derailleur $5

-Suntour XC Pro 28.6 triple bottom pull front derailleur, A-quality $40

-Suntour XC Pro 28.6 triple bottom pull front derailleur, B-quality $20

Lil bits:

King Kargo Cage combo tool pouch water bottle cage $20

K-Edge Wahoo 31.8 mount $20

Free with other buy or you wanna pay for shipping:

-Teflon 2x brake/shifter cables, unused

-Worn out Ultradynamico Cava 33.3 grey tires, my fav tire in this size, got 
1400 miles before I put on a new set. I’ve bought bald tires before to 
check frame clearances so maybe someone else is similarly dorky :)

So many pics here:

Prices don't include shipping, paypal and venmo accepted

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Owners Bunch" group.
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Re: [RBW] Re: NBOD: New Bike Ordered Day! The mythical canti-Roa!

2023-12-03 Thread George Schick
I'd say grind off the lawyer lips now before it gets painted.

On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 4:48:57 PM UTC-6 JohnS wrote:

> Hello Bill,
> The frame and fork look great! Love being able to see the craftmanship of 
> the lugs and welds with out the paint in the way. It should be wonderful to 
> ride once it's done. As for "lawyer lips", I have to agree that they are 
> not my favorite. Lately my wife and I have been getting out for rides on 
> our 33 year old, custom built Rodriguez tandem, so pre-LL fork drop outs. 
> Just makes it so much easier to remove and install the front wheel. Hard to 
> believe that was the standard for so many years (I know why they are there, 
> no need for anyone to lecture the benefits of them).
> JohnS
> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 3:56:38 PM UTC-5 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> It's threadless.  
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA
>> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 12:31:27 PM UTC-8 Eamon Nordquist wrote:
>>> Damn, Bill! That's going to be a dream bike. Maybe you've already 
>>> covered this and I missed it, but I'm curious whether you went with a  
>>> threaded or threadless fork?
>>> Eamon
>>> Seattle
>>> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 8:06:19 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
 Here is the Flickr album where I will post my photos.

 There are several shots of the raw frame set in there now.  

 BL in EC

 On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 7:13:08 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> I absolutely will be hoping for RivSister approval of my color way. 
>  In my convo with Grant, he asked to photograph a number of the projects 
> I've been working on or recently completed, like he may Blagh about it, 
> and 
> since this Canti-Roa is a relatively unique thing, I was going to give 
> them 
> first shot at the actual reveal.  
> Bill Lindsay
> El Cerrito, Ca
> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 5:17:12 AM UTC-8 
> wrote:
>> I love seeing someone else's bike dream fulfilled! Congratulations on 
>> your new bike day and what color did you paint your bike??! (I 
>> promise you all your RivSisters want to know...) 
>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:19:18 PM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> Since starting this thread, I did spring for a fancy new wheel set 
>>> that I'm pretty excited about.  I like the people and products at HED, 
>>> and 
>>> I appreciate their vestigial commitment to rim brakes.  They offer a 
>>> premier rim treatment called RA black.  The rim is machined rough, and 
>>> then 
>>> hard anodized to give a super high friction braking surface.  It's 
>>> supposed 
>>> to be premier braking, and I'm excited to try it out.  
>>> Mocking up the weights of things, I may be able to pull in a full 
>>> build at 18.5 pounds without rack and fenders, and maybe (just maybe) 
>>> at 
>>> 19.99lbs with rack and fenders.  We'll see how it turns out...  it will 
>>> not 
>>> be red. 
>>> BL in EC
>>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:23:07 AM UTC-8 Ryan wrote:
 Can hardly wait to see it built up! Long wait but worth it I'm sure 

 On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:57:15 AM UTC-6 George Schick 

> You gonna stick with the default red/white Roadeo color scheme or 
> choose something else?
> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:45:33 AM UTC-6 Bill Lindsay 
> wrote:
>> ...and 20 months later, it has arrived!  Rivendell received my 
>> Cantilever Roadeo from Nobilette this week, and it's off to paint.  
>> I paid 
>> them a visit and gave it a look over.  It looks very nice and I'm 
>> eager to 
>> see it painted, and built up.  
>> On my visit I had a very nice chat with Grant about various 
>> things, and a few of the familiar old faces were there, so it was a 
>> pleasant visit all around.  
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA
>> On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 11:15:17 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay 
>> wrote:
>>> John
>>> I will definitely run my current Roadeo wheelsets.  27mm 
>>> tubulars.  Rene Herse Stampede Pass (622-32) and Bon Jon Pass 
>>> (622-35).  
>>> For kicks I'll probably check how Barlow Passes look on the bike 
>>> (622-38).  
>>> I don't plan on using fenders.  I plan on being able to use 
>>> fenders.  I don't have a width or model in mind at the moment.  
>>> I am considering using Rene Herse Cantilevers.  Those brakes are 
>>> super light, super minimalist, and very not-adj

[RBW] Re: NEW BIKE DAY ! - My blue 52cm Clem Smith Jr. "L" bicycle

2023-12-03 Thread Jason Fuller
Looks great, I love the fancy tape wrap located in several spots on the 
bike.  Never going to have to go thirsty while on this bike, also! 

On Sunday, 3 December 2023 at 16:54:20 UTC-8 wrote:

> I was very fortunate to buy this bike as a "demo" form RBW headquarters in 
> Walnut Creek, California less than a month ago to end my hunt to own one in 
> my favorite color. 
> I already had a 59cm lime olive Clem "L" that I declared was too big for 
> me  The time and effort to swapped out parts from one bike to another and 
> selling the 59cm Clem took awhile.  
> I can happily report that this 52cm Clem rides, handles and fit me far 
> better than the 59cm Clem. It is a wonderful feeling. 
> Thank-you Will Keating.
> Kim Hetzel.
> [image: IMG_1386bbb.JPG]

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[RBW] Re: NEW BIKE DAY ! - My blue 52cm Clem Smith Jr. "L" bicycle

2023-12-03 Thread Kim H.
Gotta be prepared with all the water I can carry, if I loose track of how 
far I have gone down the trail.


On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 5:06:07 PM UTC-8 Jason Fuller wrote:

Looks great, I love the fancy tape wrap located in several spots on the 
bike.  Never going to have to go thirsty while on this bike, also! 

On Sunday, 3 December 2023 at 16:54:20 UTC-8 wrote:

I was very fortunate to buy this bike as a "demo" form RBW headquarters in 
Walnut Creek, California less than a month ago to end my hunt to own one in 
my favorite color. 

I already had a 59cm lime olive Clem "L" that I declared was too big for 
me  The time and effort to swapped out parts from one bike to another and 
selling the 59cm Clem took awhile.  

I can happily report that this 52cm Clem rides, handles and fit me far 
better than the 59cm Clem. It is a wonderful feeling. 

Thank-you Will Keating.

Kim Hetzel.
[image: IMG_1386bbb.JPG]

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Owners Bunch" group.
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[RBW] Studs for Winter Riding?

2023-12-03 Thread John Rinker
Went for a ride in snow today and had a blast! I also slipped around a 
little bit as I tried to follow the packed snow of tire tracks. Got me 
thinking about studded tires. I've never ridden them before and know 
nothing about them. 

Do any of you fine folks with more experience in such matters than me have 
any recommendations for studded tires for my Hunq?

Cheers, John

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Owners Bunch" group.
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[RBW] Re: Silver (mostly) parts FS ~ Paul mini-motos, Crust bars, Suntour XC Pro, Sram 11, more stuff

2023-12-03 Thread Brent Knepper
King kargo cage is sold - impressive amount of interest in it!

I'll update with more pending/sold stuff tomorrow, but still responding to 
people's emails for now

Brent "bottle cage enthusiast" in chicago

On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 6:11:43 PM UTC-6 Brent Knepper wrote:

> Hi pals, bought winter tires for the car so time to go a-scroungin :)
> Bars:
> -Crust towel rack 645mm wide, earlier gen with the deeper drops $100
> Brakes:
> -2x (aka 1 bike’s worth, 2brakes2stop2wheels) Paul Minimotos NIB $275 pair 
> $137.69 each
> Brake levers:
> -Fake TRP levers- got them in a Analogue Cycles sale $10
> Cranks:
> -Sugino AT 170 triple 46/36/26 rings, end caps, and tange 136mm bb (yep 
> 136, wide boi)$50
> -Shimano STX FC-MC43 94bcd double not triple 170 crankset $20
> -Suntour XC Pro 175 microdrive 42/32/20 crankset $100
> -Shimano Deore FT-MT60 46/36/24 crankset with UN55 127.5mm bb $20
> Derailleurs:
> -Sram NX 11 speed rear derailleur, take off from a surly $20
> -Suntour Mountech 28.6 triple bottom pull front derailleur $5
> -Suntour XC Pro 28.6 triple bottom pull front derailleur, A-quality $40
> -Suntour XC Pro 28.6 triple bottom pull front derailleur, B-quality $20
> Lil bits:
> King Kargo Cage combo tool pouch water bottle cage $20
> K-Edge Wahoo 31.8 mount $20
> Free with other buy or you wanna pay for shipping:
> -Teflon 2x brake/shifter cables, unused
> -Worn out Ultradynamico Cava 33.3 grey tires, my fav tire in this size, 
> got 1400 miles before I put on a new set. I’ve bought bald tires before to 
> check frame clearances so maybe someone else is similarly dorky :)
> So many pics here:
> Prices don't include shipping, paypal and venmo accepted

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[RBW] Re: Studs for Winter Riding?

2023-12-03 Thread Ryan Frahm
Hey John, glad you got out and had fun in the snow! 
Right now I am running the 45nrth Khama tires and they work really really 
well. Last season I had the Schwalbe Marathon version and they were great 
on ice but so so at best in the slush or any inches of snow built up. I 
love the confidence of the studs, much more enjoyable to ride. They do have 
so drag but overall I think it is well worth it. 
On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 5:34:32 PM UTC-8 John Rinker wrote:

> Went for a ride in snow today and had a blast! I also slipped around a 
> little bit as I tried to follow the packed snow of tire tracks. Got me 
> thinking about studded tires. I've never ridden them before and know 
> nothing about them. 
> Do any of you fine folks with more experience in such matters than me have 
> any recommendations for studded tires for my Hunq?
> Cheers, John

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Owners Bunch" group.
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[RBW] Re: Finally…….got a Saluki

2023-12-03 Thread RichS
Red Saluki! Maybe the only one. Highly APPROVE!

Rich in ATL

On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:56:52 PM UTC-5 Roberta wrote:

> Gorgeous! Congratulations. 
> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 5:16:41 PM UTC-5 Robert Blunt wrote:
>> Ok. Last year I sold my Bleriot to a friend who really needed a bike and 
>> was grieving so I sold it to her for a good price and took refuge in my 
>> steel rando bike. A red and crème saluki popped up on Facebook in my size 
>> and I grabbed it. I have literally been looking for one for fifteen years 
>> and was never able to find one. I will be making some changes to it so stay 
>> tuned for future build photos.
>> -Robert Blunt 
>> Pennington, NJ

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Re: [RBW] Studs for Winter Riding?

2023-12-03 Thread Steven Sweedler
John, for many winters I commuted to work with Nokia Hakkepelitas, 700 x
35. For more grip, riding on local lakes and snowmobike trails, we would
use sheet metal screws on knobby mtb  tires, kind of noisy and slow on any
bare pavement, but very secure on hard ice.

Steven Sweedler
Plymouth, New Hampshire

On Sun, Dec 3, 2023 at 5:34 PM John Rinker  wrote:

> Went for a ride in snow today and had a blast! I also slipped around a
> little bit as I tried to follow the packed snow of tire tracks. Got me
> thinking about studded tires. I've never ridden them before and know
> nothing about them.
> Do any of you fine folks with more experience in such matters than me have
> any recommendations for studded tires for my Hunq?
> Cheers, John
> --
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Re: [RBW] Re: NBOD: New Bike Ordered Day! The mythical canti-Roa!

2023-12-03 Thread RichS
Very nice Bill. Well worth the long wait. Thanks for sharing pics of the 
raw frame.

Rich in ATL

On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 7:54:50 PM UTC-5 George Schick wrote:

> I'd say grind off the lawyer lips now before it gets painted.
> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 4:48:57 PM UTC-6 JohnS wrote:
>> Hello Bill,
>> The frame and fork look great! Love being able to see the craftmanship of 
>> the lugs and welds with out the paint in the way. It should be wonderful to 
>> ride once it's done. As for "lawyer lips", I have to agree that they are 
>> not my favorite. Lately my wife and I have been getting out for rides on 
>> our 33 year old, custom built Rodriguez tandem, so pre-LL fork drop outs. 
>> Just makes it so much easier to remove and install the front wheel. Hard to 
>> believe that was the standard for so many years (I know why they are there, 
>> no need for anyone to lecture the benefits of them).
>> JohnS
>> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 3:56:38 PM UTC-5 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>>> It's threadless.  
>>> Bill Lindsay
>>> El Cerrito, CA
>>> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 12:31:27 PM UTC-8 Eamon Nordquist wrote:
 Damn, Bill! That's going to be a dream bike. Maybe you've already 
 covered this and I missed it, but I'm curious whether you went with a  
 threaded or threadless fork?

 On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 8:06:19 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:

> Here is the Flickr album where I will post my photos.  
> There are several shots of the raw frame set in there now.  
> BL in EC
> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 7:13:08 AM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
>> I absolutely will be hoping for RivSister approval of my color way. 
>>  In my convo with Grant, he asked to photograph a number of the projects 
>> I've been working on or recently completed, like he may Blagh about it, 
>> and 
>> since this Canti-Roa is a relatively unique thing, I was going to give 
>> them 
>> first shot at the actual reveal.  
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, Ca
>> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 5:17:12 AM UTC-8 
>> wrote:
>>> I love seeing someone else's bike dream fulfilled! Congratulations 
>>> on your new bike day and what color did you paint your bike??! 
>>> (I 
>>> promise you all your RivSisters want to know...) 
>>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:19:18 PM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
 Since starting this thread, I did spring for a fancy new wheel set 
 that I'm pretty excited about.  I like the people and products at HED, 
 I appreciate their vestigial commitment to rim brakes.  They offer a 
 premier rim treatment called RA black.  The rim is machined rough, and 
 hard anodized to give a super high friction braking surface.  It's 
 to be premier braking, and I'm excited to try it out.  

 Mocking up the weights of things, I may be able to pull in a full 
 build at 18.5 pounds without rack and fenders, and maybe (just maybe) 
 19.99lbs with rack and fenders.  We'll see how it turns out...  it 
 will not 
 be red. 

 BL in EC

 On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:23:07 AM UTC-8 Ryan wrote:

> Can hardly wait to see it built up! Long wait but worth it I'm 
> sure 
> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 9:57:15 AM UTC-6 George Schick 
> wrote:
>> You gonna stick with the default red/white Roadeo color scheme or 
>> choose something else?
>> On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:45:33 AM UTC-6 Bill Lindsay 
>> wrote:
>>> ...and 20 months later, it has arrived!  Rivendell received my 
>>> Cantilever Roadeo from Nobilette this week, and it's off to paint.  
>>> I paid 
>>> them a visit and gave it a look over.  It looks very nice and I'm 
>>> eager to 
>>> see it painted, and built up.  
>>> On my visit I had a very nice chat with Grant about various 
>>> things, and a few of the familiar old faces were there, so it was a 
>>> pleasant visit all around.  
>>> Bill Lindsay
>>> El Cerrito, CA
>>> On Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 11:15:17 AM UTC-7 Bill Lindsay 
>>> wrote:

 I will definitely run my current Roadeo wheelsets.  27mm 
 tubulars.  Rene Herse Stampede Pass (622-32) and Bon Jon Pass 
 For kicks I'll probably check how Barlow Passes look on the bike 

[RBW] Re: Studs for Winter Riding?

2023-12-03 Thread John S
This has also been my experience with the Schwalbe Marathon Winter Plus 
(700c x 40mm).  The studs grip very well on the ice, but if the packed 
snow/slush gets deep down enough that the tires don't sink though to the 
ice/pavement below, the studs have nothing to bite into, and one can lose 

 Last season I had the Schwalbe Marathon version and they were great on ice 
but so so at best in the slush or any inches of snow built up. 

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Re: [RBW] Studs for Winter Riding?

2023-12-03 Thread Josiah Anderson
I use 700x35 Nokians on my winter commuter. They work pretty well 95% of
the time, but today I was about at the limit – it snowed yesterday, thawed
a bit and rained, cleared off and froze hard, and then dusted snow again,
so we had loose powder on top of a sheet of pure ice. For conditions like
that I have some 26x2.2 Nokian Extremes that seem to be more stud than
tire, and they work spectacularly well on ice (though buzzy as heck on bare
pavement), but I don't have them on a bike right now so I just rode the
regular commuter carefully. Don't bother with any of the cheap Kendas etc
that only have studs on the sides – they say you only need them for
cornering but I've fallen while riding in more or less a straight line on
them multiple times.

Josiah Anderson
Missoula, MT

Le dim. 3 déc. 2023 à 18:34, John Rinker  a écrit :

> Went for a ride in snow today and had a blast! I also slipped around a
> little bit as I tried to follow the packed snow of tire tracks. Got me
> thinking about studded tires. I've never ridden them before and know
> nothing about them.
> Do any of you fine folks with more experience in such matters than me have
> any recommendations for studded tires for my Hunq?
> Cheers, John
> --
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Re: [RBW] Studs for Winter Riding?

2023-12-03 Thread John Rinker
Thank you all for your replies. Just to clarify @frahm30, are those the 45N 
Kahva tires? I'm wondering about the fit of 2.25 with studs in my Hunq 
frame. Worked at a bike shop this summer and saw a bike with studs (sheet 
metal screws) that chewed into a frame! Ouch! 

In the case of studded tires, does a wider tire make a great deal of 
difference as far a traction goes?

Cheers, John

On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 6:41:04 PM UTC-8 Josiah Anderson wrote:

> I use 700x35 Nokians on my winter commuter. They work pretty well 95% of 
> the time, but today I was about at the limit – it snowed yesterday, thawed 
> a bit and rained, cleared off and froze hard, and then dusted snow again, 
> so we had loose powder on top of a sheet of pure ice. For conditions like 
> that I have some 26x2.2 Nokian Extremes that seem to be more stud than 
> tire, and they work spectacularly well on ice (though buzzy as heck on bare 
> pavement), but I don't have them on a bike right now so I just rode the 
> regular commuter carefully. Don't bother with any of the cheap Kendas etc 
> that only have studs on the sides – they say you only need them for 
> cornering but I've fallen while riding in more or less a straight line on 
> them multiple times.
> Josiah Anderson
> Missoula, MT
> Le dim. 3 déc. 2023 à 18:34, John Rinker  a écrit :
>> Went for a ride in snow today and had a blast! I also slipped around a 
>> little bit as I tried to follow the packed snow of tire tracks. Got me 
>> thinking about studded tires. I've never ridden them before and know 
>> nothing about them. 
>> Do any of you fine folks with more experience in such matters than me 
>> have any recommendations for studded tires for my Hunq?
>> Cheers, John
>> -- 
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Re: [RBW] Studs for Winter Riding?

2023-12-03 Thread Ryan Frahm
Yes, sorry. I didn’t catch the auto correct! Mine are 27.5x2.1. The only 
others I used were right at 2”. So I can’t really say if wider helps. I can 
say that the more aggressive tread and studs have made a huge difference. 
They are about as loud as a car with studded tires though and my old set 
made very little noise. 

On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 6:57:58 PM UTC-8 John Rinker wrote:

> Thank you all for your replies. Just to clarify @frahm30, are those the 
> 45N Kahva tires? I'm wondering about the fit of 2.25 with studs in my Hunq 
> frame. Worked at a bike shop this summer and saw a bike with studs (sheet 
> metal screws) that chewed into a frame! Ouch! 
> In the case of studded tires, does a wider tire make a great deal of 
> difference as far a traction goes?
> Cheers, John
> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 6:41:04 PM UTC-8 Josiah Anderson wrote:
>> I use 700x35 Nokians on my winter commuter. They work pretty well 95% of 
>> the time, but today I was about at the limit – it snowed yesterday, thawed 
>> a bit and rained, cleared off and froze hard, and then dusted snow again, 
>> so we had loose powder on top of a sheet of pure ice. For conditions like 
>> that I have some 26x2.2 Nokian Extremes that seem to be more stud than 
>> tire, and they work spectacularly well on ice (though buzzy as heck on bare 
>> pavement), but I don't have them on a bike right now so I just rode the 
>> regular commuter carefully. Don't bother with any of the cheap Kendas etc 
>> that only have studs on the sides – they say you only need them for 
>> cornering but I've fallen while riding in more or less a straight line on 
>> them multiple times.
>> Josiah Anderson
>> Missoula, MT
>> Le dim. 3 déc. 2023 à 18:34, John Rinker  a écrit :
>>> Went for a ride in snow today and had a blast! I also slipped around a 
>>> little bit as I tried to follow the packed snow of tire tracks. Got me 
>>> thinking about studded tires. I've never ridden them before and know 
>>> nothing about them. 
>>> Do any of you fine folks with more experience in such matters than me 
>>> have any recommendations for studded tires for my Hunq?
>>> Cheers, John
>>> -- 
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[RBW] Re: WTT: My Mark's Rack for Your Nitto 32F

2023-12-03 Thread Collin A
That is precisely it! I dm'd you...

On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 6:55:00 AM UTC-8 Rusty Click wrote:

> Colin, is this the rack you're looking for?   This came off my Atlantis 
> when I changed to V-brakes.
> On Friday, December 1, 2023 at 10:59:05 AM UTC-5 Collin A wrote:
>> Just a friendly Friday bump. Here is a photo of the rack in pretty good 
>> condition!
>> [image: PXL_20231129_174026847.jpg]
>> Collin in Berkelerkely
>> On Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 8:22:49 PM UTC-8 Collin A wrote:
>>> Hey Folks,
>>> The ol' Joe is going though it's annual update, and this year's edition 
>>> is to an old favorite - the basket camper. Anywho, looking for a 32F campee 
>>> rack (this one: Nitto Rack Front Campee 32F Riv Mini ( 
>>> )
>>> in exchange for my Mark's Rack.
>>> Happy Winter Miles!
>>> Collin in Berktown

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Re: [RBW] Studs for Winter Riding?

2023-12-03 Thread J G
Tires *like* the W106 700x35 Nokians work well for snow and ice on paths, 
however on rutted ice, they have no studs to pull you out.
Tires *like* the W240 700x40 Nokians are more aggressive with knobs, stud 
volume and stud placement.  You can ride these pretty much anywhere.

Schwalbe Marathon Winter and Ice Spiker Pros are great tires and worth a 

As stated above, more aggressive tread and studs drive traction more than 
tire width.

I just bought some nice NOS Schwalbe 26x2.35" folding Ice Spiker Pros for 
my Riv Mtn/Expedition.

Mpls, MN

On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 9:02:51 PM UTC-6 wrote:

> Yes, sorry. I didn’t catch the auto correct! Mine are 27.5x2.1. The only 
> others I used were right at 2”. So I can’t really say if wider helps. I can 
> say that the more aggressive tread and studs have made a huge difference. 
> They are about as loud as a car with studded tires though and my old set 
> made very little noise. 
> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 6:57:58 PM UTC-8 John Rinker wrote:
>> Thank you all for your replies. Just to clarify @frahm30, are those the 
>> 45N Kahva tires? I'm wondering about the fit of 2.25 with studs in my Hunq 
>> frame. Worked at a bike shop this summer and saw a bike with studs (sheet 
>> metal screws) that chewed into a frame! Ouch! 
>> In the case of studded tires, does a wider tire make a great deal of 
>> difference as far a traction goes?
>> Cheers, John
>> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 6:41:04 PM UTC-8 Josiah Anderson wrote:
>>> I use 700x35 Nokians on my winter commuter. They work pretty well 95% of 
>>> the time, but today I was about at the limit – it snowed yesterday, thawed 
>>> a bit and rained, cleared off and froze hard, and then dusted snow again, 
>>> so we had loose powder on top of a sheet of pure ice. For conditions like 
>>> that I have some 26x2.2 Nokian Extremes that seem to be more stud than 
>>> tire, and they work spectacularly well on ice (though buzzy as heck on bare 
>>> pavement), but I don't have them on a bike right now so I just rode the 
>>> regular commuter carefully. Don't bother with any of the cheap Kendas etc 
>>> that only have studs on the sides – they say you only need them for 
>>> cornering but I've fallen while riding in more or less a straight line on 
>>> them multiple times.
>>> Josiah Anderson
>>> Missoula, MT
>>> Le dim. 3 déc. 2023 à 18:34, John Rinker  a écrit :
 Went for a ride in snow today and had a blast! I also slipped around a 
 little bit as I tried to follow the packed snow of tire tracks. Got me 
 thinking about studded tires. I've never ridden them before and know 
 nothing about them. 

 Do any of you fine folks with more experience in such matters than me 
 have any recommendations for studded tires for my Hunq?

 Cheers, John


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